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Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 UNITED NATIONS- CO'2.LT2'ERENCE 9 Mar c} 19'75 ON THE LAW OF THE SEA PROVISIONAL LIST OF DELEGATIONS Third sessian, Geneva, 17 March to 10 May 1975 Corrections and additions to this list should be seat tothe Execotive Secretary of the Conference, for incorporation in the official list to be published shortly (Room E-3056). LISTE PROVISOIRE DES DELEGATIONS _ Troisikne session, Gerthve, 17 mars au 10 mai 1975 Toute rectification ou addition a cette liste dolt etre communiquee au. Secretaire executif de la Conference pour etre incorporee dans la,lista qui dolt etre publiee prochalnement (Bureau E-3056). LISTA PROVISIONAL DE DELEGACIONES TerPer period() de Sesiones, Ginebra, 17 de marzo a 10 de mayo 1975-- - Las correcciones y adiciones a esta lista deber&n enviarse al Secretarlo Ejecutivo de la Conferencia a fin. de incorporarlas en la. lista ofiPlal quo se pub1icar4, pr6ximamente (Oficina E-3056). HPEZBAPHTE.ffbalg CIDICOK ZEJIEFAWIrl TpeTbri ceccva, HieueBap c 17 mapTa no 10 mart 1975 roAa ,ionpasJteszdi 4zario.r:Helima I oTomy cumcKy c.ue,gyeT nanpas.anTh IICEO;i=ehCI:j ceE0eTa7,o i]c).?4)epesumz. Bliecesm MX S oeimilzaJibHmk CUMCOK, KoTopu-A B cEopom 50emeHT4 6y.zeT ony5amKoBaH (KomliaTa E-3056). 'N*B9 trg Ert- , Ei :YHA -I- PkJ 2# -4 .V-11.10 Wq-ki5L-A41134.-li A314-2 PkkAARil 1_1Bni-E.At*. L.! r9 Lyi I -(3-40 tiaJ CA; 1.4a1 C7-?. ! 0:J. I 1 -6..t ILI I 1;91,-or:rso,..sarj "4.1! 21,41:j r LAJ I Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 (E-1:056 ) Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - 2 - atives h.E. Mr. Mohammad Akram, Ambassador E.-xtraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France (Chairr.::ah_of_the Delegation) Mr. A. Njid Mangal, Second Secretary, Permanent aissioh, United Nations, New York Mr, Nangyalai Tarzi, Second Secretary, 7,-mbassy, Washington Mr, Mohammad Yunua Farman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ? Repr6sentants S.E. M. Sokrat Plaka, ambassadeur extraordinaire at pl6nipotentiaire en Autriche (chef de la..delation) ? N. Shofget Pinari, fonAionnaire an ministere des affaires etrangeres M. Petra0 Pojani, fonctionnaire an ministre des affaires titran&res .TaANIA ARGENTINA R,preseptantes ? S.E. Sr. Lrnoido M. Listre, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario (Jefe de La deLe4raciOn) Sr. Octaviano Saracho , Sr. Fernn Massini Ezcurra ' Sr. Orlando Rebagliati Sr. HoracIo E. Basabe Sr. Noraclo E. Solari Sr. Cario3 PassAlacqua AUSTRALIA Representatives H.E. Mr. D.R. Willessee, Senator, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of th,,, H.E. Mr. R.L. Harry, C.B.E., Ambassador, Permanent Representative Designate to . the United Nations, Neu York Chairman of the DeleLation in the absence of the Minister) Mr. E. Lauterpacht, Q.C., Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the Deleotion) E.E. Mr. K.G. Brennan, Lmbassador to Switzerland (Vice-Chairman of the Delecration) Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 AUSTRALIA (contd.) rn,tte Renreser C.A. Brennan, Atto211-3y Ceneral1-2 DeDartmJnt D.J. Guppy, Deparilaiat of Minerals and Energy M:r. P. Ryan, Department of Agriculture Yr. R.J. Smith, Department of Foreign Affairs T.J. Curtin, Depar,m3nt of the Environment and Conservation T'antain I. Knox, Departmenl, of Defence Hr. K. Waller, The Treasury Mr. H.C. Mott, Foreigr ilfarro NT. A.J. Francombe, 1.bp2rtment, of Transport Mr. G. McGregor, Perman.-)nt Mission, United Nations, Geneva Mr. J.S. Bailey, Embassy, Bangkok Advisers Mr. Gordon Neil Bilney Mr. Alan Robert Oxley- , Mr. Francis Perry Nolan ,Secretary_of the Delegation) Mr. D.J. Rochford AUSTRIA Representatives Mr. Franz Weidinger, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary,. Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Michael Fitz, Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) Mr, Helmut Tuerk, First-Oecret7ry, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr, Gerhard Hafner, Assistant Professor, University of. Vienna Spacial Adviser Mr. Stephan Verosta, Professor, University of Vienna BAHRAIN Representatives Mr. Wasfi Al-Nimer (Chairman olLILL2212.2Lia) Mr. Ahmed Abbas- Ahmed Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/94.: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 BANGLADESH Represent i..,.?, e H.E. Mr. Tee. Abu Sayeed Chowdhury, Special Representative of the Government (Chairm the_Deleotion) Mr. Haruriar RasCiLd, Legal .Advfqe rector General, Ministry of For-1 Lffairs (Vic e-'1 of the pole.- ) Alternate 1-? entatives . Mr. Mohiuddin Named, First Secrei;ary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva -Mr. Maui Af,zalur Rahman, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations BELGIUM Reprsentants M. A. van der Essen, Minictre -oler'cotentiaire, Mini9tere des affaires trangres (chef_de_ia daegation) _ M. A. Onkelinx, Conseiller, mission permanents, Nations Unies, Geneve M. W. Bentein, Conseiller, administration de la marine, Ministere des communizations M. H. Nolard, Secretairo d'administration, Ninistere des affaires 6trangeres Nile J. Harroy, Altar he, mission 7,:ermanente, Nations Unies, Geneve BHUTA.1`..T Recreseptaties H.R.H. Prince N. Wangchuck, Minister for Trade, industry and Forests (Chairman of the Detek,ation) E.E. Mr. Dago T.&ring, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, PerManent. Representative to the United ilations, New Yor% (Vice-Chairman_of-Lthe_Del.eori Mr. Tobgyel Dorji, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rinchhen Tsering, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations New York BOLIVIA Representantes S.E. Sr. Gu3tavo Medeiros Qnc,rejazu, Embajador en Nision Especial (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Felipe Tredinnick, Embajador, Director General de Regimen Intern? der Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Jere Adjuntb de la delegacion) S.E. Sr. Jose' Serrate, Embajador, Renresentante-permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra S.E. Sr. Julio Eguino-Ledo, Embajadcr, Representante alterno ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Sta. Wilima Banoer, Consejere, Vi in permanente, Yabiones Unidas, Ginebra Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 BRAZIL Deere entatives Ramiro Saraiva Guerroiro, Ambassador, Secretary-General of External Relations, ,-Istry of External Relations (Chairman of_the Deleffation) Carlos Calera Rodrigues, .Lmbassador to Poland .(Vice-Chairman the Deleation) D. Sergio Flartihs Thompson Flores, CounL2lior f Embassy, Permanent Mission, United Rations, New York Captain Murillo de Souto Maier Castro, Brazilian Navy Mr. Vicente Marotta Rangel, Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Sao Paulo ? Jos?auricio Figueiredo Bustani, Secretary, Embassy, Vienna Mr. Luiz Augusto Saint lIcisson de Araujo Castro, Secretary of Embassy, Consulate General Los Angeles, United States Mr. Flavio Perri, Secretary, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Washington Luis Pereira do Souza Neto, Secretary, JMinistry of External Relations' Mr. Renan de Arimatea Pereira, Fisheries Development Organization (SUDEPE), Ministry of Agriculture, Rio do Janeiro BULGARIA Representatives H.E. Mr. Alexander Yankov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James (Chairman of the Delegation) Matei Karassimeonov, lied of the Legal Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the Dele7ation) Mr. Dicho Uzunov, Rear-Admiral, Ministry of Defence Mr. Ilia Kolchakov, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Valentine Bojilov, Permanent-Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. Nikolai Nedialkov, Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Stephan Jordanov, Linistry of the Forests and Environment Mr. Anasstass Vulkanov, Ministry of Transport Secretary of the Delegation Mrs. Antonia Terzyeva Representatives H.E. U Win Pe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland (Chairman of the Delegation) ? U Kyaw Min, Deputy Director, Legal and Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dew Than Han, Deputy Dire tar, Research Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Nyunt Maung Shein, Second Secretary, Embassy, Bern iternate Representative U Tin Maung Aye, Second Secrotary, Embassy, Bern Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Ron ';ives? . _ ? Mr. A.:..ex;,ndr A. Zdanovich, ini:Iter of Justice f of the Delegation) Pr. 71',,,dJmjr V. Grekov, Head, Department of Interna lora] Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. T?_udoveld A. Sobolev, Advi_ r Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. Sorrel S. amelnitski, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Victor M. Borovikov, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CANADA Re'prentatives Yr. Allan J. MacEachen, 2.C., M.P. E.E. Yr. Rona)d Basford, P.C., M.P. H.E. :re. Jeanne Saav-.., 2.C., H.E. Mr. Romeo Le Blanc, P.C., 17.P. te ate Reoresentatives Mr. J. Alan Beesley, , . Mr. Paul A. Lapointe (Second Committee) Mr. Donald G. Crosby (First Committee) Mr. Leonard H. Legaul (Third Committee) Advisers Mr. Erik I. Wang (Coordinator of the Dele.oTtion) Mr. Terence C. Bacon ;Co..2:rof the Delfgation) Fede re Ext Government Der=traen-, Mr. Michael B. Phillips, Adviser Mr. Robert Auger,- Adviser Mr. Gerald J.R. Chartrand, S7)ecial Projects Officer for Administration M?. Jason Reiskind, Adviser Mr. Alan Sweatman, Adviser Mr. Douglas McCashin, Assistant Press and Liaison Officer _El??2rgy,L Mines and Resources Mr. Thor Thorgrimssor, Adviser Mr. Donald F. Sherwin Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Advisers (contd) Fnvi_rqnment If?. AI-red W.H. Needier, Adver Michael P. Shepard Mr. Cl J. Campbell Mr. Geoffrey Holland Mr. James D. Kingham Mr. B. John Cooper Mr, Bernard I. AopLebauti M3. H. JanE, Caskey Mr. E. Ronald Baynes Ms. Mary E. Walsh Indian and .Northern Affairs Mr, J. Perry Anglin Justice Mr. Armand C. deMestral National Defence Commander Roger A.. Evans Science and Technolo.07 Mr. H. Leslie Smith Transport Nr. Ronald R. MacGillivray Parliamal2L1ry_Advisers Mr. Hugh A. Anderson Mr. Alexandre Cyr Mrs. lona Campagnolo Mr. Lloyd R. Crouse Er. Walter C. Carter Mr. Stuart Leggatt Mr. Eudore Allard Provincial Government Advisers Mr. Gordon F. Coles, Mr. R. Gerald Conrad Mr. L4once Chenard Mr. Robert 1:CMYnn Mr.. Cabot Martin CAL.1DA (contd.) Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/64 CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Advise- -ontci) In(lust;c- Advisers Mr. :h. IL. Harrison Kennth E. Campbell J02ph Garcia Mr. Eo?-: Stevens Mr. Eric Uovre Mr. Kevin Condon Mr. Douglas Pyke Mr, Maurice quintand Mr. Charles H. Elliott Yr. John S. Poyen Administrative Staff Hr. Iaur-nt, Million Lr. W. Stanley Craig Dale I. Chisholm Mr. Juaciri CnareLte Miss Lucy Desgagne Miss Elizabeth P. Flack Miss Mary Grunau Rosemarie Singer Ms. Carols Ozzard /Miss Louise Gaudreault Miss Audrey Smale Mr. J.P. Walsh Mr. J.S. 2obinson CANADA (contd.) CENTRAL AIRICAN REPUBLIC Repr6sentants S.E. M. Rogr-Magleiro Domha, Ambassadeur N Berne M. Marazade, deuyiAl. N. Kanganzilat, attach,: commercial CHILE Representat-ives H.E. Mr. Fernando Zegers, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chaii.Lan Of the. Delegation) Captain Artlzro Silva, Chilean Navy Commander .,-rturo Garcia, chilaan Navy Commander Alfonso Filippi, CIu.lean Navy Mr. Francisco Orrego, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Santiago Benadava, ELnistry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Patricio Prieto, Legal adviser Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - 9 - CMI LB (contd.) to ReDre?ientn.tives , - - It. Commander Eduardo Alvayay, ican Mary C.2tavio Errazuriz, Yirs!,; Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jorge Iglesias, Ministry of toreign Affairs Second Secretary, Cristian. Malueira, -Third Score:tory, Ministry of 'Foreign Affairs Nr. Pedro Gyarce, Ministry of foreign Affairs Third Secretary, Enrique Gajardo, Ambassador, Adviser, Ministry of foreign Affairs CHINA Reorosentants N. Pi Chi-lung, Directeur adjoint in D6w;rtement des organisations internationales et des traits et lois internationaux, Ministere des affaires 4trangeres .(chef de la d616?gation) N. Yang Chung-li, Reprasentant permanent adjoint, Mission IDermanente aupris de l'Office des Mations Unies, ':-eneve (chef adpint de_-J;a_do3.p.tion) M. to Yu-ju, Directeur adjoint du Eux,2au ocanigue d'etat N. Chang Ping-hsi, Ingnieur on chef dU D4partement de la gelologie, Commission du Plan d'etat M. He Tsai-shuo, Officio' in D6parter:ent des organisations internationales et des traites et lois internationaux, Nines bre des affaires 4trangeres Suropi6ants _ . _ _ _ Tien Chin, Chef de Service du Drortement des organisations internationales et des traites et lois internationaux, Ninistere des affaires etrangeres . ihiog Chia-tsai, Chef de service in Bureau oOdanique d'etat Cuyang Chuping, Chef adjoint de service in D6partement des organisations internationales et des traitas et 13is internationaux, Miristere des affaires otrangres N. Lin Chia-sen, Deuxime secrataire, Mission permanente, Nations Unies, Geneve .vr. nen Chih-cheng, Chef adjoint de service du Bureau d'administration et de contra:La d.0 1-;ort, Ninistere des Communications N. Liu Han-hui, Chef adjoint de service du Bureau oc6anique d'etat Corsetllers MIII Chong-ju, Juriste du D6partement des organisations internationaies et des traltds et lois internationau:: M. Li Sheng-chiao, D6artemont des organisc.tiens int2rnationales el: des trat:J., ui. lois ? Id M. Mien, Mission Jrudanente, Nations Males, Geneve Membres du personnel M. Yang Wei-yang 1,771e Chao Pao-chen Tsien Te-sheng N. Yu Yuan-cheng N. Chin Ning-yuan Mme "NSiao Ya-sien Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 CClij ,mbajador Ext-r'aordi lrjo.y Pierotenciario en 1,1iSq. de. 12 (12-1 r\ C,arces Giraido, iader Extraordinaric y Plenipotenclaria en Espela), Repro,entante ru::le ante la Oficina de las' Nacicacs Unidas, Gine-bra S.E. Sr. 3.-rios UoinLtfl Hoigrrr, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciazio en Tlin E2p2cial S.E. Sr. :ariano Ospina Hernandez, Icrba,iadr Extraordinario y Pionipbt,nolario en Especial S.E. Sr. ntonic Izquierdo Davila, Embaja,br Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario en Mistin Especial S.E. Sr. JajuGn Geri, EMbajador Exraordinario y Planipotenciario en Mijon Especial, Jefe de la Oficina de Planea,2iin del flinisterio de Relaciones Exteris S.E. S.T.-J.)aquin Fonseca Tru(x..le, Embajadcr Extraordinarlo y Plenipotenciario en Pasian Especial, Subsecretarlo de Organismos y Conferencias Internacionales del'inf7terio de Relaciones Exteri,.,res S.E. Contralmdrante Guidberto Banana, Embajador Extraordinario y PleniT)otnclario en Mision Especial, Director General llarrtimo y Portuario S.E. Teniente Coronel julielondoffo Parede, Embajador Extraordinario y Tleninoteneiaric en 7,lision Especial, Jefe de la Divisian de Fronteras del Mlnistero de Relaciones Ext or: S.E. Sr. alrlque Gaviria Iiievano, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario en Mislon Especial Sra. Gialys Pul:)cio de Guarin, Primer Secrotario Sta. ..9atriz de Mendoza; Primer Secretario, Embajada, Bruselas Gra. inrela Herran, Primer Secretaric, alsian Permanente, Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDF'82S00697R000300090017-0 R --eenLantes 5.5. Sr. Polegri'n Torras de la Lus, 1.71coministro del Ministerio de Relaciones Exuricres (jefe de la delergabib'n) S.E. Sr. Carlos Lechuga Hevia, Embaidor, Representante For merle ante la ina de las Naciones UndZias, Ginebra (Jefe Adjunto_de la dele-ccacian) 5.5. Sr. Enriaue Camejo-Arg 5-bajddcr, Director del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Primer Ccmandante Emigdio Bdes Vigc, Jefe dl Estado Mayor de la Marina de Guerra Revolubionaria Sr. Niguel DtStefano Pissani, Asesor :1'..Lri-dico del Ministerio de Relaciones Extericres Sr. Jose A. Rabaza V.sques, EsDecialista de 19s Asuntos Relativos a la Soberan5a Marltima y Aerea del Tlinisterio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Domingo Hernandez de Armas, Jefe del Denartamerto de Asuntos jurldicos Naltilateraies del Ministerio de -..Laciones Exteriores Comndante Jorge FernE1ndez Cuervo, Director del Instituto_Cubano de Eidrografia Sr. Ernesto Marziota Delgado, Esbecialiata de Politica iviarltimay Organi-Smos internacionales del Ministeric de la Marina Mercantey _Puertos Sr. Parson A. Santander PHez, Director del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales del Instituto Naci=a1 de la Pesca Capitin Alfredo Guerrero, Jefe de la _I)reccian de Hidrografia del Instituto- Cubano de Hidrograffa Sta. Amelia MuEoz Gracia, Se,Jreta-ia de la delegaciZn Sr. Jordi Prat Saun, Funoionario del Tlinisterio de Relaciones -Exteriores (interbrete de la deleR;acion) =RUS Renre-;ent2tives 5.5, Mr. Andreas j. Jacovides, Hlizh :omsfissioner to Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, Deputy Peraanent Representative to the United Nations, New York (Chairman of the -Delegation) Mr. i_ndreas Mavrommatis, Special Ad7isr to the Ninistry of Foreign Affaits, Rebresentative to the Conference of Security and Co-operation in Europe (Vice-Chairman of the Delgatien) Yr. Licos Maoris, Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva its. Cnristoforos Yiangou, Attac.h4, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 CZECHCSLUVAKIA Z.1rL Fisk, Ambassador, , Ne ad c the Int ernai; ibn-, 1 Law -f2apramt of Foreign Affairs Ojilai=;.r. --r JarslavSt h1, Counsellor of Embassy,-.Deputy Pertanent RepresenLailie to the Cffica of the United Nations, Geneva Rio rd Loll, First Secretary, Intert:ational Law Department, iinistry of F'orin Affairs Lao. VlaI?:lr Kbpal , Profess-or of international Law, . Academy of Sciences DEMOCRATIC PEG-PILE'S -REPUBLIC OF KOR,EA H.E. Mr. It In Gyu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Congo 7nal.rman.. of the Delegation) Pak Chrr,ng Sok:, (-Vice-Gliairman .of Dye Pyong, (Vice-Chairman of the Po1e.;2;ation) Li aing Zin /Kr, Yun Tai 1701:g Hr. KLII Myong -DENMARK . N.E. Mr. For FDrCn, Ambassador, Under-Secretary of State for Legal At. fairs , 2.iini5try of Foreign Affairs (Cha-irman of_the Delegatien) 1,1r. Frederik Kiaer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs bac-' mon of the DeleOtidn) Einar Kalliberg, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs JoIan-nes Fyns Buhl, Assistant Head of Division, ianistry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ib Andreas-.-n, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs Birgit te N/lier, Head of Section, Hi -istry of Foreign Affairs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - 1 a.:10MARK (con td.) brosent,_ lois Cheianit2;, Ghai c. Greenland Provinoial Council IN. V.J, Christensen, o:tmtana Ministry of Df once Atli Dam, Head of xcese Homa Government . Gesa i.ssistant noel of Division, inistr;:i of Cowie:roe lIe Niels Carlo Heilmann, -.)f the Greenland Provincial Council , Mm V/gg H. Jacobsen, ssistant Professor, Ministry of the Environment_ Mr. Hagen j/rgensen, Head of Section, Ministry of Commerce Mx. E. Lemche, Head of Section, Ministry of Greenland Mr. Maud likkegaard, Head of Division, Ministry of Fisheries Mx. b. Nols/, High Court Judge, Prime Minister's Office (Faroese HOE2 Government) Er. J. N/rgaard, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Fisheries Mr. Kari Petersen, Head of Section, Faroese Home Government Mr. Petur Reinert, Member of the Farce cc Home Government Mr. S. Worm, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce _Advisors 71r. Jens Degerb/l, Mana2-ing Director, Danish Shipowners' Association Er. Siren Knudsen, Chairman of the Danish Fishermen's Association Mr. K. Pontoppidan, Secretary to the Management, 1.!,nish Shipowners' Association Mr. Uffe Lind Rasmussen, Secretary, Danish Shipowners Association Mir. J. Riven, Secretary, Danish Shippwners' Associaion Er, Lauxir,z Tc/rnaes, Chairman of the Danish Deep-Sea Fishermen's Association DGlIIDICIJT REPTBLIC Represehtante S.P, Sr. Fabio =cra-Roa, Embajador, Representant parmanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas, Ginabra E(;)1.-P-12 Eepr?,ertotives H.E. lir. Ahmed Osman, Ambassador (Chairman of,the :Delelstion) Er. Nabil Elaraby, Counsollor, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Mr. Nofid Shehab, Professor of international Law, Cairo University Brigadier-General Mohamed El-Gazar, Egyptian Navy Mahmoud Imam Abdou, Ministry of Naval Transportations Mr, Fahmy Ramadan, National Research Centre Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Repr:--se:-..tants Sr. -;'..lauro Lar dc !aII Sr. Salvador Day or: ore Sr. Ernesto en Francia Sr. Gabriel Pons Ginebra o Galindo Pohl, Permanent e ant .2.ktraordinario y PienipotenciarLo, lee :_i-acicns Unidas, ;2,-uev'a York (Jefejd:ej.a id l Vides Casanova, :=Jeoretario Particular a . arrete Azurdia, As Arrieta Peralta, Delegado Al),:erno S esor j..?Idicio del Airst,,rio de relaciones 7-xtraorainario y Pleni-botenciario ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas, ETHICPLA ic. Hails. Wolds Giorgis, Assistant 'Minister ((.:orman_of_Jhe pel..e.gatios0 Wolde Nikal Keletcha, Aosistant Hr Temesen Samuel, Legal Ldviser, Ministry and. P)sts, Department of Marine FIJI and Member of the National Council, Ministry of A.pTriculture of Corm:mi.nications, ves Mr. Sa!-,ya H. Nandan, Counsellor, Pe=anent Mission, United Nations, New York (chaToanJj....tM_Re..1en) 1.*.r. Donald. McLoughlin, Consultant, Department of Foreir. Affairs 7 Li 177.7,- ? ReEresna, ves ILE. Me. Paul Gustafsson, Ambassador, Director for Legal Affairs, Ministry bf Foreign Affairs r. MiJ 1-lanner, Judge of the Supreme Court, Legal Adviser for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Llterrate ..e-cresentatives Pr. Holger Retkirch, Chief of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yr. Erkki Kivia;ai, First Secretary of Embassy, Embassy in Washington Pr. Kari PakapLu, Licentiate of Laws, Univ,Lrsity of Helsinki Mr. Mcka Niskanen, inspector, Ministry for Forestry and Agriculture 7;:r. Heikki Muttilainen, Chief of Se2ion, Ministry of Trade and Industry Tula HEr.inen, Research offic(-:r, Ministry of Interior Tim Attach6, Minist-v fer.Fereicn Lffeirs . Approved For Release 2002/04/04: dA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 PRAN-CE entants Cavaille, &ecretaire dlEbat Tro ',-;orts (chef , lei Itlen). Guy L-,.tdreit de -J,Jeliarriere, Manistre -rd. ni-uotentiaire, Directeur des afLQUfaires 4, nistere des affaires St / C a dele Co -seillers oarle, - taires M. drd Colin, Senateur, President de la comm.! sion des affaires etra4eares, ia defense et des forces armees do Tdnat N:rc. Pecan, ? Depute: Frederic Gabriel, Depute illers laires etrangeres M. Roger Jeannel, anistre planipotentiaire,dire teur-adjoint des affaires juridiques (Sunoleant du chef adloint de la delegation) It Robert Fauris, ccnseiller des affaires etrargeres, mission permanente Office des Nations Unies, Geneve N. :Jean-Pierre Lafon, secretaire des affaires etrangeres, services des affaires generales, Direction des affaires economlques et financieres N. Bernard Roux, attache d' administration centrals, direction des affaires juridiques Mlls -rgarie-Andree Nalrajt, chargee he mission, service des affaires scientifiques, direction g41-16-rairr: des relations culture Lies scientifiques et techniques - - de :la ddfennciouaLo Capitaine de fregate Guirec Doniol, Division des a faires militaires Justice jaoques Bigay, Magistrat, Ohef du bureau du droit penal europeen et international, Direction des affaires criminelles et des graces N. Regis he Goat Las, Magistrat, Direction des affaires criminelles et des graces r:cnitre-Amiral Henri Labrousse, otat major des armies ommissaire en chef de la marine Michel Paraiso, Direction centrale du Commissariat de la marine Economic ct finances Capitaine he Vaisseau Claude Hear, conseiller technique h la Direction des douanes-, Direction generale des douanes et des droits indirects M. Pierre Duret, Inspecteur central des dcuanes, Direction. generale des douanes st de'a droits indirecta N. Roger Tre tare, Administrateur civil, :Direction generale des douanes et des droits indireets Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 cd leoJr,O.) Ingenieur en chef -_!e ::;hef du SorvLee Nic.nge des urcbThmes lac de l'oc6an, Secretariat. d'Etat environnement m. Jean?L,cLcoiajcc Crach, Charg?e mission an Secretariat d'Etat A lrenvironnement Joansoc Administrateur des affaires maritimes, chare de mission an Secretariat d'Etat- l'environnement t -echerche Gabriel Turquet de Beauregard, Ingeniear geLccdral des mines, Pr?dent dela .section cutre?mer du. Conseil general des nines Tr-nsports dianne marchande Rene Thibaudau, Administrateur civil, direeteur des peches mar! Limes Ni Claude Dcuay, Magistrat, conseiller juridique aupr,'es du Secrataire geh:erad. M. Rd is de Baecque, ingenieur des ponts et chaus64es, adjoint du SecretAire general N. jean?Claude Baulard, Auditeur au conseil.drEtat, edjoint du Seoretaire general Andr?aguet, Administrateur civil, directeur?adjoint des peones maritimes N. Bertrand Labrausse, administrateur civil, Sous?Directeur des peches maritimas M. Xavier Duclaux, Ingenieur en chef de l'armement, adjoint aur Directeur de la flotte de commerce et de l'equipement naval N.' Serge Garache, attach?administraticn ?rtrale, Direction des peches maritimes p.ntexnents e5 Territaires d'outre?mer Dominique David, Conseiller technique an cabinet du Secretaire d'Etat- Daniel Gauffre, Attach?'administraion centrale charg?es affaires maritimes Corseillers Rone?Jepn turuy, professeur, directeur de l'Institut du droit de la paix et du d6velorpement de l'Uriversite de Nice, score. Lame general de ii. 'Academic de droit internticnal de La Haye, nembre de l'institut de droit international L. jean?Pierre Quenaudec, Professeur h la Faculte de droit et des sciences 6conomiques de itUnivercit4 de Montpellier Secretaire general de la Delegation Mlle Marie?Arnie Martin?Sand, Conseiller deo affaires etrangeres, Service des affaires. scientifiques, Direction generale des relations culturelles, scientifiques et techniques, idinistire des affaires etrang7eres Secratare gdrMrai adjoint . Michel Auchre, conseiller des affaires etrangres, Direction des Nations Uniea et des organisations internationales, Minotere des affaires 4trangres torts techriirues nes et metaiiurRie M. Roger Aulry, ingenieur des mines .et de ia metellurp:ie Andr?oc, ingenieu.r dos mines et de la m6tallurgie Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 17 71=E (contd.) ?rts techniques (suite) Pch,:7) M. Yu-breuil, Pr6Sident du comiL6 central des Ochas maritimes 1 Alain Parres', Secretaire ga;neral da l' Union des amateurs U la pZ,che de Prance N. Guillemont, Seor6taire g6n6ral de la P6dration des- syndicate d'armateurs a in pche de liAtlantique Mlle Mbussu, Conseiller juridicae du comite central des amateurs de France GAMBIA Representatives N. U. Saho, Attorney General (C,hair?.?2f_je_P-Otion) Nr. S.K. O'Brien Coker, Solicitor-General and Legal Secretary (Vice:Chairman of the Delegation) Captain B. M. Saila, Managing Director, Gambia Port Authority Mr. A. 0. Taylor-Thomas, Senior Fisheries Officer GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Representatives Mr. Ewald Moldt, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Chairman of. he Delegation) Mr. Gunter Goerner, Deputy Head of the Law and Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) H. E. Mr. Gerhard Kegel, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nr-tions, Geneva Mr. Harry Wuensche, Professor, Academj for Political Science and Jurisprudence Commander Lothar Noeckel, Ministry of Jational Defence Mr. Walter Ranke, Association of the nationally-owned enterprises of deep-sea fishing Mr. Armin Braune, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers --------- Mr. Gerhard Reintanz, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg Mr. Hans-Juergen Rogge, Central Geological Institute Mr. Rudolf Kunst, Ministry of Transport Mr. Christian Maul, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Management Mr. H rbert Trotz, Board of Navigation Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 GT-Ti),I,LA1TY, PI:2TTBLI.0 C"":3' Forsch, Minister of C reJOn OfUtse(Chairc.: Knoke, Am'oassado Cfrlce Deputy rflad of 'gs'o=ics Division, Foreign Office (- 2..FL.he LeleJ.-;atioL) Col-ha., Breuer, Director of Sea Transport Affairs, Ministry of Transpor Dr cifice:phai=an_ol:_the Delegatieq) Guenther Jaenicke, Professor of International Law, Frankfurt University? / Al mate r'ceserotives ii. honAugus Fleischhauer, Counsellor, Foreign Office ? Polanl Ca lii no,Counsellor, EprrAgn Office Cornell 7:71etternich, Connselior,.2ermanent.hlssien, United Nations, New York . ? Wilfried leicbteCounsellor, Foreign Office Ad-sl Elite:: von Wagner, Counsellor, Foreign .Office Mr, Werner Kaufmann-Buehler, First 3ecretary, Foreign Office Lenniw.7 Wegener, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva (Fr, Dietrich Praun, Counsellor, Perrlannt (Fission,. United Nations, Geneva IA. Sle'fri ed Schuxm, Counsellor, Permanen7, Mission) United Nations, Geneva F. tkJ-hard. Schober, First. Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Mr, re';er Rauschenberger, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Tylcs, Counsellor, Ministry of the interior ? Ferdinnd Fee.1, First Secretary, Minis;:ry of the Interior ? BernarJ Grasshof-COunSell'or, Minstly of Justice Peer 'Etej,=r, ?irst. Secretary, Ministry of Economics. ? Jschen Maxtin, First Secretary, Ministry of E'conowidb.- l?''oeckling-hoff, Director of Fisheries, Ministry of Food, Agrioultu're and Forstry Mi./1?171 Shlapper, First Secretary, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry ,Telf-Piet7Ach.Babbel, Captain (Navy), Ministry of Defence Ih-Eeinhard Schneider, Counsellor, Ministry of Defence :L. Otto Franke, C, msellor, Ministry of IA fence Mr, 1;o1i2ganR Hermann, First Secretary, Hinistry of Defence (Fr. llilhoim H. Lampe, Counsellor, Ministry of Transport Max I. (Debden, First Secretary, Ministry of Transport 71r, Cacolnan Freiherr von Welck, First Secretary, Ministry of Research and Technology H,-ns-Juergen Stryk, Counsellor, Xinistry of Economic Cooperation- ? Detief t'rdk:i; First Secretary, Ministry of Economic Cooperation - Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04 :.ClAiRDP82S00697R000300090017-0 GE2Y2,*TY, FEDELRld, IFC:',I2LTI3LIC OF (c:ontd ) o Ha---.-Jenisch, Ministry of E,_:eno.mid and Transport of Land owig--Hoistoi - Ni, Profssor, .Tirector in charge of the German Institute of IEyd:cgcaphy- Ni. Not Wolibrocht, Pr(--_,Zsecr, German Institute of Hydrography Mr. Hrion Blisenbach, Preussag AG, Hannover, Diviion of Marino Technology rLLari IJ1OKNtT, SalzgitterAG,Silizgitter Mr. Earaid Riegar, La:dyer, 1.-,etailgesellochaft AG, Frankfur _ Miss Renate Platzoeder, Resea=h [nstitute .for -International Affairs, ,Mtlencl" Mr. Wolf ng Graf Vitzthum, F:,culty of international and Public Law, Univeroity of Foe ibog Mr. Bernd Kroeger, German Shipping Union, Hamburg Mr. '?rtmut von Brevern, German Ship2ing Union, Hamburg .1,Tr. Wolfgang Bahn, HAPAG-Lloyd AG Mr. Stephan Graf Vitzthum, German Mining Union Mr. joachim Genschow, Association of German Trawler Owners Yr. Friedrich Wilhelm Norwitz, Association of German Trawler Owners Secretaries Mr. R.--lph von Hunnius Miss Rosemarie Herten heor,-,,entatives :I.E. Mr. E. N. Moore, Commissioner for justice an,_ fttorney General (chairman c?,f_the_Delegai?ion) H.E. Mr. F. E. Boaten, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent he!-.;resentative to the United Nations, New York (Vic27Chairman_of_the Delegation) Mr. Ti.. W, Vanderpuye, Director, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr, K, 0, Kumii_First ?Secretayermnnent Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. G, Nikoi, Stat&.Atterney,:Attorney Conerai'N Office Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 U. b. L:=tantine StavrcT)oulos, Under Seeretary of St7;te for Foreign AffaLrs (Chaj=,rr of the Dellegati john ToulouPas, Ambassador, (Yicer_Chai-,rman,,ef_the_Delepier) thar,asies Potrcooulos, Minister Pleninotentiary, DirecZor of the International Organiaticns Department, Ministry of Foreign ffairs NH, FrangoUlis, Counsellor of Embassy Mr. George Savvaides, Secretary of Embassy Advisr- Mr. Constantino Eustathiades, Professor, Legel Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr, Elias Krispis, Professor, Faculty of Lau, University of Athens Mr. Patrcolo53 Konialis, Vice Admiral, Hellenic Navy Command Tr..r. Nicholas Dontas, Legal Counsel, Hellenic Armed Forces Command. Kr. Constantine Economides, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yr. John. Zafiropouice, Oceanographer, Commander, liellenic Navy Command Mr. John Bornovas, Geologist, Ministry of Industry Mn, Triant. Papageorgiou, Commander, Hellenic Coast Command Er- -CharaIambos Sarafis, Director of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture MT. Manuel Ve-rycokakis, institute of Oceanographic and Fishing Researches -'11e- John Perrakis, Legal Counsel, Chamber of Shipping Kr, Gregory Timagenis, Chamber of Shipping Alaxandr rhylactopoulos, Assistant Legal Adviser CUATEMALh Renre:Rentartes S.E. Sr, A]ejandro 'Maldonado Aguirre, Embajador Extraordinaric y Plenipotenciario, Pepresn.ntanhe Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Nugva York (Jefe la_de.10i6n) S,E. Cr.. Cc shave Santiso (1',1ves, Em:bajador, Director is Organismos Internaciond,les del Ministeric de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. ErFnciscc Villagr6n Kramer, Embajador Sr. Aiberte Dupont-Willemin, C6nsul General, Ginebra ore Sr. Antonio Pallares Buonafina GUINEA Repzesnts M. K4doura Camara, Ministre is la Oche et de l'elevage (Chef de la d4le.e,tion) M. ,Tr,an C.,,mara, Attache:, Embassade, Rome M. Daniel Lopis, Haut fonr,:tionnaire, affaires ext6rieures M. Tbrahima Sory Bangoura, Haat fonctionnaire, ministre des transports M. Mamadeu Cherif Diallo, professeur Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Herr Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 21 - FAITT S.E. M. Joseph Baguidy, __-assa(13ur a.Berne (Chsfdela M. Serge Elie Charles, 7,:inistre conseiller, Flission pernansrte9 ations Urdes, New Yar14: M. .Antoin-e- BETral-a, direote= adjoint, Bureau des affaires politiquas? Wpartament des affaires 4trangeres Hai/ 5145 Representants ? S.E. NA:1'. Francesco Saverio Zupi (0 f de_la, d4. ratiog) Mgr. Francesco Canalini Mgr. Faustino Sainz MUaoz Mlle Miriam Theresa Rooney, profasseur Dere Francois Russo, S.J., profs2,sseur M. Ludovico Matteo Bentivoglio, professeur M. 'Tito BaIlarino, lorofesseur S.E. Sr. Mario Carias, Embajador, Naciones Unidas, Ginebra (I2LL S.E. Sr. Roberto Herrera Caceres, Extericres Sr. Jose Manuel Cantor, Primer Sc HONDURAS Representant::: Permanents ante la Oficina de las Embajador. Assor del MinisteriodeT.elaclones 3retario, Misi6n Permanents, Naciones Unidas, Ginebra HUNCUY Representatives Mr. Arpad Prandler, Head of Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Ferenc Nemes, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yr. Gyula Zsemb6ry, Senior Adviser, Department of Shipping, Ministry of Post and Communications Mr. Gy61-67 Szen4;si, Attach?Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 B.F. T:L% Ins G. :.ndersen., ArifcaLyr., Te.,.--.a._ 2,_:vise-,-- of -'7:-7.e 7.n....1trI7- Of ?:.O]:.-.'n.,2-.ffairs. cf the Deleiwabicn) L 1 L. ArneldsT-Seoretery-Ge;=81 c-.1. tbs Ministr7 of.2iS'n=tes Mr,..N.5.r ETson.,. Director of .Fisheries Mr. .J6n. J6nsson, Director of the Marine Research Institute Mr. Benedikt Grbndal, MeMber of Pa,-liament Mr. B. Gils fudmundson, MeMber of PsH..iame:-.1z Mr. Tiaraid,...r Ren:Ysson, judge Mr, Th6rarinn Th6rarinsson, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Foi&r, Affairs - Committee Mr. Th6r Viihj&lasson, Professor of Law, University of Iceland INDIA Re.cresentative:s. H.E. Br, H.E, Gokhale, Minister of Law, Justice and Company Delgation) E.E. hr. S.Y,). Jaiote, Ambassador, joint Secretary and Leal Adviser Ministry of. Exte:mal Affairs (Vice-ChairmAn,of_the_Deje,m-t,iaq) dl bereaj?enres9rtatives Mr. Paasw,-,...,7.y, Chief of. Petroleum Ercicration, Miristry of Petroleum and.ChelaQals Mr. Visay Verma, Director, United Nations Livision, Tj.inisbry of Exteruel Afflirs Commodo:ce ILL. Fraser, Chief HydrogrA-ohe:r, GevrrxrAlt of India Mr, V.K.S. Varadan, Deputy Director-General, Geological Survey of India Shaima, Judge-Advocate-General (72Tavy), Ministry of,Defence _ Professor P.C. George, Joint Commissioner (Fisheries), Dani3try of Agriculture Mr. B.H. Mr. P.C. MT. I.C. Affairs Y,ap.chanda, Consul-General, Geneva Rao, Legal Adviser, Permanent Miecion, United Motions, Geneva . Jain, Law _Officer, Legal and Treaties Division, Ministry of External Affairs Oen Rao, Law Officer, Legal and Treaties Division, Ministry of External Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 25 INDONESIA Hcprsentatives fE.Mr. Mochi;ar Kusumaatmadja, Minister of Juatice of. Soedarneno, Chairman of Co-ordihatif4; Committee on tr S--)ttianz of the National Boundaries. and the Sea-bed Problems, Department of Defense and Security 'ice-Chalrman_c-12 the_Deition) U E,i IT Djajadiningrat, Ambassador. Director General for Political Affair, Department of Foreign Affairs (1/ce7Chairman_cf_the_Deleol'ajon) H.E. Mr. Ch, Anwar Saab, Ambassador i-,;xtraerdinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent PLepresentative to the United Nations, Few York ( of the Deleon) E.E. Mr. Abdullah Kamil, Ambassador Extruordinazy ard ffenipotentiary to :1"..lstria (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) Alternate Representatives Mr. T.G. Napitupula, Senior Official, Department of Justice Er. Hasanuddin. Saanin, Senior Official, Department of Agriculture Rear Admiral Prasodjo Mahdi, Senior Official, Department of. Defense. and Security Colonel Trihardjo, Senior Official, Department of Defense and Security Mr. Hasjim Djaial, Minister Counsellor, Embassy, Singapore Mr. Sanitioso, Senior Official, Department of Communications Mr. Sumbarjono, Senior Official, Department of Mining Enny Soeprapto, First Secretary,. Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Mr. Kcegroho Wisnoemoerti, Third Secretary, PerMarent Mission, United Nations, ITeT Yor Mr. Adie Soemardiman, Official, Department of Defense and Security Mr, Indra Malela Damanik, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Boediman Darmosoetanto, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs IRAN Re2sesentatiyes H.E. Mr. tzedine Kazemi, PmbaSsador, Director of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chairman cf_t]::,p Deleition) Mr. Farrokh Pari, First Secretary, PerManent Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. Iradj Said-Vaziri, First Secretary, Embassy, Drugsels Mr. Hadi Sadeghi, First Secretary, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affa: re Mr. Jamshid Momtaz, Assistant Professor, University rf Tehran Advisers Mr. Mohamad All Movahed, Chief Counsellor, National Iranian Oil Company Mr. Ezatollah Shahida, Legel Adviser, National Iranian Oil Company Mies Shirin Aman-Pour, Attach4r Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretary of the Delegation) Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 .L.kf:1D R.E. Mr. C;,;. Cremin, Ambassador E7r,ra:)rdinary and Pleri.00tantlary . Mx. -P. 2.,;i2non f.ayes, Assistant Secret-r-T-G-!neral and Legal Adqiser., epartmAnt of Foreign .i',ffairs Miss Geraldine Skinner, Assistant Legal Adiriser, Department of Poxsign Affairs Mx. Patrick Cradock, First Secretary, Economic Division, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Seamua"010eallain, Consultant, Department of Agriculture and ,Fisheries Mr. Piers a.R. Cardiner, Senior Geologist, Geological Survey Office of Ireland Mr. Keith Robinson, Geophysicist, Geological Survey Office Of Ireland Mr. Colm O'hEocha, Professor, Chairman and Chief Scientific Adviser, National Science Council Mr. Brendan Finucane, Principal Scientific Ad7iser, National Science Council Advisers Mr. Brendan O'Kelly; Chairman, Irish Sea Fisheries Board tarrts Miss Mary regan, Department of Foreign Affairs ,Miss Monica Murray, Department of Foreign Affairs -Miss Mary Devitt, Department of Foreign Affairs " IVORY COAST Representants S.E. N. Lamina Fadiga, sec:re:fairs d'Etat a la marine (Che dc2ja degzaion.) S.E. M. Simeon Ake, Ambassadeur, representant permanent aupres des Nations Undes New York S.E. M. Benie Nioupin, Ambassadeur, representant permanent aupxs de l'Officc des Nations Unies, Genie 5E 11 Amadou.Traore, ambassadeur en Ethiopie M. Toungara Adama, directeur des hydrocarburss an secretariat d'Etat aux mines M. Paul Ahui, directeur des mines et de la geologie Essy Amara, conseiller, mission permanente, Nations Unies New York M. Wcdie Francis, Professeur, Universite d'Abidjan M. Luc Koffi, directeur des /Aches au Ministere de la production animale M. Jacques Konan, attache de recherche au Ministers de la recherche sciAmtifique M. Eenri Gabriel Kone, charg?e mission 2U secretariat d'Etat aux mines N. Boniface regawagnaba, directeur de la marine marchande M. Desire Tano4, directedr de l'administration centrale et des affaires consulaires an Ministere des affaires 4-bra-ageism Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - ;2-5 JAMAICA T2.2111.aki.2M 747. DUdiey Th.CM7=0., g.C., ainistr of State in of tthe Nr Kenneth Lattray, Ambassador, Solidi the Deleaption) Mr. L.B. Francis, Deputy High Co=issioner, attawa Mr, Allan Kirton, Special Adviser, Ministry of External Mr. Patrick Robinson, Crown -Counsel Office crf 'the Frie Minister tor GeneY..-al (7 of Alfairs Alternatepresentativep Mr. Douglas Lindsay, Caribbean Affairs Officer, Ministry of External AlTairs. Mr. Anthony Orr, Senior Legal Officer, Attorney General's Department- C. Eistrup, First Secretary, Embassy, Paris MT% F.A.R.TLoGiichrist, Second. Secreary, PertanentUission, United Nations, Geneva ' JAPAN Representatives H.e Dr Mofoo Ogiso, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (ChairzN7,? of th DeleAp,tion) Mr. Tomoyoshi Kamenaga, abecial Adviser to the Minister for Agricultare and, Forestry Lepal Counsel Mr, Shigeru Oda, Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, PrOfesso-r* of International Law, Tohoku University -? ? Senior Advisers Mr. Shiro Nakamura, Councillor, Secretariat to the Minister,.. Ministry of Transport Mr. Kenzo Kawakami, Special Assistant to the Minister for 'Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives Er. Akio Ishikawa, Director-General, Administrative DepartMent, Maritime Safe't-,,,ifIgency Mr. Kunio Yonezawa, Couc.c.illor, Oceanic Fisheries Department, Fishery Agency Mr. Choji Tomita, Director, Overseas Division, Bureau of Shipping, Ministry of Transport Mr. Takeo IgUchi, Counsellor, Permanent Mission., United Nations, New York Mr. Manabu Shiga, Director, Ocean Development Office, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy' Mr. Tadaabi Mare, Director, Ocean Development and Utilization Division, to the Minister, Ministry of Transport Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 ? ScOmetatiat Approved For Release 2002/04/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 (or?ntd..) Altel-rote (cort:+ .) v,,JmT6.hi, Director, Le,gal .11.1ZLrs Division, Wmistry of Affairs._ Mako7o r.ianiguchi,_ Counsellor, err un ftli3sion, Uhited Nations, Gene-7a ? Toshio :akada, Director, Marine .1..velopment Division, Resear(:A Co?ordinaion Sience and Technology 4enc:y . Takashi-Ohkado, Directo-r, Interrati=1,1 Science Division, Department of UM'SCO and In Affairs, Bureau of Science and International Affairs, 1inistr.7 of ii.caticn Mr. NoriMoto Matsuda, Counaello-,-, Cri7.11 Affairs Bureau, Ministry of. ,:kustice, Proseout=, Tokyo District Public Proseuter's Office Mrs. Hisami Kurokochi, Director, Office for the Law of the Sea- Conference, ii4inietxy? of Foreign Affairs Advisers ? Mr. Toshio Saito, Overseas Division, Bureau of Shipping, nrloty of Transport Mr. Teiji Komiya, Administration Division, Secretariat to the Minister. of State for Defence Mr. Ryuichi Tanabe, International Affairs Division, Oceanic Fisheries Department, Fishery Agency ? Tetsuto Akutagawa, Legal Division, Scretariat tc the Minister of State for Defence Nr..Kiyoshi Terashima, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, CeneVA- T/;r. Shunji Yana,_First Secretary, Embassy, Indonesia Mr, Yuji Ikeda, First Secretary, Permanent .Mission, United Nations, Genam - Mr. Kenshil-c Akimoto, Office for the Law of the Sea Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ? Shazo Yamaguchi, General Affairs Division, National Land Agency, Ministers Secrary Mr. Ki Miura, Ocean. Development Office, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy Mr. Teiinhi Nishikawa, General Affairs Division, International Trade Policy -Bureau, Ministry of international Trade and Industry ? Fumihisa Kato, Ocean Develo-nment and Utilization Division, Secretariat to the of Transport Tornoriki Nat mirmira, Second Se cre talT, Permanent Mission, United Nations Geneva Mr. Takekazu Kawamura, Office for the Law of the Sea. Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kerr Oshima, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. Shiro Fbisawa, International Affairs Division, Oceanic Fisheries Department, Fishery Agency Mr. Yoshita.ka Kawamura, Office for the Law of the Sea Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr, Ryuinhi Ishii, Office for the Law of the Sea Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Koji Moriyarra, Press Division, Public Information Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Renzo Nakamura, Office for the Law of the Sea Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs hiss Tcshiko Takahashi, Office for the Archives Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 -- 27 - JO AN Mr. ed Mlhammad Sud, Minis'ter PThnr-patettary, For ii' Isqr. K,7.;71aa Alhasa, TA4tions ? 7 H.F. Mr. Charles Gatere Maina, Ambassador itxtraordinaryand Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York (aA tier.) Mr. Francis Xavier Njenga, First Secretary, PermanentEissiOn, New York (Vice-Chairmanofthe_Delegation) Mr. P.G. Gitonga, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Defence Mr. William Njoroge Mbote, Assistant Director, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Mr. Androhico Oduogo Addle, Mr. -Pet eEi-son-141-athe'nzge'-Munete Mr. William Okoth, Senior Ge Natural Resources Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign-fairs- Senior- Assistant Secretary, OffiCe of the Presidant.. ologist, Mines ,and Geology Department,. Ministry of - ,? KENSR REPUBLIC SF, N, Keuky Lim, pinistre, des affaires 6trangzes-(Che1121,,,ation). - - M. Serueth Scth, directeur?des affaires 4cononiques, finanoi:eres ot des confe'rences du Ministre des affaires 6trang'eres (h e3y de la, drt) M. Phung Ton, expert, recteur de l'Universit6 de Phnom-Penh Yme Nhoung Peng, ex-representant permanent adjoint aupr6s de ltOrganisation des Nations Unies a New York M. Hong Long, directeur g4n6ral du MinistZere de l'industrie et de l'artisanat Y. Hong Vong Boun Chhat, doyen de la Faculte de droit et des sciences ecom:niques M. Kniou Bounthonn, directeur dal Service de la marine marchande du Ministere _des_ trayaux_DWolips_et du transport ? M. ken Phat,_cepsp4ierL,metbre c):e la.Miusion permanente ataLpr?.?.s d l'brgan:isa.tron "des ? Nations_Unies- New York ? ? Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - TLE. Mr ha Al-Dabbagt,, TTrLGeneva ( Nr. Saud Al-Sabah, esentati e to t:c:.4 Wfice of the -ai Dapartment =yr Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdul- -,.,.a Al-Awady, Permaneat.Aission, Uritd ?_=iations, Geneva Mr. Abdul-Latif Al-Saleh, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed Al-Ebrahim, Permanent Mission, UnitedNations, New York Mr. Usoma Al-Roamy, Mstry of 3-'oreign Affairs Mr IorMikky forahAm, University of K.1.7,w,oit Miss Bodriya:AiAwady, University of Kuwait LAOS hap-sjsectaps S.F N. Phagna Inp'eng Stradhay, aMbassodeur aa P,.oya,ame- ni (Chef de Somock Vidhamali, Conseiller, aMbassade, harts LEBAiiC-21 416:Potion) an Re-pr6s S.E. N. fiitine Fattal, Ambassadeur, Secv4aire a.i. du ainist-cn des affaires 4trangros (Chef de_la_d616cicn) M. Samir chnmma, Conseiller, mission perTra----,n7;e, -Jations Uni=3s, Cer.'eve M. Zouhair Kronfol, conseille-r juridique adjoint minist des affaires 6trargs M. S4lim LESOTHO ReoresetaiL"es Mr. O.T. ::,cfako, Permanent Secretary, Foreign Affairs (Chairmap. of the,D.elegp,tion) H.E. u V Yelapo, Ambassador to Iran (Vice-C=n of tyle Mr. T. .ia'e-_eka, Legal Adviser, Foreign Affairs oLtheDeleAit,t),on) "Mr. P.M. :'Iokhesi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. T. Mot.sena, Assistant Secretary, Foreign Affairs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 EWT,.."'DOUTY.G , , . . , .ter,,r,...-c,,,r,.-60 .:.;.E. ..ii. Albert Duhr, Ambassa:leur, reprsenant permement aupr.J (12 1 1 Of f ICS. . J...... Gerv'eve (o...ef,..j,..? la_r_ltio.) ... . Molitor, Directeur du ;Jeryloe_jt.j.rldi.que :. N. Josenn Weyland, Directeur adjo-1.-nt du Service jui'idiclue - M. Melchior Schumacher, Seoretaire de legation MALTA Rel2rE entatives H.E. Mr. Joseph Attard rin4swell, Ambassadc.sir Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York (Chairm,,?42,, of _the_Deileiotion) Mr. Alfred Dellizzi, First Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Mr. Carmel Vella, Second Seoreta..ry, Permanent Mission, United Nations,- New York MXLIRITIUS Representatives N.E. Mr. E. M. Butssier, Attorney General and Minister of Justice (Cha,i7:max? Of the De:L_etaltion.) .E Mr. ? Rejnphul. Acib /-? Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative- to the United Nations, tie,,,/ York (Lice7chairmrin cf the Dela.-:.ration) Mr I E., Venchard, Solicitor General Mr V I P Glover, Parliam-en tary Counsel ' ? hr. R. Bourdet, First Secretary, E'mbasay.,.. Paris s - Mr. A. K. Gayan, Legal Officer MONACO F,3 et.:2 tants S.E. M. Jacques Roux, Ministre de Monaco en Suisse M. jean Raimbert, direc teur do Ser?vice do conten tieux e.t des etudes leg-islatires S.E. M. Cesar C. Solamito, Ministre plenipotentiairE.!, delegue pemanent au?prs des organismes -internationaux MONGOLIA Rol:I:Loser tatives - Mr. Gende.r.giin Nyamdo,. Chief of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Cllairman. of the DelePation) Mr. Jarg-e.lsaikhany Enkhsa.ikhan, Attache, Ministry' of Foreign. Affairs. - Mr. Narnsraidorjiin Batsouri, Third Secretary, Permanent Minion, United Nations, Geneva Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 _ ?5() yrElsn ,N. GnaT de la dej.d U.Bennouna, ra:: o5500r (chef D. Layaend M. M. Fall Si. D. Dahal;. M. M. M'(hacht.i. M. Honsali H. Lahlou N. Rabhali Qn.07,09pY Mr.111 %len tin Wes ton. MOROCCO NAURU SbFW 2ILALAND Relpresentatiye H.E.? Nr. M.:1;;C-. Templeton, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Representative. to the United. Nations, New York (Chairmah_pf_t e] Nr: C.D. BeebT, Head of the Legal Division, Ministry of Foreign. alrs Mr. N.J. Fowles, Counsellor, Embas8y, Washington Nr. E.T. Cnhningham, Director of Fisheries, Ministry of agriculture and Fiheies Captain. D.H. O'Donoshue, Director of .Defence Plans, Ministry of Defence MT. W.R. Maphfield, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, United .Natio4s,:New York Parirtan ) ? Alternate eeranentative T.B- IH,u,:tley, Legal Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs NICAPAGUA Renresenthntea S.E. Sr Alejandro Montiel ArrIello, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriorea (Jefe de la deleatia) S.E. Sr. Gi,:illermo Sevilia-Oacasa, Embajador Extraordinario y Plehipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas y en Washington S.E. Sr. jos4 M. Zelaya U., Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente Alterno ante las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York S.E. Sr. Agapito Fern5ndez Garcia, Embajador, Diputado al CongTeso Nacional . S.E. Dr. I) to Sanse5n Rom4n, Embajader, Representante Permanente Alterno ante las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04 : 91A-.RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 ,,tsnt .MbertY-ssa.n, 'Premier conseille_, a,L711,p,ssade, Re,Dres,,ntativee Mr. :Jens Evensen, Minister without Portfolio (C'n.a ] of Dela .tion) Mr. Helga Vindanes, Deputy Director Genecal, 7 P reign tIts (VicP.-Cliairman of the Dele-eti-r) Gunnar Gundersen, Director-General, Ministry of Fisheries Mr. Sigurd Storhaug, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Commerce and Shi: Mr. Ole Birger Hatiam; .Commodore, Ministry of Defence Alternate Representatives Mr. Carl August Fleischer, Professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Per Tresselt, Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Oddvar Mosnesset, Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Na-. Erik Tellmann,Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. Per (hr. Nordt/mme, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Arne Treholt, Political Secretary to the Minister Hr. Carl Bj/rge, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Fisheries Mr. Ola Wattne, Head of Division, Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Mr. Eilert Stang 13:md, Barrister at the Supreme Court, Ministry of the Environment Mr. Knut Vartdal, Director of Fisheries, Directorate of Fisheries _ Mr. Hallstein Rasmussen, Assistant Director of l'isheries, Directorate of FIS'nries Advisers Mr. Arne Rikheim, Barrister at the Supreme Court, Norwegian Shipmaners Association Mr. Birger Bye, Barrister, NOTrefian Shipowners' Association Yr,crl Nandrup Dahl, Barrister, Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions Mr. Ivar Eilert Les, Barrister, Norwegian National Union of Seamen Mr. Arnuiv Midtgaard, Secretary-General, NoTvegian Fishermen's AssoOlation Kaara lilakstad, Managing Director, Norweg%ian gishermen's Association Yr. Birger Olsen, Captain, Norwegian Fishermen's Association Observer," Mr. Finn Sallie, Manager of Research Mr. Kim Traavik, Research Fellow Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 rrs'r Mn ? Ahmed M,inistre pl4n1potentjr, (c'oef d6-Ition)- . Adel Said, Conseiller se-if .1';,i_jj_lan M. Zc;dulla ii Asfoor L. Hamad asir A7 Toobi R:L'Pres.etaves. H.E. Mr. J.G. Kharas, Ambassador to the Netherlands (Chairman of th=7-J Delation) PT. 2,1zal Lab:mood, Ilinister, Pernanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Khalid Mahmood, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, New York Saleem, First Secretary, Permanent Eission, United Nations, Geneva Mr. Altaf Hussain, Assistant Scientific Adviser, Dlinistry of Science and Technology Captain G.S. Q)..lraishee, P.N., Naval Headquarters 2,Ze'nro3.en:tantes S.E. Sr. Carlos Snores Typaidos, Viceministro de Relaciones E:Kteriores (JsfedeiaDeleeaci6n) S.E. Sr. Jos?1, Esi.Dino Gonzalez, Em:cajadr, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Sr. Narcico Garay, Asesor Juridic? del IHinisterio de Rela3iones Exteriores Sr. Omar Jaen, Asesor de la Politica Exterior del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Pedro Erin Martinez, Director del Departamento de Organismos, Conferenciaa y Tratados Internacionales Sr. Aquilino Villamonte R., Tercer.Secretario, Misian Permanente, Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Gra, Delia Chevalier Villamonte, Tercer Snore Lana, Mision Permanente, Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04--: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Renre,,r0nte S,E. .7en Mdguel Bzcu ILa Enhajador, ?..,,,-.-ntanto del Ministario de 2.1a;.....Lenes Extriores Oefe_de_la_del Alfonso Arias Schreibef, Rerresentante del Ministeric de Relaciones Extefiorea (Jefe_aduntp_de la Contraimirante ali8 Bianchi, Renresentante del Ministerio de Marina Cont-fnlmirante Alejandro Marchinl, RepreSentante7del Ministerio de Marina S.E. Sr. Jose Samanez Concha, Embajador, Miembfo de le, ComisiOn Asesova de) Ministerio do .1:1-21aciones Exteriores SOP, Sr, Andres Aramburm Menchaca, Embajador, Miembro de la Comisl6n AsesoDa del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Dante Roa Gallegos, Rencresentante del N.inisterio de Pesqueria Sunit,nfes Sr. Jaime C6ceres Enriquez, Ministro, Misian Permanente, Nacionea Unidas, Gdnebra Sr. Jorge S6nchez Romero, Representante del Instituto del Mar Sra,Catalina Tomatis, Representante del Ministerio de Energia y Minas Sr. Alvaro de Soto, Primer Secretario, Naciones Unidas, Ginebra Sr. Alberto Gil Pefraranda, Secretario General de la Federacion de Pescadores dal Peril Sr.?Csar. Castillo Ramirez, Tercer Secretario, Embajada, Auatria Sta. Maria Elena Arevalo Prieto, Ministerio de Belaciones Exteriores PHILIPPINES Repea,ntatives H.E, Mx. Arturo M. Tolentino, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary :Mr. Vicente Abad Santos, Secretary of Justice Mr, Jose D. Ingles, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Mr. Estelito P. Mendoza, Solicitor General H.E. Mr. Hortencio Brillantes, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Zlejandro D. Yang?, Deputy Permanent Representative, United Nations Nos York Mr. Ronato A, Urquiola, Deputy Permanent Representative, United Nations, Geneva Mr. Cecilia Eepejo, Minister, Consul General, Hamburg Mr. Jorge Coquia, Judge, Court of First Instance, Manila Colonel Samuel Soriano, Senior Legal Assistant, Department of National Defense Mr. lauro L. Baja, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, New York Mr. Francisco A. Comet!, Assistant Director, Bureau of Manes Mr. Mario C. Manansala, Chief Planning Officer, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey Mr. Inocencio A. Ronquillo, Chief, Division of Marine Fishery Biology, _Bureau of Fisheries Mrs. Eivira O. Tan, Senior Scientist, National Science Development Board Mr. Jose Espinosa, Professor, Consultant, National Economic Development Authority Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Renresenj.,,, Mr, Stasi s ir2nczynski, :Ii:cliJter for Foreig Affairs -ne?Dele.gatipn2) Er oaii ietraszek, Deco L;:-H.-;tif-:tr for F-Drein Tivide and Shipping rman Pf the Deteo:a Y. Mr. .Andrze:i Olowka, Chief of the of Public hytttional La 7-tr-? of Foreign. liffairs (Vice7Chairman of the,Deleation) Mr. Jerzy Vonau, Director of the Department, Ministry for Foreign Trade and Shiring Mr. Janus'z Symonides, Professor, Ler:uty Director of the In for International, Affairs Mr. Henryk 'Ma, Commander, Ministry of ilational Defence. M2. Pr';;OMyS/aW Andres, Deputy Director, Ministry too Foreign Trade and Shipping Mr. ? Lucjan /ukasik, Senior La?,,,al Adviser, Ministry for Foreign .Affairs Mr, Mieczysfaw Paszkowski, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Nr. Wojciech Goralczyk, Professor, University of Warsaw Alternatejto,presentatives. Mr. Andrzej Kowalski, Senior expert, Ministry for Foreign Affairs . Mr. Foliks Kierzkowski, Senior kdviser, Ministry for Foreign. Trade- and Shipping Mr. Andrzej Straburzynski, University of Gdarisk Mr. Zdzis-jaw Russek Marine Institute for Fisheries, Gdynia QATAR - ?E=senttives Mr. McCarak Ali El-Khater, Deputy Director of tne,Department of Legal Affairs, Minacy of Justice (Chairm7,n_( f_the_Deletv.tion) Nr. Hassan Abouhadoud, Secretary, -Ministry of Porei6n Affairs (Vioe-Chdirman_of theDeierT,:tien) Mr. Ib:rahi-,n El-Doghma, Head o:r: thii: Section of the Research and Legal Advises, Ministry of Justice Mr. Behctd Yousef Behzad, Legai Resea--cher in. the Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 REPJ1...,?' OF KCHEA fk Cnoo Moon, .AiLba:,-4ajer lx crc ri inavy and Pleniuotehtiary, ntative to the Office cf the United Lotions, Geneva W.1,,:11,==,,:l of Lo joong Choi, Minister, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva (Vice-Chairman o. the Delltien) Nr. yuh,?; Lee, Counsellor, Permanent Hission, United Nationb, Geneva dcc 11.1 Park, Counsellor, Embassy, .List;ralia Mr. ilarig Hee Roe, Counsellor, Embassy, Sweden Mr. Chang Choon Lee, Chief of the Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Choc) Young Lee, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, United Nations, Geneva Advisers Mr, Soo Myung Cha, Commercial Attache:, Permanent Mission, United Nations,,Genava Kr. Jan Soo Choi, Chief, Division of Overseas Shipping, Miniatitly:,Of-Ttalti:Spdttation Mr. Sang Soo Kim, Senior Officer, Division of International Cooperation,. Office of Fisheries SEOEGA Rour6aentants S.E. M. AL',.dou Cissr, Ambassadeur, repr6sentant permanent aupres de 1.'Office des Nati_ons bnies, Geneve (chef de in doloation) N. Dcuaou Diop, chef de in division des accords -t conventions internationaux nil Linistere des affaires 6trangeres M, Yosouf Barro, premier conseiller, mission permanente, Nations Unies, Genve M. Manda?w Gueye, Enseigne de vaicseau, Minis tire des forces arme^es, marine nation1e N. Tbrahlma Saw, conseiller technique, Presidence de in E6pub1ique M. Mbaye Ba, directeur de l'ocearogTaphie et des Oches maritimes SIERRA LEONE Representative H.E. Nr. CA. jabati, Ambassador Extraordinary .and Plenipotentiary to Italy and. Permanent ReOresentative to the Food and Agriculture 'Organization ? Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 JIG T.T.B.. Koh, Ambassador ' and tati:xe to the Ltied ick Tin, Si; .".;cunJel, Ai,toney-C.,eneral. -'9-21.eiora.) ? 0, ,Jayakumar, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Si Aapore . Mr, GeoffreyYu, -Ministry of Porsign Affairs.- J-,'Lnipotentiary, ParLanant SaMALIA H.E. Mr, Hussein Nur Eliot, Ambassador ;.-Ktraordinary- and Plenipotentiary to Italy man Of thejeletion) E.". 14r. usuf Adan Mohamed lir. Yusuf Elm! Robleh ? nr, Abdurahman Sheikh MoheT.ed Abdtagawi Ahmed Yusuf SPAIN Ir n1;otos Jos4 Manuel de Abarca, Embajar ar31 JoJJ5 Antonio Yturria (jefe c!? 1-nrive Amador, Subsecretario do In marina meroane Sr. oolme Jo Manuel y Piries, Director General de la Pesca Sr. oafael Pastor, Cons,11 4 .!15 7,4- In .!! jira,..t. i_117:5.Z12-J1 0.; LrJyJi LS Li4J1 E--2056 ).- ) GE. 63314 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 -2- ,oresentatvs H.E. Mr P.L. 1O'terloy, Attorney General and Minister for External Affairs (nairn the Delcrrretion) Hr. D.L. He011rn, Minister Ownsellorjermient 11::.ssion, United Nations, Ne'd York Mr. G.P. Ste-lart, First Assistal:t beeretary, Einistry of External Lffaira Miss Patricia E. R..idgers, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs- Adviser Hr. D.P. O'Gennell, Leull Adviser, Chichele Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford ELRBADOS ft Representatives H.E. Mr. C.C.L. Moe, Q.C., Senator, Minister for External Affairs (Chairman of the DeleTtion) Mr. O.N. Q.C., Solicitor General (Viee-Chairvan of the Deleaation) Mr V. ';:lelren-Ramsey, Ambassador Extraordinary Ind Plenipotentiary, ,Pcianent Representative to the United Nations, Ncv York Adviser FL.E. Sir William Douglas, Chief Jt ice Didiaa'Y Tspresentrt E. FrcWric de Me:d.eiros, premier secr6taire, mission pe77.;anente nupres de l'Orfice des Nations Unies, Geneve DEMOCW7IC YihT Representatives Mr Salem Lbjul Shi,121 Tares, Dircetor of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Lffairo ((hairmen of Lhe D.Ae::atior) Mr. Meldarimci Cmer in !,alifel, 2irt Secretary, Embassy, T'r.ris Mr. AL3u1 L iz Ba-Lsa, Second Sceretery, Permanent nissian, United Nations, Geneva Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 p-fese:epntes Luis Valencia Rodriguez Sr. Rafael Gar:)fa Velasco .Sr.?Guillermo Maldonado. Lince - 3 - ECUADOR- e d;-..) la delegacion)- .2\sescIrs Sr. Jose Ayala Lasso Contlmirante Edmund() Mena Salvador CapiMn de Fragata Raa Jaremillo del Castillo Sr. 1.:anue1 Rosales CE..rderRs Secretario de la delFaoi6n Sr. Eduardo Mora Anda OkBON Re-orsentants N. 1.1cri Hinko, Ninistre charg4 de,c d=inPs, de l'enregistroment et de la conservation- fonoiere (chef do SE.. Lon L'DonE., sadcur, rpl.(..:sentan-5. Permanent aupres de l'Office des Ne,tions.Unics, Geneve 11.?-:fean-FrancciaNtoutouMe., Secr6taire :eneral du conseil gabonaib des. chargeurs Eta cone 0m7,inga, Directeur des peche.7 in Scucice Non-bo, lirctour de la marine marchande jcbTo-Josepl: deUxiee conseiller, Mission permanente Nations. UniPsy . Conve H. Etienne 41-,eminya, duxieme conseiller, mission permanente, Nations Unies, Genve Nrle Rossemond, Chef do cabinet. ; PfT-intativc,s T cd Fir!,:t Secretary, Pe=nnent Mission to the Office of the United Natlons, Geneva (Chailnan of the D7,1eR7tion) E.U.A. Scotland, first Secreta Ylini3try of Foreign Affairs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 -4- ........................ :a7i. AnI ccir,Ir?er.t Repre.-;entative to the -Office of thE, 77. (Cnf. Im:fa of roJ,:p.atior.) Leff LrIcr .-N1- the 7".=:]f-,:ration) H AfJsisLant Dfss r, Co-.u.ege of Lo..w and Political Science Akra:i Adviser, M:Olit-y of Justice Mr. FiAhery Lxpf,rt, Ainistry of AFriculture and Ag.rarian Reform Al-ay3i, of For:ign Affairs, Departmert of Legal Affairs and T/e 3 tiorL Oil Comiyiny . Abd1Iir Jrc,-ad, nj.ristry cf 7::grw.nicatior, Irani Forts AdministratiOn 12.1yEdn Counreil3r, Fcrmsnent 1.7i3sion, United Nations, Geneva . khdul Jahhar ISRAEL Re ar"---,:i,-ntflt 4 V icr.E. Najar, kr..bassador, Political Adviser to the Minister for Foreign-- 417fair:- :i? ths . . H.E. 7!-4.f7-4er,!le, Ambassador, Syccial Legal Advier for the Law ofthe Sea, Mini:ty If 377-rei:7n Affair5 . ? 17.r. ,7-f.7:7,,b A:Li%assador, Pepqty Fetmarent FP pressntative to the United Nations, ? 14:77: F. He.-,'=In, Sf,ricr Economic Advisor, Ministry of Foreign. Affairs ITALY - -)1c vv-;i. Ambassaor (7.1;irman of the T..,-,1ecfation) :r. Coonselloa-, Ministry of Foroign Affairs (Vice-Chairman :7Jr. .rofsori University of Cern. ? CiuFir.Te Berile, Prefassor, University of Rome Antonio Xal.-intpoi, Frofassor, Univarsity of Rome :-.1ternetr -=-r's Liv , r!ourr.ellor. 1.iinistry of Foief_ -J-1 Affairs leroc.3 :i;-cri tory, Ainistry of Foreign Affairs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 BES1' COP Available Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - 5 - ITALY (contd.) .? Captain Lntenio rentana, Uinistry of Dcfioce. Ur. .1;c:.-y.2nico icitino rilnitry of Ind1.-t::try and Trade riin-LTtry Col.=:ntalTarticipatiens ? - j';r. Ciul:zio? Valente,. Iiirtry of. Covir=-ntal. Participations _ Ir.SDlvatore Pollara. Ministry of H2rchant Harine ? ra.,. V:incenya Ilucci Tjjistr f Tiorchant Narinc . Hr. Loria Giulanc,?llational of Resocrch Lairr.ondo Selli, ilationl Council of :aesearch Trovr-s,? Hatiena-) c..!uncil Cl Research ? :Nr. .? Ur. r'r;mco ? 1a5rizio ? Hr. Ucrco E.N.I. Ldrednitratf_ve Secretary NI,. Vincenzo Longhi Fieoretry 1.1iH Claudia Calenda ? , ? . ? Lir;ERIA . . TOT?..nd Barnos, Solicitor General, Linistry of justice (Chairman of:the Dele,LTatjon) _ - David H. Thoma:s, Ambassaclor, Iloa.anent Representative to the Office of the lint :ono, Geneva Ur. J(.)hn?Toba, Counsellor, Hinistry of .ForeiEn? Affairs - Uicu W. Sherman, Chief Geologist, .7anistry of Lands end Hines Lied T. LininFer, S. nior Dc.-outy C=Iissioner of EaritiL.e Affairs A-1r. &7niy 11. Conway, Presidont, International Trust Couoan:. of Liberia; Naritir.e . Ani.trator Ur. ironk L. Viswall, Jr., Admiralty Counsel, Bureau of Ha7itine Affairs .'ntrick L. Farrell, Vico-President and Counsel, internctional Trust Company of G:ylcion Willmer, Speoicl Leal Adviser, Bureau of 1-:ariVme Affairs oar Celin Goad, Special 'Er.rit:i_E?Lo Ar.iviser, Intornational Achisory Board?. International Washinu:ton, B,C. - cot en N. Whitc., ..yJviscr, 7J-drc-au of Naritimc L.Tfcirs J..2verc;in, LoEal Inte=tional Trust C-.,mpany of Liberia CrolThic, Chi-F, in7:estic:ation Division, line: no Sofety De.par-tment, BUTOalpi OL liz,ritime Chef, insoction Division II, Narinc Safety- . .1),,partmont, 1l.real.1 of U. in.ffairo TheJ Shirpinc r_ounoil, Ltd. Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/01i/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 (3.5part'.?.:a--:r-L',; juriciiques :?.ffv.ireL.; eux dc.: de la Dic...r.ificatier. Li, Choi r.-7.rvice (1(..J3 ffir frpfltalices, 7 de:: affair; vranicipal-.s II. Lrc.nsnort iriti Din.7.ct:2.;_?_r clu c,:-,-.tre re.chz.rchc:s to It T.;Ich,,.. maritime, Ministere ;f0-; aupres di 11Office des ri2.-tionc PrAate (14 directoir 4,1 rep.rE.c.senta.nt per.ilent ...-t-zpres des Nations Uniei-.7., -"CD 7. , t de la C. E. :;.IC rvic.d f.! ci;rvico de i ri iniFtere des t. ac; ? ?(_;e:( dr? dro t, Hz.trlagr_tscar 11;dd i---1 d i tivton ridiqi tu rinitro des affaireF, f htission pe.17Jiente? t1Mi3 Uni2s, liew York, MEXICO Pr F.nte la C'fici.rla de las ' 1-* t, ;12:: 1 or d( (Y.:1;7-n :7.7.0.F lac ionz...les, , - ? r? ? ? ? , . y -t,:t?Jr Crew,./-,1 .13 Approved For Release .2Q02/04/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 r;.? I C.; Cr Z' (..!".?....1.1 iC0 I I +' Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 ?UL (c.idc.) Firc. V. ' .1 d , . of O.f'ir S ....Li_ t,(.11',? ? y ? or 1-,prior 11.1?1',-; 1.1,21 ons, Iiinistr3-' of C ie-. at Soc.. .A.ffaiTc, rs, is of T.ra.n. t? ....L., i,.,,.v..j.:c c, i';'.',. :?;i.-_i ? -- .1):::....2.-.1..... .. l'.'in-i :-... T. ._ I .., u'l tare c-...-nd :Pi ,?:,::..1., JSS :5 ::,, ;Is ?-T: -i f-:1.,:.-..-.3-0: - --.,!. :,.: _ , i,r1-.- i,. _. . L:i.,:t.y- .-_-- CL'.' Ir';',:t-- ?, , ?J. j:1..:?:;-1:-_- 3)1:::,....c. tor., 5.;,-.?,1-...:,..,-2-. .. - ilin:...i.- I. 42,,,,-t.? -,?;..... ? -rin.,7: Rc-,.: seal-311, Ilini '.-:,-t-:1 11;.- Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - ,rr ti? TCL CO;71111F;Z1Oner f ? - ? ilini f. C. f;cn,c..-f ? C.;. " i; ft:7 , Cc-T.:. :7_ I 11c..w ? --.r. .1:. t.-., ;., CP ....I.. v.. ' n r' Lar? r. - j, ro37)1..7":: F 4;:cW :. ? . , 1)7 .! ..; ;1?'?.V.` : f ' : r. ? : ? ? . ? ?:". 1 1)45-tro3:c.'? , cp ti 1 _!; : ; ?jrid-juz dcs . .1 Yi.. ( Ir 7.5 1 , :.-..rc,c-1-_,?: cf t::: ) -,7. 1 :,...-.;) 11.1 ..J...-1.-.-.-- 4,_'..,.;n--.."! (.2:?,;-tni7.-tions DiVisicr.1, ''? : :2 :- .:..-!..- , e? -1 _xt . :::::-.f....-!..? (C ., .... ? -. ? ? C '..i, 5 ' --e- -. .L.--.- ..: . .-, :_i..; ' r:..., C?7' ". ,',1..):'...;. R'..:!:-.--1,-:-..:::-.5 :Ina To..i...rra -.'oii.: *... .........r... ;.: .. "If_ - :..,.-',...... :....i. DI: '.. : .? . : ? t S ...a- I.-....-r, , i' - .-.-: .r i. i:i.. ,..i. :Y.:- , 7;i;:, ????. :T?_-..ti,.. r,s, 1.hw , -L.. .,.i.-. 1':--..,.7,- -. f.,. .r, i ..? ;.:".y. :.;'-...-r,.., --,-v-;: .1. '., .....t..:-.1 .f.., ::-.n--..).-.-2. ?.; ??.t ......: 1. .c. i , , .:.,r , -.17,1,f_f-.'........ -.1* .1.-,:c..:.:..1.::,-. LIT:-irs Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 cI ic i to:_r? Ciir1 (hi: i,....r;..-, PL:T] - :1i:sion, United H:l.tions-, Kew Yolsk 11x,.;L?Chi:povo.., Ir.Lt..:=7,tH ''''' i.;:ztry .)1 La:ffoi Affaira -11_;1-LIL-..,,i-.1 La-..,-iel-, I.;!' --,i :.- t-r-,..r of 1,,:-1 ,If;.:,.-ir, ?:'17 u.,x: :L 1: ,):f:- :::1,-te.;, 7 ii: li .:.-try of 1.1ine E., sivn.-1 II-, lastry --r -,-,.f 1::-.J.: 'I lir, i 3t:',-;- f Lands '::::1_ ( , ) , V:Lni f--:-LT..: -'. :1 Pnwer, , TrLfir:po c t an IN ork 13 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 - - l'ar1:1;L) (t OE r ? I pi'dord-i.;,-Pii (.)1? GElli;HILL t.F.;z:31;-TBLY m::u-itioN 5 C xxix CIDSEPVni.;.3 -r;I: A PPLTCAC DU PA 1?"..(: HIPHE DE LA 33-f)4 (:C{IX) 3.); L'ASSE:73LE O3ERVI"ji0PV7 TIIVITADOS BE COli-eaCfl)AD COU 1';14..RAO 3 DE LA AiJ,..k.LiCION 354 (XXIX)M!*.1. LIVLA3L _NERAL FABZUWTE. TIPVT.Tri\EFT!..LiF13 COO=TCTEiZZ C Tii-IKTO;.1 3 2.33,1 (:'xIY) A'.:C=Ts7i1 ti k X IX) ;?7 ; ?-) ( Vt.?) r r -4-11-A-11 JL SURINAM Ni. C.D. Oft Mx. 1.A. Akrum, Head of the Offic:e for International Relations, Einistry of Cenerni Lifairs H.E. Lionarons, DeRaty Director, Ministry of i%.,;rio.._:lture and Fisheries Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 01--C:aPTX,-,17 1 A:LT-AFJICiJ IcAL CMTSTWATITI.VE CO.r.':7TTEE Kaz.r=j., Ambasador (RraE.ir1,-nt) P. Sn :,Secretary-Ccneral) COUNCIL OF 11, GolsonE, Lirecteur des affaire N.P. ?Forrr, Cl-wf 16. Sectien centt?a1e de J. Ddrcction cr affaires juridic-ries . O. E-aquicch, A(lninistrateur i I a Dir cLon dc s affaires-jaridiqes Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 Approved For Release 2002/04/04 CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0 I ? . TO r, i i' 0:' I.: I :; ? Approved For Release 2002/04/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300090017-0