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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 6, 1950
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 1~Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002 1 VOIND OWL t 'M! 1~.~M CLSSWICATM~I ? U.S. omcL-La CEN11Nil INTELUOENCE AOE$CY INFORMATION REPORT Cc NO. CouNTRY '. dos1aw?.a SUIJECT Naval Coarse at the Oda xayal Gstw s..oft w among" ...w roll _ ? R.. S. am as .? Ownew 'N NY M N M M?i~i~i so .15 Nt1?.q a M. some" w r ~~~NS MI ~- =N w -N pMMrf - N Nip ,N. 4 -NN4nN 50X1-HUM 1. Thu T.d.ral Ja 1 Cent t' at Osd.a 13ssidsd to aooept a ooasidsrable ausfb.r of o0nd1dat" for the t ram-wench n&.al a=rse fah was sahsdnled to start as 2C Sartembert 2950. To this end, the Center d to establish tep.titiv. .owtiia to ds Iwnna:.aN the aaospte of aa>xii.datss for the Tenth lava Coarse to be held. The falla-L are pr.r gv3,sita for csnd :degas r a. They m Et not be lass than 17 years old? D. They ust possess jo" Sol tical and isar.2 Qoa1ifieatlon.. a. They must, have so>pLstod at least four years of h?gh s, -:oO3 3r hav* takes Their saainat;teas in t ho Junior high school, d. Tbe7 asst be pltysiaaL?.y fit., 3. L.b oscadldat. abet prepare his aqm bi egrspky in wh i i ii he must i :+d1 OILt4 the fcll~i.t~ a a. Pa tbeer i s dsrittian a?d fsad y ataes, T, Want"' asd Y*ar Of a rtb. .. dis4.'ist sad the heal R.pdbiie in oltioh the gist 3. Jati ona i t y sal d t, l on skip. e. Social eri,gia. f. Devses or grads attssd is the 80hoo1 attssdsd by ran4t4ate. ;. Pr?fession er sea's job. b. h t.seion the perets bstera the war, sad their .treat pro!sssiea. i. Mother or not he per tiaipat+d in the War of L.iberstios and if so in *ist ft;*6117 sad wbes. CIJSiSIFIC11T1ON L D.S. O MCIAZ$ ONLY Nas _~ OIt~t10M ? DATE DISTR. 0 Daubs 1950 ND. OF MIN= I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 Available Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 a .. 04 be *r so the anew fl .ae. 16 61016W R h As ft-, it so what the rra!! ii1 .t !d s _w~rMll r-aw$ tIM a.mliriatrt ? 'ItI,Y i vS . a. *sther ar eark bw psa~ tei is aria a[ tie 3s" wedt pro3.ste, if as, eta ,hat a~ra'W ark a. a - alb be bar sM w a Prim vIMM is seek a v w. } vb~ ar aet he Is iR.aredf"t is us %GWW Oami~ rt or he la a ars~l+itte ,l+.r iarorI$trss; .4w11 a or not be is is? se lb.d in so at the Psep1ets Oam~d and as at what date, or * ither he is iassuibed is sithw the PspaLr Front or the Fsderaties of 94"rre, mad it ae as of mist hat.. plrtllirer or set he has beep pwlabsd by the Popular aatheritis, if so w7. a. TM p ..lrrs add rose of his survive plase of resides". e. !. mart sign in his am hard. ). !. tie bi.graphidel istsssatioa the ssaLidats meet attach the foUG ieag: a. 1 mats ter r formes from a Party orgawisation or from the Caarmraaist Zaatth oegani.aatioa. b. A =Wdasl certifiests. s. A aepy of the eahalastia ssetifisat4 for the last Pear of soAoal attended. h. be applioatior?s were to be sabd ttsd mro later than 10 3"4m &w 1950 and ors to be sobsi.tted to the Todsesl Naval Center in Osis. Transportation ape^ees for the reoad trip would be asawsrd by the aval Centers and the seeosestlal aandLdat.s waold be invited to present, themselves for the coares and wsa1d be eatisrissd a i..ve1 @M e -- a r.dasti oa of sawsttl-rive psrc t. Those candidates nhs sd kt atteVt to attend the eearso nitbeat having re?eiwd the abovo-es.tisaed aormmudeeti on or sr oesd travel eaperass s'~roeiaattoa woe3d be sent beet anal their trawl .mpwas would have to be b now by thesmshws. 5. The aeossestlal candidate weald be assured attendance free of oust, as well " gaartorrs and toad and an allaaaaos of 100 dinars every week for their parsoaal rsgrtites~sr .-I-m. It, bsrevezy . the candidate sboald be expelled from the earcras basame e sf, his am fault, he would have to bear an the attrodsnea eosto as na11 as the t l apeman. Bash candidate wnnt bring all his personal lima and wadsrwear, his elothee, shoes, and all articles necessary for Ida to asintaia parrsenal 1 g sae. Bash oandldate mast attar to his regnset a declaration from the izrsti tatdaa or basins" concern in which be in asploy.d to the effect that he is being relieved of his llanations Inasmuch as he is being admitted to the Douse. The candidates who are invited and receive a eosiunaieiation to present tbas- selvss at the Center must obtain a ds astlon issued by the local authorities Iftwsia is stated wp to hat date the eaadidates were supplied with feodstaffs arse! twines (clothing). dl Iv'c0mam - U.S. OPTICTAI R OILT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1 fir/ "if!'m - U.S. OVFrCI&13 OILY 50X1-HUM C W T R L L I NU J Z W C Z 7 - 1 - All candidates -Rho saoasssfully ooVlete the course would be ooamt4ersd qualified tt- be navz L instructor. s and Hslumen Third Clss:. The Qsis Naval Center roqu. ted all naval organization of Yugoslavia and all People's Technical organisations to pledge tai mselv's to send ywuths tc ties naval course, aad alac asked all organisations of the PsopIk's Caseittees and the F'sderstion of TJriions to give the beat qual!lliod youths the possibility- of prar+aring thomselvss to attend the .curse. SE"FE? 1,?')"' -,'rT -_ G S. !OFF ,TATS "MTV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900020002-1