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Approved For Release 200001/009//TROL IA- P 'lR~ f~00090001-0 SECURITY INFORMATION German Democratic Republic MINUTES OF DIA-M:!1 ALL (TORT OFFICIALS' 111iE ING (4 25 j nnation: FDD Abstract of 25X1A v contains the minutes (No.26) of the staff l A A This document, meeting of the import section of D A- e a n ra- -ernian and Foreign Trade Agency for A`Metals) held The list of participants includes Director fnu Harms fot further identified - presumably one o the directors of the import section of DIA-Metal and one fnu Grossmann from the Ministry of Foreign and Intra-German Trade, Following are examples of information included in this document: 25X1A 1. On 30 September 1952 a "socialistic competition" for the fulfillment of the requirements for the power program was instituted b, DIA-Metall. This agency took on the obligation to import by 21 December 1952 Stalin's birthday the materials and equipment needed for that program. 2. The meetings of the principal DIA-Metals import officials must deal with basic question, and must arrive at clear and concise answers which can be handed on as definite guides to the entire personnel of Pat agency. 3. The ite4rionferrous rolling material" (discussed in meeting No. 25), for which the demand exceeded the plan figures, is to be dealt with by Harms, since nothing but nonferrous metal: are involved. The present meeting also discussed another point brought up at the xx earlier meeting, -namely, that the DHZ-M (German Trade Center for Metallurgy) has not met its obligations either ? for 1' 1953 orders A r for reparations needs. The Ministry of Foreign and Intra-German Trade must be fully informed of that situation? 4. Import transactions should not be permitted to fail solely because of possible "switcht' losses. Switch losses are to be included in the purchase prices for the time being. = 5. The difficulties in the issuance of shipping documents for intra-German trade were ~5)1~1tfaightened out. romised to issue shippin~cuments re ardless of. the type of ? commodity involved, up to mi lion VE (clearing units The agreement2)Mhe; on this point means that the GDR can oncl ode further contracts lin Agreement but for ? critical materials only (because of t o" Mitations in the clearing agreement). No orders will be placed for pig iron and structural steel in order to leave snffieient leeway for ordering critical materials. Additional contracts for approximately 8 million VE are to be concluded,. The DIA-Metall offices must make every effort to get speedy deliveries of materials ~5Xdsritracted lsoAtihe need for the ma d is urgent they sY2l.1Abe arG of credit requested njustified at canceieu.. 1 1 0 : : ; ..,y -- -- be eliminated,-- Two officials are f ,.-. Berlin to speed up deliveries to East Gera O. A C:Vilul-.tau waa vuaav~~ .+~ .. meeting to use the services of this shz er who enjoys GDR confidence, for fob shipments and Lao through the firm, p to shi rs li e if supp tr advise c h 5 t .-. t j - l fforeign language documen o e ease 200 /09/ ~EEEMW SECRFaI'~ ?~, ice V to achieve the c ange 7, One fnu Vietsch was pqt in charge of reorganizing Import Off over from geographical to functional organization. 8, Gruenig (fnu) and fnu Bauer are to go to Prague for the following purposes: to speed ul, delivery of goods contracted for 1952; to try to place orders for bottheneck materials for 1952 delivery if possible; to come to an agreement on specifications for 1953 orders and to set exact delivery dates. 9. Fnu Klopp and fnu WJiegand will go to Moscow and fnu Danz to Poland. 25X1A The officials mentioned in 8 and 9 above must be furnished with full information for the conducts of negotiations before their departure. is available from CIA Library, shipper same not give. It was recommended at :CIA- A H R1 , 9. 0 11 , 1,1mber 1952 , l _, t3N?? _ _ L9 L) t fi K FORM ENO. ~ Approved For Release 2001/09/044 CI'-RDP83-00415R01iM669000 INA{I E1L~~1F~1 61A~ CLASSIFICATION CITE T { LL AX G SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Minutes of DIA-Metall Import Officials I Meeting REPORT NO. CD NO. DATE DISTR. 9 December 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (4 pages) (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. a The attached report on the staff meeting of the Import Section of DIA-Netall, is forwarded to you for retention, _ Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00415RO13600090001-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00415RO13600090001-0 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00415RO13600090001-0