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Approved For Release 1999/(SOW.f4 - 423R000301590028-3 FCRMAT!! I PLACE KIFKENES SECURI COUNTRRY: NORWAY Populations 30606. Dec. 1950 Province: Fi nmark Latitude 69? 43 _ins. 43" North Date of Observation: 1 April 1951 Longitude 30? 02 mins. 55" East. General Descriptions Founded as a company town of the Syd Varanger A. S., Kirkenes is still not an incorporated town. While its activities have expanded considerably, it is still essentially a raining town although it also serves as a distributing center for the Pasvik Valley. As the northeastern terminus of all express steamers from south lorway, it also has important shipping interests. Today it has added significance as the administrative center for the Norwegian-Russian Boundary Commission. The iron ore processing plant is expected to be ready for operation early in 1952 by Geographic Description: which time the local population should have returned to its pre-war size. Inner fjord area between fertile and wooded Pasvik Valley and the barren rugged outer coast. While climate is modified by ocean influence and the comparatively low latitude, it is also governed by cold Winter winds from interior of Finland and USSR. Occupations: Agri cultural Fishing Industrial Dairy fanning, lumbering Small scale fishing Iron ore mining and and reindeer breeding. in Pasvik Valley and processing, local offshore. construction, some lumbering. Natural Vegetation: The outlying islands near here are treeless but in sheltered areas around Kirkenes there is birch and in the Pasvik Valley extensive stands of pines and spruces. The Siberian larch reaches barely as far as the iron mines at Bjl3rnevatn. Land Forms and Geolog : Precambrian with iron ore standing out above the granite as dikes because of its superior hardness. Terrain glaciated, rounded, rocky hills. Pasvik Valley, flood plain. Mining g RETURN TO CIA LIBRARY Iron ore. Note nickel is found 40 kms due south at Salmijarvi, where it was located while searching for extension of the iron ore. Population (racial, cultural, linguistic): Norwegian with some Finnish mixture, including numerous Finnish names. At one time there were close Russian contacts. So e Lapp. 0 herwise t ical of minin and shipping center in variety. of types, rQveddFFfglsoX99%09/10 : CIA-RD K$3-00423RU003'D1590028-3 tr es ~i n ~. - ~,_ ...~. 111 R.R.11117M Approved For Release 1999/09/10: CIA-RIOQ83-00423R0c e 1 1If SEJRITY INFCRMIT"""! PLACE (cont' d): KIFa FNES Climate and Weather Temperaturess -3 to a- 5? C Note for average temperatures see"Nonregian Precipitation: 6now cover about 2 Ft. in open country. Pilot', page 34. Clouds:Eight-tenths, wind west Other: Kirkenes itself has a sheltered location. Barents Sea fog is comaon from April to June. June is very cold. Climate has moderated Electric Power:noticeable in past 30 yrs., e. g. absence of sea ice. Source: Iron ore company plants at Jarfjordbotn. New hydro plant under construction at Gandvik to be completed 1953. Steam elec. plant now reconst cted for iron company. Voltage: Transmitted at 20,000 Cycles. 50 r duced to 3 .,000 for mine 230 for town Extent of rl Kirkenes and Sf rva.ra.nger. Telephone Yes Telegraph Yes Radio Yes TV Air ways. TRANSPORTATION: (Froms n irkee S Tot B j 6jme~atn and 'L4vrud Railway-Rail-,,Tay used for transporting iron ore and supplies between Bj5rnevatn and Kirkenes probably most northernly railway in the world. Station:Kirkenes Iron Ore PlEnt Ballast: Rock Power : Electric overhead wires Gauge : Standard Bridgoss Important bridge across road to Bj8rneiratn Highways: Route No's ',i50 (terminus of) 955 Surface Type: Gravel Gravel Wartime gravel Width ' s two-car Two-car One to two car. Seasonal Uses Closed b snow east of $andvik. by #955 all year, plowed double Was plowed during war years. width to Skogly. Underpass : Bridge across Langfjord. Rt. to Jakobselv closed by snow but snowmobile used. A new underpass just outside Kirkenes where road runs under spur of electric railway. This bridge is 18 ft. high, 35 yds. wide carrying three railroad Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000301590028-3C? "'3 L r SECORITY y RMATION Approved For Release 1999/09/10: CIA-RDPP 0g423F PLACE (con(;'d): KIPKENES Ferries: None Location: Tornago s Capacitys Schedules: Steamerss Routing; Lxpress steamers to South Norway daily. Local vessels in Varangerfjord, ocean going supply ships from many places. Iron Tonnages ore vessels to begin 1953. Capacity: Vessels up to 10,000 tons have been docked. Schedules: For express and local steamers see Rutebok SuTie r: Local to Tana, Va.dsb and Pasvik Valley. Long distance buses to South Norway. Winter: On Rt. X955 to Nyrud daily. On Rt. 50 to Bukbyfjord daily. Snowmobile to Jakobselv. Otk r Transportations Airfield (military) at H6ybuktmoen, west of town. Regular flying boat service to South Norway in Summer. Plans for North Norway wheeled plane route being made. Hydrographic Chart #116 1:50,000 1950 Norway German Army typographic maps 1:100,000 1:300,000 up to 1941, Nor. Typographic maps 1:100,000 pre-war Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA ,f )R83400423 Fi ,0 PLACE (oontt d)-. KTRKT NES Guide and Other Books: None. Title Technical papers on Sbrvaranger in Engineering Journels. See ECA authorities for recent technical inf. Author Date Publisher cost Note: Much mining and procesg equipment secured in the US. PERSONAL DATA: Date of travel to this place: April 10_195 1 Starting Point: Va s1 Distance traveled (in kms)s Vehicles Used: Where stayed: CONTACTS: 25X1X6 Arrived: 1-1-;0 pm Kirkenes Departed; A=- 4. -16 SS F;nnm rl VP~tA l Ana coq Co Also automobiles of Kirkenes -police chief. Comments: -F,;r Address Position Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R00030159002 Comment Approved For Release 1999/09/10: CIA-RgRV-0Qc423R00030159 I PLACE (cont' d) s KTpKF'ThS Photographs' Purchased locally: Post cards Taken$ Black and white and color of town and mine under bad conditions. Sketches Mades Location Description Sketch Plan of town and wharves STJL PLE;U aNTARY DATA Industries' Type No. of Workers Products Power Iron ore 800 when fully Iron ore pellets Gandvik Hydroelectric operating 67% Fe. 8,000 KW Note: when shipment of ore begins early in 1952, ore will be exported as powder, pellets to be made later when process is perfected. Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000301590 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-IDM-60423R000301590 SECURITY IMM I-N SEAPORTS; General Comments: Kirkenes was completely destroyed during the second World Atlar and the seaport has not yet been completely reconstructed. It consists of two or three distinct parts. Wharves of the iron ore company are some distance inside Langfjord, the Cargo Handlings main steamship wharf is at the end of the main street of the town, while additional minor wharves for lumber,cetc. are still further Wharves: toward the sea. Name; Location Depth Main Steamship In town (WTood) 175 yes. 20 ft. depth Stir Varanger Co. Langfjord near plant 100 yds. concrete depth - 25 ft. Lighters Warehouses: Two totally 1,000 sq. meters on steamship wharf. Cranes; Three large Location Tonnage Comments Iron Ore Wharf 75 tons Ore is loaded to vessels automatically not by cranes Repair Facilities Machine Shops; Very large can handle all repairs. Foundries; Yes large Dry docks: 120 ft. slip Salvage gear; Supplies .Available Water Yes Coal Yes- Oil-Fuel YPs. Diesel Fuel yon Ore quays are linked with electric railroad system. Harbor to Harbor Information ore docks believed suitable for 10,000 ton vessels although these are rare. come fresh water ice about 4" thick in Lanfjord and =all- pans around wharves. Small vessel available break thin ice if necessary. Tide more than five feet. Pilot used to enter harbor. for boats and small repair yard Provisions Yes Engineering YPS Deck Ypc Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000301590028-3