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CSC INTEARAQFi ?Ws [ NeC-n/Los #318 UNCLASSIFIED MEM NIDUM SK/2'0!1W-@E@0I 9T* pft cF THE SEA TO Members of the LOS' Task Force February 21, 1975 SUBJECT : List of LOS Conference Documents Attached for your information is a list of LOS Conference documents. Otho E. Eskin Staff Director a/s. UNCLASSIFIED State Dept. review completed Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Important Series of Third UN LOS Conference Documents, Particularly for Calendar-Year 1974 Page Delegates, Delegations, Officers, Rules ................ 1 A/CONF.62/SR.14-24 ..................................... 2 A/CONF.62/SR.25-38 ..................................... 3 A/CONF.62/SR.38-47 ..................................... 4 A/CONF.62/SR.48-to end of series. A/CONF.62/L.1- 3/Add. 1 .............................................. 4a A/CONF.62/L.3/Add.2-L/8 ................................ 5 A/CONF.62/L.9. A/CONF.62/BUR. A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.1-9 ..... 6 A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.10 to end of series. A/CONF.62/C.l/ L.1-4 ................................................. 7 A/CONF.62/C.1/L.5 to end of series. A/CONF.62/SR.1-12 .. 8 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.13-22 ................................. 9 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.23-31 ................................. 10 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.32-39 ................................. 11 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.40-44 ................................. 12 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.45 to end of series. A/CONF.62/C.2/ L.1-3 ................................................. 12a A/CONF.62/C.2/L.4-27 ................................... 13 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.28-40 .................................. 14 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.40/Add.l-L.58 .......................... 15 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.59-73 .................................. 16 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.74 to end of series. A/CONF.62/C.3/ SR.1-6 ................................................. 17 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SD0697R000300090019-8 Page_- A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.7-12 .. .......................... 18 A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.13-16 19 A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.17 to end of series. A/CONF.62/ C.3/L.1-14 ........................................ 20 A/CONF.62/C.3/L.15 to end of series ................ 21 D/LOS - Department of State February 20, 1975 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 June 14, 1974 Provisional List of Delegates A/CONF.62/INF.3/Rev. 1 - Delegations. A/CONF.62/INF.3/Rev. 1/Corr.I - Delegations. A/CONF.62/INF.3/Rev. l/Corr.2 - Delegations. A/CONF.62/INF.2 - Officers. A/CONF.62/INF.2/Corr. I - Officers. A/CONF.62/1 - Provisional Agenda. A/CONF.62/2 - Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/2/Add. 1 - Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/2/Add. 2 - Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/2/Add. 3 - Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/3 - USSR Support for Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Viet- Nam to Participate in the Conference. A/CONF.62/4 - Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Kenya, Mexico and United Republic of Tanzania: Ar,iend- ments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/5 - Holy See: Amendments to Rules 52 and 63 of the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/6 - USSR: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/7 - U.S.: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/7/Rev.l - US: Revised Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/8 - Turkey: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/9 - Australia: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/10 - Spain: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/10/Add. 1. - Spain: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/11 - Netherlands: Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/12 - Madagascar and the United Republic of Tanzania: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/13 - Peru: Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/14 - China: Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure A/CONF.62/15 - Report of Credentials Committee. A/CONF.62.16 - Japan: Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/17 - Czechoslovakia fully supports the gentle- men's agreement of 16 November 1973 for consensus if possible and 2/3 majority is not satisfactory. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SD0697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/18 - Italy: Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/19*- Afghanistan, Nepal, and Zambia: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/20 - Pakistan: Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/21 - Pakistan: Subamendment to the Amendment contained in Document A/CONF.62/4, to the Draft Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/22 - German Democratic Republic Telegram: Consen- sus; and at a Minimum 9/10 Majority. A/CONF.62/23 - The Kampala Declaration. A/CONF.62/24 - Agenda A/CONF.62/25 - Report of the Secretary General. A/CONF.62/26 - Note by UNCTAD. A/CONF.62/27*- Note by IMCO. A/CONF.62/28 - Report of the General Committee: On Organi- zation of the Second Session. A/CONF.62/29 - Decisions on organization. A/CONF.62/30 - Rules of Procedure - July 2, 1974. A/CONF.62/30/Rev. 1 - Rules of Procedure - July 16, 1974. A/CONF.62/31 - Report of the General Committee Adding Two New Rules. A/CONF.62/32 - Statement by UNCTAD. A/CONF.62/33*- Declaration of the OAU. A/CONF.62/34- Report of the Credentials Committee. A/CONF.62/34/Corr.1 - Report of the Credentials Committee. A/CONF.62/35 - Status and Responsibilities of the IOC in UNESCO. A/CONF.62/36 - Provisional Agenda for Geneva Session March 17-May 10, 1975. A/CONF.62/SR.14: Opening; Minute of Silence; Addresses A/CONF. 62/SR. 15: A/CONF.62/SR.16: A/CONF.62/SR.17: A/CONF.62/SR.18: A/CONF.62/SR.19: A/CONF.62/SR.20: A/CONF. 62/SR. 21: A/CONF.62/SR.22: A/CONF.62/SR.23: A/CONF.62/SR.24: by President of Conference and President of Venezuela. Report of the General Committee; List of Interested Non-Governmental Organi- zations; Adoption of Rules of Procedure. Adoption of Rules (continued) Adoption of Rules (continued) Adoption of Rules (continued) Adoption of Rules (continued) Adoption of Rules (continued) General Statements: Costa Rica, Brazil, El Salvador, Barbados, Guinea. General Statements (continued): Republic of Viet-Nam, IMCO, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, USSR, Pakistan, International Hydrographic Office. General Statements (continued): Trinidad and Tobago, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Sweden. Tribute to Memory of President of Argentina. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 -3- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/SR.25: General Statements (continued): German Democratic Republic, China, Honduras, Kenya, Western Samoa, Norway, Ghana, Australia. A/CONF.62/SR.26: General Statements (continued): Cameroon, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Yugoslavia, Tanzania, Mauritania, OAU, Reply by Republic of Viet-Nam, Khmer Republic, Reply by Democratic People's Republic of Korea. A/CONF.62/SR.27: General Statements (continued): India, Canada, Jamaica, Albania, USSR Protest and Albania Reply (twice), Bangladesh. A/CONF.62/SR.28: General Lanka, Congo, China. Statements. (continued): Sri Colombia, Bolivia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Tonga, Reply by A/CONF.62/SR.29: General Statements (continued): Nicaragua, U.K., Fiji, Czechoslovakia, Cuba. A/CONF.62/SR.30: General Chile, States. Statements (continued): Yemen, Poland, Uruguay, League of Arab A/CONF.62/SR.31: General Statements (continued): UN Environment Program, Ecuador, Iceland, Philippines, Democratic Yemen; and Replies by Uruguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Kenya to UNEP Representative. A/CONF.62/SR.32: General Statements (continued): Laos, Romania: Greece, Finland, Zambia, Bahamas, Libya. A/CONF.62/SR.33:'General Statements (continued): Afghanistan, Singapore, Lebanon, Denmark, Zaire, Liberia, Federal Republic of Germany. A/CONF.62/SR.34; General Statements (continued): Nigeria, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Reply by Iran to United Arab Emirates. A/CONF.62/SR.35: General Statements (continued): Hungary, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Panama, Equatorial Guinea, Pakistan, Thailand. A/CONF.62/SR.36: General Statements (continued): Iraq, Bulgaria, Israel, Oman. A/CONF.62/SR.37: General Statements (continued): Tunisia, France, Kuwait, Peru, Malta. A/CONF.62.SR.38: General Statements (continued): Gambia, Ireland, USA, Paraguay, Khmer Republic, Austria, Mali, Senegal, Proposal of Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 -4- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Senegal for Liberation Movements' Representation, Answer by Israel, Decision that Competent to consider Senegalese Proposal, Explanation of Vote by USA. A/CONF.62/SR.38/Corr I - A/CONF.62/SR.39: General Statements: Belgium, Algeria, Uganda, Turkey, Nepal, Reply by Greece to Turkey, Panama's Vote for the Question in the Previous Session. A/CONF.62/SR.40: General Statements (continued): Spain, Holy See, Guinea-Bissau, Bahrain, Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Change in Title of Rule 40, Admission of National Liberation Movements as Observers, Reply by Israel, Rebuttal by Yemen and Egypt, Names of National Libera- tion Organizations, Rules for their Participation; USA, South Africa, France and Portugal Dissociate from Consensus; Malta, Cuba and Bangladesh Support Consensus. A/CONF.62/SR.41: Tribute to Sim6n Bolivar. General Statements (continued): Morocco, Italy, Dominican Republic, UNESCO, Japan. A/CONF.62/SR.42: General Statements (continued): UNCTAD, Bhutan, Lesotho, Upper Volta, Somalia, Indonesia, Venezuela. A/CONF.62/SR.43: Reports of Committees I, II, & III. Additional Tribute to Sim6n Bolivar, Statement by PLO, Two Additions to List of Interested Non-Governmental Organiza.- tions. A/CONF.62/SR.44: Additional Tribute to Sim6n Bolivar by Sri Lanka, German Democratic Republic, Finland, Egypt, Philippines, France, Senegal, Peru, Spain, USA, Israel, Romania, Yugoslavia, Dominican Republic, India: USSR, Jamaica, Bangladesh, and Panama. A/CONF.62/SR.45: Address by President of Mexico. A/CONF.62/SR.46: Additional Reports of Committees I, II, & III. General Statements (continued): New Zealand, and FAO (Fisheries). Intro- duction by Canada of Working Paper, A/CONF.62/L.4, into Plenary; Referral to Committee II. Add Seychelles Demo- cratic Party to National Liberation Movements. A/CONF.62/SR.47: Sympathy for Bangladesh Flood Victims. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 -4a- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA=RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/SR.48: Additional Reports of Committees I, II, III. Statements by Permanent Commission of the South Pacific, by the Inter- American Juridical Committee of OAS, and, by the IAEA. A/CONF.62/SR.49: Report of the General Committee: statements by the President, by the Rapporteur-General and by Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, United States, Israel, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, France, Germany (Federal Republic of) and Colombia. A/CONF.62/SR.50: Report of the Credentials Committee: statements by the President, and by Romania, [Republic of Viet-Nam: reply], Cuba, Yugoslavia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Algeria, Egypt, Albania and Khmer Republic. Question of the communication to the President of the General Assembly: statements by the President and by the United Republic of Tanzania. United Nations Force in Cyprus: minute of silence in tribute to the memory of the members of UNFICYP who had lost their lives in the performance of their duties. Tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Gonzalo Alcivar, Ambassador of Ecuador and Mr. Soubhi Khanachet, Ambassador of Kuwait: statements by the President and by Ecuador and Kuwait. A/CONF.62/SR.5l: Possible invitations to Papua New Guinea, The Cook Islands, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles, and the West Indies Associated States, as States Participating; Settlement of Disputes: El Salvador introduces A/CONF.62/L.7; Adoption of A/CONF.62/L.9; Various Summary and Closing Statements. A/CONF.62/L.l - Adoption of the Rules of Procedure. A/CONF.62/L.2 - List of Interested Non-Governmental Organizations. A/CONF.62/L.2 Add. 1 - List of Interested Non-Governmental Organizations. A/CONF.62/L.3 - Tribute to Simon Bolivar by Latin American States. A/CONF.62/L.3/Add.l - Tribute to Simon Bolivar by Latin American States with Additional Sponsorship by Algeria, Bahrain, Democratic Republic of Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 CIA-RDP82500697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/L.3/Add.2 - Tribute to Simon Bolivar by Latin American States with Additional Spon- sorship by Australia, Byelorussia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mauritius, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, and USSR. A/CONF.62/L.3/Add.3 - Tribute to Simon Bolivar by Latin American States with 54 additional sponsors. A/CONF.62/L.3/Add.4 - Tribute to Simon Bolivar by Latin American States with 3 Additional Sponsors. A/CONF.62/L.4 - Draft Articles by Canada, Chile, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, and Norway. A/CONF.62/L.5 - Establishes Resolution 3067 (XXVIII) of the General Assembly as the basic Document of the Conference. A/CONF.62/L.6 - Statement by the Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Congress of Micronesia submitted on behalf of the Congress by the United States (circulated as a conference document following the decision taken by the Conference at its 49th meeting on 27 August 1974). A/CONF.62/L.7 - Working Paper on Peaceful Settlement of Disputes by Australia, Belgium, Bolivia', Colombia, El Salvador, Luxembourg, N?theriands, Singapore, and U.S.A. A/.CONF.62/L.8/REV.l - Activities of the Plenary in Sessions One and Two of the Third Conference: 3 - 12 December, 1973 & 20 June- 27 August 1974 (Draft). Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 -6- Approved For Release 2002/08/21: CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/L.9 - Draft Resolution on Thanks to Venezuela and on Ideals of Sim6n Bolivar. A/CONF.62/BUR/l -Organization of the Second Session. A/CONF.62/BUR/2 - Statement Regarding Next Session. A/CONF.62/BUR/SR.l - Consideration of the Foregoing, A/CONF.62/BUR/SR.2 - Consideration of Additional Rules of Procedure: Representation and Credentials Requirements. A/CONF.62/BUR/SR.3 - Reports of Committees I, II, & III, on Organization. A/CONF.62/BUR/SR.4 - Nature of Final Document. A/CONF.62/C.l/SR.l - Organization of Work A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.2 - Statements on International Regime by German Democratic Republic, Sri Lanka, Australia, Peru, Canada, and Chile. A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.3 - Statements on International Regime by Brazil, Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago,and the International Ocean Institute. A/CONF.62/C.1./SR.4 - Statements on International Regime by Japan, Cuba, Nigeria, Federal Republic of Germany, Uruguay, U.K., and Jamaica. A/CONF.62/C.l/SR.5 - Statements on International Regime by Austria, Poland, Romania, Colombia, Kenya, Madagascar, Switzerland, Sweden, Liberia, Thailand, and. Bangladesh. A/CONF.62/C.l/SR.6 - Statement on International Regime by Nepal, Denmark, France, Philippines, Israel, the World Federation of United Nations Associations, Burma, Iceland, and UNCTAD (with comments by USA, Chile, Peru, Brazil, India, and Algeria). A/CONF.62/C.l/SR.7 - Statements on International Regime by Afghanistan, Portugal, Mexico, Ethiopia, Ireland, Kuwait, Tanzania, Fiji, Republic of Korea, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Congo, and Ecuador. A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.8 - Statements on International Regime .By Tunisia, China, Iraq, Bhutan, Republic of Viet-Nam, USSR, Greece, Mongolia, Spain, Ukraine, Algeria, Finland, Bolivia, USA, Libya, Ghana, and additional by Tanzania. A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.9 - Report by Chairman of the Informal Meetings on the Sea-Bed, (Sri Lanka). Comments, particularly on Economic Effect Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 -7- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 by the Chairman (Cameroon), Mr. Stavaropoulos, Chile, Zaire, Venezuela, Uruguay, Jamaica, Yemen, Singapore, Ghana, and USA. A/C0NF.62/C.l/SR.10 - Economic Implications of Sea-Bed Mineral Development (continued): Comments by Cuba, Israel, Peru, India, Netherlands, Federal Republic of Germany, U.K., Nigeria, Zambia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, France, and Tanzania. A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.11 - Report by Chairman of the Informal Meetings (Sri Lanka). Draft, Comments by Colombia (for Group of 77), Vene- zuela, Bulgaria, Jamaica, Zaire, Madagascar, Yugoslavia. A/C0NF.62/C.1/SR.12 - Economic Implications of Sea-Bed Mineral Development in the Interna- tional Area (continued): Comments by Sweden, Ghana, Trinidad and Tobogo, France, Peru, Chile, South Africa, International Ocean Insti- tute, USSR,and Australia. A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.13 - Economic Implications (continued): Comments by Japan, USA, Zaire, U.K., Argentina, Cuba, Israel, Morocco, and Greece. Summary. A/C0NF.62/C.l/SR.14 - Economic Implications (continued): Statements by Chairmen (Cameroon, Sri Lanka). Comments by Colombia (Group of 77), Brazil, Tanzania, USA, France, Australia, Peru, Algeria, and Pakistan. A/C0NF.62/C.1/SR.15 - Economic implications (continued): Comments by Japan, Zaire, German Democratic Republic, Israel, U.K., Ghana, and Federal Republic of Germany. Organization of Work. A/C0NF.62/C.l/SR.16 - Organization of Work (continued). A/CONF.62/C.1/SR.17 - Method of procedure. Discussion by the Chairman of the Working Group; by India, Bolivia, Tanzania, Chile, Thailand, Ghana, Peru, USA, Egypt, Guinea, Madagascar, and France. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.1 - Opening Statement. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.2 - Basic Documents. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.3 - Draft Articles. A/CONF.62/Cl/L.3/Corr.2 - A/CONF.62/C..1/L.3/Corr.6 - A/CONF.62/C.1/L.4 - Barbados Amendment to Define "Peaceful. Purposes". Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 -8- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.l/L.5 - U.S: Economic Effects of Exploitation. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.6 - U.S. Draft Appendix to LOS Treaty. A/CONF.62/C.l/L.7 - Text by Group of 77. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.8 - Annex; to LOS Convention by certain European Common Market Countries. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.9 - Japan Working Paper. A/CONF.62/C.1/L.10/Rev.1 - Statement of Activities prepared by the Rapporteur. A/CONF.62/C.l/L.11 - Chile Working Paper. A/CONF.62/C.l/L.11/Corr.l - Chile Working Paper. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.l - Organization of Work. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.2 - The Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.3 - The Territorial Sea (continued): Federal Republic of Germany, Madagascar, Honduras, German Demo- cratic Republic, U.K., Spain, Israel, Uruguay, Philippines, Cameroon, Peru, Guyana, and Canada. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.4 The Territorial Sea (continued): Answer by El Salvador, Turkey, Cuba, USSR, Finland, Pakistan, Upper Volta, Guatamala, Netherlands, Tonga, and Ecuador. Reply by Honduras and Further reply by El Salvador. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR..5 - The Territorial Sea (continued): Brazil, Bangladesh, Republic of Korea, Colombia, Peru, Cyprus, Uruguay, Greece, Jamaica, Philip-- pines, El Salvador, Albania (Reply USSR). A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.6 - The Territorial Sea (continued): Indonesia, Italy, Turkey, (Note by Cameroon) Iran, Poland, Guinea, Ukraine, Paraguay, Venezuela, and Iraq. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.7 - The Territorial Sea (continued): Trinidad and Tobogo, Peru, Republic of Viet-Nam, Bhutan, Japan, Interna- tional Chamber of Shipping (Comment by El Salvador, and Paraguay), and Guyana. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.8 - Organization (Meeting lasted 5 min.) A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.9 - Contiguous Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.10 - Straits (Meeting lasted 5 minutes). A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.11 - Straits (continued): Spain, Iran, Denmark, Finland, U.K., and Sri Lanka. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.12 - Straits (continued): USSR, German' Democratic Republic, Cuba, Mongolia, USA, Sweden, Tanzania, Czechoslovakia, and Italy. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 CIA-RDP82SD0697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.13 - Straits (continued): Canada, Egypt, Poland, Peru, Morocco, Hungary, Turkey, Iceland, China, Yemen, and Ghana. Reply by USA and Answer by Egypt Respecting Submerged Transit. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.14 - Straits (continued): Oman, Singa- pore, Spain, Fiji, Israel, Algeria, Chile, Nigeria, Albania, Kuwait, Bulgaria, Iraq, Ukraine, Liberia, and India. Reply by China. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.15 - Straits (continued): Democratic Yemen. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.16 - Continental Shelf, Austria, Nicara- gua, Bangladesh, Israel, Honduras, Libya, Paraguay, Peru, and Portugal. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.17 - Continental Shelf (continued): Zaire, Finland, Australia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Spain, and Lebanon. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.18 - Continental Shelf (continued): El Salvador, Argentina, Singapore, Uganda, Nepal, Venezuela, Greece, Uruguay, Pakistan, Egypt, Trinidad and Tobago, and Burma. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.19 - Continental Shelf (continued): Romania, Switzerland, Ecuador, Turkey, Iraq, Iceland, and Thailand. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.20 - Continental Shelf (continued): Gambia, USSR, Kenya, Denmark, Democartic Peoples' Republic of Korea, Republic of Viet-Nam, Tunisia, Mauritius, Cyprus, Norway, Lesotho, Cuba, Federal Republic of Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Chile, Mexico, Mali, Italy, Jamaica, Panama, Malta, and Indonesia. Reply by Republic of Korea and by Democra- tic Peoples' Republic of Korea. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.21 - Exclusive Economic Zone. New Zealand. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.22 - Continental Shelf (continued): Bahrain. Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Honduras, Nigeria, Portugal, Mexico, German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, Upper Volta, Madagascar, Paraguay, Zaire, Congo, Cyprus, Barbados, Dahomey, Mauritania, Israel, Trinidad.. and Tobogo, Laos, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, and Finland. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 -10- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.23 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Bangladesh, Tanzania, Kenya, Liberia, France, and Sri Lanka. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.24 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): China, El Salvador, Togo, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, Western Samoa, Tonga, USA, Burundi, India, Federal Republic of Germany, Cuba, Thailand, Peru, and Romania. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.25 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Pakistan, Italy, Republic of Korea, Argentina, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Malaysia, Bolivia, Senegal, U.K., Ukraine, and Bhutan. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.26 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Poland, Brazil, Chile, Tunisia, Egypt, Australia, Byelorussia, Nepal, Belgium, Albania, Indonesia, Guyana, Uruguay, Democratic Yemen, Somalia, USSR in Reply, Albania in Reply, and China in Reply. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.27 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Singapore, South Africa, Khmer Republic, Panama, Turkey, Libya, Ecuador, Haiti, Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea, Afghanistan, Spain, and Guatemala. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.28 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Japan, Netherlands, Jamaica, Guinea, Bulgaria, Denmark, Venezuela, USSR, Lebanon, Algeria, and Austria. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.29 - Exclusive Economic Zone (continued): Burma, Canada, Colombia, Iraq, and Mali. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.30 - Coastal States Preferential Rights etc. Beyond The Territorial Sea. South Africa, France, Zaire, Denmark, China, Iceland, USSR, Peru, Additional Remarks by China. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.31 - Coastal States Preferential Rights (continued): Canada, Tunisia, Nigeria, Norway, Ghana, Finland, Congo, and Italy. Contiguous Zone. German Democratic Republic, Honduras, Bahrain, Addition by, India, El Salvador, Tanzania, New Zealand, Guyana Inquiry, U.K., Senegal, USSR, Peru, Replies by Tanzania and Japan. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 -8FI=RDP82800697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.32 - Land-locked, Shelf-locked, Narrow and Short Coasts. Nepal, Czechoslovakia, Upper Volta, Sweden, Ghana , Uganda, Austria, Mongolia, Senegal, Cuba, Switzer- land, Hungary, Iran, Byelorussia, and Singapore. Addition by Ghana. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.33 - Land-locked, Shelf-locked, Narrow and Short Coasts (continued): Nigeria Botswana, Bolivia, Paraguay, Lesotho, India, Panama, Afghanistan, German Democratic Republic, Venezuela, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Peru, Turkey, Chile, Replies by Uruguay and Bolivia. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.34 - Land-locked, Shelf-locked, Narrow and Short Coasts (continued): Jamaica, USSR, Kenya, Tunisia, Algeria, Mali, Thailand, Israel, Albania, Uruguay, Romania, Ecuador, and Zambia. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.35 - Land-locked, Shelf-locked, Narrow and Short Coasts (continued): Barbados, Belgium, Jamaica, and Singapore. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.36 - Archipelagos? Indonesia, Australia, Japan, U.K., Bulgaria, Netherlands, Fiji, India, France, Honduras, Philippines, Thailand, and Bahamas. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.37 - Archipelagos (continued): Portugal, Burma, USSR, Ecuador, Peru, Egypt, Singapore, Cuba, Yemen, Mauritius, Spain, Pakistan, Malaysia, Chile, Canada, Algeria, Turkey= Tunisia, Nigeria, Laos, and Argentina. A/CONF.62/C.2/9'R.38 - Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas. Iran, Israel, Denmark, Sweden, Thailand, France, Iraq, German Democratic Republic, Turkey, USSR, Greece, Algeria, and Democratic Yemen. Observation by Iran. Reply by Iraq. - Artificial Islands and Installations. Belgium. - Islands. New Zealand A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.39 - Islands (continued): Denmark, Cuba, Colombia, Western Somoa, Romania, Tonga, Trinidad and Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : dtX(-F2DP82S00697R000300090019-8 Tobogo, Fiji, Nicaragua, Canada, Turkey, Argentina, Singapore, and Greece. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.40 - Islands (continued): Venezuela, Uruguay, France, Ecuador, Jamaica, Cyprus, Guatemala, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Mauritius, U.K., Algeria, Mexico, Madagascar, Italy, and Spain. Transmission from the High Seas. U.K. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.41 - Introduction by Poland of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.26. - Introduction by Australia of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.57. - Introduction by U.S. of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.47. Discussion by Turkey. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.42 - Introduction by France of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.54. - Introduction by Malaysia of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.64. Comment by Indonesia. - Introduction by New Zealand of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.66. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.'43 - Introduction by El Salvador of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.60 and A/CONF.62/C.2/L.68. - Introduction by France of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.74. - Introduction by Bolivia of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.65. - Comments by Lesotho on A/CONF.62/C.2/L.45/Rev.1. - Introduction by Indonesia of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.67. - Introduction by Iraq of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.71 and Addl. - Introduction by Iran of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.72. - Introduction by Fiji of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.69. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.44 - Introduction of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.84 by Iran; A/CONF.62/C.2/L.82 by Tanzania and Gambia; A/CONF.62/C.2/L.78 by Egypt, Honduras, and Saudia Arabia; A/CONF.62/C.2/L.79 and L.80 by USA; A/CONF.62/C.2/L.81 and 83 by Canada. Swaziland withdraws sponsorship of A/CONF.62/C.2/L.82. Yemen and Malaysia also sponsor A/CONF.62/C.2/L.16. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/0'81if- CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.45 - Indonesia on Archipelagos; Italy and Turkey on Islands, comment by Romania and'UK; Ecuador on 200-mile Territorial Sea; Philippines on Historic Waters; Peru on EEZ. A/CONF.62/C.2/SR.46 - Report on A/CONF.62/C.2/L.85 and Statement on the Work of the Committee: Statements by Tanzania, Chile, Bolivia, Germany (Federal Republic of), Mexico, El Slavador, Thailand, France, Egypt, Czechoslovakia, Senegal, Yemen, Israel, USA, Yugoslavia, Guinea, Ecuador, Chile, Senegal, Peru, Kenya, and Iraq. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.1 - Living Resources, Comparative Table of Proposals. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.l/Corr.l - Living Resources, Comparative Table of Proposals. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.2 - Organization and Work. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.3 - U.K. Draft Articles on the Territorial Sea and Straits. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : !t11A3-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.4 - India, Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.5 - Guyana, Contiguous Ocean Space. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.6 - Spain, Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.6/Corr.1 - Spain. "Competence" vs. "Powers". A/CONF.62/C.2/L.7 - Bangladesh. Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L?8 - Turkey. Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.9 - Turkey. Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.10 - Ecuador. Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.11 - Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Poland, A/CONF.62/C.2/L.12 - Nigeria. TerritorialtSea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.13 - Fiji, Indonesia, Mauritius, Philippines. Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.14 - Netherlands. Opposite and Adjacent Coasts. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.15 - Denmark and Finland. Territorial A/CONE. Sea and Straits. 62/C.2/L.16 - Oman. Territorial Sea and Straits. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.17 - Nicaragua. National Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.18 - Romania. Adjacent and Opposite. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.19 - Jiji. Passage Throught Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.20 - Algeria. Straits and Semi-Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L?21 - Nigeria. Exclusive Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.21/Rev.1 - Nigeria Exclusive Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.21/Corr.1 - Nigeria. Exclusive Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.22 - Greece. Territorial Sea ("National Maritime Zones"). A/CONF.62/C?2/L.22/Corr.1 - Greece. Territorial Sea Y (National Maritime Zones") A/CONI'.62/C.2/L.23 - Turke A/CONF.62/C.2/L.24 - Phili? pposite and Adjacent, ppines. Territorial Sea. "Historic A/CONF.62/C.2/L.24/Reva1e- Waters". Philippines. Territorial Sea. "Historiaters". A/CONF.62/C.2/L.25 - Greece. ContinentalcShelf. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.26 - Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Poland, and USSR. Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.27 - Byelorussia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland and USSR. Contiguous .Zone. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21-bA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.28 - Kenya and Tunisia. Adjacent and .Opposite. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.29 - Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Laos, Lesotho, Mali, Mongolia, Nepal, Paraguay, Swazi- land, Uganda, Upper Volta, and Zambia. Land-locked. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.30 - Fiji, New Zealand, Tonga, and Western Samoa. Islands. Territories Under Foreign Domination. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.31 - Japan. Seabed to 200-miles. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.31/Rev.l - Japan. Seabed. to 200-miles. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.32 - Greece. Exclusive Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.33 - Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Byelorussia, Czechoslovakia., Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, Hungary, Laos, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Mongolia, Netherlands, Paraguay, Singapore, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, Upper Volta, and Zambia. Territorial Zea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.34 - Turkey. Opposite and Adjacent. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.35 - Jamaica. "Geographically Disadvan- taged". A/CONF.62/C.2/L.36 - Jamaica. "Geographically Disadvan- taged". A/CONF.62/C.2/L.37 - Denmark. Anadromous. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.38 - Byelorussia, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and USSR. The Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.38/Corr.1 - Byelorussia, Bulgaria, German. Democratic Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and USSR. The Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.39 - Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Finland, Iraq, Laos, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Nepal, Netherlands, Paraguay, Singapore, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, Upper Volta, and Zambia. Resources Beyond The Territorial Sea. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.40 - Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands. Fisheries. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 -15- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.40/Add.1 - Belgium, Denmark, Federal of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Nether- lands. Fisheries. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.41 - Ireland. Anadromous. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.42 - Mexico. Continental Shelf, Military Use. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.42/Rev.1 - Kenya, Mexico, -(Also Revised Later with additional Cosponsors but no document issued. Conti- nental Shelf, Military Use. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.43 - Ireland. Opposite and Adjacent. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.44 - Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq,Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and UAE. Straits. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.45/Rev.l - Botswana, Lesotho, Uganda, and Upper Volta. Amendments to A/CONF.62/L.5. Land- locked. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.46 - Japan. Anadromous. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.47 - USA. Economic Zone, and Conti- nental Shelf. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.48 - Pakistan, Land-locked. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.49 - Fiji, Indonesia, Mauritius, and Philippines. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.50 - Greece. Islands. A.CONF.62/C.2/L.51 - Ecuador. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.52 - Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic and Poland. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.52/Corr.1 - Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic and Poland. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.53 - Romania. Islands. Islets. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.54 - Belgium, Denmark, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and U.K. (EFTA). High Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.55 - Turkey. Islands'. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.56 - Turkey. Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.57 - Australia and New Zealand. Highly Migratory Species. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.57/Rev.l - Australia and New Zealand. Highly Migratory Species. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.58 - 14. Latin American States. Terri- tories under Colonial Domination or Foreign Occupation. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CtA-RBP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.59 - Dominican Republic. Straits. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.60 -,El Salvador. Exclusive Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.62 - Algeria, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritius, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, and Zambia. Islands. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.62/Rev.l Algeria, Dahomeyy, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Sierra Leone, Suuan, Tunisia, Upper Volta, and Zambia. Islands. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.63 - Thailand. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.64 - Malaysia. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.65 - Bolivia and Paraguay. "Regional Economic Zone". A/CONF.62/C.2/L.66 - Argentina, Australia, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, and USA. High Seas Aspect Toward Economic Zone and Continental Shelf. .A/CONF.62/C.2/L.67 - Indonesia. Historic Waters. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.68 - El Salvador. High Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.69 - Fiji, Indonesia, Mauritius, and Philippines. High Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.70 - Bahamas. Archipelagos. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.71 - Iraq. Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.71/Add.l - Iraq. Enclosed and Semi- Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.71/Add.2 - Iraq. Enclosed and Semi- Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.72 - Iran. Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.72/Corr.l - Iran. Enclosed and Semi- Enclosed Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.73 Cuba. Archipelagos. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :-ql#-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.2/L.74 - France. Adjacent and Opposite. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.75 -.Uruguay. Islands. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.76 - Bolivia and Paraguay. Land- locked. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.77 - Organization of Second Committee Work. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.77/Corr.1 - Organization of Second Committee Work. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.78 - Egypt, India, Iran, Kuwait, Liberia, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Yemen. Economic Zone. Contiguous Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.79 - USA. High Seas. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.80 - USA. High Seas. Living Resources. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.81 - Canada. Anadromous. Facts About Salmon. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.82 - Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Tunisia, Cameroon, and Tanzania. Exclusive Economic Zone. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.33 - Canada. Straits. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.84 - Iran. Continental Shelf. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.85 - Statement of Work. Annex I - Main Trends. Annex II - List of Documents. Annex III - Index to the Summary Records. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.86 - Statement by the Chairman. A/CONF.62/C.2/L.86/Corr. 1 - Statement by the Chairman. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.1 - Organization. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.2 - Organization. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.3 - Environment. German Democratic Republic, Denmark, Iraq, Australia, Burma, Bangladesh, and Madagascar. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.4 - Environment (continued): Liberia, Egypt, Canada, Finland, USSR, Tanzania, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobogo, and U.K. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.5 - Environment (continued): UNESCO, Sweden, Pakistan, Sudan, Italy, Japan, Israel, New Zealand, Greece, Portugal, and Federal Republic of Germany. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.6 -- Environment (continued): China, Iran, Austria, Ecuador, France, Chile, Romania, Brazil, Barbados, Cuba, Spain, Libya, India, Tunisia, and USA. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 dlA=RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.7 - Scientific Research and Develop- ment and Transfer of Technology. Madagascar, German Democratic Republic,, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Brazil, Burma, Colombia, France, Cameroon, Denmark, and Guyana. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.8 - Scientific Research and Develop- ment and Transfer of Technology (continued): Panama, USA, Mexico, Israel, Ireland, Venezuela, China, Sweden, Federal Republic of Germany, Peru, Portugal, and Tanzania. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.9 - Scientific Research and Develop- ment. and Transfer of Technology (continued): Iran, Cuba, Spain, Nigeria, Austria, Yugoslavia, USSR, Kenya, Iraq, Finland, Canada, Albania, Guinea, India, Libya, Congo, Japan, and Senegal. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.lO - Scientific Research and Develop- ment and Transfer of Technology (continued): Reports of the Chairmen of the Informal Meetings. Introduction of Draft A/CONF.62/C.3/L.2 by Kenya and Comment by Japan; A/CONF.62/C.3/L.4 by Greece and Comment by Trinidad and Tobogo. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.1l - Reports of Chairmen: Marine Environment; Transfer of Techno- logy. Introduction of Documents: A/CONF.62/C.3/L.3; of A/CONF.62/C.3/L.6 by India, Iran, New Zealand, Ghana, Canada, Kenya, Philippines, Ireland, with comments by Guyana, Peru, Bangladesh, Denmark, Argentina, and Greece. A/CONF.62/C.3/Sn.l2 - Reports of Chairmen: Marine Environment; Transfer of Techno- logy. Introduction of: A/CONF.62/C.3/L.5 by Israel; and A/CONF.62/C.3/L.8 by Nigeria with Comments by India, Jamaica and South Africa, Comment by Malta on. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.3. Introduction of A/CONF.62/C.3/L.7 by Federal Republic of Germany. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08/2ij_% CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.13 - Reports of Chairmen: Marine Environment; Transfer of Techno- logy. Comments by Mexico and Federal Republic of Germany. Introduction of A/CON,F.62/C.3/L.9 on Scientific Research by Trinidad and Tobogo,, with Comments by Spain, India, Egypt, Brazil, Pakistan, Byelorussia, Kenya, France, Yugoslavia, Argentina, South Africa, Spain, Morocco, Brazil, Barbados, and Netherlands; of A/CONF.62/C.3/L.10 by Liberia, and Greece with Comments by Federal Republic of Germany. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.14 - Reports of Chairmen: Marine Environment; Transfer of Techno- logy. Introduction of A/CONF.62/C.3/L.49 by Japan with Comment by U.K. Statement by UNEP with Comments by USA, Kenya, and India. Comments by Pakistan, Barbados, and Federal Republic of Germany on A/CONF.62/C.3/L.7. Program of Work. A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.15 - Comments on Marine Environment by Italy, Chile, Netherlands, IMCO, Iceland, U.K., Federal Republic of Germany, India, USSR, Group of 77 (Colombia), Spain, and German Democratic Republic. Organization o Work. A/CONF.62/C.3/$R.16 - Israel. Development and Technology Transfer. Withdrawal of A/CONF.62/C.3/L.11 by Sri Lanka. Introduction of A/CONF,.62/C.3/L.12 by Nigeria, Pakistan, New Zealand, Australia, Senegal, Tanzania, Gambia, and Liberia. Comments by Malta, Kenya, China, Bulgaria, Philippines, Ireland, Greece, France, USSR. Scientific Research; introduction of A/CONF.62/C.3/L.13 by Colombia, Kenya, China, and Somalia. Criticism by India, USSR, Ecuador, Guyana, and Norway. Report of IOC. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8 Approved For Release 2002/08121~QIA-RDP82800697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.3/SR.17 - Preservation of the marine environment: Norway, France and Chile. Scientific research: Netherlands, Austria, India, Colombia, Kenya, Yugoslavia, Madagascar, Argentina, Pakistan, Singapore, Libyan Arab Republic, Lesotho, Sierra Leone and. Liberia. Statements by the Chairmen of informal meetings: By the Inter- Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization and by the United Nations Environment Programme. Statement by the Chairman. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.1 - Environment. Helsinki Convention. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.1/Corr.1 - Environment. Helsinki Convention. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.2 - Kenya. E nvironment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.3 - Acquisition and Transfer of Marine Technology. Report by Secretariat. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.4 - Greece. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.5 - Israel. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.6 - Canada, Fiji, Ghana, Guyana, Iceland, India, Iran, New Zealand, Philippines, Spain. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.7. - Federal Republic of Germany. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.8 Nigeria. Development and Transfer of Technology. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.9 - Trinidad and Tobogo. Scientific Research. --Liberia. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.11 - Sri Lanka. Transfer of Technology. Withdrawn - see SR.16, p.3. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.12 - Brazil, Colombia, Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Gambia, Iran, Jamaica, Liberia, Libyan Arab Republic, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Republic of Korea, Republic of Viet-Nam, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania,, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. Development and Transfer of Technology. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.13 - Colombia. Scientific Research. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.13/Cory. 1 - Colombia. Scientific Research. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.14 - Statement of Chairman of the Informal Sessions. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.14/Add.1 - Environment. Suggested b Italy paragraphs y (5), Tunisia, Israel, USSR (4), Brazil (3), Kenya (2), France (4), U.K. (4) , Iran (2) , Egypt (3) , Spain (4) , USA (3), FRG (2), Trinidad and Tobogo (3), Romania, Guyana, India (2), Venezuela (4), Approved For Release 2002/6 /2'f : 6W-lk6082 ? D0Q0d@Mi%-P GDR. ,i `' Approved For Release 200'2/08/212 iCIA-RDP92900697R000300090019-8 A/CONF.62/C.3/L.15 -.Common Texts. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.16 -- Note'by Chairman of the Informal Sessions. Scientific Research. Development and Transfer of Technology. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.17 - Texts on Scientific Research and Development and Transfer of Technology. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.18 - Norway. Environment. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.19 - Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Luxembourg, Nepal, Netherlands, Paraguay, Singapore, Uganda, Upper Volta, and Zambia. Scientific Research. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.20 -- Statement of Activities. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.21 - Chile, Regional Organizations for Assistance in Accidents Causing Pollution. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090019-8