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25X1 Approved For Release (:)06/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R002400090015-9 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. ONIFORMATlioil REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Cermaw (Russian Zone) SUWECT Scientists Conducting Biological Research t Berlin?Buch PLACE AClUIRED DAEOFfi to (..IA Library 25X1 DATE DISTR. /8 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 25X1 watrnIr A415MMN 1-1.10 roCONENT con NIERS InFOREAT1ORAFFECTIRO Tee RATIOHALOSFE11911 OP. TH11 ONITZES IITAT.M Grimm WE OWINIDIO OF TUE EGFIORAG2 AGT LL 3. C.. 31 AND HZ. 1$ MADMEN RV TRANGES15111011 00 IRO REV3LAT101.1 OF ITS CONTEUTS 111 ARV DARNER TO AR URAUTROOLTOO FTSZO5 SPOO. 131TOD DT LAW, GEPOODUCTi011 07 UM FO21.1 11) PRORIRITSO. SO jRCE AAAV,'P 4M50' THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. t is reported that Professor Friedrich Mot glichp Berlin?Friedenau, aieerallee 79a (US Sector) is director of me deps..rtment at the former taiser Wilhelm Institute (KWI) for brain reJearch in Berlin?Buch. This c.epartzient is workihg on solid bodies, lundrous mater-lal and gas discharges, he former KWI is now controlled by the Germsz Academy of Sciences, which fin tarn is controlled by the Russians through the SED. 2. frofessor Noeglich? who is with the Physikalt4che?Chemische Institut of the University of Berlin, became a convert tic communism after having been a good member of the Nazi party. He has a loading position at the Zentralverwaltung fuer Kultur u. Erziehung (Cmtral Administration for Culture and Education). Along with Professor Romps, he exerts a decisive influence on the academic life of the Russian Zone. Erofessor Rompe himself acts in an advisory capacitr at the former KWI in inch, although he is not now actively partakinc in any research there, 4, ft the former KWI there is allegedly another deeartment which comes under the direction of Professor Friedrich, formerly (iirector of the Institute for Radiation Research in Berlin, Luisenstrasse. This institute, destroyed curing the war, was transferred to the former KWI in Bich. Professor Friedrich' 6 department is supposed to be worldng on radiation research and the problems of directing and influencing biolog:cal processes. 5. Also working in Bach is, (or was), Professor Dr. lens Nachtsheim? a special? ist in eugenics, genetics, sex determination, and the natation of hereditary traits. It is not quite clear whether Dachtsheim is working with Friedrichs department or whether he has his own department. (Recent information makes it doubtful that Nachtsheim is still at Bach). 6. It is reported that an institute for cancer research is to be opened at the former KWI in Duch. Credence is lent to this report by the appearance in Euch of Professor Loirmann, physiologist, and his assistant, Dr. Naegeler, -Am formerly worked with Professor liarburgt one of the foremost cancer research mon. LASSIFICATION SECRET 'NAVY j x IISRD 1 Darmsunow ARMY 21 34 AIR FBI L L f 1 I S'TATE ocl 6 1949 1, Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R002400090015-9 4 9 .0311.5 * -Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R002400090015-9 SECRET CENRAL flTLLIGFCE AGE= 7. In the fall of 1947 Profesmr Rueskin?. neurologist, former4r at the Oharite Hospital, Aer11n, Russian Seltor, vas contacted by the Russians 'oho invited him tospen a research department in Buell. Thio .ilepartrent vas to devote itself to the study of action processes of the brain, the measuring of brain waves arid vibrations 107 means of electrodes, the graphic charting of the actions an6 reactions, of the brain. The. Russians promised Professor queskin to equip his department with the latest apparatus and instruments and apparently intended not to spare any money or effort. Then suddenly the Russians broke off nelotiations. reportedly because they considered P2ofessor &man too far ihnriminstOd politically, since Rneakin had been a member of thv SS. Another morn probable explanation in that the Russians had become suspicious of Rueskin's western connections and his frequent trips to the west, fueSkin although he atill lived at the Oharite, was not per- mittmi to work there teeauaa of his nalitical pact. His trips to the west were made for trie purpose of looking around for a suitable position. Later Raeskin reeeivett a good offer from the Yugoslays to fill a position at a clinic in Belgrade but refised. 8. Other scientitts working. at Berlin-Buch are the following: Dr. Fasstender, Herr ..?tein, Dr. Ernst Rucks, Dr. Helmut Ruske, Dr. Ritschl, Professor Schreiber, Herr Drecbsler, Herr Hannemann, cadmium su3.phidOpecialist1 reportedly a very capable man and close friend of Professor Romps; from the former Institute for Electronic Eicre- sconeslaiso a very capable man, connected with Siemene and now believed to have accepted a chair at the Technical Uhiversity, British Seer; medical Man who is spending his entire time at Budh; Whose main job seems to be the construction of apparatus for physiciets' work and who has his own small institute in Carew, same neighborhood; assistant to Friedrich; he is reported to be a ennoble rant 'pen. definite SED man who works under Ullmann; physiciot, Who works on brain research also in aonnection with Professor Schreiber, mentioned above. 7-FORET Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R002400090015-9 25X1