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25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 ? CIA-RIDEAM0415Stabel)eptociniew completed
1,0 14: ti.0 a 14 IV
sports J
of the Lebarepn
from Damaious
ilith combating epic's and with watehing f7reignere
oo Ingues and gaUsse
and suspects, /he paper underet,-nde that the conferoes
agreed on the formulation of a common program Whiall
3yris and Lebanon would follow in this respeet.
Tais paper understands that Beirut ship wonershave
deoided to go on strike today in protegt against the
Goverament's refusal to sup-ly them with mazout, l'rley
have notified their intention to the gorworriate
again discusses Vac question of Lebanese maigres
and insists that Lebanon grant them citizenship
25X1 rights and privileies, In stressing the benefite
Le anon oould derive from its emigres, the editorial
declares in prrtt
"They hold an international position. is
a pity not to take advantage of this .
Moir potentialities are bellond imagine.
Lot us remedber that the Jews support thei
falsehoods with such veapon . How could 's
fail to use them in suprort r epeelal and
joint rights which -re quit sUbstentiall Ale
Wig:re. are in a position to bask any Arab
international issue succtessfuny? nave re
hastened to reoognize them and their ri4,,,to 1,
order to import these issues vith love and
with tincere determination? We rust realize thA
the Lebanese emigres nal not be moved, as we
wit, to support and help us in our 3oint Arab
issues, if we do not assure then of our justio-7
and of the Arab justice toward ther."
This paper appe-ls to the Government to rel. the
'three youths rho were arrested more then a arc
on the eharge of earning explosive:13 in in autoreibil-,
The paper deolares that the "cries of reeentnewt aro
rising on every_ side demanding either the trial of -ht
young men, or lheir releAse if they are found not
guilty. Revue* these cries readhed the ears of
the reaponsible authorities? Ts their eonseience
Ma hard as stone in an era rthen justioe nne ecurli I
are no longer respected?"
I the ng Direntor
ee returned the day befornpant ad f!
by army, sure e and pol-o
after they had met 7ith their 5yri..n
them questions connected.
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: CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP834I0415R001300090009-8
? 2 1
the cureent negotiations relati
eb so coonomio and finaneial leeues
r is anxious to know Whether Lebanon's ..ntereets
be safeguarded In the new agreements or they
will, as usual, be neglected end seerifieed for the
sake of 3yr1a? fn this oonnection, the paper quotes
the observations of a Lebanese emonoelo expert on the
extent of the herr Syria's attitude has caused Lebanon!
- In the past, Syria feeilitated the impo rt
of Palestinian citrus MIAs, some of whieh
mieht have bosh Zionist, and permitt
infiltration into Lebanon to compete
our local produesi Te duty of oo-operetter,
bon voisinage and brotherhood Should have
urged $yria to obtain its requirements from
Lebanese citrus fruits that are Surplus to
local needs,
3yria has recently faeilitated the import
of infeoted Aastralian Ind Turkish apples.
and let that enter Lebanon to oompete with
Lebanese apples and to imrair leer reeute.t107
in ne boring countries,
eyria olosed its frontiers -to pro ts ecT
to Lebanon including Wheat, in oontravention ef
the common interests agreement. But it nent
out its merchants to the Reka' and to the
Lebanese mnftets to buy our- Wheat and to
meuMtle it into Syria beoauoe the Lebanon
has not ken agymeasures to prevent the
export of 'heat,"
The paper then askeis Syria's policy oompatible with
the principle of bon voisinage and with the reel:Ione
that aro founded on the basis of oonmon interests?"
writes e that the Palestine question has
this sta.e, vs must review the facts of the
a000mpi.t Hhich has be cone lfte axis of the entire
question. ;fount bernadotte deraniOthat rtition be
irpl anted on the basis of fait a000 ? The Aril's
ceased fire bee-aute of the fait aeooi. limunitY .
among the Arab countries has bee? e part of the felt
acoorpIi4 tVen the newihilestinian 00Veenment 18 I
fait alaidapliAtm The editorial then dedlares that the
only fait aeoempli in the Whole matter is the "Undlubtee''
exietence of the Jewish state and addo
"The Arab otates reached during the ltt two
weeks, a new etage of transationt from threl
to weak rejection Which indicates aoceptanee f
the fait acoompli, we hew? freuently distraeted
this subject in recent day -u t ee do not know
Whether the Arab peoples have fin illy realised
the meaning Of fait accompli. Regardless of
the dangers whidh threateithe Arab otttes as .
group, because- of the stabilization of the JeTinh
State the mere existence of this state alone rir
on muntry- many unfamilier coneideret!ene
meiJ.sAWN: CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Oolmunist Sass Daqaq believe that the int.rnatioflsl
situation has rea ed. an obviously dangerous staee, that the
Security CoUnoll will not be able to remove the elege
frets Berlin, and that ,,..111 signs -indieate thnt the Imelel
is heading toward war, 'this being the case, Barring
advisee the Arab- countries to aide with ttertain powere
with a vier to settling their problem/se These poesere,
he points out, need !Addle Traastern pettletum Ind b..!as wellas alias and re4onal blocs.
marts tho neinetteelt
?Our representative understands; that Ifr. Bartel
tri.c runniholte, First Seoretary and *temp die air a
of the American Legation in Beirut in the absence rf
?Ir? Pinkerton, the rin.tster Plenipotentiary, will
leave Lebanon for America today, tailoring his
transfer to another post. Ts the ?irst Secretary
transfer in this haste before the return of the
Minister, connected with American polioy in the
test? This question ?enure to us at a time Alert
every measure, pertioularly speedy met lures "met
be oubjected to various interpretatione 4/11d.
predictions ditch might be correct."
deals with the eubject of the oree.tion of a eoond
Arab League Secretary General charged with handling
nonekrab internetiona3. affairs to help AZZAHL Puha.
The paper writes that this question w:s proposed by
eiadh asesolh durineP the Political Committee's session
and that Anne Peelle has welcomed it, A messege
fres Caine states however, that the selection of a
candidate for this post has been left to Aadte
and that the melte of Cee...1,- Stireen has been mentioned
in an informal meeting-, --the papler-adde that both Arnb
and Lebanese ciroles welcome this nerdnatien in viee
of Shasswits ainoere efforts for Palestine, Tn Gone:111fle
the paper nays that a source closely related to Ihamtut
has stated that he has no knowledge that such a preporl
has been made to Shauren
in an editorial censored in six different p
this paper reviees Arab relations idtb the
powers, says that they have failed to teke a
of such reletions, and bets that the Arabs wi
the *battle of Peris" just as they lost thr, batt
'November 29? in flew York *ten tee Genera-1 As embly
recommended the partition of Peleetine? The paper
argues that unloose the Arabs sac ri fi ce everything an0
unlene they chenge their entire outlook, 'hey will
not be able to score any success in receard to their
cans% ft ooncludest "We -re not an unknorn quantity
in the -,iorldie But our statesmen have foiled to strese
our importance and to persuade the authorities oonoeer-
that our weight mead tip the international wale."
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Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
as follows:
"Lebanon elleks to its economic ind endenee
aM rill not acoept any trent,' with tyriL,
except on basis of respeot of CoVereighty
of two oountries. No treaties, unions, or
agreemente with the tart or the Went.
.uo.utel against the introduction of oiptils?rt
tary trsitng because, it trues, Lebanon Is a
'womtry and its soonomy (tan not provleie for any
p at a tine when it is about to conclude loans its essential requirements. The journal then
adds that moot of the Lebanese people are ecainst this
measure and takes this rtunity to ?Attain* the
government for the 0 s nal* press law, for the
"soandalous? whent sgiereement with Syria, ane! tor the
various taxes with *doh it is "burdening? the nation.
It concludes: "And now the Government is dealing the
people a fatal blow with the oonsoription lfr to render
the residents poor ad to prevent the emigres from
returning to their motherland.?
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Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
lepttober 29, 1911e
publiah the follo-ling telegrnm received from
Muhyidin an,Rasull, aated Paris, lepteMber 7,r, 174,11
"I lerned. today that Hagan Jablora le still
in Parte.; that neRotlations under way betTen
him and r, Lousson, the Director leneral of the
Bank of 3yria and Lebanon and that agreement le
about to be readhed between 3yria and Frame
on the ratification of the France-Lebentse-
Vonetary Agreement, despite the retiofmoe of
the lyrian and the Frendh goverments, I do
not know how our 3yrian brelaren oould justify
this Change of attitude toward the monetary
sgreament. But it is eertainly due to our
improvised roller in averythin, even in such
an thpertant nItter as the ourrenoy, BrIPUT
has fouOit and will always fi7ht this agreement...
This paper rritos the following in cvonneotion veith
Ahnind Praha al.-Pawl's visit to Beirut;
*We referred yesterday to the mrdsrpl tn. Perot
of Ahmed Plaha alwRaTi, the 'lreetor nenerel of
the Iraqi noreign Office, and to his visit to
the Lebanese Forricn rinister, '17e, said lhat
talks dealt with Tree's attitude toreard the
Palestine lav7rnment, nowever, 777e livrned todny
that Ahmad Paha will leave Beirut for lamaseus
to meet 'Tamil rardrm and to discusArith him the
same autijeet 7,rter to his return to Saguia, Hmeld
Franjiah yeaterdAy received in audience !Pathan
ghballat, the Transjordan. Yinister, she also
diacusced with the ro-eign fanister the subject ef
the Pales4ne Governmmt, In this oenrection,
our correspondent re,orts that the Foreif
minister ezprnsaed to Ahmad Pasha al-,414 7 to
Farhan Ahbailat Lebanon's adherence to the
Political Committee's decision and hoped that
Iraq and Transjordan 'All follow suit.'
4.0 AX.44
again harp. on the subject of the Lebanese erligsros
and declares in part"
?We insiat that the ',elution of the esrires
problem is a matter of juatice only, 1
recognizing their rights, by regarainc thme
as residents, and by removing all the obstAolls
preventing them from contncting the motherl Ina,
we would net be LTivini7 them mny Charity or
introduoing nirm legislation. That wri woule
the the laws in force and id eenoly with thr
provisions of the international troty thieh
oreated their problem."
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Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
The ibi1ol.n is a full trenolattcfl of
i 31
"As epOk yesterday about the story oalled
1f alt !,,000mpli: We are today discuesing
its of in relation to eaeh oountry, berlinting
with Lebanon., Until the very reoent past,
Lebansn's southern frontiers were ,1 world far
removed from the izta-inrtion of tha Lebanese
pool" and knoAn ttnly to those visited them
Moreover, the Lebanese people .!ere not are
of their eilstence, Today, JeAZh state, with
armies and ambitions and Whidh surpasees us in
wealth and effleiency exists along our oouthern
frontiers, Therefore, re it either plaee the
entranoes to our borders under its mercy, or
mobilize a large army to protect thet. , This wil1
mean yearly expenditure of tens of millions on
the army, moreover, Lebanon is a commercial
*enter whidh derives the major portion of its
revenues from imports. If tae Jewida stete is
stabilized, it will directly or indireotly be
able to exploit these import revenuee from
Amortise and Turope and it will thus dominate eur
trnde, and we will be left at its mem,. Tou
Should not inquire -bout the fate of the port of
Beirut, if the Jews would eaceeed In carrying
out their conetructional projeet in the port of
Haifa, and if they construct a world airport 01
the intend to do, They lhsve so far built the
nue ems ter a merchatet.namll fleet while we are
etill in the ABO of seafaring, If you exemine
the internal situation in Lebanon, yeu All find
that the Joe* will be able to thrust their fingeri
nherever they went. It will be auffiolent for them
to fill hnde with money and hate to turn our
new internal stmbilIty into storm. This is on.l,
a mall part of the trouble awaiti Lebanon in
the event the JewiSh state is staOO1
umniet Basdl Daqqaq writes that it is hard to
talk about the impartiality of the UFO meditors
revrding Palestine, following the ?unique" report
in dadh Gaunt Iternedotte recognized the fait
actompli in Palestine. Tor 'his reasons he says,
"we have not been taken unawares by Bunehele
support to his Itioheral recommeadntions and by
his demand. that UNO speedily and resolutely docile
the Palestine issue." WOW; then declarer thet
Bunohe has tared his part in the great oonspiraey
for the par tion of Palestine vbeoeuse he is an
Ameriean and becaase he belongs to the 4%shin
Government as much as he 'belongs to UM.' in
oonneetion, Paqqaq states in parts
He do not believe' in srePohes and legal arrun
nor in their effect on the destinies of nation
9peeches and Arguments have been knit still are
our sole weapon against the mieftty Moo l?ch iu
grieving ,nd expending. There is even aa
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
- 3 -
aapet The dtsw1t7 prev-iling in the Arab
as owing to the creation of the rslestine
Goverscren .. ?This being the case, we ?to not
think that there is sty use in the present!,
of our delegates in Paris.?
HATZ15 Politic 1 Correspondent reportst
"'Me Lebanese Foreign Office has received a
note from the /lexicon Legation in Beirut
suveeting the establishment of diplowtic
relltions betweek Lebanon and Guatemala, The
note st tee that Guatemala has reached the
Mexican aovernment to mediate wi the Lsbafl*ae
Government for the establishment of such relations
in order to consolidate the friendriiip alrevly
existing between the two oountries e do net,
in tufty know the nature of these ties of frien
ship, But we do know the attitude of the lklateetelm
Goverr,ent and of its repreeentatztve_p the famous
Grassame, toward the Palestine questtaT4 /e It
sible that these relations are intended to
the Zionists realkze their dream and to
expand their ambitions to include Lebanon? will
these titans be inspired by Tel Aviv? At any
rate, ts has beds refer ea to the apprepri ate
authoritibti for consideration."
This p.tperse bViflg Correspondent write
*Mr, Kun,thals, the Charge d'Af -ires of the
American 141IffatIOR in Beirut, yesterslay left
lei t on board S. S. Cyrenea, Use*r those to
fnrewelkwas Izzet riwrehid, the rnstoora
t the Foreign Olficte,, It is rmored.
nese GoYernment hail demanded that he be
but official circles have not confinii=9
publishes the following tele n large type
and under a brtnner headline froi Hanna silo, its
Chief Editor silo is now in Paris. The telerrm
is dated Gopterber Tgs
?ling Abdullahis stand on the Palesttrifl
aovereanent is mabarrasing the Do on of t
Arab delegateein ?plats. UNO circles jnt.rprtt
the IC.ngt stand as on-operation with Angle
Ameribanno. licy. The Arab delegates have aet
to **di this subject and have decided to oontract
their reapeetilve governments with a view to
asking Abdul Wm= Assam, Pasha to get in touch
with King Abdullah to rec.uest him to change hie
stand and to warn him of tie consequences. If
this attespt will fel, the delegates, st thr,
the Arab League be easssoned to discuss
nectory df-cisive measures for ryroletrin
NPR AD publi she a a sitalL.4.r de spatoh *or its
s correspondent.
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
publishes a eteh from To/fig el-Matni in P
in whit he s 5 that WO' s decision on Pale
ill pre-determined; that the Oilq11 nations behave
like sone of the Lab-liege Deputies 7420 vote with
their boas's; that Trygve Lie is _pro-jewiehl and
that the WO is like the tower of babel which is
dominated by the Angie-Moon and the Soviet group&
Ath regrire to the Palestine quo Stiort, .43...4,, tilt reports
in pertI
oan frora w isolare that the ArabS, fO11Omi eming
contacts vIth the delegates and my attendaW
at ONO meetings, must not expect rnything pod
from the majority of the me6ere forming UND.
If thexe is any here for the success of the
stifle quest,lon, suoh success will be /Whirled
roe 9.nd fore only, or by a miracle Itileh
moire the delegates after he wonclorful
Pi. r.&1 as- 30111 and Charles l'alik are PI
ado the delegates of the justice of the
Palestine c15*.'
This paper la 14A : NI
?,._ngletters WV.teler15
protesting a 71.1. e e detainment of Lebmnese 0ittefls
in ooneentr-tion *amps and deaandlng their releas
Tatiati1/4 3 writes that it received yesterday 20
frost neirut !aid 7 i ran Mount Lebanon raid the Deka',
ed by nunerous p;:iftr:s, protesting against the
ea ti
t of e th tithe who have betn aloe/ma of
g dyn-mitei, The piper adds the.t m member of
ebonon deputies have decided to intarVenn "4
Wray) ri r, t et authorities to release the throo :run f '
donnas in its oriel that the lover/Intent
the actual number of those who voted on 3eptma
in the partial parliamentary eleotions, we t
theclerks 'oho falsified the elections must be
sassed frors r.ove-vm.mat sertioe.
This parer publishes a despateh from -.I.-Mares
in Asnan, in .vhi.oh he describes an *terVtC ho has
recently had -frith ling AbdulIah during hi&
the Xing said in 1,3ftrti
I do not approve of the dovemment -Thich has
be* formed ift Palestine because its creation
in these oircumeteneee would mean reoernition
of the pr.rtition plan and would prove that the
Arabi; have til ed to fultil their promisee.*
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
tab free Paris dated Sep tebi
an-itesnal* this el'
s the wetters?
made rff tatit VS to
se delegates
fret the Lebanese
navy POILOORO including
$ awaiting his in Bod.rut.? ith-Wa 176' y
?dug referent)* to the Palestine questions
else, in the hand .
Palestine qu:ithion is* before ever7thi
f the Arabs* Let the Are
therefore realise is feet. They must be rIrt,45?
for the string*, if They want to survive,.
In reporting the Lebano.-Byrian oterenta talks vAlsish
Intro oestanned at the imibassador Hotel in Bhandun last
Mining* this paper aselares that after the Lebow.*
end Syrian sides weed on the broad outlines of the
sellsosszt they proeeeded to draw up the necessary
Wan& when these details were submitted to the
twe doverneents for approval the mese aide
asked that this should be po a til Thursday
on assennt of cold* y felt should
be stiistied by the other sbera of the Lebanese
dowerileent* This 4011 aper adds, easse as
ee to the Syrians a gave their Larbarm
freedom of sweep rig the agreement
tely or at the end of Ids menthe The
s however, That the reason for the
refusal ef the Lebanese delegation to etgil the agree-
neat ws due to pit see regarding import restriction:
shieh restrictions sight be
se maskoste? Syria's answer
that oontiint:3d
nkroptem ttlt
harm but tti
be p aced above all
one* e paper then coneludess
said That the Lebarv.fristsn sesstside
ailing *sough a mitt c21 stage and
that ting it sill be held tonight w1.1-
be dsilaiSAW 1hs tvo sides util either sign tht
ROW OOORIbeict agreesen% Sr will extend the sosinon
interelits &moment for a new ported during 44
both sides Will discuss their economist relations
on new bawl.*
se the low morale eh The Lebenewt,
are new segto
at however
1 net reach
d feel that
CT Sfil as the
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Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
144001 talitY t? The editorial
less epos to say that mentality
Weelent in a t beeeSase the t vent y five
orill of IsonArte and years of rule litick
weA Ike mandate have killed the pimples
it eignallimt and essrelAW
1-4 the oisitatita alas
wiertalite When
bosoms sit Whon his blood'
use% smug ether treatments, the operatio4
assit bloat, We are in need of tramfaskiag
Alb new bbood? This new blood isavailablE
give. These emigres have preserved the
our ehareisterkstiess have benefitted from
nations lath *Leh they 11241 livinti, and
spirad by their good merits. They have
*rano* as well as $eal for the slowest gee&
deviaaped their apprattiation for freedom,
ihe dignity of uafl and understanding of
of sacrifice for the conammity.*
in the
pet Ione&
On ef the
ent'he stati sti
s will in
ORO f the
that the oreign diplert.
to read then*
a tow months
and the Charge
Beirut concerning
4113 trAtte aersinento
ndent yesterday learned thr,,
tod ttke 1inistry of
tttOr arid that *o latter
Foreip ?fries that the
ts is still entrained. to
Tnterests in view e
teem Lebanon aM 5i1t.
resent etil sot be
ently of Syria before
the Syrian atdo regardiI otherag
ocsonOisic ratters have Jam
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP8300415R001300090009-8
for to reme its wort in ie
field$ and industry am'that Its
resoureo its position, until it obtair
its isispendense a few years JJD. Instead of
demisting its efforts toward conical-donne Its
new remaissanss, it is being compelled to use 1111
its resources for self-defense against the rising
Jed& state, partIoUlarly as the borders betvreie
Stria and the 'fait acoomplil are very ion If
the Jews are esUhli Shed in al-Eula and Milner,
as ressamended by ()punt Bernadotte, Syria's
security will be permanently' placed at the mereY
of the Jews, Moreover, Syria is endeavoring to
base its neT economic existence on industry. Tt
is now sore interested In building various faoto
than any other Arab country. Thus, thm eaten *l-
omat of a Jewiih state along its frontiers !III
nip Is indust in the bud. It might Close
Just as
he turn*
WhIdh the
Penetrate i
will not be
Inverting raw materials and for
roducts to world malltete,
naval fleet will *rentan the
it will the Syrian
oocupied the 3ews
Into foreign brims iron
ring with the Jews Would
teritory. In short,
know the taste of peace
shadow of this aeoompli. It is in emit able
for it to Ore/Mite its life in the li t of the
development of the Jewish r instead of in the
light of the rettuiresents of Its national awatteninr
that the noverambrt
seers a Roving Reporter -vri
?es ma to delegate Anis Salk. Justice Directors
Paris for the purpose of studying the
:3eourit7 Law ithiah was issued two mr,nthr
ry to the introduotion of male seturit7
a on in Lebanon*
!amber of despatches reoeived from its
4p:indent in Paris as follows*
dolh promises action and commit te
Palestine Question nex
abbara negotiates with ?ram&
similar to Lebanon e,
adh an401h and Arab
Ler deOlaresl In the
expel me. To
nay tells TWI,Art
lit not withdraw from "
states that it pami
this Arab sagill laaM
Iraqi Premier and
bs e dstermin
t s
Arab die
rej sot the
ac o
oven oush
t aott'vttiee in
ade ty the
aria that th2
of Palestine
1607 fnyti
the fight! rig. Hwto
atane on the tsedirtor' s
The er then
WEW ?Nation of
n min obli
the United Rations and to resume
the paper sant ifttaies recent
n el'eftr rai
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
ti. coyex'i*sflt and to the postpernstist
of a Prost eat fter the new state.
possible that thi up* Open's ent h s
order to please K g Abdullah. %older
t Bernadotte sugretted that Palestine
* paper than go es on to sayt
Arab mad has received with
tion 111% Deveints statement re
of Count Bernallit tea s r000mme
the end of Anglo-Arab friond*Li
the direst ause for General
from his high office in Ca
wi) _
ittriflopia en
"The ft
the hes
ts 5a27Wei on sincere friends like General
U irbo inhereted Lawrenee s friendehip for
Ikrt as soon as the Palestine question mote
fore, the League found itself faced with a
st*, Its traditional friends were supportlnt
te'the tact that the great paver* backed
But the atnespere *Raged emi4ent17
slt mailed General Clayton fres thf
Mater* WWI* eve* WW1, following
ik at BW, When,he abandoned his
on ea ascepted the -partition
This isa severe
eit has left their rank* in
should not last boom
entities and indep moo.
virsaglings over the new
for weekneestoRard the
for setriabneen. In. the
international *shames
an Eastern Woo to
d 0 ore tota to repl,oe the
Arab League h$ the sacred
situation at Ihe proper tir
eanfreated with a bitter fait
mot it dealt*. It east
regional titoputes It suet
ed lest it agkx might be blown
difficult oriels thro
now passing on &scowl
and writesin part:
eases of the Arab League indict,
e Ara
*tie .
results. it depended, during
et/aeries the
to suatiOn of
owing explanatory bea4ltflC on the
ew Palestine, Government*
ten for us before dif ferin o* the
te in pulling away -13
40 Lebanon must
e Annea-Ohasa di
of mediator, as is
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Ootober 1, 194g
see the toil*
site on September
ith lett ains y rata
WO 411#
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Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
0, 2
eat t?
it knows
suffers f
present e
TA as
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
3 -
s the sponsible authori, es in 17Db Ind
e advice of international experts
he union between the two countries
caience and tedhnique anA on t. fair
Aistrinution of ri tc.?
reluctant to din non
nian Government irbeeausle
an delicate andplorviews
veuld further aggrkwate and Ucrte
the editcatal feels that the question
tiovernment is only part of the
twat, It oontinuest
w balm *entered Around
Ike main lent
C /aerator* our
ngl We wtmt
our view
'00 n
create qUarre
th't he was co
nited States in ea
as the Pres dont
imnt4iste17 in view
in conneotion with
16. The arioait UiJtister' was
1.sit to the Ferri. Oftlee. ter
They remained41 fordo Mini
a half bows, Poreign Office
BIN Pinkerton carried with him loportsnt
Palestine question end on the Unispa
ttitude thereto. Vlio ritkerton
ring his long interview with the
s natural that no aro of IS Vars.
anent on their talks but the Amoriarn
e Asit to the roral Office
regard to the recall's*
an First Beare
ailed? was net at
merely been t nafarree
RUM in the War East awI. tht
in Beirut shortly.
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Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-004155001300090009-8
Dei3E1Www4 1948
evier of VI? 4?4Arh14?I"Te
Am:taring' on October 2. 1945.,
continues its series of editorials on t
acoompli" in Palestine by discusIng Egyp
position as follows:
*Egypt has for three quarters of a sentury,
been demanhing the evacuation of British troops
from its territory and clamoring for complete
independence. It has so far, realized a meat
portion of its national demands. The only vestie,
of imperialism remaining are the British units
garrisoned in the Suez Canal area. But what is
the use of British withdrawal from the Canal
so long as the Jews have turned their state into
a military base able to threaten Egypt at every
moment? The mere stabiliztion of the 'fait
accompli' in Palestine means - In relation to
Egypt also - the collapse of its Worts for
independence of the last three quarters of a
century. The Jews will be able to make Palestin
a bridgehead for attacking Egypt or for placing
at the disposal of conquerors Doming either from
the East or from the West. This is part of the
price Egypt will have to pay for its indifferenc
OA May 15. It is a high price Which is net leas
than that to be borne by Iraq, Transjordan and
Syria, The Jews intended, by their air raids or.
Egypt, to demonstrate their threat in its full
significance. Thus, Egypt is no longer irmune t
to direot bong and the zone of external secure ,y
surrounding Egyptian territory has been thrown
into oonfusion. There -loe also many economic vrl..
political dangers threatening Egypt. But the
military peril, Which we have explained, is un-
doubtedly the gravest peril in the face of ,Thloh
all other dangers pale into insignificance.
moreover, the Jewish state has cut the natural
eoastal communications batmenF...7pt and 3yria
and has isolated Egypt from the East. It has
also isolated Egypt 'Dy 1!,nd from the Fertile
Crescent. Thus, the geographical co-ordinatien
has been affected and has been replaced by an
exceptional situation which mill impose upon
Egypt - and upon the other Arab countries many
sietifices Which, with the passage of tire, wiV'
be many fold those which ,vould have been reouird
to destroy Zionism if goodrill and !TTood faith
were forthcoming. s.
This paper desiribes Dr, Penrose's inauguration al
AUB President as ?a brilliamt ceremony seldom
witnessed by the University since the inauguratio,
of President Dodge." The paper also "welcomes
President Penrose and wishes him all oaccess in his
duties as the best successor to the best rredecessor.
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
also resoribes the AUB ceremony and deol s in
'Friday, ootober 1, 3.9116, will be a historic
day in the life of the American University
of Beirut. On that day the University
weleomed its fourth President in a glorious
ceremony attended by severeal thousand people
including delegates who specially came from
the far corners of the globe to represent
Fastern and Western colleges and universities
at the ceremony for the insururtion of the
nen? Prenidentso
The paper then concludes its article as feflows
to offer our sincere oongratu tions to
our ne7 President on his high cultural position
hinging that he Will be the best suceennor to
Dr. Bayard Dodge, the great President."
editorial on the new Palestinian Gov:-rnment is
so badly mutilated by the Censor that it hardly
makes any sense. Anyhow, the editorial appears
to favor the inclusion of the Arab part of Palestih
in Transjordan, It declares' "It is clearly evidenk,
that the approval of Tngland, America and Frnee of
Bernadotte' s report means their repeated approvtl
of the partition of Palestine into an Arab and a
Jewish state on the one hand, and of -nnexing
the Arab part to the Hashirtite Crown on the other*
This paper publishes an appeal signed by 205
persons in Tyre requesting the Government to
relegne the internees from ooncentration clamps.
refers to rumors ooncerning current economic and
financial negotiations between France and Syria
and to their denial by the Syrian authorities. The
editorial comments' "We realize that the seoaration
of the Lebanese mild Syrian currencies fro one r
would greatly hamper economic am-ordination betwefm
the two countries. We therefore hope that Syria
will return to the fold Of the Apreement ane, that
Franoo-Syrian relations will be resumed."
in a second editorial this paper calls upon all
the Arab Governments editorial,
Come to an understanding
regarding the new Government in Palestine because
it feels that the present differences of opinion
are embarrassing the Arab delegates in Paris. Th
editorial praises Riadh ae-Solh's efforts in Nril
but argues that he will not be able to socomolisb
abything if the Arab countries continue to be diwidt
among themselves. Moreover, the editorial declare:
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- 3
The differences on the new Palestinian vnt
are developing in the Arab countries to !ueh an
extent that they are threatening to diviee the
Arabs into t: *amps, if reason nnd 10de A11
not pr vall, Indeed, they vrill divide the
Palestinian people if these
miserable people are not satisfied with tie riorror3
and persecution they have already suffered,*
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : P1A=RDP83-00415R001300090009-8
.1' TIO
13141 RUT
In an ,ditOX1 dated Paris ep Alh ddin
am-nasal wri a the following:
evie Are neither in a state of a'ar nog S. a state
of pe-toe tut we ire passing through I:of
fenr and anxiety. We hope to emerge oluocesati f
from this phAse. I am glad to secs, the six Arab
states ocXtio.ip;Aing in the United. Nations tArgsn ,t;
tier:. Althottph this partieipAtion to neither
sod nor oo-ordinatedt it is nonetheless
e. Time will surely bring these states
to oneanottteirt oill infuse them into tie
rueible? and win render them martbi of 'Out
trittitset hiMarn rele the witty of wittiest is
sailed upon to play,*
Are- soli thAn hikl.Y prkises the weAte and
efParis al-Ihuxit 'toter fa-lhu.
joseph TIarf1in Paris and"I aJ1 oontinilesit
not hopeless of ley oeuntry and of it
representaaVest delLt. the improvised poll y
they are OM following, and despite the
that sone of sty osuntryls rePreseatatiVes and
some of the ropreaentatioos of ali the other
Arab *our:tries are not oft a.ware of VI
responsibilitiee. We were, for a long
a dead member and it is only fair on our
allow the Arabs to reavate and to larval& antra
in the procession of the Wring, enorgetio An41
progressive world,*
shed on oetober I a report from itsLn ride a7,
ria to *e effsot that the most impo c
now being dismassed by Arab oireles in Paris
suttaislion by the British Government to the Byri;tn In
Lebanese (',ovemsents of a proposal for the oonclusior: Of
a defense treaty similar to those osnoluaed rith Eirr
Traa Jordan rod Ira. Th. e eo rre vend ent cr,--,etre to
favor this move.
di sou a. es KIM Mai report-and deelf
that "we reject all treaties with vritla
?ranee, America and China". it dolman that
Lebanese alevernment $nli ten the peorle on *
important point 'because he resp-nsibiltties are
Approved For Release 2007/02/08 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300090009-8