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SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP82T00285RQ~100070011-6 IAS 158/73 10 October 1.973 MEMORANDUM FOR:. Chief, DDI Planning Staff SUBJECT Imagery Analysis Service Objectives: FY 74-76 1. To satisfy the requirements of CIA production offices and the DDO for high quality, timely and detailed imagery analysis. Means of Measurement a. At the end of each reporting period compare the number of .requirements received with the number completed within. the requested due date. b. For the same reporting period assess the degree of consumer satisfaction with our product based on feedback as available. 2. Reduce the cost of imagery assimilation and other non-production related tasks. Means of Measurement Using data from the IAS management information system, compare present amount of time spent on assimilation and other non-production related tasks with that of previous reporting period to determine if it increased or decreased. 3. To assist the production offices of the DDI and DDS&T in completing preliminary assessments of significant intelligence finds within 48 hours of final receipt of film from each mission. Means of Measurement For each reporting period assess the actual time expended between. final receipt of film in IAS and the preparation of preliminary assessments. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : 5 82T00285R000100070011-6 SECRET Approved For Relc~se 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP82T00285R000r 00070011-6, IAS 158/73 SUBJECT: Imagery Analysis Objectives: FY, 74-76 4. To satisfy the National Tasking Plan requirements for basic imagery analysis reports on non-military industries. 25X1 Means of Measurement a. At the end of the reporting period compare the number of requirements programmed with those actually completed. b. Determine the actual amount of imagery analysis resources expended for the reporting period. 5. To develop and implement with our consumers in FY 74 new imagery analysis applications, with special emphasis on such subjects as 25X1 II command analysis, and economic intelligence, and such programs as CIA collection and operations, and new imagery collection systems. Means of Measurement a. At the end of FY 74 determine what new annlicati_nns were actually developed and implemented for imagery analysis in each listed category, describing progressive steps and highlighting both successes and problems as appropriate. b. Assess their significance in terms of actual intelligence use. PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT OBJECTIVE 6. To improve the efficiency and sophistication of imagery analysis, by using up to ten percent of our imagery analysis resources to develop new analytical and reporting methods. Means of Measurement a. At the end of each reporting period determine what, if any, new analytical and reporting methods have been developed and imple- mented, describing progress and problems encountered. b. Determine for this same time period the actual amount of time expended on this effort. Approved For Release 2004/07/0 iSE ITDP82T00285R000100070011-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08? !1?--&IbP82T00285ROQOO 00070011-6 IAS 158/73 SUBJECT: Imagery Analysis Objectives: FY 74-76 7. To develop in FY 74 and implement in FY 75 a plan agreed upon by IAS and its consumers that will allow for periodic evaluation of current and projected tasking. Means of Measurement a. At the end of FY 74 determine whether or not a periodic evaluation system has been developed with each of our customers. b. At the end of FY 75 judge whether or not the system has been implemented and is functioning satisfactorily. 8. To implement NBO as a fully integrated management system in IAS down through division level in FY 74 and branch level in FY 75. Means of Measurement At the and of TV 7G determiinp t hpkhPr TAS divi si nns have solid production and improvement objectives and are operating effectively against them. b. At the end of FY 75 determine whether or not IAS branches have similar objectives and are operating effectively against them. 9. To develop and implement in FY 74 a new, automated management information system which will provide timely and accurate information on our production efforts. Means of Measurement a. At the end of FY 74 describe progress toward implementation of a new management information system. b. Evaluate the effectiveness of the system in meeting IAS requirements in terms of timeliness, accuracy and types of information available. 10. To identify, procure and maintain technical imagery exploitation equipment necessary for IAS to perform its imagery analysis tasks. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 rM ngM82T00285R000100070011-6 'aK L-1, Approved For Rel a 2004/07/085 2? bP82TOO285RO90 00070011-6 IAS 158/73 SUBJECT: Imagery Analysis Objectives: FY 74-76 Means of Measurement a. At the end of each reporting period compare projected exploita- tion equipment needs with actual needs. b. Ascertain the success in procuring the needed equipment. c. Evaluate the equipment maintenance program in terms of equip- ment "down" time and its effect on imagery analysis production. 11. To attain the manning levels and professional skills necessary to accomplish our mission as determined by an annual survey of manpower requirements. Means of Measurement a. At the end of each reporting period, compare our projected personnel needs with actual personnel needs. D. DeLerminu out sueuu5.7 if, recruiting against the projected needs. c. Compare the projected training program with actual training accomplished. GEORGE W. ALLEN Director Im gery Analysis Service Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 ?- ODir/IAS 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :l, 82T00285R000100070011-6