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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500094013-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . JPRS L/ 1 0716 5 August 1982 Wc~ridv~~ide R~ ort p ~AOIV OF THE ~EA - cFOUO sia2)~ _ F~OS FO~iEIGN BROADCAST INFORIVlATIOM SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 - NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, p~riodicals and books, but also from news agency - transmissions and broadcasts. Materials irom foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. _ Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] - or [Excerpt] in the fi.rst line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parenthe=es were not clear in tl-~e original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. T'ne contents af this publication in no way represent the poli- - cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. - COPYRIGHT LAWS A1VD REGULATIONS GOVER,'JING OWNEF2SHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION ' OF THIS PUB'LICATION BE RESTRICTED FOI~ OFFICIAL USE OvLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500090013-3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY _ J~'RS I~/10716 - 5 August 1982 _ WORLDWIDE REPORT LAW OF TFOE SEA (FOUO 5/82) - CONTENTS ~ WORLDWIDE AFFAIRS USSR To Lift Okhotsk Herring Fishing Ban in 1983 (A,sAHI sxn~IDUN, 25 Jun s2) .............................0 1 ASIA ~ INTER-ASIA.N AFFAIRS ~~SAHI~rn Japan-DPRK Fishery Pact Expiration - (ASAHI EVENING NE4JS, 1 Jul $2) 3 WEST EUROPE ITALY Preparations for Ge~ting Deep-Seabed Under Way in 199o~s (Massimo Morello; EUROPEO~ 21t May 82) 5 , - - - a - [ ~ZI - WTn1 - 136 FOUO] FO~t aFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500090013-3 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - � WORLDi~iIDE AFFAIRS USSR TO LIFT OI~..~iOTSK ~iERRING FISHING BAN IN 1983 OW270456 Tokyo ASAHI SHIIrIDUN in Japanese 25 Jun 82 Morning Edit~on p 1 [Textj 7'he Soviet Union has decided to lift the 1976 ban on the Okhotsk Sea herring fishing next year. The her:ing fishing in the northern sea, with an annual catch of tens of thousands ~ of tons, had been a major part of Japan's fish industry, ae the salmon fishing was until the USSR imposed the ban. It is unknown if the Soviet Government will allow Japanese fishexmen to catch herr~_~Q in t he Northern Sea again; however, if a Japan-Soviet nongovernmental fish- ing enterprise similar to th?e current one on crab fiahing is set up on herring fishing, _ fishery companies in this country will have access to it. This was disclosed by SalehalinsYiy Oblispolkom Chairman Zakharov to ASAHI SHIMBUN's top officials when he visited the daily's main office in Tokyo on 24 June. Both the Soviet Union and Japan had been catching herring in the Okhotsk Sea until the arrival of the "200-mile sea limits" ez-a. The resources were dwindling because of the.reckless fishing and there was a threat of extinction. In 1976, therefore, Japan and the Soviet Union agreed to a total ban on the Okhotsk herring fishing; aubaequently, in late 1976, the Okhotsk Sea was made an "inland sea" of the USSR by s unilateral 200-mile limit declaration ' issued by the Soviet Government. ' The Soviet Union has since been monitoring the conditions of herring resources in the area by sending out laboratory vessels every year. As a result nf the total ban on fishing in = the past 7 years," Chairman Zakharov said, "marked progreas has been observed in the recovery - of resources and, accor3ing to reports by scientists, the fiahing can be reaumed in another year." Fisheries afficials of Sakhalinskaya Oblast, actin~ on recommendations, "hav~ decided to lift the ban on the Okhotsk Sea herring fishing, e�fective next year," he said. According to the Fisheries Agency, Japan's Northern Sea herring catch in 1970 was 500,000 tons. The Soviet lifting of the ban will pave the way for Japan to seek reinstatement of its fishi~g righCs on the basis of the past record. Because of the 200-mile Soviet sea limits, however, the herririg resour.ces now belong to the USSR and, in this situation, it is unlikeZy that the Soviet Government will readily grant a Japanese request. Under the cir- - .cumatances, Japan can consider a joint venture with the USSR similar to what it has on crab fishing. In this type of venture, Japan contributes what ia called a fishing cooperation f.und (a kind of fishing charge) to the USSR for the right to fish. Herring is a popular fish and relatively high-priced in Japan. Many fiahery companies are expected to ehow interest in the deal if the "cooperation fund" payment is within a reasonable range. Their responses will be noteworthy. Meanwhilz, according to information obtained by the Fiaheries Agency, the Soviet Government authorized herring fishing by Soviet fishermen in the Okhotak Sea only for domestic use, up to 10.000 tons last year and S,OOO tons this year. While it is considered quite possible that the herring resources have made a good recovery as a reault of the ban, it ahould be noted thar the Japanese demand is mainly for the herring roe. Accardingly, even if the - ban is lifted, the catch will be limi.ted on t~erring with rae to prevent an unfavorabla _ impact on the resource~s. This means that the Okhotak Sea herring fishing, if it materializea, - would have no aignificant impact on the domestic aupply-demand situation in Ja~an, agency oE[icials said. : 1 FOR OFFI~IAL USE ~NLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 - FQR OFFICIAL USE ONL~ Nev~~rtlietess, ttie Sovtet Union ha~ been tirying to sound o~~t Japanese officials an the ~~o:~5ibility of prlvaLe herring exporta to Japan. This led to speculation that the 5uviet Union, wlitcli is suffering from a foreign exchange shortage, is seeking an opportunity to earn foreign currency. Japan's :~erring catch last year was 20,000 tons. In addition, it imported 50,000 to 60,000 tons from foreign countries other than the Suviet Union. � COPYRIGHT: Asahi Shimbun Tokyo I~nsha 1982 CSO: 5200/2094 2 FOR OFF[CIAL iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500090013-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INTER-ASIAN AFFAIRS - 'ASAHI' ON JAPAN-DPRK FISHERY PACT ~XPIRATION OW021335 Tokyo ASAHI EVENING NEWS in English l Jul 82 p 5 [ASAHI ~HIMBUN 30 June editorial:. "Fishery Talks With North Korea"] (Text] The temporary private f~lshery agreement between Japan and North Korea expired on _ .lune 30, and there is no prospect of its being renewed. Pyongynng Radio announced a statement demanding the withdrawal of Japanese fishing boats Erom North Korean e~onomic waters until a new agreement is reached. . There i3 more to the matter than the ban on Japanese fishing boats. Although Japan and North Korea are separated by a body of water, the two nations still do not have diplomatic - relations~ and the fishery agreement was the only link between them. Should the agreement be allowed to lapse? This private fiahery agreement was signed on Sept. 5~ 1977 between the J,~pan-North Korea Fishery Council and the Chosen T~kai (Japan Sea) Fiahery Cooperatives Federation after - North Korea declared the establiahment of a 200-mile economic zone in Auguet 1977. The term of validity of the agreement was extended in 1978 and again in 1980. Under this temporary agreement, Japanese fiahing boats of less than 200 tons were permitted to operate in the northern economic watera outside the 50-mile military line east of the - Korean Peninsula. North Korean fiehing boats are not opera.*.ing off the Japanese coast, and Japan has been allowed to fish in North Korean wa*,ers without having to pay c~harges; in other words, Japan alone~has been benefiting. = Japan had been requesting the extenaion of the agreement since last year, buC'North Korea - ob~ected on the grounds that Japanese�fishing boata had violated the sgreement, in particu- lar by entering waters inaide the military line. The fate of the agreement was finally - sealed in late March this year~ when the governmenC refused to allow Hyon Chun-kuk, the leader of .Che North Korean team invited Co Japan by the Japan-North Korea Friendahip Promotion Dietmen's League, to enter Japan. The reason given for the refusal was that when Hyon vieited Japan in the aummer of 1981, he ~ made political statements that violated the entry permit conditions. Hyon referred to the ; confroritation on the Korean Peninaula and South Korea, which is very senaitive about such m:+tters, protested to Japan. - Nevertheless, allowing thls agreement, which had been kept in force for five years thtiough ti~e efforts of uoth Japan and North Korea~ to lapse arouses fears that the private friend- � ship which has been b~ilt up through the years will be returned back to the starting point. For the present. we ahould like to ask North Korea to adopt a broader view of the matter and - to approve of the autamatic extension of the temporary agreement, on the premise that eventu- ally the agreement will be changed to a private agreement between equals that guarantees - mutual benefits. i 3 _ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540090013-3 - FOR OFFI('IAL USE ONLY ~ Tt~ere liave been no diplomatic relationa between Japan and North Korea in the 37 years since ttie end of World War II. Seventeen years have passed since Japan established diplomatic _ relations with South Korea, but the only links between Japan and North Korea are the private trade and fishery agreements. This is an unnatur al state of affairs in an age of inter- national inCerdependence. The government's position is that it cannot allow political exchanges with North Korea iinless the latter modifies its virulently anti-South Korea and anti-U.S. policies. But if �he present situation is frozen for this reason, the problems of the icmnediate poatwar period between Japan and North Korea will not have ended. In addition, the hopes for peace- : ful coexistence in northeast Asia, which will have to be based on mutual dependency, will bc dashed. ? At a time when the desire for greater unity between North and South is growing, Japan would _ be justified in studying the possibility of estab lishin~ cooperative economic relations witl~ Che whole of the Korean Peninsula. The Japan-North Korea fishery agreement should be a link - t~ward creating such a peace plan. , _ COPYRIGHT: Asahi Evenin g News 1982 ' _ CSO: 5200/2094 ~ 0 4 , FOR aFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 ITALY PREPARATIONS FOR GETTING DEEP-SEABED MINING UNDER WAY IN 1990'S Milan EUROPEO in Italian 24 May 82 pp 52-53, 55 [Article by ~iassimo Morello: "The Future Is a Dive into a Mine"] [Text] Is it a good idea to go down to a depth of 1,000 meters ~ to collect the precious nodules of manganese, cobalt, nickel and titanium? Italy has decided to do so. Here is the why and - how of it. _ A violent depression rages in the Strait of 9lcily. The wind blows at Force 9, raising 10-meter wavzs that break on the pylons of the Italian oceano- graphic platform Marelab 9. The spray goes all the way to the bridge, but on ~ the third leveZ of the control tower, the technicians on duty sip their coffee calmly. A complex counterweight system keeps co~stant tension on the formid- able anchoring system that ties Marelab 9 to the bottom, 500 meters, down, avoiding oscillations. The technicians await a message from Phoenix III, a research submarine used to - sift the bottom of the tren~h (1,000 meters deep) that separates Sicily from Africa. Phoen.ix III is driven by two di~eael engines that run in a closed cir- cuit and can stay on the bottom for 3 weeks with 22 persons on board: naviga- _ tion personnels technicians, researchers. Complex electronic instrumentation enables the technicxans to detect the presence of valuable minerals; this is the mission of Phoenix III, on which the success of the "Deep Mining" program depends. _ While an inertial-piloting system guidee the submarine on the canyon bottom at a speed of 9 knots, with maximum safety, its headlights illuminate the sur- rounding area to daylight brightness. In a darker area, the magnetometer indi- � cates an abrupt'variation in the magnetic field. The pilot reduces speed and a _ technician sends out an articulat~d arm with a television camera on it: the macro lens gives an elargement of a kind of dark nut, the diameter of which is - actually no more than a centimeter. The spot on the bottom is a carpet of these "nuts," and a second arm, carrying a collection basket, takes a few of - them on board. The analysts are able to establish immediately the composition of these metallic nodules: iron and manganese. The bottom sand is actually - richer, with high percentages of cobalt and titanium-magnetite. - ~ FOR OFFICIAL 1J8~ O1VI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500090013-3 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY E _ 4 '0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i e. .~J ~ y d Sis . ~ v , . ~ *`1~'`~~ ~y " ? - . r^s ky ~F"'x Jy~J . ~ ~ ~ b~..x~ . 't~' v } ~ ~ ?y~',~~la s'~~ 'fa. ,+y~ y ' . ! x j~.i _ . . ,.8+~^'~ ~xs.. . 1w .F ` r~ , ~ . ~ i :~i., ` * r y v~r +tr: ~J`~ - i . ;~t 1 ~ ~ t t,,.. s : ~C"',K ~s;`-~ .tyg~ i '!.i ,j~:. - h ~ ~ ~cx g, : Y y . _ ~ ~`i: ~ - ~x1r I. - d Ii - I. ....Y':~,M7, � � j' J ~te~~~~ ~~aIlfax~, lrase �o~r re~~ve~ry of inetallic nodules, in ~~~o,~~~ce ar~t.~n trBue~ ""L1~e~p~ M~ne"~ prvgram, ~.r.E7~~ be ~ike: a platform will re- ~m ffi~,xx~d ~o, trlhe ~rQt~tcr~ a~sct ~~II coarc~fnat� the work of deep-diving - scnbnnax~~ee~, o~o~ttEn ar aritkicrr~~ c~e~r~ _ . g FO! oF~tCW. US6~ ~tl.x APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500090013-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The data, processed by the on-board computer, are transmitted to Marelab and, after an initial evaluation, are communicated to the CENRADO (National Center - for Collection of Oceanographic Data) at Trieste. There, the information is checked and its importance is verified. Just a few hours after a find that proves promising, the Ministry of the Sea in Rome is already in a position to = give the go-ahead for a new phase of study for possible exploitation. The ar- ~ rangements are transmitted to the third maritime department, which controls ~he Strait of Sicily, from which they are forwarded to *he men on Marelab 9. In the cortrol room, the technician on duty turns on his terminal and sees t"iie time and date appear: 0800 hours/8 May 2002. - All this, then, will happen in 20 years. But it is nat fantasy: the technical and scientific foundations already exist, and there is already the will to get to the bottom. Marelab 9 and Phoenix III are only the fu~ure devlopments of - Marelab 1, which is presently in the preproject phase in Tecnomare, and of PH 1350, the first of the Phoenix class, which will descend into the sea at - Gaeta in a few months for Sub Sea Oil Services of Milan, one of the most impor- tant underwater-engineering companies. The projections toward the future arise fsom the purpose-directed "Oceano- graphy and Marine Bottoms" project of the CNEt [National Research Council], which has just concluded its 5-yea: period of activity. The biggest results come from the "Marine Technologies" project: upgrading of the existing equip- ment, and the working-out of a standard method for the analyses. _ Above all, the basis has been prepared for the creation of a National Center - for Collecti~n of Oceanographic Data. The CENRADO ~:ill serve to create a bank of data on the marinP environment and will be responsible for evaluating the ~ quality of the information, to extract from it, with successive procassings, all possible knowlPdg,e abnut the sea. Meanwhile, another data bank has been proposed within the operational framework of the law on protection of the sea (submitted last year); its nerve center would be shifted to the Ministry of Merchant Marine, and its ter.ninals to the various maritime departments. The ministry's computer would also monitor all ~ movement on the sea, and it will therefore be possible to coordinate, from a single operational center, all the activity of work, transport and, as neces- sary, rescue and protection. _ The researchers of the "Oceanography and Marine Bottoms project have str~ssed the absolute necessity of finding mineral reso�~rces within the limits of the Italian continental shelf. Or, at any rate, of possessing a mining site in in- = ternational waters: for example, in the Atlantic zone, ~.:ff Central America, called the Cla�rion Clipperton Area. That bottom contains, indeed, the equiva- - lent of a11 the proven rpserves o~ nickel and manganese kno~an today on land, in addition to the equivalent of a quarter of the copper reserves and six times those of cobalt. In November 1980, SAMIM [expansion unknownl ~a campany of the ENI [National Hy- drocarbons Agency] group7 acquired a 25-vercent share of Ocean Mining Associ- ates, a very big holding company that is among the giants of mining exploration. ~ = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500090013-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500090013-3 FOR O~FIC.IAL USE ONLY - In a.recent study, ENI foresees that industrial-scale mining of the polymetallic~ nodules will begin in the 1990's. According to the most probable hypothesis, the nodules were �ormed from the netals gresent in the seawater. The micronodules that can be found on the - Italian continental shelf are compuse~ 33 percent of manganese. Our real E1- . dorado, though, seems to be the metal-bearing sands, rich in titanium, cobalt, zirconium, magnetite. Wide-radius reconnaissance of the Italiaa shelf and de- _ velopment of the related technologies are therefore more than justified. It wil1, indeed, b~ no small matter to open up this new mining frontier, because the environznent is the toughest and most hostils that can be imagined. - Platforms and ships equipped with unmanned robot submarines for gathering the minerals fro?n the hottoms, sometimes at great depths, and also ships for trans- port of the maeerials extracted, are needed for mining of the underwater depas- its. But before this operati~r,al phase is started up, preliminary kork is nec- essary: s~irveying the topography of the bottoms; determinaticn of the geologic- al characteristics of the bottom (with a view especially to the anchoring of - the platforms); compilation of an accurate map of the mean and extreme meteoro- logical conditions; drawing of a map of ~he marine curr~nts. All this work - will be done by platforms such ~s Marelab and s~sbmarines such as the Phoenix. Marelab 1 will bea semisubmerged platform of 5,000 to 6,000 tons, capable of anchoring on bottoms of 2,000 to 3,000 meters or of setting down on shallower bottoms. It wi?1 have a deck of 60 m2 and will have equipment for moving very heavy loads at different depths, as well as for producing all necessary energy - autonomously. It will house about 100 persons, yncluding technicians ar~d re- searchers who will have multidisciplinary laboratories at their disposal. Marelab will have to work in different fields simultanpously: oceanographic r~- J search, verification of data col~ected by the Seasat satellites, geological