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Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 CLASSIFICATION ;;;.~(,, COL - Ua3 a 0:: 'lal_J O1JI CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Russian ?ory ) 25X OBJECT 1. 711'0 TTeustadt: Current Orders; 2. Conditionc at zeiss, Jena i. `?J wl~l CD NO. DATE DISTR, NO. OF PAGES ..c ,o e r 195,'1. )_ f ENCLS. 1. Following is a list of shipments of Russian band steel (Lamelle ndstahl) sent to TL'o'IA Neustadt during 1951. The information is valid to August 1951- 19 January 19E ]. - 10.6 Idlograns 24 February - 75. 3 March 72.4 10 April 50.0 13 May 73. 29 May 30.7 9 June 3 u.2 16 June 44. 27 July 1202 10 Lugust 42.3 5'73.2 ld.logTsms 2. The current 1951 11uscy an reparations contract for niclml wire screen (C: er ITo. :Z for 33,000 square wtera, 7,000 meshes) on which TI.1"1 is now working (27 _'.ukust 1951), will be finished by 25 :3eptc; ibcr 1951. sul?l ie- montc.ry contract calling for an additional 30,1)00 square meters of 7,000---- mesh screen was given to TL,IA in early August 1951, to be completed by ,' e end of 1951. The July 1951 production of 7,000-rash screen by MX1 (not including Daderechrei der and Len-ner, Zoulenroda) was 10,350 square meters, plus 169 square meters of 10,000- aesh screens TE is also working on the following reparations contracts: R52-114103, for 129000 square meter; of bronze screen; R52-14104 for 7,000 square meters of bronze screen; and R52-11.105 for 1,000 square meters of nickel screen. It is not yet 1 own of what mesh these screens are, but they are said not to be made in twill weave. 3. An uri identified o ncutivo (fotriebsleitor) at TI-; '+A-NTeustadt has recently stated that the I :issiaim will probably transfer the screen project to the USSR if nom specialists, flee to .'nest-Gornarrr. CLASSIFICATION ^"C- ;m~cns?TI10. _ T,r- 0T7ICIAL^ 0N1Y $TAT NAVY r SRi3 DISTRIBUTION ~~X_ L_ I ARMY AIR Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS OILY CE11TRAL INTELLIGENCE A(E NCY It. it is reported that on 27 August 195l, Gerhard "iller, the DDR Minister of Machine Construction, paid a visit to the Carl Zeiss plant in Jena in the company of two unidentified Russian generals in uniform. He talked for two hours with Hugo Schrade, director of Zeiss, principally about the research and -development work being conducted at Zeiss by an engineer named Schmidt. Schmidt is working on an invention of his which ieportedly vill simplify the making of weaving combs (VtebeblAtter) for the weaving of fine wire screen. Ziller complained that progress on the invention vas too slow, and ordered Schrade to place at Schmidt's disposal whatever personnel and equipment he needed. to complete his experiments, adding that th.Es invention must be per- fected at any cost, Ziller also stated that Schmidt would get a very generous bonus, perhaps 110,000 DV, if his. invention proved practical., and that all others associated with him in the experiments would be app?opriitely rewarded, Schrade agreed to this proposal and then asked Zillc r why so mnry specialists had recently left the Neustadt nickel wire screen plant. Zi'.ler replied that the Test vas going to all lengths to buy up these specialists, "since it was a question of atoms". Zeiss is working on an order for. thirty diamond dies sor the L?ltA Rothenburg Plant, (1) Fourteen of these were delivered in mid-Au gist 1951. -tnd the remaining sixteen are to be delivered in mid-September, Chernichenkov, Chief of the SIC{ Reparations Division, 1')teilu g :,I, visit Zeiss, Jena, on 27 July 195]. in the company of one Petrov (see below). On this occasion, he made inquiriers as to - the status of the Russian request for Zeiss to deliver to. the Soviet Union 30,000 - industrial diamonds. He was informed that Zeiss had so :. ar been unable to locate a sour;e of supply for the raw diamonds and diamond dust required to fill tie order. In this connection, Zeiss officials had already been informed by Heinz Tyrulf (2) . of the UDR Hauptabteilung Materialversorgung of the IMIAL1, fiat he cannot release the diamonds he has because they are needed for importam prodictioit in the DDR? Zeiss was given a similar answer by Sitterfeld of the DDR Amt ever Reparationen. According to a letter on file at Zeiss, Jena, the plant arranged in March 1951 to sell to Russian F'PN 27301 forty--five microscopes ised in the boring of diamond dies (Ziehdiamantenbohrmikroskope ), referred to in Zeiss catalogues as Z. D, Prltffeinrichtungen. The letter was addressed to FPN 273]19 &irlin- Karlshorst, Marksburgstr. Its. Thirty of these microscopes were (;slivered in April 1951 and the remaining fifteen in June 1951, Palilov, tie Russian. engineer responsible for wire screen production in Neustadt/Orla,tztscussed the above order with Zeiss officials personally in March 195l and tvv several occasions thereafter. FPNN 27301 is the only Rutesian office which pays for its orders in advance, Palilov is also concerned with a Russian oz'c r for 25X1C binocular microscopes for research purposes (Zeiss name "Luniipan"), lrt in this connection always states that the order is intended for GUSI3,1? 25X1 B (Administration of Soviet Property Abroad), in Berlin-leissensee, 8.; SEC +T/C0i1TRCL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL. INTELLICLNCEi AM NCY -3- 9, Sobolev was last seen at Zeiss, Jena, about March 1951, at rich time Rode, chief interpreter at Zeiss, talked. with him(l). Sobolev at that time was interested in an order for thirty "Lumipan" microscopes. Stesnov has also dealt with the Schott firm (laborabory glass) in Jena(5), and with the firm of Hering, in Jena, am Markt 6)a This is a private firm dealing in metal 25X1B goods-. 10Q lip 12. Quartz (spectrographs, which were developed at Zc..ss in 1950, have iv:ver yet been sold to the USSR, but nary have been delivered to the various satellite countries, particularly Poland, Hungary and Chira, 33. In addition to the Amt fufr Reparationen, the a'fico which concerns itself with Russian reparations )rders in the DDR is tea Ilauptabteilung Material- versorg'ung, section for fovernment orders, uncle:, Erich Jazosch. Soviet r-PN-61963 is, strictly speaking, always the Russian customer, but the actual receiving FPN is usual];, noted on correspondence along with 61963, The Abteilung under Jazosch which handles Russian ,rders from Zeiss is headed by Stefan Keller (pres?miably the Abteilung Fei echanik-Optik). Kelle'rts deputy is Gelhaar. Tirolf,, on the other hand, is in another Ilauptverwaltung in the Staatssekretar'.at fuer Materialversorging, called the.Hauptverwaltung fuer Materialversorguig, where he is coneernec. with the DDRts stocks of raw diamonds. The Stiatssekretaer fuer Mater'.alversorgung Is Erwin Kerber, .14. No.part of the diamor.i die department at Zeis3 has bees: dismantled recently., nor is there any tali of such a. move. 150 On 25 July 1951, Jas:marm, of the Verband De?itscher(7) Ko:sumgenossonschaften in Leipzig made an urgent inquiry of Zeiss cn behalf of cup tamer (Bedarfstraeger) 8014 (i.e. GSOV; thr, Soviet Army in Germany,, inquiring whether Zeiss could deliver 15,000 pair,i of goggles for aviation personnel (Flif-gerbril]en) with the following spocffical;ions: 51000 pairs of colorless 85 x 65 Lm; and 10,000 pairs of umber tinted glasses, with 8W absorption. The Zeiso, price is to be 7a38 DL and 1O.52 Dtd respectively for these glasses. Zeiss .Wade. a tenta- tive reply on 22 Augus=, 1951. The date of f:Lnual delivery is to be three months after tie ccntr tct is signed. 16, Prospective Russian pwchasers who have appeared recently at Zeiss, Jena, includes a, Colonel A:)rakov, V',lidimirf from FPN ,7253$ a Soviet airfield in Fuersten- walde (3), visited Zeiss in early August 1951, purpose 'mknow;to SECR'M/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 -Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9 SECRET/CONTROL W U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL ?NTELLIMNCE AGENCY b. Major Nilubin from FPN-07287, 1`uerstexnwalde,, early August, sought to place an order for a large machine-tool microscope. 0. Capt. Pochkarov, FP11-161149 in 111ildau, on 27 July 1951, seeking to buy operations lamps (sic) (Operationsleuchten). d. Lt. Col. Zavyalov, FPN-619639 Potsdam,, Pappelallee, mid-July 1951, general inquiries, Capt. Luyenkovi FPTN-57253, Fuerstenwaidc(8), early August, called with regard to accepting delivery of certain microscopes. Capt. Sergeyev, FPII-23281 from Strausbor ra early August 19519 to accept delivery of polarimeters with circular fii:lds (Kreispolarimeter). FPN-23281 has ordered twelve of these. g. An unidentified Russian official from FPN.-61963 incaircd about the possibility of buying one "Standardkamera't (with btilt in automatic photographic device) for checking metals, and one epidiascope (Gluehiampen- epidiaskop) for enlarging documents. (1) 1ommmnt: This plant is TMIA-Rothenburg, Tecliniscie. Eisenwaxtin, Rothen- as e, ruckschestr.3 formerly Mansfeld AG, 1"terk 5, makers of steel and iron wire. (2) Comment: Has been listed as Heinz Thyrolf. (3) Comment: Has also been reported as Pryodla. (4) Comment: For*description of Sobolev, see (5) Comment: This is the Jonaer Glasmrk Schott und. Gt noesen, Jena. (6) Connnent, 7l(: 1950 telephone directory lists Franz 1L-ring, Apparutebau, (7) ~Com nt: Press bly saechsischer is meant... (8) Comment: 1 is PEN has previously been reported in Berlin-Lichtenberg,, CRET/CONTROL - U.S. OI IC IALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R009200040006-9