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Approved For RJse 2q 82M00591 RQI)0100070047-4 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee SECOM-M-211 1 May 1978 Minutes Two Hundred and Eleventh Meeting Wednesday, 26 April 1978, 0930 Hours Room 7D32, Langley Headquarters Building Robert W. Gambino Chairman Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Central Intelligence Agency National Security Agency Mr. Dennis Southern, Department of Treasury Mr. David Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. Merrill T. Kelly, Department of the Army Mr. Maynard Anderson, Department of the Navy Col. Russell T. Newman, Department of the Air Force ALTERNATES PRESENT I National Security Agency Maj. Henry och, Department of the Air Force Defense Intelligence Agency Mr. Edward Griga us, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. David McCabe, Department of State ALSO PRESENT Mr. Mr. Jack E. Blake, Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency Executive Secretary, R&D Subcommittee Chairman, Computer Security Subcommittee Donald Stigers, Department of State Roger Teska, Department of Energy DCI Security Committee DCI Security Committee DCI Security Committee *Present for part of meeting. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07 0?1G P82M00591 R00010Q070047-4 Approved For RelWa 2005/0 110111 - 00591 ROU100070047-4 SECOM-M-211 1 May 1978 Special Briefings 25X1 a. 0 The Chairman introduced Mr. John Blake, Deputy Director for Administration, CIA, who welcomed the members. Mr. Blake said he was becoming increasingly concerned about leaks of sensitive intelli- gence, and said he believed the Committee had an important role to play in dealing with this problem. He advised that he would be looking to the Committee for the clear identification of issues and options on 25X1 security matters. Preliminary Comments a. 0 The Chairman noted that members of the Committee had been sent the following documents: (1) A report of the Foreign Disclosure Working Group. He commended the thoroughness of the report, and asked members to be prepared to discuss it at the next Committee meeting. (2) Two R&D Subcommittee studies, and a memorandum to Congressman Boland accrediting a room at the Capitol for SCI storage and handling. (3) Draft update of the Committee's Harassments and Provocations Study against Americans travelling abroad. He noted that the Navy and DOE had concurred, and he solicited other responses on a timely basis. b. 0 The Chairman advised that the next meeting would include discussion of the Air Force request that a particular contractor be considered as a government-owned, contractor-operated laboratory for purposes of DCID 1/7 controls. c. 0 The Chairman asked Mr. McCabe, State, the status of the SF-86 Loyalty Questions issue, which was tasked to the Investigative Standards Working Group for further study. Mr. McCabe said he was not Approved For Release 2005/07/01 CIA-RDP82M00591 R000100070047-4 Approved For Relee 2005/ 7/01 : CIA-RDP82 00591 ROQ00070047-4 SECOM-M-211 1 May 1978 yet prepared to provide the members with a report on the pending deletion of these questions bearing on loyalty. ITEM 1: Approval of Minutes S II The minutes of the 8 February 1978 meeting, distributed in EGO 210, were approved with the deletion of the next-to-the-last sentence in Item 4 thereof. ITEM 2: Reports of Subcommittee and Working Group Chairmen a. F TSCS, Deferred due to absence of Chairman on emergency leave. c. Comartmentation-Subcommittee. Chairman, advised of the following actions on assigned tasks: (1) The Subcommittee has reviewed the policy in DCID 1/7 on release of data to contractors, and suggests that directive be changed so as to make SCI subject to its pro- visions, which would make all foreign intelligence treated the same with regard to contractor release. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/0.1: GIArl D~P82M00591 R000100070047-4 Approved For Rel 2005/ 7/01: CIA-RDP8 M00591 R00Q00070047-4 25X1 SECOM-M~211 1 May 1978 (2) The Subcommittee has reviewed the list of countries within which duty and travel restrictions apply, and they have developed criteria for making changes to such a list. The criteria will be provided members at a later date. said the Subcommittee s working group on education and training was examining desirable curricula on computer security. He noted that he was working with the Department of Defense to develop computer securit standards. He noted that Community comments on the draft revision o DCID 1/16 showed that there was a need for more thorough policy guidance on networking. e. 0 Unauthorized Disclosures Workin Grou 25X1 Chairman, provided members a summary report on eaks. He noted that there was high-level concern about recent leaks of sensitive information 1 Mr. Gambino advised that the DCI had asked for and een given a briefing on how leaks are investigated. He noted that the 25X1 high frequency of leaks impacted on efforts to increase the dissemination of information held in codeword or other restricted channels. f. Foreign Disclosure Working G roup. Mr. Anderson, Navy, noted that their report had been disseminated to members earlier, and that the non-concurrence of the Group's NSA member would be provided for information to the Committee members. 9. 0 Investigative Standards Working Group. Mr. McCabe, Chairman, advised that he had assigned some of their tasks to members of his group in the interests of timely handling. He said 25X1 CIA, was their focal point on standards for investigations; and Mr. O'Neill, Air Force, on reviewing how the Community handles adjudications. Mr. McCabe said the computer cards needed to resume the statistical study of DCID 1/14 scope investigations were being printed. He said it appeared that the proposed revision of E.O. 10450 had a low priority at OMB. Mr. Anderson, Navy, noted that Defense's draft of an E.O. on military personnel security had been sent to OMB during April 1978. NSA, said he was con- 25X1 cerned about the impact on security of restrictions placed on the Military Services in investigating misconduct allegations against Service personnel. Approved For Release 2005/07/0 :CCIA,RDP82M00591 R000100070047-4 v J u a r.~ Approved For Relese 2005t07101 : CIA-RDP82 00591 ROQW- 00070047-4 25X1 SECOM-M-211 1 May 1978 h. 0 SCI Turndown'Workin Group. No report due to absence of Chairman. Mr. Ryan, FBI, said he a ieved we had proper authority to maintain a record of SCI turndowns. Mr. Gambino said he thought we needed standards for adjudication to ensure that turndowns were made on a uniform basis. ITEM 3: Executive Session 0 The Chairman called the meeting into executive session to discuss objectives and organizational arrangements approved by the DCI for the DCI Security Committee. ITEM 4: New Business a. NSA, asked about the results of CIA's program to administer follow-up polygraph examinations to cleared contractor personnel. Mr. Gambino said they had examined 0 such personnel, 25X1 and had revoked the clearances of 0 of them based on suitability 25X1 information. Mr. Gambino said he would arrange forl CIA, 25X1 to brief the Committee on CIA's new industrial security program. b. 0 Mr. Stigers, State, rioted that the security procedures for the Imagery Transmission System - Washington were giving them some problems. He asked what was being done about them. SECOM 25X1 Staff, said those procedures had been developed in consultation with COMIREX and the Special Security Center, CIA, and that had 25X1 very recently provided comments on them for the Compartmentation Sub- committee. said preliminary analysis suggested that the procedures might be more restrictive than necessary, and that the issue would be dealt with further. ITEM 5: Next Meeting 0 The Chairman scheduled the next meeting for 1000 hours on 24 May 1978 in Room 4E64 Langley Headquarters Building. Mr. Kelly, Army, suggested that some of the Committee's future meetings should be hosted by major member agencies, with hosts providing short briefings. 25X1 Lxecutive Secretary Approved For Release 2005/07/01 CIA-RDP82M00591 R000100070047-4