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August 15, 1951
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For the Independent United Ukrainian State l
Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA7RDP83-00415R0086001700
USSR (Ukrainian
An Appeal of the Ukrainian Under sound I xi r.3em rs NO. OF PAGES
of las Ukrainian ,ai ;?ratien
We speak to our brothers scattered in many remote foreign countries. Four
years have passed since the and of the Uorld War II. The warm however,
has not ended in the Ukraine. You Ukrainians abroad have had the oppor-
tunity to a.tness the reconstruction of national lives by the nations of
Vestorn Europe and A ricer dnriug the four years of peace., In the,
however, peace does not exist. In the Ukraine the cruel war continues,, the
s ho tings have not coasod, and the fires are not. extinguished. In plants
and factories? in kolkhoz farms; and in privately otimed farms, in schools
and institutions, in the forests and mountains, in the Ukraine itself, s }.d
in remote Siberia and in Kazakhstan,,,the Ukrainian people today stand at
the liberation barricades. They stand bleeding but inflaxiblo, unvanquished
and unsubdued.
W .th. a detestation of onssJ ave w nt, serfdom, violence, and lawlessness, the
Ukrainian people have declared a relentless war against Russian-Bolshevik
Laoerialissn. With a Iaotiwledge of the justice of their cause the Ukrainian
people have risen to the some of sacrifice and heroism. Having taken their
fate into their can hands they have determined to achieve their liberation,
and 'they move restlessly, relentlessly? and foarlessly toward that end.
St ding in the vanguard of they sacred strt:ggle for the destruction of
15 Aug. 1951
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totaalitarianisr..~a,, dospotisrn, and terror? symbolized by the Stalinist TSSR1
the 1.7Icrainisn people poriorris its grout and significant role with courage
cad honesty* Today the krainian people raise their flag with words
beloved by all nations: Pr?edum for nations. Froodora for individuals,:,
In this cruel struggle,, unequaled in history, no Ukrainian man or women
should stand apart. All Ukrawinians, regardless of where they livo, mist
taker part in this struggle. You$ our brothers scattered thr.urhout the
world,, are considered by the embattled Ukraine as a segment of the united
front of our great liberation struGt le. a struggle which exceeds the
frontiers of our national stru?,(,lo and which is of universal significance
to the free world. The embattled Ukraine regards all of you as :.embers
of the groat liberation cause vdiether you servo in .Jostorn L iropo,? in the
A.Lericas,, in Australia., or ann;wvhoro whore oven one 1,krai aian resides. To
your posts of service the embattled Ukraine sends brotherly greetings and
our oncoxarageuont. ho homeland listens intently to every report of what
is Ih:.ap Bening in both the old end the now Ukrainian emigration. the
Ukrainian people in the homeland aro vitally Interested in whether the
erd-,ration keeps pace ideologically ::ith the homeland,, Whether or not it
lags behind the homeland, or whether it breaks down entirely. The Ukrainian
people have the right to require that its emigration does not abandon the
struggle in the homeland? and that it performs the mission given it by
The embattled Ukraine requires first that the ~:krainieara emigration honestly
represent its nation and its liberation struggle to the non.T`icraainian
world, The 'Icrainc ? is now entering the international arena. The serld
knows little as yet of our nation,, and what I?zioaledre the world has is
still dasoure and distorted. To eorroot this condition and to bring the
truth about Ukraine and her struggle too all nations and peoples beyond the
borders of the USSR, is the primary task of the i.'I; ninian oraigratiotr.. The
homeland has helped and will continua to help to mike this pussible
Throa?h its heroic struggle the homeland has created a great asset and
you, the Ukrainian emigration, mast utilize that asset of fectivelj on
behalf of the libor--.tion cause in i iternat&.onaal relations.,
Pate has scattered and is scattering, you into all the countries of the
world, to the most distant corners of the earth., This is not the time to
m-auarmaar against your rzuel fate. You meat turn that fate to the sorvice of
the entire Ukrainian people. You ruast utilize the fact that you have been
scattered en xlg all the peoples of the world to inform the world about., the
Ulcrajtno, the Ukrainian people, their achievements in the !-?"tat, and their
heroic struggle in the present.
Routehber that today every Ukrainian abroad is a representative of the
embattled Ukraine.
Ru.,a a ibor that forei r.ers,, in looking at each of you,, are lookin;; at the
entire Ukrainian people evaluating you, a$e evaluating all our
people. Let each one conduot himself so as not to stain his people and
always act so as to increase their glory, Ask yourself each day: what
have I done; for the benefit and profit of the T7kr:.ino?
You must be bound in spirit as closely aas possible to tho Ukraine, you
rust never forgot that you are bound to the Ukrainian struggle. You rust
not dare to entertain any doubts concerning the success of our great cause1
or the justice of our stru ,gle in the homeland, for with such doubts you
will never inspire your neighbors with faith in the justice of our endeavors,.
you will not inspire in thorn confidence in the success of our stru gle, and
you sill not pain their support for your people,. Tile embattled Ukraine
oxpoet s that the iikrainians abroad will be the ardent exponents of those
ideas for which the i171crainir3n people are fighting
You east enlighten, foreigners as to the nocossity for the division of the
WSR into free national states for all captive peopio; A show the world
that the oppressed nations of the USSR are thirsting; for their own
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independent goverrui nts and have struggled and are struggling resolutely
and courageously to secure that independence* Explain to then that by the
dismomberrtxont of the USSR the interests of all the nations of the world
will be served; for dis berme+nt is the only rxesns of destroying once and
for all the danger of the resurrection of Russian imperialism, which today
in the form of Bolshevism is menacing the entire world. Spread everywhere
the concept of building an international order founded on a system of free
and independent states for all peoples. Only such a system will create
favorable conditions for successful political, ethnic, and cultural co-
operation,, and unity among nations, and offers the opportunity of building
on the foundation of true equality of rights, good will, mutual respect,
and confidence. Only such a system will offer an and to bloody wars w4
can safeguard a lasting peace for the tesrld.
Explain to your neighbors that the Ukrainian people are struggling for the
realization of the progressive ideas of humanity, for freedom of all
nations and all individuals, for true democracy? end for a just social order
in which there will be neither exploiters nor exploited.
The embattled Ukraine expects the Ukrainians abroad to spread tirelessly
the truth about Stalin*a USSR to all the peoples of the world and to
mobilize them activoly for the struggle against Russian-Bolshevik imperiaalisn,
l u.anaanity ? a greatest foe.
The world is still woefully ignorant of the truth about the U ,S'R, It still
does not fully comprehend the fact that it is itself threatened by Russian--
Bolshevik imperialism.. It is your great obli`:,ation, Ukrainians in foreign
countries, to reveal the true face of Bolshevism to all peoples? to tear
r$wray the mask of democracy and of Socialism,,, and to show of shevism to the
world in its hideous realityi Strive to enlighten the millions of .i'oroigixm
era who sincerely believe in the Socialism of the USSR. Show them the
horrible oppression of the peoples in the USSR, the robbery of the wealth
of colonial slave states, the unprecedented exploitation and the slave
pool ti ocn of the w rkor, the now serfdona on the collective farm,, and the
stifling of the intelligentsia.
Reveal to the world the true nature of this "most democratic" country,
c?rhoae nooplo are driven in terror to the polls, whore people are compelled
to vote for -their executioners and o pressors, whore the courts are organs
of violence and denial of rights, where not only the words but the thoughts
of citizens are fettered, where a man is changed into a slave without
ri-"ts, and where millions are deported to prisons and concentration camps.
Reveal to all peoples the nature of this land, in which rolifgion is stifled?
the church is dishonored, freedom of thought is stifled, where not only
Christian but general human morality is trampled under foot, and where to
the mockery and shame of all hi ituiity there loudly are proclaimed ta.e
freedoms of paradise and a church which is in reality only an appendage of
the Explain to the world the history of the annihilation of the
Ukrainians. Autocophalous and Greek Catholic churches, about the murdered
and deported Lda'a 1P-n bishops, priests, and faithful laity. Explain to
foreigners that the present Russian Orthodox Church has nothing in coxnrrcn
with a free church mid is in fact the agent of the UM. Call all believing
Christians and men of other religions to the decisive struggle for the
annihilation of the i mortal . onerTt of humanity - Bolshevism.
The embattled Ukraine expects Ukrainians abroad to be active r olleboretors
In the formati one of one front of all nations enslaved and threatened by
Russian-Bolshevik i aperialism..
The Russian-Bolshevik iraperialints have today enslaved many peoples and
tomorrow they are preparing to throw their yoke over all other peoples.
All iolshovik declarations about the possiblility of the peaceful co-
existonce of the two systems are only misleading propaganda.,. In fact all
the efforts of the Kremlin leaders are directed toward the preparation of
a new war for the acquisition of the entire world. The entire lies of the
USSR. is regimented and directed towarc. this one goal. The hopes of the
weB~ rah; world that it will be possible to avoid war are in vain; they are
hopes built on sand. The was rld cannot escape war by any device,
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P't' Cf W, T,
41T *T71 s, 111. d,p.7J3.4' :1${ ,.b ki4fS
tx' afiaaxraxl~ abroad, you frost omphaaasi.zo thin ruth persistently among the
nations Of tho West. It rzust be the starting point for yo:a in your
faa?aa;tiool work crn these pa( is s Poll tIh erz clearly that today be ore
tho entire world there stands one quotation, not hove to avoid a new r_
it is unavoidable- Wt how to save liberty, ixidopondonee, and aulttr. e, and
lion to avoid the onclavoz nt and ruin of hummnity,. You must shma then
Clearly that the one Iaoarxe of saving the raorld is the full and cpeody
destruction of I:uasi3tn..Bolshovjk on its pre-srnt spvlnebocard
of conquest? This eaan only be achiovod by the organized efforts of a zin;le
front of all nations enslaved mid threatened by Iiussion,-Dolshetrjic imp oriaim
iaanie Your U ianiaans abroad, :aunt not only preach the need of such a
front and convixaoo the world of it, necessity but you rust do overytthia
possible to cnsuro that the anti-Bolshevik front will assuimc concrete=.
fonms, Theroforo, you rsust arm yourselves not only with faith in the
justice of this cause but you rats t :i ifrst; the 'eatoot orf;anizing eaa?iaa.o
c tlesx, toleration, and endurance, for yL.u rzust unite thoso peoples vha are
:I1 f r?s ti:x for J;ro?3da:tt rea f,aardle& of d if feroxicio?s lit race, n?,-Y tiuzxc lity,
rep t I ;ican and political history.
`lo-i xzu t henceforth expend all your off or?to to unite in One anti-Bolshevik
front the migration of all nations of
" :ta.ropp and Asia now under Bal hovil.
rule void of the recently enslaved near nations of Central and Southern
Europe o Your country welcoraos with sincer?o c-atitudo your previotras
sueoesses in this field. j wild and deepen these 5uccocsos, ltrainiaano
abroadl Tirelessly and stubbornly ovorcnmo all difficulties and differ..
oncoc tdiieh obstruct the full unificati n of the ordt,,yations of the peoples
of the USSR. Stron ;then this unification anon.( the eoplos of the Brat-
grations and before to outside) world.
At the sarrio time with this w rl: of unifyinf tho omi~,rati.ou of the enslaved
s coplos 0i" the >.3bult, the '3xaa,isia n abroad rust carry on the r ost intensivt3
ark. =one the nations of the west to form an c,nti--Bolshevik front of all.
the fr?oe;fcrr 1ovinl-; peoples of the wcrlda. z%ntor into associations and Join
those nrttioxiaal and international organizaatiL t;xh ch i,hr.t for the ri;.;I:_ts
and .a'roederi of r nlc:ind., .ITorlc l 'or the forilation of em internati,- nal Q f:cram-
zat .on tJhieh will, have as its saur .coo the stru~;,,i.e against imperiaiian and
tot t:Litarianisz,i in the interest of the rights of nations and of individuals.
Raae_ ber, brothers in the oni ;:tion., that the problem of organizinf; ene
anti- olshorrjk front of all xxr t> ens is not alone the task of 'ace loaders
of i oli;ticaal parties, it is t.w :ospons bi.lity of every Ukrainian abreaadG
Rorao."tabor that the problem of t ho creation of an anti-Bolshovih front;: just
an tirye tack of reprosoxatizt/; the Uhraaini?an people,, mist be carried on not on the political ?uid ;o%mrnmontaal levels and on diplomatic put.Fis,,r
This ,roblom -must be attempted by the broadest sasses of all the nations
of tI,u westa in the factories, wines, farms, schools, and inst:itution4;,.
>nly = then the. broad national as - assos are included in the aanti.wijolshev h
front Lud this mov'eaalont acquires such a broad base will. It be arable to
annihilate its opponent.
Tt f?C
Rorieartbor, that the revelation of t ho truth about the the rbilizini:; and
oreaanizing of nations for tho strug ;ie against Bolshevism, is a ra idea Of
uxxtvorsaal significance. fie wcar?thy of this Boat =rxission whioh history has
Liven your, Fulfill it with apostolic devotion and zeal, rand rA th the same
cEaza?aai; and consecration with which the revolutionists arc today fighting
in the krainei ~, T- he generations of all n*ati:.ns will r ownber rd-di
gratitude such a contribution to history.
To undorvtake all those responoi.bie taeks3 brothers abroad,, you u_ist be
united,, You must ask in concert and not apart. The embattled Ukraine
(,,r ects from the 1I":raainiaaria; abroad Dull unity, unity in action and not
merely on papor6, unity on the basis of the revolutionary stru;f;le for the
li oration of tie People in the +krainia homeland.
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The present situation shall not continue, The division between Catholics
and Orthodox, between Autoosphaalists and Uniioniatgr. and particularly
between `\' eaterners" and "easterners" should be abolished. Such divisions
cannot be tolerated with indifference,. The emigration must use all
poi mible means to destroy the obnoxious relics of long ala -ary and arti-
ficial frontiers by viioh the occupants divided and are still dividing;
the living body of the Ukrainian people. In the unity of work and struggle
all, differoncos among the Ukrainians should disappear. The nationally
conscious part of the emigration should do everything possible to raise
they level of national consciousness and political awareness of the loss
nationally minded part of the emigration. This is a very important and a
central task of the ('?nteraaal life of the Ukrainian migration. The solu-
tion of this problem is completely within the hands of the nationally
conscious part of the Ukrainian emigration.
At today's sig n,f ioa t rmoment in history for the Ukrainiaan people? the
Ukrainian, emigration cann~-t allcnr itself the luxury of divisions and
party feuds. Today all partisan disputes must be subordinated. to one
greater read, the task of liberating the Ukrainian people. Division today
must not be'botweenlone or another party but rather between patriots and
traitors to the Ula-ainian people.
The homeland sees no evil in the existence of various parties in the
emigration but rather in the `rallure of these 'parties to coexist and
cooperate with each other in their internal affairs.. The homeland is
indignant at the decay of political and public .morals among the Ukrainian
eamigration.. Such moral decay retards the liberation cause and dishonors
the whole nation in the eyes of foreigners and creates a false picture
of the struggle in the homeland. The. embattled Ukraine is indignant at
party struggle in the emigration there the national values and sanctities
are being bargained. The embattled Ukraine emphatically condemns all
those who,, failing to rise above their narrow party interests, speculate
on the liberation idea.
The homeland regrets to state that in the emigration there are those who
for a long time doubted the o.d.stonee of the UPA, the UMM, and the
underground GUN in the.Ukraines,. Raids by the UPA were necessary, t e
testimony of living witnesses was required, and the ins- gents had to
march over 1?00 kilometers fign;ating; all the way in order to definitely
convince those unbelieving Thor arcs that the UIIVR, the UPA, and the uUN
do exist and are active within id a 'Ukraine.., But even after this aaeldoii mont
some people in the emigration have attempted to lesson ;the significance of
the strut",?;Ie in the homeland, to narrow its extension and underestimate its
political value. The homeland appeals to all such people to suspend any
underestimation or depreciation of the liberation movement in the homeland
and to give. all their strength to the struggle of the embattled Ukraine.
To those so blinded by selfishness that they lack the courage and willing-
ness to abandon their attacks against the liberation movement in the home-
land, the homeland declares that their action will be regarded as a crime
against the Ukrainian people and its liberation struggle in the U;
Brothers in foreign countries& The country today has sworn full unity
the emigration ,dust do as r:rn ch.. All who grieve at the sorrow of their
nation, who truly thirst for its liber aation, .who treasure the idea of a
U1 .inian nat.;.on will unite in the joint effort for the achievement of
our groat goal,, ';-To must create a powerful single front and act !before
the foreign enrid resolutely and in union. Lot the political division of
the Ukrainians abroad be fcninde . 4 w the formation and growth of political
thoudrt and not on party :feuding,, iShoo7 that you uaidorsthnd the historical
value of the present moment and meet the challenge of your problem. Stand
as an example of unity and of organization for other peoples,, for unity
and organizing ability are needed by all peoples, to end victoriously the
struggle witl-a bolshevism.
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I 25X1
lExiled brothers rho are doing; annual abor,, unable to return to your
native land, you` have found yourselves in the factories and mines and on
the farms of almost a6l the countries beyond the borders of the USSR.
You are working today side-byyside with wog; ltmen of all nationalities
YOU are working today in the cam environrr.ent as most of those people who
is ,fallen victims to the Bolshevik deceitful propaganda. Help the
millions of your fellow workmen to avoid the Bolshevik traps. Prove to
these workers on the basis of your long, knowledge that in the USSR there
is no Socialism, that the USSR is the land of the most reactionary
totalitarianism and tyranny. Kindle within them the' '1?ms, of your hate
for the 1kzasiennDolehevik imperialism, for in their souls they hate all
slavery, violence, and deprivation of rights as you do. Become friends
with them In your Places of work and create the basis for close friend-
ship betvsan their nations and the Ukrainian nation.
Take part in the activities of the labor organizations of the western
nations and be an example of friendliness and solidarity. Build
Ukrainian labor organisations or your own and stand up for your rights.
;3r-)aden your cultural and intellectual life.
Takes part in the work of the international anti-Bolshevik professional
associations and there represent the millions of Ukrainian workmen vrho
h,x a no opportunity to speak freely in their own mmmca Struggle together
with all workers against imperialism and totalitarianism and. for true
democracy and social justice.
Ukrainian poets., writers,, artists, scholars, and journalists in foreign
couxetries: I. the Ukrainian lands free science and -ulturre have been
completely stifled. The free word has been driven into the deepest under-
g,rcunci.. Because of these conditions you abroad inherit the groat task
of building Ukr?dniari culture and science and enriching its treasury with
now values and aohievemo nts. The country watches with joy the present
croativo achievements of the ?T;:rainian emigration in the f iol d of science
and culture and calle. upon you for still greater efforts in this direction.
Build and strongthen the new cantors of W ainian. culture and science;
concentrate in than all the creative forcos that are in, the omigrat;ion..
Aid *.11 efforts for the development of a ai valedge of the LTkraino,, for
at home such knowledge is subjected to corruption and falsifications on
the part of Russian-Bolshevik ocoupazzts,~ Devolop a young scientific
Take advantage of every opportunity to represent worthily Ukrainian science
and culture boforo the foreign aaorld, and work tirelessly to popularize its
?ohIovatnents. Carry everywhere T'icrainian riisic, your sing,in6,,, and your
theator. Establish and strengthen your connectional with cultural and
scientific org a .izations: ci be individual representatives of the science
of other nations. Do not lose a single opportunity to make your cont ri-
bu'ti.on. to the work of international, scientific, and 'cultural org;anizations.
Let -Cher world see in all its fullness our Ukrainian culture and the creative
capacities of the Ukrainian people,, Ukrainian women abroad: - The country
greets with joy your activity and organising; ability and the .ueceaases that
you have won by it. Increase the atren, vh of your organi2,aatic ,s,. develop
your activity on a stall broader scale., v .t tin the enig;ra;?,iun and out-side, ,
carefully guard in your group --
Y L~ Y and xti ,, -"'ux~ g?rivate3 anc family 1.3fEr the bz-.i.g*;ht:
traditions of Ukrainians womanhood. Take advantage of every opportunity to
work song the women of the west. Enlighten them about the terrible dangor
of Bolchevi+sm,. Arouse the conscience of all the women and mothers of the
world by showing the conditions of the worsen of the USSR, tho
destruction of the family, the fate of ratal.iona of children, dead of hunger,
incarcerated in prone ansl in exilo, violently torn x-&way from t iei. t mothers,,,
tot to vac n, of all nations tae their place in the universal huna. struggle
against gaol sheviam.
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M=. ainia n youths You in the enigration mast enter the advance guard of
the struggle for liberaativn, as the youth in the homeland is doing. You
must devote yourselves o itiroly to the -interests of the uabattled Ukraine
and be ready for every call to stand. beside your friends, who are struggling
with arena for the liberation of their nation. You must be highly organized
and aotaves you moot oonstaantly harden your idealism and unceasingly raise
your level of oreral and practical Imowledge and political skill Profit
by your r'r sidcnce a rating other peonlos to learn everything that is good and
useful arxng thorn., to acquire for yourselves t Heir lriovzledge of work in
all fields of life and of political activity, but zealously guard against
disruptive influences, which would sap your, idealism and destroy your moral
Before y..u, the ' krainian youth, as before our entire lThrainien emigration,
stands the of acquainting foreigners with the stru,,~;le of the Ukrainian
people for libc ration. stork at it every moment and in every wady. For this
purpose, take advantage of yu..r individual acquaintance and your connections
vitl-h to youth! orCpnizations of other peoples and international organizations
of youth. Arouse the youth-of all nations for the struggle against L.olshe-.
visme They vd.ll soon understand you, frr all young people are very quickly
aroused against injustioe and violence and are always eager to .fight against
Fig. ters and cornaanders of the raiding unitd of the UPA2 You have manfully
fulfilled the task .nposod upon you by the Ukrainian Supreme Council bf
Libcration(t 1IVl2). The country with bated breath followed your raid, and
its successful termination was the occasion for great joy in the country.
The whole nation rejoices at you have broki n harm gh the second wall of
the Bolshevik prison of nations and that there before the entire world you
have protested against the opprc scion of the Ukrainian people by the fussian.?-
Bolshevik robbers and have told the truth about our struggle for liberation.
Your arrival in ;,'eatern Lurope as participants and living witnesses of -kla.o
struggle for liberation in t4e horacsland has definitely influenced a change
in the views of foreigners toward our struggle for, liberation and has put
an end to the falsities circulated about the liberation :,tuve::ent< History
will correctly value your contribution.
Although you have traveled far from your country, vlao strL;,-;g;lo for you is
not ended. The enemy who oppressed your fatherlctnc is active in your, new
lands, and you rust struggle against him there as you have no recently
struggled in Ul=aine with arms in your hands. Abroad you must continua to
guard and earo for the heroic traditions of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
and raise lticLrh the baurier of it glory. Brotd_ors aabroaad$ Soon you will be
scattered even hero widely; you 'ill be even farther froze your fatherland.
ra. r :cll that this is a tom,aorary exile and that an end will inevitably
come to your residence abroad arid an an= tor to your longing for your country,
:1= the bells of resurrection ring out and the Trains arises and the
mighty peal of their glory,, you will once avid for all return to your country.
Then"'in a now, free fw^caly",, all those children of the Ukraine now
scattered around the world will gather again to build together in haiSpinoss
and Joy their own glorious free life and will mako regality of the words of
our gat prophet:
The Ukraine .oil arise,
Break the darkness of slavery,
be l ight? 0.-' truth will Phine
and the enslaved children will pray in freedom.t
ciuliovo this and struggle heroically., so that this groat day may be achieved
as soon as possible,
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Rogardivss of all the incredible diffioultios, th embattled Ukraine will
struggle as resolutely as it has %.rugGled in the past, vd thout sparing
aviuat cued blood* The embattled Ukraine will do all that is within its
poeeer to 'insure that the Ukrainian people may as quickly as possible and
permanently build their groat temple of froothm., so that you can roturn
to Ukraine not as hirelings but as free amen.
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r Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R008 00170001-7