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Approved For Release 2002/08/15 T 0N4- Zoa 15R012000160010-9 CLASSIFICATION ' lai 11 :.r . .? tJ 1r' ix Sl> L 1 ! CENTRAL IN`CELDGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone )Austria SUBJECT Surve,. of OB Situation of the Soviet Ground PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Forces and the German Volkspolizei 25X1A THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WETRIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IB. SECTIONS 798 ATION OF ITS COWT ATS TO OR RECEIPT BY AM UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW TEE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SVURCE 25X1X OD NO. DATE DISTR. 25X1A 3 July l>2 NO. OF PAGES 12 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1A 1 (~ pages) on ditto) THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The strength and organization of the Soviet ground forces in the Soviet- occupied countries of Burope has not changed since the middle of Maly 1952. The divisions in the Soviet Zone of Germany which moved to the troop training grounds in April 1952 prepared their quarters in mid-a4!ay 1952 prior to the start of training, Individual units were observed moving to the training grounds for long-term suer exercises during the first half of a'ayo A comprehensive reorganization of high Soviet nand posts and units was carried out, in the area south and vast of Berlino The fact that this measure also affected the Iiq. MFG which, since 1945, had been perma- nently stationed in the eastern sector of POTSDAU, leads to the conclusion that these transfers must have resulted from Crowing, pol:Ktical tensions. ..Iovrever, no signs indicating the preparation of an armed attack by the lussians in the near future are discernible0 GERMANY. Order of Battle 1@ ith the exception of local movements, no changes occurred in the general OD as was learned from reports received during the period from 1 Nay to 1 June 1952. 25X1 2? a? GIQ Units of the Group of Occ 2ation Forces Germany (GOFG)m. 56th .Motor .Trans Regt An -Mar fle ;t 36th Pon :fridge Iegt 11q IV Arty Corps 65th 1:lort Brig (us) 10th Now Arty 11rig; (US) TOP SECRET CCSDAT"I B; IWDoURG .MiGDE:a3URG RAmlI1 11GJ I AT11k;I of RAT 1EIiO 1 27 LIay 7 May 10 Lay 25 April may 19 May 25X1 B STATE NAVY ,t rISR6 DISTRIBUTION ARMY FV: AIR u FBI CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2002/08)14 ?CfA 00415R012000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 Available Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15TIW 15RO12000160010-9 34th Arty Div ( US ) 30th Gds Gun Arty Brig 4th AT Arty Brig (US) Hq 2d Ods AAA Div ba Eighth Guards Arrrr0 43d (Gds) Army Arty Brig 19th Ode Engr Dn IIq XXVIII Gds Idtz Rifle Corps It 39th Gds Litz Rifle Div 112th Gds LItz Rifle neat 117th Gds Ilts Rifle Regt 120th 'Oda Utz Rifle Re t 15th Oda?) Tank 51" Regt 93% AAA Bn (us) IIq 20th Gds i.tecz Div 68th Gds Hv Tank 5P Regt(US) 172d Ods Utz Rifle Reet 174th Ode tItz Rifle Re ,t 932d AAA I (us) Hq 21st Gds Men Div 68th Ods d:ecz fegt 70th Gds i ocz Regt 28th Oda TArnk Refit c o Third Shock Arryp 136th Gda *IIv Tank 5P Regt Hq 207th, IMtz Rifle Div 136th Gun Arty Regt 115th flaw 'arty Re(;t 55thh Liecz Regt 120th Mtrcl ?3n POTSDALI POTSDAM RUEGEN area POT ;DAM AL TI;NBURG lEIL7AIR- BUCIM- IN,ALD RUDOLSTADT OIIRllxiUF PLAUEN II NINGEN OISDRUF OJ1FDRUF OURDItUF JENA JENA G THA ~VEISul?I:FELS NAUMBURG IIALLE IIALIE I{ALLE BURG STENDAL SCI/ERIN ?) ;CILaFrIN ,.ai tt, sy1t.102 FEW.UBERG 25X1A 11 May 25X1 B 13 April may 15 April 10 May 25 April 5 May 31 March 4 April 9 April 16 ! .%y ... 12.33. April i1 7 February 25X1 B 3.April 25 April 16 May 16 r1? 25 April. 20 March 22 March 22 March 12 May 5 Apr it 5 April February 12 March 4u J~pr" 9 R`ay 9 May 25X1 Approved Fob~-- F elea ~,e. ,002/08/15 : (tI/ 4kDF83.0:0415R012000160010-9 NP ot Approved For ttelease 2002/08/f I TOP Si CRET/ d0 First Guards P echanized Ar-nV. Hq 8th Gds Mecz Div Hq 9th Tank Div ]Iq lath Gds Tank Div a? Sacond Guards Mechanized Army Arc r Hiq 2d Light Arty Brig (US) llq, 9th Ode Tank Div 33d Ode ',',Its fifie Regt 126th olds UL An f 12th Ods Tank Div 48th ads Tank Regt 19th ads Tank Regt 66th Gds Tank Regt 71st Ode Iiv Tank SP Regt 226th Mort Regt 87th (?) Ron Iii 59th Tank Tng Ian (US) Fq lst Necz Div ?m Third Guards Mechanized Arw6 Array 1Iq 91st Ode RL Iiegt ltq 14th Ods iecz Div- 49th Gds Metz Ilegt 10th Tank Regt Slat Ode Tank Regt Iiq 7th Gds Tank Div Hq 9th Metz Div Fourth Guards t eciaa . a ?e:c 35th Gds L ecz Regt 93d Tank heat Approved For Release 2002/08/ l r CI TOP 0415R012000160010-9 Gi A RIEE$A XL TZSCIIE 11 April 1 April 13 April 25X1A 25X1B FUE,R; TEN'- BERG Or ' sII NBURO IMUSTRTTTZ PASE'k'/ALK NEU3TTRELIT7. NEURUPPIN IJEURUPPIN NEURUPPIN NEURUPPIN NEU'RUPPIN IwEURUPPIN NEUI3UPPIN NEURUPPIN DOE.IRITZ DUET BOG LUCKS, MIALOE JUETERBOG JUETERBOG JUETERBOG WIT`SF'.NB:RG ROSSLAU COTTBtJS 12 Apr i1 Zit April 4 April 29 March 13 April 29 April April 29 April 29 April 29 April 29 April 29 April. 29 April 7 May 28 May 20 April 25X1 B !t May 4 May 4 May 20 February 24 April 25 April BLRNAU 14 May BAD FREIEN- 6 April JALDE (?) 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 TOP S12H,1,Tr `SECRET 25X1 B 82d Gds Iiv Tank OP Regt 34th Tank Trig Dn iiq 7th Gds Mecz Div 25th Gds I-leas Regt 57th Gds Tank Regt 814th Gds IIv Tank SP Regt 122d Ods Engr Bn 111th Tank ReC:t 162d Tank Regt 53d Pltrol Bn An Tank Tag Ian of the 25th Tank Div Hq 10th Gds Tank Div 29th Gds ".1tz Ztiflo Itegt 359th ads AAA Rogt Reass iinment of Pos ts. 25X1A EBEflS~:ALDE 29 March BERNAU 14 May FUF3PwTETTi;AI,DE 16 May FIiAlIIcFuRT/0der 21say FUMID T;T/Oder 2 May Fru NKFURT/Oder 2 Lay FUERSTEIMAIAE 14 April 08tH; II NBURG BANIENBURG ORAr1IENI3URG 214 April 24 April 14y ORANIENBURG K'rampnu z Krampnitz Krampnitz 114 ?Uy ' 3.14 April 114 April 15 February 3. A large-.scale reshuffling of Soviet headquarters, offices a units began in the area south and west of BERLIN on 22 May 1952, and has not been completed, The following observations were made: a. The headquarters and headquarters units of the Third Gda Mscz Army from WMSDORF, predominantly from the ?anzertruppenschule, were transferred to JULTIMM-Neues Lager. The 14th AT Arty Brig (US) of the IV Arty Corps which had hitherto been stationed in JUETERBOG- Nati2 Lager was transferred to Ruegen Island at the beginning of May 1952. a~ It is undetermined whether aria troops of the Third Gds Mocz Army were also involved in the transfer to the JU RBOG area, b. The officers' school of the GOFG, I I was transferred from 25X1 B the Hindenburg Kaserne in t+U MSDORF to the Kriogaschule in POTSSDAM B(",IISTEDT. c, The 56th Motor Trans Regt of the GOFG, was transferred 25X1 B from the Canbrai Kaserne, dMENSDORF., to the barracks installation in POT&DA M-WILDPARK-.JEST. The latter installation had pre-idously quartered a brigade of the 314th Art Div (US) which has been at ALTEMGRAI3Q/1 for field exercises since the end of April 1952, It is not known which unit Yd11 use the installation as permanent quarters. d,, Components of the 62d AAA Div (us) of the Third Oda blecz 1j. W, , which had hitherto been carried. in the Lutz Kaserne, +i'UFIISIDC1F, and whose bate: rAes were .r.apl.xced around the entire bill tip; area in are believed to have moved to a troop training grounds as on 27 May 1952, a troop shipment was reportedly going from UUI NSDORF to 1,1, L: It is conceivable that elements of the division tempo- rarily moved to the area of the LETZLING HEATH, TOP 5ECI' T, Approved For Release 2002/ I41 R[P83-004158012000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R01200016O010-9 TOP SECRl+;T1 25X1A 9. A motor vehicle and tank repair shop with its machinery possibly remains in the Panzertruppenschule, :,UEM;DOflFa No information has been obtained on the shipping of reprdx shop equipment which ~-' had been procured and inutalled a[nid considerable difficulties only several months previously, Orly the Soviet personnel moved to the area of the Stanmlager Z(JSSEIT at the end of May 1952" The quartets which becar vacant as a result of the reshuffling pro- gram, with unidentified units also moving out from the Stammlager ZOSSEN toward an undetermined direction, have been occupied by the Hq and offices of the GOFG from POTSDAM and BABELS URG since about 25 May 1952, The offices invol.zed apparently are offices of the GOFG in the Kriegsschule and the Ruinenberg Kaserne and offices of the Chief of Rear Services in the Adolf Hitler Kaserna. The new quarters in the 1V tT I SD(RF 05SFII area of these offices have not been determined; hm,rever, it can be assumed that the command posts from BABELSBE20 will be housed in the Pan zertruppenschule which is the most suitable installa- tion. The transfer of the Hq G%'G %hich had been in the BABUSBERG restricted area since 1945 and, most probably, the transfer of still other offices of the GO~FG in POTSDAL is undoubtedly the result of growing political tensions. It is believed that the former location of the Hq, GOFG ,at the border of the American sector was deemed inappropriate in view of a possible plan to close the border of West Bi;n,LIHL The reconditioned barracks installtdons in e+UE NSDW are suitable as new quarters. The fact that the Hq and headquarters units of the Third Oda Mecz Army mid the large repair shop had been transferred to the barracks installations in y'J IISDGCF in December 1951 and officers' courses were s till con- ducted there in the summer of 1951 seems to prove that the reshuffling of offices and units had not been prepared long in advance. Train and Field ;Exercises. ). Division Training. The main movement to the troop training grounds of the majority of the combat divisions was completed by the end of April 1952. However, some individual troop shipments arrived behind schedule. As had been antici- pated, about one third of the 21st Gds Llecz Div moved to the new troop training grounds at LOSSA north of WEIMAR as late as 5 to 10 May, Further components of the division will probably follow after the nece *- sary quarters have been prepared. As in 1951, the Troops started indi- vidual training and training at group level at the troop training grounds after the preparation of their quarters in May, The following additional information on the occupation of, and the training at, the troop training grounds supplements the previous analysis. a~ a. Eighth Guards Array Area. O11MMUF. Hutment, and tent camps in the area north of CIZA:jINKEL, the Alto Lager northeast of OIIRDRUF and a hutment in the area of TIPPEROflA were occupied to capacity in mid-z.lay. Most of the motor vehicles belong to the' 20th Gds Llecz Div and the 39th ads Litz Rifle Div carried there, I IMDTel In said-b ay, the cal p) e t of IJAIT A was occupied to capacity while Camp KINDEL, situated northwest of the former, was only lightly occupied. Iiowover, the arrival of prefabricated barracks sections tends to indicate that further quartering facilities are to be established. Training activity there predominantly included in- struction on tanks and artillery pieces. and tank driving practice. Approved For Release 2002/0$L1 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 TOP ~~'CP.*' E r r .F Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 TOP SLCflL T( SECRET A small-scale field exercise was held involving the employment of smoke screens. The majority of the motor vehicles observed belong to the 57th Gds Litz Rifle Div and some to the corps troops of the XXIX Ods tats Rifle Corps. b. Third Shock ,Army r Area. LLTZLING IIF'ATH. Camp PLATIKEN and Camp BORN appear to be occupied to capacity by units of the 7th Gds Tank Div and, possibly, elements of the 19th Ode Mecz Div from W.GDEBURG. Besides motor vehicles of these two divisions, individual vehicles of the 9th Mocz Div and the 136th Ods IIv Tank SF Regt of the Third Shock ArrW also appeared until about 10 May 1952. Cis the 10th Gds Tank Div used ?OLMIRSTLDT and COLBITZ as detraining stations, elements of the division are carried in Camp DOLLS. Caaps occupied by hitherto unidentified units in the northern section of LrTZLIID 1II!aATI1 apparently include a camp south of IIOTT NDt ', a new and laver canp in the area of I3ARRTERE ZIETTAU, which was established in the winter of 1951, and a tent camp south- west of LETZLIT L I. It is possible that, about 22 May 1952, the first large-scale field exercises involving several units including G-15 units were held in the area bettircen DMII PlMMI and " UMIDLEBEN. Motor vehicles observed tyre during that period included vehicles of the 7th Gds Tank Div, the 19th Gds Meez Div, the 31st AAA Div and headquarters troops of the Third Ode LTecz Arrgr. Other repots indi- cated that one camp each was under construction in the area of J R"V1 ITZ and ZICIITAU near KLOETZE, northwest of OARDEI i1M. ''1ITTT>TOCKO supplementary information revealed that components of the 18th Mocz Div moved from their three garrisons in 38. shipments to the WITTSTOCK troop training gr, r;unds during the period from 10 to 17 April. 1952, They were confirmed there until the middle of May. No special training activity was noticed. c. First Ods Piers Army Area. KOENIGSBRU3.K. Prior to 7 May, most of the motor vehicles observed in the area of the troop training grounds belonged to the 8th Gds MMaecz Div and the 11th Gde Tank Div. Cn]y in isolated instances did vehicles belong to the 9th Tank Div. Field exercises could not be observed as the training area was strictly cordonned off. However, artillery fire was heard almost daily from the training grounds . ZE fp No infoniation has boon Obtained directly from the troop training grounds. however, signal troops of the 9th Tank Div constructed tele- phone lines in the area south of BAD LIEDEIG RDA. during the period from 9 to 14 Mj 1952, and therefore it is possible that at least elements of the division were at the ' E ITIMIN troop training grounds which is situated south of BAD LIBBI;IMBEDA at the beginning of t,eay. Second Gds 1:2ecz Arc r' Area. Because this army lacks an army training grounds as is available to the other armies, the divisions and headquarters troops are forced to rotate their units to small training grounds in the army area as some of them had done in the preceding years. Most of these camps are in 25X1A TOP ;""CIIEM Approved For Release 2002/08/15,: CIA-RDP83-00415R012000160010-9 Mfr ~"_ K V 4, Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 h TOP i::,CnEaT, f 0 P& SY the area of NEU5 L ITZ. Iiutments and tent camps west of the town as far as M'ueritz Lake observed occupied until mid-May 1952 in- clude a tent camp in the area west of ZIERKE, north of NEUSTRELITZ; a new hutment in the Peutache Forest, east of the NCUSTRELITZ- PENZLIN road, which was occupied by components of the 2d Light Arty Brig (US) of the Second Gds '. ecz Army in (ANIENBURG at the beginning of 1Tay 1952; an old hutment under reconstruction in the area of PRIESTPRBACK, 2 km south of SPECK; and a tent camp along the PRIG, STl BACK-SPICK road. Another camp is apparently located in the area south of NEUI1 AIJDEP1BURG, It was occupied by the unidentified Gds IUv Tank SP fegt of the 9th Gde Tank Div, until the and of April. At the beginning of May 1952, the 234th T,Iort legt of the division moved in, allegedly for a period of eight weeks. As in 1951, the 12th Gds Tank Div with most of its units conducts. its summer training in the area north of TTEURUPPIN,, while, this year again, the 1st rlecz Div trained several times in the area around NEUSTR1 LITZ. e. Third Gds Lleez Area W==??==,M0RF The units of the 6th Gds Tank Div were in Camp ;J tD r,.-IWXJMEORF at the beginning of May 1952, Rear details sere left at the posts. No information on field exercises and the training program planned has been available. WEISStiIAS5I:R; Camp T30CYTN was occupied to capacity by elements of the 9th ? ecz Div until 10 May. So far as could be learned, the training involved record practice with heavy machine guns and tanks with live ammunition on an AT artillery range, close-combat practice in trenches under combat conditions, and aiming practice with artillery pieces and tanks on the terrain. Fourth Oda I,ipcz Army Area. 25X1A TM. TLIN. rrrrrwrwr+wa - Although the troop training grounds were heavily guarded, it was deter- rain d that Camp VOGEA.5ANdG and UL 5PRIPNG were occupied to capacity by headquarters troops of the Fourth Gds IZeez t1rray and units of the 25th Tank Div and the 6th Ods u cz Div until the end of T UV Camp liarmiolspring was enlarged and near firing ranges for rifles, machine guns and pistols were established immediately after the troops had arrived. The troops in the camp participated in physical exercises,, theoretical instruction, close-order drill and maintenance duty on weapons, enuip:iont and vehicles until tie middle of lay. Training with rifles and light machine guns at group level was conducted on the terrain. Both camps were alertod on 26 May. These alerts were pre- sumably for practice only and of a type which had also been observed at various troop training wounds last year. LIl?.IDER05E The units of the 7th Gds Mecz Div which had moved to the LIEI3EROSE troop training grounds from their posts in mid-April., were still at the training grounds about 15 May 1952a Sixty low temporary wooden buildings which would replace the emergency quarters used in 1951 were under con 3truction in Carip JAf,%ITZ. No major field exercises sera conducted prior to the niddl,e of May. The daily routine of the troops, at that time, predominantly included instruction on arms, infantry drill, TOP ;:,ECl4^T f " Approved For Release 2002/08/15 " OIA-RQP:83O0t415R012000160010-9 Approved For` Release 2002/08 'J,-00415R012000160010-9 D political indoctrination and maintenance duty on weapon, and vehicles. Further. training included close-bombat practice,, aiming and loading practice and subcaliber firing from revolving tank turrets at a target ranee, Troops vwere repeatedly instructed on a miniature area which was 80 x 100 asters, One small-scale night practice was held, pectal Exercises. 50 25X1A a, Artillerg? The three brigades of the 6th Arty Div from- RATI-iENO I, including the 10th Harr Arty L3r3,g (US) which loft ItATI ENOVI betvroen 15 and 19 I,iay were at ALTB RABC ( in about mid-May 1952. Two brigades of the 34th Arty Div (US) from POTSDAFI. were still at` the troop training grounds about mid-:;ay 1952, Other units determLned there on the basis of transportation reports and vehicle number analysis include components of AAA units of the 19th Gds I;ecz Div, the 9th Gds Tank Div, the 57th Gds Litz Rifle Div, and the two area artillery brigades of the Eighth Gds Army permanently stationed in ALTENBURG? b, AA Artily Prior to 16 Play 1952, only vehicles of the 13th W Div and the AAP regbaent of the XXVIII Oda Mtz Rifle Corps were identified at the '/USTROY AAA range, However, as no indicatior:t are available that AAA units were shipped to or from the troop training grounds during the period under review, it can safely be assumed that the occu- pation at the range has not changed from that observed in April. *.. c. liner Troops. The main training center of the majority of the engineer troops in the Soviet Zone of Germany is on the Elbe River between .-ITT OMERGE and RIE3A as in 1951. The units stationed in this area since mid- April and the beginning of May respectively are distributed as follows s BITTKAU areas Components of all engineer units of the Third Shock Army AKEII_BRi.:ITEN HAGEN areas Unidentified engineer regiment of the GOFG from BEJ NBURG ROSSLAU area: 36th Pon Bridge Refit of the GOFG from DAGDEBURG Area east of Y(ITTuNBERG: Elements of the division engineer units of the Third Gds Moos Aru4r Area south of IUEHLI3ERRGs Presw-ably elements of the 1st Assault Engr Regt of the First ide Mecs Army from DRESDEN UEBIGAU. Components of the regiment constructed a pontoon bridge across the Neisse River in GOER- LITZ at the end of April. There ar? vague indications that the bridge was dismantled again on 14 '%yo TOP SECRET, Approved For Release 2002/08/15, IA-REOP83-g0415RO12000160010-9 Approved For Ffelease 2002/0 : CIA-RDP,83-00415R012000160010-9 SECRET TOP ;aBcft el Components of the 19th Oda Engrr Bn of the Eighth Gds Army and of the three engineer battaliosn of the XXIX Gds I.1tz Rifle Corps have been at the engineer training site of the Eighth Ode Army in BAD KOF; RN since the end of April 1952. Engineer units of the XXVIII Gds itz Rifle Corps can be carried in the area southwest of CRA:!INKEL. The bulk of the engineer units of the Fourth Oda utecz Army was presumably at the T.' PLIN troop training grounds in !:tay 1952. T ineer units of the Second Gds Uses Army moved from their garrisons in NEUWJI,DR BURG, NEUSTRELITZ and the DO', 3ERITZ area to the area of J RICIIO/1 an the Elbe River between 25 and 27 ?.fay 1952. This area had also been used as amphibious training site by engineer troops of this and the Fourth Ode Liecz Army in the summer of 1951. It was learned that small artillery omits of the 39th and 57th Gds Utz Rifle Dive, which had moved from Thuringia to ST NDAL several days prior to 25 Play, were possibly to take part in the engineer exercises. 25X1A During the period from 6 to 12 Lay 1952, the 4th AT Arty Brig (Us) of the IV Art. ,,r Corps in JU ;T RBOG-Neuea Lager was transferred to the BIItGEN-SASSNITZ-PRORA area, while the unidentified artillery brigade of the I,XXIX Titz Rifle Corps in the Nordla ;er, ALTEtNORABOW, moved in part the barracks installation on Liemeler Strasse, . ROSTOCK, and in part to the barracks installation on Uanienstrasse0 A return to J0,TPMB0G of the 4th AT Arty Brig appears improbable as the previous quarters were occupied by the Iiq Third We ?.secs Army at the end of itr 1952. The corps artillery brigade was allegedly to remain in the ROSTOCK area until July 1952. Its it is unusual to transfer an AT artillery brigade to an island where it is isolated, it is inferred that no tactical reasons are behind this operation. The same conclusion applies to the transfer of the corps artillery brigade which was transferred from the corps area. Rather, it is believed that these reshuf flings were made for reasons of training, especially as the new area is suitable for firing, practice at sea targets with live ammunition. Such firing .practiceas had already been conducted in the area of PRORA and northeast of .Y+ ',RITE : UENDE in the years prior to 1949. Rumors among the population that tank units also arrived in the RO:aTOCYi.Vd7RNl , 13E area partly by sea, have not been confirmed to date. ** Miscellaneous. 6. According to information received so far, new Soviet konsndaturas have been established in SEI 'TENBE G, LUCKAU, LU RSN''BURG and IIALCIIIN, L3eckle n . burg since about mid-Ili 1952. The reasons for this measure are not known. i{ow ver, it is known that in 2950 several Soviet komendaturas were dissolved and their personnel sent back to the U.S.S.R. TOP ,",SCIUT T, 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08 1 IgCI`A' l 3-00415R012000160010-9 Approved For FRelease 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 10TOP SECRET 25X1A 8 A total of 4iore than 4 ,.000 new motor vehicles has been shipped from the U,S,S,R to the Soviet Zone of Germany since the spring of 1952@ It appears that most of these vehicles replaced wort.-out vehicles, as only one new block of 1,000 numbers has been observed to date, Numbers of new block were report ,pti 7-- Available i 'ormation indicates I were assigned mostly to the ?d s AAA v 01 Witt IV JWTy a smaller amount of the numbers were allotted to artillery units of the Fourth Oda Mecz E,rny 9. It was determined that, in the course of the last six months, medium tank regirxants received 8 to 12 heavy tanks and the heavy tank regi- ments 10 to 15 medium tanks. 25X1 10, After mid-April 1952, occupied AAA emplacements were observed at several airfields in the Soviet Zone of Germany. Vehicles of the 31st AAA Div were seen at DOF,BDRITZ airfield, vehicles of the 62d AAA Div (US) at JUFTBRBOG airfield, and vehicles of the 32d AAA Div (US) at COTTBUS airfield. The observation of vehicles of the 39d AAA Div (US) in STfiAUS- G indicates that the local air force depot there was also given AAA protection, observed,. since April 1952x, at VIE tNEUCHE!T airfield and, sporadically, also at FI11-,3ThY4A,UE airfield. F- I sequence which is assigned to the unidentified AAA unit in PARCIII14 have been observed at BRAND airfield, is assigned to the unidentified MA unit in BRANDENBURG have been 11. All available information tends to indicate that Soviet AAA units are subordinate to the Soviet Army. Besides the AAA divisions,, regiments and battalions of the various armies and the IV Arty Corps of the GOFG, three other AAA units have been obsorved for a long time in BMIDLNBURG, PARCH. and Z] R S O The assigmnt of these AAA units has not been determined. Motor vehicle traffic from the units mentioned to the headquarters of the fighter corps in UITIEN RG indicates the possibility that these units may be subordinate to the Soviet Air Force,.at least in tactical ratters. Similar observations were made in Austria, where also special AAA units were observed having vehicle numbers in the middle of number series assigned to air force units. Vehicles of these AAA units, partly occupied by personnel wearing air force insignia, were often seen at the IIq of the Fifty -Ninth Air Army, Trans ortation, 12. Operational conditions on the Soviet Zone railroads continued to be e tis- factory in Mayo The number of freight cars claimed by the Soviet occu- pation authority was normal. Goal. stocks which amounted to 304,156 tons on 12 LW 1952, had hardly changed as compared with total coal stocks available in April. The grain shuttle train and motor vehicle exchange programs as .aell as the shipment of uranium ore continued during Maya Another special transportation program through Soviet gone border crossing points was the shipment of about 700 artillery pieces with calibers of up to 766.2- from the U.S.S.R,, to `UERSTELMALDBL This prom I,gra . Bras started in late April and early Nay. Part of this shipment was delivered to the Volkspolizei. TOP 3"CWT, Approved For Release 200210 115 `:'CIA-P, DP83-00415R012000160010-9 Approved For'Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 TOP SECRET; I 11. 13.. The following railroad construction projects were under way during the reported period: a. Reconstruction of the second track on the GUBUN -FALKENBI+ G rail- road line; b. Reconstruction of the second track on the GROSSB EREN.-SEDDIN rail- road line, which continues the southern section of the BERLIN Outer Freight Ring to the viestl c. Improvement of the GUBIEN railroad station in order to ease the traffic burden on the . ,UDX"N /Oder border crossing point. 1L According to an official count of freight cars completed on 31 ;larch 1952, a total of 112,027 freight. care including 2,613 heavy-duty flatcars and well wagons were available in the Soviet Zone of German . 15, In connection with the isolation of t/est BERLIN from the Soviet Zone of Germany, the employees of the Directorate Geieral, Railroads, BIB RLIN, living, in VIeat BERLIN were reassigned to the BERLIN regional railroad headquarters. They were then sent on leave for an indefinite period. 16. As in the previous months, Soviet supply operations, in Ilay 1952s centered on the vehicle exchange program. During the period from early February to 17 May, a total of 4,327 new vehicles, mostly 3-ton trucks, were shipped to the Soviet Zone of Germany. According to a rough estimate, about 2,,000 motor vehicles, the bulk of them lend- lease equipment, were returned to the U.a.S,R. No tanks were observed arriving in Germany in April and ;:ley. After being temporarily inter- rupted in the second. half of April, the shipment by rail of jet air- craft from the U.S.S.R. to Germany was resur*d. During the period from the beginning of this year to 15 YJq, a total of 480 MIG-15s arrived. Due to the increased deliveries of heavy equipment such as motor vehicles, iYeapons and aircraft, the rate of supply shipments from the U.S.S.R. to Germany again increased considerably. In April 1952, a total of 2, 201 boxcars entered the Soviet Zone via FR.IT/Oder as against 1,271 recorded in March. A total of 1,405 boxcars was loaded with heavy equipmwnt. Otherwise Soviet supply.traffic was normal. The increased rate of supply shipments involving heavy equipment was reflected In a marked increase of Soviet intra-zonal supply traffic during the month of April. In connection with summer training started in April, ammunition shipments exceeded tae level observed during the first three months of the year. In April, 321 carloads of ammunition were recorded, and during the first half of May, this number rose to 375. A total of 361, 303 and. 133 carloads of ammunition was observed in January, February and March respectively. German Volkspolizei. 17. Operations to bring the cadre units and schools of the military Vollpoli- set to full T/E strength wore started in early :'fay 1952. It has been determined to date that 26 trains loaded with military equipment were dispatched frc-n Soviet supply installations to 17 cadre units and four ,3ch.oo1sn In several cases, it could definitely be e ytabli;whed that the train.; carried li,_ht artillery pieces, AA guns and mortars. One of the shipments was consigned to the school of the Grenzpol.izei in 50ITU.2-STlAUSEN. TOP SECRif:T Approved For Release 2002/08/1tL-' tlA-RDP83=o0415R012000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R012000160010-9 TOP SECRFTi 25X1A 11. The delivery of military equipment to the Volkspolizei was paralleled by the recruiting of new personnel taken from the 1927 through 1934 classes. Although the recruiting campaign has been continuously in- tensified, it has not had the desired success to date. It is believed that the personnel strength of Volkspolizei cadre units will be raised by about 30 percent in the course of this summer. This process will probably be accelerated by a transfer of rmen from younger classes from non-military Volkspolizei detachments to military cadre units. Haw- ever, it is impossible to bring those cadre units to their authorized T/O strength without passing a universal military service law0 19. Various observations indicate that security measures along the Soviet Zonal boundaries are being tightened by a reinforcement of border police units and other appropriate measures. The isolation of BERLIN is also being affected by similar measures, AUSTRIA. General. 20. 11o new information on the disposition and status of training of the Soviet Argr units stationed in Austria has been received. Order of Battle. 21. Units confirmed by Soviet documnts include: the 44th Gds :ecz Regt, in VINN NL until 9 March; and the 1336th. AM, Regt, ERNEUBURG until 8 February. Trai, 22. It is believed that most of the training during the reported period was conducted in the vicinity of military posts. No troop movements to or from troop training grounds were reported. Cormaent. For further information, see. paragraph Sd. vtnraent. See - " s,__ ot:tnent. For present location of Soviet divisions in the Soviet Zone of Germany, see Annex. TOP 3ZCRE , 25X1 414' ~,a? Approved For Release 2002/08/15 C ~= D -00415R012000160010-9 Approved For Releasea2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R012000160010-9 TOP SJCRET. 11Qmo. '...A= Arty Brig of the XXVIII Gds Utz Rifle Corps 31166th RL?Regt AAA Regt of the "III Gds Mtz Rifle Corps 880th Engr Bn 39th Gds Utz Rifle Div 20th Gds I.Tecz Div Arty Brig of the XXIX Gds Utz Rifle Corps AAA Regt of the XXIX Gds Mtz Rifle Corps 94th RL Regt (US) Engr Bn of the XXIX Gds Utz Rifle Corps 57th Gds Utz Rifle Div 21st Gds 1 ecz Div Third Shook Army 3d Gds KAA Div TOP SLCRET? Approved For Release 2002/08/; 1 -1 X5,4 ` At Ohrdruf (9 May). Probably at Ohrdruf. At tiustrow (16 may) 25X1A Probably in the Crawinkel area. The majority at Ohrdruf (13 May); elements in the P lauen post (2 I.,May) ; artillery detachment of. the 120th Gds Mtz Rifle Regt in the Stendal area (16 flay). The majority in the Ohrdruf. Crawinkel area (13 May). At Kindel (15 May). A?t Kindel (12 May). Possibly at Kindel. In Bad Koesen (22 May). Most elements at Kindel (15 Ixay); artillery detachments of the 172d and 174th Gds Mtz Rifle Regts in the Stendal area (16 May); AAA units in Vlustrow (1 shipment, 26 may) ; other AAA units at Altengrabow. (30 April, I shipment); engineer battalion in Bad Koesen (17 May) Two thirds of the division at the post (27 May); one third or the division moved to Lossa in 9 shipments between 5 and 13 Nay; components of the engineer battalion possibly moved to. Bad Koesen in 1 shipment on 16 May; 11A41 units at :/ustrow (1 shipment, 28 flay) &. Elements entrained in Magdeburg (1 shipment, 27 Ltay). -R1DP83-00415R01 2000160010-9 Approved ForRelease 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 roP SECRLT. MCP ET Grew car AM First Gds Meez Army uus~ 44th Army Arty Brig Unidentified Army AT Arty Brig from Brandenburg 15th Gds Engr Bn 136th Gds Hv Tank SP Regt' Engr Bn of the I Mtz Rifle Corps 94th Gds Mtz Rifle Div 18th Mecz Div Arty Brig of the LXXIX Mtz Rifle Corps 890th Engr Bn 207th Utz Rifle Div 19th Gds Mecz Div 4th Gds AAA Div Engr units 8th Gds Mecz Div 9th Tank Div TOP SECRET- Annex 14MU Elements at Altengrabawr (30 April). Most elements at Altengrabow (20 May). At Bittkau (3 flay). At the Letzling Heath (6 May). At Bittkau (since 15 April). Most elements in the posts (18 May) ; elements of the engineer battalion in Bittkau ( May ). Most elements at Vrittstock (9 May) ; elements of the engineer battalion at Bittkau (3 Nay). 25X1A Moved from Altengrabow to Rostock between 8 and 11.2 May. At Bittkau (26 April). Elements presumably at. the Letz],ing Heath by process of rotation (mic.--May) ; engineer battalion at Bittkau (3 May); individual vehicles at Alten- grabow (20 May). Elements from Magdebur at the Letzling Heath (23 Mays; engineer battalion at Bittkau. (3 J; ay)g? AAA units at .Altengrabow (20 May). Elements probably at 1.11ustrow. Presumably in the area south of Muehlber on the Elbe River (mid-ray); elements in Goerlitz since 26 May (until 14 May ?). Most elements at Koenigsbrueck (30 May). Elements in the Zeithain--Bad Lieben- werda area (14 M'ay); elements in Koenigsbrueck (30 May) ; individual motor vehicles at .Altengrabow. (20 May) . Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R012000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R0120001600.10-9 `TOP SECRET. TOP SECRET llth Gds Tank Div Second Gds Ueez Army Third Gds Mecz Army 31st AAA Div 2d Light Arty Brig (US) Army Engr units 9th Gds Tank Div. 12th Gds Tank Div 1st TMecz Div 62d AAA DiV (US) 199th Light Arty Brig Army Engr units 14th Gds Meez Div 6th Gcls Tank Div 7th Gds Tank Div TOP SE(' ET. LocatIQ.fl Most elements at Koenigsbrueck (30 May). 25X1A Elements presumably in the post; individual vehicles at the Letzling Heath (23 NO); one battery each emplaced at Doeboritz airfield and north of Fuerstenberg. In the area northwest of Neustrel itz (21 ray). Moved to the Jerichow area on the Elbe River on 26 and 27 May. Most elements in the post (until 23 T.?ay); elements in camps north and west of Meustrelitz (mid-May); A.AA units returned from .Altengrabonu on 26 May. In the posts (23 aay) . Most elements presumably in the post (23 May); elements in the Neustrelitz area (since 18 May). Elements returned to Wuensdorf from ti/ustrow in two shipments on 3 June; battery emplaced at Jueterbog airfield (14 May). Presumably still at the post (end of April). Presumably still at the post. Most elements in the post (21 nay); engineer battalion in the area of Ii7ittenberg on the Elbe River (since 2 April). Most elements in Werder.Markendorf (3 May); engineer battalion probably still in the ?aittenberg area. Most elements at Heath (23 TRay); engineer battalion probably moved to the area of Wittenberg on the Elbe River on 26 April (1 shipment). 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/8?1 3-0041 5 R012000160010-9 Approved For I elease 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R012000160010-9 TOP bLCHBT Q Q o fl toy fl 9th T.Mecz Div Fourth Gds 1ecz Army AAA Div TOP SECRET 11th (?) Gds AT Arty Brig Army Engr units 6th Gds Metz Dill 7th Gds Tecz Div 10th Gds Tank Div 25th Tank Div TOP SI.CRLT-. Annex 25X1A LQcati,Qf Most elements at. leissvwasser (30 iTay); engineer battalion moved to Wittenberg on the Elbe River in 1 shipment on 25 April; individual vehicles of the division at the Letzling Heath (9 May); a detachment possibly at Altengrabow (since 23 April). Elements at wlustro.xa (16 Tay); `l shipment from Jueterhog back to Fuerstenvralde on 29 Vay. At Templin (mid-May). Probably in Templin. At Templin (26 t:ay). At Lieberose.(16 May); individual vehicles of the division at . Alten.grabow (20 iJay). Probably at Letzling Heath. At Templin (26 May) o 25X1 Approved- For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R012000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9 Approved For Release 2002/08/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO12000160010-9