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STANDARD FORM NO. 64 SECRET A proved For Release 00fib5/Qj: CIA-RDP83-0050OR0002O 13OO' 4-55,; - Bice Meniorandum ? UNTTF.n STATES r n A 7 4 A ATM,rE"T"r TO : Assistant Director for Operations FROM Chief, Foreign Documents Division SUBJECT: FDD Monthly Progress Report -- September 1955 DATE: 10 October 1955 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C ADMINISTRATION 1. The total personnel on duty as of 30 September was team consisting of began a survey of a Di sion on 15 September. ubsequently left the team. The survey was still in process at the end of the month. 3. Chief, FDD, briefed the Director of Training and MR Division and branch chiefs on FDD mission and operations. 5. Dr. Herbert Scoville, Jr., new AD/SI, was briefed by Chief, FDD, and Chief Scientific and Technical Branch, on FDD operations, and especially on FDD exploitation of scientific and technical publica- tions. As a further sult of the classification survey conducted 25X1A by Position Evaluation Division, OF, the 25X1A 25X1A se e r a pos on cientific and Technical Branch was raised from GS-5 to GS-6 and the clerk-typist position in Screening Section, Reports Branch, was raised from GS-4 to GS-5, thus bringing these positions into line with general practice in the DD/I area. $. One Russian and one German linguist were transferred to DD/P for Project 9. The English refresher course under was resumed on 22 September. Eleven of the on na s u en s are participating. Approved For Release 2001/05/01 : CIA-RDP83-0050OR000200130004-5 25X1A WWON i Approved For Relea4~,,,z0OTi05#p~ :CIA-RDP3-O R0002 3 04 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1A 10. A visit to Records Center by the FDD Area Records Officer revealed that a considerable number of FDD deposits had been dis- seminated into general reference shelves of OCR. Action was taken to correct this. 11. Special Assistant to the Chief, Printing Services Division, LO, conferred with FDD officers regarding FDD's reproduction and space needs in the projected new CIA building. 12. Through the cooperation of 00/C, FDD has made contact with a Tibetan-English translator. This promises to increase the FDD con- tract potential, previously lacking, in this language. OPERATIONS 1. The 54th and 55th meetings of the Subcommittee on Exploita- tion of Foreign Language Publications were held on 9 and 23 September, respectively. It was agreed that the Subcommittee resume the biweekly meeting schedule. It was further agreed that a second program review be conducted using as a guide two collated statements prepared by FDD, namely, a) Subject Categories not now being Covered but which are Desired, and b) Current Program Coverage Keyed to DCID 4/4. The programs on the USSR and the East European Satellites will be.con- sidered at the next meeting scheduled for 7 October. 2. The first issue of a new scheduled report was published during the month, "Semiannual Report on Retail Trade in the USSR" (Summary). 3. Reference to.the CTS Index prevented 52 cases of duplication totaling 1252 pages. 25X1A 4. Arrangements have been made for to work at NSA every other Wednesday for an indefinite period on a special project. Approved For Release 2001/05/01: CIA- 500R000200130004-5 Approved For Release8.?0e41O Lg1 : CIA-RDP'S UOR0002( DN'04,J,, 7. Commendations: 25X1A From Acting Chief,- Scientific Resources Divisio n, OSI, to for valuable assistance over a period of two years in support of SRD projects. From, South Asia Branch, Near East/Africa Division, OCI, for scheduled reporting in the "Monthly Information Report on Afghanistan." From Chief, Industrial Division, ORR, for the scheduled "Weekly Information Report on Communist China" and other current FDD publications relating to this area. 8. Liaison activities: Department of the Air Force With AFOIN, Major Howard G. Neumann, to explore possibilities of reducing duplication in the exploitation of East European foreign- language documents. Department of State With Division of Research for Far East, Mr. Selig Taubenblatt, to clarify an OIR requirement. U.B. Information Agency 25X6 To acquaint an IRI r resentative Mr. an Battey, with FDD operations 25X1A 9. Special services rendered: 25X1A 25X6 M/P -- For RQN/OIS, worked two weeks on a document survey project Also for RQM/OIS, numerous items were reported in a survey on local world (non-Bloc) reaction to the Moral Rearmament show "The Vanishing Island." OTR -- Several intelligence, psychological, and vocat 25X1A guidance tests were translated from English into Russian byE 25X1A -3- Approved For Release 2001/05/01 ; CIA-~Q~500R000200130004-5 Approved For Release 2001/05/01 : ~5 R -00500R000200130004-5 w""' mi~ Now OCR -- For Graphics Register, Chinese films were monitored. 25X2 25X1A 10. Significant reports: "Review of First Eight Issues of 'Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Geologiya-Geografiya'" (Evaluates usefulness of a new Soviet abstract journal). 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/05/01 : 3-0050OR000200130004-5 qq9tr