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~ c U1 _LirG
TU SDi+ Y ',uCus t 17th, i ? S
"We arc unirxportant in our
own country."
Under the above hcading, hose El Yussuf, the ,pro-
Covornrlont weekly writes ; "Some coup ricos still think that
ECy ,t of to-day is the s aim as E- t of a centur r ago. They
soon to think that they can still use the excuse of protcc-
ting the minorities in ordor to intorofore in our internal
affairs . They ii:iaCinc that they tan threaten us evorytii:ic
one of their nationals Cots a sun-stroke or a scratch.
They think that their A"n:ibassadors can still Co to
the irir.,,e I.Iinister of Er,y?t and shako their fists in his face,
that EC pt will than cry out for forCivonoss, Thosc coun-
an CL
trios forCot that Eg lit is the only country in the world whore
religious and minority problems do not exist, while minorities
suffer persecution ovcryvihorc also. In civilizes'.. fi:icrica,
the author of the four freedoms, nor-roes arc han5od and the
Roc.: Indians are persecuted on such a scale that their race
has nearly become distinct. The Ku-Klux-Klan murder Jays
in America openly. In EnCland, some Lritishers attacked nail'-
murclcrccC, two ncCrocs at 'Livcr-pool last week. ECy'pt is the
only country whore Jevrs, Colts, and loslciis live peacefully
toCether. ECypt has alvrays boon bled dry by the foreigners.
She was to the foreiCnors like a cow with ,lonty of milk.
Dut the cow now wishes to ais tributo her milk fairly s o t1v, t
its own young may Cot some of it.Yot some countries do not seen
to appreciate E, yptis kindness. They have protested recently
aCainst individual incidents in which one or two of their
nationals were hurt. They protested althour,h they knew that
Egypt was at war and that she had every riCht to considur all
the nationals of these countries to be enemies of the state
who should be interned or even hanCcd if they arc proved
guilty of collaboratinC with the enemy. They y_.rotosted oven
thouCh they know that LCyt did not intern foreigners except
when it was absolutely necessary to do so. yWe put the snadkc:s
under surveillance instoad of killinC then and be rid of thcri'".
Under the headline: "Preparing for vrar", Rose El
Yussuf writes: "It is certain that no matter what solutions
b e put forward by Count Dornadottc or be imposed on the
Arabs by the United Nations, the Arab countries will not
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Approved For Release 2007/03/16: CIA-RDP83-00415R001300100012-2
TUESDAY AWgus t 17th, 1
retreat 'and the victorious Arab armies will not leave the
places they occupied until they are assured of the safety
of the Arab inhabitants of those places. Egypt has hoard
a now opinion put forward by the fifth column to the effect
that there is no danger if the Jewish State is established
seeing that the Arab countries will blockade it and suffocate
it ocononically. This viewpoint was professed before the
war started but rejected by the Arab countries which rightly
maintain that an oconoi:iic blockade nay kill the Jc rish state
after a thousand years but not after a year or two. The
Jewish state dust have taken into account Arab oconoi::ic
boycott before the war startod. Tho Arab arDies will therefore
not quit Palestine until the Jews in that country are defeatcc'J'
Under the headline "A scandal", Rose El Yussuf writes
"The Egypt-Europa League succeeded in collecting LL 3000 fro:
its ricribors as contribution for the welfare of the Egyptian
army in Palestine. The Egy ~tian .:~oi:~bcrs contributed only
LE 000 while the European members contributed LE 2600.
Iloikal Pasha will head Egyptian
team to U.N.O.
The Arabic press reports that Prosidont of the Egyptian
Senate Ilcikal Pasha will head the Egyztian delegation to the
United Nations at its coning session.
Israel promises military bases
to Russia.
Al Ahran writes : "We loarnod that Mr Trygvio Lie
had sent a personal lettor.to Count Dcrnadotte when the
latter was in Jorusalen in which he told him that the United
Nations stood by the partition decision which it had taken
sono months ago. It is also said that Shortock has promised
both Russia and the U.S.A. to ;rant thee: military bases when
Israel is established. America was annoyed when she hoard
the news".
Al ,Ara l:i than goo s on to say that _ Israel has sent
Gilda I' oyorson, head of the political section of the Jewish
agency, to Russia in order to assure the Russians that Israel
would grant Russia military bases onto she was definitely-
established, and in order to ask for a financial loon from
Soviet Russia. England, however, has promised some Arab
countries that under no circumstance would she lot Russia'
secure a military base in Israel as such a thing would di-
rectly threaten her position in the Middle East..
Al Ahran also reports that Fares Al Khoury Loy may
be racota:iondcd-by the Arab countrios and by some friendly
foreign states to become -.ionbor of the International Court of
"Yo Arabs wake up",
Under the above hoading, Al Ikhwan Al Muslir.ioun'
writes: "Fire t Fire I Dangor L Danger t Yo Arabs wa e up t
Don Gorion, the chief of tho_gang of thieves, has unmasked
himself and declared in the Zionist magazine "Tin." two says
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Approved For Release 2007/03/16 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300100012-2
TUESDAY 1,u[-,us t 17th, 19-:8 .
aco that the Jeers did not enter the war in order to of their
small state, but in order to expand outside Palestine and
make room for ton million Jewish is:liL-Irants . Lot this be a
warning to the Arabs. Unless we destroy the scorpions in
l-alostine the Arab countries will be over-run by them and
it may then be difficult to destroy them. Ye Arabs t Defend
EGypt in Palestine. Dofond Iraq in Palestine, Defend Iecca
in 1alostinc. You hoard what Don Gorion said. You now have
no choice . Either kill the scorpions or be killed".
Al Ilchwan attacks Dornadotta.
Under. the headline: "Send then back to their hi--,es";
Al Ikhwan writes-. "The sons itivc and honourable Count Dcrna -
c.o e says that he is vary concerned about the Arab rofuCcos
and that he is trying; to p:?ocuro tents for than to -:-)rotoct
tho,ri from the sun and rain. Ye Count l Those people for whom
you are tryinG to Got tents have homes. What is the Cood of
you or of your mediation if you do not succeed in sondin" then
back to their homes? pio believe that you should stay in your
country and do not return to the LIiddlc East until the :grab
rofuCocs arc returned to their holies".
Syria cancels National cola-
bratkons because of i'alostino.
.,,l Assas reports that the Syrian cvornmont has doci-
dcd not o cc curate Constitution Day this year because of
the Palestinian situation. The Syrian Location will not
therefore hold the usual arty which it used to hold on :.ucust
17th each year.
Al Assns also publishes an editorial under the headline
"The necessary propaCanda for the Arab cause", in which it
says that the Arabs should publicize the Arab cause abroad.
The article is not ~,articularly intorestinC and nood not be
translated in this Pevie17,
Al 1,1is ri c of::lent s on Akhbar El You' s
article of AuCust 14th.
;,khbar El Yom published an interostinC editorial on
AuCust 17,i under the headline "E.yp-tian loaders believe that
a unified Palestine is more danGcrous than a Jewish state"
which was duly translated in the Pcviow (Sec the l,ovicw of
August 1~rth Al '. isri comments on the editorial by
sayinG: "1'ro-Zionist ,)rolr a is not alvicys ma do by the
Zionists themselves, but sometimes Arab newspapers pu-
blish articles (Sonotimos in Good faith) which can only bene-
fit the Zionists because they lead to confusion. The c iiof
Arab aim is to prevent the partition of Palestine and =ravcnt;
the establislu:lent of a Jewish state. To say that partition is
loss hart:iful than a federal union in Palestine is a form of h
artic maynbetpurlsishe clinvllood faith but they aresvorv, her ful tons
the Arab c aus c :' .........
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Approved For Release 2007/03/16 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300100012-2
TUESDAY ',ugust 17th, 1
The Egyptian array after the disappca--
rance of Dritish influence .
Under the above hoadinC,, Al Assas, Nokrashi Pasha t s
mouthpiece, writes: "Dritish history is back. The blackest
pace of their history concerns the things Dritain did to our
army. Even after Egypt became independent, the Dritish con-
tinued, to control the E Cyptian army completely. The,, ma e
sure that the Egyptian array was useful only for paradinc at
funerals or national celebrations.
"In 1936, a treaty was 'concluded between Egypt and
Dritain. In ono of its articles,, it was stipulated that a
Dritish military mission be appointed to train the Egyptian
army and that the weapons used by the Egyptian array should
be of the same typo as the weapons used by the Dritish array
in order to make cooperation between the two armies oasy.
Dut Egypt received hardly any weapons, Tho guns Dritain
gave us were obsolete and dated as far back as 1900, -Fcw
airplanes wore given to Egypt but without spare karts. We
wanted to build aria factories and although the parliamont
approved the credit for the building of four such*factoric6,
the British would not lot us build than. We have, however,
rice oursolvos of the Dritish military mission. ',Ic no lonCet'
care about the displeasure of the Dritish Eribassy, We nana-
cod to fiGht the war in Palestine without help of any descrip-
tion from Dritain, Other countries cave us the arms we nee-
ded and we succeeded in defoatinC the Zionists. We Co not
therefore doubt the statement of the LTinister of defence whoa
ho declares that Egypt will soon have her own aria facto-
ries. The -ovornlacnt which could perform such riiracles ' in
Palestine can surely have aria factories built in Egypt",
The Coripanies Law.
Al Abram reports that Under-Secretary for Conmereo
Abc?ullah ry 1,'' aza Doy has made a statement to the effect
that the govornmont porsistod in its vie wp-oint concerning the
application of the Companies law in the caso of the Suez
Canal Corr any, and that unless the govornm ont received, from
the company the information it asked for by a certain date,
.tho c;overnacnt would prosecute,
The EGyp,t inns boycott Iiindus tan i
Rose El Yussuf re orts that the party hole' by the
Hindustan Embassy on Au?ust 15th on the occasion of Iiindusto n's
first anniversary was boycottoc, by the Egyptians because of
iiindustants attitude towards Iiyc.erabad. It is interesting
to note that while the press gave wide publicity to tl arty
hold by the Pakistan i ab assy and while very friendly articles
about Pakistan worn 1 ublishod by the Arabic press, littlo
attention was Maid to. tho, anniversary. of Hindustan,
Approved For Release 2007/03/16 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300100012-2