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Approved F TOP SECRET elease 2005/06/09: CIA-RDP82MOO OOTS # 172825 USIB-D-1, 5/3 19 January 1961 Limited Distribution UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT NSC Action re "Foreign Intelligence Activities" (including Recommend;.tions of Joint Study Group) REFERENCE USIB-D-1. 5/2, 10 January 1961, Limited Distribution The attached excerpt from the record of actions of the NSC at its 12 January meeting (approved by the President on 18 January 1961), setting forth the action taken with respect to "Foreign Intelligence Activities" (including recommendations of the Joint Study Group), is forwarded for information and appropriate implementation. NSC review(s) completed. Executive Secretary 25X1 Attachment Distrihnti nn Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP82M00097R000200070023-8 Approved F Attachment to USIB-D-1.5x3 19 January 1961 Limited Distribution NATIONAL SECURITI COUNCIL at its FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOURTH MEETING held on January 12, 1961 Approved by the President on January 1 , 1 1 TOP SECRET elease 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP82M00 000200070023-8 TS # 2 825 1breer frcmi RECORD OF ACTIONS. by the 2377 FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES Action No. 23 7; Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated January 9, 1961, SPECIAL L3MITED DISTRIBUTION ONLY) a. Discussed the views of the Principals of the Joint Study Group regarding the Group's report,, as consolidated by the. Director of Central Intelligence (transmitted by the reference memorandum of January 9, 1961); and took the following actions with regard to the recam endations of the Joint Study Group: (1) Concurred in Recommendations Nos. 3, 4, 6, 10 9 7, 8, , , 31, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 43. 42 (2) Concurred in Recclnmendations Nos. 1, 2, and 30, provided that: (a) (3) Implementation of Recommendations Nos. 1 and 2 should take place after study by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and in a manner to be established by the Secretary of Defense. (b) The implementation of Recorsmaendations Nos. 1, 2 and 30 with respect to the organization and functions of the USIB should be taken in phase with the carrying out of the related internal adjustments within the intelligence ccffiponents. of the Department of Defense. Concurred in Recommendation No. 5, with the un- derstanding that this recommendation did not modify the arrangements in this field under wartime conditions. Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP82M00097R000200070023-8 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved Release 2005/06/09 CIA-RDP82M0107R000200070023-8 (1+) Concurred in Recaanmendation No. 16 and approved draft NSCID No. 8 as submitted, with the provi- sion that the National Photographic Intelligence Center (NPIC) should be under the Central Intel- ligence Agency; and noted the President's state- ment that there should be no other center dupli- cating the functions of the NPIC, and that the military services and other departments and agen- cies should state clearly to the NPIC their par- ticular requirements (5) Concurred in Recammendation No. 18, subject to the deletion of the words "and assign responsi- bility for periodic reports to the United States Intelligence Board" and the addition,of the words "and the agencies concerned should make periodic reports to their agency heads," (6) Concurred in principle with Recommendations Nos. 21, 22 and 23, and referred them to the USIB for implementation in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (7) Concurred in Recommendation No. 24, subject to the addition of the words "except in situations with respect to which the Secretary of-State and the Director of Central Intelligence may agree do not warrant such allocation of responsibility. (8) Agreed that, in lieu of establishing the manage- ment group proposed in Recommendation No. 31, the functions recommended for that group should be performed by the coordination staff proposed in Reccmmendation No. 29. (9) Concurred in RectmIInendation No. 31+, subject to the addition of the words "or as the Joint Chiefs of Staff may direct, subject to the understanding that National Security Agency crxnmmnications to service cryptologic agencies in the. field are excepted from the provisions of this recamiendation." (10) Deferred action on Recommendation No. 35. Discussed the recommendations of the Deputy Secretary of Defense (transmitted by the reference memorandum of January 9, 1961), and adopted the following amend- ments to National Security Council Intelligence Direc- tives: Approved For Re 2ST/?(9tCIA-RDP82M00097R000200070023-8 TOP SECRET Approved* Release 2005/06/09: CIA-RDP82M0467R000200070023-8 (1) (2) (3) (4) NSCID No. 1, paragraph 4-a, 3rd sentence: Delete the words "with intelligence production re- sponsibilities" NSCID No. 2,. paragraph 3: Delete this paragraph and substitute the following: "3- The Department of Defense shall have primary responsibility for, and shall perform as a. service of common concern, the collection of military intelligence informa- tion. Owing to the importance of scientific and technical intelligence to the Department of Defense and the military services, this collection responsibility shall include sci- entific and technical, as well as economic, information directly pertinent to Department of Defense missions." NSCID No. 3 subparagraph 7-b: Delete this sub- paragraph and substitute the following.: "b. The Department of Defense shall produce military intelligence. This pro- duction shall include scientific, technical and economic intelligence directly pertinent to the missions of the various components of the Department of Defense." NSCID No. 5, subparagraphs 8-a -band -c: Sub- stitute the words Secretary of Defense" for the words "Joint Chiefs of Staff". (5) NSCID No. 6, paragraph 2: Add the following words: ", ,except that only the Secretary of Defense shall exercise or delegate this authority within the Department of Defense." c. Noted the President's conviction that further stream- lining of the entire foreign intelligence organization still needs to be accomplished. NOTE: The action in a above, as approved by the President, subsequently transmitted to the Director of Central Intelligence, the Secretary of State and the Secre- tary of Defense for appropriate implementation. The amendments in b above, as approved by the Pres- ident, subsequently incorporated in revised NSCID's. Approved For R rI 22(tf CIA-RDP82M00097R000200070023-8 'TOP SECRET t 11when fMeet; i' F-R `tro'II?d document. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMTNT DESCRIPTION SOURCE #172825 TS um-AD-1.5/3 61 CIA CONTROL NO. DOC. NO. 19 j an. 19 i _1 SVt& 4 DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE O 4e , ted Dist Li COPY NO. mi . 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