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COUNTRY Gem (Ptssist Ze* ) SUBJECT Pxedmottc at Red Alrfa re* Trafaltpg Zgoipmat at Zdse, Jetna PLACE 125X1 A ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1, ti :ioviet co:!i. fission sent by tile -a6i,ieer1r,, i3areau i.o .i.(_' jr, t?.ristorst h.ld been at tine Jena ,,. 51/J 66) -eiss ?l:irit for sever;.l v:ee;ks. it was headed b y ., .j 5,merkalo:, (:Ur f o r c e engineer, blue cap, sneaks i er,, and had the 1'olloysin_. personnel: " r ;,'a j Ivchesko, air force Lr ,lip Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415Vq,04jQ030002-6 CLASSIFICATION SEQtET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 11atmi rov, air force Lt '3ol (:nr.) Kosov, fir force +.. j Nikolayev -nj Varshavski ano This sommiseion was trained for several bad SWW-., day by fie s, , ;,,,.,.,.,. .and demon str -,tions of t,.ie IJ< and j1-1 p sets, ' thhe lectures being de. ivdr by n~ineer Bil ers, Jr, rru not, ;;n;' olfran,and other '-eiss enL,ineers An interpreter i%ith tae darner eft Jahn was :fired for this trai:;n~.? ,.x;jj3 q tie trr:nrlation of classifies tcchn. :':1 material, J:uiri is a 3er.iat rho was born in i..E :inF,r d and has been er:4ployed by the Leiss r'inn qr 4,ft-; lore, tinge, a f4 'fi-: tlue:)rints of tie A--1 set are Baia to :'avo been soil to Lau ocvi.e by Jr. rill.-ers after it a.zd been further develo :ed by :.i.:.. The set Mid -~iief;edly; was not coc,-feted b;, the ti::.e of Lt.F: Gen:i::Ln surrender. 25X1X b. The following infor;..ation was taken from Lie .Werliif ,e le lorie director,- : 111 t+11c 61..7b t1,411t,. 3. a. ~i . Huai.:;:' glib; ers is nbout 45 ye:rru oiu %.n'.: '.s . icl Lo, i..v. bc. n german, he runs an en.v1cer...u.. oure,',u l.rl !it`ix'lifi, His co-worker .n_ `VJo.t.lmer r:-io speaks iussian. .,csicies' t.,ejr Berlin .lats sbot en4ncers iixiVe 1ivinc cuarters in Jena ana worrkinL i'aCtL*_.ties 25X1A NSRB FBI Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-004158001 Hilbere, Giovanni, Jr, Ind, Berlin- .ei-ilendorl, 5 iioc;iv.i. u i a, tel. .. 6 71~ Office, Berlin-S mac;; 9,1 !~ jP.IRi_P,.~ r+r ;term nns i>l:itz; tel 6601 427, bt ndll REPORT NO. CD NO. 5X1A DATE DISTR. 19 JW Iy 1950 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCL. 6 Anmmms (LISTED BELOW) (34 Pages) SUPPLEMENT TO 5X1 A REPORT NO. Approved For Release 2D02/08414: CIA-RDP83-004158005400030002-6 25X1A C$NT LAL #R 111 ABC= office 3erlin-.eukoelln, 35 Oderstrasse, tol 6i4 i86. The co. plete descrii;tioin of the L-l set s;:cured ate in jctober 1;49 was co:,~prised of J pin :tssian. The translation made in ta.e translAtion bureau v,rts returned frori ':ei.nax? wits, corrections of Lae Soviet co:n.nission and h;-id to be rewritten. k 0 nundred co:Aes were ..ade, one bein, sent . ions; ith crch i-1 set. Triere were also folders with dia;.;raicis and sketches. The i,-1 sets were about one cu sic : eter In size. Tile new cyders showed minor modifications of the ori.inil design. Copy of letter in Russian written Sro.n the Berlin office or Jr. ililgers to the Soviet ;;.nt_irieerink 'ureau L,o 16 in EFrlshorst. The subject of this letter is Proaosal for the r roject of :'.n i:ameri::ent,-:l Trailing Set A-2. This se., w_dch in Russian is oesi ;nated 't7'reneyoer", is for the training of pilots and iras tue s =-:e fu_.cti?,ns as the . -l sot, that is: a. Trninin7 in taking off and iandine b. TrfininL in the control of the t'lyi ~g aircraft c. Familiarization with the aircraft irrstrucnerrts d. k1?;?inf; by maps The indiv_dua1 parts of the set Are enu.eorr.ted :,nd b. Annex.2 : Copy of a dr;ced :~;9 November 1,',-49 and written by ;r,j ;; erkaalov to the :aenam ernent of the Zeiss rint, dealirr~; ',kit;, .::odifIc, tions a.t the A-1 set. 7. Annex 3: Cony of t.7e translation of the protocol o f conference ire1d ors 30 ,,ove;aber? 1,4; in Jena. Inc topic of this conference was 3todifications of the h-1 set (c; shame of the proje:ctor? by :-. _)ancratic set). b. The conference attended by :,'ajors Smerkr.lov and,,:irov of the "::T:i lb", Cr. IIilgers and seven representatives of the Zeiss i!'ira:. E . Ji.drtex 4- . a. Copy. of a letter dated 1 Decerfber 1;49 rand written by tue Zeiss rirm to Lhe cs~ of of the .port De-aHrtment of tiro ioreifn Tr de i-ency ;,f the SC', (Soviet Control too :::.ission) in Berlin-i:arlshorst, 1 Schtuelineen- sti-asse. b. The subject of t:re letter is ..n order fu : the -1 Set. it IS :. sun l:- ent to tiro _ ronos:C1. of '/ id;;verber 1(,41.-. c. in: 5ctareiber was the chief of the ;3 a;, .. de, art,rent. ~xi, olfr:~:t was t,_e chief desiLner of the r.e,; sets. Jo,,u ere ;:rztLen t ;::,e: lower r?iz,.iit corner. describes. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R005400030002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R005400030002-6 GWIM IRT i. -3= !nr:ex 5: 25X1A r.. Original copies of the descriptions of the design rnd the functioning of the R-i k and ~'.-1 p sets. b. ine description of the set vztn the atLacaeu drawings were trans- lated in the translation bureau of the firer in October and November 1 49. Just as in the case of tine 1..-l set one copy each of this descripticri, was t.) Lm along with each individual set c. the descript,oci, wider, could be socjred in -,artowas also to sorve the trs.ining of the Soviet co.w..ission in Jena. d. Io1..ow?in1 is a short survey of the attac;