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25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/0W40ritp #Rd4 . ~Ar 21 60000E~/ys 3 4230 PROGRIAM OF THE 1953 SESSIONS OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS HELD 9-12 FEBRUARY 53 AT - SAO PAULA, BRAZIL ANESTHESIOLOGY In Charge: Reynaldo Figueiredo Lectures: Resuscitation in Anesthesia - Oscar V. Ribeiro Anesthesia With Controlled Respiration - Carlos P. Magalhaes Anesthesia in Emergency Cases - Reynaldo Figueiredo Anesthesia in Neuro-surgery - Amador Varella Lorenzo Anesthesia in Cardiac Surgery - Antonio Pereira de Almeida Death in Anesthesia - Joaquim Mariano da Costa Papers: Advantages of the AGA Type Circuit in Pediatric Anesthesia The Use of Procain Intravenously as Basic Anesthesia in Chest and Abdominal Surgery Anesthesia in Urologic Surgery Film: Topical Anesthesia of the Respiratory Tract by Tracheal Intubation EXPERIMENTAL SURGERY In Charge: Eurico da Silva Bastos Symposium: Morphological and Functional Alterations of the Residual Intestine in the Dog After'Massive Resections of the Small Intestine - Anisio Costa Toledo - Ernesto Lima Goncalves - Alberto Carvalho da Silva Lectures: Cancer of the lung, Results of Surgical Treatment - Mario Brea Treatment of Esophageal Cancer - J. Horacio Resano Surgery of Acquired Heart Diseases - Charles P. Bailey Surgical Treatment of Spontaneous Aneurysm of Peripheral Arteries - Octavio M. Toledo Selection of Patients for Surgical Treatment of Cancer - Antonio Prudente Papers: Experimental Granuloma due to Talcum The Use of Hyaluronidase as a Preventive of Post-operative Adhesions Free Grafts of Pleura and Peritoneum in Thoracic and Abdominal Surgery Comparative Study of Closed and Open Anastomoses in the Large Intestine of the Dog Experimental ContributiojCt t~e ;turfy of Arterial Surgical Anastomoses 4 ~'i f I l~ ! PI 00 0 WA Approved For Release 1999/09/' t= 3 00423R0005006009T Security Inform Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIAtDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Absorption of Folic Acid, Thiamine, and Riboflavin in Dogs with Eck's Fistula Index of Cholesterol, Collagen, and Glycogen in the Hepttic Parenchyma of Dogs with Eck's Fistula Total Resection of the Esophagus with Esophageal Gastric Cervical Anastomoses The Use of Preserved Segments of the Aorta in Surgery of the Esophagus The Behavior of the Colic Mucosa When Faced with the Gastric Juices Vascular Grafts, Preservation and Results of Their use in Dogs A New Technique for the Treatment of Inguinal Hernia Post-phlebitic Snydrome, New Operative Technique Radiologic Exploration of the Venous Circulation of the Lower Limb Films: Sub-total Thyroidectomy - Alipio Correa Neto Surgery of Mitral Stenosis - A. Domingues Pinto GASTROENTEROLOGY In charge: Benedicto Montenegro Symposium: The Complications of Peptic Ulcer - Benedicto Montenegro - Lawrence Fallis - Alejandro Pavlovsky - Juan Martin Allende A. Bernardes de Oliveira Demonstrations: Partial Gastroduodenectomy Cholecystectomy and Checking of the Biliary Tract-Benedicto Montenegro Cholecystectomy Perineal Abdominal Amputation of the Rectum - Antonio Bernardes de Oliveira Papers: Transabdominal Cholangiography (exploratory method of the biliary tract by opacification of the ducts without operation) Contribution to the Topographical Study of the Histopathologic Lesions in Megacolon The Importance of the Upper Pancreatic-Duodenal Arteries in the Surgery of Penetrating Duodenal Ulcers; an Anatomical and Surgical Study Films: Partial Gastroduodenectoma - Benedicto Montenegro Gastrectomy for Ulcer - Antonio Bernardes de Oliveira NEUROSURGERY In Charge: Rolando A. Tenuto Smposium: Iodoventriculography in the Diagnosis of Tumors of the Posterior Fossa - Ramon Carrillo - Raul F. Matera - Thomas Insausti Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Approved for Release 1999/09/10 : CI- RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Posterior Hernias of the Intervertebral Discs - Rolando A. Tenuto Papers: What is the Best Way to Deal With Malignant Brain Tumors Lecture: Cranial Injuries; the Treatment of Coma - Pedro Iarghero Ybarz OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY In Charge: Jose Medina Discussion: The Problem of Conjugal Sterility - Juan Carlos Ahumada- Oscar Blanchard - Arturo Achard -Campos da Paz - Clarice do Amaral - Vitor do Amaral Filho - Miguel Isacson - Jose Aguiar Leme - Acacio Ribeiro Vallim - Paulo do Godoy - Franz Muller - Domingos Lerrario - Mario Ramos N6brega - Artur Wolff Neto - Carlos Vicari - Arnaldo Delliveneri - Francia Martins - Jose'`Elias Arra - Francisco Bergamin - Lindoro Credidio - Sylvia Neves - Jos( Nemirovski Diagnosis and Treatment of Functional Amenorrheas - Normando Arenas - Juan Carlos Ahumada - Oscar Blanchard - Arturo Achard Jorge Bittencourt - Ferreyra dos Santos - Orlando Bordalo -- Martiniano Fernandes - Oliveira Motta - Washington Maltez - Jos d Gallucci - Rene Mendes de Oliveira - Octavian Alves de Lima Mario Augusto Matta - Paulo Vatnpre - Sylvio Rebello da Cunha - Ferdinando Andreoni - Armando do Nascimento Junior Late Complications of Puerperium - Rodrigues de Lima - Jorge de Rezende - Jos 'Gallucci - Waldemar de Souza Rudge - Onofre de Araujo - Edwin Zink - Francisco Cerrutti - Antonio Guariento Alberto Raul Martinez - Alcides Leal da Costa - Armando Bozzini - Archimedes Mossa - Mariangela Matarazzo Toxemias of Pregnancy - Raul Briquet - Jorge de Rezende - Lucas Machado - Othon de Freitas - Martiniano Fernandes - Acacio Ribeiro Vallim - Artur Wolff Neto - Alvaro Guimaraes Filho - Domingos Delascio - Bendito Tolosa - Martins Passos - Edgard Braga - Jose de Paula Dias - Osvaldo Lacreta - Fernando Mendes Pereira - Menotti Laudisio Lectures: Total vs Subtotal Hysterectomy - Arnaldo de Moraes Allergy in Gynecology - Jose Medina Surgical Treatment of Female Sterility - Clovis Salgado OPHTHALMOLOGY In Charge: Benedito Paula Santos Filho Symposium: Etiopathological - Ira Abrahamson Etiological Diagnosis - Heitor Marback Clinical Course - Renato de Toledo Complications - Jorge Willmersdorf Approved For ftt"SSYl999lW4O:ICIAxRDP83-00423ROO0500600002-8 Treatment - Harvey Thorpe Approved For Release 199,9/09/'f0' CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 ORTHOPEDICS AND TRATJMATOLOGY In Charge: F. E. Godoy Moreira Symposium: Epidemiology of Infantile Paralysis - Cardozo Virus of Infantile Paralysis - Renato Piza Experimental Poliomyelitis - Vallejo Immunologic Aspects of Poliomyelitis - Carlos da Silva,Lacaz The Relationship Between Poliomyelitis and the Viruses - Joao Alives Meira Anatomopathological Aspects of Infantile Paralysis - Fernando Gayoto Neurologic Semiology of Acute Infantile Paralysis - Antonio Frederico Lefreve Physiotherapeutic Treatment in Infantile Paralysis - Roberto Taliberti Panastragaloid Arthrodesis for a Flail Foot - Carl E. Badgeley Contribution to the Treatment of a Paralytic Knee - F. E. Godoy Moreira Surgical Treatment of the Sequellae of Infantile Paralysis - J. Valls Treatment of the Buttock when Paralyzed in Abduction and External Rotation - Achilles de Araujo Contribution to the Technique of Stabilization of the Paralyzed Foot - Domingos Define Contribution to the Technique of Stabilization of the Paralytic Foot - Orlando Pinto de Souza Treatment of the Sequellae of Infantile Paralysis - Carlos E. Ottolenghi Correction of the Flexion of the Hip and Deformation of the Knee Caused Chiefly by the Ilio-tibial Ligament - Guilhermo Allende Bone Shortening in the Treatment of the Sequellae of Infantile Paralysis - Flaviopries de Camarzo Sequellae of Infantile Paralysis - Benjamin R. Selles - Eduardo Aleivar OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY In Charge: Mario Ottoni de Rezende Surgical Demonstrations Motion Pictures Papers Symposium: Meniere's Vertigo Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Apprqved For Release 1999/09/10': CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 PEDIATRIC SURGERY In Charge: Virgilio Alves Carvalho Pinto Discussion: Spina Bifida and .Hydrocephaly Congenital Atresia of the Esophagus Hypertrophic Stenosis of the Pylorus Ano-Rectal Anomalies Inguinal Hernia Extrophy of the Bladder Testicular Ectopia Intestinal Invagination Meconium Ileus Congenital Atresia of the Biliary Pathways Post-Operative Complications in Infancy Wilms Tumors Congenital Megacolon Anesthesia in Children Abdominal Incisions Phimosis PERORAL ENDOSCOPY In Charge: J. A. Arruda Botelho Symposium: Technique and Advisability of Total Removal of the Gangalia of the Neck Surgical Treatment of Cicatricial Atresias of the Esophagus PLASTIC SURGERY In Charge: J. Rebelo Leto Symposium: Repair of the Deformities Casued by Leishmaniasis - Antonio Duarte Cardoso - H. Colichon - Jose Eugenio de Rezende Barboza Reconstruction of the nasal pyramid and other tissues destroyed by Leishmania Surgically Created Facial Wrinkles Contribution to the Surgery of Palatine Fissure Treatment of Burns Plantar and Palmoplantar Keratodermy Surgical Treatment: Rhinoneoplasties, Total Otoneoplasty, Macrocheilia, Mandibular Tumors End Results in the Management of Carcinoma of the Mucous Membranes of the Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery in Extensive Perianal Cutaneous Losses Lecture: The Early Treatment of Burns - Ary do Carmo Russo Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/1'0: CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Films: Facial Paralysis-Tenoplasty Treatment of Extensive Burns Homo and Auto Grafts Skin Banks Rhinoplasties Auricular Lobuloplasty Hare Lip and Palatoschisis Plastic Correction of Breast Defects Hand Reconstruction Aneurismoplasty of the Intrapericardiac Aorta With a Free Skin Graft. PROCTOLOGY In Charge: Raul Ribeiro da Silva Barbosa. Albanese CastroAlfonso Symposium: Portal NN. MoaesrBarros Josephus Jorge.deLuke Edmundo Vasconcelos Cancer of the Rectum Lectures: Treatment of the Megacolon - Alipio Correa Neto Resection of Ileumand Colon in the Treatment of Chronic Granulomatous Ileo-colitis - Harold L. Foss Ulcerative Colitis - Charles W. Mayo Surgical Treatment for Malignant Lesions of the Rectum and Lower Part of the Sigmoid - Eurico da Silva Bastos The Sequellae of Thrombophlebitis - Josephus C. Luke Papers: Swenson's Operation in Megacolon in The Adult Latero-termino Lateral Anastomosis in Surgery of the Colon Hepatic Metastasectomy in Cancer of the Colon and Rectum Film: Direct observation of the Ileocecal "Papilla" and of the Functioning of the Ileocecal Valve in a Living Patient - J. A. Di Dio - C.#F. Carril - E. Vasconcelos THORACIS SURGERY In Charge: E. J. Zerbini Demonstrations: Mitral Comnissurotomy - Charles P. Bailey Esophagectomy for Cancer - Horacio Resano Pulmonary Subclavian Anastomosis - A. Albanese Pneumonectomy - Edmundo Vasconcelos Right Inferior Lobectomy - E. J. Zerbini Lobectomy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Gabriel Boteho Pulmonary Resection in Tuberculosis - Eduardo Etzel Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 Approved For Release 1999/0911b 'CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8 V.urgical Treatment of Congenital Affections of the Heart and Large Vessels - Charles P. Bailey - Alfonso Albanese - A. Domingues Pinto - A. Rodriguez Diaz - Mario M. Brea Advisability of Surgery in a Case of Infundibular Pulmonary Stenosis Silvio Borges Correction of Inter-auricular Communication Plastic Operation in Mitral Insufficiency - Charles P. Bailey Papers: Surgical Treatment of Tuberculous Empyema The Replacement of Portions of the Esophagus by a Plastic Tube Tracheoesophageal Fistulas of Traumatic Origin Pulmonary Resection for Tuberculosis Vascular Autonomous Grafts Film: Surgery of the Persistent Ductus Arterosus - E. J. Zerbini UROLOGY In Charge: Jarbas Barbosa de Barros Symposium: Ureterosigmoidostomies Surgical Treatment of Cancer of the Prostate - Jay J. Cranne Wyland F. Leadbetter - Eduardo Costa Manso -Paulo de Albuquerque Lecture: Ureteroenterostomy, Surgical Technique and Results - Wyland F. Leadbetter Papers: Retropubic Prostatectomies; A New Technique for the Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy Ureterosignoidostomies, A Review of Some Cases Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000500600002-8