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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 - ?~ ~4 FORM NO, NOV 1948 51-61A CLASSIFICATION SEC,RET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Rumania SUBJECT Information Regarding Rumanian Railroads and Port of Constant a PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF I: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U, S. C.31 AMD 31 AS AM ENOED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IM ANY MANNER TO AK UKAUTIIORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIE ITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 15 PROHIBITED. HOW- EVER.INFORMATION CONTAINED IN BODY OF THE FORM MAY BE UTI LIED AS DEEMED NECE55ARY BY THE RECEIVING AGENCY. 1. Attached herewith for your retention is a regarding the railways of Rumania* tions as follows: a. A description of the railway network, DATE DISTR, 10 June 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. document 50X1-HUM is divided into eight see- I b. Consolidation of certain railroad lines; freight re-distribution. co Major construction on railways (from the press). d. Methods of procedure fnr tI)e Rumanian State Railways. e. Locomotive types and use of them in the freight re- distribution plan. f. Freight data. g. Return of foreign railroad cars to countries of origin. STATE ARMY Administration of Rumanian State Railways. CLASSIFICATION S OFPIc~U5 ONLY NSRB DISTRIBUTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 RAILROADS IN RULLT.IA AID ACTIVITIES OF THE PORT OF CONSTANTA 50X1-HUM November 1948 I, Rumanian Raikroad System IL Amount of work necessitated by the consolidation of several lines for the ,uroose---of accommodating a load of 22 tons per axle. III- Extracts from Rumanian newspapers concerning the important wore- on railroads IV. Operative resources of the Rumanian State Railroads (rolling stock and classification yards) V- _zto-?auction of the different tyres of locora;tives in load plans, by lines VI. Load plans of the different lines VLL. Return of foreign cars to their country of origin VIII. Activity and accomplishments of the Rumanian State Railroads (from 1940 to 1944) (Document of 13 pages available to our addressees) Activities of the Port of Constanta I I. Structure of the Rumanian railroads The network of the Rumanian railroads stretches 10,242 kilometers and is divided into 7 regions: 1. Southeast: Bucharest, Constanta, Ploesti, etc 2. Bast : Buzau, Marasesti, Ga lati, Braila, etc 3. South: Rosiori, Pitesti, Sl atina, Turnu-Severin, etc 4. Center: Brasov, Sibiu, Teiu s, Targul Mures, etc 5. West: Timisoara, Arad (to Y ugoslavia), etc 6. Northwest: Cluj, Oradea, Sa tu-I:Iare (to Hungary), etc 7. Northeast:. Bacau, Pascani, Iasi, etc The lines are divided into ti. categories (see map No 1 in anneg): Category One: Lin lines which can carry a load of 20 tons bCRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Emcnmfy- per axle. Length, 3,358 kilometers Category Two: Secondary lines (in process of modification) which can carry a maximum load of 17 tons per axle. Length 3,012 kilometers. Category Three: Secondary lines -(no planned modification) which can carry a maximum load o415 tons per gxle. Length 3,150 kilometers. 750 Category Four: Narrow-gahge lines (1 meter and centimeters) which can carry a maximum load of 7.5 tons per axle. Length 713 kilometers. Annexes; A.-1 Sketch of the Rumanian railroad network (in 7 regions) A.-2 Sketch of the Rumanian railroad network (Plan for loco- motive hauling) A.-3 Sketch of the Rumanian railroad network (Siding capacity) A.-4 Rail lines of Bucharest and of''its belt_line. The two following tables give an exact idea of the needs in materiel necessary for the improvement of the min lines of Category For Category Two, the planned modification includes the replace- ment of rails, strengthening of structures (bridges, culverts, etc), increasing the number of ties, etc.~so as to make these lines into .main lines. Other improvements are also tLnder consideration (see following descriptions). The request for -funds for these improve- ments has been submitted to the government. in double-track lines (see map No 1) 1. Bucharest, Ploesti, Brasov 2. Ploesti, Buzau, Iviarasesti, Adjuci 3. Marasesti, Tecuci 4. Teius, Apahida 5.7'. Cerna Voda, Constanta New lines under construction or being completed: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 I ---_ ;' ri]Sv+~- First line: BucIirest,. Snagov (40 km north of Bucharest). No strategic importance. The line will give the inhabitants of Bucharest an opportunity to get fresh air in the forest and near the lake. It has just been opened to traffic (May 194$), Second line: Bumbesti, Livazeni,.S,agov Lac)- Very important and of great strategic interest for the coal and industrial regions of Petrosani and Lupeni and for the Jiu Valley; also for supplying the chemical plant in Bumbesti tirith raw material. This plant is of the same type but smaller than the one in Ucea de Sus and Lupeni. This line was begun in 1924 in a very rugged territory which made the construction of numerous bridges, viaducts, and tunnels necessary. At present the work has almost been completed and is being pushed hard. The laying of the rails was started in July 194$, and the administration of railroad construction stated that the line would becbfinitely opened to traffic by the end of 194$. Third line: Telciu,-Viseu. Becaus?'of the change of frontier, the old lines are now in Russian territory, the region east of Sighet was revivedI is isolated. The plan dating from 193$ studied. At the present time, the line which was very difficult to built in a very mountanfous, forest region, is being completed. a The line should be ready for traffic by the end of 194$, or,st the latest, the first part of 1949. Fourth line: FFaurei, Tecuci. The line has been completed but will not be usable until October 194$, since the metal bridge over the Siret River can not be finished before this date. Fifth line: Line of the Bucharest forts (a large beltline). The railroad administration has just begun to repair this line which has been almost completely abandoned since 1941,.. The repairs will require four months. Special funds to cover this work were granted in May 1948. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 __1 Planned double-tracking of lines. n 1. Brasov ,---Teius. The double-tracking of the international line Bucharest -- Oradea-Mare --Brasov -- Sighisoara-- Teius, and from Cluj to Oradea-Mare is planned in the new five-year plan. Single-track lines, plan a].id modifications: 1. Brasov - Buzau. One part of the line, from Brasov to Intorsura Buzaului and passing through the large tunnel of Teliu, is finished; a secon section, from Buzau to Nehoiasu, is also finish- ed but this portion of the line is weak and can not carry loads great- er than 10 tons per axle. For this -?eason it is to be -improved so as to permit a load of 15 to 17 tons per axle -- the usual load of secondary lines. The third section, about 75 kA, is to connect Nehoiasu and Intorsura Buzaului. This is a very hilly section and the exact route has not been determined yet. Information from the Administration of Railroads seems to indicate that the lay-out of the line will follow approximately the same route as the national highway connecting Brasov and Buzau. This line should be completed in 1950. 2. Curtea de Argos - Ramnicul Valcii. Following the /the construction of request of the Russian authorities, this line is to be completed very quickly. It is thought that work brill be begun this year. The purpose of the line is to relieve the congestion in the Brasov-Predeal-Camping region where there are steep grades. The traffic coming from either Arad or Oradea would be headed toward Sibiu. From this station, there is a slight down-grade to Bucharest with few up-grades and thee' are of low percentage. Single-track lines constructed with the expectation of laying a second track. Line One. Bucharest-Faurei - Line Two: Bucharest-Craiova via Videle Rosiori-Caracal (Opened to traffic in 1947). On these lines all the structures have Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 /d been'`ade for two tracks. On metal briges,,the pilings have been erected for"double-tr&?~k; it will be necessary to change only the roadway of the bridges. Line Three: Cluj--Oradea-Mare. 'Then this line was used by the Hungarians it was double-track; but since then, the Rumanians have neglected its uprv'zeep very much. At the present. time, this line is in a very poor state (ballast, ties, rails),a.nd only one track is serviceable. There are rails for only one track. Line Four: Dej-Jibou. A secondary line in very bad shape. Russian-gauge railroad lines. None on Rumanian territory. Note: All the railroad lines of the former provinces of Bessarabia /northern and Bucovina , which were annexed by Russia in 194~4-, have been converted to Russianiguage. Electrified lines. At present, there is no electrified line under construction or in operation. The studies of a plan to electrify the railroad lines on the Brasov-Campina-P'loesti sector have been completed. .lc he elec- trification would be in two steps: first step, Brasov-Campina; second step, Campina-Floesti. The plan called for the erection of three stations (hydroelectric stations ). The first is to be at Capa- Rosu near Sibiu, the second at Peibepesti de Padure, and the third .at Eicaz in T,M:oldavia. The current IJI would be 3000 volts direct. All equipment including meters, materiel for the installation /only of the power lines, and switches would beAof Russian origin. Thar question of the electric locomotives has not yet been solved, but it seems certain that the Russians will furnish them. Lines equipped for automatic block signals Line One; Bucharest-Chitila, operating Line Two: Fetesti--Cernavoda, operating Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Line Three:. Chitila-Floesti, installed but not yet opera- ting. All of the materiel used is of German origin. Today the Rumanian railroad network is in a rather poor condition. From 1941 to 1944, the network was used by the German and Rumanian armies. The retreat of the German army, the passage of the Russian armies, and the destructions by the different armed forces, all contributed to the disorganization of the network. Since 1945, there has been a_,concentrated effort to put the railroads back in good shape. There have been some good results; the average speed of the trains (including stops) has increased! Apr 48 Jun 48 Passenger trails, steam 26 km/hr 34 km /h' Express trains 40 km/hr 52 km/hr Rail caxs 37 km/hr 57 kra/hr Freight trains 11.5 km/hr 13.2 km/hr However, this improvement is the result of only partial repairs and the network needs an almost complete rebuilding. It is not x yet twat a question of renovation; many types of material are lac~:ing. These are: 1. Creosoted ties. For a general rebuilding of the lines whihh have been abandoned since 1942, six to seven million ties would be needed. Rumanian production from four plants amounts to about 1,500,000 ties per year. 1)7\ 'lant at Ploesti,which produces creosote and impregnates ties with this chemical, was destroyed to a tie C.R,Xvw"kt- large extent by the Allied bombings and"has not yet been completely pp". Its annual production is 300,000 heech ties. 2) The plant.. At Aiud(Transylvania) has an annual production of 400,000 beech ties. 3) The plant at Itcani (Moldavia) can produce 500,000 beech ties per year. 4) The plant at Tileagd (25 tom east of Oradea) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 can produce 250,000 beech ties per year. In order to offset the lack of creosoted ties,which are needed for certain urgent projects, the railroads are using oak ties which have not been creosoted. According to the reports of the engineers, the oak ties should be very durable. 2. Rails (end of July 1948)'. Up to 1944, the Krupp Works was the main source of supply for rails. The types of rails used by the Rumanian railroad system were very diverse, beginning with type 34.5 for some of the secondary lines and including types 41,42, 45, 48, and 49. (The number,which indicates the type of rail, is the weight per meter of rail; type 45 indicates a rail which weighs 45 kilograms per meter). Up to 1942 there was no clearly established type. Starting in 1942, the Germans assigned two types of rails. special to be used; a type 49 and a little later a/type 41, of which the first shipments were to arrive in the middle of 1944. Since the '!;:7 armistice, the Rumanian railroads have been using mainly the i~r-/ reserves which were accumulated during the war. The Russians have also dug into this stock and have carried off the major part of type 42, 45, and 49 rails. The national production is very small. The Resita 1etallurgical Works have a present annual pro- duction of around 12,000 tons with a maximum of 20,000 tons. It is said that the Russians claim 60 percent of the production under the terms of the armistice. In Jul) 1948, for repairs and normal maintenance of the lines, the Rumanian railroads had a stock of only about 7,000 tons of rails- about enough to build 80 kilometers of single treck. Because of this state of affairs, treaties are being disc ssed with Poland for t7pe 45 in des u-G ~2 t./ k -E erg, i ,n. &X IWw the delivery of 17,000 tons of rails xgxi=t com?ensation/~and also with Czechoslovakia for the delivery of 20,000 tons of type 45 rails, likewise in compensation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 I CEO= 3. Miscellaneous small parts for setting rails: sleeper- screws, tie-plates, spikes, etc. The Rumanian railroads are practi- cally without any of these small parts and there is virtually no nation- al production. Requests for deliveries of this material,which have been sent to Russia, Polanand Czechoslovakia have been unanswered up to the present. Bucharest, 29 September (A.F.P.)n The Rumanian agency announces the decision of the Council of Ministers of Rumania to lower the railroad tariff by 15 percent, effective this date. The extent of the work which must be done on some lines to make them capable of handling loads of V tons per axle: _a Remarks 320,000 ties; 1 Bucharest-Si- Reconstruction with 12,000 tons of rails; meria (via type 45 rails for 9,000 tons rail fit- Brasov-Teius) 133 kms; renewing tings; 70,000 cu m and tamping ballast crushed rock; 400,000 on the rest of sec- work days; 1 billion tor (304 kiss) lei 2 Teius-Oradea Reconstruction with 2,250 tons of rails; type 45 rails for 3,000 tons of rail 25 kms; renewing and fittings; 130,000 taping ballast on ties; 15,000 cu m rest of sector (231 Kms) crushed rock; 140,000 work days; 325;mil- lion lei 3 Bucharest-Timi- Strengthening of em- 20,000 tons large soara (via Rosi- bankment and widening stone; 30,000 tons ori) road-bed for 325 kms crushed rock;3,250 tons rail fittings; 70,000 ties; 22,500 work days; 400 mil- lion lei. 4a Bucharest-Iasi Reconstruction with (via Ploesti- type 45 rails for I-Arasesti-ye- 245 laps and widen- cuci) ing road-bed for 400 kms 22,000 tons of rails; 11,000 tons rail fittings; 320,000 ties; 120,000 cu m crushed rock; 500,000 work days; 1,250,000,000 lei. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 824b Bucharest- Strenghtening of em- 10,000 tons large Faurei-Su- ba n.ent and widening stone; 15,000 cu m rain (sec- of road-bed for 70 kms crushed rock; 38,000 tion of Buch- ties; 700 tons rail arest-Faurei- fittings; 50,000 Tecuci) work days; 96 mil- lion lei Tecuci- Rebuilding line for 13,500 tons of rails; Aslo in-- Iasi 148 kms 5,500 tons rail fit- cluded in tings; 100,000 ties; 4a 70,000 cu in crushed rock; 180,000 work days; 600 million lei (14;------------------------- -------- ---------------__---_--_--------_------ Bucharest-Pites- Rebuilding with 12,200 tons of rails; ti- Curtea de Arges type 45 rail 4,200 tons rail fit- for 136 kms tings; 95,000 ties; 65,000 cu m crushed rock; 170,000 work days; 580 million lei Ramnicul Valcii-Oc- Rebuilding with 10:000tons of rails; na Sibiului type 45 rail 4,000 tons rail fit- for 108 kms tings; 80,000 ties; 50,000 cu m crushed rock; 140,000 work days; 500 million lei Marc Sibiului- Rebuilding with 6,300 tons of rails; Vintul de Jos- type 45 rail 2,500 tons rail fit- 44 kms in- Simeria for 170 kms tings; 60,000 ties; cluded in 1 32,000 cu m crushed rock; 100,000 work days; 320 million lei ------------------------------------------------------------------- 61,750 tons of rails; 37,500 tons rail fittings; 1,160,000 ties; 375,000 cu m crushed rock; 30,000 tons large stone; 1,670,000 work days; 4,255,000 lei Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 I UZQRET vk+ IV Operati*-resources of the Rumanian State Railroads (rolling stock and classification yards) In Service: 1,244 In Reserved 72 Total 1,71 In. Repair 1.309 Total 3,025 2 Freight cars In Service 35,813 In Reserve 5,908 Faulty 20 3879 3 Rail 'cars In Service In Reserve Faulty Total 62,600 Total 73 31 -.k2- 173 To be tested l5 Total 183 (sic) Passenger cars In Service 2,159 In Reserve 237 Faulty M8 Total 2, 974 Inventory of the freight cars In Service 25,765 In Reserve 6,499 Damaged 17 IP42 Total 49,311 Of the total number of freight cars, there are only 180 with 4 axles; all the rest have 2 axles. 5 Classification Yards ( in order of importance) Bucharest, 3,000 cars a day; maximum, 5,000 (1942-43) Ploesti, 1,500 cars a day; maximum, 2,000 Brasov, 500 a day at present; maximum, 700 (upon completion of work, capacity will be 2,000 cars a day) The other stations have classification yards of only small importance. gZCjV.MT - ~0- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 B~~S Technical Information on Locomotives of the Rumanian Railroads on 20 Apil948' Series French Construc- Maximum Loco- Fuel Weight Service Total formula tion Years Speed Km/hr motive weight in tons per axle Depot Stock 047 0-3-0 1912-16 45 45 C 15.0 10 31 597 0-3-0 1890- 55 40.5 N 13.6 6 38 1902 1200 1-3-0 1914-16 70 63 PMI 16.4 1 46 1440 1-3-0 1913-16 73 34 Ii 11.5 11 37 1600 1-4-0 1913 70 79 M 17.0 2 18 2000 1-3-0 1906-16 90 59 ii 16.3 32 105 2200+ 2-3-1 1913-22 126 90 Iii 16.0 36 87 231.000 7000 1-3-0 1902-13 60 58 C 15.0 8 18 40.000 0-4-0 1913-14 55 68 M 17.0 33 109 *40.000D 1-4-1 1908 40 71 C 12.0 2 7 *400.000 0-4-0 1930 40 56.2 C 14.0 1 5 *50.000 0-5-0 1919-21 50 69.4 C 14.1 27 63 IIo.1o0 0-5-0 1921-24 60/70 74.3 L 14.8/15 206 622 *131.000 1-3-1 1940-42 65 61.6 C 12.4 38 66 *140.100 1-4-1 1918 75 74 LI 18.0 14 62 *140.200 1-4-0 1920-22 50 68 R;I 15.1 36 105 *140.400 1-4-0 1924-23 (sic) 65 82 id, 17.6 8 16 *142.000 1-4-2 1926-41 110 123.5 M 18.6 26 79 (140) *150.000 1-5-0 1946-48 80 86 C 16.0 14 23 4150.1000 1-5-0 1943 80 84.4 C 15.3 50 100 -4151.000 1-5-1 1940-41 85 123 IYQllews ?; ,w r2o 60 p~ Piatra Simii(ul $dranei. ~e(ean `leeh;nta Sirliol txo go Some$ a 8ifiarkrrtszboc 9Prsteyra 8iyer 48 \` uda a too Oradta "d M(hequl do C rY0 MtradiR !L? MW 40 Band (=q Go p 86i(e ep Apah;da , TS. MYre, Citeu 93 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized d for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Mai. 1449? (apacifes d. Garage fleseam leme Rou.mniN- Nis 1 Gufa Pukmi CesCh~yre5 Ire re c,Je.t doh Dornesti' V]ie.) YfSe.loi 4 eSSieuf(. Dorohoi ...~~~r Li~nrahtit 4aleh 4 3u 46 ii2 Secotrdai reh l utna IMOi3eiY F Leorda 44 ------ erroiYet MJIdoYlfa !d .~ partitutierq o efrin3lrcS 9orsa Funct. old 112- 66 Ss Sfam.) 86 Bo4ojiM AerHiau sf-afions 102 I Radna Vecha I Pvjoni.) Yeresli HSrf;u iac 136 - IOU S8 F1 renr' porn; Delhasea #6 Falficeni f36 Joe f24 _ 424 20 } ;seer.) P&Fcani Pd. ]loaei Cuculoni Unrhnni Ilya 1t3 - II lla r3c ' $alva B;Skfli.) 45 ului Roman iiagherus Sieu 116 6o Pialra N.amt `echinta S3rStot Q6 456 luda 120 DCda C 48 8atau ~=o -Band 48 t- , Tg. Mures Ciceu 93 Moinsti Declassified in Part - Sanitized f36 ' ,124F er,Aasr!# f0i 36 Huai Ctisoa A 56 F.lciu tl d for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 ^ 1-HU Declassified in Part - Sanitized d for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized d for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 50X1-HU k Santana 62 36 .r -2 62 zla< ` Teims 116 /Cops. MICA Q Brad Lolcoshiii COrfici `?,Pipcota Sighis r 5-a WS J! 6 r3 tax \ !to alaJ /16 6aitonya 'J "' Radnd rh.. 1>to 120 )Ii& Alba -ulla 120 Simeria 12o mown Vinlul de Jos 1 / Ghioroc 60 56bot loz !2o I /! 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Craiova 152 120 Anima Oeknli 64 fS2 _ = Poiatla !52 Mare r-aracal ori Ci ldfdt ~ t SIB bo Cdrabra1 T MlqurfT K timni~aa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 50X1-HU qq" 1 Paeeie Si~hi~ *q ss to Y3ni}ori 44 8 e cu Nur se;h raced St. G-leo-gae vo'ter' buns 98 1 / r--- / / Irg 4debe+ft Focaani /Ao Corrval 12. it N .an (01 saris 119 120 Olt IOY 4rhrluea B~iulai I ` k4 '^ ~'l Nahoialo 1 M9 7;roRSlr=aeel Slink Irlnerp~ +n ~ uS Telcsa ni COrePulueg cas ini C. de A PiN+oai i 83ic0i A 124 Moreni ~ Ib Buda Ta~gevist ......... ...... 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I N.,rJ j SECTIA L.3 sf ~:fr foA-Pr6rra Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28 CIA-RDP83-00415R001700050001-6 ? JI Oi ` 0! +M~ '-'%.~ Fri Teary/ F?c 02oPeoi o = Sr sore ^,, F'Steflwnesty Frf 0 - ~ ~ 1~ I~leroJexlJ S ECTI A L . a 1 I; - Ch,hp o ? n?nd F ,~rU~,,,rl 0 f Chu~n~c ... it -- - st 1 eco..,rt / lv a~ ~ a x.," Jf s~