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FORM NO. 51.61: MAY 1949 COUNTRY Poland. SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF I ACQUIRED nil 4 LIft THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C.. 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITEDBY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Apprgved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 LASISIFICATION RESTRICTED CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 EPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. Bulletins of the Press and Information Department of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs OT 1IFT4 a OVA 21SS(1I 6t' Wd ESE 3 330 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED The accompanying material, which originated in the Press and Information Department of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is being sent to you .for retention. Encls: 13 bulletins 25X1 25X1 RX 30 Nov. 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 7 Approved FA e 2005/04/22 CIA-RDP8a- Q415?R00380008000, --8 N Approved for Release 2 S T R Y O F W A R S A W BULLETIN RESTRICTEb 25X1 11 R S OF THE PRESS AND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT No. October 21, 1"3L.9 _,........w......w.......~...-.~- GK%LR L PWaN FPPS.I IVS vr2M S OF THE POLISc GO LIU Ml i T TTO P P SID ;NT PICK, PREI: ER GROTE fCI 1-ND MISTER DLRTING& General Prawin, Chief of the Polish Military Mission in Berlin addressed to Wilhelm Pieck, President of the Democratic German Republic, a letter in whish, on behalf of the Polish Government and his own, he presents wishes on the occasion of the election of W.Pieck to the presidency of the Republic. Among other things, General Prawin states in this letter that the Polish Nation sees in the election of President Pieck the expression of the will ae all Germany's progressive forces desirous to fight, together with other peace-loving nations, for the cause of peace and to foster peaceful mutual relationships anon nations. General Prawin addressed letters with similar contents to Preinier 'Grote- and Minister Dertinger. In his reply President 1VTilhe3jml Pieck stated among other things: "The foreign policy of the German Democratic Republic is based on friendly relationships with the Soviet Union, People's Democracies and all peace--loving nations. Our Republic's government will do all. in their power to oppose the chauvinist owrpaign led by the imperialistic states among the German nation, a eampaign directed against the Soviet Union and the new progressive Poland. The frontier on the Odra and Nyssa is the frontier of peace between the German and the Polish nations". Premier Grotcvrohl expressed in his reply the determined will of the German Democratic Republic's Government to stabilise peace and to secure the bases of good neighbourly relationships with the Polish i`;ation. r. r or his ?rrl.shes, declared that . . nister Dertinger, thanking General Pra~rin J. the :.tatter of the German Polish frontier on the Odra and Nyssa was finally and unanLnously settled by the German nation in the resolution passed by the People's Chamber. Therefore, there are no problems which could divide the two neighbouring nations ?- the Germans and the Poles. LETTER OF :MIST P. D RTINGZ TO VIGG-IMNISTER L SZcu1Cvv 1a Prof.Dr.Stanislaw Leszezycsi., Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, received. a letter from hx.Dertinger, Foreign iinister of the Democratic German Republic. In this letter ",,Iinister Dertinger communicates that the writer Friedrich 'olf has been appointed Chief of the :Democratic G--,r:--,an Republic's diplanatic'represertation. At the same time the letter reads: "I beg to thank you in the name of the Provisional Government of the Democratic German Republic for the decision of October, 18, 191+9, by which the Polish Government has recognized the Provisional Government of the Deiz,ocratic German Republic and appointed a diplo> ?atic repro sentation with it. I take the liberty to underline, on behalf of any Gornment, that the German nation is avrare of this decision's importance, which will, in the highest deg ee contribute to stabilize and intense,{ r$ d # s~ t 4/ E '~ ~ ~-0~$'f~ 3t$b~'b8 ~ ~n our two nations. RISTRICTED Source: PAP Approved For Release 2005/04122 :'CIA-RDP83-00415R003800 tIOGR! OF 1FR11MRT01-_, W013, PJ '1 NTATIVE OF THE x l7'. OC AT_C Pi PtJP.IIC IN AP.SAZV .I... .f'+..wwin.VO.a?.lk.... .. rvt~.J'.Wr.+rrlli.r~r~.Y~'.SsMa+gsen.a~r w..e._a.cv_ tini._.-. I'rof.Dr. 'rie ri.ch Wlolf', the newly appointed head of the Democratic German Republic':-,. diplomatic representation with ti_a Polish Government was born in 1999 in the Mhineland. A physician by profession, he won world faxie as a novelist and plavy aright. Dr, Friedrich ;'lol.f' spent the years of the Hitlerito regime in emigration. In 1945 he returned to Gen-many he devoted all his energies to literary work. Dr.Friecrich Wolf is, notradaya,, one oi' the 1eader4 of the Kulturl und. Dr,rriedrich Wolf is a member oi' TED (Soti-ialist Unity Party of Germany) . Source; P P BIOGRAPHY OF iu ROL TFOCZ, PO:l. ':,ND' S DIPLO_ aTIC EPPSraN21TrVE IN B 'LI Tr.'arol T?rc,cz, the newly appointed cliplwmatie representative of the Polish Govr rnment to the Govern ent o--" the Garman Democratic Republic,, was barn on February 16, 19c8, in Szarlociniec, Silesia, into a miner's family. As a 11+ year - old lad, he began v cis 1 ?.n : in the " 7.'.. k't mine, Chropiezow, but, after 2 years, was a3.an issed for pa Li.::ipation in a In this period, he began his. political activities argon-r ' .~ r:u.. ~r._? and, a i;ew.? ate:^, enlisted in the ranks of the Polish- CDiiZmunis{} youth' a ril U t. In t k .y yrio of or' -.)s r;n(. rvass unerlplo .rent in Silesia, Karol Tkocz organ3.zed the semi--lei a7. 111r.'rs' :Union. In 1933 as an active working class leader s enlister. in tlu 1'oi:L sh Ccr;pzranist Party., He =,as sent to prison for his activities directed against the 8anac~a re~;ire of t!iat time. On his release from jail, in November 1939, he found. an em- ploy; i n'c as a worker in a sawe -mi.11 i _r Bytom where he organized groups of saboteurs to fight the Hitlerite occupant in Silesia. Enlisted forciba f, in 1912, in the German army he deserted after 3 days and enrolled in a guerilla (le-bacb ent. As a membar of a guerilla parachutist: party he organized a militant , roup in Podhale and pe petrated,togethor with his fellow-parachutis'Ls,i ny acts of sabotage. After the Lihcrat on of Silesia by th^ Soviet Arley he returned, in 1945, to Katovrice where in February in the sa.r;e yes was appointed Vice-president of the city. In May 8, 191+5, become Chairman of the Provincial National Council of Kato- %ice az~c ,q R 2A~05~0 Y2iro C2 F $3 ~ 1 00 0 Sty to the Seym of the Polish Republic. Source: PAP ,l:s"j X JCTEr M I N tpp ovkd F~ r Relese b( 22~CIAR-R E 8 i-00~4,15N 03800A080 F 3F A I R S Ambas ad a U. S. A. Al. Staling 23. BULLETIN OF THE PRESS AND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT POLAND RECOGNIZES THE GERMAN IKvIOCRATIC REPUBLIC The Polish Government has decided to recognize the Government of the German Democratic Republic and to accredit a diplomatic representation with it. Mr.Kaxol Tkocz has been nominated diplomatic representative to the Government of the German Democratic Republic. Sources PIP. POLISH RESOLUTION AT THE SOCIAL CO111ISSION OF TBE U _-W O.. ASSEiMBLY The Social Commission of the UNO Assembly has considered the draft resolution submitted by, the Polish delegation on discri.;nination applied by sane countries to immigrant workers and D.P.s. In many countries and among them, in the United States, France, England and Canada,irmnigrant workers receive 3o%G or even 50% lower wages than the local workers. As a rule, in Canada, the immigrant workers have to work longerhours than the local ones. The Polish draft resolution states that discrimination applied by many States to immigrant workers, and particularly to workers recruited among the Refugees and D.P.s, is inconsistent with the principles of the United Nations. Therefore., the Polish delegation moves that the Assembly instruct the countries belonging to the United Nations Organizations 1, To promulgate a ban on the discrimination if immigrant workers and to treat them on an equal footing with their own citizens. 2. To guarantee to immigrant workers possibilities of sending their savings to the countries of their origin. . 3. To secure for the tmnigrant workers, the right to return to their hands at the expense of the State to which they have emigrated. 1, To settle the terms on which the immigrant workers are employed and onlistcd exclusively on the basis of bi-lateral agreements between the countries of inmiigration and emigration and concluded with the co-operation of the two countries, Trade Unions. During the debatesp Dr.Altman, the Polish delegates delivered a speech in which he stated that the very persons who apply discriminatory practices deny most clamourously the concrete facts cited by the Polish delegation .xoting facts and names, the Polish delegate stated that in France foreign workers are punished for participation in strikes, and that France puts difficulties in the way of the Polish workers' repatriation and uses chicanery, in connection with Polish children going home for their holidays. Source: "Zycie Warszawy" Approved For Release 20 412-Z-BCIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 Approved For Release 2QQ504/22 : CIA-RDP83-00'415R003800080003-8 RESOLUTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS' LCONOMIC COrialTTEE The Eeonor~'e Cca~mittec of. the Council of Ministers passed several important resolutions at its recent session. In their concern about the betterment of the working class material and cultural conditions, the. Economic Ca,mdttee of the Council of Ministers have decided to assign Z,? nn.lliard zl. of the 8.5 milliard zl. collective premium, awarded in 191+8 to the personnel of State-owned enterprises,for investments in so i.al services and 3,3 milliard zl, in house--building for workers, while a part of this sure will be spent on the building of individual cottages for workers,. The remaining sure of loo million zl will be handed over to the Central Council of Trade Unions to be invested in the cultural-educational department. Source: "Rzeczpospolita" RUBE . INtUS11 IPWILMTITS THREE -'YEAR PLAN The Central Board of Rubber and Plastics Industry reported to Mr.Sta- V ski, Minister of Light Industry, on the completion of the implementation of the 3-Year Plan of production on October 13. The rubber industry produced, in the period between January 1, 1947, and October 13,1949, 4o,916 tons of goods surpassing the average standard of pre- war production by 65%. Source: "Zycie Warszawy" MESSAGE OF POLI i WOT&L N TO PROGRESSIVE GERMAN WOMEN . ......,__............_-_.:......~.._.._,..-r..-~,.,......_.-.,......._ Ftt~"t" Rtc.:l""gip The Presidium of the Central Executive of the Womeilt s League addressed to the Democratic Union of German Women the following messaget "The Polish =;rrcricn, associated in the one and a half million strong Le:,gue of Worsen, send, through the Der. cratic Union of German Women, cordial pi.on of the creation of the Gorman Democratic greetings and wishes on the occag Republic. To are i 'illecl with sincere joy at, the thought that there, are progressive German worsen 'in_ tl:e peace oar.^.p 1hc:o: together with all the forces of progress, led by the groat Soviet Un .cn and f o. i. wing the example of heroic. Soviet women, will fight for the stabilization of peace throughout the world, The frontier on the Odra. and Nyosa, both foi' uo you,. is the frontier of peace. Fasci:.;r has c2:-,,- led. uovm. Jo shall hoist, on its crumbling ruins, the flag of liberty and such strong fraternity that nothing will prevail against it. We are standing by you in the struggle against the injurious imp;rialistic policy to the Anglo-.imorioan States, in the struggle for the unification' of your Democratic t is fl2b ' ~eI 3We beli.eve tt co-operas ion` etwe 'Cad o ~ ftpffi ~~ ntribute to reinforce the international 2ront of peace. Rnurn F. S - " rvbun Lul" .mbasada 0. S. ,. Ap roved or Release 2005/04/ : CIA-RDP83-004 5R0038 0080003-8 IF t F 8REIG1 ~FFA Al. Stalin, 23. WARSAW BULLETIN OF THE PRESS AND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT No. 237 October, 20, 191+9 25X1 PREIvfER OF TIE GEEJv1AN DEMOCRJ TIC REPUBLIC INTERVIEWED BY POLISH JOURNALISTS Premier Otto Grotewohl received a delegation of Polish journalists paying a visit to Berlin. The Polish journalists asked Premier Grotewohl how public opinion in Germany had received the creation of the German Democratic Republic, Ia Government. Answer: In the whole Soviet Occupation Zone as well as in Western Germany the progressive and democratic forces welcomed the creation of our German Democratic Republic in a most warm and friendly manner, taking it that, in this { way, the front of peace and democracy has been reinforced by one more State. Twenty four hours after the creation of the Government, on the ..ctivists,Day, representa- tives of the Government addressed many thousands of workers in factories and mines. It was a manifestation of close harmony between the Government and the German nation. All the ministers stater] unanimously that the clause of the Governmental declaration referring explicitly to the recognition of the Odra-Nyssa frontier as the frontier of peace, met, at all these meetings, with unanimous applause (mit ungettiltem Beifall) on the part of the working population. Reactionary elements, especially in Western Germany, as well as their Anglo-American protectors are, naturally, against our government. But we do not govern in the interest of reactionaries but against it. Neither do we govern to support the Anglo-Americans;' aims and their war policy, but in the none of in- dependent Germany's unity and for the sake of peace. estion; What are the plans of the German Democratic Government for .the near future? Answer: Wo. have expounded clearly our plans in the Government's Declaration, in the field of internal policy - the raising of the living standard of the population by carrying out and surpassing the Two-Year Plan, which will be accoapained by many moves intended to raise iur economic life and our standard of living to the pre-war level and even higher. In doing so, the Government will base itself on the active co-operation of the working population without which the German Democratic Republic could not. progress. Whether we shall succeed in rebuilding Germany, by our own efforts depends on the working people. Therefore, the Government will not be isolated, they will not confine their activities to their desks, they will be a?government of action, co-operating most closely with the People's masses. We rely on our own forces and on international solidarity, on co-operation. with the Soviet Union with the People's Democratic Poland and other countries of People;s Democracy and not on Anglo-American tips. In order to show the successes we have already achieved on the road of a peace policy , I should like, above all, to point out our youth. During the greatest, in recent years, manifestation orga- nized in Berlin, on the day of Wilhelm Pieclc's election to the presidency, several hundreds of thousands of youth greeted the newly elected President with enthusiasm and swore loyalty to the policy represented by him., Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 RE TR1C 4E.L R S A. AppFbved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 it" rEcC`i ED Thanks to the school reform, and to the gigantic educational work among young pe ploy the yogith who grow up in the German Democratic Republic are getting rid of. national pride and chauvinism, to which they paid hanage in the past, cif Hitlorite brutality, of hostile feelings towards other nations, especially towards the Slav nations. The Free German Youth Association, numbering 1 million r..e ~'acru, between 14 and 2o year:.. of age, the 7oo,ooo Pioneers (Children's Organization) are being brought up in the spirit of friend- ship among nations and in the spirit of peace. This is a valuable contribution to the building of international peace, it is the corner stone of our work for peace. We have won a considerable part of German youth and we are going to .win for this idea the whole German youth. question: How does the Government intend realizing their principles with regard to the Gel^nan-Polish relations? Answcr: I should'like to declare in an unequivocal manner that the Government of the German Democratic Republic has nothing in common nor does it wish ever to have anything in common with the anti-Polish policy of former German governments, no matter whether it was a Monarchy, the Weimar Republic or the Hitlerite govornxnt. An imperialistic aggressive Germany must never again attack Poland, the Soviet Union or any other nation in the world. One for ever we want to put an end to the. gang nach Osten" policy, so that the Polish Nation need no longer live in the ago.-old fear of German militarists and imperialists,' expansion, whose dire result was the massacre of I/4 of the Polish Nation. That is wh; r we think, as I have already clearly foxmulated in ray Government beclaration, that the Odra and Nyssa frontier is the frontier of peace,. and we consider everyone, who calls for the revision of this frontier, to be an enemy to the Geiiari arit''. the Polish nations and a warmonger. We fully support the peace policy led by the great Stalin, the peace policy of the Socialist world power, the Soviet Union, on whose mighty shoulders rests the task of saving humanity from, war'. Stalin's cable to.the democratic Government of Germany has made it quite clear to us Germans, what?rble Germany can play in the struggle for.peace. The German--Polish agreement is one of the decisive elements of this, world peace policy. The People's Poland taking part in the resolutions passed by the Warsaw Conference, tog:;ther with the Soviet Union and other People's Democracies, has assumed an sand towards German's unity, based on the Potsdam resolutions. We hope that we shall soon establish close relations. There is already in Berlin a.Po1i. h Military Mission and a commercial representation of the Polish Covornmont. Wo maintain most friendly. relations with these representations. x44 present, where truly democrat:; cc and peace-loving forces have taken over power, I should li.ie to express my hopes that the relations between the Polish ancd. the German Governments will become closer.' W We also ardently wish to extend: steadily our mutual exchange of goods, i.e. to follow a trade policy flowing not fran the principles of imperialistic trade, but from the needs of our two nations. On your return to your country, please, greet all our friends, nc particularly those with whom I'am personally acquainted. I have not had, as yet, the pleasure of visiting Poland since l945.. However, I think I shall be ai;lo one day to se for myself with whet enthusiasm the Polish Nation 'had set a boui.: ?40 overcome the dreaclf'ul consequences of the war. I have boon told many thing; s about the magnificent rebuilding of Warsavr. They are still rian.,y ruins in our county, but we shall iianage to get rid of them. We are very hopeful- and we '-now we can rely on our workers. Source: PAP Approved For Release 1d &5!d4Y12 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 rued For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 \..1 tom. FRIL DRICH 701 0 - RAP&NTA M.? OF Ta' GLRNMAN viOCRLTIC R UBLIC IN POLAND M r. Friec1xich Wolf, tho well-known anti.-fascist Gorman writer, has boon appointed diplomatic representative of the Gex n Domocratic Republic to tho Govcrx ont of the Polish Republic. The Polish Govornmont has agreed to the nomination of Mr. Frio.drieh Wolf. Source; "Trybuna Luau" ttJ1Kf41tl! Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 25X1 M I N fProvec,For R?as~e 20 W A R S A W R...S-. BULLETIN OF THE PRESS AND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT No. 236 COi v NIQUE OF THE STATE ECONOMIC PLLNI'tL O, COIMSSION ON THE IMPLEIV TATION OF THE NtAn 3 MTU =, TEIPD QUARTER OF lL91+9 October 18, 191+.9 The State Economic Planning Canmission has published the following communiquk on the implementation of the National Eeonomid Plan in the third quarter of 19/+9. 1. As far as.industrial production is concerned,,the plan for the third quarter of 191+9 has been surpassed. According to provisional data, the plan of production, as regards its value, was implemented in ll7%. In the course of these :f;1iroc quarters, the plan for 191.9 has been carried out in 81%. The value.of the production surpassed the standard of production of the third quarter of 191+8 by 22f. By the end of the third quarter, the following branches of State industry had carried out the Three-Year Plan of Economic Rebuilding, ahead of schedule, as to the value of the goods: the smelting, electrotechnical,. oil, salt , timber,.(under the Ministry of Light Industry) alcohol and tobacco industries. In the same period, the Three-Year Plan was carried out as far as the amount of goods is concerned, in the department of the following :basic ecmmoditiess raw steel, rolled goods, mineral su-parphosphate, Jyostuffs, silk goods and leather footwear. Individual Ministries implcn:ented their plans of production, as regards its value, in the third quarter of 1.91+9, in tl~ie: following ways of the irplementati.on % of the implemen- of the Plan in the tation of the third quarter yearly plan Ministry of Mining and Power. 1o2 75 Ministry of Heavy Industry 120 81 b1inistry of Light Industry 116 82 Ministry of Agricul. & Food Industries 133 85 The implementation of the plan for the production of basic of nn.odities of State industry appeared as follows: Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 Aw Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 ti:e Plan in III of the yearly 5w 9'; i quarter plan ctric current El 1o8 78 llo e Pit coal 9s 71+ 103 ke C lo7 8o 115 o Petroleum 101 78 104? , Pig iron 112 79 12o Raw steel 111 83 118 oods Rolled 7.7.1 90 112 g zinc io6 8o log Iron ore 7loz '.8 ioCC anarnide of lime C 129 88 103 y hosphate er su Mi a 110 80 9 p p ner l estuffs D 131+ 82' 9 11 y All kin's of soap 156 loo 239 Machine tools for metal wood 97 6o 11+2 Passenger cars 98 69 123 ltrucks C c - 118 85 108 . ctors Tr 129 88 341. a Bicycles in 90 3.17 Electric bulbs 185 83 Portland cement u6 8 lib Lime 10!}. 6 1o7 Cl , window glass 91 78 ;~ Household and techn. china 129 88 cotton textiles 1x.1 .78 117 , goods Woolen lo6 75 12- , Flax oakwn goods 123 89 12i Silk goods 120 84 130 Knitted goods 137 91 Artificial silk 128 91 i35 Paper los 8o log leather Sole 112 83 127 . Leather footwear 126 98 131 Unrefined oil 116 83 llo 2. According to the. estimate supp7,ied by the Main Statistical Office, the crops, in the whole country appeared as follows: % ,of realization relation to 1948 of expectations in whet lob 112 121 . ' ? 108 According to preliminary data the potato crop in 191+9 will be 22%' bettor than in 1948. on the Stato-,owned farms, according to preliminary data, the plan for the harvest of the more important farm produce was carried out in the follovring way. The three cereals (rye, wheat and barley) in lo3 % o 3nllo Approv r so 21A?5 f22 : CIA-RDP83-00415ROO38000 0003-8. Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R0 3$00080003-8 In comparison with 1948, the yield on the State-owned farms has in- oreased in the 3 cereals by 31 % In sugar beet by 37 % according to preliminary data on the State-owned estates the potato: crop will be about .45 % better than in 1948. The situation in cattle breeding, according to estimation based on the figures supplied by the Main Statistical Office in June, appeared as follows:. Relation to 1948, in-~,% Cattle ill Sheep 115 Horses 17,1 Hogs 12o The plan for ;the .extension of stock breeding on State-owned farms was carried out as follows- % of the impi. Relation to 1918 of the Plan in .~wfii -w.wrw.w.0:.+.+wMw+fiw.r...rw..rwr..+.rrMw.n+wrwY.a s Cattle 142 177 Hogs . 131 342 Horses 105 124 The plan of contracts for industrial plants in 1949 (according to the area) was carried out as followsl % of the yearly plan Relation to 1948 in 09 .Y~A~+~+r~rr+.+..~MrwNpjrr w< 1` . w -v w*tw wy ~..w-ww+iwwrrw.. ~ Sugar beet 112 117 Potato 109 171 Colza 112 325 Flax - (fibre) 124 176 H ba 96 2o3 To coo 1o3 :96 3. In railway transportation the transport of goods reached in tons, lo2`0 of the quarterly plan, surpassing by 18% the transport of goods in the third qquarter of 194.8. The quarterly plan of passenger traffic was parried out in loo. Passenger traffic has increased by 12% in comparison with the third- quarter of 1948. In the course of these three quarters, the plan for 1949 was implemented 72 % in the transport of goods and So% in the transport of passengers. The State Transportation by Road carried out its quarterly plan 151% in the transport of goods and 125% in the transport of passengers,. In the hcdne trade sector there is a further increase in the turnover. The whole retail turnover (State, co-operative and private) increased, in the course of the third quarter of 1949, by about 26% in comparison with the third quarter of 1948. The turnover of the socialized trade apparatus, in-the retail trade, * passed by about 8o% the level of the third quarter of 1948. At the end of the third quarter there were, throughout the country, 59% more socialized retail shops in operation than in the same period of.1948,. The. purchase of. farm produce by the socialized trade apparatus showed the following' increase in. comparison with the third quarter of 1942 t hogs - by 2o>, cattle ~ ~,, 9?060 Approved8For Rase 2f Ok 4t2 A R 4 5 083> 0 03-8 c,i=. -ZTF>j 4. - Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 - 4- A considerable increase in the purchasing power of the working class, resulting from the increase 'in employiL ont and productivity of labour, has caused a considerable. growth of demand and consumption as well as the shifting of consumrtt.on onto goods of a better class. The keeping; up with the increase in the demand met.writh.acne temporary difficulties in t .o sector of meat and fat, owing to which the supply of the market with those goods was not quite satillfactory, as yet. 5. In the course of the recent 9 months the utilization of the financial means of the Investment Plan for 1949 was 36% higher than in.the same period of 1948. The sector of the realization of the Investment "Plan was submitted in the third quarter to careful' revision which permitted to take into consideration new needs in the domain of investments and to cross out the items which, for various reasons' particularly in vier of shortcomings in technical documentation could not be realized in 1949. The revision of the investment plan has oonsiclerabl,y contribut5d to speed up and make more effective its realization. State Econcrac Planning Ccmrd.scion. Source: PAP Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 M I N I S T R Y O F F O"RurIT"I G N A F F A I K S W A R S A W BULLETIN RESTRICTED OF THE PRESS AND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Ocober 14, 1949 Nc~. . .__-___.1~Aw9+_____m F'+_~IY~./___._ Mlln'?1YY~ti ._______Y.Y~i?i~~+.~---??----------.114 ----- POISSH INWSTRZ CARRIBS OUT PRODUCTION PANS The Tanning Industry - the basic branch of the leather industry, carried out its Three-Year Plan. The output of the Polish tanning industry reached the value of 218,093,000 z2 (at the prices of 1937)? - The "Bobrek" Foundry carried out its Three-Year Pclan, for the production of pig iron, by October 13. As far as the value of the output is concerned, the Plan was carried out already nn September 27. ontpwr Mirxt Katowice, reported, on October 13, on the carrying The K1im out of the Three-Year Plan ahead of schedule. This achievement has crowned the systematic efforts of the whole personnel among whose members such labour Chain ions as Kazimierz Mis (212 % of the norm);Boleslaw Musialik (1.67 % of the norm); .Josef Wilk (162 % of the norm) and.Antoni Krecisz (223 % of the norm), deserve tobe mentioned. The Wroclaw Gasworks carried out its Three-Yoar Plan by producing 12o,000,000 m of gas. The reb'ilding and setting in operation of over 2oo,ooo m? of network, the installation of 2,500 gas lams and the enrolment of 27,000 new subscribers, provided for by the Three-Year Plan, were finished as early as 194. The No Rubber Industry Works in Lodz finished the implementation of its yearly plan of production on October 8-. The Social. Building Enter ris4 in the Silesia-Dabrowa Province finished the carrying out of its yearly plan as early as September 30, 1949 This enter- prise is chiefly concerned with the building of homes in Silesia-and, by the end of 1949, it will hand over 1,2oo homes to the workers employed in the coal and smelting industries. The following plants in the Poznan province have implemented their production plans The "Herkules" Machine Works, under the Board of the Local Industry. The Lignite Mine in Smogory. - The No 3 Mechanical Equent FactorZ (former Ergo-Motor) in Poznan. The Wire Goods Works in Nowy Toraysl. The ' tr 1 ma" Chemical Works alisz. - Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 R.-rSTRICT'ED 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 2 ~ RESTl~tG"rED The workers of the Railway Car Works in Leszno finished the implementation of their yearly plan, at the same time saving 4,334 manhours, totalling the value of nearly 5oo,,coo 'z2- The Board of the Local Industries in Gda'Ask includes, together with their branches, 27 industrial plants of various kinds. The value of their production in 199 will total in all these plants about 1.5 milliards zl. Several industrial plants under the GdeAsk Board have already carried out their yearly plans ahead of schedule. The Aribre GooU. Factory in Wrzeszcz completed the implementation of its yearly plan of production on October 1. On October 5, the Electromechanical Works realised its yearly plan in 121- %. On October 12i. the Metal Goods Works in Rumia- ZaSorzo reported on the carrying out of its yearly plan. Sources "Trybuna Ludu" PRODUCTION OF THE MOTOR INDUSTRY UNDER THE 6-7ZAR $LAN In 1955 the plants under the Central Board of the Motor Industry will achieve a it-times larger output than this year,'s.production? The existing assortment of production will be considerably extended by starting to turn out never produced before now motors, parts of motors and cars, stated Mr.D Jung, Technical Director of the Central Board of the Motor Industry when interviewee by a PAP correspondent on the plans for this branch of industry. We shall produce: lorries to be used in agriculture and two kinds of tractors on caterpillar wheels, some on rubber tyros and others with solid wheals for use in agriculture, industry and transportation. The assembly-line production of tractors will total, in the period of the 6-Year Plan, ll, ooo. We shall also start producing motorbuses of the Polish A-5o type with 50 comfortable seats. These motorbuses will be specially adapted to our roads. In 1955 we shall produce 25,0oo motorcycles of a new type, This mass production will permit to lower the retail price and thus make them available for the working people. In the course of the oxt 6 years we shall produce about 1+o,oco of various kinds of trailers such as tilting cars, fast running trailers equipped with brakes, etc,, The output of the fire-brigade equipment will increase fourfold, while the cars used by firemen will be entirely produced in Poland. Internal combustion engines for industry and agriculture will be produced in 5 varieties, including also the internal combustion engines used in shipping+ In 1955 the yearly output of various types of b icycles will reach the figure of 2oo,ooo articles. After having completely satisfied the demand of the loca: market we vrhall be able to expIrt some of our output in this branch. Apart from that we shall considerably extend the production of spare parts. The motor industry will also produce machine tools specially adapted to the shaping of parts of engines as well as saving machine of a heavy type for the clothing industry. The number of workers, employed in the motor industry, will increase twofold. The steadily developing competition movement and the rationalization of production are the factors which will substantially contribute to the realization. of the 6 Year Plans targets in the motor industry. We shall endeavour to introduce assembly-line production and to apply modern methods of shaping. Transport., above all on the premises of plants will be mechanized. Also the processes in founditos will be mechanized. Approved For Release 2005/04/22: CIA-RDP83-QMlkBQO3A9@Q%09awy" Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 RL j,tic: ' E WYO Ifl OF MUSIC ON THG F OU_TTH FR7MYK CHCPIN CON 'IT.IC~T A press conference, called by the E3u outivo Caanitteo of Chopin Year and dedicated to the Fourth International ll r.Chopin Competition' was held on October 13, with the participation of representatives of the foreign press. Also Polish and foreign member so the Cccipotitioz 's Jury took part in the Conference. After the opening speech of Dr.J. Sterz;xski, Chairman of the Executive itto ' a Foreign Ccaanisaion, Prof . Z.Drzewieoki Chairman of the Jury' dealt in c'ctail with the origin and organization of the -Fourths International Chopin #nmpctition, this great international artisite manifestation, concluding the Chapin Yoar' celebrated throughout the world. Next spoke indivic'.ual members of the jury, imparting to thoac present their ?bQ `va oPA,elkgsg' tl0R)22 ltIfl- Wf ht& 15R00380008O e, -J LE) Source: "Trybuna Ludu" M W A R S A W BULLETIN 25X1 R S OF THE PRESS AND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT N I S Approved For Release 2005/0 No. ,a31 Octobor 12,194.9 WORKSHCPS REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PLANS AHEAD ' OF SCHEDULE Cement Industry Carries out Three-Year Plan On October log all the cement works in Poland carried out their Three- Year Plan by producing, from the beginning of 1947 until the present time, 5,15o, coo tons of cement. BRICK - kilns in Poznan Carried out their Three- Year Plan The Poznai Brick-ki.]:ns had corxIInitted themselves by the resolution passed on May 1, ,194.9, to fulfil the Three-Year Plan by September 30. The commitment was implemented ahead of schedule by producing 314-,391 million bricks. Successes Achieved by the Railways The Railway Workshops in Poznan carried out the Three-Year Plan,in the repairs to the rolling stock,2o days before the date' fixed by their ocrn i.tments", On.the whole, 774. locomotive engines have been renov~:ted and 4,567 freight cars Nave been overhauled, Also the Gniezno railway Junction reports on the irrplonontation of the Three--Xoar Plane The electroteohniJ:,lscnt stnyiti ire Gcrr_ia Gnyy We have no by Ap Chase 2005/04/22: CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003800080003-8 bishops of ozx? own but only apostolic adninistrotors. We t .ink thr t the refusal to donfirLb pore-neat Church authorities in a c- old l olish tcrrit.Irics is oquiv-:font to the refusal of recogni- zing our just frontiers on the Odra and Nysa,, Vie love our popular State which supplies us with work abd bred, We love the Church and her priests. And that is why we appeal to your Dxcelloxicy with the request to subr:it to the Holy Father our troubles and potiti?.:ns asking for the eonfirration of permanent Cliur. ch authorities in the territories .inhabited by us." Also of the Catholic Party in R dyrairowice' (Opole) appealed to the Prirlato in the following way: "Wc- love our Church and our popular St.-ito thanks to which we haveobtaned national and social unity. We are true believers in Christ's doctrine and, in accordance with this doctrine, we want peace to prevail in the world. We shrill . beseech our Lord to -frustrate the designs of wrrraincrs who w:^nt to put our Nation An fetters with the 'help of reactionary Gorrian circles. We are p.;r 1?w, cd having no permanent Church authcrity an only adi.:inistrntion. Thoruforo, we ~.ppeal hereby. that episcopal Doric. be constitu' d in the Opole district e" Source: It tycie Wcrszawy" PRODUCTION RLTIONi'1LIZ?'. LS IN TH"" TXTIL" INDUS TRY TO 3,73,,00 INFI'i?Fr1IIU!'':`s In the c:,urso of 15 La,)nths, in the toxt~*_1..o industry, several hundreds of various invontiins and now sugc cst=' ens were s,ont to the invention and off:icic acy colt:.fission, of which 220 wore ro- co-nizod by the co :r_,issi_:~ns of individu