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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1955
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Approved. For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00423R001900950004-3 SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTROLS, IF ANY 0"-I-5%-z-11- "I-4-1.Thls INFORMATION REPORT material contains information National Defense of the meaning of the Espionage Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission of which in son i affecting the United States within the Laws, Title 18, U. S. C. or revelation PREPARED AND DISSEMINATED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY COUNTRY Morocco REPOR SUBJECT Auto Hall S A Boulevard de Marseilles, awe:blames' DATE DISTRIBUTED ,,2 , ? _ , ') 9 Ns' OF Etira S. , NO. OF PAG S I SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT 4, PLACE ACQUIRED (By source) 25X1C RESPONSIVE TO 00/C- DATE ION (Date or dates, on or between which, .8 described in report existed) 1. Auto 1..111 3 A is an import house dealing in equipment. They are local distributors for 2. They occupy an imposing three-story stucco-brick an entire city block near the center oi the in smaller communities in Morocco. It is a to the two upper floors and basement. 3. The President and principal owner is Pierre been in Morocco for 40 years. He is an energetic, The other principal owner is G Meslin, who is automobiles and agricultural tord and Mercury building*that city and have five modern building with Grand, a Frenchman, , cars. covers branches ramps who has two men established of they suitable the good. in 4 *, ut. el able ailLinistraior. Treasurer. The friends. in the basement, Due to shortage from the US which able to purchase parts, importing are very are on file y ), AP \Iv' '# - own all but a few shares of stock held by local 4. There is a fairly yell equipped machine shop principally for service of motor vehicles sold. dollars, they have been unable to import pumps have sold for severel years. They have been castings locally and make about half the necessary balance from the W. The materials and workmanship 6ND- !Two exterior views of the building in teseblanca Orai1CS .,_:.." -6,Ga ,_, (Y-2(....f, 25X1A , DISTRIBUTION STATE ARMY INAVY AIR FBI ii I NOFORN NO DISSEM ABROAD LIMITED LIMITED: Dissemination limited to full-time employees of CIA. AEC and FBI; and. within State and Defense, to the intelligence components, other offices producing NIS elements, and hi her echelons with their immediate supporting staffs. Not to be disseminated to consultants, external projects or reserve personnAPPraVed clear cRe teargegmooiamis cireGiA,amitaa-oodiaaao ornoemo 004 4 Defense) unless the written permission of the originating office has been obtained through the Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination, CIA. 5X1A 5X1X Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00423R001900950004-3 25X1A RESTRICTED CONhDENTIAL SECRET ROUTING AND CONTROL RECORD DO NOT DETACH FROM 'ON LOAN' DOCUMENTS 21.1. ?Any 1955 DATE TO: CIA Graphics Register ATTN: BUILDING 25X1A ROOM NO. TITLE Two exterior views of the building in Casablanca are on file. , REMARKS OFFICIAL USE ONLY 25X1A I I RETAIN lacziyarj ON LOAN DOCUMENT(S) FOR RETENSION BY ADDRESSEE DOCUMENT(S) MUST BE RET RN o o BY (DEADLINE) 12 June 1955 FROM: .. . BUILD! Quarters Eve ROOM NO. 1901 EXTENSION 22(11 SECRET plIM NO. 57-29 Approved For ntease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP83-00423R00190g5b004-3 CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED