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April 16, 1953
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roved For Release 1999 83-00423ROO security In tioi 16 April 1953 COUNTRY: Macedonia/Bulgaria/Italy SUBJECT: Background,Whereabouts And Activities of Ivan Mihailov PLACE ACQUIRED: DATE ACQUIRED BY SOURCE: DATE OF INFORMATION; 1. The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization CrV27 has within the last thirty years completly changed its course. From a true revolutionary organization, it has deteriorated to a point where it is today a private group used only by Ivan Mihailov, whose ambitions are to become the ruler of a free and independent Macedonia. 25X1X6 25X1X6 The US branch of the IMRO is the Macedonian Political Organization cMP9 which, through its secretary Luben Dimitroff, acts as a money raising organ to support Ivan Mihailov. Dimitroff is completely subserviant to Mihailov who sets the policy for MPO activities in the US. Dimitroff and several of his staff are paid for their work, while Ivan IvIihailov receives approximately US$ 8,000 per year plus expenses. Although the money to pay the salaries is raised in the US very few people know that Ivan Mihailov is hiding in Italy under an assumed name which unfortunately, I do not know. Up until 1928 Mihailovts job was to supply ammunition for the Macedonian revolutionists in Sofia, Bulgaria. Iiihailov lived in Sofia where he was the official representative for the IMRO when that organization was under the leadership of Todor Alexandroff. In 1926Alexandroff was assassinated and Mihailov assumed leadership of the IMRO. Insistent rumor has it that Alexandroff was murdered at Mihailovts behest, but no proof has ever been shown that this is so. ~Tt TO CIA :dsdc ratio /~ sS offi fl Only is 1far ~~I,C6aS It. V .' hi 1,1 ;103S rt3l 'i-jn~t, .'N r lpp `F? 11t Release 1999/09/ ftV 4 O~0423R0003007'O11?-`49 ar~tt Early Feb 53 25X1A6a 25X1A6a Approved For Release 1 U -RDP83-00423R000300710001-9 Security Lrfor 4. Since 1928 the IMftO has never held an official congress where Mihailov would have to give an accounting of his actions. From ~~" 193 Miha3.l:o-v~es~i'e~?,,:3~r,:....,,.~~s :W~pPc~~~~s~.ora~: to.,:..1~~,~: _,a~t~ans... From 1928 until 1934 Mihailov remained in Sofia and crushed all opposi- tion to his leadership; rumor again has it that more than 1,000 Macedonians were eliminated, mainly by the Bulgarian government, who might have contested Mihailov's leadership. 5. In 1934 Mihailov left Bulgaria and was next seen in Turkey. Later he moved to Poland, and, when the Germans invaded 'oland he moved to Zagreb where he was the personal guest of Ante Pavov ich. When the Germans took Zagreb he moved to Vienna as a special guest of the Nazi government. 6. During World War II Mihailov worked in full cooperation with the Nazis using his man (fnu) Tzilev &so known as Zileff and Tzileff in dealings with the Gestapo. Tzilev was later killed, sometime in 1944, by the Gestapo. Later Assen Avremov sometimes known as Avraxnof took Tzilev's place and is currently February 19537 in Canada. 7. Avramov was sent to Canada by Mihailov to strengthen the MPO, collect more money and also to spot the opposition to the MPO both in Canada and the US. 8. Mihailov has ],ong been suspected of playing "fogtsy" with the Soviets. In 1920, M hailov`sent to the Soviet Union one, ('f nu) Vlahov to meet with Stalin and Georgi Dimitroff to discuss the possibility o the formation of a Free Macedonian state. In 1945 when Tito created an autonomous Communist Macedonia, the MPO congress in the US sent a congratulatory telegram to Tito. The telegram was published in "New Macedonia" 4 Oct 45 issue, an organ of the Communist party which is printed in Skopje. Later,, when Tito broke from Moscow the MPO and Mihailov broke with Tito. 9. The relationships between Mihailov, the MPO and Dr "Gemie" Dimitroff have always been cordial. In late 1950 the"Macedonian Tribune" gave Dr Dimitroff a detailed interview, the only one of its kind given to any Bulgarian. In this interview Dr Dimitroff very generously disclaimed his rights to Macedonia and officially willed it to Mihailov. 10. Although the IMRO has no members nor groups in Macedonia, Bulgaria or Europe but only in the US and Canada, Mihailov's influence is still strong. For example the recently appointed head of the Bulgarian section of the Voice of America in Munich, Alexander Dimitroff, appointed one of Mihailov's right hand men to his staff; this is Christo Ognanoff (Ognianav) who, during World War II, was in Berlin in Hitler's Ministry of Propaganda. Ognanoff has written hundreds of articles against the US and Canada some of which were published in English in the Bulgarian paper "Zora". Recently Mihailov sent to the US two of his most trusted associates who are currently in Detroit. They are: Ivan Vassilev who has become president of the MPO branch in Detroit; Vassilev's real name is Ivan Ilchev but he changed it so he could enter the US. The other ncbman is Argir o ov. Approved For Release 1999/0/ E 0423R000300710001-9 Approved For Release 4064116 MWAOP83-00423ROO0300710001-9 -3- 11. In conclusion I would say that Ivan Mihailov is a gangeter, terrorist who cannot be trusted by the US or anyone; he runs the IRMO and the MPO entirely for his on advancement. Approved For Release 1999 tY NO 00423R000300710001-9