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CLASSIFICATION Si cithT 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25XIREPORTI INFORMATION, REPORT , CD NO. COUNTRY, Czechoslovakia SUBJECT. Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF IN F0, 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOW DOCUL CIiT COI2TAINS ICIPOGRAT20I2AFRL'CT211eTI78 DATIOI062,OFFED412 OF Tue Ca1Y80 8TA18O 1921211 752 I21IACdif0 OF T0R CIOP103AP ACT 80 V.V.r,..DI GWD 92.AOANUwno. PTO 7=400202op 02 YU41 RCSVDA1104 OF ISO CoIIMTO 40 AUV CdA62j]000i TO AM UVADI22ORILro PE9 08 W PRO- P.282S^.ID In 1A17 pBYAODIO ofl (1P WOO 70220 212 PL'i0251y2T90. DATE DISTR. 23 February 1950 NO. OF PAGES 10 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 1. The. structure of the present organization of the Czechoslovak Ministry rr Foreign Affairs is the result of the reorgent2ation which took place in the springof 25X1 1949. It was not. an isolated action, as other ministries and central offices had'been reorganized simultaneously, these first changes 25X1 did not bring the ministry into a definitive form as much has been left in a temporary state. acne rxrst drastic measure to be taken was the complete abolition of the general secretariat tahich was In existence at the time of the escape of Dr. Arnoet r ??~?~?????~ V"9+i FRM uousorxxa?y V~a Oaaa 1u.cUi VA_,V ? JLuv i2E7itiJ. aeurULT.],Y'7.ZL1 ues t0 ,9 enjoy great power; as it took part in decision concerning the issuance of directives by the government or by the President of the Republic. After its abolition the ministry became a useful adjunct of the Communist Party and of the Cominform through its representative, Hedrich G 4INDER, reportedly a former shop- clerk, He became?a member of the Communist 1920 and zoon thereafter an agent of the Comintern. As such he was active in Germany lie Is a Sudeten German Jaw who was ow where he was reputed to be George D11-1It' OV1 a close assistant. WhOAA )IMITROV was 25X1 arrested, flxit:INDt escaped to Moscow, where he resumed his work with DIMITROY when the latter returned to Moscow. G4II1DEIt was sent to Progne in the spring of 1946 as a confidant of Moscow, He was active in the Central .Office of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. After the creation of the Cominform, he became the representative 25X1' of the Czechoslovak Communist Part?r in this organizatiorii, The Minister of Foreign Affairs retained his ede Jura" competency but his power has been "de facto" greatly reduced by the appointment of the four deputy ministers who in many instances can ovsrrulc=a the minister. The deputy ministers are the heads of four sections, While the main purpose of the reorganization tia to adopt an exclusively Eastern orientation within the Ministry.of Foreign Affairs another b 25X1 Purpose was to o tain control over the minister himse3.f, L_ I this reorganization was conceived in late 194$ due to the flight abroad of Dr. HICIoitxCH and numorous resignations of representatives abroad. These became charges against CI,~iA]t'>NTIS and are constantly hold up to him. After the reorganization Gerard LC I.DQN and Dr, Vavro N JDU became the real powers, even to the extent of refuel: CI&IENTIS'access to certain reports anal tiles, He weal further not permitted tot 25X1 intervene in matters of personnaln the roorganifatlon has not only lowered the, efficiency of the foreign service, but has also made-it more costly, due to the groat compartmontalization o all tasks and duties? CL!SS.IIJCAIICN _ SECRET _ - 2.5X1 Tlu e i ! STATt ._ T . NAVY A.RMV AIR F131 Approved , or elease 2005/04/22 : CIA-Rpp00004300300001-9 SECRETJ CENTRAL II ELLIGENGE AQNCY 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 6. 25X1 25X1 25X1 The personality of CLEt7NTIS is full of paradoxes. flo in the son of a Slovak Protootant rUnister and takos great interest in matters of the Church. Both he and his wife come from wealthy prcrants and he its a well ,ad well educated clan, yot his spoeche repeat nothing but Marxist j,hraseolomr. The first Deputy Minister of Forellgn Affairs is for and L NDON, who in the head of the section dealing, with matters of personnel. This section is known as the "D" section and corresponds rour? iq to the former Pa aosidivn. 14hile the foxier Pmesidium acted in strict accordance with the regulations and autos of procedure, the present section under LONDON, who Is responsible to the Party and to the Cominfoxan, has the chiof task of watching over the political ri- abil.ity -of the miniati is personnel and by gradual purges to rind the ministry of all unreliable elements. It is to this section that all officials must re- port on every intercrlew with foreign diplomats, official or unofficial. LONDON also reportedly passes on the acceptance of invitations received by Foreign Office personnel, and his decisions are final with respect to appointments, promotions, and transfers of personnel to and from abroad. are questionnaires, which are sent an early as Sertember 1945 by the The "D" section also serves as the Cadre Department of the Mintistrq' of Foreign 'Affairs. The head of this department is Dr. KOSIMER Isis assistant is Dr. Jan PATEg, a former -Counselor of the zechoslova c Embassy in Washington who attended the recent session of the United Nations with Dr. Vladimir C M3ANT YS, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Another member of the de rt- m nt is FAIR a former dentist The basics or the parsormel files of all Cadre Department to all district socretarinte of the Communist Party in Prague for investigation as to the loyalty of the employees. Personnel studies are then completed from they information so gathered, an ualt as from observations -made during the employee's attendance at the "School of Marxlat Ideology". 25X1 Approved For Releag /04/22: CIA-RDP83-00415800430030 001-9 25X1 Approved For 4elea - - 1-9 GENTRY I IDLLIG2NCE AGENCY 25X1 25X1 I iThe head 0 the Ideological training section is Professor M&SA a former profoaoor 25X1 at Brno University, he comes from a bourgeois family an s himself very conservative, At present, for the 25X1 sal=e of bic career, he is dis3 1 i a radical outlook. Me principal assistants are Dr. : , a former professor in 2lin, and Dr. LI M, the son sf a well 25X1 known Frye solicitor and an active member of the National Socialist Party. 25X1 25X1 7a 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 The chief examiner for the political ideological schooling is Br, PATAX, mentioned earlier in this report, That part d the former Personnel Department which still remains in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is called the staff office in headed by one DUF, a former clerical officer who has been promoted to the rank of Ministerial Councillor? He is about 58 years of age, Daring the war, -he is reported to have worked for the Germane, but was not condemned due to the intervention of Chancellor Jan SMLUT3U. He is an opportunist and is reputed to be dominated by his wife who is known for her avid pro.. Semitism, The head of the .office for the staff abroad is XOHUNKA, who was appointed following the coup. is a pro-war Communist and a collaborator of long The most important section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with regard to foreign polio; in the so-called Territorial Section, or ".4." Section, which has assumed the funotiona of the former WPolitical.5ectiont'. The Territorial Section is divided into O sectors" according to groups of countries. The "sectors" are in turn divided into departments and divisions according to single countri?s. The head oi? the section is Vice Minister Jiri TAUI?, former Czech Amba?sador to Yugoslavia? Before the war be served as a secretary to the poet, S.L. U 1 N. even now he is more concerned with li.teraaicure than with politics., It is his deputy, Dr. yayro N,MJDU, who is the actual chief of this section. Dr. HAJDU, ...n^.". of Dr. CLT 1 NTIS, .Duriszz, the last war they were both interned in the United Kingdom for passive resistance regarding their military dtOieG (the Cholmondel Park Mutiny). The main "sectors" of the Territorial Section are the Eastern block sector` headed by Dr? Marta G0T1'WALDOVA.,..CEPICKOVA, daughter of President GOT3 ALD, and the Marshall Plan countries sector heeded b Karel DUlK, This latter sector is considered to be the most important, immediately after the reorganization Dr. HWJDU gave an inaugural. oech' in which he paid special attention to this section, Dr. '.HAJDUO s speech was important in that it outlined the foreign policy of the now regime, 'He stated that the main task of Czech foreign policy in this sector was to be able to feel out and to discover both'internal economic and political difficulties and dissension within each of the Marshall Plan coun- tries, as-well as the disagreements between these countries. lh"ees disagree.. monts exist and, according to W.DU'sa speech, have their roots in the competi..? Sion of economic interests and in the economic anarchy prevailing in the O capitalist West". The task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to discover and observe such disagreements, prepare reports on ,.hem which will serve as the basis for directives concerning the exploitation of these disputes for the economic and political gain of the "peoples' democracies" and the USSR, From -the. economic point of view, the task is to assert properly the interests of the Soviet Union and the "people's democracies"; from the political, to follow and to forward the interests of the world proletariat in the direction of the ultimate and sgpreme task .... World Revolution. 25X1 s c w/ Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004300300001-9 Approved F,Sr elease 2005/04/22: CIA-RD2SX904 004300300001-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 10, SJtaCtC~1' CENTRAL INTELLIGE OB AGk OY 4 .. 25X1 DUFJfK4 a subordinate in this sector, is Dr, who cams from the Ministry of Informs tion after the reorgani2ation of the Foreign ministry, During the tear he was imprisoned by the Germans for his Communist beliefs, 1, Dr, Josef .POSTFOOOVSKY 'is another member of the Territor of Section. Be was appointed to the [Ministry- of Foroign Affairs after the Fobruary putsch and directed economic matters for Italy, France. Switzerland and other countries of Westerh Europe. 12, The head of the sector dealing with the United States is Dr. DOLKOSOVA, a young woman of 30 years of age who was sent in November 1946, as a protege of Jan !4A.S YK, to the United States on a scholarship. She returned to Czechoslovakia on 31 December 1948, Immediately following her return she began an anti_V.S. campaign and was successful in being accepted as a member of the Communist Party (it should be noted that she formerly was a Social Democrat), and received a position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,, Her appointment as the head of the USA sector was at the behest of Dr. WDU, who is alleged to favor the employment of women in responsible' posts. There are several other officials of lesser impottance in this sector, ey are mostly kept on, despite the fact that they were employees of the former regime, due to the fact that they are experts, who are needed to teach new personnel. These include Dr. ZAVICKA, Dr. ZIIA, Dr. VOBORIL, Dr. KOZISEK, Dr. HERUNI 13. The head of the department for the South American countries was Ing. PA9M, brother-in-law of CLEMBETIS. In this department there is a woman named. MBLANOVA , who was in London during the war. She entered the employ of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Evzen BLINGRR whose secretary she formerly was. 14, The Territorial Section works according to a series of plane, namely, the long-term plan, the short-term plan and an extra-plan. The long-term plan deals with-skeleton tasks; the short-term with concrete tasks; and the extra.. Dian deals with special projects. Regular weekly. fortnightly and monthly Approved For Release 2005/04/22: CIA-RDP83 45R004 00300001-9 SECD I`1 Approved Ror Release 2005/04/22 CIA-RDP83-004004300300001-9 CE VIAL INTF,LLIGL+'NCE AGENCY 25X1 conferences were scheduled in an effort to control the fulfillment of the reepei Live plexus, but these meetings never took place 25X1 due to prior enremente of the chiefs of sectors- I Feat importance to being attached to the observation of working class movements 25X1 in various countries; the resulte of Communist propaganda among workers and the intelligentisia; economic crises; the variations of standards of living ; unemployment; strikes; in short, anythibg that can be exploited for the benefit of international Communif.m. 15, Another section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the Administrative or "C" Section. i'hc bead of this section in Vice,.Utnioter Dr. Gertrude SEXaIB'OVA, She is the widow of the Comlunniet, Dr. S I i INA, who was executed by the Germans for his resistance activities. Dr. SE 4INOVA herself never took part 25X1' in these activities. Both Dr. 5 X& EIVOVA and her husband were friends of long standing of Dr. CLEMM. 25X1 F 25X1 Some off the leading officials of this section are Dr.. WWII, Dr. VAVRAand Consul A,+" . 1 ::1 25X1 Dr. VAV9'A, who was formerly- hetmd of the Adxainistrative Sector of Section is now Czech #uibao 25X1-- - sador to Iran. Before his employment by the ministry of Foreign Affairs he was a judge. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Another member of the Territorial Section Is Dr. Ct recalled from Zagreb 25X1 16. Attachedd, to the C Section Is the United Nations Departmont. its chief i? 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 He attended the rcoont session of the I9'initod Nations with Dr, CLIP=1S. Other members of thin department include Milos POX0 Y an anti- Communist-, Marie SVOBODOVA One LISKOVA, Who has since left the,county ' illegally, ac edto =9 department. 17. The head of the Budget Doper trout 3s Dr. Rudolf LIPSKY. who I is one of the most capable and efficient officials in the a Section. Ha in an honest man who, although a met.ber of the Communist Party, is a convircod Czech patriot. He was.a political prisoner during the war and is a semi-Invalid as a consequences Be is a former clergyman. SB0REET Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA- DPP%' 6 415R004300300001-9 Approved Fdr""R'elease 2005/04122 : CIA13-00415`1004300300001-9 SECRET CENTRAL INT 'I I NCE AGENCY 25X1 18d There is a large accounting department in the C Section, The ohief, one PITTERMAN, was dismissed in September 15490 His successor is unknown. 25X1 in this department new enployees are being taken on without proper qua ifications, but with inordinately high pay* For instanoe, fol- 25X1 lowing a directive from the Communist Partyo a now employee is engaged with just a commercial, school (two years; not on a secondary school level) educa- tion at a salary of some 8,000 Kos per month. 19. The Press and Information Section, until recently headed by Evzen K INGER, has a special position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This department issued two bulletins daily. One is an ordinary daily press review, and the other, a confidential review which contains extracts from the press which are inimical to Czechoslovakia The first copy of this latter bulletin goes daily. to President GOTT'tALD. Only a few persons receive P. copy of it. A special request and permit for it are necessary in order that an official of 25x1---'the ministry receive it regularly. even the distribution of the ordinary bulletin has been 3.intited of late. This department has been suffering from a lack of qualified personnel. After the puteeh, it had no attraction for now personnel, as the better posts, that is, of cultural attaches, were being given to employees of the Ministry of Information. The staff and 25X1 service of the entire Press and Information section has an extremely poor standard. Members include Ministerial Councillor BROZ, a journalist of long standing who is well acquainted with the situation within the ministry, as well as among Prague politicians; Ruzena 1 ATEJOVSKA, who worked in the archives section with Katherine BREHOVSKA and _Mrr. ;APITA.NOVA; Ministerial Councillor HYNAIS, who is an intellectual Communist; and ZACHAROVA, a naive Communist fol- lower, BROZ is a member of the Zlupleyees' Council and of the Action Committee. 25X1 20. In the light of recent events, i.e. the arrest of KLINGEP., the position of this individual is most difficult to appraise. 25X1 25X1 .210 The Economic Section was severely restricted after the reorganization of the ministry. This restriction was conducted by the Action Committee and it was the chief of the Economic Section, Dr. BYSTRICKY, who was, entrusted with this task. He was ordered to reach a suitable arrangement with officials of the 25X1 Ministry of Foreign Trade in An effort to center the organization of foreign trade within a framework of the state adm.ini'stration. Dr. BYSTRICKY '25X1 is now the Ambassador to England. It is believed that the position of chief o the Economic Section has once again reverted to A:UGENTHALER, chief prior to BYSTRICKY's appointment, who hastened to join the Communist Party in order to retain the post of Deputy Chief of the section. Other members of 25X1 this. section are Dr. BYDZOVSKY3 Dr. Jana VAZNA, formerly WASSERVOGLOVA; Lucian. 25X1 BENDA; PRITEL; and Ing. NOVA. Dr. BYDZOVSK is accessible to people whom he can trust. He is not believed to be an orthodox- Communist,, 25X1' Dr. vAzNA. 25X1 belongs to Dr. CLEMENTIS' inner circle, Shortly after the war, she was on the staff of the Czech Bmabassy in T3udapost 25X1 25X1 Dr. VAZNA attends all trade negotiations abroad, A 44. 2 ... i~,..~?.r.i 44.. 1.ow. m..v1r?r,a 4,. Pnrn~?.n n>r~n~a>ni~9 earn. nnr~aid irnhl~w_ 25X1 I SECRETI 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004300300001-9 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CiRk8083-0041504300300001-9 SECRLT, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE? AGENCY d. it 25X1 25X1 25X1 Ingo NOVA K, wtho is chie f of the division for Middle-East rel ations was fornier]y Consul in Jerusal em. He 25X1 is a disillusioned mars having r eturned to Czechoslovakia. 25X1 220 The fourth deputy minister i s, lug. Vlastimil BOREK, who is chief o f the Protocol or "B" Section, 25X1 25X1 He was appointed in the 25X1 Ministry of 'Foreign Affairs, under Dr. DVORACEK and charg such as DURCANSKY, SIDOR, et where he became deputy of the ed with matters dealing with di c. Prior to the putsch he had Politic ssident the rep al section s abroad utation 25X1 25X1 25X1 of being, a tolerant Communist, but the communization of the Ministry leading to the putsch, At this time BOREK replaced Dro DVORACEK, who was pensioned, as chief of the political section. It is stated that BOREK took instructions from GEMINDER who came to Prague -from Stockholm at the time of the coup. Dro ZE141 A, was made secretary to BOR.EK at the instruction of the Communist !'arty. ZEdLA, formerly on the Faculty of Law at Charles University, joined the ministry after he performed the first large scale purge at the University. He is reputed to be the central figure in the dispute between the ministry's two Communist factions. One with nation- .list tendencies is headed by Ing. BOREK and is backed by VITKU and Oldrich CHYLE, The other group is represented by Dro HAJDU, ZEMLA, BIHILER, and DUFEK, The beginning of friction between the two began over a 25X1- report submitted by ZEMLA against BOREK criticising the latter for his lack of 25X1 severity against "reactionary" elements, his tolerance and decency. As a result of the friction, increase by Z s activities, VITKU was expelled from the Party,. although he was finally reinstated after a period of probation; CHYLE was sent out with the Kashmir Commission,, and bOREK was also relieved of his post as hold of the political section and made head of the less important Protocol Section, 23, The mot important department of this section is Diplomatic protocol., whose chief is Dr. KLVANA. KLVANA, formerly at the Czech Embassy in Paris, was sent to Cairo following the defection of Ambassador KRUCKY to replace the latter; 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ELVANA was finally recalled to Prague and appointed to his present position, replacing SKALICYY, who was retired, KLVAA is more popular than his predecessor and remains in good relations 9 General Secretariat, The Czech Government wanted to get rid of this individual who was intervening in the campaign against the Church, Monsignor VEROLINO stated that he would not leave Prague before an entry visa had been granted to-his successor Monsignor bbliTOLI, who was then in Berne,, Dr, 1cLVANA, in his position of Chief of Diplomatic Protocol, sent a written declaration to Monsignor VfxQLINO that he had instructed the Czech Embassy in Berne to issue an entry visa to Monsignor .SERIULI, Monsignor VEROLTNU then departed from Prague only to discover that ZLVArA had lied about the entry visa, 24. Ing. 1WJCKA, the husband of a niece of Mrs. bfut.S, is a member of the protocol Department, but his functions are limited to'the organization of shooting parties, 25X1 SECRiI Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004300300001-9 Approved F elease 2005/04/22 41-RDP83-004x" 004300300001-9 SECRET CEN ntAL INTZLLIGr.-n AGENCY - S 25X1 25X1 I I[tLuC A was formerly chief of the Russian ,sector the political section, v7 o was released from this position as early as 1945. During the period between the putsch and September 19489 while Presi-- dent J3LNQ was living at his country residence, xLUCKA effected the transmittal of all secret massages between IsLaLS and his confidante in Prague, The Corn su- nists permit JWJU:JMA to remain in his present unimportant poet because his wife has been the right hand' of Mrs. &Nr:S. The great popularity which the latter enjoys compels the Communists to exhibit toward her, outwardly at'least, an attitude of respect, 25. Another official of this section is Dr.. 2~LN: r.Ji, who, although a member of the Communist Party, is quite approachable, me presumably will eventually be purged.. 26. The Legal.partment had been reduced to an auxiliary section. A few experienced lawyers, most of them over 60 years of age, have been retained to handle the few legal tasks now required by the' ministry, such as the formulation of in1inational treaties. The head of the department is ur. YKUUtiAG11A, a prewar Counselor at the, Czech rmbassy in Warsaw under Or. Jura j 5LAVJ Ji. tie is an industrious worker who may have already been dismissed from his post. ur. LJ:ICHNER, a former Counselor at the Czech Lmbaasy in Rome, is another member of this department. He is a former national Socialist and supporter of President I3)NES, who, after the putsch, was recalled and joined the Communist Party, becoming a fervent collaborator of the regime. Dr. KUCLRA, former secretary to President Bt,NES, is a member of this 25X1 25X1 department. ?~ Unti1 the'putsch, the chief of the cipher section was Col. FRYC, who was then acreet?d r?.ndL an ter released. His aaceessor was VITKU, now chief of the Control 25X1 Department The present chief is KLUBICKKO, who has been in-the cipher department since 1.918. KLUBICKO is understood to do various minor services for money, such as deciphering correspondence from abroad for underground resistance groups. The cipher officer, since the coup, has been manned by 10 people from the Ministry of Interior which is in charge of this serf/ice. A new wall has been built around the building housing this department, which now separates it from the rest of the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 28. The Minis tor0a Cabinet has undorgone great changes in the course of the last 25X1 25X1 two years. At present, C IIO WISP staff consists of Dr. JcJIJSAK and Theo. FLORIN9 the latter 25X1 declared persona non grata by the United States in March 1948; Dr. KLUSAK? is married to. a daughter of General. SVO130DA, Minister of national Defense. 25X1 He is a member of the Communist Party who bases his career on a naive faith in historical materialism. FLOH.IN, who is not a member of the Party, is 25X1 employed by CLEI'I NTIS for various intermediary services of an informative an intelligence nature. 25X1 ire boundless. 25X1 s. Marie KOCHRICHTEROVA is an extremely 25X1 efficient secretary of ClMAENTIS,l 25X1 SECItETA Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004300300001-9 Approved ForReleas 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 29. The passport Department is of minor importance in the Administrative Section. Its chief prior to the putsch was SOIAU"KY who was dismissed. His successor ,was Dr. KOZISEK. The latter was in turn removed and his post was given to a former gendarmerie NCO0 This individual is believed to be BUKACEK who was formerly oath the Ministry of Interior. The passport department has lost its importance since it is now the Ministry of Interior, in the person of 25X1 Dr. BROZ, who deals with all passport am;ttersa the phone number, as well as the location of this office on the pre mines o We Ministry - of Foreign Affairs is unknown except to BUKACEK. All resentations have to be 25X1 p in writing. azxi no personal intervention is permitted. A mester of the passport 25X1 department, IIJELINL 30. Before and sometime following the putsch the post of liaison officer to foreign 25X1 25X1 military attaches was held by Lt. Col.. Alois CASLAAV after the reorganization of the ministry, t1 s office was abolished a. age er. SLAVKA requested assign- ment abroad as a military attache; but his request was denied and he was sent to some provincial garrison. Attendants and servants of both sexes are usually entrusted with the functions within the ministry. of "Tenners", a name applied to those who serve as Communist Party informants 25X1__ 25X1 I among the lower-level employees of the ministry there are many anti-Communists. Almost all of 'the.= chauffeurs belong in this category and -'" 25X1 there are only a few charwomen who are true Communists. On the other hand among the male attendants there are those who seek. promotion through services rendered 25X1 to the Party, 25X1 320 An important part of the social life in the miniettr is the cook :house and the. canteen. The waiters must be fanatic Communists. There are observers at each table who listen to the conversations and immediately report any careless comments, 334 The present' staff members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who are being sent abroad are recruited from among the worwing class, "those whose prime requirement 25X1 is devotion to the Party. such individuals are chiefly proteges of LONDON., the vice-minister in charge of personnel. Of this type are Ambassador LINHART in Sofia, YA1'ULA in ''arss..Y (a former butcher), A&AATOUSEK in Rome, and LASTOVICKA in Moscow. These individuals are usually accompanied by one or two officials who are Communists of lesser merit, but who have' some degree of experi-. once .in diplomacy and foreign affairs. Individuals of this latter category include Herman KLACKO in Copenhagen, Dr. PACAK in Rome:Sand PELNAR was slated to 25X1 go to Ankara with Karel DUFEK. ]various members of the Foreign Ministry abroad: HOFFU.ISTER, Dr. Adolf --- Ambassador at the Embassy in Paris. `Phis installation 25X1 is looked upon by the present regime as one of increasing importance. HOi'FM?i5TER appears to follow the same line as CLEMENTIS in matters regarding international politics and doctrine. 25X1 He is the Cultural Attache at the Embassy in Paris, It is reported that he and Dr. Ivan BUJNA, now in Budapest,, joined the Communist Party in order to protect Slovak interests, PACAK, Dr. Milos - he was mentioned earlier as the expert of the ministry under Ambassador MAiOUSEN. t'ACAK is a nephew of ZAPO'LOCiiY9 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004300300001-9 Approved FFSr'Release 2005/04/22 : CIA--004'1004300300001-9 & CRE`X' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 10 - 25X1 RATH' Dr, 11ja - Ambassador to the Holy Seep 25X1 25X1 KLACM, Dr? Herman -- Legation Councillor in Copenhagen 25X1 F 25X1 RAKSANX, Dr, Decider -- Ambassador in Brussels 25X1 GOLDSTUCKER, Eduard - The first Czech ambassador to Israel. 25X1 25X1 NECAS, Frantisek -- Consul General in Jerusalem. who before the war -vas at the '25X1 Embassy in Cairo, 25X1 25X1 KUNOSI, Dr. Alexander - Ambassador in Bari oe Aires, 25X1 25X1 HELLMUTH, Dr. Vladimir Charge d?Affairos in Cairo. Generally nicknamed "SISA". He is a man of great int i.iect. 25X1 25X1 SECRET, Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004300300001-9