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25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 0 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied 4e Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 INFO FIRST CPPPTFR ARMED FORCES IT 71 N F R. n L, 2 r anization of the Ministry of Peop e! s Defence Minister of People's Defence i s(Lt General)Beqp-~IUTUKU, `igh r-nkin Officers ser ina in the Ministry of Peoleis Defence Major Genera i.).Shefc, 25X1 25X1 TTnknoim Division stationed in Gi l.noka ster ^n unknown Army Unit has belewlocsted in Gjinokaster from many years, T.ately, this unit has been reinforced with troops transfered from North Albanian On July 209 1956; took place athletic genes in Gjinokaster between 7 -army units. in 25X1 advertising boards the names of the said units were as follows- T)ixisions of Gjinokaster, `lone, and Banat, and the garrison troops of Shkoder, Rurrel and Peshkopi S E Pd; . ' 0F0 R, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 SECOVD CT-TA FORCES OF THE MINISTRY OF TPTTERTOR nND P!'bR!~ MIT,ITARY ORGOU 71AT TONS BOR.DE2 GTJARD SERVICE Post of the Border Cklird Service in CATIST (DK-//x,,31_) host of the Border Guard Service has been located at :OK-438305, nearbyb'the village of Ct:TISTF9 many years, The said post has a strength of about 30 men commended by a Lieut. Furthermore the post has 2 dogs and 3 mules. rxach year. when the snots st.nrts that-ring, and the weather becomes milder, the men of this post, except one cook and tt9o soldiers helping the cook., move to the position :PROD I MA.DHP(DK-466284), There they remain until the first snow starts fallin.g(until. next t.rinter). T nROR ARMY 25X1 in Tirana is stationed a Tabor R.rigade where the enemies of the Regime are assigned, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 assigned to the Albanian Army Unit which is located in Gj3.nokaster. SECRET NIFnRN Three Soviet Colonels(branch of service unknotm) live in Gjinokaster. They are Soviet Army Mission sovx f Anna AND MTT,IT1!RV MTSrSIONS THIRD for a friendly visit on EWL June 59 1956. Sailors of the a/in battle-ship visited The Soviet Bruiser or battle-ship "KUGUZOV" coming from SEAS"TOPUT arrived in ?hirres Soviet Nam A Soviet Harship arrived in Durres battle-shi~ sailed from Durres and went back to SEV~STOP0L, various Albanian towns and gave floor-shows. On June 5 -209 1956, the Soviet A .Ab D ;F-;NCE A.A. guns and machine guns located to the following positions: Sn A.A. AMMM gunt is located on a hill South of the barracks of Gjinokaster. rty An A..A. machine gun is located at the same position. on the casttle of Gjinokastero mxy NOVORN Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 FIFTH INNTT RN! , POILITIC.P SITUPTION ST' TE OR( NI7LITIOrT & 4 INISTRATION Suorene !Admin. of the Country ~.~ 7.benian Cabixt~ _ -Prime Mini stem` CLt Gener Mehme15H 0 -Vice-President At: 4ajor Genera.) Hyqria' " Ct: Name unknom -Minister of People's Defence: 6-It General, RegiII,UKU, Foreign Affairs: Beha HTYLL?Aa Interior: Manush- YFTIU a is not sure about it). " " Agriculture: Name unknown, Transportation., Industry and Mines: Spiro 4fCl WAe It e1 Public Health: Gogh Early in June 1956$ the -professor of the geography of the academy,) 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 " Education: Name unknows " Commerce: -President pf the parliament: Hatf!t LESHI, Administrative Division and 6r P-n nization of the Count N announced to the students that the government has prepared the following 25X1 plan,concerning the administrative division of the 6ountry9 ?!hich has not yet been put in effect : The Onrk_(prefecture) Committees remain as they ere9 except the fark. of Tirana which is changed as follows: The town of Tirana goes under a separate Committee Belled. Committee of the Town, and area around the town of Tirana goes under another Committee called Komitet i Rrethit Tiranes (District Committees L rrriw HMO, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 RF(RF.T HUUJKN The whole Albanian territory has been divided in 3 ra one (areas), which are as follows: South Ra'one with the town of Gjinokaster as a regional capital. Central Ra ione9 It North Rajone, " Elba can " Shkoder The (erk Committees are under the a/m ra'one, as follows: The rajone of the South includes the narks of Vlone, Gjinokaster' and Korce. It Central Albania, includes the Oaxks Durres, Berat, and Elbasan.. " the North of Shkoder, Peshkopi, and NUKES. The Rreth Committee of Tirana in directly under the Rovernment, considered equal to a ra,:Lone$ 25X1 The institution(system) of the Komitet and Tokalitet ?,rill. not be abolished. Education In Albanian there are elementary, medium, and high educational institutes. The elementary education includes the following schools., a)Kindergartens for kids between 2 to 4 years of age. b)Kindergartens for kids bet??reen 4-6 years of age, The children in this school are taught various ways? of playing, songs, and brief tales, in order to enrich their vocabulary, and to get accinted with the right way of expressing onefis thoughts. *)Kindergartens for children between 6 and 7 years of age. The children in this school learn songs., diffe?eZt ways of playing, how to walked in groups, and how Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 ri_i?iII. i INlii YP"I to count from 1 to 104 Such scho,~ - "s vu t; r , towns but there is perspective for them toexpand to the villeges too. in objective of these schools is as followse' a),,T& inspire the children from their boyhood with the sense of discipline and collecti, ve lilftg, b),,To sharpen the mind of the children so that when they enter the elementary school it is easier for them to understand the lessons. It ha.s been observed that the chil- dren who attended the a/m kindergarten, and then wont to the elementary school t!ere proved more sharp-minded and more disciplined than those who had not been in a kindergarten. Elementartr School F'otiur yep rs of work are required for the graduation of the elementary school r~ssons taught ?+:~rst year: The lessons are divided in Glosses J.. and mathamatics (covering 75,53 of the subjects taught in school), and general education(covering 25% of the subjects). ria7_ riossdL&u!. L-c sons I?eading, Grrammar, spelling,, penmaship, and arithmetic( addition, substraction, multi r7_i cation, and division). General education rrromastice, sinsgir_g, and drat-ring(at the end of theyrear), ".cond. Year The same lessons as above, but in detail. (the draT:!?_ng is taught from the begining of the school rear) Third Year The same lessons as above, plus fractions and decimal system. Hi_stor,- and. geography of ^J_b'nia only is properly nlaced in the reading books of the nurils attending the first, second, and third,ayeer of the elementary school. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Fourth Year Same lessons as above, plus history ( origin of mankind, different periods of the-. hLman civilization, such as the Pnleoli thic, Neolithic , Copper age, the Pre-histo- ric period, history of ancient Albania , Middle Ages, modern times, and very modern times), Geography (origin of the system of our planet, and geography of .'tlbania), Physics (Geology, technical development, such es the invention of the automobile, steamship, electricity, etc. No more penmanship in the fourth year. In every &lbanian village there is an elementary school, except some very small villages which have no school but they sent their children to the elementary school of the nearest village. certain areas in North Albania.have no e- 25X1 lementary schools but the government strives to built schools in those areas too. U n i k e Three years of work are recu.ired for the graduation of the Unike. Lessons taught First Year Cirarmar, reading., history of the people., composition, arithmetics, geometry, world History of the ancient times, geography(astronomy, climate, zoology, etc), Botany, gymnastics, drawing, singing (music). Russian languages is taught during the first year of the unike _ schools of the Albania toims;, Second. Year Grammar, reeding, History of the people, composition, arithmetics, geometry, Algebra, goology, World History of the Middle :'ges, History of the Bolshevik Revolu- tion and of the World ?N?ar TI, Geography, Physics, Political 1conomy,Physics(mechanic riymnastics, singing., and drawing. Russian language same as in the first year. Third Year Grammar, Reading, History of the People, Composition, Literature, !Algebra,-Geometry, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Chemistry( organic and Inorg?xiic , Anatomy, Ulba.nian Geography., Geography of the Balkans (Physic-Economic), "lbanien History( Ancient times, Middle Ages, New times, and Modern times).. Phy es (Mechanics, Optics, Icoustics, Electricity), Singing., Gymnastics, and Drawri_ng. R ssian lnnguage same as in the second year, ttnike schools there are in to?,ms, little tomms, and big villages, under the condi tion and ?,hen the number of pupils is more than 50. This is not generally applied due to lack ofpersonne?. Nth-schools In this category of educational institutes are included the gymnasiums, the iTower Pedagogic Academies, the Lower Polytechnics, Technical Schools, Tower Commercial Schools, Accountatt's Schools, Lower Farming Schools, Schools for tech3hical perso- nnel, Asst-%gineers'- Schools., lower Industrial Schools, like those of Elbasan and. Shkoder, Sneci.-l Pedagogic ."cadenies preparing schoolmasters for the elementa- ry schools, and Institutes for Asst-Doctors. are Four years of ??ork f.A required for the graduation of each one of the a./in educa- tional institutes, except the Special Pedagogic Academies of Shkoder and Eabasan requiring 2 years only, Educational Institutes like those mentioned above t+ are in the following tot.n : Pedagogic Academies : Gjinoka.ster, Elbasan, Tirana, and Peshkopi. C rrnnasiLnns? Gj i nokaster, Korce, V_l_one, Berat, Tirana, Durres, and Shkoder. Technical Schools: Two Technical Schools in Tirana Lower ??olytechnic: In Tirana only. Economic Schools Account`nt!s) : In Tirana only. Commercial Schools: One or two in Tirana only. Farm in Schools Tirana and F er, in0ustria,l Schools: Tirana, Vlone, Forcer, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 ,sst- ctors: Tirana. 25X1 Total number of high schools in Albania: 23. The government is striving to built more schools in other Albanian tot:.ns. For insta- nce, sorrce knoi~rs that fA, a branch of the ":ca.demy of Gjinokaster will be establishe in Delvine, probably *:.ithin 1956. T.4i_thin the same period f4M,81N& gymnasiums will be established in Tepelene and Permet. Tessons taught in gymnaszum r. 'ecr : Grammar, Composition, TAiterature( Greek and. Latin classic authors), History of Op- Mpnkind., History of the Classic Times: NMOV Geography(vlorations, climate, ani- mals living in each. one of the continents), Chemistry (inorganic), Botany, !Algebra, Geometry, Crymnastics, I}ra?:rin_g(painting), and Russian L-nguageo Second Year Grammar, Literature( Dante - Goethe), Composition, History of Mankind, History of M:iddl'e Ages and Modern Times up to the 'mericaN Civil War, Geography( World Physical and Political Geography), Zoology, Physics, ^_l_gebra, Logarithm, Geometry, Gymnastics Painting, and Russian T.anguageG Third Year rlrammar, Composition, Titeratvre( Foreign writers), History of bbe Modern Times up to the World War II, Albanian Literature, Albanian Geography(Physicel,f Political, and. Economic), Physics, Psychology, !'Anatomy, Chemistry, Matema.tics(.'.'-l_gebra, Tri gono- netry, Stereometry, Logarithm), Printing, and Gann-stics0 Fourth Year ? ar?mma.r, Composition, T,_tera.ture(Soviet R& '_lbanian), Mathematics(Al_gebra, Astronomy ^nal:tvti cel Geometry, Logarithm. Trigonometry), Marxism, History, Geography, Physics (Atom), Chemistry, Logics, and Gymnnsticsa d 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 '.essons of the pedaeic _^.cademv unry NOFORN ``ir st Year rummer, Composition, Literature, History oft';: Mankind, Ma.thematics(A.rithmeti_c, Alge.~ 5ra, Geometry), History; Geography, Physics, Drawing,, Singing, Penmanship, and Cnymna- Stics. `second. Year grammar, Composition, Literature, History of Mankind, Mathematics( Arithmetics, Alge- bra, Geometry snd Stereometry), History, Geography, Physics, Botany, Psychology, dagogy, Gymnastics, Singing, penemanshin, dra?-.ring, and Russian TonguRge. Third Year C ?azmnar, Composition, LiteratUre(Foreign and' Albanian), Ma.thematirs(^.rithmetic, Stere- ometry) History(modern_ times), Geography, Physics, Pedagogy, practical Pedagogy, ^.nd. R ssien ?.sngu?ge. `a'ourth Year Grammer, Composition, Titerature(Foreign and nl_brninn), Matbematics(kri thmetics), Hi- story, Mer'i sm, Logics, Pedagogy, Practicsl_ Ped.a.gogy, and Russian Ianguage(Reading and Grammar), ",esson _ t 2? ht in. other educational institutes s Source has no idea. Tnsti_tt!tes Tn Tirana there are the following Institutes: Aghest Pedagogic Institute, prenaring professors for the university. Tnstitute of lag-. The graduates of this institute, according to their degree of progress and successful studies, are appointed to high admin. posts, public prosecu- tors, Presidents of a Court of Justice, and Tawyers. institute of Economic Science, Tn.stitute of MedicAl Science. "olyytechni_c, SECRET NOR Rol Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 0 25X1 Farming institute ( !.g ri_ct'l.turi sts; -ow. stock-breeding specialists). Tor..*er pedagogic institute. !otrr years of work are required for the.graduation of the a/m education institutes, expect the lower Pedagogic Institute rquiring two years only. Scholarships .broad Scholarship for higher studies abroad are granted to P. part of the distinguished students., as well as to very good students who have a member of their family pro- claimed hero of the war for liberation (1942 - 1944), Schools for the minorities The only recognized minority in Albaniaff, is the Greek minority of North .Epirus, until 1951 the children of the Greek minority attended elementary schools end Unke where the Greek language only was taught; &8&* Albanian was taughzone hour per week in En ft only. From 1951 end on, inihe unike of the Greek villages(inhabited by population consider. Greek minority) is taught Albanian, i.rhil e the Greek lessons have been decreased to one hour per day. In this way Greek language is taught in elementary school, but even there, after the third year they have one hour of Albanian language daily, Since Sept. 1955, a separate branch of 40 students was established in the Pedagogic Academy of Gjinokaster preparing school-rasters for the villages of the Greek minori- tyre The students of this branch get their diploma after Z. years od studies. 4n unknown number of nei.r students was erected to attend this branch. in Sept, 19564 S Z . r f f i c i enencyr_ of personnel The Albanian Regime is confronted with great difficulties as fax as the sufficiency of teaching personnel, is concerned. 414I& -z- to 4.9 The requirements of the Institutes have been filled with sufficient and y personnel, F& SufficaQ cy of personnel is observed in the high schools too., but part of them Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 25X1 are lacking proper professional y ecause instead of the Pedagogic Institute, they &8 come from the Lower Pedagogic Institute. In certain cases the insufficiency of qualified teaching -personnel is very obvious; like in the Pedagogic Academy of Gjinokaster, for instance, where out of 7 professors have graduate the Lower Institute after two years of sttMies; all being wellythey should be no more than Unike school-masters, School-masters to a unike are used. gradates of the lower Pedagogic Institute., or stud bn s who have finishedyat least, thesecond grade of the gymnasium, like the Normale of M.basan. School masters to the elementary schools are M - appointed graduates of the TTnike ,?aho had attended a two months course before 19532 as well as pon-distingui-~ shed graduates of the Tower Pedagogic Aca.deni_es, The teaching personnel for the elementary schools and Unike is very insufficient. As a result of that, the competent authorities are constrained to use a number os teacher less than the provided. The competent personnel in charge of the educational problems believe that in 8M&&&8 the near futute they will. be able to fill the vacancies., and on the other hand they will replace the inefficiently trained teaching personnel. Influence of the Communist Props a nda in education The influence of the Communist Propaganda in education is very obvious. The material included in school lessons is confused with Communist theory, ?haring the last years of the gymnasium, Marxism is taught as a separate lesson (analysis) t:+hile the review of the foreign police and the press is a subject treated for 3 hours per weeks Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 '?ressure 1m-nosed on teachers The work of the teachers is checked by their supervisors inspecting the schools very often. In case that in a class-room of 30 pupils more than 5 remain in the same class (not Dromoted), the teacher is held responsible, he is considered an organ of the reactionairies and is sent in nrison? -tent of freedom for the children of the reectioneiry families in attending high sc?~o- cll,_nt huh educational institutes. hi gh'-school 0 U UG11 UL U11C 1_11:5 ' LL U.LUlll'.1-v 01111` 11l__LC.11. !. r.JU.L L.LCw0" a_-t; PCt til t U UU u V of a kulak from IAZAR"T(Mc 2732) t.tio had not joined the Youth Organ., attended the Tower pedagogic "cn(lcmy of Gjinokaster since 1953. an a.nnouncement of the Youth Committee of Gjinokaster25X1 npy ng that any young man, graduate of a hi gh-school is entitled {yp # to go for higher studies at Tirana Institutes. The a/m announcement was made to the students of the Gjinokaster Lower Pedagogic Aca- r?e+mT in May 1956, to this, the studies to an Institute were considered an exclusive prevelege for the students granted with government scholarships, and such scholarships were given to the &$ children of the C.P. members only. Young men who sympathized Uri th the present regime were not entitled to attend an Institute only because they came from reactionary families, The a/m restrictions are still maintained M P MW giving scholarships for higher studies abroad" Cvlt>ral l!,,rreements with other Countries Albania maintains cultural relations with all the Communist Countries, as follows: 0Py' exchanging students( Albanian students attending neese universities) B ^oiirs of various forbign groups of actors, and artisticLW_ groups, etc, in such cases the theatres are At, crowded by Albanian spectators, mainly-,because Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 ummcT EM Reliizion The follot:tng religions are officialy recognised in Albania: Moslem, Orthodox, and Catholic. 25X1 they dontt like too, while the aged people are affraid to go,because if they are bus seen in a church they might be considered ridicuE and superstitious. In this toay only the old men and. old-tramen are still going to the church. Qenerrlly, in informant's oni_nion$ the religion in Albania is undergoing a 8 nerioc? 'of dorm-fall.(0egeneration) Bi shonriic of G.iinokaster 'fin G-iinokaster there is a Bishopric of the Greek C>rthodox Church. The Bishop .s a rest'it of this, the children &n.d the young men do not go to the church because There is : anti-religious nronaganda in schools, especially in high schealls and high educational institutes i?rhere atheism is officially taught. The C.P. members explain to the people, in P. very dexterous manner that religion is a sunerstition or a habit, and they scoff at those going to the church. 24ti-Religious Prona,gsD, 25X1 is a r.P. member who had participated in the revolution. Social T?Tel_fare Rosoi?al of Qiinoka.ster in fti;nokaster there is a Public Hosnitz l which was constructed in 1950. The said hospital. has the fol.i.w:.ring sections' "T' Rays Section. Section for children. Surgical Section ~~~' knits Y._'J $UFU 1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 they are not satisfied with the r l' local artistic groups. c).They get publications(magazines) in Russian and French language'. d).Soviet professors are sent 'to teach Russian to advanced Russian-sneaking pupils, e).In each , Executive Committee there is an office of education and culture, Privileges accorded to Intelectuals The teaching personnel in general(schoolmasters, professors, ect), as i?'ell as the students of the lower and higher educational institutes.. who have reached Mil.it, to the third and fourth class, are exempted from the ^`rmy Service when the class to which they belong is called, Salaries of the Teaching Personnel the salaries of the teaching personnel are as follows'. School master of a village: If of a 11111:1M-.1 4000 lek per month. 3700 n 5000 " 5500 " Director(of a gymnasium, Unike, or Element.) 6000 II rr Ir 7!1rthermore, the school musters end the professors reserve he rights to teach to any night-school i-rhere they may get an additional. salnrv of 1500-2-000 lek, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Section of contagious d1sease- Derma.tologic(skin) action. Bp.cteriol.o?ic Section. Ahtnnber of rooms., 175. beds in each room: 2 -- 3. Doctors: 10 end an tm1mo?n number of asst-docbrs and nurses* Antibiotics are used. in serious cases only. PARTY CTITTITIES 2rEp,nization of the Albanian CAP. Secretanr of the C.P. Committee for the Oark of Gjinoka.ster until March 1956, eras a Communist named Rs, TI7VI"'TT4, In March 1956 he was transfered as a secreta? 7-r to the C.P. Committee of Tirana. The new secretary for the Committee of Gjinokx ster is in. Moscow for training, Acting secretary of the said Committee is the second secretary named Mi by ~NI from. Gj i nokas'll ero C.P. members in the vil.l-aae of G,.^,TI ..F,, DXm 1) The fo~1.owing inhabitants of Ca.ti ste are members of he CGP,.: "nostol T.eonidr N STOP S. Petro Fri st ? .\ "4.'~FIO Thena s Stavro TT TT,'T 1Tsszl Hrisoston LMRO,r Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Teonidhs Anc'o T,'+Y.T RO. Nonda Jsri_dhi rn&7 1TV.^ . Tani uhinfq OT.OI, Relations of the lbnnian C T~. *.?rith the Oommiuiist Parties of other Countries. The Albanian maintains relations ?ri.th the Connm?ni.st Parties of ' the other P9C)PAGA NDA a) Antes..;{a~ in. Pronaranda in .11_b-inip. After the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, the Albanian press started t?!itti? a nronauand-, against Stalin, ~R R which was expressed in mi_l.d tone. Most of Stalints photographs were removed from the off_ces, so that in each offi- ce there was no more than one photograph of him, The naners rnibl_i_shed veriot's articles criticizing the "cttlt of the individual',. but their did not cease from stresing always that Stalin had accomplished great ~.rorlk s a " r''te fin a " .'~ t, rl ,, i ~! Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP83-00418R007200020002-7 ?rtliermore, the ^lbanian parersl Iticle authored by Mao Tse Tung, red China Leader, advising the Conmunist Parties to CAR& give serious consideration to the right theories contained in ,Stalin's i?rrittings only., but not to the ground- less literary works like the ridiculous biography of Stalin. The so-called "Stalin" Textile in Tirana still maintains its title. Stalin's statue in Tirana is still at the same place, and KUCOVA is still called Stalin's town. inspite of his mistakes, like the "cult of the invidual", 25X1 Stalin is generally accepted by the Albanian Communists as a great man. in numerous debates in connection with Stalin's subject, the students of the Peda- gogic academy of Gjinokaster had expressed their satisfaction for the criticism of the ?9th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party against Stalin. To a vuesti on of he students,if Stalin is elevated to the group of the Great Comrnu- nists leading to Marxism, like Marx, Hegel, and Lenin, the professors avoided a clear answer, but they said that the Soviet Communist Party will decide about it in due course. the Albanians have not taken the &M& renouncement of the 25X1 "cult of the individual",as the begining of a new period of more freedom in the Com a'nist countries. As a matter of fact the sittation is the same. b) .Relations wtth TTTO Since the re-settlenent of t the diplomatic relations between Albanian and Yugosl via, the Albanian government exnlai.ned though the press that Ko Y :K0 has not been a friend of TITO but a Dagent who tried to place the Sigurimi above the 25X1 Party. In the meantime, ex-Ministers Becb