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JRM No. - Ay ppr8v R lease 2001/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00415ROO7400070001-1 M.9Y 1949 51-GIA ,rt4nsd% 8C I~rM10N C0WID=tI j/d0NTROL U.S. OFFICIALS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. IIN wVRIVIA 1 IVIV REPVR i CD NO. COUNTRY Iraq DATE DISTR, E1 Jan. 1951 SUBJECT Translation. of Deceaber Issue NO. OF PAGES 1 of al lids PLACE HIS I-1% I ENCLOSURE ATTACHED- 25XIA ACQUIRED U( NOT DETACH CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL/C0N R DATE OF INFO SUPPLEMENT TO fE REPORT NO. Attached is a translation of the December 1950 issue of al 'Ida organ of the Iraqi Cormunist Party. End: 1 document (4 pages). NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R007400070001-1 TI'S IS AN ENCLOSURE CPYRGIApproved For Release 2001/09/06 CIA-Ffi FP =Or00740du7 A 25X1A Decisions of the Party's Central Committee session held on 28 November 1950, 1y1) for the purpose of avoidin, th dangers of the of'por tuni.sts, t 2) to confirm and support the ' c ons of the second Supporters' Conference held in V"' arsaw and our situation in respect to peace .,~nd the increasing, r?Fanger:=, of wear. catastrophe of a 3d world war. The Imperialists have ri)w turned from ,he 1 rz.par ations of war to the a ggrc: give Thus all the nations of the world and our nation as well, 1.s faced with all the ohes this --iar might bring t our nation. For this reason, all the nations are working, t aver th ie der shi o itt';vi ' Union. The proposals o r- e p mongers will be _f rced i.,y the. free and peace-lovin; n,,-k We are now seeing the free nations trying to ret rid of Impri.alism by sacrif icinj the blood. of youths -.nd men. These nati ans are supported by the fortress of liberty, the :)viet Union, and the oppressed r;rtions are liberating, t,hemsel vc `t f roan the Imperialist yoke. The traitorous ruling group in our country is t",e inemy of lour nation as it is trying to loin our nctt;i yn with t be treaties of slavery and the aggression of the an#peri.all ,ts. They offered our country to the Imperialists for the e t ..h1ish- merat of military and air bases. The Iraqi traitor overnrnent is not benefitio.g; fre!i the funds borrowed from foreign countries to revive aanl stl.rnu) to the economic situation. M o, but for the -iurpos., of -irr anent to the detriment of our poor nati 3n. This group has tried t-13 put into force all types of terrorism and has e t;a'olis e herself as Sn open dictatorship. Thousands of struggling men were put in the ' prisons - nd the concentrati)n camps. Among them were Corin,unists, crerno>cr:.ts Trade Unionists, who are suffe rin- various torments on i hL.. ;*ascist method. The - roblems of our nation have reached their climax. These problems include economical, political, ~?ocial, c t ca- ticanal, and health dilemmas. The economical situation ha been and is still deteriorating. `e should, by ourselves, realise the liberty of our home and its independence. )ur P rt.~r believes that the Red Army will not interfere in foreign affairs- , -ad unless the Soviet ssaulted, the Had army wil . 'only e . maintain the peac our situation towards the Red Army is the same as th-t of any other Communist Party. Our Party expresses the certainty of victory on the part of the nation's camp against thk= 7:hreign Imperialists and their local traitorous supportors. Our Party would like to ascertain that the object o' our miitts8ve?ieCi $t~ozti art is established between the Communist and the nationals, our ^-"*v"r hA liberated. It is intended to build up a 1 140007 Approved For ROlease 2001lQ9/=?~Cf,FD 3.e,_ ffO i0ip ;A free democratic and index endent home. Our t a:r ;eta d coincide with those of the Imperialist servants and thu traitor a. our Party therefor. a is inviting all the nationals and other committees to form a unified national front to fight the traitors and the reactionists. Our Party does riot want other parties embrace our ideals but only to cooperate requesting the legal rights of the workmen, farriers, a educated people, women traders, small merchants, and all "oople who sincerely work for the interest of our home. Head-of the Iraq representatives discloses the Fascist terrorism and the atrocities of Satid's goverrx:;r:ent in :rrlc:. The second Pe,,ee Supporters' Conference has concludel, its meeting in w Warsaw. after studying reports and suggestior:ns. Tt has made the historical decision which has revived faith in the hearts of new trillions of they simple pe -p.Ze to strL T %le for peace. These decisions were approved by all the "eace Supporters because they expressed the support of peace by the nations. The Iraqi nation supports warmly the struggle of the T ; y.. t>iari nation for its emancipation from Imperialism. The = n lish-American competition in Egypt reveals i ,- elf sometimes in the clash between the gangs of the v'=oslem. B -otherhood (Ikhwan :Al ri uslirnin) and the American trokern, .And anoth _? tirm between the hired press and, the big parliamentary of fig?..--ei s. The Imperialists and customers are in alrreeme.nt in wo against the Egyptian nation. The aim of the T rerial_i::t 3 ?r.nd their customers is to draw the Egyptian nation into th,a i ? Atlantic Pact as L ypt is of vital stratezric lyrT)ortanc-:: 1,17) the proposed war. Join hands and unite, oh, our notion, to bring dorm As-3a' id traitor government, the government if' 3tarvatiia, jails, ,alio:s, terr irism, and conspiracies, to impose treaties of slavery on _)ur nation. Renew the January movernent. t u smash the Portsmouth criminal gang and Clyton assembly. Free Horn Notification of the Conmuni=At, Party to the Iraqi Nation in g Not more {-1han one year tend eleven m: )nths h {vet passe) 3 i. -" the liberation inovexertt of January 1948 took place, 'he:n -: see that another type of ''ortsmouth conspiracy is being to handcuff our nation and draw it into an a . -ressiv=, ,iar. 031nce the Ir.perialist Palestinian War, the martial?s s were imposed, and , ,F "o'b'E let ei$ 0 C (~~ ?4 bQ l( ~O Ire :? flstall.ed in the Is " hdad Squares, and the free lo, :ders were to en to dark cellars. Approved'F=or Release 2001/09/06 CIA-RDP83-00415R00740007 as done to rob our nation of the victories ie had gained. This was done for the purpose of imposing a nc w mouth Treaty. Juri As-Sa'id declared that he wished tv riod_ i the 1930 Treaty, which .~ur nation intended to realise its ultirn ite ca ncellatio uri As with treat We are. sw that agreement with the gang of Huri. Eng1.ish on one side, ;end the English warmongers on t le eth.`,r side. Nuri As--,a'id, the Human Butcher and the hero of t-:err;)rism, is not intending to liberate our country and nation, but is dlr . ~,)-. Ship following the policy of starvation, terrorism, !.;nd, in response to his l.mperi.cilist lords. e have but two ways h,.fore us, either we rise pit ,nlsh the dictatorship which recognizes no mercy or c:)nscienc e d is criminal, or we submit to a long slavery. live the United National rront! Lon. live tY _-rab- Long Kurdish Brotherhood: Long live Iraq, free, emacratic, ,,-..d independent! Down with the warmongers and the ='Juri. is government, the ,ovcrnwent of terrorism, conspiracies, starvation. .iessa4,e from 1, .C. Laborer: I . moons of the Com -,any' s servants of the : In l i sh be,,gan to collect a tax from the junior employees and Laborer, '_crt ler the name of flcontributi.ancc.. This contribution Avis betl.-eein 150 fi.l.s rnd 500 fils by which it was intended to buy L precious present for 14r. 'sine who is one of the heroe:? played an important role in Gawer baghi (Kirkuk), a re l '::Horan massacre there. 2. The Company dispensed with the services o number of telephone operators after several years , xrvic x, claiming that an automatic telephone aratus had been :_.n~_ital yy. $ 'she ab re 'iliba r has :-r; .F_ 3, w ,k to r, is ]., n three ye in the Company's service. He ha never been absent from li,, -aark during this period, neither was he late during the aal n hours. For the first time and for compulsory r asons, I'le wris absent. The Company did not bring this to his notice, n d t' f did it fine him in deducting his wages, but his services were dispensed with. is'itending to handcuff the Iraqi rt.i. -n very for the coming quart,--r o ct ri . i . jc lratii and the British nations ~ r-e not in h a treaty, but, it is made and hell ' ,f, . een -,.aa' iii . His sang and the spies of t ht Company is trying to put the sweepers under the contAg~rc edtFter Fl ei2p8i/it9/?l6otI i- $,004 ' Of WQ5 0$-B this action is to reduce their payment to the same scale of those Approved'Fc rFOIE*ase,-2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R0074000700 gave no reply to this assault berg afraid of dismissa keObi called him and struck hire saying "Bloody fool, is this the time for you to go to the lavatory"' The laborer Ibrahim Ls 0 of the Municipality Sweepers or between D 5/000 and ID `/0a.?0. 5. The laborer Ibrahim went to the lavatory, the foreman to save ourselves from this cruel treatment. The only vd:. to do that i; through the re gul?ar evolutionary stru ;~rle. went to the lavatory wit ou he said permission as a r ewult of which the clerk, Khalil, called him and struck him and then discharged him from work saying to him, "How can you eo to the lavatory without permission?" These are but examples of what happens daily. '.~e are therefore called upon to strw le for your legit, =:arzte3 z il.?~t;s The your;; laborer () ist work1hg at 100 fil ; per ('V y. Who is responsible'' One year and several r onths ago the A.hrar 4 '%ea liberal) and the National Democratic Parties suspended their activities. The latter resuaaed its activity a few months a ;u, but the hrar Party did not. The people have the right to inquire abort this. Why did the Ahrar not resume its activities? The reason is that imperialism and reaet+ioni an try to paralyze national organisation activities. It is also the reason shy the National Deziocratic Party hanged its .national ideals from those of democratic Socialises, which are. j'ioDs . s,f the present British Labor Party and, the French ,. ociai r :rty who now have become the coat loyal supporters of the v~ r near.. of the .atoinistic English and J ericans. The be innIni of '?act fiber 1950 Price 20 file No. 10 for th'_; Ptah re a A J1 7 ~ The 1,13 om.:atunit warty Iewspapcr Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R007400070001-1