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Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 F IGHl^ SRS FOR FREED CM OF ISRA: D A I L Y P RE S S_ B- U L L E T I N No . 14)4 1) TRUMPED IT CHARG]~M.. ("Mivrak", Bernadotte is not very particular in his choice of means. In a desire to create an atmosphere unfriendly to Israel and to represent it as an aggressor and law-breaker at the forthcoming session-- of the U. N. As,erihly, he completely disregards Arab breaches and records our retaliatory measures as violations of the truce. In fabricating charges' he has reached a now high when, en- tirely oblivious of thr fact that the police action against the three Arab villages in the vicinity of Haifa was. taken with the full- knowledge and permission of the U. W. Observers, ' he has presented the Government of Israel with the demand to allow the refugees from those villages to return and to rebuild for them their houses, destroyed during the operations. The Government's reply will probably be made public in a few hours. We expect it to give vent to its indignation There is already a false charge of burning 28 Arabe.and to-morrow we may be saddled with another atrocity charge, perhaps with raping of infants. We fully share in the Government's dissatisfaction with the "impartial Mediator". Neither hate nor desire to cause polit ical damage cart justify false accusations and trumped-up charges--. But even while expressing our sympathy with the Government, we cannot for a moment forget either Ra,riath-Yair or the Tel-Aviv courtrooms. The Governmont, so loudly protesting against the ini- quities of Be nadotte, is using similar methods in affair,. There i s similarity in representing a certain movement as law- broakit g and resorting to trumped up charges. The only difference lies in that, that Bernadotte must, to his regret, content himself with making complaints to the Security Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 Council, while the Government of Israel has at its disposal wide powers and effective means of execution. Bernadotte cannot im- prison anyone, but the Government of Israel has many prisons and does not hesitate to make full use of them. To make charges ap- pear grave, scores of people are kept in detention for a period needed by the prosecution in order to complete its case. The in- dictments will be ready probably by the election time. Well, the Government i s sovereign. It is within its po- wer to break promises and make exhibition searches. Tinder the inherited Emergency Regulations there is nothing it cannot "law- fully" do; nevertheless it cannot force decent and sensible people to believe that its actions are prompted by considerations of public security. Judges refuse to believe in the criminality of accused, and the public opinion knows very well for what purpose does the Government resort to exhibition purposes and staged trials. So far the Provisional Government has had little succes in this respect, but one would be wrong in expecting it to be dis- couraged: failure only spurs it to renewed efforts in the hope of making a better job of it next time 1xperience has taught us that the men occupying the key positions in the Government, though extremely tractable and. yielding in their relations with foreign factors, are adamant in domestic affairs. The public opinion is called upon to be on the alert. We must be watchful to prevent any attempt to set up here a new "Reichstag Fire" regime., 2) LANT 1, RN TO SOUL. (' Mivrak", 10.9.43.) after Ramath-Hakovesh and Giveath-Hayim, after Yagur, Ruhama and Doroth we said: this is the way of Imperialism in its final stages of decline; these are results of anti-Semitism. We had a key to all the secret locks of the foreign rulers and a 3anttrn to shed light into the innermost rece s of their souls. wee are now after the Sheikh--Mowannis operation. Again there were use of rifle--butts, destruction, looting. All these acts. were again followed by an official communique framed on familiar - much too familiar -- linos, reminiscent of the not so distant past. This time our old keys do not fit the lock: neither the key of Imperialism nor the key of anti-Semitismi, for this tine not a foreign but a Jewish administration has been responsible for all t hat. Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 -3 There was a bright spot though, that should not b e left un- mentioned. We cannot compare the behaviour of Jewish soldiers and policemt nt with that of Bevin's brutes-. The men in uniform brought to Sheikh-Mowannis evidently did not relish their job. They were discontented, grumbled and felt humiliated. Mary ci?' them openly expressed their disapproval of the operation, though not in the prosence of their superiors. The Ministry of Security cannot boast that its; orders were carried out fully and enthu- siastically. But we are not discussing plain soldiers and nolic?men. We are looking for a lantern to shod light on the secrets! of the soul of the present rulers of. Hakirya, of those who work out operation. plans and give instructions to their subordinates. There must be soeio keys that would open the secret locks of the present Government. There are also lanterns that produce strong light. A government desirous to enjoy the benefits of the Marshall Plan must of necessity cut its domestic policy in accordane with the pattern approved by the sponsors of the plan. In the West, in France and Italy, an exclusion from the government of all ex- tremist elements is sufficient to qualify for the dole, but fur- ther east terms become gradually harder and means hotter. In Greece, for instance, it is not enough to have all freedom-loving elementa expelled from the government: their physical destruction iZ demanded too. Eretz-Israel Eiluo lies in the 24ast. Here too an inoffensive coalition of moderate elements is deemed insuffi- cient; something more is expected here. The situation in lretz-Israel has not yet reached the grave at ago of Greece. Jewish scaffolds are yet unknown; the state is, stir_ too young for that; the process is still in the initial stap,e ;= of its development. But we have already political priso- ner,U and staged trials, so t here should be no surprize if the P Ice is accelerated. There is scaffold hidden in the present 't?egine exactly as there is. chicken hidden in every egg. The egg of the Government of Israel has been fertilized by the cock M 7rsh all : there should be no illusions as to what will be hatched. This is no exaggeration. In the circumstances: this is the only possible course of events, unless the circumstances change. Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 The political keys, however, cannot provide an over all solutiofl. There is something sinister in the nature of present regime that calls for an additional explanation of psychological nature. Gne cannot escape the impression that all those manifesta- tions,abhorrent to a free man, are an outdone not only of politi- cal sins,, but also of some psychic disorder. This Provisional Government is suffering from deep-rooted psychic complexes. The soul of the men that control the Government is torn and lacerated. They can find nn cure for their condition, nor rest. If there is somewhere something that is called conscience, then theirs must torture them. But bad conscience does not always make the sinner penitent. More often than not it produces outbursts of cruelty, prompted by the desire to get rid once for all of th-e. object causing pangs of conscience. The Prime Minister has made repeated attempts to distort the hist ory of our recent past. He wants to convince the public that he is indebted for his present exalted position to nothing except his own "struggle". He has repeated his distortions so many times that some people may have been riisled by them. But so far he has completely failed to deceive himself. When the Prime Minister remains alone and has no need to lie, there rise before him visions of the past, and not only of his distant Sejera past. He is probably visited by ghosts of a, more recent past, of the last few years=, ghosts from detention: capras and prisons. Ghosts of young men that fell. in house and street clashes with British forces, that faced proud and erect -British courts and ascended the scaffold with song on their lips. Their questioning looks bore into him: "What about our share?". The Prime Minister has no hope of winning in a dispute with these. He cannot lie in the presence of these searching eyes. His, The Prime Minister feels himself helpless against them. natural reaction is therefore hate - unbounded hate of them and of the movexqet and spoil' his ofrrlisrepresentationr1and who give him no rest dece ipt . Oddly enough, the guilty men themselves provide, though indi- rectly corroboration to above. Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO01300020012-1 , _5- During, the last conference of Llapai, the leade -1? of the party, who is also the Prime Minister, confessed that he had had two dreams in his life: that of the Jewish state and of the workers' unity. As to the first he "never hoped to see its realization, but felt sure of the realization of the second one. However, the contrary has happenned". ("Davar", 15.8.48.) From the same stage the Foreign Minister made an even clearer admissions: "The new regime has taken us completely by surprize. Those who have been sitting here- for many years. are still dazed by the dizzy rush of changes;, likely to take one's breath away and muddle the senses. We still have to make great psychological and mental efforts to overtake the pace of events, and it seems that we have not yet wholly adapted ourselves to it". (Ibid.) So they never expected to see the realization of the dream and lost their senses. They are still dazed by the great honour that befell them. In the confusion of their senses they are seized withe blind hate of those who offer them their dream or the golden salver of their own torture, suffering and blood. We hope that the Vice-Minister of Security will not accuse us of revealing military secrets by making public a certain minor incident that took place during one of our meeting with him, meetings the purpose of which was to make things clear, explain misunderstandings and find common language. The Vice-Minister is endowed with the gift of free flow of word.s, though not always to the point, abd an ihcliuation of showing firmness and snapping a decisive "No"' to any proposal that does not exactly conform with his views. These two propen- sities make negotiations with him rather unpleasant, oven to a person of a patient and even disposition. During the interview, after our representative had heard many "No's" from the Vice-Idlinister, he said to him: "Unless you are absolutbly prejudiced, you must admit that you owe your present position partly to us. Vie ask for no reward, we want only mutual understanding. You, however, treat us with all the ar- bitra iness of a diaspora townlet community bosses. Are you really so much prejudiced and lacking in understanding?" The Vice-Minister gave no reply to this, though he obviously was irlpresaed. This was evident in his attempt to soften his tore and to dam his flow of words. Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1 --- 6 -- The Vice-Minister raust have remembered those words, and that was probably the reason why he refused to see us during the raid on Sheikh Mowann,is, for it is rather unpleasant to hear the truth without being able to give an adequate reply. It is easier to stop one's ears and order the "liquidation" of the truth sayers. Is there a cure for psychic disorders and confusion of sen- ses? Some say there is. However, national of?airs cannot remain in the hands of people afflicted with complexes.- The nation must entrust its affairs to sane people. Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R001300020012-1