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Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 0 ? BUREAU M1 THLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 1981 1. The following cruising observations were made during the month: a. A complete survey of the Moscow International beams monitored at Paraguay Bureau revealed a nuarber of changes to their fall winter frequencies. b. Buenos Aires TELAM and Buenos Aires NCTICIAS ARCiNTINAS schedules were updated in response to an FCS request. c. Buenos Aires TELAM announced the opening of a direct 24 hour point-to-point line to its office in Lima, Peru. 2. During the month comrnmications were dawn 1 1/2 hours. 3. The Paraguay Bureau Coverage Schedule was updated and is attached to this report. Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 ENGINEERING MONTHLY REPORT PARAGUAY BUREAU JANUARY 1981 1. Special projects included: a) Testing at Antelco Receiver Station to determine the eft- fects of the antenna power spli'tters on received signals. Technical specifications were supplied by Washington. Technician and Crdsing monitor 1 -1 STAT submitted the final report which STAT was pouched to Washington. b) The Notch Filter was installed at a monitor's position for evaluation purposes which was done over three weeks by two monitors. The final evaluation report which included the technicians' and monitors' opinions was positive. c) The Dual Recorder Crossover was installed at two monitors' positions for evaluation over a period of three weeks. The final report showed a negative result with the machine proving to be im- practical. d) Technicians in conjunction with Antelco submitted to Washing- ton two options which we can follow at the Antelco site for instal- lation of new microwave equipment. The option approved was the com- plete removal of our TRG multicouplers and their installation in Antelco's RF patch rack. 2. The following equipment was received from Headquarters during the month: UNIT 'COST 2 Narrow band microwave radio, FARINON, Model LR1-2 15,412:00 Alarm, master station, LEEMAH 597.00 Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 UNIT COST Alarm, remote station, LEEMAH $414.00 Generator, Model 8601A,S/N 1848AO6888 3,334.00 3. The following transfers of nonexpendable property were made: Oscilloscope, TEKTRONIX, S/N 004658-- to ANTELCO 1,535.00 Antenna test set, HERMES, Type ITS10 S/N 75-- to FBIS Headquarters 400.00 3 Receivers, COLLINS, 51J-4, S/N's 6863, 6864 and 5298--returned by TCU 2,192.40 Li TAT Chief Electronics Technician Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 PARAGUAY BUREAU MONITOR PRODUCTION REPORT FOR JANUARY 1981 LANGUAGE COUNTRY COUNTRY S MRE VOICE "PRESS 'AGENCY PUBLICATIONS SUBTOTALS ENGLISH Argentina 3,100 ( 2,410) 3,100( 2,410) Brazil R. Janeiro L.A. Daily Post 610 ( 2,070) 610( 2,070) PORTUGUESE Brazil Domestic 1,680 ( 1,730) P. Alegre R. Gaucha 60 ( 140) P. Alegre R. Guaiba. 150 ( 470) S. P. Radio BAndeirantes 2,050 ( 1,940) JORNAL DO BRASIL 5,020 ( 5,370) 0 GLOBO 2,960 ( 7,390) 0 ESTADO 3,750 ( 7,080) FOLHA DE SAO PAULO 5 , 920 ('. 4.,-920) 21,590 ( 29,040) SPANISH Argentina Domestic 1,660 ( 2,730) TELAM 7,920( 5,710) NOTICIAS ARGENTINAS 6,190( 10,560) LATIN 6,250( 5,580) CLARIN 2,280( 920) LA NACION 1,090( 540) LA PRENSA 1,480( 90) CRONICA 50( 000) EL ECON(1'1ISTA 000( 1,100) 26,920 ( 27,230) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-003858000200120025-1 LANGUAC E )TRY SOURCE COUNTRY VOICE PRESS "AC:NCY PUBLICATIONS SUBTOTAL SPANISH (Cant'd) Bolivia L. Paz Domestic 2,180 ( 000) L. Paz R. Ill* mani 3,460 ( 2,050) R. Panamericana 210 ( 000) EL DIARIO 1,120( 230) 7,990( 2,750) PRESENCIA 1,020( 470) ? Chile Domestic 10,550 ( 6,120) Santiago DIPLOMATIC SVC 1,860( 1,430) EL MERCURIO 1,020( 520) QUE PASA 640( 2,820) ERCI TA 000( 30) HOY 620( 000) 14,690( 10,920) Paraguay Asuncion Domestic 000( 1,560) As. Radio lo. de Marzo 000( 180) TV CERRO CORA 820( 000) ABC COLOR 4,250( 2,280) ? HOY 570( 750) ULTIMA HORA 530( 720) PATRIA 1,100( 490) 7,270( 5,980) Peru Lima Radio UNION 220 ( 000) Lima Radio AMERICA 9,570( 1,920) 9,790( 1,920) Uru guay Mont. Radio El Espectador 1,070( 910) 1,070( 910) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 IMMAGE COUNTRY RY CE VOICE -PRESS "AGENCY PUBLICATIONS SUBTOTAL SPANISH (Coat' d) France AFP 20,950 ( 18,730) 20,950(18,730) USSR International 18,310 ( 5,670) 18,310( 5,670) TOTALS 51,990 (25,420) 48,070 ( 42,010) 32,230( 42,040) 132,290(109,470) Nanpublishable wordage: Wirefiled program summaries, coma ntary lists, roundups, FYIs, Admires, SVCs, Cruisings, etc. .................. GRAND TOTAL FILED WORDAGE : ITEMS: 773 34,680( 32,380) 0 166,970(141,850) 0 Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 PARAGUAY BUREAU COVERAGE SCHEDULE JANUARY 1981 Buenos Aires Domestic Service in Spanish 1030-1100 MTWTFS MTWTFS good 1 G PY VBC News: "Resena Noticiosa" (Radio Nacional) 1600-1630 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY VBC News: "Resen`a Noticiosa" (Radio Nacional) 2000-2020 MTWTF MTWTF good 1 G PY VBC News: "Resena Informativa" (Radio Nacional) Buenos Aires LATIN in Spanish (open, except for REUTER English items) La Paz INFOBOL Diplomatic Information Service in Spanish (open) Santiago Chile Diplomatic Information Service in Spanish (open) 1000-1930 daily S good 2 G PY WSS News: "Amlat Edit" (to Latin America) 1000-1930 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY ?WSS News: "Amlat Edit" (to Latin America) 1930-2400 daily SMTWTF good 1 G-: PY WSS News: "Amlat Edit" (continuation) (to Latin America) 1930-2400 daily S good 2 G PY WSS News: "Amlat Edit" (continuation) (to Latin America) 0000-0300 daily S good 2 G PY WSS News:. "Amlat Edit" (continuation) (to Latin America) 0000-0300 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY WSS News: "Amlat Edit" (continuation) (to Latin America) 0300-1000 daily daily good 2 G PY WSS News: "Amlat Edit" (continuation) (to Latin America) Buenos Aires TELAM in Spanish (open) 1000-1830 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY RTT News (to Argentina) 1830-1930 daily daily good 1 G PY RTT News (to Argentina) (continuation) 1930-2400 daily SMTWTF good 1 G PY RTT_ News (to Argentina) (continuation). .0000-0300 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY RTT News (to Argentina) (continuation) 0300-0600 daily MTWTFS good 2 G PY RTT News (to Argentina) (continuation) Buenos Aires NOirl'CIAS ARGENTINAS in Spanish (open) 1030-1830 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY RTT News 1830-1930 daily daily good 1 G PY RTT News (continuation) 1930-2400 daily SMTWTF good 1 G PY RTT News (continuation) 0000-0300 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY RTT News (continuation) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 BOLIVIA La Paz Radio Illimani Network in Spanish 1130-1200 MTWTFS MTWTFS good 1 A PY1; VBC News 1700-1730 MTWTFS MTWTFS good 1 A PY VBC News 0100-0130 TWTFS TWTFS fair 1 A PY VBC La Paz INFOBOL Diplomatic Information Service in Spanish See Listing under ARGENTINA Brasilia Domestic Service in Portuguese 2200-2300 MTWTF MTWTF good 1 G PY VBC Governmental New and Congressional Porto Alegre Radio Gaucha in Portuguese 1.545-1600 MTWTFS MTWTF fair 2 G PY VBC . Report: "A Vos do Brasil" News: "Corresponte Gaucha Mas- ..__Porto Alegre Radio Guaiba in Portuguese sonave" 2150-2200 daily MTWTF fair 2 G PY VBC News: "0 Correspondente Renner" 0200-0230 daily TWTFS fair 1 G PY VBC News: "Radio Jornal Correio do Povo" Sao Paulo Radio 11,andeirantes Network in Portuguese 1000-1050 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY VBC News: "Noticiario da Primeira Hora (including commentary by Newton Carlos) 1550-1600 S S fair 2 G PY VBC News and Commentary,: "Perspectiva" 0230-0300 TWTFS TWTFS good 1 G Santiago Chile Domestic Service in Spanish PY VBC News and Commentary 1000=1045' MTWTFS MTWTFS fair 1 G PY VBC News: "Onda Noticiosa" Commentary 'by Rafael Kittsteiner, and Labor Commentary by Mario Belmar 1630-1730 MTWTFS MTWTFS fair 2 G PY VBC News: "Onda Noticiosa" Commentary by Rafael Kittsteiner, and Labor Commentary by Mario Belmar 2300-2400 MTWTF TWTFS fair 2 G PY VBC News- "Onda Noticiosa" Santiago Chile Diplomatic Information Service in Spanish See listing under ARGENTINA Beijing in Spanish to Latin America 2300-2400 daily MTWTF fair 2 C PY VBC News and Feature 0000-0100 daily TWTFS fair 2 C PY VBC News and Feature F Approved.For Release 2007/.05/08: CIA- RDP83-00385 R000200120025-1 _ ? ? Paris AFP in Spanish (open) 1000-1200 MTWTFS MTWTFS good 1 G~ PY RTT News (to Latin America) 1200-1930 daily MTWTFS good 1 G PY RTT News (to Latin America) (continu- ation) 1930-2400 daily SMTWTF good 1 G PY RTT News (to Latin America) (continu- ation) 0000-0300 daily MTWTFS good 2 G' PY RTT News (to Latin America) (continu- ation) VBC News(Radio Nacional del Paraguay) VBC News (Radio Nacional del Paraguay) Asuncion Domestic Service in Spanish 1530-1545 daily MTWTFS good 2 A PY 2230-2245. daily MTWTF good 2 A PY Asuncion Red Privada de Emisoras in Spanish 2300-2330 MTWTF irreg good 3 G PY VBC Commentary: "La Voz del Coloradismo" Asuncion Radiodifusora Asuncion in Spanish 0900-0930 MTWTFS irreg good 3 A PY VBC Feature: "Levantese Contento" Asuncion Radio Primero de Marzo in Spanish 1500-1515 ._ MTWTFS i rreg good 3 G PY VBC News 2200-2215 MTWTFS 'irreg good 3 G PY VBC News Asuncion Television Cerro Cora in Spanish 0000-0030 daily TWTFS good 2 G PY TAO News PERU Lima Radio America in Spanish 0100-0130 MTWTF MTWTF fair 1 G PY VBC News: "Noticiero de Radio America" Lima Radio Union in Spanish 0100-0130 S TWTFS TWTFS poor 1 G PY VBC News: "El Diario de Union" UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS- Moscow in Portuguese to Brazil 2200-2300 daily MTWTF fair 2 C PY VBC News:, Commentary and/or Feature Moscow in Spanish to Latin America 2300-2400 daily SMTWTF fair 1 C PY VBC News: Commentary: "Radio Moscu Informa y Comenta" and "Asi Va El Mundo" Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 Moscow in Spanish to Chile 2230-2300 daily MTWTF fair 1 C PY VBC News; Commentary: "E scucha Chile" 0300-0330 daily Irreg fair 1 B PY VBC News; Commentary: "E scucha Chile" Moscow in Spanish to Cuba 0000-0100 daily MTWTFS fair 1 C PY VBC News; Commentary: "R adio Moscu Informa y Comenta" and Commentary "En el Pais de los Soviets" Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in Spanish to Latin America 0130-0200 daily MTWTFS fair 1 C PY VBC 0400-0430 daily irreg fair 1 B PY VBC News, Commentary, and Features News, Commentary, and Features Montevideo Radio El Espectador Network in Spanish 1600-1630 daily MTWTFS good 2 G PY VBC News: "Informativa Shell" STAT Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385 - PARAGUAY BUREAU PUBLICATIONS COVERAGE SCHEDULE JANUARY 1981 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires CLARIN in Spanish (open) (Elpropriedad intelectual") daily same day 366 1 G PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property has no standing under U. S. law. Buenos Aires CRONICA in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily 1 day 366 2 G PY PUB afternoon edition Buenos Aires HERALD in English (open) ("propriedad intelectual") daily same day 366 1 G. PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property" has no standing under U. S. law. Buenos Aires LA NACION in Spanish(open) ("propriedad intelectual") daily same day 366 1 G PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property" has no standing-under U. S. law. Buenos Aires LA OPINION in Spanish(open) ("propriedad intelectual") daily same day 366 1 G PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property" has no standing under. U. S. law. Buenos Aires LA PRENSA in Spanish(open) ("propriedad intelectual") daily 1 day 366 1 G PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property" has no standing under U. S. law. Buenos Aires LA RAZON in Spanish (open) ("propriedad intelectual") daily 1 day 366 1 G PY PUB The claim of intellectual property" has no standing under U. S. law. Buenos Aires SOMOS in Spanish (open) ("propriedad intelectual") F 3 days 52 2 G PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property has no standing under U. S. law. Buenos. Aires VISION in Spanish (open) ("propriedad intelectual") S 5 days 52 2 G PY PUB The claim of "intellectual property has no standing under U. S. law. Buenos Aires EL ECONOMISTA in Spanish (open) (no notice) F 2 days 366 1 A PY PUB BOLIVIA La Paz EL DIARIO in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily 4 days 366 1 G PY PUB La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily 2 days 366 1 G PY PUB BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese (open) (no notice) daily same day 366 1 G PY PUB Approved For Release 2 - - Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120025-1 _2- BRAZIL (continued) Rio de Janeiro MANCHETE in Portuguese (open) (no notice) S 5 days 52 1 G PY PUB Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese (open) (no notice) daily same day 366 1 G PY PUB usually released one week before the cover date Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL HERALD in English (open) (no notice) MTWTFS same day 313 2 A PY PUB Rio de Janeiro LATIN AMERICA DAILY POST in English (open) (no notice) MTWTFS same day 313 2 A PY PUB Rio de Janeiro FOLHA DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese (open) (no notice) daily same day 366 2 A PY PUB Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese (open) (no:notice) S TWTFS 1 day 313 1 G PY PUB Sao Paulo VEJA in Portuguese (open) (no notice) W 1 day 52 2 G PY PUB CHILE Santiago Chile ERCILLA in Spanish (open) (no notice) T 7days 52 2 G PY PUB Santiago Chile HOY in Spanish (open) (no notice) T 7 days 52 2 G PY PUB Santiago Chile QUE PASA in Spanish (open)(no notice) T 7 days 52 2 G PY PUB Santiago EL MERCURIO in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily 7 days 366 1 A PY. PUB Santiago EL MERCU.RIO EDICION INTERNACIONAL in Spanish (open) (no notice) S 10 days 52 2 A PY PUB Santiago LA NACIONin Spanish (open) (no notice) daily ?7 days 366 1 A PY PUB PARAGUAY Asuncion ABC COLOR in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily same day 366 2 G PY PUB Asuncion EL PUEBLO in Spanish (open) (no notice) T same day 52 2 G PY PUB Asuncion HOY in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily sane day 366 2 G PY PUB Asuncion LA TRIBUNA-in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily same day 366 2 G PY PUB Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-003858000200120025-1 Asuncion PATRIA in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily same day 366 2 G PY PUB 4 Asuncion ULTIMA HORA in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily ri da 366 2 G PY PUB A4*Pg"Qd PR* - 3- 025-1