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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 , -r Assistant Director for Operations Chief, run Progress Report for July 1956 OHRAT/ONS 1. MID special services during July included.: 10 August 1956 a. A supplement to the Daily Report carrying Igyptian President Basies speech in Alexandria announcing Seizure of the Suez Canal Company. This supplement was published on the day following the speech by special arrangement with Printing Services Division and was delivered in time fora special meeting of the IAC. The FBIS B-wire commenced marrying the speech while Wait was still talking( 53 minute/1 after he begun. The speech was monitored byMediter- ranean Bureau, filed priority, and for the most part intercepted" at directly from the Nicosia-London circuit. Lands:int Bureau arranged delivery to the Secrets of Stets, who wag in London. b. A brief report to OCI on clandestine Attlasir Arabic broad- casts appearing to emanate from Southern Pante, for the Director's use in SA NW briefing. d. Continmdwire service to Ambassador Janson in Geneva. The volume of messages was reduced since Geneva negotiations with the Chinese Communists were relatively qufeecentiduring this period. 2. The FB/$ African surveyteemdeparted on 26 July and is nod in Tangier. Communication is esteblithed with the teem through VOA. The BBC informed us that it don not Object to a mmdberof the team visiting Accra, Gold Coast. 3. Arrangements were cosuleted for an PSIS survey of Latin American reception at Son Jose, Costa Rica commenting 2August, plus goons, Quito, and Lima if necessary. Department of State and DD/0 concurrences were secured for each of these points. 4. As an outgrowth of negotiations with Office of Cemmunications, direction finding targets in the USSR, Satellites* and Ccemunitt China Were furnished Tokyo and German Bureaus for referral to OC at these points. Servicewillnecessarilybe intermittent according to OC ability to handle. S Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 50X1 50X1 ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 N., I fl _I It 5. PSIS field Bureaus were instructed to sapporrt the Radio Stations Branch, Special Register' OCR, in gathering information on Soviet Bloc amateur radio operations. IBIS activity will be enbject to normal cruising requirements. 6. A request of the Atomic Energy Commission tO install s Bwire terminal in .AEC communications center at 1901 ConatitutionAmenne, NoW. vas epproved. DirectIsm wire service to the AEC should commence in August. 7. A dispetth to the Department of State fromAnbassador Bahian tailed ? attention to 'BIS Radio Propaganda Report RB.8 of 22? May 1956 es thoughte. fUl smaysis of Ehrnetehevis position in the deglorifiestion of Stalin but took issue with-tame or the conclusions it euggested withrespect to the - tieing of the de.etalinisation campaign. An opendediebassy staff mesa- reviewing 'tartans factors in the background for do4telinitstion is under study in Radio Propaganda Branch. 8. A comparison of the Yugoslav radio's reaction to the Pointe riots with its cent on the disturbances in Eastern Germany and CzechnsLovekia in 1953 was prepared at the DWI:6 request. 'DID also issued la typescript review of Soviet propaganda on Iceland in support of a national estimate on Icelandic developments. . 9. During Operation Alert yzis vire service to the CIA Relocation Center averagedBMWwords per day. Items tarried inaluded the Egyptian refection to withdrawal of the Aswan Demoffer; text of the Tit:tail:- Nehru communique following the Brioni talks; Pravda end TAM cement on the Alert; Moscow comment on the PanamaConference and Atwen Dem; the resolution of the Hungarian Communist Party; s 1.3,000-yard report by the Polish Communist Party Secretary; several BUlunin, Ahrushchev, end Nasir speeches; and A 16000*wordeyrankiewicx report to the PolishCommunists. ?man= 10. Construction: e. The final gheee of the Okinawa. betas; construction program under Project DD(I) 158 - 56 is 25% coeplete. b. Rehabilitation of the Okinawa antennas continued. Twelvelof the Mufti= thothice have been repaired. c. The four duplex houses at Cbitose Air Force Ease, Hokkaido, under ProjectDD(I) 168 - 56 were finished and accepted from the contractor. d. At the Mediterranean Bureau, isansoectent of the air circuit. tion system was coopleted, and bench construction in 'connection with monitoring booth modernisation Le 5C5 complete. -2- cFP.PFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 / , Declassified M Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 ' AEMINISTRATION 11. Monitor Recruiting: a. Saigon Bureau visa instructed to be ready to recruit five or six additional monitors in preparation for expansion of the bureau's coverage. b. The Assistant Chief, Mediterranean Bureau visited Cairo, Thartout,Sairdbip Mottos, Addle Ababa, ant Mears to recruit Arabic "snit-Ora Cualifying in Swahili, Amharic and ether Sant African and Sudanese tongues. One Artbitetwahili Znitor was hired and premising sources of Arabic monitors were established. As a by-product of the trip, broadcast information on Rest African transmitters was obtained. Ore Stateless employee for the AustrianPm:eau vas finally granted an entrance visa by the Austrian ?Government after intercession by the American Embassy in Vienna. IR. Tbe FDIO Career Service Board end panels continued to function successfully. Matters considered included recruitment, assignment, train- ing, evaluation and promotion of staffeMmbers, the establishment of criteria for determining editorial and monitor entrance grades, and the establishment of formal oniwthe-jOb training program for 0Th acereditiza- tion. Study ?, the latter two projects continues. 13. Personnel: a. 'The death of 21 July 19% was noted vita re As a temporary replacement for Wire Service Section, Sditori Rest Coast Bureau. et b Chief East Coast Bureau, on . all members of the PAM staff. Chief 50X1 ing C.lef, 50X1 50X1 50X1 Branen was detailed Act b. One additional Junior Offieer Trainee was placed on editorial duty with MD. A six-month program established for his will include on-the-job training And full duty in the USSR Unit and Wire Service Section of thelnitonfilBramtha field duty at Zest Coast Bureau, and orientation in Radio Propaganda Smut. ? c. During July, five persons entered on duty with TBID, two transferred, and four were separated. Classified on-duty strength on 31 Jttly was SEfl:ET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 %tool Co4r Li git 4 14. In conjunction vith the Office of Communications, a letter was drafted, and signed by the DCI to the Chief, Mediterranean Bureau empress. ins appreciation for the performance of the staff under adverse conditions sad nautical* against unnecessary iroolvement in civil disturbances. Attach:men : I. Ifteld Production Report II. Personnel Supplement III.. Special Requirements ALAN M. WASPIELD SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 CONFIDENTIAL 1. tally Average of flelt Itzreau Production, Jul; 1956. (Avenges cSputed on basis of 5-tlay meek) Austrta Vast Coast German itoklaido Imam Mediterranean Okirutsa Palms Tokyo West goist Total MUMS MONTrORED * . Includes Press Scrutiny itt 3.07+ 25 230 7211 120 20 F/LtD 12,600 25,600 9,100 32,100 29.200 6,140* 9,900* 22195) 210,063 vows A aengeof 93,472 fl4e votetiled, to CONFIDENTIAL mats PUBLISHED 9 117 52 46. 39* 60 103 99 71 59 1511 524 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-0 ? (.14 ...... yr flay 1900 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE OCONTROL REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACT ION DESKDESCRIPTION DATE DESIRED DATE CO P ETE01 REMARKS 06634.53 ,Etst;53 gjoi; G C!Atm-kto muSDtntstcratot4=5; ? ? 05 aa .. t ($073?91 re4a61. taia5 a Dot 4 CailtD40 or Pacsict talents* stztv-gis re .0.0 ? _ 01072051*-4 CCWSW 3 tab. 0910.G. Eve ameba t _ cit tbi3 tU. CoOtv 53 PS all Clierk-55 . On 3 *kr to4. IttvectUstita of mtneszti tio in a sue. C.ti, 56 map" 50X1 rvalts? Mae Z9 ?jittj isas two. On Watt ato mom, MOODS fl Vans 11.02A?a? . CA097?50 G3I 0 tku.s. MI Er, Ratriaceo to Ittotoboutat "Etath etteUtto" sweet ' 114 a44 Eau AicUitijo UaUuo Vivt _ tuL t B*163456 RI, C457 OCE , Jum Clam* me ,-- 146746aD Ce2319 Via cis DCV atzwe Okomet.le truadatliop. Ito,port co =Ito otaUbizo '1 ott;i10 In Data. cm.. ek AtI2 50X1- Smog% Wats 19 Ma, 1,34, Cr, Al.ratalat tett litetto4oloo Ow Cflt 26 314. RAU-% WA 5 3017 en with Its rotottas to 305,3 MP nit Csieb Alicatora. 6 iltrAy a41245 GM C :44 WS itoorno i to 7.rozoAL-A, 20 att.? IS tYeas siars45 ca - $a' ?474,4. M: s; ativUucii. mimosas t -; aelwilas-mte=t,ga I Sc1 itz 3474,56 State 31 al, n. au ISM= in11224 of 1 Aug F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 I FLU 55 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 SLUKL1 1# azairs Number ot Parana Departmental U.S. Plaid Foreign nth 112 Dm4$21,3 I 1956 Ataricen in 1Xtenxt Promo- Trans- Process stM% Duty time ferret Depart SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 OX1 Declassified M Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 otUllt.1 0. Personnel Eurasian). Duty Ana, Title, Croak AkiSsesent 241torial oh Prs_s_eatj:m Nam tatter:14 Firma attoelkl 11/418014 Zeta Ott (Oesrel 0841, Celia tau Clerk 034 1141tekal Irreach Sao 8;xict(Por Wit) 03.4, Meaternaora Burre; Mao WIT Or, ODA tatorlel Enoch info esiogror mot( as.3.1., =twat Bnrath Ad Ott ( G. Was Meek, 034 Iklaartel Urinal Into ONO= WOO CS-7, iteditermana few 1. July 1956 14W4 '.3.96 19% July3956 Juno 3956 Wes rya OPrb 05-5 84114$61 Wench les kec(for Mat) 08.1241a1cks149 auto SW(1FIET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 ottAILI 1/4. lesslipaints 014 MU, Ono*, Agrilgosat S tale. Oa Want Eat Info 14;4grue Nat) tete lasse0For Mast) 1 July 1956 50X1 WU, Imam Sows 04-31, Mitt1st Wench Into eloscitar Nast) Wt SonOar Mast) 1 Jul, 1956 06-7, 11121torla1 Sao* C114, an Coast Sara (1 tato Spec(rte Mat) Zuto1Cr Mut) 1 ?July $.956 044.1,1 list Coast Bureau 0443, Ilditorial Inca no lug (Me.) "nil,,' net lat (pats) 0,41, Sot Cosat Wm= 411?1/, 111.41ternasou SPAS Lao las (Radio) Ea log (41414) 1 July 1956 064, lint Cost tars= lass Ws (bstio) 011-9, Okla Bus Mao tas ('sitta) I Julie 1956 00.L1, Cala Diart WU, Wit Cast Sums Ilea Its (DaOlo) Ea it (to) 15 Aar 1956 013-14, Sun Coast laress leo kpos(Pcas Idest) Duman 33 Jay 1956 0442i, Mins tato lipse(The altait) 03.13,1 ItMaria Itesas las 0;sa(ltor Mast) C*43, tistiterravic Pas Into Iteo(For lint) 3, ad/ 1956 066.11, Wefts beneart 04-11, 24aortal Branch Trassites 014 Intim* Gracbit? Malta. Aectryist Otte* Date Clark 7471ststo are4 niterIsl /3rsiach caz 1 July 1956 50X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 pri,i411,V (041114321,1114 ULAAIL I C84, VAS Cl ileterwls, zo 0941*(101 Mat) Mr. to Elaitorat Brooch Rroadast licator Ma) 004, Milt coast %row Mato 0545 =twist thus* no ?WOW' 011$14# an goat Dal attic. #41 022saigaticsa SECRET Iktp _ct tart-two r My 1956 - 26 far 26 all7 1996 OS 39,6 - lastzt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140007-9 n 2,56 n &V p.9% Interval glitrary 3.957 amity kW Ana1957 arm* 1951 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1