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Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 0 ,#S,P Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 i 000"4L1%/ PROCESSING COPY INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATIO..N' ra ? to CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NOFORN DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED REPORT General Psychological Information/ DATE DISTR. -V August 1956-S) J. - LY ~ i L i e ft,, NO. OF PAGES 1 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES This is UNEVALUATED Information C-0-N-F-I-D.E-N-P-I-A-L NOFORN NAVY FBI AEC ci ? { CR@x (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 Mow Political Indoctrination 4a KIi-1 Il--91"':.g issued a statement urging anti-Communist elements in o remoted io.'al districts and citi; e .c surrender themselves to the authorities. 211-e statement proret cd try?.-, if they surrender themselves within a c ;.rt .:_n given date, ment would forgive their past offenceG anc. would help them to employment. Fo'Llov,.ng the statement, it wa:3 reported, son themselves to the Communist authorities:, 3. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the North Korean people to hear South Korean broadcasts or other non-Communist broadcasts because the Communists jam non-Communist broadcasts directed to North ikorea from the Free World. The North Korean people could not freely listen to radios even if they had them. un e s o peop e led by veterans. had plotted a riot But the plot was detected, and thirteen (1') pe-sons involved were arrested and all of them, except two (2) or three persons were shot. 6. The North Korean. people have ants;, ni , . Uoi, aids the for its infringement upon freedom of reli'c'-Ion, e-d _nvriting moral corruption. The North Korean people are anxie:s to :estcre traditional customs and sound morals. 8. North Korean radio lroadcasts mainly introduce the situation on pro- duction progress of rehabilitation projects, foreign news and Communist propaganda. 9. North Korea has three political parties including the Korean Labor Party, the Ch'ongu-dong and the Democratic Party. The Ch'-ongu-dang is a part-- Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 NOW of Ch' ondogyo believers, but as the elements (pretended believers) favored by KI:thh Il-song have infiltrated into the party, it cannot play its full role as an independent political party, its existence being nominal. The Democratic Party is in a condition similar to that of the Ch' ongu.-ding. 10. North Korea is under a single-party leaders'cip instead of mule _-party politics. and everything is carried out autocratically.. Therefore, there can be no difficulty from a lack of cooperation, 11i There can be no private co nflict betv;e-gin the Party and the administrat i;O officials in North Korea If there is any conflict, it is a disagrc.a:u e?oo on business trans?a~ctions_ For instanci-~, Party of icials in an e.ttempc to carry out Party undertakings successfully, kept factory laborers awak: until mid-night, sometimes even until one (1) or two (2) o'clock the next morning; criticizing production efficiency. !Uioanwhile, the manager of the factory who is the chief responsible admi:As:,rativee official at the factory complained that such practices caused the laborers to slum'oer in the daytime and incure consequent decrease in labor production ef- ficiency. 12. North Korea has a well-organized political mechanism. Each neighborhooc (Pan) in a North riorean villages is composed of five (5) households (a Chinese neighborhood is composed of 25 household) and the neighborhooc. chiefs meet everynight to review and assess the labor production ef- ficiency of their neighborhood members and report of it to the police authorities concerned. If a visitor comes to any household, the neigabcr-_. hood chief goes with him to the police station and allows him to remainn, only after putting him to questions by police. The Korean alphabets has been extensively publici7ed in North Korea, Laborers, irrespective of sex or age, in-every workshop have to parti- cipate in reading meetings every morning, and there ore, all of them know how to read Korean. If there is anyone who cannot road, he is to be kept away from the workshop. Of all, the moss important fact is that all the Party members and Government officials are kind to all (as far as their apparent attitude is concerned) and are never proud of or abuse their official powers. Nevertheless, the people are afraid of them and blindly obey them. 13. Every workshop has a political leader in North Korea. Anyone who wants to join the Party has to join the workshop Party, through which he becomes a full party member. Even after he has become a full Party member, he has to undergo various tests by Party leaders before he can hold an important position. Party members generally appear to be in- different to non-Party members but, in reality, they keep a keen watch on non.-Party members. 14. Special consideration is never given to private circumstances in North Korea unless the Government recognizes then to be exceptional. It is impossible for any individual to deceive the Party or the Government in North Korea. 15. Communism is fundamentally different from. Capitalism or western democracy in both theory and practice. In the early days, the Communists declared to the laborers and farmers that "all the factories and farms are yours", "Operate them as you like and thereby make your living secured", and the people welcomed their announcement. Later, however, the Communists began to demand the farmers to pay tax-in-kind and urging the laborers to increase labor production efficiency. As such pressure increased, public respect to the Communist regime has faded away. 25X1 16. North Korean government officials are oppressing in everything. two families committed suicide b taking poison in Pyongyang because of living difficulties. there was another case of suicide in Najin. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-004188005700040008-6 The story is as follows: On his 61st birthday, the oldman asked his daughter-in-law to bring him a cup of drinking water and he was dumb- founded when she replied "Comrade Father, there is no water to offer to you." Suffering from unbearable mortification, he went to a nearby hill and hanged himself. In the evening, his son returned from his workshop and lost control of himself at hearing of the incident. He killed his wife with an ax and killed himself with a knife. 174 Laborers are unconditionally favored in North Korea and consequently various offenses were frequently committed by ignorant local labor 25X1 Party members. In particular, there were several embezz'.ement cases during the period of 195)4 - 1955 and many laborer Party members being sent to the police station. 186 In North Korea., if one goes to barber's shop, the barber generally 25X shaves the entire body of the c,ustomer, If one goes to a bathhouse, he is given only a very small piece of soap and he has to bathe with 25 it alone. There were neither tooth-brushes nor tooth-power, o-? soap the ifusan Lumber Mill was burnt to the ground. The mill waste largest in the whole of Korea, and the cause of the fire is still unknown. Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP83-00418R005700040008-6 1 X1