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Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 UNITED NATIONS THIRD CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA 4 Dietr. LIMITED A/CONF.62/C.II/L.1 21 February 1974 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH THIRD UNITED NATICNS CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF TEE SEA Committee IT COMPARATIVE TABLE OF PROPOSALS RELATED DIRECTLY TO LIVING RESOURCES Submitted,by the United States of America Notes 1. This comparative table is limited to those proposals that relate directly to living resource's. Its purpose is to serve as an aid and is supplementary .to documents submi:ted to the Sea-Bed Committee and referred to the Conference by the General Assmbly. 2. The table does not deal with the continental shelf and sea-bed resources. 3. Articles have been grouped into nine broad categories in an effort to make comparatf,ve study and review easier, without prejudice to the order of analysis or tLe unity of different proposals. The headings are found in the index on page 2. 4. The various proposals are presented in the English alphabetical order of the sponsoring delegations. 5. An index of sponsors and co-sponsors of the various proposals is contained on page :A. 74-04800 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 - 2 - INDEX BY SUBJECT 1. Nature ano extent of coastal State Jurisdiction Ewa 4 2. ConservAt'J on 9 3. Access and allocation 13 4. International or regional bodies **** 18 5. Highly migratory ?? 22 6. Anadromowl 22 I. Enforcement 26 8. Settlement of disputes , * 30 9. Other articles 34 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Afghanistan Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada China Colombia Ecuador Ghana India Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Kenya Liberia Madagascar Malta Mauritius Mexico Nepal Netherlands New Zealand - 3 - INDEX OF SPONSORS AND CO-SPONSORS OF THE VARIOUS PROPOSALS A/Ac.138/sc.11/L.39 Norway Pakistan Panama SC.II/L.37 sc.II/L.11 L.36 Peru SC.II/L.39 Senegal SC.II/L.39 SC.II/L.39 Sierra Leone SC.II/L.25 Singapore SC.II/L.38 Somalia SC.II/L.34 Sri Lanka L.45 Sudan SC.II/L.21 Tunisia SC.II/L.27 L.54 Uganda SC.II/L.40 USSR SC.II/L.36 United Republic of Cameroon SC.II/L.40 United Republic SC.II/L.55 of Tanzania SC.II/L.12 United States SC.II/L.40 Venezuela L.38 Zaire SC.II/L.40 Zambia SC. II/L.38 L.40 Anonymous II SC.II/L.26 SC.II/L.40 SC.II/L.21 SC.II/L.39 SC.II/L.59 SC.II/L.11 sc.11/1.36 sc.11/L.52 SC.II/L.27 L.54 SC.II/L.27 L.54 SC.II/L.36 LAO SC.II/L.40 sc.i1A.39 sc.II/L.Wo sc.II/L.38 sc.II/L.4o sc.II/L.4o sc.II/L.41 SC.II/L.40 SC.II/L.40 SC.II/L.241 SC.II/L.40 and L.60 SC.II/L.41 Conf.Rm.Paper No.21 Conf.Rm.Paper No.22/Add. Al All the documents are contained in Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-eighth Session, Supplement No.21 (A/9021, Vol.III), except documents A/AC.138/SC.II/L.6, L.9, L.11 and L.12 which are contained in Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-seventh session) Supplement No.21 (A/8721) and Conference Room Papers Nos.21 and 22/Add.2 which are contained in Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-el:011th session, Supplement No.21 (A/9021, Vol.IV). Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 20014404 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 - lt. 1. NATURE AND WOW OF COASTAL STATE JUSissIcTIcw SC.11/1.39 nfOonloton.Auotrio. Belgium. Bolivia, Nepal and Singapore: draft articles on resource luriediction of coastal States b:_amr_itlttr territorial sea 1. 'Coaetal States shall have trYi right to establish, adjacent to the territorial see, a ... zone which may ,ot extend beyond .., nautical miles from the Wooly:re from which the breadth o' the territorial sea is measured. Coaetal States shell have, subject to the provisions of articles II and IIT, jurisdiction over the .., zone and the right to explore and exploit all livinw and non-living redeem:en therein.. 11 SC. 11/1.40 and dorr.1 -3 Algeria, Cameroon,,Ghana, Ivory Coact, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Senegal, Sierra Leone. Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and United Republic of Tanzania: draft articles on exclusive economic zone Article I All States have a right to determine the limits of their jurisdiction over the seas adjacent to their coasts beyond a territorial sea of ... miles in accordance with the criteria which take into account their own geographioal, geological, biological, ecological, economic and national security factors. Article II In accordance with the foregoing article, all States have the right to establish an economic zone beyond the territorial sea for the benefit of their peoples and tneir respective economies in which they shall have sovereignty over the rem: sable and non-renewable natural resources for the purpose of exploration and exploitation. Within the zone they shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the purpose of control, regulation and exploitation of both living and ncl-living resources of the tone and their preservation, and for the purpose of prevention and control of pollution. The rights exercised over the economic zone shall be exclusive and no other State shall explore and exploit the resourcen therein without obtaining permission from the coastal State on such terms as may be laid down in conformity with the laws and regulations of the coastal State. The coastal State shall exercise jurisdiction over its economic zone and third States or their nationals shall bear responsibility for damage resulting from their activities within the zone. Article III The limits of the economic zone shall be fixed in nautical miles in accordance with criteria in each region, which take into consideration the resources of the region and the rights and interests of developing land-locked, near land-locked, shelf-locked States and States with narrow shelves and Without prejeice to limits adopted by any State within the region. The economb zone shall not in any case exceed 200 nautical miles, measured from the baselines for determining territorial sea. Article VI The exercise of sovereignty over the resources and jurisdiction over the tone shall encompass all the economic resources of the area, living and non -livit either on the water surface or Within the voter column, or on the soil or subsoil of the sea-bed and ocean floor below. Article VII Without prejudice to the general jurisdictional competence conferred upon .he coastal State by article II above, the State may establish special regulatior iithin its economic zone for: (a) Exclusive exploration and exploitation of renewable resources. (b) Protection and conservation of the renewable resources, (c) Control, prevention and elimination of pollution of the marine environment' (d) Scientific research. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 ? ? Approved For Release 2001/12/044 elA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 s4..10.117 and Corr.1 vcdoutioo: orert ertiele. 1, ,"a?Lat ;;Lats rciendr to s belt of nra adjnrrnt to tip nt. dem,ribed an thr territorial are. nrid tit the air spore. bed and subsoil ro-..nct it ntr 1.. fts the IrcattI, of at. territorial sea 4O to to Mill .r "ftql0,11 m11,0 rsennurtd from the epplic?ble baselines. A 1.onerf.AS State hap sovereign rights War all aria Of HS &listen% ID lta ritrint ttrn up to A diatom, or NO nautical nlits meesured retie the baseline v which the. hrandth 0, the territorial lea is measured sr up to a greater ."Iontennt with the epicontinental sea. Op t'or purpouro of th.n and LIP oucceedIng articles. the term "epicontinentel the column or eater covering the sea -hid and st.'isoll which ars situated no +very," depth of ;no ?,trra. noore or the ehoveamentioned rights is laid down 7n the succeedlms It is for mark vonItNI :Ants to rim the breadth nr the are% adjacent to its !,000a1 own up to the ansiams ditetance prescribed In article I, in accordance ,riterin ohiri, Ina, into necciUnt the regionel eeneraiShical. .eleal. economic and *nets' factors involved and interests relating to the .1-ration of the marine environment. A ronsitnl stele IMA noverrign right. over thr renetemble earl non-renewvhlw wi srrwurcen. living. And non-living, which tre to he found in the said eres, IC .1 ifLli w2r-ki-91.5.brE ..491,tt..t1.11!..lOtr?llt and VW' 7'nin" 211, collate'. State elMal-iblULAliclusive Jurisdiction, In accordance ultili_jhe *111,trlid4 Imbl1illa.?M.9121.113ManZaraf-A--thr-AU-1"1-49519""-U J. or thm high ma Weeen. th It* territorial issa. (; It vdll Is nrostra.a7 to recognise a irpecitto limit to the fishers sons In which the coastal Stale hag jurilidlotioc. Ins boort concept would be to ettablleb conetal Stetw responsibility and contrOl over the coastal ApP4i141. bees its. the non-sedentarei free-rwimaing species that inhabit nmtrient bearing areas witoest to the opest). Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 telA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 SC.11/146 Working i,aper nuhrnitted by the delegations of Australia and tlorwaLccatainieg_esrtain basic principles on an econOmic, ani1.22P.J.E.1120.tioe_... (n) The vertigo) State hno the right to eatablieb, beyond its territorial sea, in eccoreance with thene princit leo, an (economic zone - patrimonial pea) in which I. ehrgi loge uovereign rights t 'Cr the natural reeourceu for the primary benefit or its pr.npto 104 its economy. (b) The natural resources of the (economic zone - patrimonial sea) comprise the renewable and nen-rencwable natural resources of the waters, the sea-bed and the outhoil thereof. (e) The coastal State hoe the right to determina the outer limit of the (economic eerie - patrimonial sea) up to a maximum distance of 200 nautical miles from the applicable baselines for measuring the territorial sea. However, the cot:total State hoe the right to retain, where the natural prolongation of its lend mono extendu beyond the (economic zone - patrimonial Rea), the sovereign' rights with t,. that. Mita of the sen-bed and the subsoil thereof which it had under intereationel law before the entry into force of this convention: such righte to ore extend beyond the cuter edge of the continental margin. eC.11/1.25 Brazil: draft articles containing basic provisions op the question of the Maximum breadth of the territorial sea and other modalities or combinations of legal r6gimen of coastal State sovereignty. Jurisdiction or specialized Competence. LEI,LJe A 1. Each State has the right to eatablish the breadth of it. territ, within reasonable limits, taking into account geographical, social, econot ecological and national seourity factors. 2. The breadth of the territorial sea shall in no came exceed 200 miles measured from the baselines determined in accordance with article .. present Convention. 3. State, whose coasts do not face the open ocean shall enter into conaultations with Other States of the region with a view to determining : agreti maximum breadth of the territorial sea appropriate to the perticuli characteristics of the region. Article B Within the limitations determined by article A, each State has the ri establieh Other modalities or combinations of legal rAgimes of sovereignty jurisdiction or specialized Ocompetencee in the marine area adjacent to iti Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 MBIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 3C.I1/1..%51 sni Corea Caned*. Indies Kenn' Higter_ggia Ind Ord liMstal slatiAlgius on tuadriet Article 1 A coastal State her a right to eetablieh an "sequel", fiellery taco hermit itn territorial sea. The coastal State shall exercise sovereign rights for the purpose. of exploration, erfloitatioa. toneerratioa and management of the liallh$ rcsourecs, including fisherico. in (him sone. and shall adopt from tile' to tise aranurce Sc it ma:dn. necessary and appropriate. the tIvlu TOROUTeel may he plant or animal. anf sey be locatad on the water wren*. within the water column. an the eft-bed or Pi the subsoil [hamar. Article 2 The exclusive fishery LOT* may ent extra Piped nautical mil*** tram LI.' hoseline from which the breadth c the territorial son is measured. The figure for the nautical dlr. in this entail. will correspood to the figure mentioned for tie concept of the exclusive eeceanic woe. Rtt'fle A coastal State he. a special ir Arrest In !he maintenance of the productivity Hying resource* of the area o- the tea adjacent to the exclusive fishery ice.. ane say tate approcriate memoir.' to protect this Intelsat. A coastal State shall enjoy preferential rights to iti* resources of thii area led *MY remove* for It, nationals ? portion of the allowable catch of these resources eorruporling to It. harvesting capacity. SCell,fioNe Soriano pper subaitted by the Chime* dalesetion: sea area "(thin the liseits of national Jurisdiction 2, taClUalVi ocoecade zone-or exclumiva fishery sone (1) A coastal State may resSonably define an exclusive *commode sone (hereleafter referred to am the *commie sone) beyond and eljamast to its territorial sea in accordance vita it. geographical mod genlogivel conditions, State of its natural reiourcas mod its nude of national economic development. The otter limit of the econcnic mos my art. In mazimmit. exceed 200 nautical mile. measured from the baseline of the territorial 'ea. (2) All oatmeal resources within the economic Pifte of R coastal State. Inanitiesi.vit and boo-living TOSCalrief Of the whole eater column, sea-bed end its ',Axial. are mimed by the coastal Mats. A coastal State sproleas axcluaive jurisdiction over its economic sone for tat purpose of protecting, using, exploring and exploiting the resources as described in the preceding paragraph. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP8261A697R000300030001-3 80.11/1. d7 Ised Corr.1 -2 srtielen for inciunion in a eo. eelition_on the law of the Sea working pet,. !mien' tted by_ the del et!, lion,, of Fundornnn Jatlitpit. krticle 1 1. 11.. noverei enty of the cone Al State and, coneeouently, the exercise of ? 'to J.rindietion, ohall extend to the ..ea dajecent tb Ito comet up to a limit net eseeedind0 4/Janney of 200 nnutical milee measured from the appropriate baselines. I. The eforeoeid oovereignty end jerindiction shall also extend to the air epee. over the adjacent pea, ea well es to its bed and eubsoil. 6211511.1. The renewable and non-re?ewable resourceg of the sea, and of ite bed and subsoil, within the limits re'erred to in article 1 shall be subject to the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the coastal State. grticle 1/ The term ninternetional eenn" shral denote that part of the can which is net subject to the sovereienty and jurindie ;ion of coastal States. !elti 1e_12 The following freedoms ehall be eget eised on the international 'new (I) fr?^doM of nevigation. (2) freedom of overflisht; rreedom to by submarine eableu and Of) freedom to emplace Artificial islnnds and other installations permitted under Internet ion.] taw, without prejudice to the provisions of article 21ll (.) freedom or fishing, nutticet to the conditions laid down in article 20; (,) -..dom or nrientific research, subject to the conditions laid down in nrtl 111.e, ree000mo Rhnli be exereleed by coy :Ante, with due coneideretion tor the interests of oilier State, in the exercims of the some freedom. (04splementary provieinna) S0.11/L.54 ? Ecuador, Panama and Peru: draft articles on fisher/ea in rational ani internationS1 zones in wean 10100 'Arttolo 0 Fishing aid marine hunting aotivitiee in the internttional seas shall be conducted in conformity with the articles of this; Convention ami with any agreements thst are coneluded at Om world cr regional level. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 212I04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 3C.11/1..45 Sorting per outwitted br the Chloe*, delexstini; Porrt1 pr.-orioles for the imteraational sea arse 1. The Internatisnal gee area denotive all the pee rad ocean apace beyond the limits or national jurgedietinn. The interfaith:nal goo are. tad its resources are. in principle. Jointly toned by Ste people of all countries. 6. Flaking in the international ass arse shall be properly regulated to prohibit indigerinieste fishing and other violations of rules and regulations for the cangervation of fishery reiourcee. ISC?11/1-21 C?1 M mo iatipo # Temsaalai dra 7 ft -bita al treat, Fatrimonlel tee Article t The opeetal State kee sovereign rights 0,117 the renewable and nor eatoral remogreas Which are found In the eaters. in the ass-bed and to or an area a4jacsat to the territorial gee called the petrimodial sea. Artiele 5 The ?natant State his the right to adopt the necessary measure* t It. govereienty over the resources and prevent aortae pollution of its sea. Article 11 1. The coastal State shall exercise jurindictioe and 'upends exploratios sad mialtation of the reneweble and nots.reneweble raw petrinoelel atm end over allied ectivitiee.? Article 16 Freedom or gerrigation. overnight end the laying of slavering cat piptlinee shall Geist in the bigh gees. Fig/ling in thie sone shall b. unrestricted be lediscrisinate. Article 17 /he coastal State ham a special interest in maltitelolog the prod the living refources of the sea In soores ailment to the putrigoole Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA/QP82S00697R000300030001-3 ic.11/L.55 Jumnicu: Draft :welt:leo on regionul facilition for developing geoaraphically disadvantaged Coastal Statee Article 1, I. In tux: region where there are geographically disadvantaged coastal States, the nationale of such Staten shall have the right to exploit, on a reciprocal and preferential bae!s, the renewable resources within maritime songs beyond 12 miles from the coasts of the States of the region for the purpose of fostering the economic development of their fishing industry and satisfying the nutritional needs of the population. Article 1 Fxcept as provided in xticle 4. nothing in articles I. and 2 shall apply to territories under foreign emanation or forming an integral part of Metropolitan powers outside the region. Article 5 For the perpoee of the. !Articles: (m) ?geographically di advantaged coastal States" means developing States which for geographical, biological or ecological reasons (i) derive no eubetantial advantage from the extension of their maritime priediction, ur (1-1) are advernely affected by the extension of marina jurisdiction of other Stateo: (iii) have short coaetlinee and cannot extend uniformly their national 3nrindietion; (h) nantkontau" imlude enterpriees subetantially owned and effectively ennLrolled hy SC.11/1.12 Promoolo for aw=i3=1.01 On Who With 1.1 The Proposed Agile applies to fisheries on the high sena in the ar the limit of 12 milee from the conet of a Strts, measured in docord4ftee rulee of international law (such arena hereinafter shell be referred to . lettere"). 1.2 All Shpts. have the right for their national* to engage in flaking. esas, eubjeot to the prreant regime and to their existing treaty obliget3 1.3 The propoaed riedmo *hall not affect the rights and obligations of existinginteluationel agreements relating to specific fisherlue on the Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDRAS00697R000300030001-3 SC.II/1.211 Mnliat (IMO. 'nicks cal Op MaILL;tat.ionor gesetll &Wig lw-isai,tIon In oCeen Onkel 1/11 on Om elates and obligation, 0( meta. 4,54es lq_kbe area eviler their 2ar1ndlet1Mg Ar.!-.151?. I. TIN. .14.1rtnif4e1(na of a I,Late pretends to a belt of mess enace adjacent to its .1.yrritur.1 an natl....) it AMC., This jur1nAhL,nn le raerelned eubjeet to the nrovleine of these article, and ip ,A1p-r roles pf haernn1loinel lar. L The Juriedletinn nf ? coSetAl State extends to the all apace Mews national oroco. 5/ 2, Thin nrtleie corresrund., With mrdificeticns, to article I eand article 2 of the vonrenthin no the Territorial nee end the CrostiituouS to. Article IA 1. rhu j.ried1cthm of a 0tatr *Ar extend La a belt of ocean space adjacent to Ile roast, the breadth .f which is 200 nautical lit*te measured from baselines drawn 1. N.-purloiner with the pruwiltOnS or rhapter Ill -if this Convention. Fatherlands: Unite 3C.11111.59 ii 0=4..1 ICOPosal concernlne an intermediate cone Article 1 Ttm Intermatiate lone comprilee: (a) In so far as the living resources, with the exception of "highly sigratory oceanic flab speclee", Sr. concerned, the emperjacent meters contiguoue to the territorial see (12 miles) up to am outer lisit of ... miles; (b) In so far as the nap-living resource, Sr. concerned, the sea-ted and subsoil underlying * bat of see up to 40 sites eeeverd of the outer limit of the 'eontineotal shelf,. Dot not exceeding the distance of ... nautical miles measured from the baselines of the territorial sea. Article 2 Issuing of Steenweg All exploration for. and exploitetion of. the living or non-liring resources of the intermediate sone shalt be licensed by the coastal State, subject to the rule. and regulations established by the competeat international authoritiee regitmel end/or subrenionel authorltielj. ? The continental shelf i* underatnod here a.1 the sea-bed end subsoil adjacent to the coast, not exceeding the 2o0 metres isobeth or underlying a belt of sea the breadth of *Kith is 40 nautical miles .ensured from the baselines of the territorial one. according to the choice betweca the two method* of delimitation to be made by the State concerned at the soment of ratification. Such choice shall be final and the method of dellmItstIon shall apply to the whole of the coastline of the State concerned. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 : 0A-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 SC.714.52 lvdtintan: breadth of the territorial nee and boundaries of ?tile exclusive economic zone Foch coastal State shall 'have the Tight to establish the breadth of its territorial ore within limits not exceed:As 12 nautical miles, measured from applicable beaelinen determined in actor( Ince with article ... of thin Convention. Mach ronotal State shall oleo have-the right to establish its exclusive eeonornlc none not exreeding 200 nautical riles. calculated from the baseline used for the Iletenehrintion of the limito of tli territorial sea. 30.11/L.41 Uganda ani Zambian Pratt articles Og the Tromossd scoMveic tone SECTION III =ECM MNE irtjas_k 1. Beyond the uniform limits of the territorial seas of crestal States there shall be established economic sone., tip otter limit of which shall be ? line every point of which shall not exceed nautical miles measured from the baselines, known as regional or eubregional economic sone?. SC.11/1.24 Uruguay: draft treaty articles on the territorial sea TIIRRIIORIAL 824 SECTION I. GENERAL Article k I. A metal State exercises sovereignt over a belt of sea adjacent to its creel and to its ira anal waters, described al the territorial sea. 2. The sovereignty of a coastal State extends to the air mos* over the terr sea as well as to Its bed and subsoil. SECTION II. LiXITS OF THE TERItITCRIAL I Artiole 1. Every State is entitled to determin the breadth of its territorial sea with limits not exceeding ? distance of 200 nautical miles measured from the applic, baselines subject to the prods lora of snesosedini paragraphs. 2. In region ulth spatial oharacteris, such as seeni-enalosed or inland seas, wt ii II impossible for *motel States to the menden= breadth of their territoria the breadth of the said areas shall be determined by agreement between the cos, States of the sane region. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-41332S00697R000300030001-3 %MA., .f 04WPS.S__!SlYTA Clahortes arttlr I . lIrrts4IITT Ao,Jhooty lo rettolate the [Mine. flat...maven of thr hseh scar Shall be determined by their bcolcatical characteristics end saga authority shall be eternised no am to ...Roc.. their conservation. Sflatatal utilisation and equitable allocation. II. COASTAL ASS AMMON= 1JTlRESCUSCE5 The coastal tante small regulate end hive prefeotatial rights. toll! coastal reaOtirres off its coast beyond the territtrial in to the limit. or their mierathry range. The et:metal State la Shims Teeth or voltam:lee waters anadromous rep.olrces (P.a. ealmonI spurn shall have authority tc regulate and have preferential rtebte to such reanurcra beyond the territorial one t..rmighout their migrstor7 owl the high seas (vithout regarn to Whether or not tley In off the collet of said vt.tri. K. Th. term 'coastal resource refere to all living resources off the conit coast.: State the ni)0ly migratory species listed in Annex A. st and .111.14T.1.11/1/0 rennorcen et eh... A not attached. Draft article rei tithing (basic provisions and exo1anat2ry nutO submitted by the Ohivo of Scriet Socialist Republica Relic provisions 1. It the areas of the high eras directly adjeceat to it* territorial see VI fishery was (opt exceeding 12 miles), a developing coastal State may annually reserve to itself such part of the allowable catch of fig!, an can be taken by marls navigating under that State's flag. With the growth of the fishing fleet of the developing coastal State the above-mentioaed part of the allowable catch of fish nerved by that State may thereat, accordingly. She developing coastal State 'ball notify the site or the reserved part of the catch 00 the International fisheries organisation whose competence covers the particular are*, and also to States engaged in fishing in the above-mentioned Sr.... Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 : 411A-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 -9- 2. MINIM CC.II/L.99 ,MAIldilittall-Nairl9. DeUlm. TVILV_IA2 kta twurl2L gly_c_emcc Anvisdletion of Milaikilidtid eRYPn4_tho Artie, IT 6. In exploiting the livin, resources the States referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 or thin article shall ?beers the regulations and measures pertaining to mnuagsmnot and conservation in the respective ... tones. SC.II/L.40 and CorrA-3 Alaeria. Cameroon. Ghana. Ivory Coast. Konya. Mora. se Oman. %nisi, and Uhite4 Republic of Unsania: 4rozt articles on exclusive economic some ? Sc.II/I43T oat Myra. &gentians" drat artiokem ? 10. The protection and conservation of renewable resources existing in the area are likewise subject to the regulations of the coastal States c(ncerned and to mien agreements as they may conclude on the matter, taking into account, where relevant, co-operation with other States and the recommendations of international teehniekl bodies. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RdOS00697R000300030001-3 1I/L.11 *dantpsi.?titioittad tar tool.ralin anti bar Zaa II jt ihrit In- Vic roononulail KT of Um coastal Mato to KIVA AO astroar sandttunant inn .tilliatlna of tho listor moors,' vItida ila sow of tialuAlve lartadlotion. IL...Wang - (a) nignsint we of Ma loofa of stook, Web will oroyaLlap AWN* sualattnablb ) U1 Liu 'tub .L.11+mii?NaLtiffiLiit..10:210.21.2 i2eln..41111-Itti-bLitti.1 ,ssiikIL1O?Madilai Mt (0) locatiblo orioritar to be of to Yr orainatisnt if flabfor tilstiot Ismant onowitIon. (bontoutt aarrying oat %Moo lesponailAlltlas a Illisto voold mks am of mayoral -forrsti to th Prtnolpla III balov). IL, The coastal ate boa ramontallillitrt =Awl roingiolLaa00. ramouroot Alga mttortal utilisation of UP.? rsdiourona. It altall oukliab 00. moult& of Viol reasarob otakeit_tumattla zortod. Other Stales oorestleo 'GM& Ur Mile aril &mist La nojettch_gegrooneo and ohall erudite ccossubiadara outdo- offset sot blolocloal data al roaaaltabls intoroala or mostred. 5C-11/L.36 ryin VW worklac bytlat_tE 07 ktis dilizattors of eAu and ierfty WAWA otrtain baALQ In on ablanauldi IOW IM on Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 10A Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 80.11/L.25 lire III draft article', oontsinint begin on, on t. WO1040n er OPUMWMil 2r94,14h QL Irtarritortal oak and OhoC ngsliaktalgroogbinationa DS 4aga1..realnea eoestalfitateeevereimntriJuriadialaga, gr speciglimicadasetommet- scal/Loa and Corr.1 Caned*. India, /Apra, Sr. Senora' ong Sri Lanka' Craft article' 9n flaherial gC.I1/1.5O $C.11/L.1. gager submitted br the Chime', tient @mares within the liatba 27"ailonal jurtiodidtion SC.II/L.21 pleat'. Mexico nee Venezuela: drill nrtialea et treaty Necking gaper awbaitted br tb? Minoan Celenationt general windage* for %bit International les area Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP8246J7R000300030001-3 land Cr.]. emi 2 Article 20 1. Plashing and huntIon lb the International use shall be easiest to end region.' rotors, regulation. of ? world-w: 2. The tabrevald Retie! i.e Bb.ii be carried out by techniques and methode which du not jeoperdles adequntr enneereetioe of the renewable retourdet of the intigractional sews hesli/L.54 Idym4gr. Pomo& int ROM drift articles an fisharitoizc rear-teignalaSIMUILMIgail_agja I. fisheries In tonee of national eavereitnty S'nd Jurisdiclion Article A It shall be the responsibility of the coastal State to prescribe legal prorisions relating to the neaagement and exploitation of living resources in garities, tone under its soversicety and jurisdiction. primarily for the purpc ensuring the conservation and rational utilisation of such resources, the development of its fishing and related industries and the improvesent of the nutritional levels of peoples. Article 21 Article D Its constni Stet: holvw specie' interest in saintaiming the productivity of renewable resourses an try port of tba international use edieeent to the area subject to its 'Jean-lent, Ind jurtsdictIon. 1. In adopting Mielataill to conserve living resources in tho garitioe subject to Ito govereignty and jurisdiction, the coastal State shall endeavou galattin _he productieity of species and avoid harmful effects for the surdo living resources outside the said tone. 2. The coastal State shall. for the foregoing purposes, prceote any roe co-operatina with other States and with Corp. nt international organisations. 6114olo 4 t. Regulations adopted to regulate fishing and hunting it the intermit; seta shall ensure the conservation end rational utilisation of living ranionrce to. equitable partitipation of all States in their orploitation, with duo rage the special needs of the developing countries. including those of the Land-lc countries. 2. Such regulations shall establish conditions and methods of fishing tinting reach prevent the indleerialnate exploitation of specie, sod avert the danger of their extinction. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/11/104 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 sc.i1/1,05 Uno0UlatCade on "%IOW raoilltlee for deveicales megretalliColl.vANNOMISSUNAERELAWen S- O.II/L- .12 . ? ? CONSERVATION Of PLSNERT (01230ORCES 2.1 Objective Of Ocnintrvetion eenearee The objeotive of conservetion measures is to /whim% the maximum sustainable Aside of fishery resources end thereby to scours and maintain a meximum supply of food end other marine produote. 2.2 ObliaatiOna to _adopt conservation Seaserse (1) In otos. Where natiotals of one State ere exclusively engaged in fishing. particular stook of fish, that Stets shall adopt, when necessary, appropriate conservation sensures. In Twee where national' of two or icor* States are engaged in fishing a particular stook or fish, these States shall, at the request of twat them, negotiate and %naiade arrangements which will provide for appropriate coneervatton measures. ?These conservation measures shall be %existent with the objective of %merest/on referred to in porn. 2,1 above and shall be adopted hexing regard to the principles referred to in para. 2.3 -below. (2) In oases-where conservation thesauri% have already been adopted. by States with respeot to a particular stook of fish whioh is exploited by their natlenals, t new-comer State shall adopt its own oonsertation Tonsure, which should be as restriotive no the exioting meaeures until new arrangements are concluded among all the States concerned. If the existing conservation measeres include a cetah limitation or, some other regulations not permitting nationals of the new-comer State to engage in fishing the stook of fish concerned, the States e.pplying the exieting oonservation measures shell immediately enter into negotiation with the new-owner theta for the porpooe of concluding new arrangement,. Pending such errangements, nationals of the nes-comer State?shell not corona in fishing the etock concerned. (3) States shall make Ube of the international or regional fiehery organisations, no for ao possible, to adopt appropriate-conservation measurea. 2.3 Sonic orinoinlee relating to ceniervation mefteures (1) Coneervation %%sures nest be adopted on the basis of the best soientifio evidence available. /f the States oancerned cannot reach agreement on the asseeement of the conditions of the stook to which conservation meaeuree arn. m be applied, they shall request on appropriate international body or other impartial third party to undertake the ameeeement. In order to obtain the fairest possible assessment of the atook conditions, the States concerned shall co-operate in the establishment of regional institutione for surveying and research into fishery resources. (2) NO conservation measure shall disoriminate in form or fact between fishermen of one State from those of other States. (3) Conservation measure. ehall be determined, to the extent poesible, on the bogie of the allowable catch estimated with respect to the individual stocks of fish. 2Te foregoing principle however shall not preclude oonservation measures from being determined on goes other basee in cases where, due to lack of sufficient data, en estimate of the allowable catch is not possible with any eeamoneble degree of accuracy. (4) Sc State eon be exerp..d Isom the obligation to adopt conservation measures on the ground that sufficient acientific findings are looking. (5) The conservation measures adopted shall be designed or BA to .minimise interference with fishing activities relating to etooke of fish, if any, thich are not the object of such measures, (6) Conaervation measures and the data on the basis of which ouch measures are adopted shall be subject to review at appropriate intervals. 2.4 Special statue Of coastal States in coneervatien of resoureee A coastal State shall be recognised as having special etatue with reepeot to the conservation of fishery resources in itmadjacent waters. Thus, the coastal State will have the right of participating, on on equal footing, An any survey on fiehery resources conducted in ite adjacent waters for conservation purposes, whether or not nationals of that ooaatal State-ars actually engaged in fishing the particular etooke concerned. Hon-conetal Statics conducting the survey ehall, at the request of the coastal State, make available to the coastal State the findinga of their surveye and researohes concerning such stocks. exolopt for interim messuree (S.1 below), no coneervation measure may be adopted with respect to any stook of fish, without the consent of the coastal State whose netionals or. engaged in fielting the particular stock concerned (or the majority of the aoaetal States in oases- where there.are three or more ouch coastal States). A oonotal State shall at the same time have the obligation to take, in co-operation with other States, necessary meaeuree with a view to maintnining the productivity of C.Sehary reeources in its adjacent waters at a level that will %able an effective and rational utilisation of such :mamma. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 I IRS Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA- DP82S00697R000300030001-3 44.17,11-52 bo4n4erlea or the eatleetyt meanie toot 54.44AI 04.I//tah Wang. en4 Zektetat Aare ertielte an the pn00csaLj Weimar; 4rart treaty articles on the tor:Mortal es. _ ? ._11 itfiet In ere' Aprigialsto cgi a_etkeralal 92_steLflI_klyloe,Lisouroes or national memo space Article el 1. The term 'consar,mtion of living rmeourosem memo the aggregate of measures renecrievc possible the optimum sustainable yield frog much rireources. Chnservattoo programme *hall be totonist,ed with a rive t? eetturtog to the r,rst place a supply of food for tnanion eoonnopttoo. Article OR It shall be the reeponeibility in the first instance of the coastal State to formulate nod !implement opproprinte sod effective programme of conytervation of the 11.1,, reevurces or notional ocean space. Such conservation programes shall not aiacriminnte between national end foreign fithermen and shall be based on ..pprvpriala opd rrliabIe seientific findings. Conservation erogreemes shall include: (al eo.,.r., .r biological einnasemant which-nay ba norobsor7 or desirable to mointnin or troCrwair the stock of living raeources of notionAl ocean apace; tb) invonicro of economic soneseneet vhich may be necessery an desirable to antntain fluhtne effort in national ocean ap4R. 01 Irrcla orbridint waists, net n-turna in relation co potential imagined catch; ici MeW.Cru.1 or regulative - including, inter alio licensing, closed areas, closed seasons, lieltatione on ails and conditrW171711.17c1fic living resources *hien any be courht ond limitations OD 41.11 Of gear - designed to render possible Llic bucrobbria implementation of resaeares of biological and economic managerent. 4. Progresses of conformation Of tho living resource* or national ocean apace 01111 be given ewe publicity by Abe eoittal ',tete and shall be commalicated to the intornatibbai befogs OPS05 institutions. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 :1421A-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 SC.1I/L.9 IV. CONSERVATION PRINCIPLES In order to seaman the conservuticm of living marine resources, the ooastal State or appropriate International orgeniection dhall apply the following prinoiplesa A. Allowable oatoh and other conservation measurer, &tell be established xhioh are designed, on the basie of the beet evidence available, to maintain or restore the mains, ecetainabla yield, tdking into account relevant environmental and economic fan turn. R. For this purpose scientific informat.on, catch and effort statistioa, and other relevant data shall he oontributed and eabeneed on a regular basis. C. Coneorvation measures and their icesmentation shell not discriminate in form or foot againnt any fisherman. Consersaticl measures shall remain in foroe pending the settlement, in amoordenee with the relevant 'revisions of thie Artiole, of any disagreement es to their validity. SC.II/L.60 Zaire, draft articles on fishing Article 1 Neighbouring developing States shall grant one another preferential treatment in their respective economic zones with regard to the exploitation of living resources. The procedure for the exercise of such rights shall be settled by arrangement between the States concerned. The benefit of the preferential treatment provided for in the first paragraph shall, however, be reserved to nationals of those States or to enterprises under the real and effective control of those States. The conservation and management of the resources of the entire economic zone shell lie within th, competence and authority of the coastal State. . Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04:3 CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 3. ACCHNS AND ALLOCATION, flezIT/Lz-59 Aff0eVliAtailxiMeteridailelftitin. 111114vie,,,AgolaasLaggelm; draft artielee op_TeetpyhgavINUMori_of coage4W.Wit Penenid the territOrka, flea Article II I. lana Invited and enhutnt States which cannot or do not declare a ... zoor our,ounC C. urtielr I (hereinafter referred to nn the "disadvantaged States"), no woll ftl? onturn1 or juridien1 'merlons ander their control, shall have the right te Pe11.1,1inte in 1hr exploration and exeloitation of the living resources of the ,oee ,,e ileild.00ring comae] Slat,s on an equal and non-discriminatory basis. P., I1T Pefl.u1r furilituting the e'derly development and the rational management and roploitati.m of the living reeoureen of particular .,. zones, the States eenvereed may deelde upon appropriate arrangements to regulate the exploitation the ermuno.rs if. thnt zonr. . lu 11r. ... Zone the coastal State may annually reserve for itself and volvb other diundynnWeed fltnten an may be cservining the right under the precedine pnregrnph, that pert of the meximem allowable ?eld, as determined by the relevant leterliationel einheriee orenniention, which coirespondn to the harventing capacity ad needs ol thrur 11Cncon. other Mtn Ihour rerrred to 0 paragraph i nhull eftve the right to ,,ploil. thou. 'ma ,,r the remaining ntInwahle yield nobject to pitymente, to be determined onfler rotritubly conditionn, red regeLntiona laid down by the coastal, 1Ildfcru for Ow rx0.1.tUtiM of the livinv reu.nreeif of the ... zone, h, eieedvmetweed Statee nhell not trenef.i the right conferred upon them Ill pneaereph 1 te third partite. However. Ulla provision shall not preclude the dfnmaynnfAurf1 eleteil from entering inle nrrangements with third parties for the plirrn.r 4,1 cnAblinr them to develop viable fishine industries of their own. A ... zone pursuant to devel.pra ....tell State, which eutubliohen nr..i471,, I, paragraph 1, shell contribute ... per cent of its revenues a/ derived rr?. thy, eApil,i140.10,1 or the living reneerece in that sone to the international nutilority, Such contributions uhull ue dintri bele,' by the international authority on the heel. or sharing criteria, sc.10..40 and corr.1-3 Algeria. Cameroon. Ghana. Ivory Coast. Kenya. Liberia, Asgazp.._is_yx_kn_mumjj_gum_ksset._.ft,ujagasli,tweg, Sudan. TUniela and Unkted Republic of Tanzania: &nen articles on exclusive economic zone Article VIII Rationale of a developing land-locked State and other geogranhicallv disadvantaged Staten shall enjoy the privilege to fish in the exclusive economic zones of the adjoining neighbouring ecastal States. The modalities of the enjoyment of this privilege and the area to which they relate shall be settled by agreement between the coastal Sttte and the land-locked State concerned. The right to prescribe and enforce menfteement measures in the area shall be with the eceetal State. The African States endorse the principle of the right of access to and from the sea by the lend-locked conttries, and the inclusion of such a nrovision in the universal treaty to he neeotiated at the law of the sea conference. Article X Neighbourine developing States shall give reciprocal preferential treatment to one another in the exploitation of the living resources of their respective economic zones. Article XI No State exercising foreign domination and control over a territory shall be entitled to establinh an economic zone or to enjoy any other right or privilege referred to in these articles with respect to such territory. 8C./0,07 and Corr.1 drnentinsi draft articles 8. States in a particular region or eubregion which for geographical or economic reasons de not see fit to extend their sovereign right* to an exclusive maritime area adjacent to their territorial sea shall enjoy a preferential rfteine for purposes of fishing in the exclusive maritime areas of other States belonging to the region or subregion, such rAgime to be determined by bilateral agreements providing for a fair adjustment of their mutual interests. The said rggine shall be granted provided that the enterprises of the State which wishes to exploit tte resource: in question are effectively controlled by capital and nationals of that State and that the ships which operate in the area fly the flag of that state. 9. The prospecting and exploration of the maritime area adjacent to the territorial sea and the exploitation of the natural resources existing therein are aubjeet to the regulations of the coastal States concerned, which may reserve those activities to themselves or to their nationals or may allow third parties to engage in thee in accordance with the provisions of their internal laws and of such international agreements as they may conclude on the matter. 14. Through bilateral and, where appropriate, subregionsl agreements, a coastal State shall facilitate for neighbouring States having no sea-coast the right of ReCen0 to the sea and of transit. In the same way agreement shall be reached with States having no sea-coast on an equitable rtgioe for the exercise in the maritime area of fishing rights which shall be preferential in relation to third States. The said preferential rights' shall be granted provided that the enterprises of the State which wishes to exploit the resources in question are effectively controlled by capital and nationals of that State and that the ships which operate in the area fly the flag of that State. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S0069M20300030001-3 jui me ....I .Lnali_Loi by atiralla afar aps dC.11/L.56 61?"1"111111321-1"1"211111"" may sattalataz cartair. Jule III. L'.&P,61bat (A)? tore,ino to ii f Ultimo mans oat amaimmtot to prorate to tio mom (v) lie amber of moot. mat tie man of male of moor Vat am teapot, (o) (r) (.1 tto Nigi of flat that deo to wimp teroiNee 3ap =Mod of flitime that moo ja woe to a mosolflot arms os for takjekg P_Protlflot mato+ or 01.so al flob AEI owitati Miter 1110141. bribilLUE. its maideoloi Jarimillotion. LI wowld to for to. State to Woos's, the alloamble oat= of oar marliriflar swum. mat to eiLoatte to itself tact milks ALAN oflowablo eatoh. co to 105 war toot. flat it OM Unlit (UMW ik,AmitiOlk Jurisdiction mom that It weld be Ina acootel !tato Vat sass aa. proliatrary ond fatal imoisiomo em Moira toast that ortoo. ^aolatir. Jariodlotion voold mot, bowerrr. be Amoamisiamt Ala the ortolan., of or 00tWooltat1vo procoaarllo to Asal with Imola teeuee in rospoot Of Or mianiztratIon VI tio mania nolo or Its resource NriodloUon labors *PIOT talwrooted Bata raise Moro tombs). 0. Aoro the ...sal Mots unohis to afro 100 oar omit of ite allowahlo ootth of A pantes am dotoraisod motor lbw frinciol.e. It fill allow Vs omtrr of bralas 1411ti. mule rite o rise t. voinicialne itaatelaaimetattle Dot sonar. Pah pagtOf shall Vo ilratted MO 111 Salmi of allmwaile eat& on to emaita.le !omit .thoat toe leeogitten of enrommatablo tooditiome mod villas% Alsoriaination Wituven 'eland* of other ;teas. aware; to morto trovidoe for atdorohoonoo-sit Imetwolo mano to soserloaro with itsoe (2ilemei.tso of 'looses foes le too Vat moires consideration. M011ot, ho+tfto rorsol to tera mod other Vorese impand on tie lied filabOMMUR mod taw oott of wroatine realities opt stawalliono. 091.4010, *MAW note midti wild, to Liana Warr liemmee fese en foraLim otanele, gook ohnold met be otrassonatIO). fl.&aura warted to th. easolal Lam atorrat of trolitiftol atialatetta fishing carded oat UR mew wort of Ihm Ilmlorioo tcaormati A dolLaition of 'traditional tabrieleso. Medea. mor be reattral In order gloat, to tdontIrr Ito 1101164 rove of !Ware Is mind valor01. Prinoitdo LA ',sea.. thou proklOS emeld Fortempe a.toot dealt will ralomal arroormate ozone ale comotatea odasommell). VU. whan-tla toenal Slots Intendo_lo alliatIo_te Itself 0.whole of law lallouabh. 44, 1 it. oweeziolommentijell ROOSUiti, wag OR a mabsimUla 'gale for , striae .1 not lose_thom yasymjasay ram tot- (*) alignwt to. oaten rod offort atm/Uttar of to. ether sato is order to satakitril JhoLorl of flatlet overationo aarrista mai ailkamjcjar etti stale' (v) oodoll"tiom moots' arroraearDittatia lie oihmr.e.Wwsior %dash to. 122:41 said is 'pharal cat" of tto fishery tartar mare Iola' doralosime 112;) capacity of Vic ooratal. Butz' (c) jr, Lto ormit of arras/at not hams replapiLarooda emareltailon theft seal to alIALL36.29, ovriod or irtnliM" Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/4? CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 a st.,r/L.,8 corra cal/L.25 am,. Xima. Madness-car Senegal and Orl Waal drift nyaelisikeir!cles Fntaininkyseie provisions 0; the :uootion of the r:3ca articles' on fisheries brapdth I -WititOr a sea ol.her amdalitieo ir combinations of legal rigiMes of curets tit* wovere FALY, uriadiatian or specia-ized competences Article 4 The coastal State may allow nationals of other States to fish in its exclusive fishery zone, subject to such terms, conditions and regulations as it may from time to time prescribe. These may, inter alia, relate to the following: (a) Licensing of fiehing vessels and equipment, including payment of fees and other forme of remuneration; (b) Limiting the number of vessels and the number of gear that may be used; (e) Specifying the gear permitted to be used; (d) Fixing the periods during which the prescribed species may be caught; (e) Fixing the age and size of fish that may be caught; (f) Fixing the quota of catch, whether in relation to particular species of fish or to catch per vessel over a period of time or to the tn..) catch of-national. of one State during a prescribed period. Article 5 Neighbouring developing coastal States shall allow each other's nationals the right to fish in a specified area of their respective fishery zones on the basis of long and mutually recognized usage and economic dependence on exploitation of the resources of that area. The modalities of the exercise of this right shall be settled by agreement between the States concerned. This right will be available to the nationals of the State concerned and cannot be transferred to third parties by lease or licence, by establishing joint collaboration ventures, or by any other arrangement. Jurisdiction and control over the conservation, development and management of the resources of the specified area shell lie with the coastal State in whose sone that area is located. Working Dever submitted by the Weems dalmiguni OO4 ang ylthin tha limits ofjuitiongliciallAghags A) A eonstnl State nhall, in principle, grant to the Intel-locked and shelf-locked Stntes ndjacent to its territory common enjoyment of n certain proportion of the rights of ownerehip in its economic sone. The coastal State and its adjacent land-locked and shelf-Inched State. shall, through consultations on the basis of equality and mutual respect for sovereignty, conclude bilateral or regional agreements on the relevant matters. (5) Other States may engage in V hory, minieg or other activities in the economic zone of n. coastal State pursuant to agreement reached with the coastal State. (6) A coastal State may enact necessary inws nnd regulations for effective regulation of itu economic none. Other Sintes, in carrying out any activities in the economic zone of 1 conetnl ante, ere required to observe the relevant laws and regulations of the conetrt Stnte. (3) The delimitation of boundaries between the economic zones of coastal Stnte-, ndjacent or opposite to each other shall be jointly determined through connol .ntione on an equal footing. 0-onto' States adjacent Cr opposite to each other shall, on the basis of nnfogn.rding and renpeeting the sovereignty of each other, conduct necenscry vonsolIntions to work out reasonable solutions for the exploitation, regulation and ,OAlor ci.lntinp to the natural resources in the contiguoun parts flf their Annefl. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 :10IRDP82S00697R000300030001-3 scas/t44, Mmrkiae mateu.ttI41 by the Mimmeti Gelasatlani Loma S or tba Intermtkineal dee emu (2) la ardor to have scam to end !ben eta intornallonal see area for trade me otter peaceful purposes, land-locked Stites hare the right to pase through the territorr, torritoriel sea srd other rater* of selacont coaxial States. Coastal State* end adlacant land-loOkod States 'ball. throsati oomatotiono on "0 baafo of eooeliby and aatael respect for eceereteray, ossolude bilatoral or regime] agreements am the tolerant matters. SCalVtal Colemitla. IWalco end Venezyslet draft article& o: t Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 44" Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-FWM2S00697R000300030001-3 OC.I1/1.:77 and Corr.1 end 2 On' '?L" 1,SAIWP1'." 1j 0cm,vo01P00 flJhOV tho-soat ImAKJIHIgtil;j,cd be the dtkeztimnr o .1cAndor. Panora get.ign The prospecting, protection, conservation end exploitation of the renewable remourcee of the adjaceet sea shall ale? be subject to the regulations of the mental State enj to any relevant agreements which it may conclude. with Clue regard. no far ne hey he ,ppropriate, to co-operation with other States and the recommeminions ikternationel technical organizations. M (Compleftegiary provis:one on natural resources) Article 13 1. le regione or subm.gions in which certain coastal States, owing to geographical or ecological rectors, are, unable, before all their coastlines, to extend the limit, of their syvereignty and jurisdiction up to distances equal to those Adopted by other coastil Staten in the some region or subregion, the former Stites; shall enjoy, in the sena of the latter Staten, a preferential regime yin -I-Via third States in matters reketing to the exploitation of renewable resources, the said regime to be determined by regional, subregional or bilateral agreeMente taking. into account the intermits of the respective States. 2. lajoyment of the prefereAin regime referred to in the preceding persgyundi shell be reserved' to national* of the usufructuary States; for internal see. Article 15 1. Land-locked States shall have the right of free access to the sea for the purpose Of such uses and couch preferential regime as they nay agree upon with the neighbouring coasts' States; within the seas adjacent to the latter, and for enjoyment of the freedoms of the international seas. 2. Ouch saes and such 'referential regime in the seas adjacent to the neiehbonring coastal ntates es may be agreed upon shall be reserved to national enterprises of the lend-lorked State. 1. Per the purposes previden for in this article, coastal States elan guarantee neighbouring land-locked Staten free peesege through their territories, se well as equal treatment as regards entry into and use of ports, in accordance with internal legislation end any relevant agreements they IOW conclude. Article 16 Oriental State, which are not adjacent to land-locked States in the seas region or subregion shall accord uses and e preferential regime within their adjaceet seas to national enterprises of such lend-locked States, under regional, subraglanal or bilateral agreements taking the interest* of the respective States intO account. ... (Complementary provinces on the regime for land-locked Countries) SC.II/L, 514 ituador. Panama end Pent; draft articles; on fisheries In matioaa; and international Zones In Ocean Meg, Article II TJc coastal ntate may reserve the exploitation of living rescurcen in maritime zone under it, sovereignty and jurisdiction to itself or ito natio. having regard to the need to promote the efficient utilization of such reso economic stability and maximum social benefits. Article C Where the coastal State permits nationals of other States to exploit 1 resources in the maritime sone under ite.sovereignty-end jurisdiction, it establish conditions for such exploitation, including, inter nisi; (a) obtaining. fishing and merino hunting licences end permits through of the corresponding fees; . (b) specifying the species that may be caught; (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) used; (h) (i; fixing the age and sine of the fish 'or other resources that may 1, establishing prohibited areas for fishing and hunting; fixing the periods during which the indicated specie. may be caur fixing the maximum sins of catches; limiting the number anti tonnage of the vessels mnd'the gear that specifying the gear permitted to be used; procedures and penalties applicable in cases of violation. Article I The coastal State shall enjoy preferential rights to exploit living r. in a sector of the sea adjacent to the zone under its sovereignty and juri, and may reserve to itself or its nationals a part Of the permissible catch resources. Article J With regard to the living resources of an area of the sea situated be limits of the sores of sovereignty end jurisdiction of two or more States, breed, feed and live by rennin of the resources of that area, the !hates e, may agree among themselves on Appropriate regulations for the exploration, conservation end exploitation of such resources. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 :035-8DP82S00697R000300030001-3 ..ikivAmr vrgscAns vnzittcALLI ALuaLvvil'At.140.11L"Mkta SC,11/1-12 aiteLiaticLA2sa : iiiialrafirriALGird OF COLTIAL Slain; Wt,.-r,' I, ?.r lI eroprnril ?f n newel td. .11,1,1,1011 the Meritime snore ICY -n- I.- frnm rienly or "Mate. Onnterin- nn tier region or subregion ? ..,?,-ege ihtn omit othi-r ntri elthM the Zone of caigifitenet, there are geographically .1..oideenteerO the nationals of Poe States shall have a right of th.- ..r the-prItime refire in these rOiletreffir ntrom. !"".cl.E.2 Tin the awl lietion of articles 1 awl 2 to the asiocisted States, etlr-governing territories and territories under foreign domination the rights thereby conferred mot 1 he so nPriloil ee only to cooler rights on the intisbit,its of such territories r Vie virpos. of their Anmeette needs. 5.1 /referential right* To the relent conei?tent with the objective of conaertition, o weetol fitate shall been o prOforentIn2 right to *noun adoquato prothotion to its coattail fisheries seniteted In its adjacent *Jaen. (I) In the ries of a doveloring coastal Strtei Th. coastal Slats is entitled annually to ro.r. for its flag vessels that portion of the allottollo catch of a ?toth of fish it Gan hircect on She basis at the fishing cepolty of Re coastal fisherieo. In delanining the part of the allocable catch to be resented for It. devoloping obeatal Hate, the rats of groitth of the fishing capacity of that State shall be bay Lakes Into account tmtil it tes dsrveloped that capacity to the extent of being ablo to floh for a thjor portiorP of the allowable astob of the k or net. (ii) nit AftrrocriftsVollPir gal &toe Th. autotal State is entitiod 4111211alar to mem for its flog vestals that portico of the aLlowthls estoh of a stock of fish each is modeemlia to thistain ite locally conducted emaLl-scale coastal fisheries. Re interest* of traditionally ostablished fisheries of other States shall be duly titan into account in determining the .tch to be reeerrod for each alsall-sealo ceisatal flsherios. 3.2 aggligentatin of oreforaltiol rights (I) bovine to litplaseat the preferatitial rights shall to detonated by agreeint. ming the neatel end ace-scaatal Sloths viiiierned on the theii of the Sinnott's mule by the coastal State. Poe the pupas of such proposals, the oceistal Stets mar Seek tachnical assistere fres the Food and igrioulture ?resolution of the Milted Wiens or meth other appose-1*th argue. (t) Se else of the preferatial rl.ght of a ooaatal lists atoll be fixed within the limit of Om alveoli* *atoll of the stoat of fish eubject to ellooatico, if it. elloomble catch for Oat stock is Woad:, estimated for cerstrratlis purptates. roes uteri the estimate of the allowable catch is not available, the coastal sad ess-seastal *tots. coseerrad shall agree on stosesary swum In a maser diciest sill beet male the coastal etata to banefit fally from Its preferential right. (3) Its logalatorf massarse adoptott to impleaust tbegmeforential right of a areastal Mats Lasiesto *Mob allocation (goats by ocontra) end/or mob other topplossaledir mmesesnes that will he mai spalloaklo to vassals of mos-osaatal States espied Is florklag to the adjacent eaten of the aotatal State. including' (0 it. ortablishret of open mod slossd foams during which flit say Or my int be harvested, (b) this oloaing of epeelfie areas to tithing, (o) the repletion of par or equipment that sioy be wed, (i) tho Lila lotion of cs.oli of a particular stook of fist that may he bervestod. (4) The regulatory searires odeptiod shall to designed as to stnimise inarrfsremos vitt the fitting of nen-coaatal States Limbed to ?tooke of fish, if any, uttloh are not covered by ouch panirse. (S) lion-ceetal State shall oo-opersts with coastal States in the crolienge of sealable sclontific information, eaten end offset statistics Gni other relevant data. (I) In cases tilers oational? of t,o or sire ocastal State Voila ere entitlod to Frefertntial eighth ars mehged In fishing a oconon stook of fish, no oosatal States oar invoke their preferentiel right vitt reopen% to such stook ethout the =Went of the other coastal State or Sethi consorted. In much a ogee, tines couttal Statist shall tater ina rogionel conoultatione vith it. other State' oceinerned with a view to Loplessiatiog their preferential right*. (t) Ilse meastres adopted ander this paragraph shall be aubjeot_to revive at stab larbereale as my to *greed upon by the States conconsod. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/444: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 GC.II/L.On ? ttetteiLexel?nalniuy..dirafl article? on the kelinititice; of counts]. State tanijejakel 111,eceee, apace rent op6the riskte and Obligetions of 00116t4 t?talstfLiaJiltAilkIniSE_VALI11164.041M _ - SC.II/L.59 and Corr.1 Netherlands: Proposal concerning en intereedlate zone Article 83 1. In view of the vita interest of theinternational community in the maintenance er the produetiyity or-fisheries, the. coastal State has the obligation: (a) to connult'with other States inCie region end with the international ormen apace Institutions before undertnking or permitting activities in national menu spare which .50,111.4 substantially redute the living resources of ocean space outside ite lurindletion; ? (b) to mnintnin the quality of the marine environment in national ocean spate In a State which (1) does not adverselyAffect fish-spawning egress within its jurisdiction: WI does not productrainnifieent deleterious effects on the living resources of ocean splice outside its jurisdiction; . . . (0) to en-operate with the international mese space institutions in the formulation and implementation-of programisee of conrervation of living resources- of iIn notional. ocean space when.the--recommendatione of the institutions are based on reliable and appropriate scientific findings; (d) to re-operate with constel States in the region in the formulation and implementation of programmes of conservation of the living resources of national 'wenn nen, when there is need for the application o. regional conservation menenree In the light of the existing knowledge of tie fishery. Article 811 1. The cunntill tante nay reserve to ate ,ationaln the exploitation of sore or of .11 the living renoureen of itn notionrd ocenn epece. The Iled.rnetieeet ocean pence institutions 'tad the coastal State or States v..nyerned n1011 elehoretp end implement in close chnsultotion, if necessary throegh epprepr1 region/it bodich, non-niecriminntory proem:mon for the of nueh I ivi,,g ronourcen of notional ocean space the migratory range "r which extends hit, internotional ocean space.. - I. Wilhitg in the foregoing parogrnphe shall affect traditional subsistence ('151,1 ug or 1he entchIng er fiat for immedinte human consumption by foreign fishermen In net Inn! ?coon space: such ectivitive shell be defined and regulated In special eooveethen negotiated between Steles in te: region. 4. notelibeterolog the pruvisione of aubpnregroph I, the enestal State has an oilleetien provide edieeent lend-locked countries with access to the living rotes:tete of its nntiounl iceen apace on conditions similar to those applicable to ite ,AM nationals. Article 89 1. The conetal gtete hes the obligation to exploit, or permit the exploitation of, the living resources-of its national ocean space in accordance with appropriate and effective progressa-n of conservation. 2. Fnliure to comply with the provisions or the- foregoing paragraph entails legal liebility for damages and may be brought to the attention of the international ecenn splice institution',. when such failure cdusee a significant reduction of fish etocke or produces significant deleterious effects on the living resources of ocean epitee outside the jurisdiction of the coamtelfitate. Article 91 Activitien of fereiga fishine and fish processing vessels within national ~me spore on defined in-article 11 shell be brought into conformity with the provInione of article 68 within five years of the enttr into force of this convention. Article 2 ? All exploration for, and expioztation of, the living or non-.:Ivieg rewCuXueb of the intermediate zone shall be licensed by the coastal State. subject to the rules and regulations established by the competent international authorities (global, regional end/or subeegionalauthorities7. Article 3 Limitation of licenses 5 Coastal States which have been determined to be advantaged, in accordance with the provisions of article 5, may limit the total: amount of living or non-living resources which may be extracted from the intermediate zone during a specified period and reserve licenses for the option of such operators as are its own nationals and nationals of disadvantaged States, in proportions to be determined in accordance with the rules and procedures set -forth in article 5. Article 4 limitation of dianoeal of a resource The advantaged coastal State may determine that the whole or part of the living or non-living resources extracted by licensed foreign operators from the intermediate zone during a specified period shall be offered at world market prices for processing or consumption in its territory and in the territoriee of the disadvantaged States in proportions to be determined in accordance with the rules and procedures net forth in article 5. Article 5 Determination of advantaged and disadvantaged States 1. Thy proportions mentioned in articles 3 and I. shall be determined by the competent international autholity in uneh a manner that the sum total of the "advantages" of Staten advantaged in the intermediate zone can be shared among the disadvantaged States pro rata of the "disadvantage" of ,ach of them. The rates of (dis)udvantage may be determined in two phases: (a) The competent international authority shall determine firstly, in accordanee with the provisions of paragraph 2 of thio article, rates of "(dis)adeantage in terms of surface; (b) The competent international authority has the power to revise from time to tine the rates determined in accordance with (n), with a view to equalize possible gross disproportions among actual benefits accruing to particular States, -if such disproportions result from grossly unequal distribution Of resources in the respective areas of intermediate zone. ? 2. For the determination of the rates mentioned under (a) of the preceding paragraph the 'advantage' of a given State is the amount of surface (square nautical' miles) by which the actual intermediate zone of that State exceeds ... per cent of a theoretical surface "A'" and the "disadvantage" of a given State is the amount of surface by which the actual intermediate zone of that State falls short of ... per cent of 'A". "A" in releti.74, to any State is the surface, expressed in square nautical miles, of a theoretical sea-area of a vidth of ... nautical miles around a theoretical circular island area equal in size to the actual total land area of that State. Article 6 Negetiations between advantaged and disadvantaged States 1. Any disadvantaged State is entitled to enter into negotiations with any advantaged State, within groups of States to be determined by the competent international authority, in order to determine by agreement its share for the purpose of the application of article 3 or 4. Notification shall be made to the competent international authority of any such negotiations having been entered into and of any agreement reached. LThe competent international authority shall have the power once in 20 years to revise its determination of groups of States/. 2. If agreement is not reached within three years after negotiations have conmenced, the competent international authority shall be requested to make reconmendations to the Contracting Parties concerned. If agreement is not reached dithin one year after such recommendations are made, the determination recommended by the authority shall take effect unless either Party, within 90 days thereafter, brings the matter before the Tribunal, ArteleLl, Optional transfer of part of the intermediate tone to the competent international euthoritv Any geographically advantaged State may decide to transfer a part of its intermediate zone equAl to its "advantage" to the competent interestional authority to be administered by it in accordance with articles 5 and 6. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S0107R000300030001-3 ift.1,1 Measa artitlea an the Promend aCcriamigyinf bila tti" Urumqi:re drill% tomb, articles co the territorial see Article ... Coastal State. shall, througen bilateral or subregional agreements, as my require, in which the interests of all parties are given fair considers, accord to States having to sea-coast which are their neighbours or which be the sem subregion preferential treatment over third States with regard to fishing rights in that are* of their territorial sea which is not reserved excl.t sly for their nationals. Such preferential treatment shall be rase, national enterprise* of the States having no sta-cosat which operate in the szelueively with ships flying the flag of those State* and ',boas catch is 1, for &mimetic or industrial consumption in the said States. or for national emterpriees of the States having on see-coast which are associated with it esterprises of the coastal State*. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 174 Unitelt4tatee or doicriCa: revised draft Wheriel article Ai. COAMAL AND ANADROMOUS LIVING RENCOACI2 D. The coaatal State may annually reserve to its flag vessels, in accordance with thil ort I.', that portion of nuch coastal and anadromous resources as they con horryot. C. Nuch c000lok ond Onadromous resources which are located in or migrate through ...titer? adjacent to more than one coaetal State shall be regulated by- agreemont among ouch Mater. V. UTILIZATION AND ALLOOAT/0/1 In order-to dosnre- the MAXillk111 utilisation and equitable, allooation of coastal and anadrwmoui row-Am:en, he oonotal State ohall apply the followingyrinciplen, A. The comoal State may reaerve to its flag vessele that portion of the ellowablnannual on oh they can harvest. U. The noose.' State atoll provide U0C988 by other states, under reasonable oenditione, to that lertion of tho reeourcee not fully utilised by its vessels on.the baaie.of the following prioritioot (3) Mates trot beep traditionally fiehed for e reaouree, eubject to the ondltiona of .oh-p4rograph SI (21 other :1.too in the raglan, particularly landloaked?Statee and other Ntobui with limit,W,wcoo to the reoeui-oo, with whom joint or reciprocal orrsngnemnte have Iowa mo.lo; and (i) All Statue, without dincriminotion among-them. C. 10110P,VOF neenunary to aocommodato the allocations to the coastal State, trollitto.ol fishing may ho reduced, without discrimination among thee* Statec that have trodltionolly finhod for a resource, in the following manner, (Form.la to be negotiated within Subcommittee I/ whion takes into account the Internet:: of truditimud fishing States.) State. whom fisherman ',arrant a reeouroe under regulation by a coastal-. State may-be. required, without Slooriminationi to pay reasonable fees to defray their share of the poet of much lagultOion. . Vi. NOTZTICAT1CW CONSULTATION Th. .,osetal St.to ?hall give to all Affected states timely notice of any nonnervation, utak'. tton .aind alleention regulations, prior to their implementation, and ohall consult with ether State, concerned. SC.II/L.O Drolt article on fiehing (basic provisions snd tort_eilit) submitted by the Union of Soviet Socialist Re og 1. Thy part or thy alloilable catch of fish vhich-ie not reserved in accordance-with paraqaphil 1 and 2 above may be taken by vesseli navigating- under. the flag? of other Statea, including land-locked. States, without detriment to the .reprodartion of thy atooks or fish, ? 5. In thy aryao referred-to in this article which are-not. covered by the-. menuurea opecificd ir paragraph 4, the coastal State mity itself eetablish fishing.. regulatory meneuroo on the Maio of ocientific finding., Such measures shall be ootahliohed by Inc ocintal Ntate in agreement-with-the States. also engaged in fiehing th the said nroao. fiegnlatozy mcnouren abol/ not discriminate in form or in subetence.ogainst, elo4crawn .r any .r those ?Utoteu. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 - - EApproved For Release 2001/12/04 : MADP82S00697R000300030001-3 17 .4.14,1?.6n 0.1shbo4r1ng dorolooloo notes shall grant one another praftenattlal treataost In ling,- rouywtIve Or tql,01,7 sone, with regard 'he the erploitation at living WM procedure r.r the mercies of mush rights 'hall be otritled by ofTaiifflisent entwine the States nunrarDDI. The benefit nf (ho preferential treatment provided for to the first paragraga 10.11, however, be resorted to a.tionals of those Otatem or to astargrison order the root NIA effect'', nonirel of %hoe. States. 'Dm onnnarentIon tolOd?nnenment Or th? resouroes of the entire soonceds some ..toll It. within the o,speteccs sind authority of the eoestal *tate. Article 2 Lond-ineeed :Anted ati4 dinierlipiiicelly disadvantaged States shall have tno riehi to partItipete, ?D o !botanic or equality and-rithout discriatastion, to the exploitation of the ileitis resources of the economic tones of neightourtag coastal The detaile4 procedure for the mercies of each a right way be alternated on a li.lei?rol or r-ri.sod basin in eultable arrangsesnts. The benefit of tnat right shall. however, be reserved to nationals of tilos. Ast.... or to nirrpri-c, meter t.ho reel am) effective control of (boos State. and r Article 3 ,oeulot States In the to. ??.$10,1 shall recogotte .ro?iiti. I (I I.. riohi In on. another and acquired before th.? . n1.1 i fd ont ..1" I I. L-arin-jr ennoolc .on? ceder this daeorsotion, OD MO HMO ker. ei. Whir, Lie. , force of this Ccerrention end vithout prejudice to item rrrtml At to I !:t 1.0 ronr?rnIng thi conierration,. otilisation esti ?nnn,cv?-nt, nf drtiele h a. -mere-info. colonial or similar doainstion my tete edsentsice of sto provIetons of the furcm ins articles to act in plans of another Wintry situated patents its national LerritorY. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 sc.11/1.59 Afunenbennabikiloliria..,tivialeni Singapore: sinsik atiataiautcasars.e_Jarta janglAbe terr1tft1IS M. dinglIATTNAL qp SWUM SWISS SC.II/L.A0 ami Corr.1*5 Algeria. Cameroon. Shams. Ivan, Coast. Zama: Liberia, Madagascar Mauritius. Senegal. Sierra Loom. Smalls. Spiro. Wadi and Uhited Rezublio of Tanzania:. draft articles on excluglive Ammonia-zone 9C..TI/L.37 and co1r.1 Argentina: dzuft a*iclee Working pacer submitted.br Australia and dew Zealand. (She role or internatiena bodies.] (Comment, ,to indicAted in the Oanadien-Mmecing Paper,..-the concept cf coastal 1111mIla-...,- rooponeibility dooc not xmolueo a role for international fiehery. commiooione. Thesecompieeione might be global or they might be regiene.V. in nature. Such oommiesione-could Mee en important advi,oxy role eiesie.vie- ? ? the (mental State in ite diecharge-of ito responsibilities). Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDM2g0697R000300030001-3 c. !IA. "Whim caper mama:Rod by the etaamitiono OXkultsaala and Homer contagAL certkan too,ie rtleclawA on en etnnomls sone and on dmilmitatiog :,C.11/L.e5 off-atilt drat articles ooptainini. baits ororisione on the amiltion of the 46, breadth Of Wm/ territcri.A. sea ant otka saitlitios or combinations Of legal of ece.stol _;Lete eovoreigray, led-1.110.1?n o epacielized competence& Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/144CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 acais/ion 9"'""itena=""`" each coastal Mote Isbell notify to the authority designated the tho purpose by She neferenee on the Lae of the ien the limitu of the exclusive fishery sone defined by co-ordinates of Intitude col?longitude or by any other internationally recodnixed 'method and perked on large-scale charts of recognised by that M14.0.1. begelntionn may be made an n regional Mole for the exploration, exploitation, ceneervntioe mild development of the lien, resources Of the area of the OOR outside the limits or the Occlusive Fishery NNW, where these resources are of limited miereory habits; and .breed, feekend survive on the resources of the regdon. 7he :Metre of the region may opelieh these reputationa by entering into anegreencent or eouventioe between themselves, or request the nuthotity designated ivy the newer by the Conference on the low or the nes to formulate these regulations for the region ouNeet to ratification by them. &WILLI Any differing, or dispute concerking fishing activities outside the exclusive fishery atme shell be referred to the authority designated for the serene by the Coeference on the low of the nes. scax/L.sh Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approvelilor Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 - 1 - nail LAI "m"-MitMegageg="""' im...)144004 oollairliotrowie of is oroalail isioni0Saral flartoor orroloillory leoloo of s prow Boa siort oior sot up a mina omittoo it owl approprlato ale* ma rogralationo foe Ow rodolottoo or MU.* sodbs romommtlos of ourrias Ur*, n+1110?11I itto latorosHosod 11?4I ono. liaorac mods of grates of Aber odour sop eater the sale in ter ft?i $1,Atl. ororlial Wessol, stte be. Mown roles oil voirasitior of nolo& Ogarign. !Wilco on" ,roorsordipL aLikamigjama nraloral eareemnits ertIlle le lio provision of tais Treats ehall to litorproted es prorsotiss or rostrisels. Mr. HAL of ye RUA, oeseltile miaow or ovirreartaral osromsota to modal* ...planation or dlatribution or the trots, mower, et trio boo. Proomatioe U,. Eerier rirrirorserat or aririrl Int resrorrii, or al affecting the liirra retiihr ..rr existing wgrerinerta. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 202394/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 ;1410..4 sal Corr.1 nal ;2 sc.II/1.54 neheallEtikAelLAILWIA-SAMMIA01.1a.liP liaL.q..SidLAIAL-MMIK palmier. mow ha- Para .31010,-erfitane 'en --askinriee, - -2citzprAtiAtezUtt-Allta MISSOILINUAIUMIWILIMAJIL2021"1"- Article lie The roman] ntntes of a elate region or subregion shall prcaote such fosse of ege.opersition and corataitation he they ctraider moot appropriate in the legal. Remade, scientific end technical ephereo canting to istritine questions. (enaplerentery proeielotia on regional and naregional aressena) tic.11/L.55 zbagAggLiWt Wacky alli.rthi fha, Yor derlaidat ansmibistday disntist=stin Article The pm:eleven reraleting. the preferential Aging ironer/14 to in neragreph I elver 01,011 I.. 111A1Prillin.:11 by regional, subrirgiona and bilateral 11,41,...111111.1, ? Were by reaoen of the e,,,graphy of a region or subregion the weritiali zone' beyond IP *ilea free the came .0 of States bordering ra that MO* ar estelddbia eoeverge into each other end ,ithin the sone or convergence thereat,* sereraphieallr .ilrowlynnts.ged emote) Staten, to,. entionale of ouch States shill hare ? rieit of equal neeena to the I icing tan.oureen of the saltine Oates in these esavergent arose. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 : CIA-RDP8M97R000300030001-3 :4.10.32 Usamir1iLlaAJAMILI1IMINEWassialLAg"114 nialaildrULLembs 2.3 jaligstlann fe-emerstle leerier to mein le Wee elbabopeets of the fishing await, of Iisealopass swat,' Hats led Momentto foc.litats ibo f1t malesemt of its prwilreetin Internatiorad ecomentlom he13 be earned sat IS this fine of flohories en related todustries Wyss is $- coastal atate mai other fishing Mateo Lo sonclelLog oaroment am the proferemmial Kant of that troslopten coastal State. 7.2r?Syn.363Mit In; !WA Mom senityrAms Cc-operatics %etyma c..ut 1 rag saci-cera-bq litete? ender OM TrIONN rines dealt be carried out, raret a porsibla, timed" rogiomit flaws itellineleao.711Ibis wpm.. tho Slalom ereeiresi m.IImiecomer te wtranethwo Oa saints, 4001lbeline omd miell oo-opeleto is estmtlialingeso emdminas Ammer issie eni fomethle. sC.i4/1.2A ? snitt. ? =at& P. be coastal Mate shall have IS. obligation to transfer to the intornsti men mace iitetitotione * portion of %Imo finencial benefit* remised from th emblitnion of the natosel resource* of oational mem specs. The instituti Mall prepare s special drift imposition on this natter for comliferation by Cestrectlas Parties. Article 84 I. be international mem woo institutions. and porsons or entities untie, their apossorship, say comminet is nationel ocean mac" beyond 12 nautical mil. nab the soest, giviss prior natio* thereof to the coastal State, invonigati, fer the gramme of obtain's much biological omplos aod scientific infomati. Minim to the lints .1107117o0. of mean space se is^y be nemosary to form/ Palma mi effective progremos of comervatioc. I. its Penn State shall. be ?Mama remonablo opportunity to appoint its sonsents to participate is the investigation motioned in the foregolog pemplopi not. in say nos. Mall be provided with the full data obtained and intorprotottas thereof by the international ocean space institutions. 3. The internatioan ocean space iastitutions bare the obligation to assist its renown my nee to fumbler., lad to ispiesen appropriate and offactive progrusees Sr conservation of the living resoureas of its national mem mac. Tho international ocean space 87 institution, and the coastal State or Stat. concerned nail elaborate in close consultation ond mholl laplesent through appropriate fa/legal boils, programmes far the conservation of such living resources of liai071111.1 OCIAD VW* the minatory nage of which extends into intereatimal Mete mate. The living resources to which reference is aade iselvie. inter eiliglaNDIM resources and ma mammals. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP8R00697R000300030001-3 :,C.11/1.59 oh4 COrr.1 petheriapint orapmekcancerningel.Aaiaatillaisuang Astacial ? !ettgeg...Cr""""ar.rar1...1.-APC1htnIVKAW-a.12PAN.Pthecamnetent Viegno.+40..VVO. itilthorksf An, gr....whir...11y Mmntaged :Ante clay decide to trenvfer a oar,. or 14, intervnlinte male aqua to Ito "ndVrettnRe" to the 4,ippeten4. interuntionni taithority to be ouksinistercal by It in nrr.elnuire with urtieles 5 nnd h. IITSIMAVrinis Any :ante which deriven revenue from exploitation of the Inter. nedloto sone sbull nuke available per cent of these revenues A.., the cmpetent international authority. acar/Wil Ws* sal Zamb%mi leen articles on the proposal enamels tong WILMA 80.12,11..52 Jahteteno breadth at the territorial sea end boundaries caLthe seclusive economic mane sc.II/6204 Unienses draft trinity articles on the territorial sea 2, fisheries within the regional or nlibrephwini rennomic zonew shall be rewerved for the exclusive me, exploretion and exploitation by all the StateW within the relevant region or subregion. I.. The reguletien and almervInion or netivitien within such regional or subregionel sermonic ammo shall be the responsibility of the relevant regional or aubregional cmudenions. 4.11X9 8C.IA/1..6 Ii. In those of the arias referred to above where fishing regulatory measure's tire carried ous through internetional fisheries organisations, such regulatory regime shall remain effective ia the future. Control over the observance of the fishing regulatory assures in such areas phial continue to be exercised on the basis of the provisions adopted within the frenewark of the respective international fisheries orgenitatione. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 tzo Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 % /112141LORMI1;T , titsMoittens- haeria...101...MINM ArRESSAtia^/ $110==ritel.SWit rical/i.io and Cter.1,4 . Ciansroun. Sim. rover (Least. Mors. Liberia, amian. Itasis=j=kar Isiessain: 4rsi4 ng.II/L.11 IivalLusumiscaNksittd-"11131224""m"mlaal. TX. le_msclet or "vide-immene avevies of fish that apsueelatted within the 1000, &...coental !date ehellmirtionnto 10 ths legodatien isstjedepestotion_of internatiegaL prraiwomminto for the management of_ the anntpea. (22pnosit In thin connexion oonsidonation Choeld be given te ear special aoantal Unto interoots In Won. species). 11.1. gminineicom. nhall be eetablinhed tor the iNiammeesioLttid_penziatemmtpLpfd capeoprists the Inithreelosic" emotes and other 10401410 'WA 4phabit the vatero ham) OW limits of national fiehertes,rescoroe lojapdietion. Otani shall battle maaLcigeLto narticivate in ouch oromnications. (COmmenti On dvide-rangine epacion. see also Principle XX shove). a0.11/L06 *aim kiper eveagumuliAbluismuldialagy&musinsy_ Certain bApitnAtidlitg 10* oh orspille soficAnd 4ma T.,11/L.39 afeilegitaide-AXISMILegaillallthea alitLgitidiaLiall1llEXLAN4MVAAkiLlt-0.1111.101111 kgggiUM-WOZWEVIUM SC.I007 and Cerra. Argentina. draft artialla Sg.11/L.25 acasAaj draft artielas cantainine tonic orovisionn on the lineation of the Wrath at_thm tarz,tterlal mai and other modalitien or combinations) of le/int:Los ? 110.110.b0 sal Oser.1,4 Sg.11/1.11 parkins senor 'submitted br Australia as..iNem gdegeee XI. mantel Stets asscerned memappe onerous MA maim seeeseelbnitiee. go this baste that coastal State eemild hoe the pole diet to roma the mailwof soadroopme softie. intI. it. lia,Vide (Cement' an Whib12,0011/ speelm. retereame Is sass to the *skim( Paper admitted tr the DOWSWO of comas). 11/1,06 dietnoter alkaitlosi,bc tam dalmatians oLeeetrelia sivAjkalegy containing, caridie-Pelk.arinuildso on anscantatle WAD and on delimitation 8C.11,4.37 and Cerra Asiontinas draft articles SO,IT/L.25 Areal; draft artialla containin, basic Provisions on the iniestion of_us!_mgsAmmm jareedth_of the territorial sea and other acKWIStien or combination's 01'1801 daises sr manta' Steps soverairntv. Jurisdiction or specialised comatences Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/4/1114 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 sc. Vig.50 rommilqinialkar. :ksitisti wad 41 Latta: grout 5111.elaLaiLrlArrlon In reepeet or rinherien or hinhly mierntor hnhitn coitalta the limits or exefuoi. fishery mine, regulation', for their exploration, exploitation, ormarevation and development ohall be made hy t:e authority Ceelanated for the p.m)nr hy the (*.renown nn the lam or the Sen. sc."1".16 ALIAIMalibtAXAKAndimalingslill4SEMI- Et/L.:I and Cerra end ,! etztlska kyatelai. CM the Lawl.,:_thajaea: watUEG Ettm itsbrAYL,LIZALt Age.aLVAsw i/Uonadar,Agyr% Om rem 8c.11/L.5A Workings saver subaitted by the Chinese deleantinn: sonars% yithin the limits of noticed iurisdietinn sc./1/L.21 Colombia. lOnsioo amd Venezuela: drift articles of treat:, SC. 10,04 puadcy. Panama and Peru: draft articles on fisheries in national end international, zone% in moan settee scas/....yg 8CAIX3A Sateeanalliks-MSOXIs..MSele, Setenzal and Sri Imlay Absidne miser submitted by the Chinese dalesmaton: sea arok draft S 44 rat fisherlee within the Unita of neticesal Article 11 (On anadramoue opeeien) SC.11/1..2f and Corr.1 and 2 tUjhq s1-1.11.1s...ns&L. At_lutilnZ .SKoratc11-aierilika.-* -1a/21*--S9A-Mrll se. iin..45 Attslart.asmetz_amialldaslAILIIIISta iriacirift kitinallseRL iss_ones SC. x 54 Saul:dor. Paneca And Peru: draft ectio/e% on flAduolos nntionel And international zones ID Kean =see SC,II/L.21 itakyMMOWealat draft artlelea of treaty Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 6,) Z44 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 JIL111N110011,',14,14...!kkOnknitHROLVElleit..ate-2?,0 Joessices SO4I/L.12 Psi:toenail for e Adios of fished,' on the blob ppm, 'submitted br Aspen SICULATIOR Of RICHLY NOCRATCRY STOOKS 4.1 No speoial status in ths tonserration of resources (2.4) and no preferential rights (.1) shall be recognised to a coastal State in respect of highly migratory, including anadroecua, stooke of fish. the coneerration and regulation of such stooks oholl he carried out pursuant to intonational ommultations or agreements in which all interested States shall participate, or through the existing international or regioral fiehery orgmaisationa should such be the ease. BC.11/i.55 es an repita feellItlesamodovalaotom 4 _ BMX/L.12 Procosale for Adam of filheriee antis Filth este, BallatSULAgla Be. Article 4.1 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04,:Al&-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 "IrL, bialtstiMag=t= ratietaeu licaolth of the tairallyilla eas kutificlettat ligLeAtIsilve amillthr EC.11/1.A1 Vru,r4Y: dirla trees articles Ofl C.e taryitcrial_ase ac.n/i.ae SAO 113.tIalgi 2. Tee Latarroatimal ocean epee teetitatlers eel Os emeatel Male cr *teem emweereek doll elaborate aid implement la eleee emeselaseices. If rOMMgra appevelate realanal belies. ace-ileefieleolfri peeving* fee Ole eaplellatice GI wade IteIng yeavarees armlitleaal mom WWI she Klafeters_fame at =tads into intailinstidast acir I *pace. eGJI/1..11 glint..V?ZIPIDial artidele, en the erareisa assmIs VIVIMIY: drat treaty articles on the tarettorlal Des EC. TIX.24 kliffxclitrbram Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/ 4 : CIA RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Sn.I1/1.9 clicvd :4ates Qr Americas re2thed draft Ileherlpo article II/. HIGHLY MIGRATORY OCEANIC arpthanits The highly migratory meanie rescurore listed in Annex A shall th regulated by appropriate international fishery organisations. A. Any conutal Stnty party, or other State party whose flag vessel, harvest or intend to horses% a regulated resource, shall have.n Argued right to participate in such.organisations. D. So Stith party whom' flth thetas harvest a regalated mouth. tor roftee to eththarate with 'mob argunthations. Regulations of omit organisations in atherdethe with this Article shall apply to all 'emelt fishing the regulated resourose regthdleos of their nationality. C. Zr the event the States opneerned are unable or deem it unnecessary to nhtabl4nh nn international organisation the rolsouroth shall be regulated by agreement nr insanitation among much states. SO.II/Li9 patted States of hotrioat revised draft fisheries artiols II. COASTAL AND AMMON !SWIM MOOS= . thc othotal state shall masts &Si km preferential right, to ell coastal Living 'mecum.* off its coast beyond the torritorial ems to She limits of their 'Aerators, range. the coastal State in etc.: fresh ro, ',Marine waters anadtthous rasourthe (*.g. 'Damon) spawn shall have authority to rogalate 'Ind have preferential rights to ouch resouroes beyond the territorial sea ththushout their migratory range on the high thee (without regard to whether not they irs off the coast of maid State). . A. /he tern "ooestal resouros" refers to all living lesouroes off tie mast of a 'metal Stats except the highly migratory species listed in Armn J.,(1 and sthdronotia ?taunts. S. ft. coastal Stat. irmy mutually retorts to it/ flag vessels, in scooramoe with Via srtiole, that portion of mob coastal pod anadroweis methods se they can harvest, 0. Sr* coastal end mmodrosous reethroes which Sr. located in or migrate thrones . tater* ailment to sore than one coastal Stab, then be regulated by egrosmant among such rates. ORILISA21011 AID AllOCATIOS V. In ardor to seem the maxima utilisation and equitable allocation of coastal mad smadromous resmarthe, the coastal State dell apply the followingthinthplthi A. The coastal Nato mer moths to its flag vessels that portion of the allowetwo eatiol othoh they pen harvest. S. Iho coastal State Well provide soothe by other thetas. under seasonal* emeditione, to that portion of the rthouroes not fully utilised by its vestels on the basis of the following prioritthes (1) States that have traditionally fished for a reeouroe, subject to the conditions of sub-paragreph 00 (2) other Statos in the raglan, thrtioularly landlocked states and other States with liaited access to the rosourose, with whom joint or rthiprooal arrangemints have ben tithe" GM 0) all States, without discrimination thong them. C . Whenever neostaary to athoomodati the allocations to the coastal States traditional tithing soy he Muted, without algorithm/4ton atone those States that hats traditionally fished for a Metros, la tho following manner' (Warmth& Ube negotiated within laboomittee II which tikes into ecommt Approved For KMVab"215tY174171521 !strA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 rake Atm tisboaren hams* a ruoisro? aMte replatlos*, a somata gtathearke e.e.tomet. Waft* diseriminatioth thsthreemenelle fees to defter 'their doze era" Approved For Release 2001/12/04 : 2S3DP82S00697R000300030001-3 -21- ..0 . 1 I Lb liasetirls au fishing (hula nrovisiarr jat angsrayggi _mu) ligLkt Ms Wilda Of Laviat notiaLizt tigiaIa Lb.llgglitit===rlitaji61) In tho of the high yen* directly adjnrent tn its territorial se. or finh..ry lin, (not excinding 12 mIlrai. 0.7scants) State sty sanosilr reser,. to itseif soeh ;set or the allowable tateh 01" Lhr Wet of ansdrusbus nib spewing In its rivers as esn be (Allen by reSsits assigstInd under that Mate* f115- 221122=12ealieul2,31__ abe 1. limberitm for mandrancos fish Val be moslarbeeaair ultbin the eralasime Army vows of peseta State. ma ealieot to the terms, comlitiens and sovietizes 11411 lair nor tram tine to Use preecrile. 1. Its vestal State to obese oilers anotroccas flab won doll have reveneritity for tbs narnement of these steaks eall far Wm, saintennext-of snob stockb at tbsir optima level and 'bell bane preferseital rights to respect of tbsis total Invest. 3. Ohm fisheries for nnefoonova ipseise originating la sne *tate are scaleatel kr Ober Stales 'tittle %sir nwelssise Clam. some, mit lieherise dell he masted by seremest Intim= the manta State (or !tales) sononenti and Ins elate (sr States) of origin, tale( late assmat tbs preferential sights it tbe ^ (or itstes) of origin gni it. (cs abets) respeaaildlity for lb, nointioinoo of ins rtosin. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S0R697R000300030001-3 46,ft- SC.11/L.11 arkine_esser submitted br Amtralia and New ZealtOd VIII.211, coastal State. no an exeroiee of its durisdiotice over the repossess of life zone. ehall baremperojeLkyarding. arrest and ttstenticsof fiAttne vowels. Drenches gl_p_siAlkonaLealOAPS.9?ir of a lsw or retest/on marina in the saps is moordanos with them, PrinaDige Shell -....Addiagjajbulux2Libijoalati t. SC.II/L.36 con' V Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 26 13 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 x.rt/u.yp 11C.rift..ich eirt. derr.1-3 10.WIteff mod Cam). 41011.11M1-1111Mielliall II. A yeeetol Hat. 'hell 11114 OSVP jurlellictioe etiforee is the elorttLoo oree oljettol to It. territorial ere Matti eouterea am It my tea" le ceder to precool. stalest* or slimiest, pollettoe iterm one riots and other *mete lorsosl er aeogrroce to the etimetes er tie oaring enelealsolt, tee rattly sot en 41( mt.,. urine resoureft. home healtli elA the reereettee of tte people. taus Into armlet ro-oheretielt cAlh other State, sad le oerwetwee with toteroottooally Woe* principleu cad eteolaree. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 ? Approved For Release 2001/140A : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 14 3C.11/1..25 Sc. II/L.38 0111448., Indta. Karakitedesozess%18resesi Lank Sri l: ? Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/y..thIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 -I,- tr.u/Lak 'rn-"EreL1gglItal:11=1"' sr..EVI-43 (I) A eunnLel Ante I. ens (tied. *an ners annex,L. k ?I with firyrtiktd nine ',thee .n.1.1,111.11 In Ks ercrosie lame viLls e1????1??lierts or Ito relevont InesRIrrostatiosn even tivusvot perslissian tur netiviti," fele bora Oven. sc.-to-a Itisidaialgastaatimonsam?intucallal-g-lasile Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/10a4CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 SC.11/627 end Corea end 2 Se..11/6% ,2010L.00.sr : sittad by the dl.cetto'e . aISLAIci en enrif the st. eqdgm, 12214===tatu" ATIiCILL 7"wo coastal Stat. may. within the limits of the maritime sons under its sovereignty and aurisdiction, board and inspect foreign-flig fishing or hunting vessels; if it finds evidence or indications of a breath of the legal provisions of the coastal State, it shell proceed to apprehend the vessel in question and take it to port for the correspcsiding proceedings. Article K States stall sown that the vessel. of their flag 'comply with the fishing and basting roeulatioss sepliceble in the internetional seas; end they shillpunish these responsible. NS say breech that may come to their notice. Article L Sheri a Stets has good reason to believe that vessels of the flag of another State have violated !tithing and hunting regulations applicable to the international seas, the ftrmer State soy request the flag State to take the necessary steps to punish those responsible. sc.z1/6? imaggeltleinata=41.1' Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA- lee. kepeseala aigt=alite no. the high Mg. 11111011CIIINff 5.1 MO of control le_mmeatal Alamo Pith respect co regelatemy mesessee mineral perammt to the premet regime. Shoes eseetal elates ledge ars 0.iel2.e4 to peetraelial right*, mrAtor special stales elte aempost be ementrealtlen, lave tits eight to acinteel the fleeing mitivillee Le Sher riserattive eljasent eaters le the Weenie. of 'soh right, the reseal Stele* mai Lempeol vessels *feller Melee eel arreet those Teasels ',jetsam, the regaleflory seammos adopted. the aeration vowels shall however be promptly dellresse Vs the floe States sceptered. The oesetal elates mei mot refuse the putiolpatirit of other Staree is tratrolling tee operation, imelothig toweled 'Metal, of Ube other Stelee Me coaseal States patrol camel* st Ste raciest tf ths latter Statile. Malls of antra modasig? don to WON epee NEW lie'tess eottoln". 5.5 (n) ditch State shall see it se straw* For tto national. to violate my repatetory emescave eiophei paratent to the.orteent regime. eatiorale cm to,r4 a essel violating the retralnhary measures In tone shell be duly pratoevatel tip the fleg Plats eraelJoet Reports rammed ky lee effielals al a eellielel 51.54 0. les oftemee esemiltted tera elmelei of a eseteeseilel Stele shall be filly respealed ty tiel Stale. elt14 *ell witty Ile areal Maks of lie dispositlea of the ease as soon a. pratible. (t) (0) : ptS00697R000300030001-3 Won/UM laggE4"==, Iola, 90 1. the coastal State may Inspect eith Ina tomsiderstios is its national raise space foreLge flag fishing mod fish promising evesele. g, rag epeastal gnaw may seise a forelegs flea fishing or fish processing weasel met Ito eargo eat arrest the persons om hoard viten upon inspection It ig rated that the vele*/ etas gravely and letentiocally violated programs of ocasernstios of livieg reecteross, or When S. Is farad that the vessel had engaged in tights' is satiated ogees erase Iv contravention of the lave of the cositel Stele. 3. The coastal Plate ettetU. promptly Inform the consular authoritive of the flag Prate at the ?treadles vessel. end. If tbe captain so requests. the intormstimal 06/1111 epees Lestitations, of the metatturre takes with respect to the meellel. ite game craw. t. rim everts of the c7astal State shall in the first instance he competent to adjedlcate the offences to which reference Is matte in paragraph 2. the captain ind am of the offrading vessel shall have sepses to legal assistance of their choice mod, before trial, shall be subject only to each personal restraint me my be necessary to promint their thrptarturs from the jurisdiction of the competent court of Les coastal nate. The flag Stater of the offending vessel shall be promptly tattomed of the disposition of the calm.. 3. Appeal trot the courts of the coastal nate *hall lie to the International Maritime Court. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved ForMese 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 - sc.ii/L.52 ec.n/L,211 Siatlit M.ta"Z unin "uaam itcr"1" a " Ilrunnera drtit treaty articles on the tersttoriel see Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04 :24yyDP82S00697R000300030001-3 -C.11/1.9 United .1.ol0. a mmulmit ravloed draft friborive aning viii. 111101210114111, anions osier this 'wank shall be taken Ls =oh a own as to adeloileo Intorfotence nth fining MA other onlvitios in Os win sevinant. A. Coastal Stato - in. nest= =at, ass =wen eel wont resells for flatlet to violation of its naletions. 1114 oosetal roe VII tof old Wash vessels for fining in notation of it. rogatation, provillot atst viart %Ow svo,d 01witssoltSf of a mod has establlehed procedures for in. trial mod paisheet of violations at coastal =no Meng natation adopted is saindmore IA* this 4rtia1s. as srpselsoi own dull be doliversd promptly to daly authorised officials of the State of national= for trial avel swishiest. gaii shall motif: the owe= stole of ths dioneltion of the one within all somilm. I. Intonational fisheries wolonlanne - lash ant panyI.lei internatialal oreanisotion shall eats it an ?then for 14 flog =sena to =nee the natation obein hy amob orgmlimAion is =Wrenn with Akio sottish, Oftlatals =Shortie4 ls ? appreprista intently:an ohnitostles. or of any S'ato se enherlamd Ss Ur orgoalsation, mar insolent sod arrest venni, for violatiog name twelatine need sr nob oranintion. he Wrenn "awl =Ail 1.promptly anivand le the ? outhorind offinals of thv rlag Stat.. Oily Ile flag nee of Sao stesnAiss 'non nail have Parisnotim to by in. ons or Weis 10.1.81110. regardiNg ki violation of fishery reedinion adoeted ly tationtiosal organisation' parnant to into orttolo. Sun nate haa the rompordellity of notifying in. onto:one erati- ...non within e =nod of its meet= of the diapositive of the nes. seal/L.6 tom ate/ 221161= 187 it= 2:t TV:1W 6. /le tenni Kat' my itself owns. natal or tbe observance of the fishing regulators sossuris laltistad Sy 4 win parograpb 5. to cans =see the comgotent authorities of the contol Stet. to.. sufficient resew far bonnie( that is fonisa roseel segsgad Ls fining is violating those essaline. they mar "top Olt vessel sod limpet it. sod also draw up a stator= of We violation. ?ha conalderstioo of cases mhich mag arise to none:ion mith violation of the and notiouns to, s forvip rosin. es volt a. Me Pustshieet of nomiars of the or., minty of much violations. shall be offset= by the flat-etat, of the retool which has =witted the violation. 8mcb State sball notify the coastal =ate of the remits of the intonation sod of soweris Cahn by it. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 sc.'s/1.'9 8.ganalRELSEMSECUI spas/L.4o fori corr.1.3 8C.II/L.37 end COrr.i ? tirmenlInat draft article' 111618611it?prale " """111211" " "12Th il iltaltdokIlsofTeuumainAdridi Willed an mialunige *demonic soma Article rf, Any dinpute nriainn from the interpretntion and application of the provieions of the forenoing articles shall be eubject to the procedures for the compulsory nettleernt of dinputen provided ror in the Convention. &slang/Igor sulanitted 13g Australia end ituffeakiait XII. Ago a State alloked_lbel - (n) the living resource of the sone are Wing oubstantiallg undessalloitedt or (b) gonorallY agreed oceeprvation principles are beim gubtantially donartod from by the opastal Stet!, concerned., At nag reelect the aosotel /hats to_roviow the matures taken by it. tholtate %Wag the allegation say resuire it to to refereed to an saviours, ennui bob that would be empowored to omit, its findings to the Pato, nonnarnad and. If thaijody acmaidorr it deeirable. to make rmoownondations with a view to resolving the /amp (gsgusw Provioion ohould be made for the appointment of the mildewy expert Wy, either by agreement of the States oarviernod or, in default of ogreement, by other moons. Use oould be made of international organisations. including regional oreenisations, which siiht afros to provide familitles in this regard. Mae the exerolge of jurisdiction by the coastal, MN would be open to mouthy oft the dams reneged so, 166 Fa* et Or MOM" WO' would be edvieOry Only. nosponoibility for rename moripment meet am with it the %nal authority neosesaiie to fulfill That gonponalbility). nallup_pgaz..stskatzuly_thluickusatu_e_sLagatralla and SOroar Centalann certain bowie MIMI/ate On an economic sone egg PILAW,11411412n IC.II/1.25 gmulLaigkitt the maxim V oca Saitn_sor tv. Aurisdiation or spesiallusd commutators Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 gi A Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 8c./T/1..78 ac.Ix/1.94 Canada. ladle. milte. meeigeseerA reneeel era on Lenka: draft arttclar cn ftenertsk World= taller admitted by the Citineee_stslymtlekL_Rwym EUMIL161/1491Uor net1g1 si The jurindirtion nod control over all fishingc n .tivitie within the exclusive finhery cone nhnli 1de with the conntnl Gtitte eoncs.ned. Any difference or dispute concerning the limitn of the tone or the interpretmlon or validity of the terms, conditions or regal:01one referred to in article 5 ,r the interpretation and application of these erticlea shall be settled by the Competent institutions Of CIO. mental Stott, concerned. sc. WI.. 45 Ihhhiht..thatilliblateLkt..thtiMS elegm jau_anual alminUtler-tbs-aatinsagrekimArga sc.11/1...23. Colgate. Mexico and VenemelM Vett article? of treaty Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP8A)A97R000300030001-3 eta Carr.1 Ira z. :t. AlleA,91.1a a_ =01 ct,h1c-t*?MAZ.M. tom rtgatttol la the tot lLgui Jam X. IX/ L. 54 jatoolor Papa ard Pero; draft ertiel," ea 'Limnos ao Pittkoal end intogratiale2 :Tee ik ocean aura &alai Aar EteAnde tarearelas tieing or laestlag artftittee by taretia-flag Impala via the tam meter the sareeeleekr eat ftriettelita lie eaartat State shall be setae( tee Yoe elepetiat selhorttfte et lbo ~tat Slate. lei atom* relatiag to the tateeprotation er sialicatioa at Articles 0 to 1, at litte Capreatioa eali et era latereatIonal reeiceal replatleas that ear be edispled, or la respect at tlehlat Nei hafting astiettlee Aa the lalanattaal ma, dial be eilsittal to Ito Arosetiree ftr robed eettlemert grorldel ter in the Caparieles. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2 uc.ii/L.12 rrueosale for a rdelia of fisheries on thp Irish same.. giamitted hr ago INNININIVOINNIS AND DiMPUMS 1311Walflif 6.1 If the ntatee concerned fail to mrseh eminent within six menthe of negotiations on measures nmartning preferential righte under pars. 3.... end/or on emengerrents concerning ooneerration measures under pore. 2.2, any of the States say initiate the precedes, for the settlement of aerates. Pending the settlement of disputes, the State* committed shell adopt interim 'masons.. MIA interim mresurre shell in no way prejudice the respeotive positions or may States tonommed with respect to the dispute in question. In oases where the limitation of cattfi is disputed, eaeh State in dispute shall take -remissly enutures to ensue that its catch or the stook ?enameled will Oct eseeed on en ameral heel, Ito average eretuel catch of the preoeding [fire] year period. (b) In oases where moo other teeters sze in diepute, e.g. fishing grounds, fishing emir or fishing 00040nO. in connexion with measures to ispleemnt the preferential runt of is ?metal State, or with arrangements conaerning oonsereatiom meager's, the other States ooncernri shall adopt the latest proposals ./ the &metal Stat. with respect to ea ratter in dispute. However, the other State. shall be exempted from such obligation if the adoption of the prepared of the coastal State world seriously affect either itn retch permitted undor sub-pare. (a) above, o: itexatch of some other Ora* not related to the pvefezential right of a mental etste which it is eubetantielly exploiting. In such e case, those other States shall Wks all peeeible measures whioh they consider appropriate for the protection of the conetel fieheriew ocncerned. Any of the parties to the dispute sty request the special Commiesion to decide on provigional mammas regereing the natter in dispute. (01 lifp,n Hinte shall inform the special Commiseion established in accordance with ears. 6.2 as well as all other States concerned of the specific interim MeosuroO it one lam in accordance with any of the preceding previsions. (..2 FroceetUM to. Oloeutee 00,41(Nni (sesoial Ocemissien) An: dispute which may Aries between States under the wagent rigse shall be referred by any of the States coneerned to a special Cosmiseion of five members in a000rdeno? with the following prceedure, unless the parties *nomad agree to settle the dimPate by sone other method provided for in Article 33 of the Charter of the Waited Notions. (e) Sot more than ten rieeleze may be named from among nationsle of the parties, 00011 w.oh from among nationals of the oecurtel end Vie non-0004W State respectively. (b) Decielone of the opoolal CollniOnion shill be by majority vote end shall be binding upon the portion. The orartel Commieeion nhell render ito deatelon within a period of six menthe from the time it le constituted. Notwithstanding the interim seasuree tric.n by the parties under pare. 6.1, tho opoolni Owmelenion may, at the requoat of city of too parties or 6t its Mon initletive, dentan on provisional mer.oureo to be applied If this Coselosien donso it mammary. Tho Commiosion shall render it, fitel decision within r north., period of 61x montbn from Ito dectnion on ouch prOirinional meaoUrON. (a) (0) (0) 1j2104: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 sK4II/L.V rahAotans breadth or the territorial men and boundaries Of the eIclusl.* 0041061C zone sc.rx/L.26 Zittiti.ALLMILAWL-Md Or Lr liriedictisgs Article 86 Disagreements between coastal States or between the international ocean space institutions and a coastal State relating to matters contained in articles 63 and as shall be submitted to the International Maritime Court for binding adjudication. Article 87 Every State shall take the necessary legislative measures to provide that violations of pregnant, of conservation of living resources adopted by the coastal State, or jointly by the coastal State end the international ocean specs institutions, by neesels flying its flog or persons subject to its juriedietion shall is a punishable offence. SC.11/1.59 and C0rr.1 getherlendes prooceal cautemonot en intermediate sone 40.0cle 6s ghgotiatione between advantaged and dieadvanterred etntee 1. Any diembrentriged state is entitled to enter into negotiations with any advantaged pint*0 within groups of States to be determined by the competent international authority, in order to determine by agreement its share for the puSpoil of the application of article 3 or 4. Notification shall be made to the competent international authority of any ouch negotiation, having been entered into and of any agreement reached. [The oompetent internatiteal authority shall have the power once in 20 years to revise ite determination of groups or States]. 2. If eareament is not reached within throe years after negotiations have commenced, the ?Impotent Anternatienal authority ehall be requested to mike reocemendations to the Contracting Parties concerned. If agreement Is not rem hod within one year after suoh reoommendations are made, the determination recoemended by the atithority shell take effect unless either Party, within' 90 days thereafter, brings the matter before the Tribunal. SC.11/1.41 SC. 11/1.210 mob and Zanbia: draft articles an the tromeed economic gone Cremes draft treaty article, on the territorial sex Approved For Release 2001712/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04..let-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 lX.11/1,.9 iitittio of Morita: revised drlft fioheriee article IA. DISPUITA ormumman Any dispute whioh sq tole. between Steam under this article Moll. lit the oat of any of the parties to the dispute, be oubmitted to a epeeist ?omission of five members unitise the .parties agree to seek a solution by another method of bottleful ottloment, as provided for in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Mt/one. The womieeion Mall proceed in mordente with the following provisions. A. lfie members of the oomiseion, one of whom shall he deoignated ao ?Warman, shall be mold by agreement between the Maim in dispute within two ronthn of the oomet for settlement in accordance will. the provisions of this =title. Polling agreement they shall, upon rimiest of any Oat, party to the dispute' be mord by the Soorstarg General of the Gaited Nation., i.ithln a further two-month pe-lod, in consultation with the States involved and with the President of the internationel Court of Jostle.. and the Diniator-Genered of the rood and Agriculture Oronitation of the United Nation*, from amongst well-rolified persons being net:made of Slate@ not invole44 in the dispute end speoialising in legal, admintetrative or scientific questions relating to !Worlds, de:mai:it upon the nature of the dispute to be *fettled. Amy moaner arising after the original %anointment shall be filled La the atm manner as provided for the initial Select/ca. D. Any Dtate party to procendinge under them nrticlee Mall have the right to linal une of the nationals to sit with the epeoial commionion' with the right to pootioipste fully in the proceeding.. on the name footing EM a member of the ;omission hot without lake right to vote or to take pert in the yriting of the omodesion'a lorinion. O.Ito oommineion l,alt determine it, own procedure, asauring each party to t.m pruovedings a full opportunity to be liaard nod to preeent it. wise. It shell on determine how the noete end mamma WW1 be divided between between the parties to 'he Mamie felling agreement by the pnrtieu on thio matter. e. Pending the final award by the apeoial comadseion, measures in dispute rotating to oonserontion shell be applied) the nommission may decide whether end to what extant other measures ehall be applied pending its final award. N. The epeeist *omission Mall render it. dealelon, which shall be binding upon the parties, within ? period of five months from Cie time it is appointed unless it amid.., in the ogee of momeity to extend the time limit for a Period net exOseding two menthe. P. The amelal oOmilietion Mall, in reaching it. decision, rifiere to this olio's end to my egromanto between the disputing parties implementing this article. 3C.11/L.6 Draft article on fiehlog Cbasic provisions and ettnlanatory note) pnbaitted bY the Union of Goviel_Soeinliet Retablice P. Disputes between States on matters connected with the application of the provisions of this article may, at the request of one of the partiee to the dispute, be settled by arbitration unless the partial, agree to settle it by another means of pacific settlement provided (Cr in Article 33 of the 'Milted flatione Charter. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 ? ?314." 9. gIONAtIMI Approved For Release 2001/12/04: C1-gt82S00697R000300030001-3 9c.u/Lat tlorking mbar submitted lag Alistrella and Itew Zealani Ng. it ,hpii baste_jouialwthtiity of the oonste Stnto to moire Utit fiehina onermtiOng flehely_imp_phnli. be conducted with manomage regard for Other aotivitloo in ke-liair....911AthEed. ? Other solielties shill/ be umudinited with ressommble reeiNg for fishtheoseratione giliftlakeut WAWA the nogg. (gpmegis In particular, Amman to finning gear Otould be avoided. It would be deelneble thot any dlnputen nonoandog the s000mmodstion of competing uses ulthin to, none be nettled by compulsory oottlement procedures. unless some fuss of settlement ii weed upon hr the parties within a roanonsble period). jolting sager submitted bg the delegations of Australia...spa &par angiataine pertain 'mimic orinoioles on in economic sone and on delimitation Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/1234a-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 T.1111.09 gUlMosa dolt. yAWL0_5=iLtriterida ma.rt/t.bo sod Ourr.i-5 Sopa Stat. Mali mows thst sir allgtaratia. ,folcitotios motisitr gitUis its fosses:0 WY is wri,t. sea exelswitely row possorti renown ski is esth a mammy ma mot to 1.40.ftre astati. with the lasitimsto Morsels wr other fists* is the region or times of the istotiiiisi sommdmits. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 scm/107 comi dinigtMasi_jhatluessaga ? Approved For Release 2001/12/04: SSi4DP82S00697R000300030001-3 SC?li/L?25 drift - Imam mod,;?.? on the motion* ? AddnLippLA lineelOn7deladM eea SOO sc.11/LAS (3) Wm,' Of LIM Interertionia mer ravt shall not projudlee tho logitigate intonate of Ohm. Staten and the common intmrosta of a31 State*. 9SAII1631 anode. Indisig Ind art Limbos Article 7 So (hate exercising foreign donination or control over s territory shall be entitled to establish en exclusive fishery sons or to amloy anr other rigit or privilege referred to in these articles with respect to such territory. Article 12 All fishing activitiks in the exclusive fishery sone and the rest or the sea shall be conducted? with due regard to the interests or the other States in the legitimate uses of the sea. In the exercise or their rights, the other States shall not interfere with fishing activities in the exclusive fishery sone. Article 14 ' (Pinel clauses, etc.) OC? I IX 21 sawasaigessoueurnalu....mamintasucsamx Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: AkRDP82S00697R000300030001-3 km." jimestwoms_e_aukuLeabb OHM flOnticre 1.1 eprxturaFaMILiesitaitatioalet Tor lig larva? of progetLeg Rio irod"ploot of ilvkiao Lelostrigo gee loveglie oaspootioi mono se Mier/ pielorle of loolloptop Roble. IlogoiLoe Lso&logiodi ihatee. eivolopee eRgrogRotal Mies ion ofi-eperet? ROA eivolopiee "Woo vitt mei possible eras La web nano go oinepC Miser vemorego apeoieR of natal gopooltr, movisegtios of otegeop see vogovies footlIttes laprvouroto goiligtioe govtour. sa,u/1.20 eakitetiligattat PAM* 210 1. TOR emplerelios 1 otploitetios of %be manta P?101111K*11 of canoed eerie epees gioll oraseveta4 wft rogitiloOle rostra to other vow of aencoal Rem ern. is "Ernesto: eavisettas. 'Riveting rooterve Rol tie 1ay1ng id repair of rdweiso oalalgo pipall000. 00.11/427 lard corr.' led 2 Ben "Mole. far jig- iv 0viquisniiImAIWW111111-Aii--3510116.4 allilLeistnett sc.13/1.5h liNfaisim=autad2=2: ti tes wjenabar ar..:4405 alislaa-11304910),41111114111?11111430,,MAIMINIM ; ? Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/0M-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 SC.II/L.41 jiiklatitutimika th uxj=uusisissiummalitrl small 5. The provisions or the preceding paragraphs of this article shall not affect the frootoon or navigation overflight. slid abs Wing 00 submarine Gables sod pipeline. referred to in article *Loh shall11, seelfleable in the regional or anbregional zones. 1PTINIATIONAL AMA The are* beyond regional or smaregional ocoaelic mos attU be Mow as the International eras. ? ac.n/L.24 Urennest drift treaty articles an the territertal s1, 1 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP83.5%697R000300030001-3 - 91 ? LIC.111Let ae.1111.6 U.INCEMIL. MM.= ia hilermattamal resialer et ialertitaues (tabards? *apart. shall be ealibILLabal hal asintailept if the lied hi aspleallare Orgemitatlen lhe UAW Mattuira. it Awl Imosleptaglilale par* 1. arta euremitas seminal ashiaifeam mar malmot lb allablittaill maim. ef we" etheree la serve ea a taburr mossemest avisporl la 'bib Saba. ?IC* dieb-Cammtibar or, stab. La seestamme atilt prnalteeph 11 et assural heeeletLea rpo a Ma). la Untie lie ammtehla 'NW DATM601,4111014111 et ale Peal goi AarLeeliare gagembeaties et Nbillatio. Saila= ea OM ALM, ef blet ossmartlas is Ammo immi respentigItlies. ? X. RIM VMS Ihr amplelbsitas el Oho Ltir12. reemerese EMU memiseled wlii-rommumNie mord Por Mime milvilLes is 4mr?trimmal. II. IMMO COPURZOPF lbw progleime,SM.aretat war to 001181 bp Etabry semstives imi eft' latssesttart It eirellMe? Lifers'. 41.4. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 r) X "7 2._0s C o re-ki Approved For leasg2001/12/04 : CIA-RDP82S006VR000300030001-3 4.-1 rr) tte e-- , re) en4 ? e S' 6.2/C .2.12_ AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA 40 ARGENTINA spi 4 AUSTRALIA ,5-7 ) (, V-iUSTRIA 3313 BAHAMAS 70 BAHRAIN BANGLADESH 7 BARBADOS BELGIUM 53737 BHUTAN zfe BOLIVIA I 1.b ; ) 57 BOTSWANA Z1) 33 )39; BRAZIL 5?y BULGARIA BURMA BURUNDI ,7 CAMEROON ?Ds_ CANADA CENTRAL it RIC N REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE 'CHINA People's Rep. of COLOMBIA CONGO 20STA RICA s-g :UBA 73 :YPRUS :ZECHOSLOVAKIA 111,9_71 eq. 33 DAHOMEY 2-. DENMARK 3 DOMINICAN REPUBL C =CUADOR /0)31)11 :GYPT A if in, t.0 ) ?Approved For Release-20 ? ? Approved Fr Release 2001/12/04 : CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 EQUATORIAL GUINEA ETHIOPIA FIJI /3) 30.1,sv FINLAND /,--,?331 FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GHANA GERMANY Democratic Rep. of //i 07 7/ JP) 37 ed?-, ? /) s1.2 ,Cz GERMANY Federal Rep. of GREECE 2,2 41914 ) o GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-13ISSAU GUYANA HAITI HOLY SEE HONDURAS L5-7 HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA 4')77 INDONESIA /...3y) 71p44 IRAN ) 7 cz ) ) IRA 37, 9q) VI 7/ 4d-71 /4- 2-- ) IRELAND ti W 7 Y3 /..r4 ISRAEL ITALY 1 f IVORY COAST 9- Y-9-- 1 JAMAICA 35 7 3 JAPAN 3/)3//&A'-./ JORDAN KENYA 7 3 tiA KHMER REPUBLIC 7.:OREA Republic of :OR EA People's Rep. of :UWAIT ii/fr AOS oi 3 3 3 EBANON Approved arRetease-200-11-1-2104-: CIA-RDP82S0069-717400030003000i,3 ,4100-7, f. g c Approved For Relecase 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 LESOTHO ,Z ) 33 7 3, ) 93-72e-v- ? / LIBERIA (4%2_ ?,,Z ) 7r). LIBYAN ARAB REP. Hx, LICHTENSTEIN LUXEMBOURG 33) 3 7 MADAGASCAR / 42 ev?w MALAWI MALAYSIA ?6,1 MALDIVES MALI al) MALTA MAURITANIA MAURITIUS 47 _f MEXICO e7c2 ) ) ?C 71 MONACO MONGOLIA ,) ,2 7 , 3 MOROCCO NAURU NEPAL 7,37 NETHERLANDS iv, 3 313f) NEW ZEALAND 30) 5-7/ NICARAGUA /7 ..re7 NIGER NIGERIA g/ NORWAY OMAN /)72 PAKISTAN PANAMA PARAGUAY X7)33J3)3)7 PERU PHILIPPINES / 31 ill) Cr POLAND / ,2 73 3,g PORTUGAL QATAR ROMANIA / ) RWANDA SAN MARINO SAUDI ARABIA Let Approved For Release ZU01/12/04 : ? ? ? 11 ? U,, II II II ? ? ? /4/C0/0', iPkpproved Fo elease 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82S00697R000300030001-3 SINEGAL 4`,7_, SIERRA LEONE 6.2 SINGAPORE .1.7, 27 SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN r , /26, SRI LANKA SUDAN SWAZILAND 37) n SWEDEN 33, 37 SWITZERLAND 33 ,3f SYRIAN ARAB REP. TANZANIA THAILAND 4 3 TOGO TONGA 30 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY ) er13 35'; '5?'5- UGANDA AI, 33 371 40ee-v- / UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM Z UNITED STATES ,/,7 UPPER VOLTA a 3,7137) URUGUAY ry, USSR BYELORUSSIAN SSR 5 7) 3 i 3,1i2 3 UKRAINIAN SSR 1/7 ) a / VENEZUELA VIETNAM Republic of VIETNAM Democratic Rep. of WESTERN SAMOA YEMEN (Aden) YEMEN (Sana) '7F YUGOSLAVIA ZAIRE ZAMBIA 35, 131) Approved For Release 2001/12/04 : CIA-RDP82$00697R000300030001-3