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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION RE-PORT CD NO. CLASSIFICATION U. r% OFFICIALS 0:!LY COUATRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT The Tatra '-forks at Koprivnice PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. "I$ DOCw2ct T COMINS INP00DATION APFUMINGTHS NATTO:,4-AL DfZPEMR1: DPTNO 001T?0 s9ATIi3 WITBIt1 T08 0OAN196 OP THE 0SPIOTIA68 ACT 00 D. N. C.. 81 ADD 32. As AOItND3D. TT3 TBAA5D1?Eiow 00 THE RHVGi,ATIC$I OP ITS C00TEOTO 10 ANT OAN2E0 TO AN ODAIrmORIasu 0003021 Is PRO- I. EOPt8'ODICTIOIII OP THIS 110021 Is PTA3IOOTTETI.. ,HIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The Tatra Works at Koprivnlce are s3i$ uated on Via Pribor-Stramber* railway line and on the Pribor-Franstat pod. 1:,ad.%o; txi-Drnho3.ea--Stramt)ertt road. To A the northwest and south of the ?forks them, arm field d n sa a, and to the northeast, fields and r adorn for a distance of al,out 500 raters, at which point the ;round rises steeply; here I. also, are the so-called Cerveng Keen (RRed Stone) Forest and the Cerny I.s (B Forest), The factory can best be photographed from this vantage grc-rmnd,. To the sourtheast lie fields, and to the southwest, vacant lots, beyond idieh are located farm houses and the village of Koprivnice. 2. The entire plant is surrounded part] by waling 2.5 meters, high and topped with barbed wire and partly bF a wall 3 meters high and also topped 'w th barbed wire. Three or four gatekee "s are always on duty at the main r'rate- r.ny, No. 1, which opens onto the Drnh-,1ec-.: trariberk road and which is to the right of the porters, gateway, No. 2. Gatemy Noe 3 is always shut. Three ee to five porters are on duty at the er tbo. 4 leading into the motor vehicle factory; a porters, lodge sta=1s to the right of this gateway. The porters are not armed during the day, and no .`ITB or SNB agents are stationed at the lodge. 3. The Tatra 'Porksa were not damaged at a."L during the war. During that time the machinery in the factories was increaCad a' out thirty per cent'.-) The `Forks con- tain the follo*.r.tng buildings: a. Motor vet 'icle factory A. This building is 150 meters wide and 400 meters long. Tho front. portion is made uyr of three stories. On the right-hand side of the first floor are dress1.r g and wash rooms for employees; behind th!880 rooms are the construction, ` eohnical, and production offices nd facilities for storing tools. On "he left-hand side are the ship do- partrient, the general, offices, and the administrative and proceas , offx.- ceo, and behind these, the components shipping depart: sent. On the second floor are the offices of the ranagrr and of the production assistant, on the third floor the construction o' fines,. The rear part of the building is the rotor vehicle factory itself, which consists of one floor with stores and workshops along both sides. T,1(3 left-band side contains the storerooms MRS !ji$~a21t f ~??.F 37/El CLASSIFICATION 0 F F ICIALS DATE DISTR. 3 April 1950 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCL. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 SECIi1T/COTITROL - U. iFFICIALB ONLY CETITnAAL I14TELLIt7,110E AGETICT -2- forasnii-finished products, behind it the finished parts stoves, then the storehouse for completed aasemb i units and for parts brought iui from other plants. On the right-hand side, beginning from the front, the tool room and tool storeh xse where special tools, instruments, and rieasuring instruments and parts are inspected; then behind these rooms is the store which issues .ools, measuring instants, and pro- duction equipment. Further on are a library for drawings and processes and the office distributing them, the fitters' shop for bending pipes and the, sheets, the gear-fitting shop, and finally the engine-testing shop which includes brake testin. The center of the building is oc- cupied by the main hall. b. Factory for conveyor belt manufacture of the Tatraplan and of Type III (B). This building is to be completed during the winter of 1949-1950. Ass?,r,bly operations will be trans:r ez ed here from buildin. C. assembly of the Tatraplan a eonv+Tor belt, with a sufficient widtFor the h and strength to assemble tanks, is being built. c. Aircraft hall (C), containing war-tirm machinery for the production of propellers and propeller blades. e. Boiler house (F). This biildin..p contains the central heating ties for the entire Tatra works. facie` f. Pattern store (G). This is a one- eaten building where wooden patterns are stored. P. Foundry (H) which is used solely by the Workx. h. Railway }t car factor manufactured here daily. . Fourteen 10-- to 25-ton frright cars are 4. Prior to the war, production at the Tatra Works included the foliowing** a. Small cars: 24 small passenger cars, model 57a ("Hadimrakar') 4 cyl; sale price i 24,000-26,OD0 ice. , I, 2C{} co. , b. Medium care: 4 of model 75, 1,600 0, 4 cyl,; sale price, %,000 Kce. 2 to 4 of model 97, 2,000 cc., 4 cyl., rear motor. C. Large cars: 2 to 4 of type- , g ttr4 rear motor; sale price, $0,0100 Kos. d. Trucks: 15 of type 27, 3 tons. Other types of vehicles: Itodel 24, " erns, 6 wheels ahicn and buses. Model 91, Die~2, trrickv: and buses. Model 110, gasoline, for bases. These three types were very irrti.lar and about six of stem were ,ro- duced daily. SEC1?n/to noL - !!'K -;, + FF rGZAL~ ^Fdry Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 S:1CfZT/CONTROL - U.^. IFFICIALS, ONLY CEI3T R ~L.. I I,I~ , CE p1Gr.NCY 8. For raw materials, the Tatra Works in its smelting processes uses cast iron or steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, aid, co per. Vitkovice supplies most of the cast iron, and Kladno the steel needed by the forge. Sheet metal Is ob- taireed from all producers, the chief ores being at Vitkoviee (Zabreh) and Kiadno, which furnish cold and hot rtslied sheets. Cold-drawn bars cone from Kladno and Libcioe nad Vltavou, and hot-drawn tubes from Vitkovice. Semi- finished products such as discs were originally supplied by SIomda.. After 1Q/.5. f:n4q ftnAtlon ma taken ainv P,?om Skoda and now semi-finiahod Boa are delivered exclusively by the Pal 'lorka, which are _the ;ixtee4 united fac- tories for the motor vehicle and air.raft industries. For example, the Pal plant in Jihlava supplies Diesel injector pumps, and the Pal plant in lovy. Jicin radiators and headlights. tie for railway freight cars are supplied by Kladno. 9. Power for the Tatra Ttorks is principally electrical. The 'forks have their own generating plant, but because th . generators are inadequate and are capable of producing only one-fourth of the current needed by the factories.,, Tatra finds it cheaper to obtain current fc:r the station in Strelkovice near Svinov. This station buys cheap current, which is the current in excess of that re- quired by the mine pits in the Ostrava "field. The transmission line is 25 km. long, carrying 22,000 volts, 10. Gas is made In the Tatra ,gasworks, wTsicb stand near the foundry, and there is no shortage. Coke is brou t in wry rail from Moravska Ostrava? Gas is used to heat the foundry, high-temper turo f naces, forges, presses that forgings), and two tempering shops. 11. The following supplies are kept on a. Coal, near the boiler house (F). b. Gaaolinep kept underground in a croup of tanks, each holding 22,000 liters. The tanks. are filled from railay? tankers. c. Varnish. 12. Transportation is furnished by rail. The track in Koprivnice is a single line. At the station there are four lmdinF tracks, with loading equint andrarmps. These, however, are not important because transport is carried out as Thllows: the track running through the Works is so arranged. that two parallel freight cars can run along broad rail tracks at right angs to the main track and be admitted to linos running. throupnoutthe entire Works into almost all of the departments. Trucks are used only it case of shortage of a particular material. 13. Before the war, the Tatra Works employed about 5,000 persons;. at present, there are between 5,000 and 6,000 workers. Two shifts are operatedt from 0600 to 1400 hours and from 2400 to 2200 hours. 14. Personnel of some importance at the Yorks include the following: a. Motor vehicle factory. 1) Eng. hlanzel a, developmental department. lie came from the Skoda Works in Miada Boleslav. 2) Eng. Kozak, developmental department, and also from the Skoda Works in Miada Boleelav. 3) Eng. Vyhnans1Wj_ prototypes deTmrtnent.and construction of the Model M. ~.) So jka, a former athlete and a reactionary. 5) Hojecky, works manager. 6) Vesin, chief of assembly. `ECI T/C0rn'T ''L - T1.'. IFFIC IALS ' NL! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1 SECR ,T/(;OlTTPDL - U _ f". 1fFIC IAL.S ONLY C]3 NTRAL IfTELLI `7'XC : AG1iWCY -5- 7) Marek, works engineer, in anaenh'iy. 8) Aroza, assistant manager, in assembly. 9) Eng. Cipeir, chief construe tor.** 10) Eng. liackerle, chief of constz etion; he is a reactionary. b. Railway freight car factory. Ei . RaMr, chief. c. Tempering shop, Simsa, chief, d. 14orks council. Nemec, chairman. to is Ccn miunist Party chief in the Tichovsky Works, senior inspegr in Tatra, and chairman of the local national committee in Koprivnice. e. Eng. Ruzicka, manager, a Cvml?nu t; Dr. M3mrat, technical deruty, a Cor uni9t.*** 15. Security is maintained by a militia total3nF; 400 men who have no duties to perform. The SNB station is i ediateiy opposite the principal entry by foot to the motor vehicle factory. The i?rindowa of all its offices face the factory. meat for the chief constructor, an Lng. ledvinka who was imprisoned as a Ger- man in 1945. C It is not clear of what factory these men have charge, Enclsa Uy-out of the Tatra works and the ear+.producing plant (2 pages) aSECRR /C' TRQL ?? U.3. OF CIA.LS rON"SLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/13: CIA-RDP83-00415R004400050006-1