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Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 .1th January 195 0 ?5X1 A P 0 L A N D OF ECONOMIC LOCATIONS 3VIDDRESSES OF GOVERMfENT and OFFICIAL BUILDINGS 25etc, ...... -_rrr_r_r-rrrrrrr_rrrrrr.-rr-r...-r.-r-.,r.-r_-r_rr_rrrrrrrr-rrr----P-_-_ OFFICES ADDRESSES -------REFERENCES-- ------------------- 1. --------rybrrrrrrr-err---r-rrrrr I. STATE AUTHORITL~S r1, President-of-the Republic Palac Be]wederski 12 F/G 2. Parliament / 9e jm/ 4/6/8,Dagzynskiego St. 10 F/G 3. State Council f Rada Paj,s.twa/ 3,,Ale ja Stalina 12 F 4. Control Bureau of the 11 F State Council 25, Alej.a. I Armji YIP /Biuro Kontroli przy Radzie Paristwa/ 5. The Praesidium of the Council of Ministers /Prezydjurn Rad.y Ministrow / 46/48, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 8 F Garage s 2/4,Szwedzka St. 5 H Attorney General 2/4,V'Iilenska St. 6 G 6. The Ministry of Public Security St w 11 F Zinisterstwo Bezpieczeristwa Publicznego/ Prison Dept. of to T4ii iotry of Public Security . rra 4/6,Koszyko R ,X azi:aierzowska St. 13 F Labour Section 37, Rakov-riecka St. 13 E/F Prison No.2 24, AnielcWicza St. 7 D Forced Labour Camp 26, Anial-awicza St. 7 D -Building Saction . 10, Koszykowa St. 11 F Central Polyclinic 10, Koszykowa St. 11 F Central Polyclinic Branch 42, Zabkowska St. 6 H 7. The Ministry of Public 2 F Administration 5/7/9,Aleja Stalina 1 11/ /Ministerstwo Administracii Publicznei / Garages 42, Rakov/iecka St. 12/13 F 8. The Ministry of Food St 12 F / Ministerstwo Aproyrizacii/ . 28, Chocimska Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-0410006000040001-9 QFF I.Cr?i - j~i,ntry of .Co3:imujlloaclons iniaterrvtrt~-Komunikao ji/ M A P ADDRESSES REMR NC S 4,Chalubinskiogo St. 11 E Hydrology--Meteorological Institute 0k@cie -- Aerodrome Special Meteorological Research Section 35,Smolenskiego St. 3 B H.Q. of the Railway protection Guard , Corner of Nowogrodzka & Chalubiriskiet;o St. 10. The Ministry of Culture & Arts /Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki/ 11. The Ministry of Forests /Ministerstwo Les'nictwa/ 12. The inistry of Building /Ministerstwo Budownictwa/ Garages Chief Commissariat of Rural Reconstruction Central Administration of Building Material Factories Building Research Institute Building Standardisation Commission Building Material Centre Warsaw Directorate of Reconstruction 13. The Ministry of Education /Ministerstwo 09wiaty/ Research & Statistical Bureau State Archives Section 14, The Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs /Ministerstwo Poczt i Telegraf ow/ 10 E 4a, Rakovrieck& St, 12/13 F 52/54,Vlawelska St. 26,Aleje Stalinzl 10 F 87, Al. Jerozolir.iskie 10 D 35,Aleje Stalin& 10 F 2/4,Y1ilcza St. 10 F 26,Narbutta St. 2/4,Mlodziezy 13 F Jugoslowianskiej St. 9 F 27,Ylspolna St. 35,Chocimska St. 12 F 25,Ale ja I Armji YIP 11 F 49, Nowogrodzka St, 10 E 49,Nowogrodzka St. 10 E 2, Plac Malachowskiego 8 F Main Depot of Postal Stationery 4,Ludna St. Main Depot of Tele--Technical Mnterials 11, Ratuszowa St. Technical Institute of the Postal Service 11, Ratuszowa St. 9 G 6 G 6 G Post & Telegraph Training 11, Ratuszowa St. 6 G Centre 15. The Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare 4Zinisterstio Pracy i Opieki Spo1ecznej/ 26,Jasna St 9 E Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415 OFFICES State Factory for Artificial Limbs Ga ra go s Employment Office In_valides' Office Social Vtorkers' Training Centro 16. The Ministry of Agriculture & griculturnl Reforms 1ainisterstwo Rolnictwa i Reform Rolnych/ Veterinary Dept. Irrigation--Melioration Dept. State Estates Dept. Agricultural Education Dept. Garages 17, The Ministry of Finance /Zinisterstwo Skarbu/ Chief Inspectorate of Treasury Protection District Inspectorate of Treasury Protection Treasury Chamber I Treasury Office, II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV ADDI SS S 11 A P REFERENCES 1, Kujawska St 12 F 1/3/5,Berka Joselewicza' 7 H St. 15,Targowa St. 7 H 1,Jagielloriska St. 7 G 30/32,Lubolska St. 7 H 50/56,Nowogrodzka St. 10 E 30,FiltriovIa St. 40,Nowogrodzko St. 30,Filtrovra St. 57,F iltrowa St. 11,Krolowska St. 74,Tsrgovwa St. 2/4,Vtilei'iska St. 6 G 14,Lindley St, 10 E 14,Lindley St. 10 E Lindley St. 10 E 4/6,Szustra St. 13 F 22 :3ialostocka St. 6 G 38,Piusa XI,St. 11 F 2, Gdanska St. 4 C 22, Bialostocka St. 6 G 280,Grochowska St. 7 I 14,Lindley St. 10 E 4, Noa?kowskiego St. 11 E/F 22,Bialostocka St. 6 G 14,Lindley St. 10 E 32,A1.Nispodleglosci 14 F 3O,Poznanska St. 11 E 30,Pozna111ska St. 11_E 14,Lindloy St. 10 E 280,Grochowska St. 7 I 14,Lindley St. 10 E 6,Inflancka St. 6 D 18,Markowska St. 6 H CCbntrol Office 2nd Excise Office District Liquidation Office Customs Duty Directorate State flint 18.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4iinistorstwo Spraw Zagranicznych/ 19. The ~T,M~Rinistry of Justice / Iinisterstvuo Sprawiedliwsci/ 23,Ale ja I Armji VIP 11 F 53 /55,Leszno St. 8 D Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 6000040001-9 w, Approved For Release 2002/01/04.JIA-RRP 445406000'040001-9 MA P OFFICES ADDI %SSi S REFERENCES 20. The Ministry of H alth /Hinisterstwo Zdr'owic/ Miodo is St. 7' E 21. The Ministry of Vgained Territories Zinistcrst ro Ziem 21, Kazimierzowska St. 14 F Odzyskanych./ 22, The Ministry of Shipping 57,Filtrowa St. 11 E /Ministerstwo Laglugi/ 23. The ?Iinistry of National D~:.funcc Ministorstwo Obrony Narodowo j/ Ale ja Niepodloglosci 11 E 24. The Ministry of Light Industry /hinisterstwo Przornyslu Flee 3-ch Krzyzy 10 F Lekkiego/ 25. The Ministry of Heavy Industry Plac 3-ch Krzyzy 10 F /kinistorstwo Przomyslu Cijikiogo/ 26. The Ministry of Internal Treace ,4 inisturs/two Handlu Plac 3-ch Krzyzy 10 F YVewnptrznero/ 27. The Ministry of Foreign Trade Plac 3-ch Krzyzy 10 F /Miriistcrstwo Handlu Zagranicznapo/ 28. The Ministry of Mining, and Electric Power /Ministorstvro G6rnictwa i Plac 3--ch Krzyzy 10 F Enorgetyki/ II. MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES 1. Bureau of Revindication & War 11,Asfaltowa St. Reparations of the Polish Republic 13 E State Commission of Economic Planning lO,Daszyrisl_ie?o St. 10 F /Paristwowa Komis ja P1anowariia Gospodarczero/ 3. Head Control Office of Press Publications & lEnterta i.runeuts 31, Koezrk.ovra it. 11 E /Gl6wny Urzdd Kontr. o] Prosy Publikacji i Vidowink/ 4. Head Office of Country Surv~ys /G16wny Urz~,d Pomiar?6w Kraju/ 24, Ali: je Staling 10 F 5.. Central Statistical Office /Gl6wny Urz- d Stetystyczny/ 33,Narbutta St. 13 F /temporary S a new building is now under construction for the a/m Offi.ca at Ale ja Niepodleglosci, corner of Wawolska St. 7 6. Special Commission for Combatting Misappropriation & Harmful Economic Activities 25, Krakovrskio /Komis ja Spec jaine do V/slki z Przedmicscie 8 F Naduzyciami i Szkodnictwem Gospoda rc zem/ 7. State Hydrological-Meteorological Institute 6, Oloandrow St. 12 F /Paistwowy Instytut Hydrologiczno- Metaorologiczny/ Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 20021:61 ': CIADh$3-00415R006000040001-9 A P ;)D EE REF'ER' NCE 8. Waterways District Direot.c,r?dt 2, Soloc 10 G /Dyroko,ia Okr gow ych Drdg Woar_y c h/ 9. State Railw&ys District Direct or': t c) 2/4, Wileriska St. 6 G /Dyrekc,1J OkrQj,owe Kole i P ar'stwo vych/ 10. Directorate of th.c Motorisation Industry 13,Ylillowa St. 12 F /Dyrekc ,j a Przomy slu MotoryzacyJnegq/ 11. Directorate of Medium & 10,Noakowskiego St. 11 E Prervision Machinery Industry /Dyrekcja Srednicgo i Precyzyjnego Przemyalu Mas'zynowego/ 12. Population Records Section l0,Floriarlska St. 7 G /rrydziak Ewidenc j i Ludr-losc i/ 9a, ilcza St. 10 F 7, Srzoska St. 7 H 13. 'Film Polski' State Znterprise 61, Pulawska St. 13 F 14, State Institute of Hy;ieno 24, Chocimska St. 12 F /Panstwowy Zakiad Hy Tony/ 15. 'Polskif Radio' 18/20,. Noakowskiego St. 11 E /Polish Broadcasting Station/ 16. General Insurance Enterprise 6, Jasna St. 9 F /Powszechny Zoklad Ubezpioczen Iza jomnych/ 17. State Navigation /',.cgluga Paristwowa/ a. Vistula Rive=r Ncvigation 49, Nowogrodzka St. 10 E b. Oder River Naviastion 11, Lwowska St. 11 F 18. State Electrotechnieal Institute 75, Koszykowa St. 11 E /Panstwowy Instytut Elektrotechniczn / y 1.9. State Institute of Geology 4,Rakowiecka St. 13 E /Poristwowy Instytut Geologi czn,,/ 20, State Institute of Agricultural Sciencos /Panstwowy Instytut Nauk Gospoda'rstwa Wiejskiego/ 21, State Institute of Telecommunications /Panstwowy Instytut Telekomunikacyjny/ 152, Al. Niepodleglosci 11, Ratuazowa St, 6 G 13 E Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 gyGoi -~ Approved For Release 2002/01/04 CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 w A OFFICES .. 5- -, S RrFEFAN 1S III, WARSAW TO/!N AUTHORITIES 1. National Cou:'icil 2. Town Pracsidium 3. Town Control r3uM9u 4, Legislation & Disciplinary 3urc au 5. Military Bureau 6. Town District Office "Warszawa-Zachod' ./viarsaw- ivst/ 7. Town District Office iriferszwaa-Srodmiescie .trarsaw-City/ 8, Town District Office Ilarszawa-Poludnie t /17arsawMSouth/ 9, Town District Of'fico Pra ga--P6 noc t /Praga-North/ 10. Tows.*n District Office t Prega-Poludnie:' /Prsga-South/ 11. General ,conomy Office 12, Security & Public Order Off ice 13. Administration & Traffic Section 14. Housing Authoriti?s 15. Industry, Tr:}de: & Supply Office 16. Health & Social ";ic1f are Office 17, Town Seniter.y Enterphisos 18. Agriculture & Parks Office 19. Technical & Euildin`; Office 20. Buildint Inspection Office 21, Roads & Bridges Office 22, Survey Section 7,Alc js Gen. Sikorskifgo 10 F 10 F 1A,Jagiollonska St. 7 G 7,A1,Gen.Sikorskik~go 10 F 10, Florianske St. 7 G 70, Bems St. 10 B 95,Msrszalkowske St. 10 F 8/10, Willowa St. 13 F 1,Jagiolionska St. 7 G 37,Siedlocks St. 6 H 3,Kredytowa St. 9 F 7,A1eja Gen.Sikorskiego 10 F 51,A1oje Jerozolimskio 10 E 20,Karovia St. 8 F 29,Aleje Stalins 10/11 F 10, Bagatola St. 12 F 19,Spokojna St. 7 C 9,Marsza1kowska St. 12 F 3,Kredytowa St. 9 F 20,Narbutta St. 13 F 3,Kredytowa St. 9 F 2,Nowy Sywiat 10 F Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 22104 9~1 - 0h3-00415R00 iO0004OO01-9 M A P ADDRESSES ReFERENC-sS IV.. TOWN TRANSPORT DEPOTS & ENTERPRISES ------------------------------------ 1, Town Transport Administration 2, Mynarska St. 10 C 2. Tramway 3. Tramway 4. Tramway 5. 1. Electric Power Station 2. Gus Works 6. Tramway Section 7. Section IYlola' Section f Pragat Section 'Mokot6w' Tramway Section r SolocI r Loliborzt Trolleybus Section 8. Autoous Section Garages 10. Garages of Motor Transport 11. State Motor Transport /Panstwowa Komunikscjo Samochodowa/ 12. Independent Town Passenger Transport Station /Samodzielna Sboleczrna Stacja Komunikacji Osobowej/ Offices & Garages V. PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS 3? Town Transport Enterprises 4. V/atorboard & Sewage 5. River Pump Station 6. Sewage Pump Station 7. Praga Vlsterboard Network 8. Town Slaughterhouse 9? Town Clearing Enterprise VI. POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICES 1. WARSZA`IA 1 2, ti/ARSZAV/A 2 3. V/ARSZAWA 4 4. VARSZAV/A 5 5. ;rARSZA`v/A 6 6. ? 7 7. n 9 VIola 9/10 C 16,Kawgczynska St. 6 H 13/15, Pulawska St. 12 F Soloc 9 G 45 A, Slowackiego St. 4 C 8, Lazienkowska St. 11 G/H 6, Inzynierska St. 6 G 45/61, Slowackiego St. 4 C 16, Belwederska St. 13 G 42A, Grojecka St. 11 D 64,11olsks St. 10 C 41,YIybrze:~e Ko9ciuszkowskie 8 G 16, Ludna St. 2, Mlynsrska St, 10 C 5,Plac Starynkiewicza 10 D 124,Czerniakotirska St. 11 H 74,Dobra St. 8 F 23,Jagielloriska St. 7 G 1,Jagiellonska St. 7 G 6,Asfaltowa St. 13 E 45,Nowogrodzka St. 10 E 5,Towarowa St. 10 D 7/9,RatuezoWa St. 6 G 11,Krako%ltskie Przedmiescie 8 F ? Pulawska St. 23, Aleja I Armji VIP 11 F 59, Bialolgcka St. Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 2002/#1/04: CIAA_F -004f5R006000040001-9 OFF ICES XIII Commissariat XIV. XV. XV I XVII XVII XX_ XXII XXII XXIV XXV XXV XXVI / Post / Post / Post ADDRESSES REFF,RENC 11,Daszynskiego St. 10 F 11, ylilenska St. 6 G 9, Jagiellonska St. 7 G 8, iliktorska St. 14 F 169, Grochowska St. 8 J 24, Styk.i St. 9 H 81, Podchor4Zy.ch St.' 13 G 174, ylolska St. 9 B 85, Obozowa St. 7 B 32,Tykocinska St. 4 H 27, Siodzibna St 2 F 48, To.runska St. 1 E 52, MIC1 iewicza St. 4 D 63, Marymoncka St. 2 B 628, Po` azkowska St. 5 B 13, Brzeska St. 7 H 1, Ratuszowa St, 6 F 15, Kgpna St. 7 G 58, Y1 lcza St. 1 1 F 44, Vlisniowa St. 13 F XXVI / Post xxvi Post 1st Rly Commissariat River Commissariat Traffic Company Operation Company Training Course of 0. Rs. ORM0 /Militia Reserve/ Command 22, ylidok St. IX. PUBLIC SECURITY OFFICES ------------------------ WIARSAI - South District VTARSA71 North WARSAW VEst T1ARSAVI Office Sierskowskiego St. 6 E Karolkowa St. 10 C Office VARSAy1 Voyevodate P.iblic Security Office 7, Motor vehicles Repair ylorkshops 26, X. JUDICIARY District Court Court of Peace District Court Prosecutor XI. PRISONS 11, Gratyny St. 13 F 12, Pogonowskiego St. 5 D 25, G6rczewska St. 5 D 4, Cyryla i Metodego St. 6 G 53/55, Leszno St. 8 D Penal-Investigation Prison 11,Listopada St. P.o. o Labour Camp 2/4,G6rno61Qska St. Prison Dopt.ofthe Ministry of Public Security H.O. 85, Prison No.l. of the Min. of Public Security 37, Prison No. 2. of the Min. of Public Security 24, Labour Camp of the Ministry of Public Security 26, 8 D 8 D a 5 G Kazimierzowska St. 13 F R.ako:^ric cka St. 13 E/F Anielewicza St. 7 D A niciewicza St. 7 D Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 200401104: S4'A`2 3-00415R006000040001-9 DFFICES 8. WA RSZ. 1Th 2~~ 9. " 11 10. 12 11. 14 12. n 16 13. 18 14. 19 15. 21 16. 22 17. 23 18. 24 19. " 26 20. 27 21. 32 22. 33 23. 34 246 36 25. 38 26, 42 27, 44 28. 45 29. 46 & WIT 30. 51 31. YIA RS ZAVA - SE Jai 32. WARSZAti/A--WIAZOWNA & W/T Station 33. Telecoraaunication Office 34. Telephones VI. FIRE STATIONS 1. Town Fire Brigade H. Q. 2. III Fire Detachment 3. V 4. I Fire Post 5. II 6. IV " " 7. Voluntary Fire Service VII. CITIZEN MILITIA 1. Citizen Militia H.Q. ,~ilicja Obywatelska/ 2. Aliens' Registration Section 3. Chief Inspector_Ate of ORMO /Voluntary Reserve of Citizen Militia/ 4, Citizen Militia H.Q. Garages 5. Citizen 1,1ilitia Command for Warsaw 6. Citizen Militia Commissariats I Commissariat V VI VI /Post/ VII IX Xi ii M A P A DDRE SSE S REFERENCES 1A, Miedziana St. 10 D 9, Flory St. 12 F 7, Dviorkowa St. 13 G 7. Al. Gon.Sicorskiego 10 F 50, Zybokowska St. 6 H 4, Ludna St. 9 G ORQcie - Aerodromo Okgcie , Szosa Krakowska 62, Filtrowa St 11 D 25, Stalowa St. 6 G 102, Radzymiriska St. 5 H 246, Grochowska St. 7 I 62B,Powgzkowska St. 5/6 B 10,Plac Inwalidow 5 D 11A, F rencuska St. 9 H 17, Powsiriska St. 17 I 30,Czorniakowska St. 13 H 26, Zamojskiego St. 7 G 62, Obozowa St. 7 B 108,Grochowska St. 8 J Bielany, Szregera St. Boornerowo 2/4, Wiloiska St. 6 G 4, Daszyriskicgo St. 10 G Y/i4zowna ? 2,Barbary St. 10 E 19, Piusa XI, St. 11 F 1,Polna St. 12 F 1,Polne St. 12 F 2, MarciKkowskiego St. 7 G 21, Torunska St. 1 E 48,Piotra Skargi St. 4 H 3, Chlodna St. 9 D 48, Piotra Skargi St. 4 H 14/16, Karowa St. 8 F 14/16,Karowa St. 8 F 27, Aluja Gen.Sikorskiego 10 F 10,Wiktorska St. 14 F 10, 6-go Sierpnia St. ? 23, Bodnarska St. 8 F 17, Okopowa St. 8 C 32, Grdjccka St. 11 D Rly Station, Towarowa St. 10 D 59,Sionna St. 10 E 11B, Piusa XI.St. 11 F 9, A1.Jerozolimskie 10 E Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-0 p1fi0D06000040001-9 OFF ICES I'd A P ADDRESSES REFERENCES XII. HOSPITALS 1. Control Hospital of the K~. 3. i. /KB-,7 -- Internal Sccuritj Corps 90, Zelo z,ne St. 8 D 2. Szpital Si. Duche 17, Dworake St. 10 C' 3. Szpital dl's Dzicci /Children' s Hospital/ 43, Kopernika St. 9 F 4. Szpit l Dzicciti.tks Jozus 4/6 Oczki St. 10 E 5. Szpital Karola i Marji 1, Dzieidowska St. 9 C 6. Szpital Kolejowy Sw.lo jciecha /Railway Hospital/ 12,Brzcska St. 7 H 7. Szpital Iic jski /Taunicipal Hospital/ 8. Szpit:cl iiinisterstwa Obrony 272, Grochowska St. 7 1 Narcdo of 4Zinistry of 'r~ tional Dcf Bence' s Hospital/ 31, 6--~_.o Sie:rpnia St. 11 E 9. Szpital Okr gowy 4Eiilitary District Hospital/ 27, 6-go Sierpnia St. 11 E 10. Szpital Przemienienia Pans'.~ieg o 4, Plac 'Jctcrengw 7 G 11. Szpitcl Zcka ny Sw. Stenislotiva /Hospital for Infectious 15, Siennicka St. Outside the limits of Disoso s / this map. 12. Szpital tilols' i 26, Plocka St 9 C 13. Szpitsl dla Zek:o4.nie Chorych /Hospital for Infectious Disoasos/ 5, Chocimska St. 13 F XIII. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS A. Higher Schools / University standard/ 1. Academy of Political Science l63,Al.Nicpodleg1o9ci 13 F 7, Reja 11 D 2. Acs my of Arts 42, Polnc St. 11 F 3. Academy of Physic!-.l Education BI~LILANY 1/2 B 4. /arsaw University 26/28,Kr_-~kovvrskia P r z dill iscio 8 F 5. 'ilorsavi Polytechnic No-kow,rrski go St. 11 E Secretariat 7, Lvwowska St. 11 F 6. Main School of agriculture 8,R,okowic~cka St. 13 E 9. Vain School of Commerce 6, Rekoiiecka St. 13 E 10. Engineering School of Wawelberg & Rot-wand 14, Bob.oli St. 13 E Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R006000040001-9 Approved For Release 200Vf01/94.; CIA- W4f 006000040001-9 e 11. State School of Inl-,nd Navigation 2/4,Bodrla1ska St. 7 F 12. Academy of Llucic 15,''riloriska St. 6 G 13. State Academy of LLluaic 16,G6rno61g,.ska St. 10 G H. Secondary Schools / 'Gimnasiumst / ie Sk6rnic zc Gimn: z jum 1. I;ii j sl, kocdukacyjne 38, Szerok~ St. 7 G 2. Liie js1:.ie Gimnaz jum Mechaniczne 86, T i owe St. 6 G 3. I. Mio sk.ie Gimna z jurn Handlowo-- Spozywcze i Muzeum 2, LTiy.:.arske St. 4. II Lli e jaki ~e Gimnaz jum 31, Kryp;'o!ra St Kupie elder i Lici Lim Hendlow.wwe: 5. IV Lliee js' iC Gimnaz jtun i Liceum 0 61noks t:^lct.co 8,Skaryezevisks St 6. VI LZie jski_ Gimn:r.z jar,1 i Liccum Og61no.~sztalc cc 6,Boremlowske St 8. Pci stw,-wrowe Gimp z jum Handlowe OFFICES Panstwo c Gi.i_11.az jum CUkiernicze L A., 11 ADDP>E S; S EYPERENCES 30, Zo,mo j ski:ego St: 7 H. i Liceuri Adn.inistracy jne 58, Nowogrodzka St 10 E 9. Par=strrowa Gimnaz jum Zicnskic.: 12,Kawcczynska St 6 H 10. Gimnazjum i Liceum Parstwowo in.Batorogo 6,My9liwiecka St 11 G 11. Panstwowe im.Klementyny Hofmano,jre j 46, Paine St. 11 F 12,. Gimnaz um i Licoum Panstwore OgOnoksztoiccco 194/196,Grochowska St. 8 J 13. Parstvlowo Gimn^.z jum Kr--wieckie i Eicli-niors!