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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1955
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Approved For Release 2 0( 0106168: CIA-RDP83-00423 ROO1800160J0(7-8 DATE OF INFORMATION (Date or dates, on or between which, events or conditions described in report existed) 25X1A 1954 - Jan 55 25X CONFIDENTIAL SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTROLS, IF ANY INFORMATION REPORT This ati contains information affecting the National NatiDefense of the United d States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title 18, U.S.C. PREPARED AND DISSEMINATED BY Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized per- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY son Is prohibited by law. COUNTRY (China(Taiwan)/Finland/USSR/Yugoslavia REPORT NO. SUBJECT DATE DI List of Subscribers - Journal Immunol?o y NO. OF 2 25X1A SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT # PLACE ACQUIRED (By source) RESPONSIVE TO ---- 00/C. DATE ACQUIRED (By source) Our files indicate that the following institutes or individuals ? ce ed the ublication Journal I un i i th l t l p g o ogv n e as ca endar year 195.4/- indicated, subscriptions have been renewed for the current year 95 i ? a. National Defense Medical Center 4 Section Roosevelt Road Taipei, Formosa b. Bakteriologinen Laboratorio Yliopiston Sera-bakteriolog Auroran Sa.iraala laitos Nordenskioldinkatu 20 Fabianinkatu 24 Helsinki, Finland Helsinki, Finland Turku Yliopiston Kirjasto Turku, Finland e. Publichn biblioteka Biblioteka (three copies) in Saltykova Schedrina Frunze .19 Sadovaja ul 18 Moscow, USSR Leningrad, SSSR Fiziko-Khim Institut Filial Biblioteki (three copies) Glavnyj ?ochtamt Akademii Nauk SSSR Pochtov jaschik 103 Baltijsky Poselok 42-b Moscow, USSR Moscow 57, USSR Inoizdat Gosudarstvennaja Bibl Glavnij Pochtamt SSSR in Lenina Pochtovij jaschik 36 ul Kalinina 3 Moscow, USSR.. Moscow, USSR Moskovskoje Otdelenije (two copies) Knizhny Otdel (four copies) Biblioteki Akad Nauk Akadenii Nauk 2 Donskij proezd 9 Ul Kropotkina 16 Moscow 71, USSR Moscow 34, USSR Selsko-Khozjzjastven (three copies) Nauchno-Issledovatel Biblioteka Institut Svjazi Orlikov per 1/11 Gi. Focht P/Jasch 661 Moscow, USSR $ - T9M Moscow, USSR LIMITED: Dissemination limited to full-time employees of CIA, AEC and4'BIft ithin State and Defense, to the intelligence components, other offices $t#d36ic}Ie ~'iefe lR.ekwsftI2O? ith GLA z' l~ ttl-f f M80J6O)fais&minated to consultants, external projects or reserve personnel on short term active duty (excepting individuals who are normally full-time employees of CIA, AEC, FBI, State or Defense) unless the written permission of the originating office has been obtained through the Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination. CIA, Approved For Release 20 0/ 6/08 : CIA-RDP83-00423RO0180016W-8 Biblioteka Akademii Nauk Karolio Pozelos 2/ Vilnius, USSR d. Jugoslovenska Knjiga Terzai j e 27/11 School 2/55 Beograd, Jugoslavia TYPE ACT-DATE INFO-TFH-DATE ARE4 .- S y CONFIDENTIAL NC 'ORN/NO DISS ABROAD/LIMITED CONFIDENTIAL NQFORN/NO DISSEM ABROAD/LIMITED Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP83-00423R001800160007-8