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Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030p OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE wacN1Hr ow n e inane Honorable William E. Colby .Director, Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington. D. C. 20505 Dear Mr. Colby: DCIJI7_1~ /,) o~ I 18 OCT 1973 Attached for your information is a memorandum for the Assistant Secre- taries (I&L) of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Directors of interested agencies of the Department of Defense requesting their comments and recommendations on complete revisions to the industrial priorities regulations and orders of the Bureau of Competitive Assessment and Business Policy (BCABP) of the Department of Commerce. As the head of an associated agency of the Department of Defenses, you currently are utilizing industrial priorities and allocations in your procurement under a delegation of authority from the Department of Defense. It would be appreciated, therefore, if you would furnish your comments and recommendations on the attached proposed BCABP regulations and orders to this office by 12 November 1973. Please have a member of your staff furnish the name and telephone number of a representative knowledgeable in industrial priorities and allocations to serve as your point of contact for this area to Mr. M. S. Friedman, Directorate for Management Evaluation and Materiel Control, OASD(I&L), telephone OX 7-0351. Sincerely, (Signed) ELI T. REICH Vice Admiral, USN DePut '- AS s i:;tar;t Secretary of Defense (Prodiac tic ii,L,zxgiz e:eriaig & Materiel Acquisition) Attachments As stated Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 OI:FICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OV DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 18 O CT 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR. Assistant Secretary of the Army (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (I&L) Director, Defense Communications Agency Director, Defense Mapping Agency Director, Defense Nuclear Agency Director, Defense Supply Agency Director, National Secarity Agency SUBJECT: Complete Revision of Proposed Regulations and Orders Governing Use of Priorities and Allocations for Defense Production and Procurement The Department of Commerce, Bureau of Competitive Assessment and Business Policy (BCABP, formerly BDSA), has issued Notices of Proposed Rulemaking concerning revised anti simplified Defense Ma- terials System (I)MS) and Defense Priorities System (DPS) regulations and orders. These regulations and orders, published in Part II of the Federal Register of 1 October 1973, are complete` revisions of current regulations and orders. They are as follows: DMS Regulation 1 - Basic Rules of the Defense Materials System DPS Regulation 1 - Basic Rules of the Defense Priorities System DPS Order i. - Metalworking Machines DPS Order - Nickel The proposed regulations and orders set forth rules for assuring accept- ance and performance of national defense contracts and orders in accordance with Title I (Priorities and Allocations) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended. Current priorities and allocations authorities which: have been delegated to you are vital in assuring timely deliveries of your contracts and orders from industry. They encompass procurement transactions (including, but not limited to, R&D, production and construction) within the United States, its territories and possessions, and procurement by overseas commands requiring supporting resources from the United States. Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 The proposed (BCABP) issuances relate to the general field of industrial operations and will have the force of law when published. They govern the business transactions in the fields they cover and, therefore, have the greatest effect on defense procurement. Three copies of the subject regulations and orders are attached for your review, comments and. recommendations. It is requested that you furnish your Department or Agency views to this office by 12 November 1973 to permit formulation of a consolidated DoD position and timely submission to the Commerce Department. Remarks should be annotated to specific page and paragraph references shown in the Federal Register, Part IT, Monday, October 1, 1973, Volume 38, Number 189. The normal procedure for clearing Commerce Department regulations and orders within the Department of Defense and associated agencies is specified in Section 9 of the DoD Priorities and Allocations Manual (PAM). Under its provisions, and in order to expedite coordination, copies of proposed BCABP regulations and orders are being provided directly to DoD Departmental Priorities and Allocations Officers designated by you to this office under DoD Instruction 4400. 1. However, since these are complete revisions of existing policies and procedures, final views of your Department or Agency should be furnished through your office. The Department of Defense, in performing its functions of procurement, is vitally concerned with the rules and procedures established in the BCABP regulations and orders, first to see that their provisions are adequate to channel material into DoD procurement items, and then to operate the im- plementing procedures which give DoD procurement its preferential status in industry. Thu7, it is important that close analysis be given to the pro- posed changes to determine their effect upon current procurement and their effectiveness as work-in procedures under mobilization conditions. This office may contact your designated Departmental Priorities and Allocations Representatives directly to apprise them of significant develop- ments in the course of the DoD review of the Commerce Department regulations and or ders, or to try to resolve major issues as provided in the Order Clearance Procedure. ELI T. REICH Vise Admiral, USN Attachments Deputy! 3si ._ai Se~:rct2rf of.Defense As stated (Production T;ngineeriz)g & lfateriel ~cquisitic a; Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 EXECUTPVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 DDS&T 4 DDI 5 DDO 6 DDM&S 7 D/DCI/IC 8 D/ONE 9 OGC 10 OLC 11 IG 12 D/PPB 13 D/Pers 14 D/OS 15 D/Trng 16 SAVA 17 ASST/DCI 18 AO/DCI 19 20 21 22 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Date Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ^ Number 189 PART 11 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Domestic and International Business Administration DEFENSE MATERIALS. SYSTEM AND DEFENSE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Proposed Rulemaking No. 189-Pt. U-1 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 27252 PROPOSED RULES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Domestic and International Business Administration [ 32A CFR Chapter VI ] DEFENSE MATERIALS SYSTEM Basic Rules Notice is hereby given that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Competitive As- sessment and Business Policy, pursuant to section 704 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended and extended, and Executive Order 10480, as amended, is proposing to amend DMS Regulation 1. Section 1 describes the contents of and tells what the proposed amended regula- tion does. Interested persons who desire to sub- mit written views or comments on the proposed amended regulation should file them, in triplicate, with the Deputy As- sistant Secretary for Competitive Assess- ment and Business Policy, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, Ref: DMS Reg. 1, on or before November 30, 1973. The proposed amended regulation is presented below: DMS REG. 1.-BASIC RULES OF THE DEFENSE MATERIALS SYSTEM Sec. 1. What this regulation does. 2. Definitions. 3. Requirements and related procedures. 4. Allotment and self-authorization proce- cedures. 5. Types of authorized controlled material orders and preferential status. 6. Directives and preferential status. 7. Mandatory use of program determination, allotment, self-authorization and rat- ing authority. 8. Self-authorization procedure for Class A and Class B products. 9. Statements and certifications to accom- pany ACM orders and rated orders for Class A and Class B products. 10. Elements of ACM orders. 11. Limitations on use of self-authorization. 12. Grouping or combination of orders. 13. Restrictions on placing ACM orders and on use of controlled materials. 14.. Rated orders and ratings. 15. Transition provisions for acquisition of controlled materials. 16. Intracompany deliveries. 17. Delivery for unlawful purposes prohibited. 18. Applicability of regulations and orders. 19. Defense against claims for damages. 20. Records and reports. 21. Requests for adjustment 22. Communications. 23. Violations. Schedule I. Controlled materials. II. Authorized Program Identifications and Claimant and Sub-Claimant Agencies. III. Mill Lead Times. IV. Minimum Mill Quantities. V. Form for Statement of Requirements for Class A products. FR 9683, 11447, 3 CFR 1949-1953 Comp., p. explains the status of outstanding al- 919; Executive Order 11725, 38 FR 17175; lotments. DMO 8400.1, 32A CFR 15; Department of (2) The definitions of Class A product Commerce Organization Order 10-3, and Class B product have been modified. amended, 37 FR 26565, 38 FR 4278; and De- partment of Commerce, Domestic and Inter- The principal effect of these modifica- national Business Administration Organiza- tions is to make the definitions self-con- tion and Function Orders 45-1, 38 FR 9326, tained so that defense contractors may and 45-2, 38 FR 9327. operate under DMS without reference Section, 1. What this regulation does. to any other separate publication. (3) Self-authorizing consumers (pro- (a) This regulation is a major revision ducers of Class A and Class B products) and simplification of the Defense Ma- are now required, with certain excep- terials System and supersedes DMS Reg. tions, to use their inventory first in fill- 1 of December 1, 1959 (including its ing rated orders. Schedules, Directions and Amendments). (4) The revised regulations expressly DMS not only helps to keep current de- prohibits discrimination against rated fense, atomic energy, and space pro- orders by imposing higher prices or dif- grams on schedule but also provides an ferent terms than for comparable un- established mechanism that can be ex- rated orders. panded or converted if the need arises. (5) Modifications have been made in This regulation complements and is Schedules I through V and in Directions being issued concurrently with a major 1 and 2. These modifications are princi- revision of Defense Priorities System pally, but not entirely, technical and Regulation 1. procedural rather than substantive. (b) :Defense contractors and their sup- Former Direction 2 (Small Order Pro- pliers should thoroughly familiarize cedure for Allotting Agencies) has been themselves with the provisions of DPS eliminated and former Direction 3 (Con- Reg. 1 and with the provisions of this trolled Materials Producers and Distrib- regulation which defines their rights and utors) has been renumbered as Direction obligations and sets forth the basic rules 2. of the Defense Materials System. One of (6) Numerous other changes, simpli- the principal differences between DPS fications and consolidations have been and DIMS, which complement each other, effected in this revised regulation, the is that the former relates primarily to full text of which (including its Sched- products and materials other than con- ules I through V and Directions 1 and 2) trolled materials while the latter relates should be studied carefully by defense primarily to controlled materials (steel, contractors and their suppliers. copper, aluminum and nickel alloys). Sec. 2. Definitions. (c) Persons engaged in production, .construction or research and develop- As used in this regulation: ment for defense programs are required (a) "Person" means any individual, to follow all the applicable rules of this corporation, partnership, association or revised regulation. Proper identification any other organized group of persons, of delivery orders placed for products and includes any agency of the United and materials needed to fill defense States Government or any other govern- orders and contracts is particularly im- ment. portant. The rule for mandatory iden- (b) "BCABP" means the Bureau of tification of orders is an essential part of Competitive Assessment and Business both the Defense Materials System and Policy, Domestic and International Busi- the Defense Priorities System. It avoids ness Administration, of the United delays which could :.dversely affect States Department of Commerce. timely completion of defense programs (c) "GSA" means the General Serv- by requiring preferential delivery against ices Administration of the United States properly identified orders and by fur- Government. nishirig a mechanism for expediting as- (d) "Controlled material" means do- sistance where needed. mestic and imported steel, copper, alumi- (d) The changes effected by this re- num, and nickel alloys, in the forms vised regulation are comprehensive in and shapes specified in Schedule I of this scope and include, but are not limited regulation, whether new, remelted, re- to: rolled or redrawn. (1) Under the former DMS Reg. 1 al- (e) "Claimant Agency" means the lotments of controlled materials were Department of Defense, the Atomic made by the Office of Emergency Pre- Energy Commission, BCABP or any other paredness to Claimant Agencies which Government agency or subdivision then made allotments to Allotting Agen- thereof designated as such by GSA for cies. The latter, in turn, made allotments submission to it of controlled material to prime consumers producing Class A program requirements. Schdule II of this products. This revised regulation pro- regulation lists the Claimant Agencies. vides for controlled material authoriza- (f) "Sub-Claimant Agency" means tions by the General Services Adminis- any Government agency or subdivision Direction tration to Claimant Agencies and for al- thereof designated as such by GSA for 1. Self-authorization procedure for MRO lotments by Claimant Agencies to Sub- submission of controlled material pro- ordded to fill manditory acceptance Claimant Agencies (a new term which gram requirements to a Claimant 2. Controlled materials producers and dis- replaces the former designation of "Al- Agency. Schedule II of this regulation tributors. lotting Agencies"). However, allotments lists. the Sub-Claimant Agencies. AUTHORITY: Defense Production Act of to prime consumers have been eliminated (g) "Authorized program" means a 1950, as amended (64 Stat. 816; 50 U.S.C. App. in the interest of simplification and all military, atomic energy or other pro- 2061 et seq.); Executive Order 10480, as defense contractors and sub-contractors gram specifically approved by GSA and amended, 18 FR 4939, 6201, 19 F"' 3807, 7249, under DMS are now self-authorizing which is subject to any regulation or 21 FR 1673, 23 FR 5061, 6971, 24 FR 3779, 27 consumers. Section 15 of this regulation order of BCABP. Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/9i5M82M00531 R000800010030-7 . (h) "Program determination" means an authorization by GSA of the amount and kind o; , controlled materials which may be procured or used by or for a Claimant' Agency, or which may be al- lotted by a Claimant Agency to a Sub- Claimant Agency, for authorized pro- grams during specified periods of time. (1) "Allotment" means an authoriza- tion by a Claimant Agency of the amount and kind of controlled materials which may be procured or used by or for a Sub- Claimant Agency for authorized pro- grams during specified periods of time. (j) "Set-asido" means the amount and kind of any product or material, in- cluding controlled materials, which a person is required to reserve for filling mandatory acceptance orders during specified periods of time, as prescribed by BCABP. (k) "Self-authorizing consumer" means any person who receives authority to obtain controlled material by self- authorization pursuant to the provisions of this regulation. A self-authorizing consumer for a construction project may designate another person to act as the self-authorizing consumer for him. (1) "Class A product" means any prod- uct containing controlled material made to special specifications for authorized programs and which is not itself a con- trolled material. It also includes a con- struction project or research and de- velopment which requires for its comple- tion any controlled material or Class A product. (m) "Class - B product" means any product containing controlled material which is not made to special specifica- tions for authorized programs (usually civilian-type products) and which is not itself a controlled material. It also in- cludes a service which requires for its completion any controlled material. (n) "Delivery order" means any pur- chase order, contract,- shipping or other instruction calling for delivery of any material or product, or performance of construction or service, on a particular date or dates or within specified periods of time. (o) "Authorized controlled material order" (ACM order) means any delivery order for any controlled material (as distinct from a product containing con- trolled material) bearing an authorized program identification and the certifica- tion required by this regulation or any other applicable regulation or order of BCABP. The term "ACM order" shall have the same meaning as "authorized controlled material order." (p) "Rated order" means any contract, purchase or delivery order for any prod- uct, service or material other than con- trolled material bearing an authorized rating and the certification required by this regulation, DPS Reg. 1 or any other applicable regulation or order of BCABP. (q) "Mandatory acceptance order" means a rated order, an ACM order or any other purchase or delivery order which a person is required to accept pur- suant to any regulation or order of BC ABP, or pursuant to a specific authori- ration or directive of BCABP. (r) "Controlled materials distributor" means (1) a distributor of steel con- trolled materials as defined in DMS Order 1, (2) a distributor of nickel alloy controlled materials as defined in DMS Order 2, (3) a distributor of aluminum controlled materials as defined in DMS Order 3, or (4) a distributor of copper controlled materials as defined in DMS Order 4. (s) "Construction" means the erection of any building, structure, or project, or addition or extension thereto, or altera- tion thereof, through the incorporation- in-place on the site of materials or prod- ucts which are to be an integral and permanent part of the building, struc- ture, or project, but it does not include maintenance and repair. (t) "Project" means a construction plan contemplated for execution, irre- spective of the time when it is to be put into effect in full or in part, involving all. or portions of a single building or structure, or involving two or more buildings or structures, or portions thereof, which are physically contiguous, or are parts of an integrated design or plan, so that each is an element of a single operation. In addition, a project also means a type of construction which is not a building or structure, but which' requires a construction operation for its completion, such as a freight -yard, air- port runway or oil refinery. Sec. 3. Requirements and related proce- dures. (a) Claimant Agencies will submit controlled material requirements for au- thorized programs to GSA in accordance with procedures prescribed by GSA. (b) Sub-Claimant Agencies will sub- mit controlled material requirements for authorized programs to Claimant Agen- cies in accordance with procedures pre- scribed by GSA or Claimant Agencies. (c) GSA will issue program determina- tions to each Claimant Agency. (d) Each Claimant Agency, pursuant to program determinations, will make allotments to Sub-Claimant Agencies. (e) BCABP may establish set-asides, in support of program determinations, for acceptance of ACM orders by con- trolled materials producers. (f) Any self-authorizing consumer, upon the request of a Claimant or Sub- Claimant Agency for whom he is a sup- plier, must submit a statement of con- trolled material requirements for Class A products for authorized programs of such agency. This information must be submitted to the requesting agency on Form DMS-4A (production or research and development), Form DMS-4C (con- struction) or other prescribed forms. (g) Any self-authorizing consumer, upon the request of another self-author- izing consumer for whom he is a sup- plier, must submit a statement of his controlled material requirements to fill a rated order for Class A products for authorized programs. This information must be submitted to the requesting consumer on Form DMS-6 (contained In Schedule V of this regulation) in ac- cordance with the instructions stated therein. Sec. 4. Allotment and self-authorization procedures. (a) An allotment must be identified by an allotment number consisting of the appropriate program identification (as listed in Schedule II of this regula- tion) and shall specify the quantities and kinds of controlled materials authorized for delivery in specified periods of time. Unless otherwise prescribed by BCABP, allotments shall be made in the follow- ing terms, in each case without further breakdown: (1) Carbon steel (including wrought iron). (2) Alloy steel (except stainless steel). (3) Stainless steel. (4) Copper and copper-base alloy brass mill products. (5) Copper wire mill products. (6) Copper and copper-base alloy foundry products and powder. (7) Aluminum. (8) Nickel alloys. (b) A person who receives a rated order for a Class A product or a Class B product is a self-authorizing consumer and must obtain his requirements of con- trolled materials and other products and materials under the provisions of section 8 of this regulation. Sec. 5. Types of authorized controlled material orders and preferential status. (a) Two types of ACM orders are au- thorized, an ACM order and an ACM-DX order. ACM orders must contain the ap- propriate program identification and the calendar quarter in which delivery is required, for example, A-6-2Q74. ACM- DX orders must contain the appropriate program identification and the calendar quarter in which delivery is required, followed by the suffix DX, for example, A-6-2Q74-DX. Schedule II of this reg- ulation contains a list of authorized pro- gram identifications. (b) In addition to the identifications prescribed in paragraph (a) of this sec- tion, all ACM orders and all ACM-DX orders must contain the date or dates on which delivery is required and must be certified as provided in section 9 of this regulation.' (c) All ACM orders shall have equal preferential status and shall take prece- dence over orders previously or subse- quently received which do not bear a program identification. All ACM-DX orders shall have equal preferential status and shall take precedence over ACM orders previously or subsequently received and over orders previously or subsequently received which do not bear a program identification. Sec. 6. Directives and preferential status. (a) A person shall comply with each directive issued to him by BCABP. A recipient of a directive from BCABP shall not use such directive to obtain any products, materials or services from a supplier by placing a mandatory accept- ance order, unless expressly authorized in the directive. (b) Directives issued by BCABP shall take precedence over ACM-DX orders, ACM orders, DX rated orders, DO rated orders and unrated orders previously or FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 PROPOSED RULES subsequently received, unless a contrary instruction appears in the directive. Sec. 7. Mandatory use of program deter- mination, allotment, self-authoriza- tion and rating authority. (a) Each Claimant and Sub-Claimant Agency must use its program determina- tion, allotment and rating authority, as appropriate, in acquiring controlled ma- terials and other products and materials needed for completion of authorized programs. (b) Each person who has received a rated order for a Class A or a Class B product must acquire controlled mate- rials and other products and materials to fill such order or to replace in inven- tory products and materals used to fill such order by self-authorization, pur- suant to section 8 of this regulation. (c) The mandatory provisions of this section need not be followed In the case of any individual purchase order of $500 or less. Sce. 8. Self-authorization procedure for Class A and (lass B products. (a) A producer of Class A or Class B products who has accepted a rated order for such products is a self-authorizing consumer. (b) A self-authorizing consumer must use the program identification Indicated on his rated order in placing ACM orders to obtain controlled materials needed to fill such order or to replace in inventory controlled materials used to fill such rated order. However, with respect to inventory replacement of controlled ma- terials he shall place such ACM orders only in the calendar month in which such materials were taken from inventory or in the immediately succeeding two cal- endar months. If it is impracticable for him to determine the exact require- ments of controlled materials needed to fill a rated order for Class A or Class B products, he must place ACM orders for delivery of an amount not exceeding his best estimates of controlled materials needed to fill such rated order. (c) A self-authorizing consumer must use the rating indicated on his rated order in obtaining products and mate- rials other than controlled materials needed to fill such order or to replace in inventory products and materials used to fill such rated order. However, with re- spect to inventory replacement of prod- ucts and materials other than controlled materials he shall place rated orders only in the calendar month -in which such products and materials were taken from inventory or in the Immediately succeeding two calendar months- If it it impracticable for him to determine the exact requirements of products and materials other than controlled mate- rials needed to fill a rated order for Class A or Class B products, he must place rated orders for delivery of an amount not exceeding his best estimates of such products and materials needed to fill such rated order. (d) If the requirement that he use the program identifications or ratings in- dicated on his customers` rated orders is impracticable because they are varied or numerous, a self-authorizing con- sumer may use the program identifica- tion or rating B-5 In lieu thereof. (e; A. self-authorizing consumer shall fill a rated order with products and ma- terials from his inventory (to the extent that he has such products and materials in inventory) and replace such products and materials in accordance with the pro- visions of this or any other applicable regulation or order of BCABP. However, if the requirement that he use products and materials from inventory would stop or interrupt his operations during the next 60 days in a way which would cause a substantial loss of total production or a substantial delay in his operations, he need not do so. (f ? A. person who has accepted a rated order shall not discriminate against such order by imposing higher prices or by imposing different terms and conditions ,for such order than for generally com- parable unrated orders, or in any other manner. Sec. 9. Statements and certifications to accompany ACM orders and rated orders for Class A and Class B prod- ucts. (a) Each Claimant Agency, Sub- Clai;nant Agency and self-authorizing consumer placing a rated order for a Class A or a Class B product or placing an ACM order must, in addition to In- dicating the appropriate rating or pro- gram identification and delivery date or dates on such order, furnish his sup- plier with a statement reading substan- tially as follows; You are required. to follow the provisions of DMS Reg. 1 and of all other applicable regulations and orders of BCABP in obtain- ing c ontrolled materials and other products and materials needed to fill this order. This statement must appear on the order or on a separate piece of paper attached to the order. (b) Unless another form of certifica- tion is specifically prescribed by an ap- plicable regulation or order of BCABP, every rated order must contain the cer- tification prescribed in DPS Reg. 1 or the .following certification: Certified for national defense use under DMS Reg. 1 and shall be signed as provided in para- graph (e) of this section. This certifica- tion accompanying a rated order shall have the same effect as a certification under DPS Reg. 1. (c) Unless another form of certifica- tion is specifically prescribed by an ap- plicO.ble regulation or order of BCABP, every ACM order must contain the fol- lowing certification: Certified for national defense use under DMS Reg I and shall be signed as provided in para- graph (e) of this section. (d) The certifications provided for in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall constitute a representation to the supplier and to BCABP that subject to the criminal penalties provided in ap- plicable United States statutes, (1) the amount ordered by the purchaser is within the amount needed by him', to fill the related mandatory acceptance order accepted by him and (2) the pur- chaser is expressly authorized by BCABP, or by any applicable regula- tion or order of BCABP, to place such mandatory acceptance order. (e) A certification on an ACM order or a rated order must be signed by a responsible individual who is duly au- thorized in writing to sign for that pur- pose. The signature must be either' by hand or in the form of a facsimile re- production of a handwritten signature. If a facsimile signature is used, the 'In- dividual who uses it must be duly au- thorized in writing to use it for this purpose by the person whose signature it is, and a written record of the authori- zation must be retained on file. A der- tification may be authenticated by a method other than a signature or a fac- simile signature, such as by automatic data processing transmission, in which case a record must be maintained by the user describing the manner in which the authel}tication is transmitted and the manner in which the authenticatiojl is authorized. (f) An ACM order or a rated order may be placed orally or by telegram. In such event the purchaser must m- mediately transmit to the supplier a con- firming ACM order or rated order' as appropriate, complying with the requ4re- ments of this section. Sec. 10. Elements of ACM orders. (a) A delivery order placed with a controlled materials producer or a con- trolled materials distributor fort a controlled material is an ACM order only if it is specifically designated as an au- thorized controlled material order 1 by any regulation or order of BCABP; or if it complies with this section and don- tains (1) the appropriate program iden- tification and the calendar quarter in which delivery is required, (2) the date or dates on which delivery is required and (3) the certification specified in sec- tion 9(c) of this regulation. As an ex- ample, an ACM order calling for delivery in the second quarter of 1974 placed pur- suant to a rated order bearing the pro- gram identification A-6, must contain the following: A-6-2Q74 and, In a di- tion, the delivery date or dates and certification. (b) Each person who has accepted a DX rated order must use the letters "DX" to identify ACM orders placed by him to fill such order or to replace in inventory controlled materials used to fill such order. Such an order is referred to as an "ACM-DX order" and shat be identified as prescribed in section $ of this regulation. No person may use the letters "DX" to identify ACM orders ex- cept as provided in this regulation or in any other regulation or order of BCABP. The letters "DX" appearing on an ACM order shall entitle such order to priority in acceptance or delivery over other FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/0 ptg*-I i ?2M00531 R000800010030-7 ACM orders as'provided in this regula- tion, In Direction 2 to this regulation or in any other regulation or order of BCABP. (c) An ACM order must be in suf- ficient detail to permit entry on mill schedules and must be received by the controlled materials producer at such time In advance of the month of re- quired shipment as is specified in Sched- ule III of this regulation, except for ACM-DX orders as provided in Direction 2 to this regulation, or at the earliest sub- sequent date that the controlled mate- rials producer may find it practicable to accept the same. Sec. 11. Limitations on use of self- authorization. (a) Each person who has accepted a rated order for a Class A or a Class B product must acquire controlled mate- rials and other products and materials to fill such order or to replace in inven- tory products and materials used to fill such order by self-authorization, pur- suant to section 8 of this regulation. (b) Products and materials which may be obtained by a person pursuant to the self-authorization provisions of this regulation to fill a rated order shall include only: (1) (1) Those which will be physically incorporated into the product or material covered by the rated order and the por- tion of such products and materials normally consumed or converted Into scrap or by-products in the course of processing. (ii) -Chemicals used directly in pro- duction to fill the rated order. (iii) Products and materials used for packaging or containers required to make delivery against the rated order. They shall not include: (2) (1) Products and materials for plant improvement, expansion or con- struction unless they will be physically incorporated into a construction project covered by a rated order. (ii) Production equipment or prod- ucts and materials to be used for the manufacture of production equipment. (iii) Maintenance, repair and operat- Ing supplies (MRO). Direction 1 to this regulation provides a separate self- authorization procedure to obtain MRO needed to fill mandatory acceptance orders. (c) In the event a person is not per- mitted to place a mandatory acceptance order because of the restrictions pre- scribed in paragraph (b) of this section, and he needs special priorities authoriza- tion, he shall apply for such authoriza- tion in accordance with section 11 of DPS Reg. 1. (d) In the event a person has placed a mandatory acceptance order and needs expediting assistance to obtain timely de- livery, or if he cannot find a supplier who will accept a mandatory acceptance order he attempts to place, he shall apply for assistance in accordance with section 12 of DPS Reg. 1. (e) A person shall not place a manda- tory acceptance order for products or materials in anticipation of receipt by him of a mandatory acceptance order. Sec. 12. Grouping or combination of orders. (a) No person shall combine an ACM order with an order which is not an ACM order. However, if the total of both types of orders is less than the minimum mill quantity specified in Schedule IV of this regulation, and is not procurable from a distributor, then an ACM order shall be placed for such minimum mill quantity. (b) ACM orders identified by different program identification may be com- bined if the portion covered by each is specifically identified by the appropriate program identification, unless the pro- gram identification B-5 is used as pro- vided in section 8(d) of this regulation. In addition, if the quantity of controlled material needed to fill rated orders is less than the minimum mill quantity speci- fied in Schedule IV of this regulation, and Is not procurable from a distributor, an A,CM order shall be placed for such mini- mum mill quantity, using the program identification B-5. However, no person shall place separate ACM orders solely for the purpose of obtaining minimum mill quantities to fill such separate orders. Sec. 13. Restrictions on placing ACM or- ders and on use of controlled mate- rials. (a) No person shall place an ACM order unless he is entitled to do so. No person shall place an ACM order calling for delivery of any controlled material in a greater amount or on an earlier date than required to fill his rated orders. (b) Each person who has obtained controlled materials pursuant to an ACM order in accordance with this or any other regulation or order of BCABP. shall use such materials only (1) to fill rated orders, or (2) to replace in inventory controlled materials used to fill any such rated orders. If he cannot use the con- trolled materials for any such purpose, he may use them to fill unrated orders or dispose of them, unless otherwise ordered or directed in writing by BCABP. Sec. 14. Rated orders and ratings. (a) The detailed rules for designation and use of rated orders and ratings are contained in DPS Reg. 1 which should be studied carefully by persons who receive rated orders and by persons who place rated orders. (b) As provided in DPS Reg. 1 ratings must contain the prefix DO or DX, as the case may be, followed by the appropriate program identification. Schedule II of this regulation and Schedule I of DPS Reg. 1 contain a list of authorized pro- gram identifications. Rated orders must show the rating authorized, for example DO-A-6, the date or dates on which de- livery is required and must be certified as provided in section 9 of this regulation or section 8 of DPS Reg. 1. Sec. 15. Transition provisions for ac- quisition of controlled materials. (a) Nothing in this revised regulation shall be construed to cancel outstanding allotments of controlled materials for whatever purpose received. A person who has received an allotment and who may obtain controlled materials for the same purpose by self-authorization pursuant to this amended regulation, shall use either the allotment or self-authorization to obtain controlled materials for suclx purpose: Provided, That he shall not use the allotment or self-authorization to obtain more controlled materials than. needed. (b) The changes made in Schedule I (Controlled Materials), Schedule III (Mill Lead Times) and Schedule IV (Minimum Mill Quantities) of this amended regulation shall not be con- strued to affect outstanding orders placed pursuant to any regulation or order of BCABP. Sec. 16. Intracoaupany deliveries. The provisions of this regulation apply not only to deliveries to other persons, including affiliates and subsidiaries, but also to deliveries from one branch, di- vision or section of a single enterprise to another branch, division or section of the same or any other enterprise under com- mon ownership or control. Sec. 17. Delivery for unlawful purposes prohibited. No person shall. deliver any product or material which he knows or has reason to believe will be accepted, redelivered, held or used in violation of any regula- tion or order of BCABP. Sec. 18. Applicability of regulations and orders. (a) All regulations and orders of BCABP, unless specifically stated other- wise in such regulations and orders, shall apply to transactions in any- state, terri- tory or possession of the United States and the District of Columbia. (b) All regulations and orders of BCABP shall ' apply to all subsequent transactions even though they are cov- ered by contracts previously entered into. (c) Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to relieve any person from complying with all other applicable reg- ulations and orders of BCABP. In case compliance by any person with the pro- visions of any such regulation or order would prevent fulfillment of a manda- tory acceptance order, he shall immedi- ately report the matter to BCABP which will thereupon take such action as is deemed appropriate, but unless and until otherwise expressly authorized or di- rected by BCABP, such person shall com- ply with the provisions of such regula- tion or order. (d) This regulation complements DPS Reg. 1. Defense contractors and their 'suppliers should be thoroughly familiar with both this regulation and DPS Reg. 1. Sec. 19. Defense against claims for dam- ages. No person shall be held liable for dam- ages or penalties for any act or failure to act resulting directly or indirectly from compliance with any BCABP regulation, order, direction, directive or other writ- ten instruction, notwithstanding that FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 PROPOSED RULES i,ny such regulation, order, direction, di- 1 ective or other written instruction shall Ihereafter be declared by judicial or other competent authority to be invalid. 7 ee.:20. Records and reports. (a) Each person participating in any transaction covered by this regulation hall make, and preserve for at least three years thereafter, accurate and complete records thereof. Such records shall include all rated orders, ACM orders and directives received by such person, copies of all rated orders and ACM orders placed by such person, records of pur- o.,.iases, receipts, inventories, production, use, sales, and deliveries of all materials acquired, sold or delivered pursuant to mandatory acceptance orders. Records ::Hall be maintained in sufficient detail to 3ermit the determination, upon exam- ;nation or audit, whether or not each transaction complies with the provisions of this regulation or any other applicable ?egulation or order of BCABP. However, ,his regulation does not specify any par- ,acular accounting method or system to ae used. Records may be retained in the form of microfilm or other record-keep- ing systems which provide the informa- tion contained in the original records. (b) All records required by this regula- tion shall be made available for inspec- tion and audit by duly authorized repre- sentatives of BCABP at the usual place :if business of the person involved. (r) Persons subject to this regulation shall develop and maintain such records and submit such reports to BCABP as it shall require, subject to the terms of the Federal Reports Act of 1942 (44 U.S.C. 35011-3511). Sec. 21. Requests for adjustment or ex- ception. Any person subject to any provision of this regulation may submit a request for a dlustment or exception upon the ground that such provision works an undue or exceptional hardship upon him not suf- fered generally by others in the same trade or industry, or that its enforcement against him would not be in the interest of the national defense or in the public interest. The submission of a request for adjustment or exception shall not relieve any person of his obligation to comply with any such provision. In examining requests for adjustment or exception claiming that the public interest is preju- diced by the application of any provision of this regulation, consideration will be given to the requirements of public health and safety, civil defense, and dis- location of labor and resulting unemploy- ment that would impair the defense pro- gram. Each request shall be in writing, by letter in triplicate, addressed as provided in section 22 of this regulation, and shall set forth all pertinent facts and the na- ture of the relief sought, and shall state the justification therefor. Se v. 22. Communications. All communications concerning this regulation or requests for adjustment or exception pursuant to section 21 of this regulation. shall be addressed to the Bureau of Competitive Assessment and Business Policy, U.B. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, Ref: DMS Reg. 1. Sec. 23. Violations? (a) Any person who willfully violates any provision of this regulation, or who wilfully furnishes false information or conceals any material fact in the course of operation under this regulation, is guilty of a crime and upon convic- tion may be punished by fine or impris- onment or both. (b) Violation of any provision of this regulation may subject any person com- mitting or participating in such viola- tion to administrative action to suspend his privilege of employing mandatory acceptance orders in making or receiving deliveries of products or materials, or using products, materials or facilities. In addition to such administrative ac- tion, an injunction and order may be ob- tained from a court of appropriate Juris- diction prohibiting any such violation and enforcing compliance with the pro- visions hereof. (c) For the purpose of any adminis- trative action or civil, proceeding for the enforcement of this regulation or any criminal prosecution for violation of this regulation, the terms "authorized con- trolled material order," "ACM order," "rated order," "rating" and "certifica- tion" shall be deemed to include every purported authorized controlled material order, ACM order, rated order, rating and certification whether or not such order, rating or certification shall have been authorized as provided in this reg- ulation and irrespective of the form of such order, rating or certification. Norm:--All reporting and record-keeping requirements of this regulation have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget, in. accordance with the Federal Re- ports Act of 1942. Dated September 21, 1973. BUREAU OF COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT AND BUSINESS POLICY, GARY M. Coox, Acting Deputy Assistant Secre- tary for Competitive Assess- ment and Business Policy. SCHEDULE I TO DAIS REG. 1 CONTROLLED MATERIALS (See sections 2(d) and 15(b)) CARSON STEEL (INCLUDING WROUGHT IRON)' -For the purpose of this schedule "carbon steel ;including wrought iron)" means any steel --ustomarlly so classified and also in- cludes: ('.) Ingot iron; (2) all grades of elec- trical sheet and strip; (3) high-strength low- alloy htee:is; (4) clad and coated carbon steels not included with alloy steels: e.g., galva- nized, tin, terne, copper (excluding copper wire mill products) or aluminum clad and/or coatect carbon steels; and (5) leaded carbon steels. "H`,gh-strength low-alloy steels" means only the proprietary grades promoted and sso~ld r,:)r this purpose, and Navy high-tensile steel grade IIT Specification Mi1-S-16113 (Ships). (a) Bar, bar shapes. Includes: Bar, hot-rolled, stock for projectile and shell bodies' Bar, hot-rolled, other (including light shapes). Bar, reinforcing (straight lengths-as rolled). Bar, cold finished. (b) Sheet, strip (uncoated and coated). Includes: Sheet, hot-rolled. Sheet, cold-rolled. Sheet, galvanized. Sheet, all other coated. Sheet, enameling. Roofing, galvanized, corrugated, V-crimped channel drains. Ridge roll, valley, and flashing. Siding, corrugated and brick. Strip, hot-rolled. Strip, cold-rolled. Strip, galvanized. Electrical sheet and strip. Tin'mill black plate. Tin plate, hot-dipped. Ternes, special coated manufacturing. Tin plate, electrolytic. (c) Plate' (d) Structural shapes,4 piling. (e) Pipe, tubing-seamless and welded., Includes: Standard pipe (including type of couplings furnished by mill) ' Oil country goods (casing, tubing and drill pipe, including type of couplings furnished by mill). Line pipe (including type of couplings fur- nished by mill). Pressure tubing. Mechanical tubing. (f) Wire, wire products. Includes: Wire-drawn. 2Includes projectile body stock, sizes under 2y, inches. i Carbon plate not only includes the fol- lowing specifications, but also floor plates' of any thickness: 0.180 inch or thicker, over 48 inches wide. 0.230 inch or thicker, over 8 inches wide. 7.53 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 48 inches wide. 9.62 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 8 inches wide. * "Structural shapes" means rolled flanged sections having at least one dimension 'of their cross section 3 inches or greater, com- monly referred to as angles, channels, beams, and wide flange sections. 5 Steel pipe or tubing exceeding 36 incites O.D. is not a controlled material, but to a Class A product. e Standard pipe includes the following: Ammonia pipe. Bedstead tubing. Driven well pipe. Drive pipe. Dry kiln pipe. Dry pipe for locomotives. English gas and steam pipe. Fence pipe. Furniture pipe. Ice machine pipe. Mechanical service pipe. Nipple pipe. Pipe for piling. Pipe for plating and enameling. Pump pipe. Signal pipe. Standard pipe coupling. Structural pipe. Turbine pump pipe. Water main pipe. Water well casing. Water well reamed and drifted pipe. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/pp&tS I -I g82MOO531 R000800010030-7 27257 Nails-bright steel wire, steel cut, gal- vanized, cement-coated, and painted. Spikes and brads-steel wire, galvanized, and cement-coated. Staples, brige and galvanized (farm and poultry) . Wire rope and strand. Welded wire mesh and woven wire netting. Barbed and twisted wire. Wire fence, woven and welded (farm and poultry) : Bale ties. Coiled automatic baler wire. (g) Tool steel (all forms including die blocks and tool steel forgings) . (h) Other mill forms and products (ex- cluding castings and forgings). Includes: Ingots. Billets, for shell body stock only.' Billets, for shell component parts and rockets. Blooms, slabs, other billets, tube rounds, sheet bars. Skelp. Wire rod. Rails. Joint bars (track). Tie plates (track). Track spikes. Wheels, rolled or forged (railroad) . Axles (railroad). ALLOY STEEL' (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL') (a) Bar, bar shapes. Includes: Bar, hot-rolled stock for projectile and shell bodies. Bar, hot-rolled, other (including light shapes) . Bar, cold-finished. (b) Sheet, strip. Includes: Sheet, hot-rolled. Sheet, cold-rolled. Sheet, galvanized. Strip, hot-rolled. Strip, cold-rolled. (c) Plate?* Includes : Rolled armor. Other. 4 Includes only projectile body stock, sizes 2ye inches and larger, rounds, and round- cornered squares. 8 For purposes of this schedule "alloy steel" means steel containing 50 percent or more of iron or steel and any one or more of the following elements in the following amounts: manganese, maximum of range in excess of 1.65 percent; silicon, maximum of range in excess of 0.60 percent (excepting electrical sheet and strip); copper, maxi- mum of range in excess of 0.60 percent; aluminum, boron, chromium (less than 10 percent), cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, va- nadium, zirconium, or any other alloying ele- ments in any amount specified or known to have been added to obtain a desired alloying effect. Clad steels which have an alloy steel base or carbon steel base for which nickel and/or chromium is contained in the coat- ing or cladding material (e.g., inconel, monel, or stainless) are alloy steels. "Stainless steel" means heat- and corro- sion-resisting steel containing 60 percent or more of iron or steel and 10 percent or more of chromium whether with or without nickel, molybdenum, or other elements. w Alloy steel plate includes the following specifications: 0,180 inch or thicker, over 48 inches wide. 0.230 inch or thicker, over 8 inches wide. 7.53 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 48 inches wide. 9.62 pounds per square foot or heavier, over 8 inches wide. (d) Structural shapes' (e) Pipe, tubing-seamless and welded.' Includes: Oil-country goods. Pressure tubing. Mechanical tubing. (f) Wire. (g) Tool steel (all forms including die blocks and tool steel forgings). (h) Other mill forms and products (ex- cluding castings and forgings). Includes: Ingots. ]fillets, projectile and shell stock. Blooms, slabs, other billets, tube rounds, sheet bars. Wire rods. Rails. Wheels, rolled or forged (railroad). Axles (railroad). STAINLESS STEEL ? (a) Bar, bar shapes. Includes: Bar, hot-rolled (including light Bar, cold-finished. (b) Sheet, strip. Includes: Sheet, hot-rolled. Sheet, cold-rolled. Strip, hot-rolled. Strip, cold-rolled. (c) Plate .n (d) Structural shapes 4 (e) Pipe, tubing-seamless and Includes: Pipe. Pressure tubing. Mechanical tubing. (f) Wire, wire products. Includes: Wire, drawn, Wire rope and strand. (g) Other mill forms and products (ex- cluding castings and forgings). Includes: Ingots. Blooms, slabs, billets, tube rounds. Sheet bars, wire rods. Magnet wire. Insulated building wire. Paper and lead power cable. Paper and pulp telephone cable. Plastic insulated telephone cable. Asbestos cable. Portable and flexible cord and cable. Communication wire and cable. Shipboard cable. Automotive and aircraft wire and cable. Insulated power cable. Signal and control cable. Coaxial cable. Copper-clad steel wire containing over 20 percent copper by weight regardless of end use. Copper-clad aluminum wire containing over 20 percent copper by weight regardless of end use. COPPER AND COPPER-BASE ALLOY FOUNDRY PRODUCTS AND POWDER Includes: Copper, brass, and bronze castings .u Copper, brass, and bronze powder (includ- ing copper powder, granular and flake, and copper-base alloy powder, granular and flake). ALUMINUM Rolled bar, rod, structural shapes, and bare wire. Aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) and bare aluminum cable. Insulated or covered wire or cable. Extruded bar, rod, shapes, and tube (ex- truded, drawn and welded tube). Sheet and plate. Ingot, granular or shot, and molten metal. Foil. Powder, flake, paste. NICKEL ALLOYS 75 'Ingots, blooms, slabs, and billets. Plate, sheet, strip, and foil. Rods, bars (including anode bars), pipe, tubing, and shapes. Wire and wire rod. Powder ( roduced m h i ll p ec an ca y from COPPER AND COPPER-BASE ALLOY BRASS MILL nickel shot). PRODUCTS" Copper (unalloyed) ; SCHEDULE II TO DMS REG. 1 (a) Bar, shapes, wire (except electrical AUTHORIZED PROGRAM IDENTIFICATIONS AND wire). CLAIMANT AND SUB-CLAIMANT AGENCIES (b) Rod. (See sections 2(e), 2(f), 4(a), 5(a), and (c) Sheet, plate, 24 inches wide and over. 14(b) ) (d) Rolls and strip up to 24 inches in width. The program identification symbols listed (e) Pipe, tube (seamless). in this schedule are the only ones authorized Copper-base alloy: u under the Defense Materials System and the (a) Bar, wire, shapes. Defense Priorities System and must be used (b) Free cutting brass rod, In accordance with this regulation, DPS Reg. (c) Other rod. (d) Sheet, and plate 24 inches wide and over. '* Cast copper and copper-base alloy shapes (e) Rolls and strip up to 24 inches in or forms suitable for ultimate use without re- width, melting, rolling, drawing, extruding, or forg- (f) Military ammunition cups and discs. ing. (The process of casting includes the re- (@:) Circles. moval of gates, risers, and sprues, and sand- (h) Pipe, tube (seamless). blasting, tumbling, and dipping, but does not COPPER WIRE MILL PRODUCTS All copper wire and cable for electrical conduction, including but not limited to: Bare and tinned. Weatherproof. "Stainless steel plates include the follow- ing size specifications: Me inch (0.1875) or thicker, over 10 inches wide. y' Includes anodes-rolled, forged, or sheared from cathodes. 18 "Copper-base alloy" means any alloy In the composition of which the percentage of copper metal equals or exceeds 40 percent by weight of the metallic content of the alloy. It does not include alloyed gold produced in accordance with U.S. Commercial Stand- ard CS 67-38. include any further machining or processing. For centrifugal castings the process includes the removal of the rough cut in the inner and/or outer diameter before delivery to a customer.) Castings include anodes cast in a foundry or by an ingot maker. 35"Nickel alloys" means those alloys for which the specified nickel content is 5 per- cent or more up to and including pure nickel, and which do not contain as much as 50 per- cent of iron or steel, nor as much as 40 per- cent of copper, nor as much as 50 percent of aluminum. It does not include primary nickel in the forms of electrolytic cathodes, pigs, rondelles, Cubes, pellets, shot, oxide (includ- ing sintered oxide), salts, or chemicals; nor does it include primary nickel in the form of ingots used for remelting or powder derived directly from ore concentratoe~n r does it include fgrronickel. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 1 and other applicable regulations and orders of BCABP. The symbols are not listed in alphabetical or numerical sequence but are grouped by Claimant Agencies and Sub-Claimant Agen- cies. Within each group, the Claimant and Sub-Claimant Agencies listed in Column 3 are authorized to employ the program identifications listed in Column 1 for pur- poses of placement by them and their sup- pliers of ACM orders and rated orders in sup- port of the programs listed In C7ctumn 2. The full names of the Claimant Agencies and Sub-Claimant Agencies shown by initials in Column 3 are: AEC-Atomio Energy Commission. BCABP-Bureau of Competitive Assessment Column 1 id nrtifcatfon Program Claimant agency Enbelaimant agency C-4--=...: Certain munitions items purchased by friendly foreign } governments through domestic commercials channels for export. C-5_. Canadian Military Programs.::: C-c . Certain direct defense needs of friendly foreign govern- ments other than Canada. D-1 . Controlled Materials Producers------------ D-21__.___ Approved state and local civil defense programs D-3. ____ Further Converters (Steel).------ _.... ------------------- D-4....... Private domestic production ---------------------=-=---~:. D-6 ------- Private domestic construction __________ D-e___ Canadian production and construction ...........:...:.:_ BCABF D-7- - ----- Friendly foreign nations (other than Canada) production and construction. D-B....... Distributors of controlled materials- __==::_::-:_:::: D-9. _ ..... Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies (MRO) (see Dir. 1 to DMS Reg. 1). E-rl---- --.: Canadian Atomic Energy Program. ..:::::.:....:.::.::.. K-1.--.--- General Services Administration's Supply Distribution Facility Program. AM - Aluminum Controlled Materials Producers- -._ AM-9000 Aluminum Controlled Materials Distributors FC-------- Further Converters (steel and nickel alloys)--------------- and Business Policy. CIA-Central Intelligence Agency, FAA-Federal Aviation Administration. NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Column 3 Program Program Claimant agency Subclaimant t agency For Depart- ment of Defense and associated programs. Arcraft_.................................... A-2-------- Missies ._ A-3_ hips .............. ...... A-4 - -anti auioMoUve ........................ A-5 . -,-._ Weapons .......................................... --- 1 -Army. . AAmmumuou._ .. ........... wary (auufi.~ A-7-------- Electronic and communications equipment ---------------- Coast Guard). B-i-------- Military bull ding supplies_________________ Department of Air Force. B 8---_--_- Production equipment (for defense contractor's account) Defense. CIA. B-e--.----- Production equipment (Government owned) .............. FAA. C-2--_----- Department of Defense construction---------------------- NASA: C-3--_----- Maintenance, repair and operating supplies (MRO) for Department orf Defense facilities. C-8_______ f Controlled materials for Defense Industrial Supply Center Center (DISC). J 11 C-9-?----- Miscellaneous--------------------------- For Atomic Energy Commission programs: E-l-------- Construction -------------------------.__--`............... E-2 ........ Operations-including maintenance, repair, and operating AEC supplies (MRO). E-8 -------- Privately owned facilities .................. .__:.------ For other Defense, Atomic Energy, and related p B ____ Certain self-authorizing consumers (see see. 8(d) of DMS}BCABP Reg. 1). 1 State and local governments will be authorized to use the program identification symbol U- only upon applies- to the nefe_,e niv_; Pre,+^r~~er~edce_e Agency of the Department of Defense, sponsorship by the Office of the As- sistant Secretary of Defense ifnstalLtions and Logistics) and specific approval by BCABP. ScaanuLE III To DMS BEG. 1-MiL LEAD Trxas (See sections 10(0) and 15(b)) Minimum number of days in advance of first day of month in which Shipment is required Name of Product 1 Steel Aluminum, copper, Carbon strength Stainless Alloy 3 nickel low-alloy alloys steel; Bar, bar shapes (including light shapes): Bar, hot-rolled stock for projectile and shell bodies- Bar, hot-rolled, other (including light shapes).- Bar, reinforcing (straight lengths-as rolled) . ___ Bar, cold-finished .............................. Sheet strip (uncoated and coated): Sheet, hot-rolled---------------_--- _--_= Sheet, cold-rolled------------------------------ Sheet, galvanized ------------------------------ Sheet, all other mated------------------------- Sheet, enameling ------------------------------- Roofing, galvanized, corrugated, V-crimped channel drains- ?--: Ridge roll , valley and flashing ---------------- ?----------------- Siding corrugated and brick Strip, hot-rolled -------------------------------- Strip, cold-rolled -----------------c.-_-......... Strip, galvanized ................. __;........... Electrical sheet and strip -----------:- Tin mill black plate .......................... 45 75 ------------ s 75 . ------ 3 375 90 376 ------------ 45 ------------:----`------ 75 ............. s 75 $105 105 3105 ------------ 45 76 90 75 -.-: 45 75 105 90 ............ 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 -__.----- 4b ---------------------------------------------- 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 75 90 75 ............ 745 75 105 90 -------- 4b N> -------------------- -------------- ------------------------- 45 ----__------------------------------_----------- Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531R000800010030-7 Tin plate, hot-dipped __________________________ Ternes, special coated manufacturing---_-_____ Tin plate, electrolytic __________________________ Plate Structural shapes. Piling______ Pipe, tubing-seamless and welded: Standard pipe (including couplings furnished by mill) ------------------------------------- Oil-country goods (casing, tubing and drill pipe, including type of couplings furnished by mill) --------------- - --------------- Line pipe (including couplings furnished by mill)----------------------------------------- Pressure tubing________________________________ Mechanical tubing_____________________________ Wire, wire products: Wire, drawn ----------------------------------- Nails-bright steel wire, steel cut, galvanized, cement-coated and painted__________________ Spikes and brad's-steel wire, galvanized, and cement coated ---------------------------- ,-- Staples, bright and galvanized (farm and poultry) ------------------------ ----------- Wire rope and strand___________________________ Welded wire mesh and woven wire netting----- Barbed and twisted wire_____________________ Wire fence, woven and welded (farm and poul- try)----------------------------------------- Bale ties --------------------------------------- Coiled automatic baler wire____________________ Tool steel (all forms including die blocks and tool steel forgings)____________________________ Other mill forms and products (excluding castings and forgings): Ingots --------------------------------- ------- Billets, projectile and shell stock---------- ---- Blooms, slabs, other billets, tube rounds, sheet bars ----------------------------------------- Skelp------------------------------------------ Wire rod------------`-------------------------- Rails----------- Joint bars (track)______________________________ Tie plates (track)______________________________ Track spikes---- ------------------------- ;Copper and copper-base alloy brass mill products: Copper (unalloyed): 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 ------------ ----------- 345 375 90 1675 ------------ 45 6 75 3150 90 -___________ 45 ------------------------ 60 ------------ 45 75 ----------------------------------? 760 ------------ 120 120 ------------ 760 ------------ 120 120 ------------ 45 75 90 75 -__-______-- 45 ----------------- ---------------------------- 45 45 45 ------------------------------------------------ 45 --`--------- 105 ------------------------ 45 --------------------------------?-------------- 45 ------------------------------- - 45 ------------------------------------------------ 46 45 660 ------------------------ 690 ------------ 45 75 76 75 ------------ 45 76 ------------ 75 ------------ 45 75 75 75 -------_---- 45 45 75 90 75 ------------ 45 ------------------------ 90 ------------ 46 ?. ?. 45 _----------------------------------------------- 45 ---------------?---_??-----?---------------- 45 ________________________ 90 ------------ 45 ------------------------ 90 ------------ Bar, shapes, wire (except electrical wire)_______________________________________________________ Rod Sheet, plate, 24 inches wide and over Rolls and strip up to 24 inches in width- ---?------------------?------------------_?- - Pipe, tube (seamless)--- ---------------------- Copper-base alloy: Bar, wire, shapes------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free cutting brass rod---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Other rod---------------------------------------------- ------ Sheet, and plate 24 inches wide and over Rolls and strip up to 24 inches in width _ _ ____ 45 -- - --------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- Pipe, tube (seamless) ---------------------------------------------------------- Copper wire mill products: Copper wire and cable: Bare and tinned-------------------- Weatherproof-----------------------Magnet wire Insulated building wire-- Paper and lead power cable------------------------------------ Paper and pulp telephone cable---------------------------------------------------------------- Plastic insulated telephone cable Asbestos cable Portable and flexible cord and cable 10 45 1046 Minimum number of days in advance of first day of month in which shipment is required Name of Product 6 Steel Aluminum, copper, High- and Carbon strength Stainless Alloy 6 nickel low alloy alloys Communication wire and cable-------------------------------------------- -.-_-_- ___-_ 60 Shipboard cable-------------------------??-------------------------------------------------- 60 Automotive and aircraft wire and cable-------------------------------------------------------- 45 Insulated power cable --------------------------------------------------------------------- '.._- 60 Signal and control cable------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60 Coaxial cable------------------------------------------------------- '': - Copperclad steel wire containing over 20 percent '?. 45 copper by weight regardless of end use_____________ Copper-clad aluminum wire containing over 20 percent copper by weight regardless of end use______________________________________ 45 Copper and c b ll f opper- ase a oy, oundry products and powder: Copper, brass, and bronze castings---------------------------------------------- Copper, brass, and bronze powder (including cop- Per powder, granular and flake, and copper-base alloy powder, granular and flake)_____________________________________ r .r Rolled bar, rod structural shapes, and bare wire --.-____.r_____________ 00 Aluminu d t m con uc or steel reinforced (ACSR) and bare aluminum cable -------- __________~._... Insulated or covered wire or cable _.... ----------------------------- _____________ Extruded bar, rod, shapes, and tube (extruded, drawn and welded tube)------------ ---------------------------------------------_: 00 Sheet and plate ---- _------- --------------- 60 ----------------------------------------------- Ingot, granular or shot ----------------------------------------------------------------_-_c:c- 60 Molten metal------------- ----------------------------------------------- Foil-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c 60 Powder, flake, paste -------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 Nickel Alloys: Rods and bars (except anode bars): Hot-rolled 9o Forging quality----- -----------------------------------------------------------_- 105 ----------------------- Cold-finished------------------------------------------------- .::.120 Sheet and strip: Hot-rolled ?:_?' 90 Cold-rolled----------------------------------- _ ---?: 1211 Oil - Plat ------------------ 120 Plate 9o Pipe, tubing ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- 120 Wire-------------------------------------------?--------- Other mill forms: ----------- ------ =------ = - - 120 Ingots------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------- 75 Blooms, slabs, billets. ---------- Wire rod-------- ' _= = = 90 Powder (produced mechanically from nickel shot) ----------------------------------------- ------=----- 90 Sh apes and forms not listed above (including anode bars) ------------------------ 1 See definitions contained in footnotes to Schedule I of this regulation. 7 For clad products, add 45 days to lead time indicated. 6 If annealed or heat-treated, add an additional 15 days. 4 For electrical sheet and strip, use this table: Low --------------------------------------------------- 45 AISI M47, M45, M43, M36. Medium----------------------------------------------- 45 AISI 5127, M22, 1119. High-------------------------------------------------- 60 AISI M15 and oriented. 5 Rolled armor plate is subject to negotiation between mill and its customer. If no acceptable arrangements are worked out, BCABP should be notified. 6 Applies to special rolled shapes including angles and channels. 7 For welded tubing or high carbon spring steel strip, 75 days. - 6 If cold-finished add an additional 15 days. I Lead time applies to unmanhined castings after approval of patterns for production. 10 For refractory alloys, 60 days. 11 Small simple castings to fit 12x16 inch flask, 7 days. 11 By negotiation between mill and its customer. If no acceptable arrangements are worked out, BCABP should notified. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Minimum number of days in advance of first day of month in which shipment is required Aluminum, copper , High- and Carbon strength Stainless Alloy 6 nickel low-alloy alloys 1045 1045 1045 1045 10 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 PROPOSED RULES SMIEDULv IV TO DM8 REG. 1-MINIMUM MILL QUANTITIES (SEE SIMMONS 11(A) AND 16 (8)) Carbon Alloy alloys (pounds) Steel: Bar, bar shapes (including light shapes): Bar, hot-rolled stock for projectile and shell bodies--------------- Bar, hot-rolled,.other (including light shapes): Round bars up to and including 3 inches, and squares, hexa- gons half rounds ovals, ete., of approximately equivalent Minimum quantity for eaoh site and grade of any item for mill Shipment at any one time to any one destination Steel I Aluminum, copper and nickel section area ------___-_--------------------------not tons,,, Round and square bars ove;: 3 inches to, but not including, 't tons-- Sinches -------- ---------------------__-_-------n(. Bar-size shapes (angles, to s, channels, and zoos under 3 inches) ---------------- --net -----..__net tons.- liar: (straight lengths, as rolled) ______________do. liar, cold-finished----- ---------------------------------do-- Sheet, strip (uncoated and coati (1): Sheet, hot-rolled---------------------------------------------do-- Sheet, cold-rolled --------- - --------- --------------------- -_do__ ~} Shoot, galvanized --------- ..-_ ----------------------------------- t tons-- Sheet, all other coated ---- -. ------------------------no Sheet, enameling- ------------------------------------------do-- Rooting, galvanized, corrugated V-crimped channel drains-_____ Ridge roll., valley, and flashing ______________--____-________------ 9iding, corrugated and brick-----._______-__ Strip, hotrolled ----------- -------------_------------------ Strip, cold-rolled----------- ---------------------------------- Strip, galvanized--.-..----. ..------------------------ -- - ---- Electricalsheetartdstrip. .._____________-.______--_ net tons-- Tin mill black plate------------------------------------ pounds-_ Tin plate, hot-dipped ----------------------- ------------- do---- Ternes, special coated manufacturing ---------------------- do---- Tin plate, electrolytic ----- --------------------- ---------- do.... 5 ---------------------------- 5 (3) ------------ 3 -------------- 5 (?). -------------- ---------------------------- 5 ---------------------------- 5 ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ --- ----------- ------ (3~ - -------------- -------------- -------------------- 5 --------------------------- 5,000 ---------------------------- 5,000 ---------------------------- 5,000 ---------------------------- 5,000 ---------------------------- Plate: ' ) f) Rolled arrnor - ---------- -..'------------ ----- ( --- - ------------------- 'let tons.- 10 (1) mill productsaa - us stri ti C ------ - p on nuo or bar mill production do ---- 3 (3) universal Sheared , , structural shapes, piling------------------------------------------------- (3) (3) Pipe, tubing: ' ) Standard pipe (including couplings furnished by mill)___________ N) ( oil-country goods (casings, tubular goods, couplings furnished by --------------------------- mill) ----- ----- . r Linepipe(includingcouplings furnished by mill)------ ------------- Pressure and mechanical tubing (seamless and welded): Seamless old-drawn n (0.1). in inches): ---feet.- 1,000 1,000 ------------- inclusiv,-- ---------- ---------------- do._._ Over 3/n to 1Ss Soo S00 _ ------ , inclusive ------ _----------------------- (lo---- Over l)' to 3 600 600 -------------- , ___________---------------_do---- _ inclusive Over 5to ii 400 400 -------------- __ ___ _ , - . __----------------- _---------- (to--.- Over li 250 250 ______________ - - - --- - - Seamless hot-rolled ------ - _ ---------------------- -------------- Wehled----------------- -. _------------------------ -------- (.9) (3) (3) ______________ (3) ------------ Wire, wire product.: Wire, drawn--------- ---- -------------------- --- Nails-bright steel wire, steel i-ut, galvanized, cement-coated, and painted---------------- ---------------__net tons... 55 ------------------------ Spikes and brads--steel wire, ealvanized, c ementagated------ do____ bright and galvanized farra and poultry) ------------- do____ Staples 65 ----- _______________________ , Wire rope and strand -------- ... (3) 3 -------------- ------ Welded wire nie ---- .. -------------------- --- sh ( ) ---- ._.------------------- -------- ' ------ -------------------------- not tons-- Woven wire itottirrg 65 ------- ----- Barbed and twisted wire--_... --- ---------------------------do---- 6J 5r ----------------------- Wire fence, woven and welded ,fa-c1 and poultry)___---------- do____ - -_ _____________________________do-_._ Bale ties 6a ------ _------- ______________ ---------------- Coiled automatic baler wire -------__--- -- -- --- -----do---- 6 5 -------------------------- Tool steel (all forms including (lie mock:, and tool steel forgings)-_pounds__ 500 500 ------------ Other mill forms and products (excluding castings and forgiuga): ] l e t , 6 25 (') -------------- Ingots - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- - - - - - - - - ------ -------- ck ll st d h l (3) iii -------------- --___________ . o e an s e projecti tune rcunds, sheet bars_______ net tons.. other billets slabs, Blooms 625 (3) ______________ , - _-............ .............. do_.__ , , Skelp 26 ------------------------- _.--------------- Wire red ---- --- (3) -------------- 3) f Rails and track tu.(.essorn _--------------------------------------- Wheels, rolled or forged (railroad)______________________ ------ Axles (railroad)----------__-_. .. ----------------------- --- - lb) , f3) ---- ---- Copper and copper-base alloy brie. mill products: ((n.,nn. , IT,,, nevnril- 500 1 000 , ----------------- 1 000 - , Sheet, plate. 24 inches wide and over-___._...----------------------------------------------- Rolls and strip rip to 24 i(i,'ltes in width------------------------------------------------------ 2,000 1, 000 Pipe, tulle (scaniless) ------------------------------------------------------ -------?---___---------------'---- - - -------------- ------------------ Copper-base alloy: 500 Bar, wire, shapes- ------------------------------- ____-____-_____________________-___ --- -----------------------------?-------------= 2,000 ss rod br i F t a ree cu t ng ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Other rod - 00 -------------------- - --------------------------------------------------- 2, 0 te 24 inches wide and over d l Sh t - a , an ee p up to 24 lushes in width--.------------------------------------------------ 2,000 R ll tri nd 0 o s a s p 0 Military ammunition cups and discs ___-___----------------------------------=----- -_____- 6 500 Circles---------------------_ -------------------_------- Pipe, tube (seamless)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,000 See footnotes at end of table. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/OR&#(5 b1 82M00531 R000800010030-7 27261 Minimum quantity for each sise and grade of any it. for mill shipment at any one time to any one destination Steel' Aluminum, eadpnickel Carbon Alloy alloys (pounds) Copper wire mill -------- - - - - - ---------- Aluminum: Rolled bar, rod structural shapes, and bare wire Aluminum conuotor steel reinforced (ACSR) and bare alums num cable ------- Insulated or covered wire or cable bar rod, shapesand tub------------------------------------------------------ Extruded (extruded, drawn and . welded tubes --------------------------------- --" ------- Sheet and plate--------- ------- ------- -- Ingot, granular or shot, and molten metal---- _:._ ------------------ Foil ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- P-_------- owder, flake, paste ---------------------?-----------:.--------------___.---------------t---- Nickel alloys: Rods and bars (except anode bars): Hot-rolled ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forgng qua)ity------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cold-finished------------------------------------- ---------------------- Sheet and strip: Hot-rolled..------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------- Cold-rolled ----------------------??-------------------------------------------------------- Foil--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plate------------------------------------- -----------------------??------------------------ - Pipe,tubing------------------------------------------------ Wire-----------?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other mill forms: Ingots--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= Blooms slabs, billets--------------------------------------------- Wire rod' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------_--------- Powder (produced mechanically from nickel shot) ------- .---- --------------------_---_----_---- Shapes and forms not listed above (including anode bars)---------------------------------------" I See definitions contained in footnotes to Schedule I of this regulation. f All stainless steel products are by negotiation. If no acceptable arrangements are worked out, BCABP should be noied. I By negotiation between mill and Its customer. If no acceptable arrangements are worked out, BCABP should be notified. 4 Published carload minimum (mixed sizes and grades). quantity refers to any assortment of wire merchant trade products. ' For forging quality, product of one heat. T Product of one heat. Standard package quantities as published by each mill. Standard minimum quantities as established by each mill. SCHEDULE V TO DMS REG. 1-FORMFOR STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS A PRODUCTS Form DMS-6 (See see. 8(g)) [Budget Bureau No.____] a. Who may use this form. Any person who needs information regarding the controlled material requirements for the production of Class A products being supplied to him to fill rated orders may use this Form DMS-6, or a facsimile thereof, to request his suppliers of Class A products to submit such require- ments information to him. This form may be duplicated in any quantity necessary. The requesting person must fill in the name and address of his company in Block 3 and enter a description of the Class A product for 4. He should also send his supplier, with copies of the form, a letter describing the information he desires, the number of copies he needs, and the time when they should be submitted to him. He should also refer to Section 3 of DMS Reg. 1 as his authority for using this form. In addition to the eight categories of con- trolled materials printed in Block 5, the requesting person may ask for further break- down of the printed controlled materials cate- gories. In no case should the further break- down requested be In any greater detail than the listing on Form DMS-4S. Such further breakdown, if requested, shall be supplied on Form DMS-4S and shall show only the total requirements which Coincide with those re- quirements shown in Form DMS-6. Unless otherwise requested, such total requirements shall be listed in Column (e), the "Total" Column, of Form DMS-4S and the quarterly requirements columns shall remain blank. b. Who must submit this form. Any pro- dueer of Class A products who is requested by his customer to supply the information called for on this form must submit it in accordance with Section 3(g) of DMS Reg. 1 and his customer's request. c. How to fill out this form. A producer of Class A products who has been requested by his customer to submit this form must include the following information: (1) Enter name and address of submitting company in Block 1. (2) Miter name and title of employee of submitting company to whom communica- tions should be addressed regarding the in- formation submitted on this form. (3) Enter on top line of Block 5, in the blank space, the number of units of the Class A product identified in Block 4 covered by the quantity of materials shown in Column 3 of Block 5. Enter in Column 3 of Block 5 the quantity of each of the controlled materials listed in Column 1 required to produce the number of units of the Class A product de- scribed in Block 4 Indicated on top line of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT AND BUSI- NESS POLICY Statement of Controlled Material Requirements for Class A Products INSTRUCTIONS. Submit to requesting customer the number of copies he requests and retain one (1) copy. Read the detailed instructions below before filling out this form. Block 5. The quantities entered in Column 3 of Block 5m ti 1 d 1. FROM: (Name and address of company submitting statement-Street, City, State, ZIP) 2. Name and title of person to communicate with regard- ing this statement 4. Description of Class A Product. (Give name and desgription of product or item covered by this statement) 3. RETURN TO: us nc u e the following: (Name and address of requesting (I) The quantities of the controlled mate- customer-Street, City, State, ZIP) rials listed in Column 1 needed by the sub- [ . mitting producer for incorporation in the L Class A product produced by him described in Block 4. 6. Quantity of listed controlled materials required to produce -------------------- unit(s) of the product or item (ii) The quantities of controlled materials described in block 4. Column I . Cclumn2 Column 3 Controlled material Unit of measure Quantity Carbon steel (including wrought Iron) --_------------- Short tons - Alloy steel (except stainless steel) --------------------- do _ -------------- ------ ----------------------- Stainless steel. ---?------------------- Pounds- - Copper and copper-base alloy brass mill products ------- - ------ - ----- -- ------------- -------------- Copper wire mill products-------------------------------- ---- -do-- Copper and copper-base alloy foundry products and --_-_-_---_ ----------- __"-_- powder--` - Aluminum__ .- ? Nickel - ' alloys ------------- '- -= --?---.......... ----------?---------------------------------------. listed in Column 1 required for incorpora- tion in any Class A products (components or subassemblies) which are produced by sup- pliers in all degrees of remoteness for incor- poration in the Class A product produced by him described in Block 4. (iii) The quantities of controlled materi- als listed In Column 1 needed for packaging or containers required to make delivery of the Class A product described 1n Block 4. 7. CERTIFICATION: The undersigned com- pany and the official executing this certifica- tion on its behalf hereby certify that the in- formation contained in this report Is correct FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1; 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 20%/8P&j6 % DP82M00531 R000800010030-7 ar,d complete to the best of their knowledge and belief. -------------------------- (Company name) By -?-------------------- (Signature of authorized official) ------------------------ (Title) constituted operating supplies had they been issued to employees without charge. (c) "Installation" means the setting up or relocation of machinery, fixtures, or equipment in position for service and connection thereof to existing service facilities. (d) "MRO" means materials for main- tenance, repair, and operating supplies, and for installation. Materials produced or obtained for sale to other persons or for installation upon or attachment to the property of another person, and ma- terials required for the production of such materials are not "MRO" as to the producer or supplier. (e) "Established accounting practice" means, in the case of a person in opera- tion on or before December 31, 1972, the accounting practice in use by such per- son on that date or on the last day of his operation prior thereto. In the case of a person whose operation begins after December 31, 1972, the term means the accounting practice established by him in such operation. (f) "Mandatory acceptance order" means a rated order, an ACM order or any other purchase or delivery order which ii person is required to accept pur- suant to any regulation or order of BCABP, or pursuant to a specific au- thorization or directive of BCABP. (g) "ACM-DX order" means an au- thorized controlled material order iden- tified by the suffix "DX" as provided in section 5 of DMS Reg. 1. Sec. 3. Procurement of products and ma- terials for MRO. (f) If inability to obtain MRO would result in failure by a person to fill a mandatory acceptance order he must ob- tain such MRO as follows: (i) In obtaining controlled materials needed for such MRO he must place ACM orders in accordance with the pro- visions of DMS Reg. 1 and must indicate thereon the program identification D-9 and the calendar quarter in which de- livery of the controlled materials is re- quired:: Provided, That if the inability to obtain such controlled materials would result in failure to fill a DX rated order or an ACM-DX order he must identify his ACM orders with the suffix DX, in addition to the program identification D 9 and the quarterly identification. (2) In obtaining products and mate- rials other than controlled materials needed. for such MRO he must place rated orders in accordance with the pro- visions of DPS Reg. 1 and must indicate thereon the rating DO-D-9: Provided, That if the inability to obtain such prod- uct $ and materials would result in fail- ure to fill a'DX rated order or an ACM- DX order he must use the rating DX- D-9. (b) In no event shall a person use the provisi.ons of this direction to acquire products and materials in a greater amount or on an earlier date than re- quired to provide the MRO necessary to enable him to fill his mandatory ac- ceptance orders. Sec. 4. Applicability of other regulations and orders. (a) Any person who is entitled to ob- tain MRO for a particular purpose under any other regulation, order, or direction of BCABP, shall not use the procedures of this direction to obtain MRO for such purpose. (b) Nothing in this direction shall be construed to relieve any person from complying with all other applicable reg- ulations and orders of BCABP. The pro- visions of DMS Reg. 1 regarding author- ized controlled material orders, and:the provisions of DPS Reg. 1 regarding rated orders, except as otherwise provided in this direction, shall apply to operations under this direction. Sec. 5. Small order exception. The provisions of this direction regluir- ing persons to use ratings and program identifications need not be followed in the case of any individual purchase order of $500 or less. DMS REG. 1, DIR. 2 CONTROLLED MATERIALS PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS _.(Date DMS REC. 1, MR. SELF-AUTHORIZATION PROCEDURE FOR MRO NEEDED TO FILL MANDATORY ACCEPTANCE ORDERS Sec. 1. What this direction does. 2. Definitions. 3, Procurement of products and materials for MRO. 4. Applicability of other regulations and orders. 5. Small order exception. Section 1 What this direction does. This amended direction establishes a self-authorization procedure by which a person who is unable to fill a mandatory acceptance order because of inability to obtain materials for maintenance, re- pair, and operating supplies and instal- lation (referred to collectively as "MRO") is required to use program iden- tifications and ratings to obtain MRO needed to enable him to fill such order. Suppliers of such MRO items obtain products and materials needed for their production under the provisions of DPS Reg. 1, DMS Reg. 1 or other appropriate regulation or order of BCABP. Sec. 2.' Definitions. As used in this direction: (a) "Maintenance" means the mini- mum upkeep necessary to continue any plant, facility, or equipment in sound working condition. "Repair" means, with respect to any person, the restoration of any plant, facility, or equipment to sound working condition when it has been rendered unsafe or unfit for service by wear and tear, damage, failure of parts, or the like, where such repair is not cap- italized according to his established ac- counting practice. Neither "mainte- nance" nor "repair" includes the replacement of any plant, facility, or equipment; :nor does it include the im- provement of any plant, facility, or equipment by replacing material which is still in sound working condition with material of a new or different kind, quality, or design. (b) "Operating supplies" means any kind of material carried by a person as operating supplies according to his es- tablished accounting practice. It in- cludes expendable tools, jigs, dies, and fixtures used on production equipment, regardless of the accounting practice of the person. It also includes items, such as hand tools, purchased by an employer for sale to his employees solely for use sin his business if such items would have Sec. 1. What this direction does. 2. Definitions. 3. Rules applicable to controlled materials producers. 4. Production requirements of controlled materials producers. 5. Rules applicable to controlled materials distributors. 6. Small order exception. Section 1. What this direction does. This amended direction (formerly Di- rection 3 to DMS Reg. 1) sets forth cer- tain rules governing operations of Con- trolled materials producers and distributors under the Defense Materials System. These rules are supplementary to the provisions of DMS Order 1 (steel), DMS Order 2 (nickel alloys), DMS Order 3 (aluminum), and DMS Order 4 (copper). Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this direction: (a) "Mandatory acceptance order" means an ACM order or any other pur- chase or delivery order for controlled materials which a person is required to accept pursuant to any regulation or order of BCABP, or pursuant to a specific authorization or directive of BCABP. (b) "Lead time" means the period of time In advance of the month of re- quired shipment for controlled materials as specified in Schedule III of DMS Reg. 1. (c) "Set-aside" means the amount and kind of any controlled material which a person is required to reserve for FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 2005/0#M*oM-R[ $2M00531 R000800010030-7 filling mandatory acceptance orders dur- ing specified periods of time, as pre- scribed by BCABP. (d) "ACM-DX order" means an au- thorized controlled material order iden- tified by the suffix "DX" as provided in section 5 of DMS Reg. 1. (e) "Production material" means, with respect to any controlled materials pro- ducer, any products or materials (in- cluding controlled materials) which will be physically incorporated into con- trolled materials which he produces and the portion of such products and materials normally consumed or converted into scrap or by-products in the course of processing. It also includes chemicals used directly in teh production of the materials he produces, and products ,and materials used for packaging or containers re- quired to make delivery of the mate- rials he produces. It does not include products and materials for plant im- provement, expansion or construction, production equipment, or maintenance, repair and operating supplies (MRO). Sec. 3. Rules applicable to controlled materials producers. (a) Each controlled materials pro- ducer must comply with such production and other directives as may be issued from time to time by BCABP and with the provisions of all applicable regula- tions and orders of BCABP. (b) A controlled materials producer must accept all mandatory acceptance orders; however, he may reject ACM orders in the following cases, but he shall not discriminate among customers in rejecting or accepting such orders: (1) If the order is received after com- mencement of lead time: Provided, That an ACM-DX order must be accepted without regard to lead time unless it is impracticable for him to make delivery within the required delivery month in which event he must accept such order for the earliest practicable delivery date. (2) If the order is one for less than the minimum mill quantity specified in Schedule IV of DMS Reg. 1. . (3) If the person seeking to place the order is unwilling or unable to meet such producer's regularly established prices and terms of sale or payment. (4) If the order need not be accepted under the provisions of DMS Order 1 (steel), DMS Order 2 (nickel alloys), DMS Order 3 (aluminum), DMS Order 4 (copper) or of any other applicable regu- lation or order of BCABP: Provided, That acceptance by a controlled ma- terials producer prior to the date he opens his order books of (a) an ACM order directly from the Department of Defense or the Atomic Energy Commis- sion or (b) an ACM-DX order, shall not effect an ppening of his books so as to require acceptance of other ACM orders: Provided further, That an ACM-DX or- der must be accepted even though the applicable set-aside has been or will be exceeded by such acceptance. (c) A controlled materials producer who receives an ACM order must trans- mit written notification to the person who tendered such order of its accept- once or rejection within ten consecutive calendar days after its receipt, except that in the case of an ACM-DX order such notification must be transmitted 'within five consecutive calendars after its receipt. (d) A controlled materials producer must make shipment on each ACM order as close to the requested delivery date as is practicable. If a producer, after accept- ing an ACM order finds that, due to con- tingencies Which he could not reasonably have foreseen, he is obliged to postpone the shipment date, he must promptly ad- vise his customer of the approximate (late when shipment can be made, and keep his customer advised of any changes in that date. Shipment of any such carry-over order must be scheduled and made in preference to any order origi- nally scheduled for a later date. When the new date for shipment on a carry-over order fails within a later quarter than that indicated on the original order, the producer must make shipment on the basis of the original order even if that order shows a quarterly identification earlier than the one in which shipment is actually made. Sec. 4 Production requirements of con- trolled materials producers. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a controlled materials producer must use the program identifi- cation D-1 and indicate the calendar quarter in which delivery is required in obtaining production materials consist- ing of controlled materials needed to fill mandatory acceptance orders or to re- place in inventory such production ma- terials which he has used to fill such orders: Provided, That instead of using the program identification D-1, (1) a steel controlled materials producer must obtain steel controlled materials in ac- cordance with DMS Order 1, (2) a nickel alloy controlled materials producer must obtain nickel alloy controlled materials in accordance with DMS Order 2, (3) an aluminum controlled materials producer must obtain aluminum controlled ma- terials in accordance with DMS Order 3, and (4) a copper controlled materials producer must obtain copper controlled materials in accordance with DMS Or- der 4. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other regulation or order of BCABP, a controlled materials producer who re- quires controlled materials to fill an ACM-DX order or to replace in inven- tory controlled materials used to fill an ACM-DX order must, in addition to com- plying with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, indicate the suffix DX on his purchase orders for such con- trolled materials. quires production materials other than controlled materials to fill an ACM-DX order or to replace in inventory such production materials used to fill an ACM-DX order must use the rating DX-D-1 on his purchase orders for such production materials. (e) A controlled, materials producer may combine his requirements of con- trolled materials needed to fill manda- tory acceptance orders in one or more ACM orders. He may also combine his requirements for other production ma- terials needed to fill mandatory accept- ance orders in one or more rated orders. In placing such combined orders he must show the amount of production mate- rials to which each program identifica- tion applies. (f) Persons obtaining controlled ma- terials or products and materials other than controlled materials to replace in inventory materials used to fill manda- tory acceptance orders pursuant to the provisions of this section shall place ACM orders or rated orders, as appro- priate, for such inventory replacement, only in the calendar month in which such products or materials were taken from inventory to fill such mandatory acceptance orders, or in the immediately succeeding two calendar months. Sec. 5. Rules applicable to controlled materials distributors. (a) Each controlled materials distrib?? utor must comply with such directives as may be issued from time to time by BCABP and with the provisions of all applicable regulations and orders of BCABP. (b) An ACM order placed with a con?? trolled materials distributor shall be con-? sidered as calling for immediate delivery unless such order specifically provides otherwise. (c) A controlled materials distributor must accept all mandatory acceptance orders; however, he may reject ACM: orders in the following cases, but he shall. not discriminate among customers in re- jecting or accepting such orders: (1) If the order is not for immediate: delivery. (2) If he does not have the material. ordered in his stock, unless he knows that such material is in transit to him. (3) If the person seeking to place the order is unwilling or unable to meet such distributor's regularly established prices and terms of sale or payment. (4) If the order need not be accepted under the provisions of DMS Order 1 (steel), DMS Order 2 (nickel alloys), DMS Order 3 (aluminum), DMS Order 4 (copper) or of any other applicable regulation or order of BCABP. (d) Except as provided in paragraph (C) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, a controlled materials (d) of this section, a controlled mate- distributor must obtain controlled mate- rials producer must use the rating DO- rials needed to fill mandatory acceptance D-1 in obtaining production materials orders or to replace in inventory con- other than controlled materials needed trolled materials used to. fill such orders to fill mandatory acceptance orders or to in accordance with the provisions of DMS replace in inventory such production Order 1 (steel), DMS Order 2 (nickel m.atllsrials used by him to fill such orders. alloys), DMS Order 3 (aluminum), and (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of DMS Order 4 (copper). any other regulation or order of BCABP, (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of a controlled materials producer who re- any other regulation or order of BCABP, FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 189-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1973 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82M00531 R000800010030-7 Approved For Release 209 J &&@DP82M00531 R000800010030-7 a controlled materials distributor who re- quires controlled materials to fill an ACM-DX order or to replace in inventory controlled material's used to fill an AC:M-DX order must, in addition to com- plying with the provisions of paragraph (d ~ of this section, indicate the suffix DX on his purchase orders for such con- trolled materials. Ser. G. Small order exception. The provisions of this direction requir- ing controlled materials producers and distributors to use ratings and program identifications need not be followed in the case of any individual purchase or- der of $500 or less. JIM Doc.73--20610 Filed 9-28-73;8:45 aml 32A CFR Chapter VI ] DEFENSE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Basic Rules Notice is hereby given that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Competitive As- sessment and Business Policy, pursuant to section 704 of the Defense Production Act: of 1950, as amended and extended, and Executive Order 10480, as amended, is proposing to amend DPS Regulation 1. Section. 1 describes the contents of and tells what the proposed amended regula- tion does. Interested persons who desire to sub- mit written views or comments on the proposed amended regulation should file them, in triplicate, with the Deputy As- sistant Secretary for. Competitive Assess- ment and Business Policy, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, Ref: DPS Reg. 1, on or before No- vember 30, 1973. The proposed amended regulation is presented below: DPS REG. 1-BASIC RULES OF THE DEFENSE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Se e. I. What this regulation does. 2 Definitions. . General provisions. 4 Types of ratings and preferential status. 5 Directives and preferential status. 6 Mandatory use of ratings. 7. Self-authorization procedure for rated orders. 8 Statements and certifications to accom- pany rated orders. e Delivery, acceptance and performance dates for rated orders. 10 Limitations on use of self-authorization. 11 Special priorities authorizations. 12 Expediting assistance and assistance in placing mandatory acceptance orders. 13. Use of ratings to obtain services. 14 Grouping or combination of orders. 15. Restrictions on placing rated orders and on use of materials. 16 Sequence of filling rated orders. 17 Rules for acceptance of rated orders. 18, Rules for rejection of rated orders. 19. How changes In Borders affect ratings. 20. Cancellation of ratings. 21. intracolnnpany deliveries. 22, Delivery for unlawful purposes pro- hibited. 23. Applicability of regulations and orders. 24, Defense against claims for damages. 25. Records and reports. 26. Requests for adjustment or exception. 27. C