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`'~~f~tltFi~,j- 8 FORM NO. MAY 1949 Statg,.Dept. declassification & release instructions on App rL 51~ICAeJea e 20005/TRIC~C A RDP83 004t5R006800070002-7. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1REPORT COUNTRY Iraq4 . INFORMATION REPORT I SUBJECT 1. Iraqi Press Items 2. Bulletin of the I st iglal PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 25X1 25X1 25X1 CD NO. DATE DISTR. 6 December 1950 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. 12 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. T ITS IS TThTEVA.LUATED TNT.EORIA.TION Attached are the following publications 1. Baghdad Press Items, Iraq (11 copies). 2. Bulletin of the Istiglal, Moroccan Nationalist Party (1 copy). 25X1 STATE CLASSIFICATION QRg 125X1 0 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 D AIL Y R E V I E W of the B A G H D A D P R E S S 25X1 Embassy of the U.S.A. Baghdad, Iraq. Wednesday, November 8, 1950. SYRO-IRAQI UNION. In this morning's leading article, Al-Istiglal writes on the question of Syro-Iraqi Union-referring to the recent speech of the Party's opinion expressed by its President recently and clearly that the past months' events in Syria were proofs of what sincere Arabs of Syria and Iraq had in mind since the time of Faisal's regime which has now become a studied plan for execution. Had it not been for the hinder- ance placed in their way, the plan would have been carried out as expected by those sincere persons. Nevertheless, it has become essential as it is the only source of stability in Syria. It further expTins that the Party's opinion was always that the unity is not for the defense but it is the only means for the Arabs to unite against the Zionist danger after the failure of all the plans that were carried out and which were remained on paper only as referred to by the President the last of which was the Collective Security Plan. The benefit of this plan was doubtful on the experience gained from the Palestine battle. Although the Party welcomes any idea which strengthens the rela- tions between Arab countries, yet it finds that no cooperation would be stronger than the Syro-Iraqi Union. As for foreign influence, the President's method was final and clear when he said that the Party's binding to the Syro-Iraqi Union was based on the condition that Syria should be prercyrved from any foreign influence which would cause from the Iraq's relations with the Britain and other countries. To- day,while we find Syria is subject to more severe experiences, it proves to be the beginning of further interval which lacks stability it is incumbent on the Arab countries to think about what threatens Syria from the Zionist danger before thinking of their own differences an cons der the s to tion and unite them` TY FBrnR &t W/ ct1N c?Y`~0 Qf18 7000 fYe unit is the only means to rescue Syria from danger. (Al-Istiglal). Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 November 8, 1950. 25X1 CRITICAL SITUATION OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BEIRUT CAUSES COMMUNIST ACTIVITY. Communist attempt to make the A.U.B. as their aim of subversive activities in the Middle East and all the Arab countries. Dr. Stevenson, the Director of the University has sent a report to the Board of Trustees in New York City to this effect. The Director has further dismissed six students being accused of agitating and distributing communist pamphlets attack- ing the University, U.S.A. and the Director. The Director has f'urthedppTo4 1td&ld seYYD9S/f)2 14rlC1A 81 4S5R(l0#; i)OQ7Q1 12 ary critical and cannot be taken as a series of demonstrations which the students carry out. These demonstrations prove to be a well Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 3 - November 8,. 1950., planned attack from outside directed against the United States in general and the University in particular. The situation of the University is in danger. He has mentioned to the Board that four of the students have been dismissed for various periods and that further attempts may occur.. He also mentions that the University is prepared to continue drastic action not only by putting an end to such events but also tg'ake positive steps to put an end to the political illiteracy/on which the Communist propaganda is based. It is worth mentioning that the A.U.B. has been established since 80 years and is considered as the largest American educational center in the Middle East in which there are students from various countries and particularly from the surrounding Arab countries. It is learnt that the six students dismissed and the four others who will be dismissed are members of the Communist party,. Two of them are from Lebanon, four from Iraq and two from Transjordan. But as for the reason of dismissal it is on account of the decision taken by the University that they should not employ their position in the University for propaganda of foreign political parties. (Al-Akhbar) 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/,14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 A? A.I L -Y R'E V I E W of the B AGHDAD PRESS Embassy of the U.S.A. Wednnesday, November Baghdad,. Iraq. 1950. 25X1 REGENT TO VISIT MEDINA. Al-Nabaa reports, "H.M. the Queen, H.M. Queen Nafisa, and H.R.H. the Regent will fly. soon .to Medina to visit the Prophet's grave. Upon learning of the Royal desire through its Minister in Baghdad, the Saudi government expressed its satisfaction and .its welcome of the, Royal. visitors." RELEASE OF TRIBAL CONVICTS. Pursuant to. the Royal Irada remitting the sentences of tribesmen condemned to, imprisonment' by the Minister of Interior despite acquittal or release by the"local administrative autho- r`ities, 169 persons were freed. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Jasturi) Commenting on the said Royal Irada, Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi says that it is in line with the statements made by Fremier Nuri As-Said to-administer-justice properly and-fairly. "No doubt," :== it .adds, "the step undertaken' by the; Prime Minister is consider.- ed as a great start, which. will consolidate -the' people's belief that the government protects' their interest and will not leave any oppressed without relief and without restoring him his right, and the belief that law will be administered without being subjected to any influence." ANGLO-IRAQI FINANCIAL TALKS, 'The scarce, currencies talks between Iraq and Britain will begin this morning at the Minister of Finance's office. Contrarily tQ, previous reports, the amount to be asked by Iraq is the equivalent of ID. 5,955,000:... The sum of ID.7,955,000 is required for paying the value of. would-be imported goods, and the rest, that is one million dinars, will be needed for meet jA-OriiFdxbF le"q2M)ZIM' SCIIA-FIdJ383.8 3)$R006800070002-7 r`` '~? MIDDLE ...... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 November 1, 1950. MIDDLE EASTERN ECONOMIC BLOC. The Iraq gpvernment has received a copy of a Saudi circular-note to Arab League members, recommending the setting up of a iiid.dle Eastern economic bloc. The Saudi proposal is the outcome of a meeting at Lake Success among; representative of Iran, ' Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen and Greece. The meeting, says the Saudi note, approved in principle the idea of an economic bloc for the Middle East. (A.l-Umma) EDITORIAL COMIcENTS. After stressing that peace with Israel is out of question because it is "undesirable" and because it cannot be trusted, Al-Akhhar, commenting on the UN consideration of the Arab and Israeli charges and counter-charges, says, "Let it decide what it wants. The Arabs should rely on themselves... they have to prepare themselves to meet evil with evil and aggression with force ... it Criticizing the Arab states' official policy towards Spain, Liwa Al-Istiglal says that despite the UN boycott they have established diplomatic relations with Spain. "Spain," it affirms, "like other imperialistic powers committed many crimes against the Arabs and 1ioslems in Morocco, and it con- spired with France to suppress the movement of Nationalist warrior Emir r bc'ul Kerim Al-Khitabi." 25X1 The Central Administrative Committee of the National Democratic Party has postponed the party's annual congress from November 23 to November 2;~, 1950. (Sada Al-Ahali) E N D. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For RelenaseA2l L Y14 : CCI -RDP83-00044~15R006800070002-7 B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Baghdad, Iraq. Thursday, November 9, 1950. 25X1 REFUGEES AID PLAN. Sada Al-Ahali comments on discussions of the U.N. Special Political Committee gn the Arab Refugees' Problem that it is not important to offer necessary allowances to the Agency for execution of plans or the amount of donations or the nature of projects suggested asall these would not help the plan fundamentally i.e., it has no connection with a justified en- quiry into the refugees problems as an assurance forreturning them to their homeland or to compensate those who do not wish to return according to the decision taken by the U.N. in December, 1948. That decision was turned down through the Anglo-American influence immediately it was found that Israel objects. It was substitud by the plan for collecting donations. The non-return of refugees to their homeland only assist in their being replaced by Jews and secondly donations do not help their condition at all as they will remain away from their country. These are not helpful as they do not differ from the previous projects suggested and already failed. The only result we can foresee is that such steps would only facilitate the carrying out of the plans of the Reconciliation Commission whose inten- tion was to keep the Arab Palestinians away from their country which condition is being very strongly opposed by the Arab countries. (Sada Al-Ahali 11/9) THE IBRD COMMISSION. We learn that the above commission visited some of the Government offices for the purpose of contacting authorities and to enquire into the economical and financial situation connected with the potential projects and preparing the prin- ciple points for forwarding to the International Bank with their recommendations after their return to the U.S.A. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 11/8) ECONOMICAL AID TO THE MIDDLE EAST. In this morning's leading article Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi writes that as the result of the second world war the U.S.A. becam@Pg4P egtFp6 to rq@ @r 11f0~ $ ~0`~ ~@~4iR 4@4 try through her granting economical aids to the under-developed Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 2 _ November 9, 1950. countries and by supplying them with technical experts and financial loans. The aim of the U.S.A. outcomed a series of projects for the assistance of the European countries, countries in Asia and Africa, Middle East and Far East to enable them to face any probable events through a clash between east and west. Amongst these were Marshal plans, President Truman. f s Point IV Aid Progranme and Economical Aid Projects passed by the Congress according to which vast amount was granted to a great number of countries in Asia and Europe. All these countries made use of the opportunity and received all what they required for their construction and development plans which amounted to three milliards of ]dollars. It reformed the economical conditions in European countttLes that have been damaged during the war. The attitude of the U.S.A. has been hostile towards the Arab countries since the end of the second war up to the present and particularly on the question of Palestine, therefore, the Arbb countries refrained from requesting for such help and the Americans themselves have been occupied in offering Military, Technical, Economical and Financail aid to Zionists. But lately attention have been drawn to this matter and some of the countries amongst whom were Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon have made request to the UN for loans for the purpose of carrying out their economical projects. Iraq and Syria have made their request to IBRD for which a mission is now visiting countries to study the financial. and economical conditions and to submit a report to IBRD in connection with the grant of an international loan amounting to five million pounds on J% interest. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 11/9) 25X1 SHORT NEWS. "'~ p~ pro ed For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83- 1 gf809107CJV3t7. SPORT NEWS . 25X1 The latest statistics made by the Iranian authorities show that six thousand Jews departed from Kurdistan to Teheran for the purpose of. proceeding to Israel via Iran and so far two thousands of them have left by air, But as for Iraqi Jews who have gone to'Iran for the purpose of proceeding to Israel, the Jewish Cometry in Teheran has been allotted for their stay until arrangements are made for their departure. So far 8000 of them have left and a further 1500 are awaiting. (Al-Hawadith. 11/9) Assistant Commandant of Police accused of dishonesty. We learn that one of the A.C. Police attempted to send a telegram through wireless to Tel Aviv to a Violinist named Eliahoo Aziz. The telegram contained the news of the receipt of suit cases and their locality and of news of the health of ladies named Asprons Murad Naqar and Madlene Murad Naqar and other things not yet traced, The A.C.Police has confessed to the Investigating Judge who issued a warrant for his detention. This A.C. Police was one of those who was supervising the Jewish affairs and it might be that the telegram is a Code. (As-Siiil. 11/9) Israel representative in the Special Political Committee took the opportunity of the discussions on the subject of refugees' problems and explained of the desire of Israel for peace with the Arab Governments after direct negotiations and announced that Israel does not agree to the return of refugees to their countries. Commenting on the above, Al-Yagdha warns the Arab countries that while we know that the Arab countries will act according to Israel plans which is to keep the refugees outside Palestine, it will not be very late when the seven Arab countries will regret, but it will then be too lp?te for them to do anything. (Al-Yaqdha. 11/9) 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 4 - November 9, 1950. According to a Royal Bilat announcement issued on November 8p Queen Aliya's conditions remained unchanged. (A1-Shaab.11/0) H.R.H. The Regent has sent a telegram to President Truman congratulating him on the occasion of his safe escape from attempted assassination, for which President Truman has sent a message of thanks to the Regent. (Ash-Shaab. 11/9) E N D. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 D A I L Y R E V I E W of the B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Friday, November 10, 1950. Baghdad, Iraq. KING ABDULLAH INTERVIEWED. In an exclusive interview with the Az-Zaman reporter and the "A1-Ahram" correspondent in Baghdad, King Abdullah passed some remarks. Asked about the proposed four-nation plan for interna- tionalizing the holy places, he stated that he still expects full information from the Jordanian delegation at Lake Success. He added that he has no objection to international supervision of the maintenance of the holy places provided that "Jordan retains responsibility for peace and order." Asked about Egypto-Jordan relations, the King said that a "Brotherly spirit of cooperation exists." He stressed that there is no question of "subservience." About Syria, he expressed the opinion that the 'prevailing turmoil will lead to "unity of Syria"; and asserted, "I shall not change my opinion." Asked whether efforts are being made in this sense, he said, "There are none, but the right way is clear; stability is inevitably on the footstep of unstability." Asked about the incorporation into one state of the Arab sheikhdoms on the Persian Gulf, King Abdulla discounted the rumor as a "dream of the press which I have not heard of. Asked whether Chinese intervention into the Korean war will lead to a world war, he stated that war already exists be- tween Communism and Democracy. Asked whether the present economic conditions in the Arab countries may prevent Communism from spreading, he said that Communism is professed by "who has no religious sense." In the end, he blamed "Al-Ahram" newspaper of having abandoned its usual gravity by joining the rest of the Egyptian press in a campaign against his person. (Az-Zaman) 25X1 THE...... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 2 - November 10, 1950 THE IBRD MISSION. Economics Minister Dhia Jaffar stated that his Ministry has submitted "several loan requests" to the IBRD mission including funds to build up an oil refinery, to expand agri- cultural mechanization, and to erect a silo in Basra and a tobacco warehouse. (Az-Zaman) NEW DEPUTIES WIN UNCONTESTED. In uncontested by-elections, Mohammed Jewad Al-Khatib was elected to fill the additional seat of Suq El-Sheyyukh, Social Affairs Minister Majid Mustafa to fill the vacancy of the Raniya constituemcy due to the death of Salahiddin Baban, and Mohammed All Mahmud to fill the vacancy of the Koysenjaq constituency due to the resignation of Mohammed Ziad. (A1-Akhbar) EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Commenting on the Chinese intervention in Korea, Sada Al-Ahali doubts there is a real intervention on the part of Mao's China. It interprets the change in the course of the military operations as due to a regrouping of the North Korean forces. "The matter," it says, may be but a new act of provocation on the part of the U.S. against the People's Republic of China." The Chinese forces operating in North Korea are described as "'volunteers", which were encouraged to enlist by the Red Chinese Premier to repel the "aggression" against North Korea. The paper expresses the fear that the Korean-Manchurian border plays the same role of the 38th parallel and that the Americansseek a UN action on the MacArthur report. Indeed, the American plan which amended the UN charter affords the opportunity to override a Soviet veto at the Security Council. Even, it makes easier for MacArthur to get a mandate from the UN than the American Congress itself. The whole matter is that the "Americans want war, but they are seeking to throw its responsibility on others, while there is none in the world but the U.S. who wants war." The Orient is rising, acclaims Al-Yagdha. China and India rid themselves of imperialism. Even, Korea and Indo- China are trying to follow suit. The Arabs should strive to ensure their unity, lest they remain divided and weak. Approved For Release 2005/02/14 4;CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 3 - November 10, 1950. Analyzing the American Point IV Program, A1-Akhbar says that the American offer pf aid is "too important to be taken at its face value and tlb important to be disregarded without consideration." The Point IV Program has been conceived a means to combat Communist infiltration in underdeveloped areas. It comprises two parts: One, extending the American know-how, and Two, the investment of American capital. 25X1 25X1 SHORT NEWS. King Abdulla will visit Kerbala and Najaf today. He may visit Basra in the near future. (Az-Zaman) In an official announcement, the Minister of Interior has requested that persons who are a party in a dispute over Miri lads should not refer to the Ministry of Interior itself. The matter is forwarded to consideration by the Ministry after the Mutasarrif makes his own decision, explains the announce- ment. (Az-Zaman) The resence of a million Palestin .r efug r - ? ~ ~~ 941 . 0968000fR 7 problem must be resolved by the West in cooperation with the Arab count- ies: and the West should force Israel to allow their repatriatio. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 D A I L Y R E V I E W of the B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Saturday, November 11, 1950 Baghdad., Iraq. Sunday, November 12, 1950 Monday, November 13, 1950 PRIME MINISTER TO LECTURE ON WAR AND POLITICS. Premier Nuri As-Said will deliver a lecture on "war and politics in the 19th and 20th centuries", on Tuesday, November 14, at the Faisal Hall. Invitations were distributed. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 11/12) 25X1 ANNUAL CONGRESS OF CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY SET FOR NOVEMBER 27, The Constitutional Union Party's Higher Committee convened on Friday, November 10, under the presidency of its leader, Nuri As-Said. In accordance with Article-20 of its internal regulation, it was decided to summon the annual congress on Monday, November 27, 1950, at 5 p.m. The congress will have to elect the party's leader and Higher Committee, to examine the Secretary's report on the party's activities during the ast year and to make recommendations for the coming year. p(Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 11/12) * * x* TRANSFERS OF MUTASARRIFS CONTEMPLATED. The following transfers of Mutasarrifs are to take place: 1) Awqaf DG Jalal Khalid would be appointed Mutasarrif of Sulaimaniya; 2) Sulaimaniya Mutasarrif Najmiddin Saib would be transferred to Erbil; 3) Erbil Mutasarrif Mustafa Al-Garadagh, to Kirkuk; 4) Kirkuk Mutasarrif Murad Ash-Shawi, to Amara; 5) Amara Mutasarrif Musa Shaker would be appointed DG of Awqaf. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 11/12) GOVERNMENT CADRE LAW TO BE AMENDED. The Government Cadre Law imposes a maximum limit for sala so F ei2O0WO2/d*r[iCWIR BSM4 UA68UMT0002~'fance, a primary school teacher cannot be paid more than 25 dinars a month Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 2 - Nov. 11, 12 & 13, 1950. as a basic salary; a secondary school teacher, 40 dinars; an engineer, 50 dinars. This situation is leading to the fact that able persons quit the government service. In order to remedy such defects, the Prime Minister means to amend the Cadre Law to lift restrictions on government officials' promotion. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 11/12) IRANO-IRAQI FRONTIER INCIDENT. Diplomatic representations are under way between Iraq and Iran regarding matters of common frontiers. An Iranian police station has been set up on Iraq terri- tories over the ruins of an old Iraqi one, in the Shatt-Al-Arab area near the villages of Katiban, Al-Nashwa, and Al-Mehdada. The Iraq government is asking that the Iranian police station be removed. Moreover, the Director of Police and the Assistant Mutasa- rrif for the Liwa of Basra were detained for a full day by the Iranian police, while being on Iraq territories. (Al-Umma. 11/j.2) DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONVENES. On Saturday, November 11, the Development Board convened at the National Bank, The meeting was attended by the Minister of Finance and the National Bank Governor. The Council. of Ministers decided to authorize Arshad Al- Umary and Jalal Baban, in their capacity of members of the Development Board, to contact the various governmental depart- ments to be communicated their plans which fit with the Board's jurisdiction. It was learned in parliamentary lobbies that Arshad Al- Umary has withdrawn his resignation from the Senate, which he tendered upon his appointment to the Development Board. (Al-Umma 11/13) KING ABDULLA VISITED NAJAF, KERBALA AND KUFA. On Saturday, November 11, King Abdulla visited the holy places in Najaf and Kerbala, and lunched at the Royal Palace in Kufa; In Najaf, he was welcomed by Sheikh Abdul Karim Az- Zunjani on behalf of the Ulamas of the city. (Al-Nabaa. 11/13) Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 * * Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 3 - Nov. 11, 12, & 13,. 1950. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO ADOPT "DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM." The National Democratic Party intends to amend its program by inserting the principle.of "democratic socialism." 'J'ne Party's Secretary, Hussain Jamil, stated, "Democratic socialism is the right principle which should prevail in the Arab countries, in order to keep pace with the rest of the world and to ensure a standard of living worthy of man." (Az-Zaman. 11/12) EDITORIAL C%UENTS. In its edtitorials of November 12 and 13, Ash-Shaab criticizes the manner the Arab politicians are conducting their countries' policy. Just before the UN Assembly convenes, the Egyptian press staged a wild campaign of speculations about a would-be meeting between the Egyptian and the British Foreign Ministers. The fact is that Mr. Bevin met Dr. Salahiddin just by hazard. This brought about a bitter disappointment which turned into a hostile campaign against Mr. Bevin. Another incident. Lebanese Foreign Minister Philippe Tagla lunched with Mr. Bevin. The press made various guesses and speculations; but, Lebanese Premier Riad Al-Solh declared later that his Foreign Minister did not discuss any particular subject. "It is proved," concludes the paper, "that a policy or diplomacy to b,, successfully conducted has to be inspired by the country's national, interests and circumstances." Still commenting on the statement about foreign policy made by the Independence Party's Leader at its fifth annual rally, Liwa Al-Istiglal (11/13) speaks of the "liberation of Palestine." It recommends to its readers to repeat 5 times a day after praying, "my goal is the liberation of Palestine." It urges the boycott of Jews. It warns everyone in general and the Arab statesmen in particular that they should convince themselves that the Jews' "gold is a fire, their women's beauty is ugliness, their woman singers' voice is a bark, and their honey is a deadly poison." SHORT NEWS. Taha Lutfi Al-Badri, owner of the Al-Istiglal newspaper, announces that he has severed any connection with Khalid Ad-Dura who w r@aq! fltrgRell@gse 4($ /'.: [ .831Qg'411'ZP,006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Nov.-11., 12, and 13, 1950. An Agricultural Institute is being opened by the Ministry of Economics, Thirty students are to be admitted in the first year. The Institute will be of a two-year course. (Liwa Al-Istiglal. 11/13) The Ministry of Education's "van school" is to tour the Diyala Liwa. (Liwa Al-Istiqlal. 11/13) The IBRD mission is due this morning in Baghdad coming from Mosul after having toured the Northern Liwas for a site of the tobacco warehouse to be built up. (Liwa Al-Istiqlal. 11/13) According to the latest figures, there are 2079 lawyers registered with the Iraqi Lawyers' Association. (Az-Zaman. 11/l Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 DAILY REVIEW of the BAGHDAD PR`5 Embassy of the U.S.A. Tuesday, November 14, 1950. Baghdad, Iraq. KING ABDULLA WILL LEAVE DURING THE WEEK-END. King Abdulla visited the Iraqi Museum yesterday after- noon. He is to make a one-day trip to Basra. He will be :Leaving for Amman at the week-end. (Az-Zaman) GOVERNMENTAL UNDECISION OVER POINT IV PROGRAM CRITICIZED. Ash-Shaab, pointing that Iran and Egypt accepted the American offer of technical aid under President Truman's Point :IV Program, blames the other governments in general and Iraq in particular for their undecision, "as though they were waiting for some inspiration to come down from heaven," The paper expresses the fear that this undecision might make the Americans "lose patience." MOHAMMED HADID COMMENTS ON ANGLO-IRAQI FINANCIAL TALKS. Speaking of the current Anglo-Iraqi financial talks in Sada Al-Ahali, Mohammed Hadid urges the Iraqi government to revise its financial relations with Britain "drastically." "We were and are still calling, "says Mohammed Hadid, "for Iraq's independence from the sterling bloc. It will afford it free- dom of action for running its financial affairs in accordance with its own economic needs...... But, we believe that the present government cannot take the initiative of such an action which will be useful to Iraq and harmful to Britain." Then, Economist Mohammed Hadid urges the Iraqi delegation to stick to the following: 1) The principle of "earnings plus" should be applied and should cover the sales of Iraqi oil. 2) A larger amount of sterling balances should be released. Part of them should be in dollar in order to build up our currency reserves. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-73 ) 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 2 - November 14, 1950. 3) Iraq should have its own freedom in classifying currencies into hard and soft,. in accordance with its own trade relations with each country. Besides, Iraq should be free to conclude bilateral trade agreements. AI..YAADHA WARNS OF THE "DANGER OF HUNGER". Al-Ya dh warns against the "danger of hunger." Hunger is not due to lack of foodstuffs, but to unemployment. The people do not have the means to buy food and other commodities which are at exorbitant prices reminiscent of the war. The authorities are not realizing what the people is suffering of because they have everything at home and they have the means to afford it. SHORT NEWS, The British and the Iraqi delegations have had another meeting at the National Bank to draft a hard currency agreement. It is understood that Iraq is insisting on the principle of "earnings plus" and on the release of a larger amount of its sterling balances, on the ground that the country is contemplat- ing a development program. (Az-Zaman) An authoritative source has denied that Arshad Al-Umary, newly appointed to the Development Board, means to withdraw his resignation from the Senate. (Az-Zaman) The Ministry of Education announces that it is closing down the School of Rural Teachers at Karrada, Baghdad, to re- place it by one at Baquba. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi) Following the arrival of the equipments needed for the new Baghdad broadcasting station, it is hoped to enter into operation next January. Arrangements will be made for a new short wave between the 25 and the 30 meter bands. Transmissions in foreign languages will be broadcast over the transmitter set to the Kurdish program, when over. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi) Abdul Emir Shlash and Sadiq Kammouna announce that they have boycotted the by-election. at Najaf, because of the authori- ties A vEcY?$Pk& se1P0 114f @ffA-1 ~~83 c '1 ROB ~ 2-~ Al-Umma ) The Iraqi government has appointed Ibrahim Omar Saqqaf ns hnnnrnrv nnnm at. crannrc _ ( Al _TTmmn ) - Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 D A I L Y R E V I E W of the B A G H D A D P R E Embassy of the U.S.A. Sunday, October 29, 1950 Baghdad, Iraq Monday, October 30, 1950 ADDITIONAL APP ROPRIA rI ONS TO PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION. On Saturday, October 28, the pouncil of. Ministers approved an ordinance drafted by the Ministry of Finance for adding the sum of ID.284,000 to the appropriations of the Provincial Adminis- tration as its share of the petrol tax and property tax. By this additional appropriation, the overall allocations to the Provincial Administration amount to Ill. 334 000, as the original sum was ID. 50,000 only. (Al-Umma. 10/291 CULTURAL AGRE`- :ENT WITH rHE U.S. ON ITS WAY TO COUNCIL OF MINIS TIERS . The appropriate authorities in the Ministry of Education expect that the draft cultural agreement with the U.S. will be on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council of Ministers, if the Codification Department completes its stud otherwise, it will come at a later meeting. (Al-Umma. 10/30 25X1 ANGLO-IRAQI FINANCIAL TALKS SLATED FOR NOVEMBER 1. The Council of Ministers received a cable from the British Government announcing that the British delegates to the Anglo- Iraqi financial talks regarding hard currencies will arrive in Baghdad and that they will be ready to begin negotiations on November 1. Following the announcement, the Minister of Finance conferred successively with the Governor of the National Bank and the DG of Imports. (Al-Umma. 10/30) 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 2 - October 29, 1950 October 30, 1950 df the world that India and Pakistan obtained their independence and their freedom. We wished both countries progress. de believed and still believe that the key to their success is mutual understanding and peaceful settlement of problems in accordance with Right and Justice. We are deeply pained by the tension caused by the Kashmir problem. It could have been settled long ago with tolerance and reasonableness. The area, due to its geographical position and to the feeling of its overwhelming majority, seems to be an indivisible part of Pakistan. However, the best way for ascertaining the feeling of the majority is to stage an unfettered plebiscite, provided that both sides' forces withdraw to permit the population to express its opinion freely. We hope both sides succeed in this just solution." (liwa Al-Istigial. 10/30) FOUR CANDIDATES RUN FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTITUENCY OF NAJAF. The old 7-man inspection committee of the Najaf electoral district was dissolved, and is being replaced by an 11-man one, following the parliament's decision to have two deputies instead of one in the Najaf electoral district. The four candidates competing over the new seat are Sadeo Kammuna, Abdul Emir Shla.sh, Abbas As-Sayid Salman and Mohammed Jewad Ajina. It is noteworthy that Sadeq Kammuna is member of the new inspection committee, and that the list propos- ed by Abbas As-Sayid Salman was defeated. (Al-Umma. 10/30) DELEGATION FOR TRADE TALKS cVITH INDIA. Following the decision of the Council of Ministers that the delegation to conduct the trade talks with India be composed of representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Econo- mics and Finance, the members have been nominated pending fur- ther approval of the Council of Ministers. They are Bahir Fgiq, DG of the Economic Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bahir Al-Hassani, Director of Commerce, Ministry of Economics, and Hassan As-Salman, of the Ministry of Finance. (Al-Umma. 10/30) SYRIAN HANDS DRAFT TRADE AGGREEIAENT TO IRAQI REI-RES ATTATIVE IN DAI,iASCU S , The appropriate authorities in Baghdad learned that Musa Shabandar) Iraq's Minister in Damascus, was handnedd th e draftA*o ec'Vb I9aEeeT ~? 1Fi`b $ 6 -T (Al-. The t is on is wa,r o a'h i Umma. 10/30) AGREEME;N T ...... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 3 - October 29, 1950 October 30, 1950 AGREEMENT WITH UNESCO. Following the decision of the Council of Ministers authorizing the Minister of Education to sign an agreement with UNESCO on behalf of Iraq, the Ministry of Education has forwarded the text to the appropriate authorities for consideration and has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to instruct an official of the Washington Embassy to sign it. (Al-Umma. 10/30) THE U.S. POLICY TO~JARDS THE ARABS. Writing in A1-Ittihad Ad-Uasturi, (10/29), Fuad Tarzi says that the French, Uritish and American Foreign Ministers decided to counter-act Communist activities in the Middle East by launching a program of development projects. To answer the demands of the ti' Western military experts, the proposed projects consist of a network of military roads from Northern Saudi Arabia to Turkey and Iran, the expansion of military airfields, and the repair of the Aqaba harbor. But, says Fuad Tarzi, the U.S. policy is contradicting itself. It wants to win Arab friendship, and pursues a hostile policy. It refused to supply Egypt with arms,'and the Congress committee led by Senator Pepper after touring the Arab countries recommended that Israel be provided with American arms and ammunitions. Moreover, the U.S. at'the UN voted against Egypt's candidature to the Social Council and against Lebanon's to the Security Council. ANGLO-EGYPTIAN TREAT. Speaking of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty, Mohammed Hadid stated, "Egypt is right to consider its 1936 treaty as null and void. It became unbinding upon the setting up of the UN after World ''Jar II, which has taken charge of ensuring peace in the world. Thus, military alliances became unopportune; besides, the Anglo-Egyptian treaty and the like are a violation of na- tional sovereignty and are inconsistent with national aspira-` tions. and the UN charter. "The Egyptian government should not only declare it null and void but also act accordingly by considering the presence iof British troops over its territories as an act of aggression.." (Az-Daman. 10/30) Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R00680007000T$ 5bmpt ed ... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 4 - October 29, 1950 October 30, 1950 Prompted by the Egyptian official announcement that the Anglo-Egypt lan treaty is considered as null and void, Sada Al- Ahali (10/30) speaks of the type of "unequal treaties" under which both parties have no equal obligations, and where commit- ments are carried out by one party only, and which have been concluded under duress. Such a type of treaty is considered as null and void. Indeed, it has become "the duty" of "oppressed" peoples to abolish these "imperialistic" ties. Commenting on the. statement made by the acting Egyptian Foreign Minister that the Egyptian government means to take the necessary action to cancel the 193b treaty, if Anglo-Egyptian relations continue on the present trend, Liwa Al-Istiglal (10/30) says, "No Iraqi heard the statement without cheering it". The British, says the paper, understand but force. Egypt and Iraq have never been the "property of Britain; and the Arab nation, the "slave of the British people" . The fact, that the statement comes after the Bevin-Salahid- din talks, indicates thit the British "still attempt at forcing Egypt to subdue tothe 1936 treaty." 25X1 As from November 2, office hours of the government will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day, and from 9 a.m. to 1:30,p.m. on Thursdays only. (Livia Al-Istiglal. 10/30) Arshad Al-Umry returned from Turkey. (Az-Zaman, 10/30) General Taha Al-Hashimi is expected here at the end of the instant. (Az-Zaman. 10/30) Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415ROO680007000 _~-Itt ih id.. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R0068000700025X1 D A I L Y REV I of the B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Tuesday, October 31, 1950 Bali dad, Iraq. HANMAWI' S DEATH. General Sami Hannawi, who led the Syrian coup d'etat No. 2, was shot dead in Beirut by 30-year-old P-ohammed Al-Barazi. The assassin is the cousin of Dr. ilohsen Al-Barazi who, as the Prime Minister of Hosni Az-Zayim was executed by a squad upon Hannawi's order. (Az-Zaman) "Hannawi died a martyrdom." says Liwa Al-Istialal. "Hannawi," adds the paper, "as the other who believe in the right of this nation to freedom and unity, was favoring Syro- Iraqi union, but within the constitutional framework; therefore, he refrained from any action of his own and left the matter to the authorities in Syria. His greatest concern was that the Army stays remote from politics and that Syrian statesmen are accorded full freedom of action." "Today," says Alm a, "Syria's great hero is murdered by a sinful criminal inspired by revenge to the detriment of .3 million Syrians who, with the rest of the Arabs, see in Sami Hannawi a fearless general.??. The paper praises Sami Hannawi for his daring overthrow of the "dictatorial" regime of Hosni Az-ayim, and for his humility and soldiership because after having rid the country of Az-Zayim he handed the authority over to the politicians. The paper hopes that this "catastrophe" will make Syrian statesmen realize to what extent conditions have "deteriorated" in Syria. It sends "across the artificial frontiers" separat- ing Iraq and Syria its "warm condolences" for the loss of Syria's "pillar of pillars". t The death ip of Sami iannawi, the "hero" of the second coup d etat and the liberator' of Syria from Az-La im's ranny, is not a d'I: ZO& 'or f&asetm5/02# (Ik Q0415 6ffgft t?-7was "not an...... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 October 31, 1950. an ordinary man" ; he was a "man of principle" and was "unshaken by fear or terrorism", He believed in Syro-Iraqi union as a "national necessity." The paper directs its condolences to Syria for the loss of "its great man", to Iraq for the loss of the "sincerest Syrian leader who believed in their union", and to the Arab nation for the loss of a "true son." In a short obituary, Al-Istiglal says, "Hannawi died, deserted by the Syro-Iraqi union proponents to be the prey of plots. He should have been induced to live in some Arab country where he could be protected against such an outrage. "Hannawi was flattered for some time by union proponents, but with his downfall he lived in oblivion until he met such a painful death." VICTIMS OF TRIBAL F ZOCEDURE MISTAKE PARDONES. A new prodecural rule of tribal jurisprudence is shaped up. It consists that the Minister of Interior when revising a judgment passed by an administrative official under the tribal law has no right to reverse acquittal or release to an imprisonment term, but he should follow the usual criminal procedure of quashing the decision and referring it again to the administrative official. This procedure was ruled by the Codification Department on October 16, 1950 and by a 3-man judicial committee on October 26, 1950. In order to undo the injustices committed since 1945, the Ministry of Interior recommended to the Council of Ministers to remit by Royal Irada the terms of persons who are victims of such a mistake of procedure. Indeed, a Royal Irada was issued remitting "the rest of terms of persons condemned to imprisonment by the Minister of Interior or the person authorized.by him in accordance with the Tribal Law, as from the beginning of 1945, in cases where a decision of acquittal or released was passed by the adminis- trative official, but the Minister of Interior or the person authorized by him condemned them to imprisonment despite the decision of acquittal or release before referring the case to the appropriate official for revising the decision of. acquittal or release.." (Ai-Nabaa) Approved For Release 2005/02/14 ~`Cih-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 ANGLO------ Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 3 - October 31, 1950, ZGL G-IRAQI ii INANC IAL TALKS TO BEGIN TOMORROW. According to the acting Minister of Finance, Abdul Wahab Merjan, the An;lo-Iraqi financial talks about hard currencies will begin on November 1. The British delegation -is due in Baghdad today. The Iraqi delegation will be led by Abdul Wahab Merjan and will be made up of Abdul Ilah Hafidh, Governor of the Na- tional Bank, Dr. Saleh Haider, Assistant Governor, Nadhem Az- Zahawi, DG of Imports, and Mr. Dicks. Iraq will strive to get the equivalent of ID. 8,500,000 in hard currencies for the current year. (Az-Zaman). WORLD BANK=MISSION DUE IN BAGHDAD ON NOVEMBER 4. The World Bank mission is due in Baghdad next Sunday, November 4. It will remain in Iraq for six weeks, It will survey some economic plans, such as agricultural mechanization, silos, and the Hilla project. A larger party is due in Baghdad next February for a thorough economic survey of Iraq. (Az-Zaman) ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS TO PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION. According to Al-Umma, which reported that the Council of Ministers passed on Saturday, October 28, an ordinance for additional appropriations to provincial administration, the Council decide--J to postpone the matter until the inauguration of parliament so that the ordinance will be redrafted as a bill. (Al-Umma) BOARD OF NEd DATES COMPANY. On October 25, 1950, the new Dates Company convened to elect its Board. Four members were appointed by the Dates Association, as it holds 24,500 shares, and the rest were elected by other shareholders. The Dates Association's representatives are: The DG or Assistant DG of the. Dates Association Ha j Sat Saleh, H,:, j Mohammed Al-Aqil and Abdul Razzaq Al-'WJahab App ovecalIPor IRelea ec(0/0~~140:RCP83-~1~6s8~T0002-7 Hamed.... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 4 October 31, 1950? Hamed Al-Naqib Company Abdul Kadhem Al-Shemkhani Shaikh Abdul Qadir Bashayan Yuri Abdul Ahad Qassim As-Saqar Company. (Al-Umma) ANGLO-EGYPTIAN TREATY. Commenting on the Egyptian announcement that the Anglo-Egyptian'treaty is considered as null and void, Senator Mawloud Moukhles says, "Egypt was right to adopt such a decision following Britain's unjust stand which is inconsistent with Right and Justice and its failure in finding a solution to its relations with Egypt on a basis of equality as inspired by Egypt's aspiration to emancipation and sovereignty." He added, "Iraqis support Egypt's stand which proves the existence of a genuinely popular consciousness which cannot be overlooked at this. important phase of the life of the Arab East." (Az-Zaman) Faiq As-Samerrai, Deputy-Leader of the Independence Party, says, "The statement of H.E. Ibrahim Faraj Beg, Acting Foreign Minister of Egypt was met with deep satisfaction in nationalistic and popular circles, especially in Iraq. Iraq is bound by the Anglo-Iraqi treaty of 193.0 which was concluded under similar circumstances." He adds, "Both treaties have discharged their purposes, and have become null and void. Being unequal treaties and inconsistent with the UN Charter, they are moreover, null and void in letter and spirit." (Az-Zaman) SHORT NEWS . King Abdulla's wife arrived on October 29, and she is staying at Qasr Ez-Zehur. On October 30, Emir Zaid left Baghdad for London, The ~~egcnt has ordered a three-day mourning on the occasion o. tae ceath of King Gustav as from October 31. (Al-Unima) The Arab Renaissance Club announces the holding of its ann~~r8~eod~e`~~~as~o1~05rv2~1~r~1~-~R~D~o~~51~$~0~6rO~~~v e c ommitt e (Al-Umma) Dr. Hashim Barakat, _former. Deputy for Basra, has been nntini me,rli rnl nffirar :n t.;-a. sn Hspital. (Az-Zaman). Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 D A I L Y R E V I E W of the B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Saturday, November 4, 1950. Baghdad, Iraq. THE INDEPENDENCE PARTY'S FIFTH-ANNUAL RALLY. Yesterday morning, the Independence Party held its fifth annual rally, Leader Mohammed Mahdi Kubba delivered a speech on foreign polic and Deputy-Leader Faiq As-Samerrai on internal affairs. Mohammed Mahdi Kubba spoke of the 1930 Anglo-Iraqi treaty, ,Palestine, the Syro-I'ragT"`Union, the Arab League, and its popular counterpart, the Arab Common Defense Treaty, the East- West conflict, and the Tripartite Declaration. He branded the 1930 Anglo-Iraqi treaty as the "source of all. the existing evils in Iraq." He asserted its being "null and void", because it was concluded under duress, it provides for "unequal." obligations, and it "violates" the UN Charter.. The 1930 treaty, he said, enables Britain to "impose" on Iraq a "policy inspired by the imperialistic-mentality of the 19th century." Therefore, the party's "primary goal in pursuit of drastic reform is to strive for full sovereignty immaculated from such a tyrannic treaty and for speedy evacuation of all foreign troops." Regarding Palestine, he warned against the Anglo-American policy of managing a "final settlement with the Jews by means of some lenient Arab politicians." He asserted that the "libera- tion of Palestine will remain.a fundamental aim of the Arab na- tion." He called for "all-out economic boycott" of Israel. He described the Syro-Iraqi Union ass the "first step to establishing an impregnable barrier against Zionist expansion, and to the greater unity of the Arab countries." He blamed the Arab League for "inefficiency" and urged the formation of the "Popular League." About the Arab Common Defense Treaty, he is "doubtful" aboutAp vvd bi8*aee' 2?O5i 2/t416b4aRDR8"J1g 68QQ071)QP1 dangers. 25X1 25X1 25X1 However... Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 2 - November 4, 19504 However, he "welcomed" it, provided "it does not prevent Syro-Iraqi union, and it be; not used to implicate the Arabs into international conflicts." Switching to the East-*West conflict, Mohammed Mahdi Kubba laid down one major condition for siding with the West. The condition is that "our national aspirations be fulfilled, the West's errors towards the Arabs in general and Palestine in particular be corrected, and we be treated as the Western camp does the NAT nations." The purport of "siding" was fur- ther interpreted as "armed mentality", which was explained as meaning that "Iraq or any Arab bloc Iraq is member thereof would neither be hostile to the West nor defend the East." He denounced the Tripartite Declaration as being "conceived to enforce the present status, to stabilize the armistice lines and to divide: the Arab countries into spheres of imperialistic influence." He pointed to the "imperialistic conspiracies" re Libya, North Africa, and the Arab S'^eikhdoms, and made it the task of the Arab states to "rescue" them. Faiq As-Samerrai spoke of internal affairs. He put the blame for the "bad conditions" on the "ruling class for resorting to unconstitutional means." He called for "general suffrage" and "full political" rights to women. He asserted that the "only outlet" for Iraq is "national democratic socialism", with a minimum living standard, a maxi- mum limit of landownership, progressive taxation on landlords, distribution of lands and a social security system. (Az-Zaman) SHORT.NEWS. A medical party, headed by Social Affairs Minister Majed Mustafa, and including Dr. Hudson of WHO, and Social Affairs DG Dr. Abdul Hadi Al-Pachachi, toured the Dulaim Liwa on Thursday, November 2. the said Liwa will be the starting point of the anti-Bajal campaign to be launched under the auspices of WHO. (Al-Akhbar) Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CI-R&83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 DAILY 'REV IEW of the B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Sunday, November 5, 1950 25X1 Baghdad, Iraq. Monday, November 6, 1950 INTERIOR MINISTER DELEGATES HIS POWERS UNDER TRIBAL CODE TO 25X1 3-MAN BODY. Seeking better administration of justice in tribal cases, the acting Minister of Interior thought of establishing a Court of Appeal; but, this requires the lengthy process of lawmaking.. Therefore, the Minister of Interior, who has the power of revis- ing decisions made by Mutasarrifs, Qaimaqams and certain Mudirs of Nahiya in tribal criminal and civil cases, has delegated it to a three-man council in accordance with the following Minister- ial Order: MINISTERIAL ORDER 1) The Ministerial Order No. 25, 311, of October 30, 1944, and its amendment No. 15, 356, of November 6, 1946, are repealed. 2) In order to revise tribal civjicases properly, and in view of the authority vested in Us in accordance with Article 56 of the Tribal Civil and Criminal Disputes Regula- tions, we delegate all the powers vested in us in accordance with Articles 51, 52 and 53 of the said Regulations to Fakhri At-Tabaqchali, Piember of the Court of Cessation, whose services are hired to this Ministry, and to Abdul Wahab Mustafa, and Jewad Mahmud Al-Awqati, Administrative Inspectors; and they shall exercise them as follows: a) A council of revision of tribal cases shall be made up of Fakhri At-Tabaqchali, actin as Chairman, and of Abdul Wahab Mustafa and Jewad Mahmud A -Awqati, as members. b) The Council shall convene at the Ministry of Interior upon invitation of the Chairman. It shall examine all civil and criminal cases submitted to it and sha''11 pass its decisions by unanimous or majority vote? c) The decisions of the Council n all cases submitted to it in accordance with this Order sh ll 1,,o final. d) The Chairman is authorized to sign on our behalf all decisions issued by the Council in ac~crdance with this orderApproved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415F 006800070002-7 Actin 1 'ir U;t,or of Interior (A1-Ittina4i i--Desturi. 11/6) Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 - 2 - November 5 and 6, 1950. BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS OF PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION. Al-Umma (11/5) accuses the government of overcrediting the Local or Provincial Administration, by overallocating ID. 85,000 to the Mosul Municipality, ID. 25,000 to the Nasiriyah Municipality, and ID. 20,000 to the Erbil Municipality. Thus, the actual overall appropriations to Municipalities amount to ID. 469,000, meaning that the government overspent by ID. 369,000 as the 1950 budget earmarks ID. 100,000 only. (The 1950 budget appropriations to Local Administration are ID. 800,000, as its share of the petrol and property taxes. Ed.) DIWALI DOSKI CONVICTED. Diwali Doski, Deputy for Mosul, Was convicted by the Mutasarrif of Mosul on criminal charges in accordance with the tribal code. He was fined ID, 5,000 and ordered to deposit 300 rifles with the authorities of the Liwa for a bond of good behavior of a period of three years, with the alternative of three years' imprisonment. His brother, Rashid, was fined ID. 2,000 and ordered to deposit 200 rifles with the authori- ties for a bond of good behavior of a period of two years, with the alternative of two years' imprisonment. As Diwali Doski enjoys parliamentary immunity, the Mutasarrif of Mosul has forwarded the case to the higher autho- rities. (Al-Alam Al-Arabi, 11/5) QUEEN ALIYA'S CONDITIONS DETERIORATING. According to a Royal Bilat announcemeflt, issued on November 5, Queen Aliya's conditions are "expected" to deteriorate. (Al-Ittihad Ads-Dasturi. 11/6) IBDR MISSION ARRIVES IN BAGHDAD. A 6-man IBDR mission landed in Baghdadresterday after- noon. As the government's guests, the delegates are staying at the Zia Hotel. They are to begin their woks this morning. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dastuti.. i1/6) ANGLO-IRAQI FINANCIA . TALKS, Anglo-Iraqi ficancial talks to reach agreement over a quota R ~ ~,~~ Est re~d? 2 141 ?"6I tIR93?-00427 P,066' 7~ at ion is said t o'e stic Ong to the pr_J_nc tp.le o_' "earnings plus". The Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 -3 November 5 and 6, 1950. British delegation has expressed its desire of reaching full agreement. The negotiations will need some days, and, later, a joint communique will be issued. (Az-Zaman. 11/b) I1DEPENDENCE PARTY ADOPTS MORE ANTI-BRITISH AND MORE EXPLICIT SOCIALIST LINE. On Friday, November 3, the Independence Party held in the morning a rally, and in the afternoon its annual congress. At the rally, Mohammed Mahdi Kubba reviewed the party's foreign policy and Faiq As-Samerrai, internal affairs. At the congress, the party amended Article 3 (para 2) and Article 5 of its program, it elected a new Higher Committee and a new Executive Committee, keeping the main leaders in office. Thus, Mohammed Mahdi Kubba retains the Leadership; Faiq As-Samerrai, the Deputy-Leadership; nand Siddiq Shanshal, the Secretaryship. Adopting a more antagonistic stand on the Anglo-Iraqi treaty, the amended para 2 of Article 3 reads, "To strive for emancipation from the bonds of the 1930 treaty which has exhaust- ed its purposes and has become null and void embodying unequal obligations and being inconsistent with the UN charter." The other amendment makes the party adopt "democratic socialism", as the new Article 5 reads, "The party's economic policy is based on democratic socialism to combat unemployment, poverty and economic tyranny, and to achieve national ends and aspirations." (Liwa Al.-Istiglal. 11/5) Ed.'s Note.- Pre-amendment Article 3, para 2 reads, "To endeavor to alter the Anglo-Iraqi treaty so as to satisfy national sovereignty.." Pre-amendment Article 5 reads, "The Party's economic policy is based on combatting unemployment, poverty, and economic tyranny by the following means: ..." CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY CONTEMPLATES SECOND ANNUAL CONGRESS. On November 3, the 15-man Central Committee of the Constitutional Union Party reelected Jamil Al-Orfali, Abdul Majid Abbas, Rushc'i A. C'halabi , Jhmed Al-Amer and Mohammed Ali Mahmud. The other ?rombers will be elected by the party's congress, as their ono-yeas term is expiring, The part; ' s Hi,;l~ Committee will convene on Friday, November 10, to consider ,he agenda of its second annual congress and to F1.?.t: t nor'-t to provincial delegations. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 The party is x,)ec.ted tc ~.~tab'_ir z ~. branch in the Diyala Liwa. (Az?-Zaman 11S(E1 if Approved For Release 2005/02/1: CIA-RDP8 -o00e4m Q.P6~0Qd 80a2~ 71950. E1jI'20i',IAL COMili 1 TS ON ARAB AFFAIRS. Speaking of Libya's independence, Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi ('1_1/6) says that "Arab circles received the UN Political Coiiiiriitte; is decision with deep satisfaction." But, certain activities on the part of Britain and the U.S. "give rise to fear." American contingents have just arrived there. Ambassador Caffery is to visit Libya. Anglo-American military maneuvers are to take place there, In the end, the paper pays tribute to the Iraqi delega- tion to the UN for its "courageous struggle for Libya's independ- ence and freedom." Commenting on the deadlocked Moroccan-French negotiations for self-rule in Morocco, As-Si it (11/6) says that French refusal to make real concessions "gives an evidence of France's hostility and ill-intention" towards Morocco. The paper fore- casts that nationalist unrest will be resumed shortly, as France is "again undermining-, "French-Moroccan relations. The paper says that France "should realize that the era of ruling peoples with iron and fire is gone." It calls on the Arab League and the Arab government to support the Moroccan Sultan in his negotia- tions. Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi (11/6) voices concern about Syria's future, following the assassination of Hannawi. The incident is to intensify the turmoil, notes the paper, while on Syria's borders lies the Zionist peril. Indeed, there is no reason for all this civil strife. There is no question of imposing anything on Syrians by force. Every one should abide by the law and the constitution so that Syrians decide for and by themselves their own future. Gratified by Azzam Pasha's presence at the UN General Assembly, as observer, A1-Akhbar (11/5) says, "The Arab League should exploit its international position in a manner most useful to the Arabs." EDITORIAL COMMENT:: C.11;. I TERi ~` CNAL AFFAIRS:, In a ser: es of ..c F,r.ticles, published on Sunday and Monday, Sada "-,s an :~-istorica; review on the French "imperialist: c" in. hr.do--(',h'_na it accuses "World Imperial- ism'' phwb lfor F~etezse 20-05/02/34 ~,CIA-Ft 7B3 0415F t OD070J 2-rands the U.S. as the ;gip -,--3ezt '__ead~. ? .!.'?.rye 1_?5m-`' It praises the Viet Minriese f r the scc ia~ < rid k:du a`:..o:1al reforms introducec. Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 November 5 and 6, 1950. in the territories occupied by them. Perplexed by future developments subsequent to Red Chinese intervention in Korea, Al-Yaqdha (11/5) expresses the fear that it leads to a world conflagration. Ash-Shaab (11/6) discards the possibility of an all-out conflict between the U.S.'and Red China, because the Chinese soldiers who are fighting in Korea are volunteers. Red China is seeking to keep away American troops from its borders and to force the U.S. to give up opposition to Red China's representa- tion in the U.N. SHORT NEWS. On Thursday, November 2, the Arab Renaissance Club elected its new Administrative Committee. The results were: Abdul NIaj id Mahmud, President Abdul Karim Kanna, Secretary Dr. Abdul 1Iamid Al-Hilali, Accountant Abdul Ghani Ad-Dalli ) Abdul Rahman Bazzaz ) Members Hassan Ad-Dujaili (Ash-Shaab. 1115) Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006800070002-7 25X1 21 O c_. t o1) e AT cis RESPONSLATTITEC 25X1 :.. 6t.' .,_ ..a ,-.1., t J iCv::- t)o .-ti!J_ge., , .,._ r cC)maF, c - t r, fa ,:., one c e ?' ? ~f in f .n ~._ ` e.Le J.a T ,CJ _~.--~ou- i,CUE -J_.- _.i_ ', r1_.."t'- quontn SO- '_.f/ Sultan es t M W: J; W77. +::I t1 J1 pr s oxposen an Gopv6rnem nt I ' ~ c C,,," ` , I.Do I n C_t ..:;'1, , v 31 la _ ? 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