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Document Release Date: 
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May 1, 1981
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Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2 . KEY WEST BUREAU MONTHLY PRODUCTION REPORT, MAY 1981 1. COVERAGE (PRIORITY 1 AND 2) a. Average daily hours of voice '7.1 b..'Average daily hours of press service 36 Average daily hours 3 2. PRODUCTION (ENGLISH) a. Average daily voice wordage 125 b. Average daily press service wordage 1,914. c. Average daily press 48 3.. PRODUCTION (ALL OTHER)` a. Average daily voice wordage 1,387 b. Average'daily press service wordage 557 c. Average daily press N/A 4. Total average daily-publishable wordage (2 plus 3): 4,031 5. Total daily average wordage of multipaper, multilanguage and/or multisource roundups; program summaries filed as a continuing requirement; commentary lists; cruising messages: 6. Total daily average filed wordage (4 plus 5): 7. 8. 4,434 Total number of ETG abstracts for month: N/A Publishable items filed: 502 ADMINISTRATIVE.- INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2 Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2 KEY WEST BUREAU MONITOR PRODUCTION REPORT FOR MAY 1981 LANGUAGE/COUNTRY/SOURCE VOICE PRESS AGENCY PUBLICATION COUNTRY SUBTOTAL ENGLISH Bahamas Domestic 1,050 ((770) Newspaper: TRIBUNE 370 (50) 1,420 (820) ? Barbados Newspaper: ADVOCATE-NEWS 680 (180) Press Agency: CANA 59,350 (47,600) 60,030 (47,780) Belize Domestic 660 (1,840) 660 (1,840) Cuba Havana Voice of Cuba 300 (1,930) 300 (1,930) Grenada Domestic 1,660 (5,550) 1,660 (5,550) Jamaica Domestic 220 (---) Newspaper; GLEANER Trinidad & Tobago Newspaper: GUARDIAN SUBTOTAL: 460 (810) (810) 3,890 (10,090) 59,350 (47,600) 1,510 (1,040) 64,750 (58,730) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2 LANGUAGE/COUNTRY/SOURCE VOICE PRESS AGENCY PUBLICATION COUNTRY SUBTOTAL Subtotals brought forward: 3,890 (10,090) 59,350 (47,600) 1,510 (1,040) 64,750 (58,730) Spanish Cuba Havana Television 10,500 (24,390) Havana Domestic 32,480 (35,140) 42,980 (59,530) ? Dominican Republic Radio Mil Network 40 (270) 40 (270) Mexico Press Agency: NOTIMEX 17,290 (22,490) 17,290 (22,490) 46,910 (69,890) 76,640 (70,090) 1,510 (1,040) 125,060 (141,020) NONPUBLISHABLE WORDAGE: Wirefiled Program Summaries 9,100 (8,420) Commentary Lists N/A Roundups, FYI's, Admins, Svc Msgs, Cruising, Videolists 3,410 (4,670) GRAND TOTAL FILED WORDAGE: 137,570 (154,110) ? (NOTE: Figures in parentheses are from preceding month.) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2 Attachment A (Reception) Monthly Report, Key West Bureau May 1981 1. Cuban medium wave reception was generally good. Video reception of Cuban television was mostly fair to good, about the same as in April. Of a total of 48 casts recorded, video reception was rated as follows: 17 good, 11 fair to good, 17 fair and 3 fair to poor. Reception of Havana Voice of Cuba in English to North America and the Caribbean was generally good. 2. Reception of Nassau domestic service was generally fair. Belize domestic service continued to be heard in mostly poor to fair reception. 3. Kingston domestic service (JBC Radio One) remains unheard. Reception of Kingston Domestic service (Radio Jamaica, RJR) was poor with 21 casts unheard. 4. St Georges domestic service (Radio Free Grenada) was heard in mostly poor reception with eight casts unheard. 5. Reception of Santo Domingo Radio Mil on the 1180 frequency was mostly poor with nine casts unheard. 6. Mexico City NOTIMEX experienced some outages during the month. 7. Bridgetown CANA also experienced garbled reception and/or outages. Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2 Attachment C (Nonexpendable Property) Monthly Report, Key West Bureau May 1981 1. The following property was received from headquarters: a. Two X10 Delta multicouplers, serial nos. 979 and 981. Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200070020-2