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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 INF-ORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.Q.O. Secs. 793 and 704, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law, 3-E-C--R E T ORN WOW DATE, OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED Czechoslovakia to Main Road from Fribram to Sedloany 2. Road Bridge over the Vltava River REPORT DATE DISTR, NO. OF PAGES 31 October 1955 1 1811111&1 IIIVAIIIATIAI-I!Z All n.RINITIVI ?ssaAI I A^ PoNursu* is Tsu*.*ius report on the main road from Pribram to eduoan and the road bridge over the Vltava an thin road a oximate throe kilometerm north of Kan&ki E: S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN AIR X FBI A!C (Nofsi Washington distribuHon Indicated by "X", Field distribution by "#'".) INFORMATION s s 50X1-HUM rt,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 50X1-HUM NOFO:RAJ Description of the Main Road from Pribram to Sedlcany and Road Bridge_ over the VLTAVA (approximately 3 km north of KAMYK). 1, Histo : Construction of the FRIBRAM-SEDICANY main road was started in 293t5-39. Under the German occupation, the construction was continued by the TODT labor organization, and was largely finished in 1945, when it was used by the German Army, mainly by mechanized units, for retreat from the East. At the same time a new bridge was built over the VLTAVA to take the load of the heaviest German tanks. After the war, small. repairs were carried out on the road - the surface was raised, the bridge over the stream was strengthened and the sides of the road were reposed etc. The last repairs were carried out in 1950, when the SIAPY dam was being built. For this construction, the 5 km sector of the old main road from PRIBRAM, leading eastwards to the main PRAGUE-PISEK--STR'AAKONICE road and the old district road leading from this crossroads to SEDICANY via a crossing over the VLTAVA at the village of KOVARN& were used. 2, location and route: The main road from PRIBRAM to SEDICANY leads eastwards from PRIBRAM and its total length is about 30 km; (see attached sketches 1 and 2 for location). The road runs throygh the village of DUBNO, VISNOVA, LICIOVY And DUBLOVICE to SEDICANY. None of these villages is of importance from the industrial or military point of view. About 5 Ion east of the town of PRIBRAM, the road crosses the important main PRAGUE-PISEK road to Southern Bohemia (see #5, on sketch). About 19 km east of PRIBRAM, the road is taken across the VITAVA by means of a ferroconcrete bridge - see sketch of bridge and description at para 9. There is a telegraph line along one side of the road, and both sides are lined with poplar and fruit trees. There are no milestones or signposts on the road. Only the names of the villages are marked on notices. 3. Construction and technical data: The road is about 9-9 ms wide, two- e, with no in ication of the middle, except for a bend in the village of'DUBNO, where the middle of the road is marked with white paving stones. On level stretches, the surface of the road is asphalt, and on grades of granite blocks. The highest artificial raising of the ground for the road is about 5 ms, and the deepest extent to which it has been levelled is about 32 4 ms, at the village of NOVA HOSPODA. The road has no sharp bends. The sharpest is in the village of DUBNO, about 120 degrees, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 JM WON When driving an ordinary car, a SKODA TUDOR for instance, the average speed on the road is 70 km per hour, and apart from the hill at NOVA HOSPODA, there is no need to travel at the lowest speed along this road. Traffic on an ordinary working day is about 3-4 motor vehicles per minute. 4. Maintenance and repairs: The road is in very good condition, well maintained an nd o adverse effects of weather, especially frost, can be observed. Road maintenance is carried out by the DOBRIS Branch of the Prazska Sprava SStatnich Silnic (Prague Management of State Roads). There is a large gravel dump at the village of DOBRIS, from which material is brought for roads in the neighbourhood. The last repairs, were competed in 1950, when the road was raised about 2 ms in the sector from the bridge over the VLTAVA to the village of LICHOVY. At this time, the road embankment and the bridge over the stream in this sector were strengthened. These modifications were carried out because the water level of the VLTAVA was expected to rise after the building of the dam at SIAPY. 5. Surr&unding terrains On both sides of the road there are drainage trenches about it m eep.The road runs mainly through flat country. The road has a large number of parking places for vehicles on unused sectors of the former side road - see sketches for positions, 6. History of the bridge over the VLTAVA: The bridge was built in 1938-40 and no repairs or alterations-have been carried out on it since then. During the last war, the bridge was used a great deal by German mechanized units, The area between SEDICANY and VOTICE was used as a training ground for German mechanized units. In 1945 the bridge was used for the retreat of the German mechanized units to the West. Location: I, The bridge is carried across the valley formed by the VLTAVA, 3j km NNE of KAMYK, for exact location, see sketch 1 and 2, #3. Co-ordinates for the bridge: 1030 according to CSR map 1:25,x; DLOUHA LHOTA EAST, Sheet 4152/2E. 8. Use of the bridge: The bridge is used for two..way traffic of both wheel and track vehicles of all tonnages, along the FRIBRAM-5EDICANY road, and for pedestrians. 9. Description of the bridge: The bridge is ferro-concrete, about 210-220 ms bong, from the first supporting pillar to the last pillar on the bank, and about 10 ms wide, the carriageway on the bridge about 6-7 ms wide, with a footpath for pedestrians about l2 m wide on each side. It is estimated to be 60-80 ms high from the bottom of the river. The bridge is straight, with no arches between the pillars, and has ii.ferro-concrete pillars about 10 x 3 ms in the middle and 2 main supports on the banks of the VLTAVA, Two of the middle pillars are actually in the water and 2 are on the banks. These middle pillars are about 50-60 ms from one another. The distance between the main supports on the banks and the inner supports is about 6-8 in, and at these points there are side roads along the river on both sides. The carrying capacity of the bridge is not known, but it was built for the heaviest traffic. It is in excellent condition. OFORI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 10, River and surrounding terrain: The width of the VLTAVA below the bridge is a out 1 ms and in July it is about 180 cms deep, not counting the present increased flow of water for the dam at SIAPY. The average height of the ground above sea level at this point is about 370 ms, and there are no high points for an area of 3 Ian round the bridge; 10 inn from the bridge the ground rises about 100 ms. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R001700140004-0