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Approved For Reiawse 2005/08/22 ..'L"f0 182M00591 RQ100050102-4 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 Minutes Two Hundred and Fifteenth Meeting Wednesday, 30 August 1978, 1000-1150 Hours Room 7D32, Langley Headquarters Building Robert W. Gambino Chairman Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Central Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency Mr. Harvey E. Lyon, Department of.Energy Col. Russell T. Newman, Department of the Air Force Mr. Jerry Rubino, Department of Justice Mr. David Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. Richard Welch, Department of the Navy Mr. Dennis Southern, Department of the Treasury ALTERNATES PRESENT Mr. Frank Dill, Department of the Army National Security Agency Mr. Edward Crigalus, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. David Humphrey, Department of the Treasury Maj. Henry R. Koch, Department of the Air Force Ca t. Burton J. Larkins. Department of the Navy Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency ALSO PRESENT Mr. Donald Stigers, Department of State Mr. Maynard Anderson, Office of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Mr. Department of the Air Force Chairman, R&D Subcommittee Executive Secretary, RFD Subcommittee 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22: CIA-RDP82MOO591 ROO Approved For Rei Se 2005/08/22 : REI82M00591 RQ 100050102-4 SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 ALSO PRESENT (continued) Subcommittee Acting Chairman, Computer Security Chairman, Security Awareness Working Executive Secretary, Security Committee Security Committee Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency Approved For Release 2005/08/2Z: Fii P82M00591 R000100050102-4 Approved For Base 2005/08/22 Refff 82M005914WD0100050102-4 SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 SPECIAL BRIEFING The Chairman announced that the videotape film presentation by NSA on telephone security hazards (Item 3 25X1 on they agenda) would be presented first to avoid time conflicts. PRELIMINARY COMMENTS 1. The Chairman noted membership changes as follows: Mr. Carl Ackerman has replaced Mr. Victor Dikeos as the Depart- ment of State member; Mr. Richard Welch and Captain Burton Larkins are the new Navy. member and alternate; Mr. Maynard Anderson is now an observer representing the Department of Defense (Admiral Murphy); and the Department of Justice is now represented on the Committee with Mr. Jerry Rubino being their member. 2. IIThe Chairman advised that compartmentation issues were getting an increasing amount of high level attention. He noted that the DCI had taken a personal interest with a view towards reducing the administrative burden of compartmented systems and increasing t tility of intelligence data. Mr. Gambino advised that the system was being reviewed by a small staff headed by Mr. Gambino noted that 3 agencies (NSA, Army and CIA) had commented on the draft compart- mentation DCID. He said his discussions on this with Admiral Inman and had not yet identified common ground. He asked the representatives of those agencies which supported the DCID to get their positions stated in writing so that this matter could be referred to the NFIB for resolution of differ- ences. Mr. Gambino noted the downstream impact of this proposal (e.g., with regard to reviews of compartments as required by E.O. 12065), and stressed the significance of this issue to the Committee. Turning to zero-base reviews of SCI accesses, Mr. Gambino advised that the results of an initial effort in this effort showed that many accesses at Lawrence Livermore Labora- tory could be cancelled. He said another CIA contractor would soon be selected for comparable review. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RbP82M00591 R000100050102-4 4 iET Approved For Ruse 2005/08/22 82M00591 W0100050102-4 SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 3. I The Chairman invited members' attention to the provisions of the DCI Guidelines for Legislative Branch compartmented access. He noted that memoranda of understand- ing with most Congressional committees included recognition of the need for thorough investigations at DCID 1/14 standards of committee staff members, being proposed for access. Mr. Gambino. advised that the DCI is taking a strong stand on limit- ing Congressional staff accesses to those on the staff of committees directly concerned with intelligence matters. 4. The Chairman noted that NSA had briefed members of the Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Subcommittee on sensitive U. S. collection programs. Mr. Gambino said he thought this satisfied current needs to keep Community person- nel'directly concerned with defensive technical measures abreast of offensive capabilities which could be used against us. 5. The Chairman advised that a CIA component, with cooperation from NSA, Defense elements and the FBI, had completed a draft of a study of damage assessments of compromises resulting from hostile action. Mr. Gambino said the study should become available during September. 6.1 The Chairman noted that a description of the duties senior officers on the Community Security Group had been written (members were provided copies), and advised that he planned to ask the DCI to request NFIB members for nominations of persons to fulfill those duties on a rotational, reimbursable basis. 7. The Chairman noted. that the Department of Defense a invited DCI participation in a substantially-funded R&D program for physical security. Mr. Gambino said this was a good opportunity for the Committee to focus on its R&D needs and to seek to have them satisfied through joint effort with Defense. He said would speak to this issue further in his report on the u committee. 8. 0 The Chairman reminded members of the need to provide names and clearance certifications at least 24 hours in advance to the Committee staff when it was desired to hold subcomittee or working group meetings at CIA Headquarters. He noted that without such advance notice, "Visitor-No Escort" badges could not be issued and delays in entry would be encountered. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 ~i ql3'82M00591 R000100050102-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000100050102-4 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000100050102-4 Approved For Reese 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R%0100050102-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 nauthorized Disclosures Working _Group. summarized th results o "tTieir 22 August meeting, and said a report would be sent to members in a day or two. f. Investigative Standards Working Group said he believed the D D 1/-14 adjudication pa icy and guidance should be very useful to the Com- munity. He thanked Mr. O'Neill for chairing the sub- group which drafted the report. Mr. Gambino asked that all comments on the draft be sent tol- before 25X1 the next SECOM.meeting, with a view to taking final committee action.on the draft 'at that time and subsequent referral to the NFIB. Mr. Stigers asked whether the guidance would be expanded to cover adverse adjudications based on polygraph results. I replied that that would be dealt with as an SCI turndown matter. reported that the computer cards were now available for 25X1 the Community statistical study of DCID 1/14 investiga- 25X1 tions, which would begin this fall. 25X1 g. SCI Turndown Working Group noted that differences in approach to possible appeals procedures for SCI access denials were still being explored. Mr. Anderson advised that the issue of whether there should be automatic appeals procedures for SCI denials was still unresolved in Defense. Mr. Gambino said further effort was needed on establishing a central registry of SCI turndowns. Mr. Ryan said the FBI might be receptive to maintaining such if they were formally requested to do so. Mr. Gambino tasked to I 25X1 25X1 11. 0 Security Awareness Workin Group. advised that they were developing new security educational materials for Community use. ITEM 4: Old Business. a. Air Force Request on Contractor Status Colonel Newman briefed the committee on the highlig is 25X1 of their request that the operating contractor for Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000100050102-4 Approved For Rise 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R D100050102-4 SECRET SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 Force Station, Tennessee, be designated as a Government Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO) facility for purposes of relief from DCID 1/7 controls on release of SCI to contractors. Mr. Gambino summarized the Air Force case, noting that he considered it a good one, and that the SCI information to be'released was under the full control of Air Force Personnel. After some discussion by members, Mr. Gambino advised that the Air Force request was approved as a matter of record. (A memorandum to this effect will be distributed separately.) 25X1 b. (C) Foreign Disclosure Procedures for SCI. Mr. Gambino note the irm o aections y of the SIGINT Committee to Mr. Anderson'.s recommendations on this issue. Mr. Gambino said he planned to discuss this matter with Chairman of COMIR.EX, to see if common ground could e reached. He noted that computer records of officially disclosed SCI were maintained by NSA and NPIC, and observed that these might be helpful in constructing a system for better control of SCI. Mr. Gambino said he planned to pursue this matter further to obtain a DCI resolution on desired direction. Mr. Anderson offered to assist in preparing a proposal in this regard. Mr. Gambino said held be in tn?rh with nim after he had talked with 25X1 ITEM 5: New Business. a. IImpact of E.O. 12065. oted that 25X1 the ommi ee needed to consider changes required to adapt Community security policies and procedures to the require- ments of E. 0. 1.2065 and its implementing directive. He cited the requirement for mandatory paragraph marking and a change in the "Warning Notice" marking as examples. He suggested that consideration be given to whether the Community would benefit from overall classification guid- ance for SCI information. Mr. Gambino tasked the Compart- mentation Subcommittee to develop a plan of action with milestones in these regards for presentation not later than the September SECOM meeting. offered 25X1 to share with Colonel Newman a 1977 Committee staff SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-R P82M00591 R000100050102-4 Approved For lease 2005/08/ DP82M005S 000100050102-4 ,)]:Cwr SECOM-M-215 30 August 1978 proposal for a DCID on paragraph marking. b. Control of Sensitive Documents. a vise that the Defense members -of tie Committee had concluded that it would be helpful to explore whether technical devices could be better used to aid in the con- trol of sensitive documents. He said they had also agreed that methods for the control of reproduction of documents should be explored. Mr. Gambino said he would welcome Isaid they would examine these subjects and report back to the committee. ITEM 6: Next Meeting. 25X1 25X1 The Chairman scheduled the next SECOM meeting for Wednesday, 27 September 1978, at 1000 in room 7D32, CIA Headquarters. Mr. Gambino advised that we should by then have 25X1 and that a ffin t i g, ttee s a some definitive information on Comm State rQ?resentatiye would brief the Committee on the security program SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000100050102-4 Approved FoWelease 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP82M005WR000100050102-4 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee SECOM-M-214 19 July 1978 Minutes Two Hundred and Fourteenth 0-Meetingurs Wednesday, 19 July 1978, Room 2E465, The Pentagon Robert W. Gambino Chairman Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Central Intelligence Agency era1 Bureau of Investigation National Security Agency Anaersan, Department of the Navy Mr Maynar . Mr. Harvey Lyon, Department of Energy Mr. Merrill T. Kelly, Department of the Army ALTERNATES PRESENT Maj. Henry Koch, Department of the Air Force Mr. Norman Enis, Department of Treasury 'd Hum hrey, Department of Treasury e,r_ I National Security Agency M Richar Welch De artmeDnt of efensehIntelligence Agency Mr. E war raga us, Fe eral Bureau of Investigation Mr. Frank Dill, Department of the Army Tnta11iYenr.e Agency Lnaarman, security Awareness Working ------------ coup Department of the Army *Brigadier General James Teal, of the Navy P i ns, Captain B. G. Lark Inthe Army *Maj. Jack -Za-Dartment of telligence Agency Present or part of meeting. F Computer Security Subcommittee hirman C , a Investigative Standards Working Group 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : 09, 8 M00591 R000100 ( _1 11 SECRET Approved For Relse 2005/08/22: CIA-RDP82M00591 R1000839-M- 2 14 it 19 July 1978 SPECIAL BRIEFING The Army member hosted the July Committee meeting. Brigadier General James Teal welcomed the Committee and encouraged attention of the Committee to security interests and concerns of the Army. A presentation was made by Major Jack Wolf, Plans Staff, on the present organization, structure, and functions of the Army Intelligence. PRELIMINARY COMMENTS 1. 0 The Chairman introduced Mr. Harvey Lyon, DOE member, who noted that Mr. L. Taylor had retired on disability. 2. 0 The Chairman informed members of the upcoming resignation of who has served with the Security Committee a as secretary for the past two years. The Chairman expressed appreciation for the work she has done, commended her dedication, and speaking for the Staff, extended best wishes in her future undertakings. 3. IIThe departure of Mr. Victor Dikeos from Security ommittee membership rolls was mentioned. Mr. Dikeos is being reassigned in the Department of State. He will be succeeded at State by Mr. Carl Ackerman. 4. The Chairman informed members that the Compart- mentation Su committee has completed the updating of a Community listing of SCI approvals for Legislative Branch personnel. CIB now has updated their holdings using this list. Members are requested to check with CIB for current information on these accesses. The Chairman recalled, for members' information, that, the DCI has reserved the authority to approve all such accesses. S. The Chairman informed that the DCI has sent a letter to a Secretary of Defense soliciting his assistance in ensuring that sufficient resources were allocated to person- nel security investigation in Defense as called for in DCID 1/16. The Chairman also mentioned that the stipulation that the DCID 1/16 pertains to intelligence sources and methods ha.d been reinserted during review of gaily proofs in compliance with desires of some members. 6. The Chairman commented that he was in receipt of nominations from NSA and the FBI for staff positions on the Approved For Release 2005/08/'2;t,CIA. R P82M00591 8000100050102-4