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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/10: CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100170017-6 ..,~ i DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE PERSPECTIVES FOR NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE 1976-1981 Introduction 1. Perspectives for Intelligence, looking five years into the future, are issued annually by the Director of Central Intelligence to provide general guidance for all elements of the Intelligence Community. In particular, these statements, of perspectives are designed to stimulate early action and planning on programs requiring long developmental lead times prior to their execution--such as complex technical systems, language training, the augmentation of skills, etc. These Perspectives for 1976-1981 are intended to influence Fiscal Year 1976 decisions whose effects will be felt or results fully manifest only after several years. Near term guidance for Fiscal Year 76 is provided in the Objectives the Director has submitted to the President, which included both Substantive Objectives (further articulated in the Key Intelligence Questions) and Resource Management Objectives. The Director's Annual Report to the President on the work of the Intelligence Community will include comments on steps taken during FY 76 to meet future require- ments as outlined in these Perspectives. 2. The Perspectives open with a general overview of the inter- national political, economic and security environment anticipated during the coming five years (Part I). This is followed by a broad statement Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/10: CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100170017-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/10: CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100176017-6 JCVnC of the needs the Intelligence Community will be expected to meet during that period (Part II). Finally, more specific guidance is given with respect to activities which should be initiated, or on which planning should commence, in order to meet those needs (Part III). 3. The Perspectives focus on major national intelligence problems. They recognize three important additional categories of problems, but these requirements are not extensively addressed: a. Continuing national responsibilities of a lower priority which must somehow be satisfied with limited resources; b. The requirements of civilian and military components of the United States Government for depart- mental or tactical intelligence support;, requirements which also necessitate continuing attention and resources; c. Unanticipated situations or crises capable of posing major political, economic or security problems for the United States. Since it may not be possible to meet the demands of such unanticipated problems by a reallocation of resources from less urgent activities, some reserve capability must be included in our planning to give the Intelligence Community the flexibility necessary to cope with the problems of an unpredictible world. SF ;RFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/10: CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100170017-6 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/10: CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100170017-6 Next 38 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/10: CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100170017-6