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April 1, 1981
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Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120019-8 OPERATIONS ATTACH~M FOR PARAGUAY BUREAU M)NTHLY REPORT -- APRIL, 1981 1. The bureau received the first copies of the Peruvian papers EXPRESO and EL COMERCI0 an 30 April with delays of 6 to 8 days. If delivery proves reliable, Paraguay Bureau will be able to assume sole coverage of Peru, relieving Panama of press coverage. 2. Delivery of the Uruguayan weekly OPINAR began with a 10- day lag, but almost immediately the periodical was suspended by the government for publishing unauthorized material. It expects to resume publishing at the end of May. 3. Most La Paz high frequency stations were returned to coverage during the month. Radio Illimani returned on its fornner frequency, while radio Panamericana changed to a new one. Despite the announcement that the government would permit individual stations to carry newscasts other than those of the government-run Radio Illimani network, by the end of April only the official newscast was being carried by any station audible at Paraguay Bureau. Arr i d ~nr Rclcr ec ~n07 0 !0 CIA RDPS23 9938SR000200120010 8 Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120019-8 0 ? Engineering Monthly Report Paraguay Bureau April 1981 1. Special projects included: a) A temporary 1200 Ft. MW long Wire Antenna beamed to Peru/ Bolivia was constructed at the Antelco site. The Antenna is located between two towers of our own Rhombic Antenna for those countries at 306 degrees. It was made with materials on band. The Antenna was tested for 2 days and a report given to the Bureau chief. b) The BBH 160 Antem-as were installed, one at Antelco and the other on the bureau Roof. A survey was made in cooperation with the cruising monitor, mainly to check NW stations in Chile, Bolivia and Peru. A report was sent to Washington. c) The powerstat regulated transformer was wired and tested on bench, then installed at Antelco for our remote system. d) A complete rewiring (AC and audio) was begun of the cruising monitor position. e) A new desk for the cruising monitor position plus a newspaper shelf were designed and are now being built. 2. The following equipment was received from headquarters during the month: Delta Nulticouplers Mdl SRMC-1 x 10 - LFB 50 12 ea. 3. The following equipment was transferr to Adbijan: Heathkit Phone patch Mdl HD-15. STAT e , Electronics yecbnician Approved For Release 2007/05/08 CIA-RDP83-003858000200120019-8 4101fTHLY PRODUCTION REPORT overage (Priority 1 and 2). 2. Production (English) wordage (Span) 3'.,:, Production (All other) a. Average daily, voice . Average daily number of, items filed 2Y.;_ 61 Total Daily'Average Filed Wordage G 925.3a 7.. Total ' number' of ETG Abstracts for Month Nona (Port) None Average daily' press (Span) 890 (Port) Total Average Daily Publishable Wordage 4,525.33 Total'daily average wordage multipaper, multilan?unge and/or multisource roundups, program surdrnr- es filed as continuing requirement;` commentary lists; cruising messages:. 1 X211 _ Approved For'!,Release 2007/65/0$ ., CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120019-8 voice Coverage ; daily hours of 3,6i , 110.42 ily hours of press service d a e Ave : a g r x(+42 rage daily hours of press Av e (1/2 hour per paper) Average daily voice wordage Average daily 'press service wordage. e Average daily'press None' 397.3,3 7 . (Port) 82.3._ service wordage (Span)' 1T32 33 LANGUAGE COUNTRY SOURCE ENGLISH Argentina HERALD PARAGUAY BUREAU MONTHLY PRODUCTION REPORT FOR APRIL Peru Lima Latinamerican Week PORTUGUESE Brazil Domestic P.Alegre R.Gaucha P.Alegre R.Guaiba S.P. Radio Bandeirantes P.Alegre R.Farroupilha JORNAL DO BRASIL 0 GLOBO 0 ESTADO FOLHA DE SAO PAULO USSR_ International SPANISH Argentina Domestic 990( 1,590) 000( 150) 270( 150) 970( 1,570) 000( 130) 240( 1,780) PRESS AGENCY ooo( 240) ooo( 240) TELAM 17,840(:;,9;850) NOTICIAS ARGENTINAS 9,120( 8,600) LATIN 5,730( 8,260) Spanish (cont' d ) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RD VOICE PRESS AGENCY Argentina CLARIN LA NAC ION LA PRENSA CRONICA EL ECONOMISTA SOMOS LA SEMANA CONVICCION Bolivia L.Paz Domestic 000( 350) L.Paz R.Illimani 4,280( 3,190) L.Paz R.Panamericana 250( 000) Montero R.Norte 000( 110) EL DIARIO PRESENCIA Chile Domestic SANTIAGO DIPLOMATIC SVC EL MERCURIO LA 3RA. DE LA HORA E1 C ` QUE PASA P raguay As.Domestic 130( 000) As.R. lode Marzo 420( 120) As.R.Nanduti 1,380( 000) TV Canal 13 150( 000) 2,690( 1,480) 590( 850) 66o( 490) 480( 40) 000( 880) 000( 930) 1)30( 000) 560( 000) x.60( 79o) 7,740( 4,730) '9,970( 12,200) ABC COLOR HOY Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120019-8 LANGUAGE RY UNTRY COUNT CO 8 OURCE VOICE PRESS AGENCY PUBLICATIONS UB TOTAL S SPANISH (Cont'd) ULTIMA HORA 250( 1,050) LA TRIBUNA 90( 350) PATR IA 3,120( 1,170) 12,180( 14,600) Peru Lima Radio America 1,970( 1,260) 1,970( 1,260) ? Uruguay Mdeo. R.El Espectador 74Q( 1,560) ELDDIA 1,160( 260) LA MANANA 1,170( 000) OPINAR 580( 000) 3,650( 1,820) France AFP 21,820( 19,560) 21,820( 19,560) USSR International 4,030( 5,910) 4,030( 5,910) 23,930 (34,670) 54,970( 47,060) 56,869( 60,370) 135,760(142,100) ? Nonpublishable wordage; Wirefiled program sununaries$ commentary lists, roundups, FYIs, Admins, SVCs, Cruisings, etc. 36,330( 36,410) ,.GRAND TOTAL FILED WORDAGE: TOTAL ITEMS: 819 172,090(178,510 )