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50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 aanalra; Aseistnnttdractor for operationd 10 ' 1951 Chief, ?BID hagreisicapcst for April 1951, I. A awry of smA4ng couditiormi, Ijgroductien mit mama Policies of the Production Section in the Editorial Branch was conducted by the Chiot FBID. Each employee was inteniimwed; one tniot rns talented; one typist was primate& Certain moOlfitations Of cdsting roles were made and base innovations in Stolen wore introduced. Mete effarta have resultad in oppreldmatoly a IS the2110130 lit productions , . 2. The Special-Reports Branch has been reorganized without adding. now positions by the ?ettoblichment of a quantitative etalyale tactic:a to perform central quantitative rOnettonap of a chief editor with respo-nsi- bility for publications, and of on elialy$ in the Office of the branch chief With reoptosibility for Prebidential reports and the weelay Wends a-nd Highliette, The USSR ad Pa East Survey actionn meta reduced ?scoortungly. ? ? ? 3.? ?The softie ist the lend in the Bente Rosa aeon of Callibrnia, which was intimated by the Chief Engineer of the West Conn Bureau, have paced objections to further donsidoratiacm of their piterty by PM. While this is probably a mote to raise the asking price If purchase negotiations are opened, it has boon &Wed to coke a Anther Boarth for Suitable relocation sites, to 'nobble public lax& hold by the Deptrettant Of interior. 4j ? The -following CIA officials no given on orientation in FBID operations, insiludtag a visit to the East Corot pinta lira Mg= Bouglate, ADM, mt. mar mirubanta 4p," toad mr, DADATto Of Obordinattrig the intercept of the Cyprus Me a th London Bureau woo initiated an 17 Apra, iltheudi during 50X1 two dot London Was relieved Of nitwits nearly 45% of the EC:Avoid file, Substquent ?sunspot disturbances halved this figure for the average April mat. It la nm, believed that while the Interception system will to von Useful during normal conditions- it trill not help optectably during periods of atmospheric outages 346 it is needed :taste- 6, Coor,dination of field bureau oammentary dondlinos with ?departmental actiVitY was effected in ?Mar to provide CIA and State mresentativen at the TAO Watch Committee tath advance copies of neon& and Highlights .er Hamm Broads:ate on ?Tussilly aftemrXra nue, the ' latest signifier-lit information on Hoscattis radio proposal& is tvailtible La' Committoe tootinge. - SKRE.i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 % Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Isee ?14it SECRE T ? 7. A ?tattoo matting; the oonection cite of the ' is intentlyatacod ln a etody to deteratine hoe lona fatuitiese ern best be utilized cal coordInnted to ertwort the Office of Rare cal Reports in its nisei= relative to the faradatias ofeocaanie Intent- canoe as the way of the WM. As a perticipatia: =bar, MD has entattted a repart cataining DivIrdsm nothake cal dune of acileiterr ? non of eciaxedo Infation an the 111511. the alosion abed see that :mitered fOreip: tavola? es a Immo of ate Infornstdcas cm the USSR are taloa caplaited at the present tine tar no to the tolicot possible att. ? 13. Requiettioning to-*plat the ecipmat stale piling paint ? has been ea:plated. It is castialpdad that prararat far this project vill be =plated daring the current fiscal rear . ? 4 ? 9. The Dapirtment of State Its lattarted that Regorto dealin3 with cocatitative conlyticca statics at TucookwCaalnftxanotaskt hare 'beta tict occratiercabi waren end pastmaar toefals to the Dont- tent. Report* on program chemetericties of fond? taleasting static?, sato coasiblared to two oaf states The Departrant: of Amy reported ? d'that the cohjedt natter of the swats a not of atettnicart Interest to ? ?a vant cstanatica ter thee. ? 10. instracticas a boon papered for to field thich lrati- tete a. check cretin on the cauce of tattoo astoinietnitive trate tabsvon departtal beadtpsartare end field boas Detection of :using messages tibia hoe toen a asjor =ram is amurai trr the adoption of pada moat by on aciart of the Camicatione ? ? ? 11. the eacannt of a qualified ilbeten asedtar tar the Tolcpc That plop: a gap in rcnitorint amp abide Its been a !attar of anocern to certain caste in CCI and Oily lkoarta of Mate. Rio antra on ocinctood with encramtrab 17tit Mina ratio thedc its arty:rt. in sand to doubled catative 1 Her. 12. The fO111dn3 special report? a pawed tar the White ii013001 elan tab Cant on the ROMOra of Oral liectirthly., 11 Aprils nicerden natio Rantaticta to the Wawa of Opal lheirthoril 32 4r11. el'aelp Radio ItteectIonn to Preabient trate 11 April Radio a- wee 33 April. ? . sTheito Redie'Reecticate to Oe:xsol lincirthuris hietreee to the Cacressow 20 AprtL - 2.- SEW? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 c-u3L?CRET Attaemata ? ) RIZIns Distribution: Addreasee 0 & 3. ANAL ? 1 RIB- 1 Adm. File ? sediu 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 SECRET ?') I. WI; Averages or Production ION REPORT FOR APRfl 1951 Percent of Total Broadcast Tin for Voeisga TcitAl V?221214Nacad ENUILLAMCNIBIlis Mitaisheil -70K10.13URBAU 1. China(Ccersznie Rote Service Foreign Service Frees Sernde 1 hr. 1 br. 21t 40 tin. 45 nin. 2 10 5 700 1000 100 2.00 300 10 24 china (Nationalint) Foreiga Santee (Incl. China Meinleann .45v4 3. Japan - Prase and Radio Scruti/w 5500 3500 Japanese 3700 2500 '44 Korea ()Iorth Homo Service 2 bra 50 500 /00 5. USSR FevaigrA Service ?bra. 25itIn, 4000 BOO thanalli Mat 1, hist (Cotraist) Homo Service 9 bra. i1.5 nth 10 Foreign Service 4 bro. 30 Press Sorties 17 hn. 10 mini 40 5000 2. China ?(Nationalist) Ron Santos 'sit. 5 500 3. Hong Kong 20 nin. 30 4. Korea (North) Home Service 2 hr. 10 attn. 1103 5, Koroa (south) Race Service 2 bro. 10 subs. 100 700 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 r' SECRET Percent of Total and Broadcast-Time for Wordage V ect t peva de 0cnienterR 6. Indonesia Homo denies Faielga Stride? Prost Waite j4 2Ort. 4 hrs. 10 075 7. Indochina (lo.ratintroUed) Hcce Service 2 lure. 20 Foreign Service .205* 35 preen Service 7 It. 20 mine 50 8: Dtdoehinss (Freres Govt.) Homo Service 2 bra. 40 rah. 20 Foreign Farvice 30 it 5 Press Garda 1. hr. 30 min. 65 9, India Haw Service 35.5*. 5 Foreign Service Press Senior) 45 min, 11w, 4$:5* 100 10. Oster Mongolia Home ?Santos I 'bra 11. Pakistan Edna Service 1 hr. 5 min. Foreign? Service 45 min. Press Service 5 hrs. 40 tan. 120 Keehmir Han Service 10 Mn Butte Home Saralee Press ?Service U. Thailand Haze Sergi*. Foreign tervice 15. USSR Haas Service Foreign Service 1. Thdochina (11 catroU Hone ?Service Press Actutity IF; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 ? 3 bit. . hrs. hrs. 25 25 50 5 40 ran 25 35 30 min 60 10 ran 100 SEMI JUet ISIttiftl 1200 .1700 1700 1300 100 1500 400 100 1900 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 - v- Perna of Total Sows sad Drostiont Tin in Wordage Wordan a- Zionitataail latitamastez- ailat. Zuktisted filr OCIST MUM 1. Arflotins Ha Sonia 2W.. 20 mei*. 30 Panisa Swvias 50 sine 15 Pas Seim 4 hrs. 15 Ms. 35 2400 1500 2. Astral. Hoe Sonia 35 nisi. 10 Penis Orin it., 15 ids. 35 900 500 3. Snail Has Sevin 2k'. 40 *1*. 10 Press Swan SW., 15 *1*. 60 1300 900 4. That Hass Sseriss 15 *2*. 15 100 5. Chile Ham Mervin 1 hr. 15 ads. 15 Pros Sevin awe. ilo 3300 1200 China (Consist) Has Benin 4 In. 15 Ms. PO Persia Sorties 45 ids. 11.1 Press anis I Ws, 20 5700 2700 7, Cala (IaticsiList) Portly Sevin 3W. 15 *4*, ao Piss feria 2W. 15 ids. 30 4600 2300 S. Cambia Hos arrolos 1k. 50 dm. 10 Piss antis 30 int. 30 200 200 9. Costs tee Ens Serviss 50 ads 35 100 0. Oustaiesla flee Sisrviss 2W.. 5 Mit. SO 11. Hoag Hoag Piles Hirrios 2 hrs. 15 Mai NO 2600 600 12. India Sin Swiss 30 *1*. 30 ads. 5 10 400 200 Foreign Sevin !Fl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 / --?. If ????? \set , Ot 15. 24an Peens Santos 16. Malays Hate Service Press Sergio 174 goy Guinea Hone Service is. Vas Zealand Foreign 19. Porn Mob SerVite 20. Philippines Rome Service, Press Service a. south Arriou Paves Service Percent of Tad Broadest Time for Nenfp_A Oriente= 45 Ss. 15 50 Sfl,c 75 Soria. 20 30 11 bra. 5$ sins 5 Ede. Uruguay Press Benito B3, USSR Rome Sergio Forel& Sergi? Press Scene* 40 Sao 50 min. 6 bre 25th. 4 hrs. 15 min. 53 bra. 40 tits 240 Venezmia Here Service 2 hrs. Batian Congo Foreign Service 20 10 25 20 30 40 15 20 SECRET 1206 200 100 100 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 1' r Orel tit/ iaoriL i \J. Pe e". ? . Peraent Of total Scare) ma Broadcast Tins tol? Ifordaga Servlost 4 flows waiters SOWS A_Camentr 2. Cate Rota denies Hato Si Foreign Gerdes 5. rest doncany IT= Banta 6. &mad* ? Foraisa Santos 7. PI &avow None sonic* 8. France and etattlie3 ?HOW Serviee? Foreign Service Preso Sento Great Britain Foreign Smola* Prom sero 10, U. Qraato IPorelga Service 32. total Porelgo SarttIOS 23. na.up Forain tervica Press Carrico 14.itens Mexico dome Santos senteo 55 it. 2 -CUL. =ad 2 brs ? 30 40 mini 15 Eds. 45 rdn 30 !dn. 00 .10 100 225 155 120 WS. 45411. 4 bro. 20 19 bra. 30 5285 $.97 2 be. 5 ton, 20 1 kw, 465 15 2 hrai 30 25 rdn. 5 2 bra. 30 rdn. 100 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 f-? ? Clef SECREa 15. Ratherlas and C6 onion Foreign Stamina 2 bro. 19. Spain nest Sonic* Foreign Salvino MI Sweden 25 ?7 tiro 75 9 bra. Wordage Wordage entiais ZI11241hill 915 345 60 155; 15 min. 15 LS 10 23; SR Yoraisn Samba 4 lita. 40 beds SOMA) 9 bro. Vatican Arnim Sort? Yugoslavia Press Sorvioa 1, Albania Foreign.Be: Preen Bottle? 2. Algeria Ham Service 3. &salmis %rot Zeno) Homo ServiOu 2 hrs. 0 tan. EICRE't 39 30 103 100 100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Pt ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop/ Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 - ? Sis:Ca 4. Austria Wept Zeno) Homo Sorvito Banta Raw Santee 0. Cacaoslovokift Rome Sonic* FotoIgo Sentoo ?Prow Soritito 9. 10. Avant of Thtd 13roadosot Trim for Napo Rt. pirreektarr 40 an 50 40 rat 40,4* 9 26 40 r4o. 73 10 ralo. 3.3 50 10 Ws. 15 alt. 2 biz. 30 trtio. I br. 15. OrootO Rem Sianieta Braga Oordeo 20 tain 5 dn. 22 . 33 SECRE1 50 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 st.J SECRET Spurns and 17. limitary Hass Servido Foreign SeraOn Press Semi" Trott Wan &Map ltale Hone Sergio? Fpreign Sertfie0 20. Unita Tielon Swann Foreign Sorten Lebante rims senses torus Press Service %rugs Settite POreigzi SSTVICe 25o RISOLUga HOMO BOXVICO Foreign Cordon Press Stevie? 26. Saudi Arabia P41)r6ige Servint 21, Spain fist Sorties Foreign Serfeles 40 rdn. 45 nin. ,3 Itva.? 35 tain. bra, 20 idn. 1 hr. 40 van;? 25 tam 50 tin 55 min. 2 40 din. Percent of T Brandcast Tits) pc= catonten . 35 103 53 2 bra. 35 TAU. ?bra. 25 rt.' 6 hrs. 40 ?atri. , 213 tin.' #thirsa min 50 SECRET 25 1500 3000 400 103 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 :CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Ust(Et 32 WSOR lime, Rawl ? feweige Service Press Service 33. Wet Russia (Cicadas Pottage Semite 2510. 55 ada;" 64 hit* 35 tvizt; 26 hrs. .55 min . tins) Vatiestt Perein *flee 35, White Legion (Slanic) Forsio Service 36. twat& He Borate 2 first SilleVitra 5 bre. ee 6 bre, 37, Itaesierie (Mende Uwe) Pcreiga Service 1 hro vett?Goir=e7 ilcue Serdea Aced, Smithy ustria Roo Service Prose adratizy , 40 -tins'. .2 t. 10 te Tata Time for citatory 17 23 int 35 tin, "catEi 100 400 19100 103 4100 lop Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Ci Went; co) Santo tal .420:1241/....0 Mania Rome 8araloo Forams Sent% Pros% therviea 1 hr. 10 Mat 40 Ma. 1:1w. 20 Oa, Eitatar1a Mat service2 bra, 30 an ForMoi SOritite 202S4h landintinst Mat* !latiliti?Dattoaratia 90 duo ClaMestlasi rroGSoo is How *vies Foreign setvit0 Iraq- Nabs Oervics 9. rata Hata Sect Foreign tortla 10. ?:ore= Row Serilea 1 10 Mao hr. 50 Ida? 1 Mc.. 15 Mao 1.5 al4L. 30 Sn 40 aln 55 Ma. 20 tia. 40 73 20 25 7t1 400 1300 1800 100 ,13.00 2900 700 100 800 1300 200 100 $OO 600 1400 700 800 11 Iseboni Hot Settled) 126 8rfrinn4 a ROW Gerdes Paroiga Bottles 23?Straa Arabia Ha Serried laia br 0. 65 10 MEL: SECRET '4300 203 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Pr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 SECKt Cr) 144 Watt Row &flea 15? 34; 17. wan En Yaraign 113. Yugoslavia now Bervies Forties Combo 10 Sta. os 35 loth. 30 ?min. * 45 ark 3 bfl. LUSA: .45 65 35 0 SECRET 3-100 200 $900 3100 3100 2100 3020 1530 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 1%.4.1 SiCW AMMO paux yOURS:14081201120 ' To 15S.25dn. Olitboa 18 bras ,5 Wen9 bra 90 tine teat Cor.0 'htitis 30 Sm. root COM. 146 brad 40 St - 1444114260 brow 45 ?7,$)%6. Intl" 2 bra, 10 rant' MIAS 2 tine ,15 *Ina ? 07P2t0 , 4e41, 40- /Oat: 118 brae SECRET PA112 WORDAGE 110EDMIS ras. vapsoo 550 Si3C0 Wee 369000 18400 19,935.5,492 tesia00 ?3.020 74642 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 SECRIPT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 %Nei /. U. keg ?Mktg Rendoccd kr the Malds allit=31 Da. ancries of Venture cadThstitern. &morn radio motion to es Coma of DqautyInto= in Pardo tad to the najar icor coder dincuesion at Da&ntilnbb to the Arian Wag:at= ettendim tho forceos. Thin epxdal ocarrItte =nth= for tho duration af the Conforenee. DEW =Tie of tiZa, Satellite end Genre brad:mote we delta:at to local tome in London end cent by teletype to amourrxreSnMut= SUMO) 1.0., Aarricen Ilatescr *Mc in Laaion and Perin and Taa Haim 044 WA, Frezecturti M=0 Prueletart; 11=0, Berlin; U.S. LblotrtUtt, Artatrien liarth Atlantic Treaty Ormstiratica, etc. ZOLA= All ictxtrod itdcramts ere sent to 0-e, OSA, MO pad Us intelliconne Seattina, flaw of the Loam file is ti=c,..tteal to U.S. 11:b:9y, Per, opi GC, Nat Arzy vie ratiotelotos. proaaaaai iateatowta at Wed to 04, WA, MI mad brtellionas Sootitn, PIUS. A cy of Redraa irderonpte io iblicurod to WM rtences --I? via vailatalatN0 to Tito pod theism by air wrier to Pamcsa. Konen tutorial la radictoletnal to U.S. 121:osech Pam cad coe, &With Arm vie Tama. addli223d.Dara., ? A am' of Raking inftroopto Sn ellod to 04, IBA, PM. ? Bart2SISSZSZL Daily itistribatioci of an epidarbalcotcall bulletin of the Vaal Ustah OnratLeation io Peas to the Office of Scientific Coptes at oil prooesood =Aerial as tett to the Ecomsde Branch end to the Radio end Prase Drench, Otto) of Ittellliance, 11:1=0. galtdia21=1 ? A doily file of palpated rratorlal io ftandahod Officio of ihe eget of Staff, VIM The ceopiste file of the Ltvtrien Sun= is aapplied to the , lana:o Ocardkaticm Ittch. WM, cod to 04, TIS7A Erums,'Lloluburg. balUSSCOrtiaiSOZOL. Capin* of ell processed Soviet Illtrdiastoaccomps Ultima:5AD at air nalod to Amyl= Edxran afficon in Tenn and Ebaiiind. A Dalton randy of atgoir fiennt rtas item in propend end trencitted deny no a special rice to the casco of Paley Coordinstitn.? ? Additional =data initiated dtertterra MU& Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 ?mm??? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 le# 40 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 50X1 _ Declassffied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 LAIL-At...Ayr+ I S. Other - Name Chingos: 6. Summary: Organisational Segment Departmental, East Coast Bureau West Cant Bureau Tokyo Bureau Okinawa Bureau Saigon Mission Mediterranean Bureau Auatrian Bureau Carman Bureau London Bureau TOTIL 16 March 1951 14 February 1951 50X1 AMERICAN NATIV8 E.O.D. SEPARAX10113 IllaSIGNYSIT5 PROMOTIONS Auth. 0.0. In Process Auth. O.D. From TO Vithin SIN * Included in Okinawa T/0 t Two part-time employees ** One on temporary detail Km One pending resignation 7. Recommendations requiring Office of Operations action: None PPE) VT' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300060011-3 50X1