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November 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
December 18, 1998
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Publication Date:
June 19, 1953
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CIA-RDP83-00423R000701140002-6.pdf | 92.93 KB |
Place Acquired 25X1 A6a
Date Acquired - 25X1 X6
Date of Information - 1950-June 5~
Country -France ,
Subject - Background Information on the :E;uropean Federation of Chemical Engineering
UK, Germany(Federal Republic), Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Finland,
Sweden, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, the Netherlands and Norway. The caMm~ittee, in
G -~,, n, set up a working group composed of Gerard plus the following:
group called the Comity European des Arts Chimiques was set up. This committe
was compared of 30 men Who are prominent in the chemical industries of France,
engineers at a, meeting in Parr. in 1850. In 1g52, at a meeting in Frankfurt, a
on the idea for about three years. He first .mentioned it to soma foreign chemi
2. Jean Gerard, vice-president of Societe de Chimie Industrielle~has been working
was scheduled for 20 June 53 in Paris . 25X1 Aga
1. The first organized meeting of the European Federation of Chemical Engineerir
he new European Federation of Chemical Engineering. Plans were made to draw
up a charter and start work.
.. ? ,~
wed For Release 'F999/09/10 :CIA-RDP83-0042380007
? ~5X1A~n
H. Bretschneider, Secretary-General of the Council o:E' Administration
of Dechema, Deutsche Gerellschaft fur Chemisches
Apparatswesen, Germany (Federal Republic).
H. C. Egloff, President of Schveizerisches Register der Ingenieurs
der Architekten and der Techniker, Switzerland.
F. A. Freeth, UK. (no identification).
A. R. MattYtis, Delegate of La Societe Royale Be1ge des Ingenieurs et
des Industriels, Belgium.
Luigi Mor_ ands, President - delegate of the Section Lombarde dell.a
Societa Ghimica Italians, Italy. .,. ,
working group met in Paris in November 1852 to arrange the June 20th meeting
3. The Federation will not be limited to th 15 nations named above - those are the
~I nations represented on the Camite Europen des Arts Chemiques. Invitations to join
''~, the Federation of Chemical Engineering have-been sent also to Denmark, Austria,
', Luxembourg, Iceland and Eire.
~+. The purposes of the Fedes~ation a,re not yet specifically defined. Generally, it
will try to promote exchange of information and technical ideas among European
chemical engineers, to coordinate international activities in the field of chemical
engineering, and to encou~,~ ~'~a~-o~ ~r~~~"improvement in the educational facilities
for training chemical engineers. European engineers feel that their rate of technical
progress in this field is not so .rapid as that of the US and that the Federation can
help speed up progress. } ' ~ ~ ~~fS ~a~1?~u;~r'~ra' ~?z~~"'3~:~t! ~^~ ~+~ ~~is~[l~S
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