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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee SECOM-M-209 16 January 1978 Minutes Two Hundred and Ninth Meeting Wednesday, 11 January 1978, 0930 to 1300 Hours Room 7D32, Langley Headquarters Acting Chairman Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Robert W. Gambino, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Maynard Anderson, Department of the Navy Mr. Merrill T. Kelly, Department of the Army Defense Intelligence Agency Col. Russell T. Newman, Department of the Air Force National Security Agency Mr. David Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. Dennis Southern, Department of Treasury ALTERNATES PRESENT Maj. Henry R. Koch, Department of the Air Force Mr. Larr C. M ers, Department of the Air Force National Security Agency Central Intelligence Agency ederal Bureau of Investigation Defense Intelligence Agency ALSO PRESENT Subcommittee Chairman, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures \Chairman, Computer Security Subcommittee \Executive Secretary, R&D Subcommittee \Special Assistant to the Deputy to the DCI for the Intelligence Community Central Intelligence Agency National Security Agency avis Humphrey, Department of Treasury David McCabe, Department of State Donald Stigers, Department of State Maclyn Musser, Department of State Defense Intelligence Agency Mr. Ro er G. Teska De artment of Energy Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency DCI Security Committee DCI Security Committee r. Mr. Mr. *Mr. *Present for part of meeting. CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28 : CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28 : CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 Nme .410 SECOM-M-209 16 January 1978 25X1 Special Briefings 4C/SPECLE II. noted that CIA's Office of Data Processing had been asked to re-evaluate the SPECLE II system to see if it could do the job conceived for the 4C system, and to re-cost the 4C system in current prices. 25X1 CIA, then briefed the Committee on the studies responsive to 25X1 requests. She said both systems could provide the capability to determine if a given person had a given access, but that the current SPECLE - system could only be queried through CIA's Compartmented Information Branch (CIB). Several members noted problems they had obtaining current and accurate readouts from the SPECLE system, and stated their desire for a central system which would have sufficient capabilities to permit their agencies to give up operating internal systems to record accesses. After further discussion, the members unanimously agreed to support the 4C concept and system. The FBI and Treasury representatives asked to be associated with such a recommendation. At the request of the Army member, it was agreed that advance copies of a memorandum forwarding this proposal to the DCI would be provided to Security Committee members. The CIA member advised that until a new system was in operation, he would assure members that CIB would be manned at a level to ensure response to requests from the various agencies. He asked members to ensure that their inputs to the current system were complete and timely. Preliminary Comments 25X1 a. Provocation and Harassment Study. The Acting Chairman advised that all inputs to this study had been received. 25X1 b.Proposed DCID on Administrative Handling of SCI. The Acting Chairman ;lised that the completion of NFIB vote sheet action on this proposed DCID was pending receipt of concurrences or comments from NSA, DIA, and FBI. 25X1 c. Proposed DCID on Duty and Travel Restrictions. The Acting Chairman said that the DCID had been resubmitted to NFIB for vote sheet action because of the long period of time that had elapsed since the Board had last considered the issue. He noted that all agencies except NSA and Army had concurred. CONFIDENTIAL nni-laccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 Noe' Nov SECOM-M-209 16 January 1978 25X1 d. Proposed DCID on Compartmentation. Security Committee members were provided copies of sug ested revisions of Sections 2 and 4 of the con- 25X1 sensus draft of this DCID. noted that these revisions had been drafted by the Security Committee Staff in an attempt to try to find a way out of the differences between member agencies on this subject. He asked members to review and comment on these revisions. 25X1 e. Use of the Mails to Transmit Classified Data. The Acting 25X1 Chairman briefed the Committee on the basis for and results of a study done by the Security Committee Staff on use of the postal system for the transmission of Secret and Confidential material. 25X1 f. Miscellaneous Comments. The Acting Chairman-summarized the status o e forts to complete a revision of E.O. 11905 on Intelligence Community Organization and Missions and also the status of E.O. 11652 on Security Classification. He provided members an updated list of compartmented clearances held by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff members. He also advised on an ongoing effort to compile a list of names and addresses of members of the Security Committee, Subcommittees, and Working Groups which will be dis- tributed to all Security Committee members in the near future. ITEM 1: Approval of Minutes 25X1 The minutes distributed in SECOM-M-208 were approved as written. ITEM 2: Reports of Chairmen 25X1 25X1 a. TSCS. Chairman, advised that the Interagency Training Center (ITC) would extend its training programs in 1978 from four to six weeks in response to requests by Community agencies and to permit trainees to obtain necessary instruction in one session vice the two previously required.I 2 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 notnirtarrifir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 Nraf NNW SECOM-M-209 16 January 1978 b. R&D Subcommittee. Executive Secretary, des- cribed the various projects underway within the Subcommittee. c. Compartmentation Subcommittee. Col. Newman, Chairman, advised that two projects were still outstanding and that he had nothing new to report. 25X1 d. Computer Security Subcommittee. Chairman, dis- 25)(1 tributed a list of Subcommittee actions items, memorandums on each of these listed items, and a copy of the WWMCCS ADP Security Program Plan for the infor- mation of Security Committee members. He mentioned that the Subcommittee was discussing an action of updating the computer security threat report and had asked the DIA Subcommittee member to chair an ad hoc working group on the subject. Additionally, he stated that a five-day working retreat was being planned for the Computer Security Subcommittee members and associates for 19-24 March 1978. 25X1 e. Unauthorized Disclosures Working Group. L Chairman?5X1 briefly summarized several recent disclosures of security concern, and provided members with a listing of these disclosures. 25X1 25X1 25X1 f. Foreign Disclosure of Intelligence Working Group. Mr. Anderson, reporting for Chairman Hensley, summarized the results of recent meetings, which were designed to determine whether there are significant problems relat- ing to foreign disclosure of intelligence, and if so, to propose possible solutions. g. Investigative Standards Working Group. Mr. McCabe advised 25X1 that the Working Group was working out a system to automate the compilation of investigative data compiled for and used in DCID 1/14 cases. He advised that the Working Group planned to capture such data on a continuing basis. noted the need to expedite this effort, citing an earlier report to the DCI that such data would soon be available and would form the basis for newly recommended personnel security standards. ITEM 3: Security Protection of-Microforms The Acting Chairman voiced his support for the suggestion by the DCI Information Handling Committee (IHC) that they and the Security Committee form a joint working group to review and make recommendations on the security of material in microform format. Prior to taking action in this direction, however, he recommended an in-depth briefing on microform security problems. The members concurred, and this will be an agenda item at the February Security Committee meeting. 3 CONFITIENTIAr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 1:11111:10141:11M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6 *ow' 'ftior SECOM-M-209 16 !January 1978 ITEM 4: Preparation and Handling of Damage Assessments as a Result of Serious Compromises of Information 25X1 discussed the tasking to the Committee Chairman by the Acting Deputy to the DCI for the Intelligence Community, who had expressed concern about completion of a damage assessment in a particular espionage 25X1 case. noted that the Committee's charter was explicit in assigning a major responsibility in this area. He added that, notwithstanding the charter, there were still varying approaches within the Community on handling compromises which should be the subjects of damage assessments. 25X1 NSA, suggested that the Committee Chairman formally task each member agency to report what information they held bearing on given compromises. He said this would help ensure the availability of all information needed for damage 25X1 assessments, asked the members to reflect on this subject and advise of any changes they thought should be made in our system of handling such damage assessments. ITEM 5: New Business 25X1 ITEM 6: Next Meeting 25X1 The Acting Chairman scheduled the next Security Committee meetin for 8 February 1978 to be held Executive Secretary 4 CONMENTIAU 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/28: CIA-RDP82M00591R000100080035-6