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Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Photacolorimetric aralytical methods are finding wide application not only in
processing of food and chemical products, but also in ferrous and nod ferrous metal
lru?gies. In many cases photocolorimetric methods of analysis have many advantages
over standard methods: economy of reagents, platinum vessels are unnecessary,
considerably less operation time is required.
The Ll,-3A Colorimeter is used for estimating the concentration of transparent
solutions by the depth of their colour.
The operation of the instrument (Fig. 1) is based on the property of solutions to
absorb part of the, light passing through a layer of the liquid and on the property
of photoelectric cells to generate electric current when light falls on them.
Light is passed simultaneously through two cups: one filled with a standard so-
lution and the other with the solution to be tested. The cups are placed between the
light source and the photocell apertures.
The amount of light passed through the solution is determined by introducing
an additional resistance.
A 21 c. p. motor car type electric bulb is used for illumination, suitable for 120-volt
A. C. supply through a 6-8-volt transformer.
F13. 1 Diagram of in;tranteni
1 = A. C. supply, 120-volt. 2 - Transformer, 120/6-8 volt. 3 _ , F.
lament rheostat, 3 chin. 4 - Bulb switch. 5 - Bu'b. 6 - Mirror..
7 - Objectives. 8 - Cups with solutions. 9 - Photocells, 10- Va=
viable resistance. 11 - Constant resistance coil. 12 - Galvanonie-
ter push-button switch. 13 - Galvanometer. 14 - Voltage supply
control voltmeter, 15 - Light filters,
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
All parts of the instrument (Fig. 2) are mount-
ed o:7 a wooden panel (1). On one side on the
panel is located a wooden housing (2) containing
the photoc'ectric cells, the variable resistance and
the coil. One housing wall has apertures through
which light passes to the photocells. On the top
of the housing are: the galvanometer push-but-
ton switch (3), the bulb switch handle (4) and the
opening (5) through which the variable resistance
scale can be viewed. The other housing wall is
a hinged door (6) with the variable resistance
disc (7) and control handle mounted thereon. On
the other side on the panel is located a metal
housing (8) containing the lamp. In the center of
the housing (9) is attached the bulb with two
mirrors, one on each side. In the lamp housing
wall are mounted two lenses with diaphragms
adjusted by means of knurled rings (10).
Between the lenses and the wooden housing
two cups (11) are inserted. One is filled with the
standard liquid, and the other with the sample
solution. Ebonite plates are interposed between
the cups and the apertures to protect the photo-
cells from extraneous light. Before operation
these plates are removed and replaced by light
On the left on the panel are four terminals (12).
Measuring range-- from 0 to I .J01%
Zero galvanometer.
2 Yellow light fitters,
Transformer for 6-8 volts
2 B'uc light filters.
Scale reading -- 1 %.
Filarnent rheostat, 3 ohm.
Smoked glass plate.
Scale reading accuracy - I %.
4 Cords with plugs..
2 Ebonite plates.
Overall dimensions of instrument -
3 Glass cups, 50 mm long.
Case mor cups and filters.
343X210X205 mm.
Ground glass plates.
Operatin;- instructions.
Weight of instrument--8.6 kg.
2 Red light filters.
Certificate. Carrying case.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
",S T
Vsesojuznoje Objedinenije
and imports:
Machine Tools.
Carbide Products.
Metal Working Machinery.
Abrasive Products.
Woodworking Machinery.
Ball and Roller Bearings.
Measuring Instruments and Apparatus.
Metallographic, Biological and Medical
Machines and Instruments
Motion Picture Equipment and Accesso-
Instruments and Equipment.
Electric and Pneumatic Tools.
Geodetic Instruments and Equipment.
Metal and Wood Cutting Tools.
Photo-Equipment, Binoculars, Magnifi-
Mechanic's Tools and Chucks.
ers, Lenses, ets.
All enquiries and correspondence to be forwarded to:
Moscow 168, ul. Kuibysheva, 21
VsesojuLnoje Exportno-Importnoje Objedinenije ? S T A N K 0 I M P 0 R T ;;
F o r c a b l e s : Stankoimport Moscow
Phone: K 5-54 84.
Desing and specifications of instruments
listed herein are subject to change without notice.
The "Moskva-2" (FIg.1) Is a folding hand-held
camera designed for landscape, portrait and group
photography, separate sport shots, etc. It uses
a film with 6xg cm, size of picture and may be
loaded In daylight.
The camera Is loaded with roll film, the spool
capacity being 8 pictures; It can be operated either
hand-held or set on a tripod.
The camera Is equipped with a view-finder and
an optical range-finder coupled with the lens
focusing mechanism.
Focusing Is done by adjusting the range-finder
which brings together two Images of the same
object photographed.
The "Moskva-2" Is furnished with a central type
shutter having an Iris diaphragm and giving auto-
matic exposure speeds ranging from 1/,,, sec. to
1 sec. The "B" setting permits to keep the shutter
open for much longer Intervals.
The great advantages of the "Moskva-2" camera
are Incorporated In Its speedy operation and
convenient handling.
Means for speedy setting are provided by con-
venient arrangement of distance, lens opening,
depth of field, and exposure speed scales.
The number of exposures made is Indicated by
figures printed on the film protective paper and
appearing In the red film window.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Size of picture . , . . . . . . .
6 ?. 9 cm
Film spool capacity
8 pictures
"Industar-23" tans:
focal length . . . . .
'1110 mm
full aperture . . . .
angle of field (diagonal)
Lens opening scale - . . .
1 4.5; f 5.6; f 8;
f 16; 122; 132
a second
and "B" (Bulb)
Range-finder base . . . . . . . . . 65 mm
Camera overall dimensions:
folded 48 95 - 165 mm
in operating position 130 125 ? 165 mm
Camera weight - 860 g
18---Sick cover
17-Sack cover locking frame
16-Film window
III.-Film winding knob
20-Range-finder eyepiece
Figs.2 and 3 show general view of the camera.
The camera body is strongly built and handsome in appearance.
Lens and shutter click smartly Into place and fold away as
The camera Is opened and sat to operation, after the button I
(Fig. 2) on the right side of the view-finder 2 has been pressed.
The front cover 6 and view-finder 2 open simultaneously.
I Camera opening button
2 -View-finder
3 Range-finder object glasses
4--Shutter release button
5 Hinged arm
6 Front cover
7 Front cover collapsible support
8 -Exposure speed setting ring
9 Lens opening scale
10 Distance scale
11 Depth of field scale
12 Shutter winding lever
13 Focusing mechanism knurled wheel
14 Range-finder compensator
15 Back cover opening button
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Releas
-e camera Is folded by pressing the hinged arms 5 attaching
Dnt cover to camera body and then by pushing back the
.mera front cover until It locks.
wo bushings one on the side of the camera body and the
her on the front cover allow for taking pictures from tripod,
e camera being set in either horizontal or vertical positions.
he camera front cover 6 Is provided with a collapsible
. pport 7 allowing the camera to be set on a table or'other
at surface.
lie view-finder 2 consists of two lenses fitted In mounting
Ames. When the camera is opened the view-finder opens
multaneously, and under the action of springs, the front and
ar frames are set to operating position.
.he objective is a four-lens anastigmat giving sharp Images
-id ensuring superior quality of the pictures taken. The lenses
-e coated.
he shutter "Moment- 1" is of the between-the-lens type.
lie exposure speeds are changed by turning the exposure
etting ring 8 (Fig. 2) until the Index line Is opposite figure
dlcating the desired speed. Previous to making the exposure
.eshuttershould bewound. This Is done by clockwise turning
5 the shutter winding lever 12 until it comes to a stop.
l-.e shutter Is released by pressing the release button 4 in as
=r as It will go.
he release button 4 (Fig. 2) and the film winding knob 19 (Fig. 3)
-e Interlocked thus preventing accidental double exposures.
-ou cannot release the button until the winding knob has been
^rned and the film advanced to the next exposure number.
200.4/04/15: CIA-RDP83-00415RO11800090004-7
The diaphragm Is positioned Inside the shutter be-
tween the objective lenses and controls the lens
opening. or In other words the amount of light that
passes through the lens while the shutter Is open.
The size of the lens opening is changed as the lever
is moved across the lens opening scale 9. The opening
is smallest when the lever Is at f/32. Each succeeding
setting admits, In a given exposure time, twice as much
light as the one before-f(22 lets through twice the
light of f/32, f(16 twice that of f/22, and so until f/4.5
the largest opening is reached.
Lens opening and shutter speed worktogether, although
adjusted separately, to admitthe right amount of light
to the film.
The figures engraved on the shutter and lens opening
scales show only fraction denominators; for example,
50 Instead of 1/50, 4.5 Instead of f/4.5, etc.
The depth of field Is the distance between the nearest
and farthest objects in a scene wrlch, will be sharp
In the picture. Note that the depth?.of-field Increases'
as the lens opening Is made smaller, or as the distance
focused upon Is Increased.
The camera back cover 16 (Fig. 3) can be opened after the
button 15 (Fig. 2) on the locking frame 17 (Fig. 3) has been
moved In the direction Indicated by the arrow.
The back cover is closed by pressing It back until It catches.
To open the camera press button 1 (Fig. 2)
on the side of the camera body. The front
of the camera will pop out to picture-taking
position. The view-finder opens simultane-
To close the camera fold up the front and
rear frames of the view-finder 2. Press the
hinged arms 5 (both the right and the left
arms are to be pressed simultaneously) and
slightly push up the camera front cover6
until It locks.
Caution. Never close the front cover until
the lens (with the filter removed) has been set
to Infinity (oo) and the range-finder compen-
sator 14 to Inoperative position.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
A great range of sharpness Is desirable In many pictures.
particularly In landscapes. Since most objects of Interest are
at a considerable distance from the camera In such pictures.
no difficulty is usually encountered to obtaining the required
range of sharpness. However, It Is sometimes desirable to
record sharply an object near the camera as well as objects
at an extreme distance. In such cases, reference to the depth
of field scale 11 (Flg.2) will help you set Ions opening and
focus to get a depth of field which will cover objects at both
positions. Finding on this scale on both sides of the center
Index figures corresponding to the lens opening value, you
will see on the distance scale 10 (opposite the depth of field
scale figures) two figures Indicating the distance range at
which the object will show sufficient sharpness.
Focusing the camera In a more simplified manner Is made
possible by using the so-called two-dot system. One red dot
Is marked on the distance scale 10 indicating a 10 rn distance
and the other on the Ions opening scale 9 indicating a lens
opening of approximately t if. Thus, should the "red dot"
setting be used sufficient sharpness of the object will be
obtained for any distance ranging from 4.5 m to Infinity (t)
and the photographer will not have to worry about focusing.
This feature is very convenient especially when taking casual
tourist shots: to snap a picture It being necessary just to open
the camera, wind the shutter and press the release button.
The camera may be loaded In a usual but not too bright tight.
This Is made possible because the camera operates on film
provided with protective paper.
To load the camera follow these steps:
I Move the button 3 (Fig. 4) on the locking frame 4 In the di-
rection of the arrow and open the camera back cover 9.
Break the seal on the roll of film and place the spool on the
supporting pins 1, 2. To do this, Insert the pin 2 into the hole
of the film spool and pushing the spool against the pin bring
It out of the camera until the spool flange rests against the side
of the case. Then, Insert the pin I Into the hole of the spool.
The spool must be Inserted so that when the protective paper
is drawn off, the emulsion side of the film will pass over the
focal frame 5 and be turned toward the lens.
3 Remove the take-up spool 9 from the supporting pins 6. 7,
thread the wedge-shaped and of the protective paper through
the spool slit and unwind the film until the conventional It
markings (usually two triangles) appear on the paper. Bind
the protective paper securely to the take-up spool (I or 1.5
turns are sufficient) and replace It on the supporting pins 6, 7. ANO-A
Exposure speed setting ring ._.
Depth of field scale
Distance scale
Lens opening scale
fright scenes (or when the light Is not bright enough) require
exposures much longer than the measured Intervals provided
on the shutter. For such pictures the "B" (Bulb) setting Is
used. After setting the shutter at "B" the release button 4
is pressed In and held. The shutter will remain open until
you release it.
You can hold the camera In your hands for exposures of
',,,,'.'? or' ? of a second; for longer exposures the camera
must be placed on a tripod or other firm support. In such
cases the shutter release may be operated by means of a
release cable; for this purpose the release button 4 Is pro-
vided with a tapped hole Into which the release cable Is to be
The range-finder determines the camera-to-subject distance.
It is automatically coupled with the lens focusing mechanism.
The distance measuring principle of the range-finder Is based
on bringing together two images of the same subject by means
of rotating wedges. The subject Is viewed through the eyepiece
20 (Fig. 3) and two object glasses 3 (FIg.2).
To racliltate the accurate superimposing of the two Images
in the range-finder, one of the reflecting prism surfaces Is made
semi-gilded and the two Images are thus easily distinguished
as each Image appears In a different colour.
While the Images are brought together the movement Is auto-
matically Imparted to the lens, thus focusing It in accordance
to the distance being measured.
Focusing Is done by turning the knurled wheel 13 (Fig. 2).
The distance scale 10 is engraved on the lens mount and
Indicates (In meters) various distances from the first objective
lens to the subject.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 04/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Turn the film winding knob 11 and engage the pin key with
the slot in the end of the take-up spool. Continue turning
the winding knob to securely fit the protective paper on the
take-up spool (while this is done be sure the upper film spool
is not rotating on Its pins); then close the back cover.
5 Open the metal slide that covers the red film window 10 on
the back of the camera and turn the winding knob 11 until
an arrow or a small hand printed on the protective paper appear
In the red window. Continue winding slowly until the figure
Is centered in the window.
Push the metal slide and close the red window. The film is
now in position for your first picture.
1, 2-Film spool supporting
3 -Back cover opening
4--Back cover locking
5 -Focal frame
0, 7-Take-up spool
supporting pins
8-Take-up spool
9 -Back cover
10-Red film window
11-Film winding knob
12---Range-finder eye-
1 Set the shutter exposure speed by turning the exposure ring 8
(Fig.2) until Index line Is opposite speed desired.
2 Set the lens opening by moving the lens opening lever across
the scale 0.
3 Wind the shutter by clockwise turning of the shutter winding
lever 12 until It comes to a stop.
Caution: Never set the exposure speed setting ring 8 after
the shutter has been wound as there is danger of
breaking the shutter mechanism.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R01.1800090004-7
4 Set the range-finder compensator 14 to operating position.
Look through the eyepiece 20 (Fig. 3) and focus by turning
the knurled focusing wheel 13 (FIg.2) until both Images of
the subject are exactly superimposed.
5 Look through the view-finder 2 -- it shows you what will be
included In the picture.
6 Make the exposure by slowly pressing the release button 4
in as far as it will go. Take care no to move the camera during
the exposure, or the picture may be blurred.
7 Open the metal slide that covers the red film window 18 (Fig. 3)
on the back of the camera and turn the winding knob 19 until
the next exposure number appears in if-.& window. Push the
metal slide and close the red window; you are now ready for
the next picture. Get Into the habit of advancing the film
immediately after taking each picture.
The camera may be unloaded in daylight.
After all the exposures have been made, turn the winding knob
until the and of the protective paper passes the red window.
Then give the knob a low turns to windall the paper Into the
take-up spool.
Open the camera back cover 9 (Fig.4). Push the take-up
spool 8 against the pin 8 to disengage the film winding knob 11
from the spool and remove It from the supporting pins 6, 7.
Seal the end of the protective paper and have the film developed
as soon as possible.
Remove the empty spool from the pins 1,2 and place It in the
winding and of the camera on the pins 6, 7. Engage the slot
of the empty spool with the pin key 7.
The camera Is now ready to be reloaded.
IL .0)
k_-CIA9 0/ t4LO cz~_
It Is quits evident that such a delicate and accurate piece of
equipment as lens requires special care and can easily be
ruined by careless handling.
To get the beat out of your lens take good care of it:
Keep the lens surfaces free from dust and other
Should the surfaces show deposits of dust or other
impurities do not try to remove it by rubbing the
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
General features . . . . . . . . . 3
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 4
Camera construction . . . . . . 6
Opening and closing the camera 15
Camera loading . . . . . . . . . 16
Taking the picture . . . . . . . . 13
Camera unloading . . . . . . . . 24
Care of the lens . . . . . . . . . 24
Camera set . . . . . . . . . . . 25
surrace wan your ringers. You may wipe me surrace
with a piece of chamois or flannel. You may also use
a fine camel-hair brush. In any case it Is imperative
that the surface be wiped very gently.
Never put your fingers on Its surfaces.
Do not expose itfor long periodsto direct rays ofthe sun.
Do not subject It to sudden and extreme temperature
variations, nor keep It In damp or warm places.
Never take It apart yourself for cleaning.
Complete camera set Includes:
"Industar-23" lens,
camera take-up spool,
cable release.
Iristruction manual and certificate of Inspection.
,"Moskva-2" accessories supplied at extra cost
Yellow filter.
Orange filter.
Dark yellow filter.
Case for fliters.
Vnashtorelzdat Order N. 2139
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA.-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
loved For Release 2004/04/15 : 1A-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
nil procure. by
Clr ; u elliq nce Ate
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
4/04/15 C44 =
The "Lubitel" Is a hand-held camera (Fig. 1) designed for
amateur photographers. It uses a film with 6x6 cm size of
picture and may be loaded in daylight.
The camera Is loaded with roll film, the spool capacity being 12
pictures; It can be operated either hand-held or set on a tripod.
Focusing of the Image Is achieved by
slightly turning the knurled lens
Means for speedy setting are provided
by convenient arrangement of dis-
tance, lens opening and exposure
speed scales.
The number of exposures made Is
Indicated by figures printed on the
film protective paper and appearing
In the red film window.
The mirror view-finder allows for
photographing with the camera held
In various positions; for Instance,
lifted above the operator's head or
turned at a right angle to assume
horizontal position, etc.
The frame view-finder Is used for
photographing at eye-level ;this Is
especially convenient when the ama-
teur photographer has mastered
correct focusing by means of the
distance scale.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
proved Fri rt ~l>20~-4~dp~ld~t~~ CIA-RDP83-00415RO11800090004-7
and Is handsomely finished.
The camera is equipped with two
view-finders, one of the optical
(mirror) type, and the other of the
direct (frame) type.
The "Lubitel" is fitted with a central
type shutter having an Iris diaphragm
and giving automatic exposure speeds
ranging from' ,,. to',. of a second.
The "S" setting permits to keep the
The great advantages of the "Lubitel"
operation and convenient handling.
The mirror view-finder having been
opened, a distinct and large Image
will be seen in the light-protective
hood background, thus allowing for
the camera position to be easily
determined when the object has been
already selected or when a new
size of picture . . . . . . . 6 ?6 cm
Film spool capacity . . . . 12 pictures
"T-22" type tens:
focal length . . . . . 75 mm
full aperture . . . _ 11.5
Camera overall dimenslcna:
folded . . . . . . . 9o- 95 120 mm
in operating position 90.- 95 170 mm
"Lubttel"represents a modern devel -
opment of the twin-lens type of
camera. It shows you the picture
before you take it, and Incorporates
many refinements which make
picture-taking easier, and good
'eau its more certain.
It is a precision instrument and
should receive careful and intelli-
gent handling.
This manual gives you quickly and
simply the essentials of camera
Read it carefully.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
AR 10-d-For Release 2004/04/15: CIA-RDP83-00415RO118
Fig. 2:
-rnw w
ng knob; c-Light prytecuve nooa;
3-Front hood panel; 4-Fro nt o 90 warn moms- __ _ _
facturer's trademark; 5-Viewln ens as lens;
7-Lens opening lever $`E`x osue}seec setting
lever; 9-Tapped hole for cable re ease, 10-Shuter
release lever; 11-Shutter windinever.
Fig. 3:
12-Hood., lack, N13 Film window 14-Film window
The distance scale Is engraved on the viewing lens mount.
The divisions on the scale (in meters) indicate settings at
various lens-to-object distances. With the largest lens opening
and the lens set to the stop (indicated by co) excellent sharp-
ness will be obtained at distances ranging from 18 m to Infinity.
The shutter exposure speeds are changed by turning the
exposure setting lever until Index line is opposite figure
indicating the desired speed. Any one of the five automatic
exposure speeds and 'Ito of a second can
be selected.
Previous to making the exposure, the shutter should be wound
by pressing the winding lever down to the stop.
When releasing the shutter the release lever (or release cable)
is to be smoothly depressed.
Night scenes (or when the light Is not bright enough) require
exposures much longer than the measured intervals provided
on the shutter. For such pictures the "B" (Bulb) setting is
used. After setting the shutter at "B" the release lever Is
pressed down and held. The shutter will remain open as long
as the release lever Is depressed.
You can hold the camera in your hands for exposures of
'/,,o, '/ao, or /,, of a second; for longer exposures, the camera
must be placed on a tripod or other firm support.
The taking objective Is a three-
lens anastigmat giving sharp
Images and ensuring, superior
quality of the pictures taken.
The optical view-finder is a
combination arrangement of the
view-finder proper and a ground
glass representing a small circle
in the middle of a biconvex lens
with a hinged magnifier Installed
above it.(FIg.4). The view-finder
Is fitted with a metal light-pro-
teclive hood which opens by
opening Its front panel.
The view-finder should be closed
In a definite order: firstthe magni-
fier Is to be closed and then, In
sequence, the hood side walls,
the rear hood panel and the front
hood panel until It catches.
The viewing lens full aperture
f12.8 Is much larger than that of
the taking lens and is accordingly
more sensitive when focusing.
The depth of field is the distance between the nearest and
farthest objects In a scene which will be sharp in the picture.
Note that the depth of field Increases as the lens opening is
made smaller, or as the distance focused upon is increased.
A great range of sharpness Is desirable in many pictures,
particularly in landscapes. Since most objects of Interest are
at a considerable distance from the camera In such pictures,
no difficulty is usually encountered in obtaining the required
range of sharpness. However, It is sometimes desirable to
record sharply an object near the camera as well as objects
at an extreme distance. In such cases, reference to the table
will help you set lens opening and focus to get a depth of field
which will cover objects at both positions (see depth of field
The table shows that with certain average lens openings and
certain average focusing distances, practically all objects at
distances from 3---4 m are reproduced with sufficient sharp-
ness. These average lens opening (o' f/10) and average focus-
ing distance (c. 8 m) are clearly marked in red dots on the corre-
sponding scales of the "Lubitel" camera. Thus, under good
lighting conditions, the "red dot" setting will give satisfactory
results, and the photographer will not have to worry about
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 CIA-RDP83-0941gR011>00090Q4-7
igs. and 3 s ow genera v ew of the camera.
Image focusing occurs simultaneously on the ground glass
circle and on the film, as both lenses are coupled by toothed
mounts. The nearest distance for focusing Is 1.3 m. Photo-
graphing of objects at closer distances calls for supplementary
Focusing is to be made In the malted circle contra.
Should the Image, that is desired to be sharp, be located at
the edge of the picture, the camera Is to be slightly turned
while focusing, and restored to Its original position prior to
shutter releasing.
The magnifier is attached to the optical view-finder hodd on
the Inside and Is used for critically sharp Focusing. it Is set to
operation after having been pulled towards the photographer.
The hood itself can be changed Into a frame view-finder by
pressing the front of the'hood (bearing the manufacturer's
trademark) back until It Catches. The view-finder Is closed
by pressing back slightly on the rear hood panel.
The camera should be hold at eye-level when focusing and
the object viewed through the square window In the rear hood
panel at a distance at which the window edges "coincide"
with those of the front hood panel opening. The boundaries
of the field of view thus sift shall also be boundaries of the
The camera body Is made of plastics. A receptacle In the
camera side wall fitted with a cover Is provided for storing the
A bushing In the camera bottom allows for taking pictures
from tripod.
Fig .4: 1-Magniier; 2 -View-finder lens with ground glass;
3 Mirror; 4---Viewing lens; 5 Taking lens; 6-4ilm.
The diaphragm Is positioned inside the shutter between the
objective lenses and controls the lens opening, or In other
words the amount of light that passes through the lens while
the shutter Is open. The size of the lens opening Is changed
as the tens opening lever Is moved across the scale.
The opening Is smallest when the lever is atf/22. Each succeed-
ling setting admits, In a given exposure time, twice as much
light as the one before - 1,16 lets through twice the light of t: 22,
11111 twice that of f 16, and so on until 1 4.5, the largest opening,
Is reached.
Each shutter setting with which the camera can be hand-held
also gives an exposure twice as long as the one directly pre-
ceding It. For example, at'/I.o second, twice as much light reaches
the film as at '!....
Now, If you give twice the exposure time -for example, ','.. of
e second Instead of '(i..-the use of the next smaller lens
opening will permit the same amount of light to reach the film:
rw of a second at f11 admits the same amount of light as
?J`,., at f;8.
The figures engraved on the shutter and lens opening scales
show only fraction denominators; for example, 50 Instead
9f4.5 Instead of 1.4.5, etc.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
3. Adjust the shutter, according to
the type of subject, by turning the
exposure setting lever 8 until Index
line is opposite speed desired.
Press down the shutter winding
lever 11.
4. Make the exposure by slowly press-
ing the shutter release lever 10.
Take care not to move the camera
during the exposure, or the picture
may be blurred.
5. Open the film window cover by
turning the cover knob 14 (Fig.3).
Slowly turn the winding knob 1
(Fig.2) until the next exposure
number appears in the red film
window. Close the window cover,
and you are ready for the next
picture. Get Into the habit of ad-
vancing the film Immediately after
taking each picture.
1. Raise both locking springs I (Fig.5) and open the camera
2. Break the seal on the roll of film, Insert the and of the film
protective paper Into the slit of the take-up spool 3 and
fold it. Turn the film winding knob 4 until two or three layers
of paper are wound on the spool.
3. After checking proper tension of the paper, Insert the film
spool Into. the lower film compartment, replace the camera
back, making sure it Is securely closed and locked.
4. Turn the film window cover knob 6 counter-clockwise and
open the window cover. Then, slowly turn the winding knob
until the first signalling marks and later the figure "1"
appear on the film protective paper In the red film window 5.
Close the film window cover.
The camera Is now ready for operation.
4. Remove the spool with the exposed film, seal the end of the
protective paper and have the film developed as soon as
possible. Do not allow the film to unwind from the spool,
or It will be fogged.
5. Move the lower empty spool into the upper film compart-
ment, care being taken to have the slotted end of the spool
directed towards the winding knob.
6. Replace the spool holder and turning the film winding knob
clockwise make sure the spool Is rotating.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
jag-the Picture
and compose the subject on the 9
ground glass as you want It to appear
in the finished picture. A lower or
higher position may be desirable to
get just the effect you want. When
using the frame view-finder hold the
camera at eye-level, so that the edges
of both rear and front hood panel
openings coincide.
Follow these steps:
1. Focus by turning the knurled lens
mount until the ground glass Image
is sharp, or by estimating the
distance and setting this figure on
the distance scale.
2. Adjust lens opening, according to
the light condition, by moving lens
opening lever 7 (Fig. 2) across the
mm Film winding knob _S-T fm
Fit- -=*fndow cover knob.
After the twelfth (last) exposure has
been made, the film protective paper
should be completely winded. Turning
of the knob is sometimes interfered
with when the winding Is almost
completed; however, this should not
prevent unloading the camera In day-
To unload the camera follow these
2. Pull out the film winding knob 4
(Fig.5) and turn it slightly to
secure it in the out position.
3. Swing the spool holder out of the
camera body by turning the holder
tang 2 (Fig 5) towards you.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2094/04/15: CIA-RDP83-0
General features . ? ? . . ? ? 3
Specifications . ? . ? . ? . ? 6
Camera construction . . . ? ? 8
Camera loading . ? . . ? . ? 18
Taking the picture . ? . . ? . 20
Camera unloading . . . . ? . 22
Camera set . . . ? . . ? . ? 24
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
pcppi:icio f1E TERS
Refractom eters are used for measLiring the refractive index (bending
power of the material for a ray of light incident on its surface) and the
colour dispersion of liquid and solid substances.
The refractive index is an important characteristic property of a sub-
stance, as are, for example, the boiling and freezing points, the density and
the rotation of the polarization plane.
The value of the refractive index of a solution is related to the quantity
of solute, i.e. to the concentration of the solution and to its temperature.
Al a given temperature the refractive index rises with the concentration of
the Solution.
In many instances the measurement of refractive index and dispersion
is sufficient for estimation of the quality and concentration of substances
and may be used in place of chemical analyses requiring considerably more
operation time.
Refractometer estimations, with a little practice, take only a few
minutes and require small quantities of the substance (1-2 drops); they are
therefore especially suitable for routine analyses and mass identifications.
For many solutions there are charts giving the refractive index or the
dispersion factor. Refractometer readings allow with the aid of these charts
to estimate the concentration of a solution or to evaluate the degree of its
The refractometers manufactured in the USSR are of high quality and
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Either daylight or a 75-100-watt
electric bulb may be used for illbi-
A beam of light reflected by the
mirror is directed through the opening
on the illuminating or measuring
prism. If the instrument is conve-
niently placed in relation to the light
source the use of mirror may be
Range of refractive indices -
from nd = 1.3 to nd = 1.7
Reading accuracy--0.001
Overall dimensions - length -
248 nun; width---150 mm; height-
323 .mm.
Weight of instrument - 4.7 kg.
Operating instructions
carrying ease.
The PTIY Universal Refractometer
is based on the refractometric prin-
ciple, l.e. on the measurement of the
refractive index of a solution. The
method of measurement depends upon
the observation of the critical angle
for total reflection between glass of
high refractive index and the sub-
stance to be examined.
This instrument is used in many
branches of the food and other in-
dustries where ease and rapidity of
analysis are essential, with the use of
only small quantities (1-2 drops) of
the substance.
The instrument (Fig. 1) consists
essentially of the following parts:
prism box, telescope and upright with
Prism box (1) consists of two
hinged halves and may be rotated
about an horizontal axis by means of
a lever and rack and pinion me-
chanism. The box has two fittings
connected by a rubber tube through
which water is circulated to maintain
the temperature of the prisms at
20?C. For oil testing, the water tem-
perature range is 25?-40?C. A ther-
mometer is screwed into the threaded
adapter (2). The box is provided with
openings for directing light by means
of mirror (3) attached to a swinging
arm. The arm may be adjusted by
means of screw (4).
Telescope (5) is used for observing
the border line between the bright
and dark portions of the field. Screw
(6) on the observing telescope is used
for zero setting and handwheel (7)
for dispersion correction.
The telescope is rigidly attached to
sector (8) which carries the refractive
index scale (9).
The scale reading eyepiece lever is
rigidly attached to the prism box.
Prism box together with telescope,
sector and lever may be turned so
that the prism is horizontal when the
sample is being placed.
The instrument is mounted on
upright (10) attached to base (11)
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Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release-2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
The PJl Laboratory Rcfractometcr is based
on the refractometric principle, i.e. on the measu-
rement of the refractive index of a solution. The
method of measurement depends upon the obser-
vation of the critical angle for total reflection
between glass of high refractive index and the
substance to be examined.
This instrument is intended mainly for labo-
ratory control of food products (sugar, oils,
fats, margarine) and for the estimation of the
percentage of dry substances in solutions on the
basis of sucrose.
The instrument (Fig. 2). consists of the follow-
ing essential parts : circular casing (1), supported
on upright (2), base (3), prism box (4) attached
to casing and ccns'sting of two halves connected
by means of Lange (5).
The box has two titt'ngs connected by a rub-
ber tube through which water is circulated to
maintain the temperature of the prisms at 20?C.
For oil testing the water temperature range is
The instrument is supplied with a thermometer
(6). The box is provided with apertures for
directing light by means of mirror (7).
Handle (8) is used for moving the eyepiece (9)
along the scale (10).
The apertures in the upper half of box (4),
into which light is di: ected when transparent
liquids are tested, are closed by means of a
shield. There is also a shield (13) in the lower
half of the prism box into which light is directed
when dark coloured liquids are under examina-
Plug (11) on the instrument casing is used for
closing the aperture for zero setting.
Compensator head (12) renders the line of se-
paration colourless.
Fig 3 shows path of light through the refrac-
All optical parts are made of high quality
optical glass.
FIG. 3. Path o.T light through Laboratory IeJractometer
1,2 --- Abbe prisms; 3 - Compensator ; 6 - Scale reticle;
7 --- Scale ; 4, 5, 8, and 9 -- Parts of observing telescope.
Measurements are made at a temperature of 20?C to
be obtained by passing water through the box.
If measurements are made at a different temperature
within the range of 10? to 30?C, it is necessary to use
.he `temperature correction table supplied with the Instru-
Range of refractive indices - from nd = 1.3 to nd = 1.54.
Percentage range of dry substances in solution, in terms
of sucrose- - from 0 to 95%.
Accuracy of reading: a) by refractive index scale-
0.001. By using the dry substance scale and conversion
charts it is possible to increase reading accuracy up tc
`-b) by dry substance scale (sucrose) - 0.2%
for solution concentrations ranging from 0 to 50%, and-
-0.1?!o for concentrations ranging from 50% and higher.
Light source-daylight or 75-100-watt electric bulb.
Overall dimensions -length- 178 mm; width-218
mm; height-414 mm.
Weight of instrument-6.3 kg.
Thermometer -
Key for zero setting of scale
Carrying case.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
In laboratory work it is often necessary to cary out analyses in the
range from 0 to 30?4, the reading accuracy required being considerably
higher. In order to meet this demand the PII?I Precision Refractometer has
been developed with a dry substance scale range from 0 to 30'3/c, and an
accuracy to 0.05?/?.
In the case of mere concentrated solutions these must be correspond-
ingly diluted.
The instrument (Fig. 4) consists of a long cylindrical tube hinged
approximately in the centre on a column attached to a cast iron base. On
one end of this tube are two hinged water-jacketed mounts with Abee
prisms. The lower mount carries the measuring prism (1) while the upper
one carries the illuminating prism (2) with the shield (3).
Water may be circulated through the prism mounts to obtain a tempe-
rature of 20?C, which is to be measured by a thermometer arranged in the
lower prism mount. On the other end of the tube is a rotatable external
ring of the compensator (4), index drum (5) and observing eyepiece with
diaphragm (6).
The Precision Refractometer differs from the usual type refractometer
in that the distance between the Abbe prisms and the scale is considerably
longer; the scale divisions are thus enlarged, and it is possible to use a
vernier, which ensures a higher accuracy and at the same time reduces the
dry substance scale range (from 0 to 30%). In view of this, more concentra-
ted solutions must be suitably diluted for analysing.
The scale and drum readings are converted by the use of a chart
supplied with the instrument, into dry substance contents, in terms of sucrose.
The Precision Refractometer may he used in a dark or in a light
room, with, as a sol?rce of light, either daylight or a 100-watt electric bulb,
placed in a housing with 13 >< 13 cm. ground glass.
Measuring range-from 0 to 30% dry
Reading accuracy -- 0.05?/o
Lcnpcth of instrument - 405 tug
Base diameter - 180 mm
Weight of instrument - 6 kg
(;i;rratin insiruclinns
Carrvin!g case
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Machine Tools.
Metai Working Machinery-
Woodworking Machinery.
Measuring Instruments and Apparatus.
Testing Machines and Instruments.
Optical Instruments and Equipment.
Portable Electric and Pneumatic Tools.
Metal and Wood Cutting Tools.
Mechanic's Tools and Chucks.
Carbide Products.
Abrasive Products.
Bail and Roller Bearings.
Metallographic. Biological and Medical Microscopes
Motion Picture Equipment and Accessories.
Geodetic Instruments and Equipment.
Photo-Equipment, Binoculars. Magnifiers. Lenses, etc.
All enquiries and correspondence to be forwarded to:
Moscow 168. ul. Kuibysheva. 21
Vsesojuznoje Exportno-lmportnoje Objedinenije
For cables : Stankoimport Moscow
Phone: K 5-54-84.
l)csing and Speeification%
of instruments
listed herein are subject
to change
without notice.
'ilk Tit sial PTOCtx1e' by
jn elli9 ;nce Agency
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release O~4/0 5: CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
It S R
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
The polarization method is often made use of for analysing certain substances
such as sugar, oils, fats, alkaloids, etc.
For research work, a polarimeter with a scale graduated in angular degrees may
be used. However, owing to the necessity of using a monochromatic source of light
and to the incovenience of converting the polarimeter readings for the determination
of concentrations, the polarimeter has not found wide application in the industry.
With the advent of saccharimeters, the polarization method has found widespread
use, particularly in the sugar industry, due to its extremely easy and accurate esti-
mation of sugar contents' in substances or solutions. The saccharimeter is suitable for
the estimation not only of sugar; but of nearly all polarizing substances, with the
exception of some essential oils.
Saccharimeters are used for direct-reading mass investigation of substances,
as the time required for each measurement is reduced to a minimum.
The, saccharimeters made in the USSR are of high quality and precision.
estimation of sucrose percentage
in solutions.
It can also be used for the
estimation of other optically
active substances rotating the
polarization plane to the right
t 41 1
(11) mounted on the observation
Trough (9) accomodating the
observation tubes is supported
on bracket (7) connecting the
polarizer unit with the obser-
vation head. The trough accom-
modates tubes 400 mm, 200 mm,
and 100 mm long.
The observation head has an
observing eyepiece (2), scale
reading eyepiece (1) and a slee-
ve (3) to be removed for colour
matching. Vernier unit (10) is
located at the back of the obser-
vation head. Milled head (4)
located at the lower observation
head end provides for moving
the quartz wedge and scale by
means of a rack and pinion.
The saccharimeter is mounted
on a pillar stand (6) attached to
a cast iron base.
The scale, vernier and all
optical parts are effectively pro-
tected, so as to prevent mecha-
nical damage and accumulation
of dirt.
The saccharimeter reads di-
or o loth e
rectly ~ rectly in the Ventzke scale,
100? on is scale corresponding
Model COK-1
The COK-1 Single Quartz
Wedge Compensation Sacchari-
meter is a half-sha-dow polari-
meter. It is based c n the polari-
zation method, i. e. on the pro-
perty of optically active substanc-
es to rotate the polarization
plane. This rotation is compen-
sated by means of quartz wedg-
The instrument is used mainly
in the sugar industry for the
to 35.65 polarimeter angular
The scale is calibrated so as
to read 100? Ventzke when po-
larizing in an observation tube
200 mm long a solution contain-
ing in 100 cm3 26.026 grams of
chemically pure dry sucrose. All
weighings to be made in air
with brass weights, the complet-
ion of the volume and the pola-
rization are to be made at 20?C.
The instrument (Fig. 1) con-
sists of the following essential
parts: polarizer unit (8) mounted
on the bracket away from the
observation end; analyser unit
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
FIG. 2 Path of light through Saccharimeter COK-1.
A n a l y s e r u nit: Fig. 2. shows path of light through the
instrument A, B, - Diaphragms; 1 - Observing eyepiece mo-
vable lens; 2 - Eyepiece stationary lens; 3 - Analyser; 4 -
Stationary quartz wedge; 5 - Glass counterwedge; 6 - Mo-
vable quartz wedge; 7 - Cover glass.
Polarizer unit: B, F - Diaphragms; 8 -Cover glass;
9 - Polarizer; 10 - Illuminating lens; 11 - Condensing lens;
12-Observation tube with solution; 13-Light filter of tube
with solution.
FIG. 3 Scale and vernier of Saccharimeter COK-I.
Fig. 3 shows scale and vernier as seen through the scale
reading eyepiece. Vernier readings up to 0.1 scale division,
i. e. up to 0.1? Ventzke are available. The scale and vernier are
engraved on glass plates. Glass scales are more convenient to
read and less sensitive to temperature variations than metal
The pola rizer splits the incident ray of
light in two polarized rays and allows to
pass only the one whose plane of vibration
coincides with the polarization plane.
The analyser detects the displacement of
the polarization plane due to the introduction
of the solution into the optical system of
the saccharimeter.
The polarizer and analyser prisms are
made of high quality iceland spar.
The compensation device consists of quartz
wedges made of special grade high quality
optical quartz.
The saccharimeter allows the use of a
white light source since the dispersion caused
by the sucrose is almost fully compensated
by the levorotatory quartz wedge.
Illumination is provided by means of a
100-watt bulb placed in a lamp house fitted
with a ground glass plate.
The light filter should be used whenever
possible especially, when analysing solutions
having over 40% contents. The light filter is
a bi-chromate solution that fills a special
tube placed between the lamp house ground
glass and the instrument condensing lens.
The saccharinleter COK-I is provided
with a tube 30 mm long to be filled with
bi-chromate solution as a light filter.
Measuring range - from -- 20? to +100?
Ventzke ("+" indicating dextrorotation of
polarization plane, and "-" levorotation of
polarization plane).
Scale reading accuracy with vernier -
0.1? Ventzke. ; I
Instrument sensitivity - 0.05? Ventzke.
Length of observation tubes-100 mm,
200 mm, and 400 an.
Overall dimensions - length -- 770 mm;
width - 338 mm; height - 442 mm.
Weight of instrument - 12 kg.
Observation tubes 400 mm, 200 min,
and 100 inm long (3 tubes)
Key for zero setting.
Screen for positioning of instrument
in relation to light source.
Description of instrument and operat-
ing instructions.
Carrying case.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Model COKC-1
The COKC-l Single Quartz
Wedge Compensation Selective
Saccharimeter is a half-shadow
polarimeter. It is based on the
polarization method.
The rotation of the polari-
zation plane is compensated by
means of quartz wedges.
The COKC-I Saccharime-
ter, in comparison with that of
COK-1, has a scale covering
a smaller range and is intended
mainly for investigation of so-
lutions of lower concentration.
The Ventzke scale is used in
this instrument.
The scale is calibrated so as
to read 100' when polarizing in
an observation tube 200 nun
long a solution containing in
100 cm" 26.026 grains of che-
mically pure dry sucrose. Weigh-
ings to be made in ar with brass
weights, the completion of the
volume and the polarization are
to be made at 20?C.
The selective saccharimeter is
arranged for use with obser-
vation tubes up to 200 nmm long.
The instrument (Fig. 4) con-
sists of the following essential
I --Scale reading eyepiece;
2 - Observing eyepiece; 3 -
Sleeve, to be removed for colour
matching; 4 - Milled head for
moving quartz wedge and scale
by means of rack and pinion;
5 . Closed seat of screw for
adjusting the vernier; 6-
Trough with cover for accom-
modation of observation tubes;
7--Screw for fixing polarizer
Analyser unit: A, r)- Diaphragms; I - Observing
eyepiece movable tens; 2-Eyepiece stationary lens; 3--Ana-
lyser; 4 --Stationary quartz wedge; 5- - Glass counterwedge;
(ii --Movable quartz wedge; 7 -- Cover glass.
Polarizer unit: S. 17--Diaphragms; 8-Cover glass;
'J - Polarizer; 10-Illuminating lens; 11 --Condensing lens;
12 -- Observation tube with solution.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
The polarizer splits the incident ray of light in two polarized
rays and allows to pass only the one whose plane of vibration
coincides with the polarization plane.
The analyser detects .the displacement of the polarization
plane due to the introduction of the solution into the optical
system of the saccharimeter. .
Tile polarizer and analyser prisms are made of high quality
iceland spar.
Supplied at Extra Cost
Observation Tubes
The compensation device consists of quartz wedges made of
special grade high quality optical quartz.
The sacchartmeter allows the use of a white :light source
since the dispersion caused by the sucrose is almost fully com-
pensated by the levorotatory quartz wedge.
By means of a vernier estimations are possible up to 0.1
kale division, i. e. up to 0.1? Ventzke. The scale and vernier
Are engraved on glass plates. Glass scales are more convenient
to read and less sensitive to temperature variations than metal
Illumination is provided by means of a 100-watt bulb placed
in a lamp house fitted with a ground glass plate.
Measuring range - from 0? to 50? Ventzke.
Scale reading accuracy with vernier-0.1' Ventzke.
Instrument sensitivity - 0.05? Ventzke.
Length of observation tubes - 100 nim and 200 nun.
Overall dimensions - length - 480 mm; width - 305 mnm;
height - 401 mm.
Weight of instrument - 8,8 kg.
The saccharimeter observation tube
is made of exact length and is filled
with a transparent, preferably slightly
coloured solution of the substance
under investigation.
The observation tubes (Fig. 6) are
made of glass and furnished in three
lengths: 100 mm, 200 mm and
400 mm.
The tubes have cover glasses which
are tightened at both ends of the tubes
by means of screw caps with a rubber
ring between the cover glass and the
Each tube is prepared with the
greatest care and accuracy and is
furnished with 2 cover glasses and 2
rubber rings.
Observation tubes - 200 mm and 100 mm long (2 tubes).
Key for zero setting.
Screen for positioning of instrument in relation to light source.
Description of instrument and operating instructions.
Carrying case.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Model nr
The f V Glucosinieter is a half-shadow
single quartz wedge compensation polari-
meter used for the estimation of the
percentage content of glucose in solutions.
The Glucosimeter, as all other types of
polarimeter-saccharimeters. is based on the
polarization method.
The instrument differs from usual pola-
rimeter-saccharimeters in that it is provid-
ed with a special scale graduated directly
in terms of dry glucose percentage content
of solutions or other substances.
The Glucosimeter scale is based on a
normal weight of 32.8 grams of chemically
pure dry glucose (weighed in air by means
of a brass weight) dissolved in distilled
water and made up to 100 cni3 at 20"C,
and read in a 200 mm tube at the same
The determination of glucose content in
solutions (glucose is sometimes called
dextrose, diabetic sugar, starch sugar and
grape sugar) is used mainly for medical
The instrument (Fig. 7.) consists of the
following essential parts: polarizer unit
(8) mounted on the bracket away from the
observation end; analyser unit (5) mounted
on the observation head.
Trough (7) accomodating the observation
tubes is supported on bracket (9) connect-
ing the polarizer unit with the observation
head. The trough accomodates tubes
100 mm and 200 mm long.
The observation head has an observing
eyepiece (2), a sleeve (3) to be removed
for colour matching, and a scale reading
eyepiece (1).
The vernier unit (6) (for zero setting) is
located at the back of the observation
head. Milled head (4) located at the lower
observation head end provides for moving
the quartz wedge and scale by means of a
rack and pinion.
The Glucosimeter is mounted on a pillar
stand (10) attached to a cast iron base
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15: CIA-RDP83-001510't10941304-7
rays and allows to pass only the one whose plane of vibration ~`
coincides with the polarization plane. 1
The analyser detects the displacement of the polarization
plane due to the introduction of the solution into the optical
system of the instrument.
The polarizer and analyser are made of high quality iceland
FIG. 8. Path of light through Glucosimeter HI'
Analyser unit: A, B - Diaphragms; 1 - Observing
telescope movable eyepiece; 2 - Observing telescope objective;
3 - Arnalyser; 4 - Stationary quartz wedge; 5 - Glass counter-
wedge; 6 - Movable quartz wedge; 7 - Cover glass.
P o I a r i z e r unit: B, F - Diaphragms; 8-Cover glass;
41- Polarizer; 10, 11 - Condensing lenses; 12 - Observation
The compensation device consists of quartz wedges made of
special grade high quality optical quartz.
Fig. 9 shows scale and vernier as seen through the scale
reading eyepiece. Vernier readings up to 0.1 scale division,
i. e. up to 0.1 % are available.
Illumination is provided by means of a 100-watt bulb placed
in a lamp house fitted with a ground glass plate.
Measuring range-from 0 to 15% of glucose (based on normal
Scale reading accuracy with vernier-0.1%.
Length of observation tubes-100 mm and 200 mm
Overall dimensions - length - 480 mm; width -- 305 mm;
height - 401 mm.
Weight of instrument - 8.8 kg.
Observation tubes 200 mm and 100 mni long (2 tubes).
Key for zero setting.
Scrotan for positioning of instrument in relation. to light source
Description of instrument and operating instructions.
Carryilig case
Control tubes (Fig. 10) with quartz
plates are used for checking the sac-
charimeter scale readings. Those
points of scale for which plates are
furnished are to be checked.
Single quartz wedge compensation
~saccharimeters are to be checked at
least at five points in addition to the
zero point.
Checking at intermediate points is
carried out- as follows: the control
Wale is set for example, at 12?; when
hi zing at this setting the mstru-
rif scale should also read 12?.
,arty, by moving further the con-
_- kkTe tFirough every 5-10?, the
ft alp, fry _Q!JQ1QO? y be
4r c o~tIQ1 of the sacchari-
1T r by means of a control tube:
$.9~TVt%9n .cle at.-zero.
t 2 PTaee_ control tube in trough,
plate-nearer-to analyser.
When polarizing, the scale read
should coincide to 0.1? with the
f._ivgrees indicated on the
=Control tubes are furnished in sets
-of five 1204e, following points: 25?,
tubes are. supplied in cases
Approved For Release 2004/04/15: CIA-RDP83-004A Rti QO O4-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
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Ibis mat rial proc" rea by
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Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP83-00415R011800090004-7
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA=
This Instruction Manual was
prepared to help you make good
Your pictures will be better
pictures right from the start, If
you spend a few minutes to ge
acquainted with your camera.
This manual gives you quickly
and simply the essentials of
camera operation.
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA
The "Zorki" (Fig. 1) is a modern and perfect 35 mm miniature
camera primarily designed for amateur photographers and
It uses a standard perforated 35 mm motion picture film in
length of about 1.6 m which is sufficient to make up to 36 double
frame exposures, 24x36 mm In size.
The camera Is equipped with a curtain shutter and shutter
speed dial for setting speeds from "..th to' th of a second
and bulb (Z) exposure.
The shutter is coupled with the film advancing mechanism
so that the winding of the shutter automatically transports the
film after each exposure; thus intervals between separate snap-
shots are greatly reduced and accidental double exposures
are completely eliminated.
The automatic film counter indicates the number of exposures
The camera Is fitted with an optical vlew-finder and with an
optical range-finder coupled to the Ions focusing mechanism.
Focusing is done by bringing together two images of the same
object viewed in the range-finder field of view.
The "Zorki" Is of small size and light weight, and the pro-
portions of the body have been nicely designed for perfect
balance and compactness.
The camera body Is made of light metal alloy and Is remarkably
sturdy, all exposed metal parts being chromium plated for
utmost durability.
All "Zorkt" cameras are supplied with coated lenses to ensure
the best results.
The "Zorki" may be operated either hand-held or set on a tri-
pod and with careful handling and Intelligent use will give
excellent service and perfect photographic results.
5: C?kQP83-00415RO11800090004-7
1 maniJEji
The dial automatically records each photograph taken.
3-Dial settings lugs.
The lugs are used for turning the picture counting dial,
anti-clockwise and against the direction of the arrow on
the winding knob 1, to the mark 110".
4-Counting arrow.
The arrow Indicates the number of photographs taken.
5-Shutter release button.
The button has a tapped hole for screwing a cable release.
6-Reversing lever.
The lever disengages the automatic cougling of the film
advance and shutter mechanism. When the exposed film
Is to be rewound back Into the film magazine keep the
lever set at "B". While making exposures keep the lever
at advance position.
7-Shutfer speed dial.
The dial is used for setting shutter speeds from 1/x,th to
1/,ooth of a second and bulb (Z) exposures.
Figures 20, 30, 40, etc. on the dial correspondingly Identify
1/ao, 1/so, 1/to, etc, of a second. Before setting the shutter
speed the winding knob 1 must be wound one complete
turn. Setting Is done by slightly lifting the dial and turning
it to the proper position required.
The dial may be turned across the scale Z, 20, 30, 40, 60,
100, 200, and 500, and back; turning between Z and 500 Is
in FIg.11. Besure
the uncut side
of the film is
pressed tightly
against the spool
6. Set the open
camera with the
lens directed
away from you.
up spool (Fig.
12) In the left
hand and the
magazine In the
right steadily
lower them Into
their respective
seats, with the
film Inserted Into
the slit. If the
magazine does
not reach the
bottom of the
seat the rewind-
ing knobl2(Fig.2)
Is to be slightly
Approved For Release 2064/04/15 CIA-RDP83- 415RO118GO 0004-7 .
I ectl G earI (rn
thus tighten the film already rolled
on the spool; this will produce
Always make certain that no
finger-prints are left on the
emulsion side of the film, and
even on the other side, The film
should be held lightly by the
perforated edges.
3. Insert the film spool into the
cartridge with the leader end of
the film In the cartridge slit
(Fig. 7) and replace the cover.
All other operations with the
magazine may be performed in
I Fig. 7
Approved For Release 2U .4/04 15 !5CIA-RDP83-00415RO11800090004-7
Size of film . . . . . . . . 35 mm
Size of picture . . . . . . . 24x36 mm
Film magazine capacity . . 36 pictures
"Industar-22" type lens:
focal length . . . . . 50 mm
full aperture . . . . f/3.5
Diaphragm opening . . . . f/3.5; f/4; f/5.6; f/8; f/11; f/16
Distance scale . . . . . . . 1; 1.25; 1.5; 1.75; 2; 2.5; 3; 4;
5; 7; 10; 20 m, and infinity
1/s,, sec., and Bulb (Z)
Range finder base.-. . . . . 38 mm
View-finder for lenses of
focal length of . . . . . . 50 mm
Camera overall dimensions . 70 x 70 x 135 mm
Camera weight . . . . . . . 580 g
tSki( - t e 11 m /1
1-Shutter winding knob.
Turn the winding knob in the direction Indicated by the
arrow only. One complete turn winds the shutter, advances
the film to the next picture, and registers one count on
the dial 2 at the base of the knob.
Though the "Zorki" film magazines are daylight loading It Is
still necessary to take precautions when loading the camera.
Therefore, all loading operations listed below must be per-
formed in subdued light, and on no account In direct sunlight:
1. Take the camera
in a manner
shown In Fig. 8,
raise the handle
of the lock
(23 on Fig, 2) and
give it half a turn
wise so as to
have the arrow
on the lock point to "open" (orupr.rrn)?
2. Pull up the right end of the base plate (13 on Fig. 2) and
take it off the locating pin (14 on Fig.2).
Putt the take-up spool (Fig.9) out of the camera.
4. Purl the leader and of the film out of the magazine (not more
than 10 cm) and cut It to the correct shape (Fig. 10) using
a trimming guide. It should be noted that no cut is made
through a perforation on the film edge.
The "Zorki" film magazine (Fig. 3)
contains three parts: cartridge,
Fig.3 spool, and cover (Fig. 4). Before
loading the magazine must be
disassembled. To accomplish this
take the magazine as it is shown in
Fig.5 and gently knock the spool
head against a rigid object.
The following loading operations
should be carried out In complete
darkness. unless the proper safety
lights are used:
1. Cut the spool end of the film to
the correct taper and fasten it on
the spool under the spring as
shown In Fig.6.
Care should be taken to have the
emulsion side of the film facing
the spool axis.
2. Wind the film tightly on the spool.
Do not attempt to pull the film and
Dotted line (Fig. 9) shows the position of the film when
properly loaded In the camera.
7. Replace the base plate iFig.8) and tightly press It down;
turn the handle of the lock clockwise for half a revolution
so as to have the arrow on the lock point to "closed"
(aasparro ).
B. In order to pass the film which was exposed to light while
loading, turn the winding knob and click the shutter twice
by pressing the release button 5 (Fig. 2).
Each time the shutter winding knob Is turned, the rewinding
knob 12 (Fig. 2) turns In a reverse direction, thus indicating
that the film Is properly passing to the next exposure. If this Is
not the case the film leader should be wound back off the
take-up spool and the film reloaded into the camera.
ti. Set the picture counting dial 2 (Fig. 2) at "0" opposite the
small counting arrow 4.
spool (Fig. 11)
held in the left
hand and the
loaded film maga-
zine in the right
fasten the leader
end of the film
under the spool
Approved For Raleaseio004/04/156:
The camera may be operated hand-held, set on a tripod or on
any flat surface.
When preparing to make a picture follow these steps:
1. Pull out and lock the lens In position;
2. Set the lens diaphragm ring;
3. Turn the shutter winding knob one complete turn;
4. Set the shutter speed dial;
5. Secure exact focus looking through the range-finder eye-
piece 1 (Fig.13);
6. Look through the view-finder 2 (Fig. 13) and compose the
: C1A-RDP83-00415801480000900
correct way of holding
the camera for both
horizontal and vertical
pictures and Figs. 16
and 17-the wrong way.
The correct combina-
tion of the diaphragm
opening and exposure is
an essential picture
making point. There-
fore, to avoid . any
danger of spoiling the
picture because of in-
exposure and diaphragm
4. Open the camera as
It was described pre-
5. Remove the magazine;
6. Shift the reversing
lever 6 (Fig. 2) to the
advance position and
turn the shutter wind-
Ing knob 1 (Fig. 2).
The camera may now
be loaded again.
The range-finder determines
the camera- to-object distance.
coupled to Ions and Is used
for automatic. focusing. Focus-
Ing Is done looking through
the range-finder eyepiece (1 on
Fig. 13), holding the camera In
a manner Illustrated In Figs. 14
and 15.
A reddish transparent circle
against a greenish background
will be seen in the centre of
the range-finder field of view.
With the Ions set at Infinity.
finity (practically at distances
of the lens focusing lever,
[ever back and forth, while
object in the reddish field are
r RdolewWO2004104/15 : CIA
9QQ~dr7aily press the shutter
release button and make the
exposure. When taking the
picture remember that the
camera must be held steady.
if it Is moved during the
exposure, the picture will
not be sharp. Therefore,
when pressing the release
button with the fore-finger
avoid jerking the camera by
abruptly pushing the release.
Instead, hold the finger on
the release button and gradu-
ally squeeze the button
down. Wherever possible It
is best to use shutter speeds
of'.,th or r?,th of a second
or faster when the camera Is
held In the hands, in order to
avoid any possible motion
during exposure.
To unload the camera after 36 exposures have been made
follow the procedure mentioned below:
1. Cover the lens by the cap and press the release button 5
(Fig. 2);
2. Shift the reversing lever 6 to position indicated by letter "B";
3. Pull up the rewinding knob 12 (Fig. 2) as illustrated in Fig. 18
and turn it in the direction of the arrow, until a resistance
counteracting the rotation (the Increase in effort applied
to rewinding the film strip of the spool) and the cessation
of the release button turning, indicate the completion of
the rewinding process;
-finder, dj&tyjjease 2004/04/15: CIA-RDP83 -0415R01180009 004-7
Complete camera set in
of field scales
When the two images are exactly superimposed the correct
focus has been obtained and a figure corresponding to
camera-to-object distance (In meters) will be read on the
distance scale 16 (Fig. 2) opposite the notch on the dial 19
(Fig. 2).
Should the exact distance to the object be known, the lens
can be focused without the use of the range-finder by setting
the notch on the dial 19 against the corresponding figure on
the scale 16 indicating camera-to-object distance.
The depth of field is a distance between the nearest and
farthest objects In a scene which will be sharp In the picture.
Therefore, when objects of considerable depth or a series of
objects located at various distances are to be photographed
it Is necessary to use the depth of field scale 19 (Fig. 2). This
scale is adjacent to the distance scale and is marked with the
diaphragm opening numbers spaced on either side of the
distance indicating mark. After focusing the depth of field
scale tells you the limits of the depth for the diaphragm opening
you are using. The depth of field runs from the diaphragm
number on one side to the same number on the other side.
For Instance, a lens is focused at a distance of 4 m with a dia-
phragm opening of 16; thus the image to.be sufficiently sharp
within distances ranging between 2 m and infinity.
It must be pointed out that the depth of field decreases con-
siderably as the diaphragm opening is made bigger. Should the
lens, In the above example, be set with a diaphragm opening
of 5.6, the depth of field shall be limited to values between
3 and 7 m.
The 31