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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R040540080058-5 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10684 ' 26 July 1982 ~ U SSR R~ or~t p SPACE . (FOUO 3/82) Fg~$ ~OREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed c~r reprinted, with the original phrasing and - other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names r~ndered phonetically or translit~rated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Goverr.ment. COP1'RIGHT LAWS AND REGULAZ'IONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATEh.IALS REPRODUCED HEREII~ REQUIRE THAT DISS~MINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10684 26 July 1982 USS~ REPORT SPAC~ (FOUO 3/82) CONTENTS ' MANNED MISSION HIGHLIGHTS Results of Im~estigation of Refrac~ion During Third Scpedition in 'Salyut~-G' Orbital Station 1 LIFE SCIENCES Space Gastroenterologq: Trophological Essaps......-~............ 11 Formation of Complex Behavior Skills in Albino Rats After B~iosatellite.rtificial.Gravitp�Aboard�:Coamos--936:.����.��.��� 15 � Influence of Space Flight Factors on Stress Reaction of . Nucleic Acids in Rat Liver Nuclei 22 Psychological Training-~-~One of the Most Important Factors of , Increasing Safety of Space Flights 26 SPACE ENGINEERING Laser Information Syetems for Spacecraft 30 Building Scientific Instruments for Use in Space 34 Synthesis of Algorithm for Controlling Motion in Vertical Plane of Transport Spacecraft at Stage of Approach for Landing and Leveling 47 ~ Synthesizing Planning Parameters for Artificial Earth Satellite's Power System 53 Automating Proceseing of Scientific Eaperiment Results During Operat3onal Control of Experiments Conducted Witfi Spacecraft.. 64 - a- [III - USSR - 21L S&T FOUO] ~ ..i... ..rn+t/n ~ � ~ rc~r! Awri V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Analysis of Effect of Several Parameters of Landing Vehicle of 'Venera~9'-'Venera-~12' Automatic Interplanetary Stations on Stability During Landing 74 SPACE APPLICATIONS , Earth Observation by First-Crew Cosmonauts of Salyut-~6 Orbital Station 81 'Khalong' Technological Experiment in Growing Crystals of Semiconducting Compounds and 'Imitator' Experiment for Measuring Temperature Frofiles of 'Kristall' Furnace on 'Salyut-6' Orbital Sta.:ion 91 Orbital Space Geodesy 94 b FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MANNED MISSI0~1 HIG~,IGflTS UDC 551.501.71:551.510.61:551.524.7 RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION OF REFRACTI0:1 DURING THIRD EXPIDITION IN 'SALYUT-6' ORBITAL STATION Moscow IZVESTIYA AKAD~EMII NAUK SSSR: FIZIKA ATMOSFERY I OKEANA in Russian Vol 17, No 11, Nov 8l. (manuscript re~eived 3 Feb 81) pp 1123-1133 [Article by G.M. Grechko, A.S. Gurvich, V.A. Lyakhov, S.A. Savchenko and S.V. Sokolovskiy, Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, USSR Academy of Sciences] , [Text] On the basis of ineasurements of distortions in the shape of the solar disk during observations made through the atmosphere . from space, the authors obtain estimates of variations in refrac- tion. They show that refractive attenuation of light intensity is subject to variations that are several times greater than the average value. On the basis of ineasurements of refraction, they obtain vertical profiles of density and temperature disturbances in the atmosphere at altitudes of 5-25 km. Observations made by the first crew of the "Salyut-6" orbital station (OS) showed that refraction in the Earth's atmosphere leads not only to oblateness of the images ~ of the Sun and Moon, but also to the appearance of perturbations--"steps"--on the edge of a heavenly body's visible disk. The amplitude of these perturbations can be so great as to result in a gap in the image. Most interesting was the fact that these severe refractive perturbations were observed not in the layer of atmosphere nearest the ground (which raould not have been unexpected fl]), but at levels right up to several altitudes of the uniform atmosphere. This meane that tlie analy~ sis of refraction phenomena during observation of a heavenly body near the yxorizon must allow not only for the regular decrease in air density with altitude, but also the presence of perturbations existing in the real atmosphere. On the basis of quantitative processing of the data that were obtained [2,3], ~s well as a qualitative analysis [4], it was possible ta construct a unified picture of refraction phenomena manifested during observations of the Sun and Moon through the real atmosphere from space. The results of these investigations were not only a basis for explaining the previously mentioned effects from a unified viewpoint, but also indicated new possible ways ~or using refraction phenomena to investigate the atmosphere's structure on the basis of observations of extraterrestrial sources from ~ on board spacecraft. As the next stage of the investiqation of atmospheric refraction, it was necessary to obtain not individual, random photographs of the m~ost characteristic effects, but 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OF'FiCiAL USE ONLY s~~rics of scqucntial I~hotographs that overlap in altitude and, in connection with this, improve the resolution in the photographs by choosing better exposure times and photographic materials and improving the optics. After the preliminary work was done? this assignment was given to the third crew on the "Salyut-6" OS, and in this article we present several of the photographs taken on this expedition and the re- sults obtained by processing then~. The third crew of the "Salyut-6" OS photographed the Sun and Moon above the horizon, using a lens with a focal length of 0.5 m, NR-20 film and an exposure time of 1/500 s. The distance 1C from the OS along the tangent to the Earth's surface was -2�10 km3. Figure 1[omitted] consists of two series of photographs (negatives) of the Sun, each of which was taken during a single setting of the Sun. The outlines of all photographs of the Sun and Moon, which were obtained with an angular resolution of 5�10-5, differ strongly � those calculated on the basis of the model of a standard atmosphere [5], ir_ which only regular oblateness i~ seen. In the photo- graphs we see the characteristic deformations caused by rsfraction as steps of greater or smaller size. As a rule, these deformations are maximal in sectionG of the outline having a 45� inclination to the horizon. The largest deformations in the form of steps are basically symmetrical on the left and right halves of the im- ages, although the fine details do not coincide. All of this indicates that the cnrresponding refraction perturbations are caused by horizontally layered irrec~ular- ities in the distribution ot the re~ractive index; thus, the visible displacements of different points in the image occurs basically along the vertical. Such irregyt-~ larities can play a large role in the dista.nt tropospheric propagation of ultrashort - waves [6]. It is also important to note that in many cases the outl~ne 3eformations have a quasiperiodic structure, which is particularly noticeable (for example) in photographs NR-2-16 and NR-3-17 and -18. This makes it possible to assume that ob- served deformations of this type are the manifestation of a system of internal waves. Radar investigations of the atmosphere on meter wavelengths also indicate the presence of severaly anisotropic irregularities in the refractive index at alti- tudes of 8-16 km [7J. The photograpcis taken of the Sun give th~ values of the angles of atmospheric re- fraction on a certain scale. The quantitative processing of the series of photo- graphs was carried out in order to derive from them large-sca_le variations in the ~ertical density and temperature nrofiles and to evaluate the variations in the in- tensity of a signal from an extraterrestrial point source caused by refraction. In order to determine the variations in the refractive index's vertical profile on the basis of ineasurements of refraction angles, in this work it is assumed that in some neighborhood of the perigee of tlte rays, the atmosphere is spherically symmet- rical and that .refractive index n depends only on the distance (r) from the origin of coordinates (the center of the Earth). Naturally, this approximation does not encompass all the details that are manifested in the photographs to some degree or another. However, it can be assumed that such an approach does not lead to substan- tial distortion of the largest details in the vertical structure of air density. Let us impose a system of angular coordinates on the photographs, using $ and X to designate the zenith and azimuth angles, respectively, of a ray at the observation point. Angle � is read from the local vertical, while angle X is read from the plane passing through the center of the Sun and the local vertical. Let the outline of the Sun's visible~image be described by the equation X=+T(~ -~1), where ~1 is 2 '?OR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the direction of a ray to the Sun's lower edge. Let us designate as ~ the zenith , angle of a ray in the case where there is no atmosphere; in connection with this, the outline of the Sun's image would be descri~ed by the circumference equation ~y +(d2/4 - X2), where ~r0 = direction to the center of the Sun, d= angular di- emeter of the Sun. Considering that the refraction angle is e=~- ~y, we can t~'ite E =~-~o~ ~d /4-t=~~ ~ (1) Function e(~), determined in this manner according to the shape of the outline of the Sun's visible image, is known with accuracy up to that of the two constants ~1 and which--generally speaking--can be computed if the relative positions of the Sun, Earth and OS are known at the moment of photographing. However, thE surveying was done manually and the photographic equipment was not oriented rigidly relative to the station. Consequently, this method of computing constants ~1 and ~y~ could ~ not be used. Therefore, in this article we used a methud for determining ~1 and according to the Sun's visible vertical dimension d', the theoretical possibilities of which are discussed in [8]. Let us determine the value of ~1 by solvi_ng the equation e(~~)-~(~~+d') ~d-d', (2) where function E(~) is calculated for a standard atmosphere and a known OS altitude. Let us determine the value of by requiring fulfillment of the natural condition s~+d' - f ~E~~)-~(4')1d~=0. (3) Vi When using conditions (2) and (3), it was assumed that observed deviations of re- fraction from the standard walues are small. Henceforth, instead of ~ we will use the value of a ray's sighting parameter p= = R sin where R is the OS's radius. It should be mentioned here that determining ~1 with the help of (2) essentially ties it not to the sighting parGmeter's absolute value pl = R sin but to the difference pl - a, where a is the Earth's radius. Act.ually, function e(p) that is used for the tie-in is computed by the formula ~d ]n n(r) dz e~P)=-2p ~ ~ _p:~v, , (4) y where x= rn(r). Since refractive index n is actually known as a funct'_on of alti- tude z= r- a, function e(p) (as determined by (4)) depends implicitly on the value of a in such a manner that difference pl - a(that is, the rays' altitudinal tie-in, for all practical purpose~) proves to only very slightly sensitive to latitudinal variations in the Earth's radius and errors in determining the OS's altitude that are of the same order of magnitude (8]. Besides this, in [8] it is shown that when recovering small-scale density profile perturbations on the basis of ineasurements of r.efraction perturbations, a change (within reasonable limits) in the average pro- fil~'s parameters leads to altitudinal displacements in the small-scale irregulari- ties within limits of +0.5 km, with small deviations in their shape and amplitude. Among the shortcomings of this tie-in method, we should include the impossibility of determining density variations on scales corresponding to the visible vertical angu- lar size of the Sun. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFF'IC1AL USE ONLY 1 p-1 p- a, ?rM _ 8e . NP-8-i5 ~ i5 ,Z NP-2-16 0 ~ 15 i NP-2-17 ~ ~ 10 15 NP-2-18 0 ' 10 NP-Z-19 ~ 4 S 6 7 Figure 2. Results of ineasurements of refraction on the left and right sides of photographs in the NR-2 series. Figure 2 ~hows the results of determining refraction variations de(p) = e(p) - e(p) for each photograph in the NR-2 series in Figure l. The functions de(p), as comput- ed for the left and right edges of the image, are plotted in the graphs. For the greatest values of p- a(> 22 km), refraction variations are basically the result of errors in the measurement of the shape of the outline of the Sun's image, mainly because of washout of the edge of ;.he image. The refraction distortions are mani- fested quite clearly at lower altitudes and the differences in fine details between the left and right sides become noticeable. If we take into consideration the fact that the distance between the perigees o� the rays connecting the observation point and the ends of the Sun's horizontal diameter is about 20 km, this makes it possible to make a rough estimate of the horizontal dimension of the irregularities in the refractive index. Using the same scale, in Figure 3 we plotted variations in refraction as computed f,r all the photographs in each series. So as not clutter up the figure, we used 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ZS p-a,xM N P-Z N P-~ 20 ~ ~ . . - . 1S - . ~0 S -S 0 S -5 0 S 0 S ~D 15 ' . 8s, 10'~ E,10"~ Figure 3. Results of ineasurements of refraction based on photo- graphs in series NR-2 and NR-3. the data obtaa.ned by processing the left side of each photograph. Comparing Figures 2 and 3, it is obvious that the difference between the variations in refraction, as determined for different photographs in sensing sections that do not overlap as far as altitude is concerned, is greater than for the two sides of a single picture, since the distance between the sensing rays at the same altitude is less at a s?ngle moment of time for each of the photographs than for diffe~rent photographs (as a re- sult of the OS's motion). However (as can also be seen in the graphs in Figure 2), it is worthy of note that the largest-scale changes in refraction in individual photographs basically match each other (photograph NR-3-17 is an exception). In or- der to show how the deviations of refraction from its standard altitudinal depend- ence are correlated, in Figure 3 we also give the theoretical refraction values for ~ the standard model of the atmosphere. By comparing the variations in refraction with its standard pattern, it is possible to conclude that the relative changes are sufficiently great so that they can be recorded and used to obtain information about the state of the atmosphere, which was already obvious from the distortions of the outline of the Sun's visible image. The functions de(p) that were obtained on the basis of the processing of the photo- ~ graphs give a visual representation of the actually existing refraction perturba- tions in the atmosphere. In order to evaluate the magnitude of refraction perturba- tions having different vertical scales, the de(p) functions that were measured for ' each photograph were smoothed by sliding averaging with respect to some interval of values of sighting parameter Op. The root-mean-square deviation QE of the original de(p) functions from the smoothed ones de(p,~p) was then computed: s~-spl: a f [de ~P) -8e ~P, ~P) ~'dP~~P:-P~-~P). (5) i y~+sy~1 . i : 5 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Qi, ~p-~`' where pl and p2 are the minimum and maximum t ~ values, respectively, of the sighting pa- ~ rameter for which function 8e(p) was meas- ured. Figure 4 depicts tw~ f~nc~~ions Np_~ aE(Ap), each of which was averaged for all the photographs in one series. The curve NP-Z in Figure 4 corr~sponding to series NR-2 ~ has a bending point, which may indicate the presence of some characteristic scale of refraction perturbations on the order of approxirnately 2 km. The root-mean-square , deviation of the refraction perturbations corresponding to this scale is about 10-4 0 1 Z J 4 rad. A ~,NM Figure 4. F~lnction QE(~p) for photo- On the basis of the measurements that were graphs in series NR-2 and NR-3. made, it is possible to evaluate the re- fractive changes in the power of the signal ~ received on board the spacecraft from the K extraterrestrial source during observations through the atmosphere. It is necessary to L have such estimates in order to make the correct c~oice of the parameters of the ~ equipment used to study the atmosphere by _ the radio-occultation method [10]. Ignor- ing horizontal refraction, we can write re- ~0 ~5 p-a, ~M ZO fractive attenuation coefficient K for an Figure 5. F~inction K(p) for photo- infinitely remote source as graph NR-2-16. K( p) _ ~~1-lde/dp (6) in order to calculate K(p) with the help of (6), it is necessary to differentiate the experimentally determined function e(p). In order to improve the stability of the obtained result, the experimental clata in which the values of e were obtained with a step ~p = 0.1 km were smoothed by sliding averaging with respect to the in- terval ~p = U.5 km and the smoothed result was used to calculate coefficient K(p). The graph in Figure 5, in which the results of the calculation of K(p) for photo- graph IJR-2-16 are presented as an example, shows tha~ the changes in signal power can exceed 100 percent. This is obviously the bottom estimate, since the calcula- tion of K(p) on the basis of the smoothed function e(p) leads to understatement of the values of K. If the variations in e are so great that they result in interrup- tion of the image, interference pulses that are the result of multiray Fropagation will also be observed during the reception of the monochromatic signal. . The mentioned change in signal power because of refraction variations is a cause of variations in the shining of stars and planEts when they are observed through the atmosphere from on board spacecraft [9] that is different from the one discussed in [11]. The data obtained about the structure of irregularities in the refractive in- dex and the estimates of the ~ariations in refractive attenuation can be useful when ~ investigating planetary atmospheres on the basis of observations from Earth of changes in the amplitude and frequency of the radio signal daring occultation of automatic interplanetary stations [12] or the shining of stars as they move behind 6 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R040540080058-5 FOR OFF(~~IAL USE ONLY planets [13]. The data obtained in this work also indicate that it is necessary to allow for refractive attenuation when investigating atmospheric transparency on the basis of observations from spacecraft. Significant variations in refraction can lead to a noticeable redistribution of the light field's intensity in the atmosphere itself, which--naturally--can affect the results of observations of aerosol scatter- ing. After the dependence of refraction on the sighting parameter has been determined on the basis of photographs, in an approximation of a spherically symmetrical atmos- phere it is possible to proceed to the recovery of the refractive index's vertical _ profile (8]. x Refraction f~(p) and the refractive index n(r) are related by the integral relation- ship d ln n (z) dz E~P)=-2p~ ~ ~s~- Z a2~,,, + (7) D where x= rn(r). inTiien the variables are replaced (x2 = u, p2 = v) in equation (7), the result is an integral equation of the Abel type [14]: ~ ~ f (u) yuu ~ (8) ~v~ v relative to the unknown function f~u) = d ln n/du. It is not difficult to write a formal solution of Abel's equation, and since in the future we will need the refrac- tive index instead of function f(u), by omitting the intermediate calculations let us write the expression that is derived for it, having returned to the old varia- bles : 1 m e~P) n(~)=exp r-~ dp~, e=E+de. (g) L n (p=-~) ~ _ Mathematically, the solution of equation (8) for f(u) is a poorly stipulated prob- lem. However, since niu) is derived as the result of integrating function f(u), in the final account the determination of n(x) from equation (8) on the basis of ineas- urements of e(p) is a mathematically correct problem that is not difficult to verify by using the definition in [15] and formula (9). The solution of (9) gives the val- ues of refractive index n as a function of x= rn(r), and the conversion to a de- pendence oii altitude z= r- a presents no difficulties. In order to calculate n(x) on the basis of ineasured function e(p) with the help of (9), the integration inter- val was divided into two parts: x< Pmax and x> Pmax~ Where pmaX is the maximum value of the sighting parameter for which de(p) can be determined from the photo- graphs. For the calculations, experimental data were used for x< Pmax~ while the model of the standard atmosphere was used for x> pma~. Since refraction diminishes exponentially with altitude, the error from this replacement is sunstantial only in the upper part of the recovered profile of n(x). As the original experimental material, we used the functions de(p) shown in Figure 6, which were obtained by averaging for all the photographs in each series (except for NR-3-17) and encompass a correspondingly large interval of altitude values. Re- covery of the refractive index values on the basis of the averaged function dE(p) 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ZS p-OKM made it possible (to a certain degree) to allow for refraction variations in the up- NP-2 NP-3 per layers of the atmosphere for which there would not have been data if each 20 photograph had been used separately. Iri addition to this, the conversion to aver- aged functions ae(p) apparently reduces the effect of irregularities not allowed for in 1S the model of the spherically symmetrical atmosphere. The method used to tie in the rays results in a situation where refrac- tion variations with a vertical scale . greater than the difference in the alti- ~ ~f ' , tudes of the perigees of the rays from the ' ends of the Sun's vertical diameter turn out not to be allowed for to a certain de- 5 gree. f In the the refractive index _ i~ ~ ~ ~ i~~~_ ~-._L_ of air depends only on density p[16] : - S 0 S-S ~ S ~z=9-I-cp (10) 6E, 10'4 Figure 6. Averaged results of re- and, consequently, dn = cdp, while for fraction measurements. light on wavelength 0.7 tlm, c= 2.25�10-4� -kg-1�m3. In order to obtain a more visual 25 z?cn+ idea of the recovery of ineteorological ele- NP-Z NP-J ments on the basis of ineasurements of re- fraction, Figure 7 depicts the dependences of the relative variations in density on ZO altitude for the two serie~ of p~otographs presented in Figure 1. In order to demon- strate with the experimental material the correctness of the mathematical problem of 15 recovering the refractive index's (densi- ' ty's) vertical profile on the basis of measurements of variation in refraction, ~ ' in Figure 7 we present the variations in 1~ ~ ' ~ Sp/p, calculated both on the basis of func- tion de(p) that was determined from the ex- periment with a step ~p = 0.1 km (solid line) and the same function that had been 5 , preliminarily smoothed by sliding averaqing in the interval ~p = 1.5 km (broken,line). A comparison of these two curves shows that 11~ the presence of small-scale variations in _ 5 0 S- S 0 5 Z function Se(p) does not lead to variability - dp/p,10~ in the results of the recovery of 8n (z) , Figure 7. Results of recovery of den- thereby confirming the mathematical cor- sity profiles. rectness of the problem. If function p(z) is known, by using the equations of state of an ideal gas and stat- ic equilibrium, it is not difficult to also obtain the dependence of temperature T 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR O~'FICIAL USE ONLY Z~S z, n M on altitude : NP-2 ND-3 T~z)~ Rr-g p(z')dz', P�~+aP, (11) ZO - s where g= qravitational acceleration; M= = molecular weight of air; R= universal 15 - gas constant. Figure 8 depicts the altitu- dinal pattern of temperature variations dT (z) = T(z) - T(z) � as calculated on the basis of variations i,~ the altitudin=' pro- ~ files of ~ir density dp (z) :hat were .~b- - ~ , tained from refract.ion measurement:s. S The results of calculations of variations in the vertical density and temperature 0 ~ ~ ~ _ profiles that we have presented indicate - 10 0 10 -10 0 convincingly the extensive possibilities 8 T� for using refraction phenomena for remote Figure 8. Results of recovering tei,~p- probing of the atmosphere. The use of the erature profiles. Sun and Moon as extensive sources, followed by the simultaneous registration of the i~-- sitions of sPVeral stars, will make it possible to study the spatial features of at- mospheric refraction. One of the first problems wi~l be to explore the possibility of distinguishing the averaged vertical profiles of ineteorological elements against a background of comparatively small-scale variations, which is a matter of intere~t for meteorological purposes. Investigations of the variations will apparently m~3lce _ it possible to study complex wave processes, the following of which in the atmos- phere still presents considerable difficulty when using ground facilities. Improve- - ment of the resolution of refraction measurements will make it possible to obtain - information about the atmosphere at high altitudes and change over to the remote ob- servation uf turbulence in the troposphere. In conclusion, the authors wish to thank A.M. Obukhov for his constant attentior. and their colleagues for their assistance in preparing for and conducting these invasti- gations. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Minnart, M., "Svet i tsvet v~rirode" [Light and Color in Nature], Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1969, 344 pp. 2. Grechko, G.M., Gur�.ich, A.S., Romanenko, Yu.V., Savchenko, S.A., and Soko~lovskiy, S.V., "Vertical Structure of the Temperature Field in the Atmosphere, Based on Observations of Refraction From the 'Salyut-6' Orbital Station," DOKL. AN SSSR, Vol 248, No 4, 1979, pp 828-831. 3. Grechko, G.M., Gurvich, A.S., Romanenko, Yu.V., Sokolovskiy, S.V., and Tatarskaya, M.S., "Layered Structure af the Temperature Field in the Atmosphere, Based on Measurements of Refraction From the 'Salyut-6' Orbital Station," IZV. AN SSSR: FAO, Vol 17, No 2, 1981, pp 115-122. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Grechko, G.M., and Romanenko, Yu.V., "On the Horizontal Irregularity of the Earth's Atmosphere's Brighcness Fie1d," in "Issledovaniya atmosferno- opticheskikh yavleniy s borta orbital'noy nauc:moy stantsii 'Salyut-6 [Inves- tigations of Optical Atmospheric Phenomsna From the "Salyut-6" Orbital Scientif- ic Station], Tartu, 1979, pp 122-132. 5. Cameron, W.S., Glenn, J.fI., Carpenter, M.S., and O'Keefe, J.A., "Effect of Re- _ fraction on the Setting Sun as Seen Fr~m Space in Theory and Observation," ASTROr1. J., Vol 68, No 5, 1963, pp 348-351. 6. VvedEnskiy, B.A., editor, "Dal'neye troposfernoye rasprostraneniye UKV" [Distant Tropc~spheric Propagation of Ultrashort Waves], Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", t965, 415 pp. 7. Gage, h.S., and Green, J.L., "Evidence for Specular Reflection From Monostatic VHF Radar Observations of the Stratosphere," RADIO SCI., Vol 13, No 6, 1978, pp 991-1001. 8. Sokolovskiy, S.V., "On Recovering Perturbations in the Density Profile in the Atmosphere on the Basis of Measurements of Refraction From an ArtificiaZ Earth Satellite," IZV. AN SSSR: FAO, Vol 17, No 6, 1981, ~p 574-580. 9. Grechko, G.M., Gurvich, A.S., and Romanenkc, ''u.V., "Structnre of Density Irreg- ularities in the Scratosphere, Based on Observations From the 'Salyut-6' Orbital Station," IZV. AN SSSR: FAO, Vol 16, No 4, 1980, pp 339-344. 10. Lusignan, B., Modrell, G., Morrison, A., Pomalaza, J., and Unger, S.G., "Sensing the Earth's Atmosphere With Occultation Satellites," PROC. IEr.E, Vol 57, No 4, 1969, pp 458-467. 11. Kan, V., "On Evaluating Density Variations in the Stratosphere on the Basis of Observations of the Flickering of Stars," IZV. AN SSSR: FAO, Vol 17, No 8, 1981, pp 755-757. 12. Kliore, A., Levi, G.S., Cain, D.L., Fjeldbo, G., and Ra5sool, S.J., "Atmosphere and Ionosphere of Venus From the Mariner-V S-Band Radio Occultation Measure- ment," SCIENCE, Vol 158, No 3809, 1967, pp 1683-1688. 13. Veverka, J., Wasserman, L.H., Elliot, J., Sagan, C., and Liller, W., "The Occul- tation of ~-Scorpii by Jupiter," ASTRON. J., Vol 79, No 1, 1974, pp 73-84. 14. Yutteker, E.T., and Vatson, D.N., "Kurs sovremennogo analiza" [Course in Con- temporary Analysis], Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Fizmatgiz", Vol 2, 1963, 515 pp. 15. Tikhonov, A.N., and Az�sFnin, V.Ya., "Metody resheniya nekorrektnykh zadach" [Methods for Solving lncorrect Problems], Moscow, I~datel'stvo "Nauka", 1979, p 16. 16. "Spravochnik po geofizike" [Handbook on Geophysicsj, Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1965, 571 pp. COPYRIGHT: I2datel'stvo"Nauka", "Izvestiya AN SSSR, Fizika atmosfery i okeana", 1981 11746 CSO: 1R66/37 10 ~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR UFFI('lAl. l)SF. ONI,Y LIFE SCIENCES UDC: 613.693+612.3 SPACE GAST.tOENTF:ROLOGY: TROPHOLOGICAL ESSAYS Moscow KOSMICHESKAYA GASTROENTEROLOGIYA: TROFOLOGICYESKIYE OCHERKI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 30 Jun 81) pp 4-7, 11-12 [Annotation, foreword by Academician 0. G. Gazenko and table of contents from book "Space Gastroenterology: Trophological Essays" by Konstantin Vladimirovich Smirnov and Aleksandr i~iikhaylovich Ugolev, Department of Physiology, USSR Academy of Sciences, T_2datel'stvo "Nauka", 2400 copies, 278 pages] [Text] This boolc def ines the sub~ect and methods of a new direction of space biology and medicine, space gastroenterology. For the first time, the results of investigations of the digestive organs, obtained from clinical and physio- logical examination of cosmonauts, who were crew members aboard the Soyuz series spacecraft and Salyut-Soyuz orbital complexes, were synthesized and analyzed. There is comprehensive discussion of the findings from studies of the digestive system of animals flown aboard biological earth satellites of the Cosmos series. Model studies established the functional phenomenology of the human and animal digestive system with exposure to hypokinesia and accelerations; there was demonstration of adaptability to the onboard die~ of cosmonauts; some mechanisms of digestive organ reactions to spaceflight factors are dis- cussed. In the final part, the prospects of development of space gastro- enterology are discussed. This book is intended for specialists in the field of space biology and medicine, clinical and theoretical gastroenterology, physicians, biologists and physiologists. Tables 7, figures 87, references cover 37 pages. Fureword Among the problems of space biology and medicine, physiology of nutrition and digestion had remained in the shadows until recently. However, as the flights into space are changing into man's existence under unique ecological conditions for increasing periods of time, problems of nutrition and digestion are growing increasingly important and, to some extent, limiting. When the first i, space flights were planned and even made, mos~ attention was given to the so- called technological aspect of organizing man s nutrition. It appeared that tl~e main difficulties consisted of fi.nding the most suitable means of taking meals under weightless conditions, making up rations, preserving foods, heating ttiem. etc. As time passed, many of these problems were resolved, although some require further refinement. At the same time, it was found that man's 11 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY reactions to spaceflight conditions and factors involved changes in different ~spects of matabulism. Moreover, these metabolic changes acquire importance to a man's general condition, his tolerance of stress situations and work capacity. The practice of manned spaceflights put to space biology and medicine the task: of comprehensive study of the digestive system which, as we know, is the active apparatus of inetabolism in the body, a~:~stem through whose multi- faceted function there ~s not only hydro~ysis and transport of nutrients, but correction of inetabolism. i:-~e extensive data accumulated by researchers, both during space flights ana in ground-based laboratory studies, require systematization and analysis. , For this reason, it should be considered quite valid for a fundamental survPy to be published on matters of space gastroenterology. We cannot help but experience much satisfaction with the fact that this book was published in our country and written by scientists who participated in our ;oint work for many years. We should like to stress in particular the unquestionable timeliness and novelty of the monograph. The main material in this book is original. The research dealing with the effects of spaceflights on functioning of the human and animal digestive system is really unique.. The monograph has not only appiied value, but is of great importance to theore- tical gastroenterology. There is no need to specially introduce the authors of this work, who have been long known as major specialists in their field. It should be stressed that collaboration between labora~~ries of the Institute of Bio~edical Prob- lems, USSR Ministry of Health, an~ a_;istitute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, USSR Academy of Sciences, is an excellent example of combining applied and basic research, which has already benefited practice and enrir_hed gastro- - enterology with basic information. We hope that the book will be useful to a wide range of specialists in space biology and medicine, physiologists and gastroenterologists. Since the work being offered to the attention of readers is the first attempt at an overview in this branch of science, while this area of research is developing rapidly and quite successfully on its own, it is hoped that there will be a need for another analysis and generalization of acc~mulated data after some time. Contents Page Foreword 11 Introduction 13 Chapter 1. General Problems of Space Gastroenterology 15 1.1. Modern gastroenterology and its trends 15 1.1.1. General description of digestive system 15 1.1.2. New trends in gastroenterology 16 1.1.2a. Main types of digestion 1~ 1.1.2b. Defense systems of the gastrointestinal tract 19 12 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1.1.2c. Unutilized fibrillary structures and functions of the digestive system 21 1.1.2d. Microbiology of the gastrointestinal tract and problems = of endoecology 23 ~ 1.1.2e. Gastrointestinal hormonal system 2b 1.1.2f. Absorption 29 1.2. Functional changes in the gastrointestinal tract 35 1.2.1. Preliminary remarks 35 1.2.2. Adaptive changes 37 1.2.3. Adaptation to quality of food as a dynamic integrative reaction 40 1.3. Methods of studying the gastrointestinal tract in space ~ gastroenterology 4~ 1.3.1. Preliminary remarks 47 1.3.2. Significance of model experiments 48 1.3.3. Possibility of extrapolating data obtained on animals to man SO 1.3.4. Methodological aspects 51 Chapter 2. Spaceflights and the Digestive System. Manned Flights 55 ~ 2.1. Preliminary remarks SS 2.2. Short-term flights 5~ 2.2.1. Characteristics of enzymatic systems of the gastrointestinal tract 5~ 2.2.2. Motor function of the stomach 61 2.3. Long-te~m flights 61 2.3.1. Ch~racteristics af enzymatic systems of the gastrointestinal tr~ct 61 2.3.2. Motor function of the stomach 71 Chapter 3. St~aceflights and the Digestive System. Flights of Animals 80 3.1. Preliminary remarks 80 3.2. Experiment aboard the Cosmos-782 biosatellite 82 3.3. Experiment aboard the Cosmos-936 biosatellite 101 Chapter 4. Spaceflight Factors and the Digestive System. Hypokinesia 119 4.1. Preliminary remarks 119 4.2. Exposure of man to 120-day clinostatic hypokinesia 128 ~ 4.3. Exposure of man to 49-day antiorthostatic [head tilted down] hypokinesia 132 4.4. Exposure of man to 182-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia 137 4.5. Restriction of animals' motor activity 142 4.5.1. Proteases 143 4.5.2. Carbohydrases 144 , 4.5.3. Lipases 145 4.5.4. Carbohydrate absorption 147 4.5.5. Exocrine function of the liver 149 Chapter 5. Spaceflight Factors and the Digestive System. Accelerations 156 5.1. Preliminary remarks 156 5.2. Early studies of effects of accelerations on the digestive system 160 5.3. Effects of +GX accelerations on functions of human and animal gastrointestinal tract 166 5.3.1. Preliminary remarks 166 5.3.2. Studies of man 168 5.3.3. Experiments on dogs 171 5.3.4. Experiments on rats 1~8 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R040540080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLi~' Ciiapter 6. E�fects of Onboard Diet of Cosmonauts on Digestive System Functions 185 ~ 6.1. Preliminary remarks 185 _ 6.2. Effect of onboard diet made up of natural preserved and dehydrated foods on digestive system functions 185 Chapter 7. Mechanism of Effects of Spaceflight Factors on the Digestive System 192 7.1. Preliminary remarks 192 7.2. Significance of different conditions during exposure to extreme factors to development of functional changes 192 7.2.1. Effect of intensity of a factor 192 7.2.2. Role of duration of exposure to a factor 200 7.2.3. Correlation between intensity of extreme f actor and duration of recovery period 201 7.2.4. Significance of conditioning to effects of extreme factors 202 7.2.5. Relationship of changes in digestive organ function to functional state of organs 203 7.3. Role of the vagi in changes in activity of the digestive system with exposure to +Gr; accelerations 205 7.3.1. Preliminary remarks 205 7.3.2. Experiments on dogs 2~8 7.3.3. Experiments on rats 213 Chapter 8. Achievements and Future of Space Gastroenterology 219 8.1. Some general patterns of digestive system reactions during spaceflights 219 8.2. Correction and prevention of changes in digestive system 221 8.2.1. Pharmacolo~ical correction 221 8.2.1a. Prelimina.ry remarks 221 8.2.1b. Use of pharmacological agents related to hypokinesia 221 8.2.1c. Use r,t pharmacological agents related to accelerations 226 8.2.2. Physiological correction 230 8.3. Role of condition of digestive system in professional screening and conditioning 231 8.4. Basic difficulties and unso.lved problems 232 8.5. Space gastroenterology as a branch of ecology and trophology 233 8.6. Principles of inflight research and actual results thereof 235 8.7. Problems requiring studies of the digestive sy~cem during long-term spaceflights 23~ Bibliography 241 CUPYRIGHT: Tzdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 10,657 CSO: 1866/81 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500080058-5 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY UDC: 612.821.6+613.693 FORMATION OF COMPLEX BEHAVIOR SKILLS IN ALBINO RATS AFTER EXPOSURE TO ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY ABOARD 'COSMOS-936' BIGSATELLITE Moscow ZHURNAL VYSSHEY NERVNOY DEYATEL'NOSTI IMENI I. P. PAVLOVA in Russian Vol 31, No 3, May-Jun 81 (manuscript received 12 May 80) pp 564-569 [Article by N. N. Livshits, Z. I. Apanasenko, M. A. Kuznetsova and Ye. S. Meyzerov, Moscow] [Text] Our objective here was to study the behavioral distinctions of albino rats during formation of complex labyrinth skills at the relatively long term (18-24 days) after landing of the biosatellite, aboard which artificial gravity was created. The flight conditions and centrifuge parameters for creating artif icial gravity were described in the article by Ye. A. I1'in et al. [2]. In addition, problem solving in the mazes we used required rather fine spatial orientation. Both these factors (complicating the tasks and increased demands of spatial orientation) increased the sensitivity of the method to changes due to the effects of accelerations and angular velocities related to creation of artificial gravity. Methods The work was done with the same rats as in experiments with the use of rela- tively simple maze problems. The arbitrary designations of groups, informa- tion about dist:ribution of animals in them and characteristics of factors are listed in 'Pable 1. By the time this study was conducted, there was complete normalization of alimentary excitability of the animals and it could not have an appreciable effect on the results. Test problems were presented to the animals in two different ~azes. On the 18th-22d day after landing, we developed in the rats the skill of finding food in the maze, which precluded the possibility of retracing a previously traveled route. The maze was proposed in 1971 by S. Lachman [9], and it consisted of a starting compartment, viewing platform and three lanes giving off from it, closed by doors that prevented return to the ~ viewing platform. 15 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504080058-5 FOR OFF7C[AL USE ONLY Table 1. ~xpe~?mental conditions Group Rats Accele- Angul. Exposure conditions design- per ration, veloc. Scope of experiments nation rou G rad On Stationary FW3 5 0 0 Complete (all methods) Cosmos-936 Centrifuge FC2 5 1 5.3 Same (r = 320 mm) Mock-up on Stationary ~,T3 5 1 0 Same earth Centrifuge (r = 320 mm) S~ 4 1.4 5.3 Reduced (only for HNA) (x = 98 mm) C2 4 1.1 5.3 Complete (all methods) Vivarium Main group VC 6 1 0 Same Additional VCa 18 1 0 Partial (one�-:hird of group methods) Intact group (without implanting VCi 9 1 0 Reduced (only for HNA) sensors)* *Temperature sensors were implanted in the abdominal cavity of animals in the other groups. During the experiment, the animal was given feed only when it first went in a passage. A second appearance in the same passage was considered a mistake and no food reinforcement was used. The experiment continued until th~ rat had been in all three passages. If the rat did not move from the starting place for 3 min or remained motionless on the viewing platform, it was considered to have refused to "solve" the proposed problem. The experiment was stopped if there were three successive refusals. It was considered that the rat "did not solve" the problem in such an experiment. During the experiment, we recorded the number of correct and wrong runs, number of refusals and time spent by the rat to pass from the starting compartment into a passage. Another rather complex maze, which was developed in our laboratory, was used on the rats on the 23d and 24th days after the flight. The system of passages, locked and unlocked doors, open gates and dead-ends enabled the animals to reach their goal over several possible routes. On each of these days, the maze test was used three times. We recorded the number of refusals to solve the problem, distance of the route used and time spent to travel it from tne starting compartment to the additional feeding place. The length of the route was determined by the number of working units ("steps") of the maze that were traversed. Each "step" was 10 cm in size and the optimum variant of the route consisted of 10 "steps." All of the results were submitted to statistical processing using the criterion proposed by N. A. Plokhinskiy [7] for comparing two re~ression series. 16 , ,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Results and Discussion Analysis of our data revealed that development of the behavior algorithm in Lachman's maze was easier for the groups of animals that were not rotated on the centrifuge. Animals flown on the biosatellite showed virtually no differ- ence from either the main vivarium or mock-up control (not submitted to xotation). Difficulty in developing this skill was observed only in centrifuged animals. The number of tests in which the animals coped well with their problem was appreciably smaller in the FC2, SC2 and CZ groups than in the FW3, VC (P 0,05 Note: B, C, Il--Vivarium control, synchronous and flight experiments respectively. 1-3--variants of the experiment corresponding to different animal groups. Additional stress was applied in vazi,ant 3 an days 1, 4, 5 and 6. Significance indicators pl and p2 were calculated in comparison with results ob- tained correspondingly for animal qroups 1 and 2 Key: 1. Variant 3. With a-amanitin 2. Without a-amanitin sensitive to a-amanitin. ~In the absence of additional stress, the inhibitor suppressed transcription in liver nuclei by a factor of about 2-2.5 in control and experimental animals. In animals participating in the flight and in rats subjected to the synchronous experiment, 6 d~ys after the end of the experiments the intensity of nuclear RNA biosynthesis in the liver in the absence of a-amanitin was found to be lower than 6 hours after the experiments. This decline was 28 and 46 percent for the flight and synchronous experiments respectively. Imnobilization elicited inhibition of RKA-poly~aerase activity in nuclei of the liver of control animals; the effect was 54 percent if the intensity of RNA biosynthesis was determined in the abaence of a-amanitin, and 37 percent in its presence. . Results of similar magnitude wexe also obtained in the synchronous experiment, while in the absence of a-amanit~.z the effect in animals participatinq in the flight experiment manifested itself more weakly. Thus animals in groups 2 and 3 exhibited only a tendency toward lower intensity of RNA biosynthesis (the differences with respect to control were statistically insignificant). Of interest is the fact that there are practically no differences between the resu~ts obtained for rats in qroups 2 and 3. It may be suqgested that during the readaptation period a stress reaction developed in the animal body, one which should be interpreted in our re- search as a stress load additional to that to which the body was subjected in the geriod before the end of the experiment. Obviously the decline in reactivity of the RNA biosynthesis system to additional~stress was the product of exhaustion of molecular mechanisms responsible for adaptive processes in cells. The fact that 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFI('IAL USE ONLY a decrease in the reactivity of this system was noted only after the flight and that it did not occur aftF~ the synchronous experiment implicates the weightlessness of space as a factor F_a~ing a role in this phenomenon. Investigation of the intensity of nucleic Et~1A biosynthesis in the presence of a-amanitin did not reveal any noticeable changes ~n the reactivity to stress ex- hi.bired by the RNA biosynthesis system in the liver of animals participating in the flight experiment (Table 1). Consequently it is p:~imarily the biosynthesis of mRNA that experiences stress in flight, while bicsynthesis of rRNA was found to be more stable. Our data on the reactivity of the system responsible for bio- synthesis of nucleic acids in rat liver nuclei to additional stresses permit classi- fication of the stress factors operating in space flight as mcxlerate. The authors express their deep gratefulness to Prof R. A. Tigranyan for graciously providing liver tissue for analysis. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Germanyuk, G. L., in "Novoye v gormonakh i mekhanizme ikh deystviya" [Advances in R~esearch on Hozaiones and the Mechanisms of Their Action], Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1977, p 91. 2. Chauveau, J., ~nd Moule, Y., E}~. CELL. RES., Vol 11, 1956, p 317. 3. Troitskaya, Ye. N., Komolova, G. S. et al., DAN, Vol 250, No 6, 1980, p 1,483. 4. Blobel, G., and Potter, R., BIOCHIM. ET BIOPHYS. ACTA, Vol 166, 1968, p 48. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR", 1981 11004 CSO: 1840/82 - 25 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PSYQiOIAGICAL TRAINING--ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS OF INCREASING SAFETY OF SPACE FLIGHTS - Moscow PSIKHOLOGIQiESKIY ZHURNAL in Russian Vol 1, No l, Jan-Feh SO pp 104-107 [Article by G. T. Beregovc~y~ [Text] The pace of exploratic~n of outer space by manned spacecraft is increasing today. New spaceships supporting an extensive program of exploration in behalf of mankind are undergoing development and testing. The role of crew safety is growing disproportionately in this connection. This is why ensuring safety in lengthy space flights is one of the priority tasks. While the possibilities of space exploration are broadening owing to the achievements of technical progress, man's reliable fulfillment of increasingly more complex tasks aboard spacecraft depends on prior professional and psychological training. The reliability of the equipment is not absolute, and therefore an emergency ~itua- tion may arise at practically any moment: when the crew takes its place within the spaceship prior to launching, ~.n all phases of flight, and when the crew leaves the spaceship after landing. Space flight safety depends not only on the reliability of the spaceship and the systems and gear it contains, but also on the quality of the crew's training and its ability to capitalize on its kna.~ledge and endurance at the m~ment an emergency situation arises in the presence of the unfavorable factors of space flight. Psychological training plays the most important role in solving the problems of space flight safety, and especially in eu?erqency situations. The generr.l psycho- logical training a cosmonaut receives includes an entire intricate dynai.~ic complex of pedagogical, methodological and psycliological influences aimed at rai~inq the quality of preparation for a space flight, with a consideration for the particular features of the flight program and the individual psychological characteristics of the persons participating in its implementation. Psychological training must take sensible and maximal account of the individual psychological features of the cosm~naut's personality, and of the laws governing arisal and occurrence of inental process~s, to include ones associated with his pro- fessional. activity. These questions have been studied in ample detail by I. V. Davydov, N. V. Krylova and I. B. Solov'yeva. ~ 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500080058-5 FOR OFF7CIA1, USE ONLY Psycholoqical training basically consists of purposeful pedagogical and psycho- logical methods directed at m4bilizing the mental functions needed of the cosmonaut, helping him to actively form a conceptual m~del of the forthcoming flight and teaching him to utilize his psychophysiological reserves wit~ the greatest effectiveness. As space flight programs grow sore complex, psychological training becomes m~re extensive and diverse. Factors such as longer flight, inclusion of various cycles of scientific research and complex experiments into the program, and prolonged presence of the crew in an ecologically closed, restricted space causing deforma- tion of the sensory field, are imposirg new requirements on training. Much attention must be devoted in professional traininc~ to measures havi~~�s the pur- pose of forming and reinforcing the needed psychological qualities, one~ which would ensure that the cosmonaut would act effectively in the complex conditions of sgace flight. The effectiveness of a crew's actians in a complex flight situation depends on the capability the cosmonauts hav~e for behaving actively in emotionally tense conc:itions. Therefore a certain system of psychological qualities must be shaped within the ~ oosmonaut: em~tional stability, the capability for self-regulation, and a prepared- ness for possible surprises and stressful effects. All of this jus tifies maintaining a psychologica~l approach to organizing the pro- fessional activity of cosm~nauts--that is, conce:ntrating on simulation of various mental states that would be typical of real activity in the flight. In other words preparation for flight must go beyond the limits; of professional training with the existing training equipment, and it presupposes incorporation of special psychologi- cal methods and experimental procedures. How productively we can develop professionally mE~aningful ~:sychological qualities depends directly on how purposefully we employ effects in training that produce particular emotional responses. Various so-called exogenous test fixtures, trainers, simulators and soundproof chambers used in the cosm~naut training system permit the individual to acquaint himself with individual factors of space flight, and they form certain professional habits. But this training? which is performed on the ground, does not proceed in real conditions. No matter how complex the emergency situation reproduced in a trainer is, it cannot elicit the same stress which would arise in a real situation, when the individual would know that his mistakes might cost him his health and, nossibly, his life. Therefore despite the orgax~izational difficulties that would be encountered, we feel it suitable to use real emotion-producing situations in cosmonaut, ones ~ahich would cause reactions to real stressful effects (hydraulic laboratory, centrifuge, pressure chamber, aircraft simulator, para~'hute ~umps, flying). By analyzir.g professiograu~s of cosmonaut activity in real flight, we can distinguish the moments which are sufficiently complex from the standpoint of p;~~:~chological effects upon the individual. Z'he main time interval is the period uf psychological adaptation to the unusual conditions of flight. 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480058-5 d++OR OFF7CIAI. USL ONLY One prerequisite of maintaining the individual's ability to perform in this period is to preserve his operational stability. Hence one of the concrete tasks of psycho- logical training is to teach the individual to purposefully perform his activities as an operator in unusual, euationally saturated conditions. 'I"he next categozy of complex flight situations that should be considered is various deviations from the normal situation. An emergency situation elicits two levels of responding reactions and actions: adaptive-protective (biological) and psychological, forming a behavior strategy and ensuring fulfillment of new actions not foreseen by t'~e program. It is precisely the second level which must be developed during the wsmonaut's training. This can be done by simulating different mental states in trainers. F!~~nt. training and parachute jump~ provide effective training situations in support of these tasks. An airplane is viewed as both an ex~ogenous and a professional trainer, one creating a oomplex of influences upon the individual and causing liim to experience unusual conditions, risk, .responsibility, physiological stresses and oonditions typical of an operator controlling a traveling vehicle. Because parachute jumps (both patachute and free-fall) produce real stressful condi- tions that recreate the emotional background inherent to cosa?onaut activity to a oertain extent (unusual oonditions, time deficit, sensory load, sensation of risk, responsibility and independence), and because they can be perforn?ed in conjur?ction with the primary objective--fulfilling the elements of professional activity, we can consider parachute training to be a necessary resource of cosm4naut psychological training. � Another merit of parachute and flight training is that they afford a possibility for teaching the oosaanaut to make optimum de~isions on the background of rapidly cr.anqing processes. The experience of flying aboard airbome platforms, to include spaceships, shaws that situations may arise in which a flight would have to be aborted and a forced landing would have to be made outside the intended area. In what way woul~~ such a situation be complex? It would be comp?ex in that the crew will have c:xperienced stress resulting from the particular mishap, and it would be landi:ig immediately, having no prior knowledge of the nature of the landing procedure or *he natural and weather conditions within the given region. A number of experimental studies have shown that on occasion, stress arising during landing in extreme conditions in one of the critical zones o~ the earth (in a desert in the presence of high temperatures and strong winds, on the steppes in winter in the presence of winds and low temperatures, in high mountains offering hypoxic oon- ditions, on a stormy sea) may disorganize the crew's activity to such an extent that it would not be able to camplete its task. ~ Z'here have been cases in which test pilots who had not been psychologically prepared fox the possible influences of the external environment have had to abort an experi- ment early. 28 _ ~ r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R040540080058-5 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY !'sycfiological factors--confusion, passiveness, lack of will, fear, pain, loneliness and so on--may lead to illness among the crewmembers, or even to their death. Cosm~nauts are trained in various climatic and geographic zones with the purpose of surmounting these unfawrable factors and eliminating stress in the case of farced landing in extreme conditions. The main goal of such training is to psychologically prepare the crews of spaceships for possi.ble hazardous influences, and to teach them the things they must do after landing. The oonditions of such training sessions are made as similar as those of real critical situations in order that the crew members would begin to feel that they could survive a vomplex situation owing to their knowledge, ability and endurance. It should be noted that the experience of such training sessions has produced its fruits. Cosm4nauts have had to utilize this experience several times in the final - phase of space flight. The clearest example of this can be found in what happened after cosmonauts V. G. Lazarev and O. G. Makarov made a forced landing on the steep slope of a snow- covered mountain. The stress of the emergency landing, which was compounded by the considerable Cr forces experienced, was not made worse by the additional stress of being in uninhabited, inaccessible terrain, since the cosmonauts had undergone winter training in forested terrain. The crew displayed courage and steadfastness, and it was able to survive a very difficult situation. No less endurance and steadfastness had to be displayed by V. D. Zudov and V. I. R~zhdestvenskiy, who made an unplanned night landing on a partially frozen bitter salt lake. Because they had been psychologically prepared by marine training the situation did not catch them unawares, and consequently they were able to act effi- cir:ntly and correctly. Thus psychological training, in the course of which profe:~sionally important quali- ties of the personality, the individual's capabilities and a system of certain knowledge, skills and habits are formed and reinforced (and all of this, taken together, makes the cosm~naut certain of his readiness to peric,rm his missions), is the irost important condition for rais~ng space �lignt safety. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal", 1980 11004 C50: 1866/25 29 FOR OFFICtAL USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540080058-5 � ~ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY SPACE ENGINEERING UDC 629.78:621.396.624 LASER INFORMATIaN SYSTEMS FOR SPACECRAFT Moscow LAZERNYYE INFORMATSIONNYYE SISTEMY KOSMICHESKIKH APPARATOV in Russian 1981 (signed to press 14 Sep 81) pp 2-5, 268-269 [Annotation, forewor3 and table of contents from book "Laser Information Systems for Spacecraft", by Igor' Viktorovich Minayev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Mordovin and Aleksey Grigor'yevich Sheremet'yev, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1,900 copies, 272 pages] [Text] ANNOTATION The authors discuss the theoretic~l foundations and principles of the construction of laser information and measuring instruments and systems designed to operate on board spacecraft. They explain the principles of the construction of laser search, detec- tion, tracking, communication and location systems. This book is intended for specialists engaged in designing and operating laser in- struments and information systems. FOREWORD Man's conquest of space is opening new areas for the use of laser information sys- tems (LIS). Among these areas, the main ones are: studying the Earth's resources; investigating the movements of the continents; analyzing cloud cover and wind move- ment and velocity and, consequently, predictinq Earth's weather; controlling the movements of artificial Earth satellites and spacecraft; communication between spacecraft and ground points; tracking meteorological rockets and satellites and so on. Laser information measurement, collection, processing and transmittinq systems are already used extensively in these areas. Industry is developing laser short- and long-ranqe com~unication systems, laser measuring systems for highly accurate measurements of the parameters of motion of objects and so forth. This is explained by the fundamental special feature of lasers: the capability of generating coherent optical radiation. This feature makes it possible for laser systems to have a huge inforn?ati~n content, couQnunication channels with high resistance to interference, instantanr:ous performance of the most complicated mathematical operations in the processing devices (integration, Faurier transformations and convolutions, spatial filtration, the finding of correlation functions, retention of large masses of in- formation and so forth). The state of quantum electronics and laser technology makes it possible to solve scientific and technical problems that are of great im- portance to the national economy. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The result of the research and development work done in the last decade was the cre- ation of various laser devices that confirmed the great prospects for the use of la- ser technology. However, along the way to the creation of laser information systems for use in space there still exist many difficulties. They include inadequate de- velopment of the element base technology, the complexity of the designing and build- ing of opticoelectronic systems and instruments for spacecraft, and the lack of ex- ~ perience in designing and building laser information systems on the part of the en- gineers. In addition to this, the traditional scientific potential of radio engi- neers and the frequent inadequate understanding of the theoretical principles and possibilities of laser technology are retarding progress in this area. This book should, even if only to a small degree, contribute to an improvement in the level of scientific knowledge on the part of radio engineers. Its subject is the theoretical principles and possibilities for utilization in space of laser information systems. According to data published in the foreign press, the number of series-produced mod- els of laser information systems for use in space is still relatively small, al- though there are some more being developed experimentally (data on some of them are presented in this book). In connection with this it is advisable to expand and ex- tend the theoretical aspects of the space applications of laser information technol- ogy and equip engineers who are designing such equipment with techniques, algo- ~ rithms, a calculative apparatus for evaluating efficiency and mathematical models of systems. The development of engineering methods for calculating the basic charac- teristics of laser technology systems is an extremely urgent and important matter. This book is devoted primarily to this end. In this book we present a model of the optical field at the input of a receiving de- vice that makes it possible to allow for its quantum-statistical properties in the simplest way possible. Using the entropy approach, we determine the density matri- ces that characterize the state of the optical field. There is an analysis of quan- tum measurements on the basis of which we determine the observed variables corres- ponding to coherent and noncoherent reception methods and find the statistics of the optical field observed for the different states. On the basis of the statistical data, we analyze the resistance to interference of atmosphereless, digital, optical communication systems for different types of modu- lation and coherent and noncoherent reception methods. We also make a comparative analysis of different communication systems with respect to their resistance to in- terference and list the conditions under which quantum affects can be ignored. We also investigate the resistance to interference of optical communication systems in which the radiation passing through a space channel is even partially propagated through the atmosphere. The atmosphere's effect on optical radiation is analyzed. There is a discussion of the resistance to interference of optical systems under conditions of fluctuations in the parameters of an optical system caused by turbu- lence in the atmosphere. There is an investigation of the effectiveness of severa~ methods for weakening the effect of atmospheric turbulence, such as averaging with respect to the aperture, dispersed reception of optical signals, the use of correc- tive feedback in information systems with amplitude and polarization modulation and so on. There is a brief discussion of the basic features of a space communication system with a high information content and a traffic capacity of about 300 million binary units per second and optical locators for use in space. We discuss the optimal measuring of the parameters of an optical signal that are re- lated to corresponding para.-neters of spacecraft motion (distance, speed, angles). 31 FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504080058-5 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY We also list the special features of the construction of spatial opticoholographic systems for processing digital radio enqineering information; derive analytical ex- pressions for the average probability of incorrect reception of binary signals and encoded messaqes, as well as during the reception of inessages in general. We di.s- - cuss adaptive optical systems that make it possible to compensate for disturbanCes of the wave front of an optical beam propagating along a channel, as a result of which the intensity of the useful signal when it reaches the spacecraft's receiver is maximal. We also present mathematical models and efficiency indicators that are used to investigate the process of .LIS control. The special features of the support of the search mode cf spacecraft (KA) LIS's are discussed in Chapter 6, where--on the basis of an analysis of the sources of the ap- pearance of indeterminacy of the KA-subscriber positions at the moment of the begin- ning of a co~nunication session--the statistical characteristics of the zone of de- terminacy are determined, as well as the parameters characterizing the subscribers' relative motion in the KA-observer search plane. Chapter 7 is devoted to a discussion of automatic KA-subscriber tracking in the com- munication maintenance mode. Within the framework of a general mathematical model of the control process, there is an analysis of the a~ccuracy characteristics of *_he basic methods of automatic tracking in the optical band, including allowing for the effect of a turbulent atmosphere in the "KA-Earth" communication link. The possi- bility of synthesizing a tracking system, according to the basic operating criteria, is also discussed. Chapters 1 and 2 and Subsections 3.1-3.3 were written by A.A. Mordovin and A.G. Sheremet'yev, Subsections 3.4-3.6 and Chapter 4(except for Subsection 4.4) by A.G. Sheremet'yev, Subsection 4.4 by A.T. Serobabin and A.G. Sheremet'yev, Chapters 5, 6 and 7 by I.V. Minayev. TABLE OF CONTENTS ' Page Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 1. Statistical Distributions of Optical Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.1. Representation of the Field at a Receiving Device's Input 6 1.2. Density Matrix of States of an Optical Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3. Analysis of Quantum Measuring Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.4. Quantum Statistics of the Optical Field at a Receiving Device's Input 21 Chapter 2. Resistance to Interference of Optical Communication Systems With Dif- ferent Types of Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.1. Resistance to Interference of an Optical Communication System With a Non- coherent c:3rrier of Digital Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2. Resistance to Interference of Binary Conm~unication Systems With Amplitude and Phase Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3. Resistance to Interference of Binary Communication Systems With Polariza- tion and Frequency Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.4. Quantum Synthesis of Binary, Optical-Band Communication Systems 44 32 ~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Page Chapter 3. Resistance to Interference of Atmospheric Optical Communication Sys- tems and Ways of Improving It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.1. The Atmosphere as an Optical Comanunication Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.2. Effect of Atmospheric Fluctuations on the Resistance to Interference of Laser Communication Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.3. Methods for Weakening the Effect of Turbulent Fluctuations. 64 3.4. Efficiency of Optical Information Systems With Feedback 69 3.5. A~ro-Channel Optical Communication System for Spatial Dispersion 80 3.6. Experimental Laser Communication and Location Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Chapter 4. Optimum Measurement of Signal Parameters and Holographic Processing of Digital information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4.1. Measurement of Signal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4.2. Quantum Theory of Evaluation of Signal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 4.3. Classical Theory of Evaluation of Optical Signal Parameters 100 4.4. Holographic Processing of Digital Radio Engineering infoi-mation 108 Chapter 5. Principles of the Theory of Control of Laser Information Systems. 136 5.1. Principles of LIS Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 5.2. Physical Principles of the Construction of LIS Control Systems. 141 5.3. Mathematical Models of the Control Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 5.4. Effectiveness of LIS Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Chapter 6. Special Features of the Search Process in Laser Info~-mation Systems for Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 6.1. Indeterminacy of the Initial Position of LIS Subscribers. 179 6.2. Effect of Errors in Predicting KA Motion on the Formation of the Zone of Indeterminacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 6.3. Effect of Coordinate.System Plotting Device Errors on the Formation of the Zone of Indeterminacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 6.4. Evaluation of the Characteristics of Indeterminacy of the Subscribers' Position in the Search Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Chapter 7. Spatial Tracking of the Subscriber in Spacecraft Laser Information Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7.1. Principles of the Construction of Automatic Subscriber Tracking Systems 215 7.2. Requirements for Angular Tracking Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 7.3. Accuracy Characteristics of Angular Tracking Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . 222 7.4. Effect of a Turbulent Atmosphere on Tracking Accuracy 234 7.5. Optimization of the Parameters of Angular Tracking Systems. 245 7.6. Structural Diagram of ~he Synthesis of an LIS Tracking System 253 7.7. Definition of the Parameters of a Mathematical Model of the Control Process in the Communication Maintenance Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Bibliograghy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1981 11746 CSO: 1866/66 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY UDC 629.78.05 BUILDING SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS FOR USE IN SPACE Moscow NAUCHNOYE KOSMICHESKOYE PRIBOROSTROYENIYE in Russian 1981 (signed to press 4 Sep 81) pp 2-3, 194-203 [Annotation, introduction, table of contents and abstracts from collection "Scientific Space Instruments", edited by V. I. Fuks (responsible editor) et al., Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1400 copies, 204 pages] [Text) ANNOTATION This collection of works is devoted to questions arising in the fields of planning, designing, systems analysis and production of instruments for space research. The subjects discussed include scanning devices, stringed position sensors, ground equipment units built according to the "Vektor" standard, and methods for designing printed-circuit boards. - This book is designed to be used by scientific, engineering and technical personnel. INTRODUCTION The planning, development and production of scientific instruments for the study of outer space has been developed considerably in recent years and is now distinguished as an independent branch of instrument building. This book coritains materials obtained as the result of work done by design offices and experimental production facilities. For the reader's convenience all the mater- ials have been divided into four categories: Organizing and Planning the Develop- ment of Scientific Instruments," "Planning and Designing Scientific Equipment," "Systems Analysis of Scientific Equipment" and "Equipment Production Technology." The first section contains one article that is devoted to the problems involved in organizing and planning experimental design work with the help of a computer. In the second section there is a discussion of the basic principles of the construc- tion of a telescope for studying gamma radiation. There is a description of the in- dividual assemblies of a multispectral scanning system that is used to investigate the Earth's natural resources. Questions on the thermal conditions of a system based on a specially developed program for calculating thermal fields are discussed. There is a description of inethods for increasing the density of the layout of elec- tronic radio parts on boards,as well asboarda of an original curvilinear design. 34 ' )R OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480058-5 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Tne third section contains solutions to the problems involved in developing the ba- sic electrical circuits of scientific instruments- As was the case with previous collections, there is a discussion of electrometic amplifiers and secondary power sources. A series of articles is devoted to describing blocs of ground monitoring and measuring equipment built according to the "Vektor" standard (KAMAK). Individual questions of scientific equipment praduction technology are the subject of the articles in the fourth section. Naturally, this collection of works does not encompass all the question.s that have arisen in connection with the building of scientific instruments for u:~e in space. Nevertheless, the editorial board hopes that the materials in it will !~e useful for engineering and technical personnel engaged in solving practical problems encount-~ ered in building scientific instruments for use in space. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1. Organizing and Planning the Development of Scientific Instruments ~^rganiz~ng and Planning Experimental Design Work on the Basis of a Third- Generation Computer (T.I. Kurmanaliyev, A.B. Kuritskiy, A.N. Maksimenko, D.M. Neyman). 4 2. Planning and Designing Scientific Equipment Possible Principles for the Construction of Gamma-Telescopes and Logic of the Discrimination of Registered Particles (V.V. Akimov, S.A. Voronov, A.M. Gal'per, V.A. Grigor'yev, M.B. Dobriyan, L.F. Kalinkin, V.G. Kirillov-Ugryumov, T.I. Kurmanaliyev, L.V. Kurnosova, B.I. Luchkov, A.S. Melioranskiy, V.Ye. Nesterov, S.R. Tabaldyyev, Ye.I. Chuykin). . 20 Multila:~er, Broad-Gap, Spark Chamber-Converter for Recording Cosmic Gamma Radia- tion (A.S. Belousov, S.A. Voronov, A.M. Gal'per, V.G. Kirillov-Ugryumov, B.I. Luchkov, A.A. Moiseyev, Yu.V. Ozerov, A.V. Popov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Spectral, Polarimetric and Modulation Instruments for the Long-Wave Infrared Band . (G.B. Sholomitskiy, I.A. Maslov, S.A. Ignatenko, S.G. P:amestnik, V.A. Soglasnova, V.D. Gromov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 L.ight Source for the AbsoluLe Calibration of Upper Atmosphere Luminescence PlZOtometers (A.V. Rabinkov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Scanning Device With a Magnetoelectric Propelling Unit (P.A. Morozov, I.A. Grishin, S.G. Namestnik) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Power Characteristics of a Scanning Mirror's Oscillatory Motion (V.I . Terent'yev) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Lightened Mirrors for the Scanning Devices of scientific Instruments (V.N. Polukhin, T.M. Podol'skaya, M.S. Gomel'skiy, V.A. Gryaznov, S.G. Namestnik, P.A. Morozov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 The UKS-1 Scanning System Monitoring Unit (V.A. Busargin, A.N. Naumov, A.V. Popkov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 A Radiant Flux Commutator for On-Board Spectrometers (A.S. Derevyanchenko, S.A. Ignatenko, S.G. Namestnik, E.I. Rozhavskiy) 59 35 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Page Synthesis of a Spatial Transfer Device According to the Condition of Affiliation of 3ts Positions to a Single Assembly (K.S. Ivanov, I.A. Grishin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 On the Load on the Flexible Element of a Sealed Two-Wave Transmission From the Wave Generator's Side (K.Kh. Kozhakhmetov, A.M. Klimov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 DeteYmining the External Thermal Loads on Instruments Mounted on the Outside of an Artificial Earth Satellite, With Due Consideration for Shading (B.I. Andronnikov, A.G. Bruk, A.A. Dudeyev, L.V. Maziya) . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Experimental Investigation of Phase-Transition Materials Used in Devices for the Thermal Regulation of Spacecraft (N.D. Gudkova, A.I. Petrov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Research and Development of Programmed Optimum Control Systems (Zh. Sharshanaliyev, A.I. Romashchenko) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Insuring Data Reliability in Information Systems (Ye.A. Morozov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Stringed Information Sensors Based on Optically Pure Fused Quartz (V.Ye. Mel'nikov, A.I. Kim, Ye.N. Mel'nikova, T.I. Kurmanaliyev, V.A. Tsyshnatiy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Special Features of the Metrology of Linear and Angular Movements of Space ~quipment Assemblies by Stringed Information Sensors (V.Ye. Mel'nikov, N.V. Volkov, A.I. Kim, A.A. Zinov'yev) . . . . . . . . . . . 99 On the Possibility of Creating a Frequency-Controlled Characteristic of a Floating-Core Sensitive Element (V.Ye. Mel'nikov, Mel'nikova, V.Ch. Drobatukhin, T.I. Kurmanaliyev, A.I. ~ Kim) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Electrometric Amplifier Measurement Band and Operating Mode Switches (P.G. Sopin, A.F. Nazarenko) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 increasing the Layout Density of Multilayer Printed-Circuit Boards for On-Board Scientific Equipment (G.T. Panfilova, K.S. Sadykovl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Curvilinear Printed-Circuit Boards in On-Board Scientific Space Instrument Build- ing (G.I. Velichko, K.S. Sadykov, T.I. Chernyshova, O.P. Gol'tsova, N.V. Davlyatshina) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 3. Systems Analysis of Scientific Equipment Some Questions on the Construction of Aperiodic Automatic Equipment (O.V. Mayevskiy, Yu.V. Mamrukov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Planning Automatic Actuating Units for Automatic On-Board Systems (Yu.N. Arsen'yev) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Counters With Preliminary Scaling and Methods for Building Them (D.G. Shevchenko) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 A Spectrometric Amplifier With a Broad Dynamic Range for Semiconducting Detect- ors (Ye.A. Kornev, A.T. Kulikov, V.N. Lutsenko) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Selecting the Rational Electrical Circuitry for a Secondary Power Source With a Booster Unit (V. I. Osadchiy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 A Precision, High-Voltage, Stabilized Power Source 153 (D.A. Burgeyev) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ' )R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Page An Electrometric Amplifier for Measuring Currents With Different Polarities (K.1. Guseva, V.A. Notkin, B.G. Kozlov, I.S. Gorbunova). . . . . . . . . . . . 155 The BUK-5 2F Composite Programmed Unit for Controlling "Vektor"-Standard Equip- ment (O.V. Mayevskiy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 A"Vektor" System Communication Unit With a 15VSM-5 Computer Keyboard (A.N. Tsyganov, Yu.F. Yermolayev, V.A. Yefremkin, L.I. Morozova) 16?. A Unit fo r Coupling the Small MPU16-3 Printer to a Channel in a"Vektor" (A.A. Genvarev, Yu.F. Yermolayev) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 A Unit fo r Coupling the MT 1016 Digital Printer to a Channel in a"Vektor" Hous- ing (A.A. Genvarev, Yu.F. Yermolayev) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 - An Instrur~~~~nt for Testing Remote Switches (B.G. Kozlov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 A Photoe lectric Position Sensor . (V.V. '3olbachan, A.V. Izherovskiy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 _ An Analog Voltage-Multiplication Circuit ( P ankratov, A.I. Romashchenko) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'F9 A Uevice �or Galvanic Uncoupling (A.V. Logunov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 - 4. Equipment Productian Technology ' Production Technology for Reflecting S-Particle Targets , (A.M. Sasov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Optical Testing of the Planeness of the Grid Reflectors of a Fabry-Perot Inter- . ferome ter During Operation in the Infrared Band (A.N. Belorukov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 A Vacuum Installation for Ground Testing of Instruments That Operate Under Outer Space Conditions - (A.S. Denisov, S.S. Velikasov, A.N. Filatov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 ABSTRACTS UDC 001.89+681.3 ORGANIZING AND PLANNING EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN WORK ON THE BASIS OF A THIRD-GENERATION COMPUTER [Ab::t.ract of article by Kurmanaliyev, T.I., Kuritskiy, A.B., Maksimenko, A.N., and Neyman, D.M.] ~Tc~tl The authors discuss questions related to the planning and operational con- trol of experimental design work (OKR) based on network planning methods. 5pecial attention is given to the most important aspect of the use of network plannin3 meth- ods, whi ch is related to the compilation of calendar work schedules on the basis of the solu tion of problems cancerning the optimum distribution of resources among de~ velo~ers working in dif.ferent areas. The authors explain their experience in solv- ing thes e problems with the help of packages of appliPd programs for a third- generati on computer. They also discuss organizational questions concerning the for- mulation of an OKR planning and control system ba~ed on the package of applied pro- grams f or the "Resursy" SMO (probably software system]. References 6. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 529.1.07:629.78 POSSIBLE PRINCIPLES FOR THE CON:TRUCTION OF GAMMA-TELESCOPES AND LOGIC OF THE DIS- CkIMINATION OF REGISTERED PARTICLES [Abstract of article by Akimov, V.V., Voronov, S.A., Gal'per, A.M., Grigor'yev, V.A., Dobriyan, M.B., Kalinkin, L.F., Kirillov-Ugryumov, V.G., Kurmanaliyev, T.I., Kurnosova, L.V., Luchkov, B.I., Melioranskiy, A.S., Nesterov, V.Ye., Tabaldyyev, S.R., and Chuykin, Ye.I.,] [Text) The authors describe a gamma-radiation telescope and its individual systems, which must satisfy requirements emanating from the problems involved in recording very small flows gamma-quanta against a background of charged particles. They also describe the logic of the discrimination of the registered particles. Figures 3; references 3. UDC 539.1.074.24 MULTILAYER, BROAD-GAP, SPARK CHAMBER-CONVERTER FOR RECORDING COSMIC G1~1MMA RADIATION (Abstract of article by Belousov, A.S., Voronov, S.A., Gal'per, A.M., Kirillov- Ugryumov, V.G., Luchkov, B.I., Moiseyev, A.A., Ozerov, Yu.V., and Popov, A.V.] [Text] The authors describe the design and power unit of a gamma-radiation tele- scope's basic detector, which is a broad-gap spark chamber. They present the re- sults of an investigation of inethods for reducing fluctuations in brightness and spark alignment, which have a significant effect on measurement accuracy during vid- icon information output. Figures 4; references 2. - IIDC 681.78 SPECTRAL, POI,ARIMETRIC AND MODULATION INSTRUMENTS F0:2THE LONG-WAVE INFRARED BAND [Abstract of article by Sholomitskiy, G.B., Maslov, I.A., Ignatenko, S.A., . Namestnik, S.G., Soglasnova, V.A., and Gromov, V.D.] [Text] The authors describe an adjustable Fabry-Perot interferometer and a polarim- eter for extra-atmospheric astrophysical investigations in the long-wave infrared band with waves longer than 40 um, as well as a focal infrared modulator with a swinging mirror. Figures 8; references 10. UDC 535.8:681.7 LIGHT SOURCE FOR THE ABSOLUTE CALIBRATION OF UPPER ATMOSPHERE LUMINESCENCE PHOTOME- TERS [Abstract of article by Rabinkov, A.V.J [Text~ The author describes the design of a light source that is intended to be used for absolute calibration of upper atmosphere luminescence photometers. He also presents a technique for calibrating the light source and gives the power parameters of its emissions. Figures 2; references 6. 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.783.323.3 SCA!~1NING DEVICE WITH A MAGNETOELECTRIC PROPELLING UNIT [Abstract of article by Morozov, P.A., Grishin, I.A., and Namestnik, S.G.] [Text] The authors descr::~C the design of a scanning device with a magnetoelectric propelling uni*. ~~ne device has a plane mirror that oscillates according to a saw- tooth rule, with a forward and backward motion ratio of 2:1 and a frequency of 12-15 Hz. Figures 2. UDC 531.6:681.783.323.3 POWER CHARACTERISTICS OF A SCANNING MIRROR'S OSCILLATORY MOTION [Abstract of article by Terent'yev, V.I.] [Text] 'I'he author demonstrates how to calculate the parameters. The rules that he derives can be used as a basis for designing scanning devices that have (for exam- ple), a magnetoelectric motor. Figures 1. UDC 535.312~ 1.IGHTENED MIRRORS FOR THE Sc:ANNIIVG DEVICES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS [Abstract of article by Polukhin, V.N., Podol'skaya, T.M., Gomel'skiy, M.S., Gryaznov, V.A., Namestnik, S.G., and Morozov, P.A.) [Text] The authors describe the design of a lightened. metallic mirror backing, as well as the glass coatings used and the technology for applying them. The mirrors were developed at the USSR Academy of Sciences' Design Office. Figures 2. UDC 531.749:621.396.965 THE UKS-1 SCANNING SYSTEM MONITORING UNIT [Abstract of article by Busargin, V.A., Naumov, A.N., and Popkov, A.V.] [Text) The authors describe the design of a unit that is used to measure the basic parameters of the oscillatory motion of a scanning system's mirror. They explain this unit's operating technique and present the results of tests with scanner mod- els. Figures 2; references 2. UDC 535.241.13:778.534.8 1~ RADIANT FLUX COMMUTATOR FCiR ON-BOARD SPECTROMETERS [Abstract of article by Derevyanchenko, A.S., Ignatenko, S.A., Namestnik, S.G., and Rozha~~skiy, E.I.] (Text) The authors describe a radiant flux commutator that is used for spatio- temporal separation of radiant energy flows striking t,e matr~:: of a fiber-optic 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 F'OR OF'R[CIAL USE ONLY splitter and originating on the Earth's surface and in the internal calibration sources of a multispectral scanning system. Figures 1. UDC 531.8 SYNTHESZS OF A SPATIAL TRANSFER DEVICE ACCORDING TO THE CONDITION OF AFFILIATION OF ITS POSITIONS TO A SINGLE ASSEMBLY (Abstract of article by Ivanov, K.S., and Grishin, I.A.] [Text] The authors set up the problem of formulating the geometric conditions for affiliati~n of the different positions of a spatial mechanism to one assembly and use these conditions to synthesize a crank-balance beam transfer mechanism with a given fozward and backward motion ratio. Figures 4; references 4. UDC 62I..833.7:539.5 ON THE LOAD ON THE FLEXIBLE ELEMENT OF A SEALED TWO-WAVE TRANSMISSION FROM THE WAVE GGNF.RIITOR'S SIDE (Abstract of article by Kozhakhmetov, K.Kh., and Klimov, A.M.) [Text) The authors derive an analytical exprEcs~~on for the load on the flexible el- ement of a sealed two-wave transmission that is imposed by the wave generator. The rigid ring's reaction is not taken into consideration. They use a computer to make the numerical calculations of the load and its resultant. Figures 2; references 1. UDC 519.67:536+629.78 DETERMINING THE EXTERNAL THERMAL LOADS ON INSTRUMENTS MOUNTED ON THE OUTSIDE OF AN ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITE, WITH DUE CONSIDERATION FOR SHADING [Abstract of article by Andronnikov, B.I., Bruk, A.G., Dudeyev, A.A., and Maziya, L.V.] [Text] The authors discuss numerical methods for determining the external thermal lcads on externally mounted equipment, allowing for the mutual shadings of different parts of instruments. They analyze the acc.uracy of the results when the calcula- tions are made on a computer. The algorithms and programs they have develope~ are suitable for calculating ttie thermal conditions for a multispectral scanning system. Figures 3; references 6. UDC 629.78:536.24.08 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF PHASE-TRANSITION MATERIALS USED IN DEVICES FOR TH~ TEi~RM11L RGGULIITION OF SPACECRI'.FT [1lbstract of article by Gu~ikova, N.D., and Petrov, A.I.] (Text] The authors present experimental data an investigation of two phase- transition materials--lithium trihydrate nitrate and disodium phosphate dodeca- hydrate--under a broad r~n~e of thermal lo-:as. Fig~zres 6; referer.~es 3. 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.51-529 RESEARCH AND DEVEIAPMENT OF PROGRAMMED OPTIMUM CONTROL SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by Sharshanaliyev, Zh., and Romashchenko, A.Z.] [Text] The authors present the full synthesis of an automatic control system (SAU) that is optimum with respect to energy consumption and is used, for example, to con- trol the angular position of the shaft of a direct-current microelectric motor in the presence of a static reactive moment. They discuss the possibility of realizing the control algorithms for a programmed SAU that is optimum with respect to energy consumption and operating speed on the basis of mon~typical analog computational el- ements. Figures 5; refecences 3. UDC 681.322.002.2 INSURING DATA RELIABILITY IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by Morozov, Ye.A.] ~ [Text) The author discusses the question of insuring intrasystem reliability, as well as the question of the functioning of an information system, and presents a model for determini:~g the optimum interval between monitoring points. Figures 4; references 2. UDC 531 STRINGED INFORMATION SENSOR~ BASED ON OPTICALLY PURE FUSED QUARTZ [Abstract ~t article by Mel'nikov, V.Ye., Kim, A.I., Mel'nikova, Ye.N., Kurmanaliyev, T.I., and Tsyshnatiy, V.A.] [TextJ The authors discuss the possibility of improving the metrological accuracy and technological and operating characteristics oi~ st~;nged information sensors mac~e of optically pure fused quartz. They present some output characteristics of stringed sensors that have already been developed; these characteristics indicate that quartz stringed sensors are promising. Figures 3; references 4. UDC 531.7+629.78 SPECIAL F'EATURES OF THE METROLOGY OF LINEAR AND ANGULAR MOVEMENTS OF SPACE EQUIPMf:NT ASSEMBLIES BY STRINGED INFORMATION SENSORS [Abstract of article by Mel'nikov, V.Ye., Volkov, N.V., Kim, A.I., and Zinov'yev, A.A.] [TextJ The authors discuss various types of stringed sensors for multipurpose use, deter:~ine the factors that affect the stability of a sensor's frequency, and make recommendations for the conditions under which several different element designs should be used. Figures 3; references 6. 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 531+539.67 ON THE POSSIBILITY OF CREATING A FREQUENCY-CONTROLLED CHARACTERISTIC OF A FLOATING- CORE SENSITIVE ELEMENT [Abstract of article by Mel'nikov, V.Ye., Mel'nikova, Ye.N., Drobatukhin, V.Ch., Kurmanaliyev, T.I., and Kim, A.I.] [Text] The authors discuss one of the possible versions of a controllable damping device that creates periodic braking forces along a sensor's measuring axis. They present calculating relationships, oscillograms of modeling performed on an MN-7M, and the results of an experimental test of the proposed damping device's basic pa- rameters. Figures 3; references 2. . UDC 621.316.5+621.375 ELECTROMETRIC AMPLIFIER MEASUREMENT BAND AIJD OPERATING MODE SWITCHES [Abstract of article by Sopin, P.G., and Nazarenko, A.F.] [TextJ The authors describe the designs of the measurement band and operating mode switches for electrometric amplifiers carried on board spacecraft. Figures 2; ref- . erences 5. UDC 621.3.049.75 INCREASING THE LAYOUT DENSITY OF MULTILAYER PRINTED-CIRCUIT BOARDS FOR ON-BOARD SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT [Abstract of article by Panfilova, G.T., and Sadykov, K.S.] [Text] The authors describe the design and technological improvements used in multilayer printed-circuit boards manufactured by the open contact area method, as a result of which it has been possible to reduce the unit's size and the number of layers in multilayer printed-circi it boards. Figures 2; references 3. UDC 621.3.049.75 CURVILINEAR PRINTED-CIRCUIT BOARDS IN ON-BOARD SCIENTIFIC SPACE INSTRUMENT BUILDING [Abstract of article by Velichko, G.I., Sadykov, K.S., Chernyshova, T.I., Gol'tsova, O.P., and Davlyatshina, N.V.) [Text] The authors discuss the design and production technology for curvilinear printed-circuit boards. Figures 2. UDC 681.5 SOME QUESTIONS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF APERIODIC AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT [Abstract of article by Mayevskiy, O.V., and Mamrukov, Yu.V.J 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] The authors discuss questions concerning the element base of aperiodic de- vices and the construction of indicators of the completion of transient processes. They also substantiate a new approach to the synthesis of aperiodic devices based on arbitrary logic elements. Fiqures 4; references 4. UDC 681.5 PLANNING AUTOMATIC ACTUATING UNITS FOR AUTOMATIC ON-BOARD SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by Arsen'yev, Yu.N.] ~ [Text] The author investigates several questions concerning the rational construc- tion of commutators fram a given element base and questions on the encoding of in- ternal states with due consideration for functional reliability and simplicity of control. He also presents a generalized technique for planning automatic actuating units. Figures 4; references 13. ~ UDC 621.374.32.037.372.2 COUNTERS WITH PRELIMINARY SCALING AND METHODS FOR BUILDING THEM (Abstract of article by Shevchenko, D.G.] [Text] The author presents a classification of counters with preliminary scaling and variants in the design of their electrical circuitry, as well as the basic meth- ods for selecting these counters according to given parameters. Figures 3; refer- ences 2. UDC 621.375:539.1.074 A SPECTROMETRIC AMPLIFIER WITH A BROAD DYNAMIC RANGE FOR SEMICONDUCTING DETECTORS [Abstract of article by IGornev, Ye.A., Kulikov, A.T., and Lutsenko, V.N.] [Text] The authors describe a spectrometric amplifier with automatic high-speed regulation of the amplification factor, which makes it possible to cover a broad dy- namic range of signals from semiconducting detectors. Figures 3; references 3. UDC 621.316.7 SELECTING THE RATIONAL ELECTRICAL CIRCUITRY FOR A SECONDARY POWER SOURCE WITH A BOOSTER UNIT [Abstract of article by Osadchiy, V.I.] (Text] The author presents an analysis of the known circuitry of secondary power sources with boosters, which sources are designed to provide the maximum possible efficiency from the smallest size. He makes recommendations for selecting circuits and presents an engineering method for calculating efficiency. He also describes a secondary power source with a booster that has increased efficiency and reduced di- mensions in comparison with known systems. Figures 6; references 5. 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.316.7 A PRECISION, HIGH-VOLTAGE, STABILIZED POWER SWRCE [Abstract of article by Burgeyev, D.A.] [Text] The author describes a precision,, stanili~:d power source, the special feature of which is the use of galvanically uncoupled feedback and a split- ter with an increased transmission factor. Figures 1; references 2. UDC 621.375.132 AN ELECTROMETRIC AMPLIFIER FOR MEASURING CURRENTS WITH DIFFERENT POLARITIES [Abstract of article by Guseva, K.I., Notkin, V.A., iCozlov, B.G., and Gorbunova, I.S.] (Text] The authors describe the layout of an electrometric amplifier with a piecewise-linear characteristic that is used to convert positively and negatively polarized direct current from high-resistance current sensors into an output voltage of 0.1-6.1 V. The range of ineasurable currents is from -1-10-9 to +1�10-8 A. The operating temperature range is from -20 to +50�C, while the power consumption is less than 300 mW. Automatic switching of the conversion conductance has been real- ized. The authors present the results of temporal drift measurements when MOP [metallic oxide semiconductor] transistors from di~ferent batcbes in a shipment are used. Figures 1; references 3. UDC 681.3 THE BUK-52F COMPOSITE PROGRAMMED UNIT FOR CONTROLLING "VEKTOR"-STANDARD EQUIPMENT ~ [Abstract of article by Mayevskiy, O.V.] [TextJ The author describes a unit built according to the "Vektor" standard that makes it possible to organize program control of a branch in the "Vektor" standard with one additional frame. He suggests that the unit be used with a memory having a capacity of up to 4,096 x 18 words and the industrially pro~uced BUM2-90 unit. Fig- ures 3; references 2. UDC 681.327.8 A"VEKTOR" SYSTEM COMMUNICATION UNIT WITH A 15VSM-5 KEYBOARD [Abstract of article by Tsyganov, A.N., Yermolayev, Yu.F., Yefremkin, V.A., and Morozova, L.I.] (Text] The authors describe the BUK-100 communication unit, which organizes the coupling of the standard data transmission channel of "Vektor" systems with a 15VSM-5 computer. The unit performs the following functions: reception of data and commands from the computer and transmission of them, in repackaged form, into the frame channel; reception of data and readiness patterns from the frame channel; or- ganization of provisional UP1 and UP2 transitions in the computer's program. Fig- ures 1. 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.327.8 A UNIT FOR COUPLING THE SMALL MPU16-3 PRINTER TO A CHANNEL IN A"VEKTOR" FRAME [Abs~ract of article by Genvarev, A.A., and Yermolayev, Yu.F.] [Text] The authors describe a module, built according to the "Vektor" standard, for coupling the small MPU16-3 printer to a frame channel. Figures 2. UDC 681.327.8 A UNIT FOR COUPLING THE MT 1016 DIGITAL PRINTER TO A CHANNEL IN A"VEKTOR" FRAME [Abstract of article by Genvarev, A.A., and Yermolayev, Yu.F.] [Text] The authors describe a unit for coupling the MT 1016 digital prxnter with a "Vektor" frame channel. They discuss the coupling unit's functional diagram and temporal operating diagram. Figures 2. UDC 621.317.004 AN INSTRUL~lENT FOR TESTING REMOTE SWITCHES [Abstract of article by Kozlov, B.G.] [Text] The authors describes an instrument for testing remote switches with a trip voltage of no more than 100 V. The input signal has positive polarity of any form and an amplitude of 3.5-7 V. The operating mode is automatic, and it can be set to operate either one time only or manually. Figures 1. UDr' 621.383.5 A PHOTOELECTRIC POSITION SENSOR [Abstract of article by Bolbachan, V.V., and Izherovs~.iy, A.V.] (Text] The authors describe a sensor that is used in a mobile mechanical system's monitoring system. The sensor forms a pulse, the forward front of which corresponds to the moving system's passage through a qiven point, with due consideration for the direction of movement with respect to a single coordinate. Figures 2; references 3. UDC 681.322.51 AN ANALOG VOLTAGE-MULTIPLICATION CIRCUIT ' [Abstract of article by Pankratov, N.N., and Romashchenko, A.i.~ [TextJ The authors describe a circuit for the multiplication of alternating voltage into direct-current voltage. The circuit is based on two bipolar and one MOP [prob- ably metallic oxide semiconductor] tran.sistors, and its energy consumption is about 4 mW. Figures 2; references 4. 45 � FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.372.832.8 A DEVICE FOR GALVANIC UNCOUPLING [Abstract of article by Logunov, A.V.] [TextJ The author describes the operating principle and technical characteristics of a device for galvanic uncoupling that is based on a modulator-demodulator system, with keys based on ;�~OP [~etallic mcide semiconductor] transistors, Figures 2. UDC 681.586.38 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR REFLECTING B-PARTICLE TARGETS [Abstract of article by Sasov, A.M.] [Text~ The author discusses questions concerning the technology for producing re- flecting R-particle targets based on bismuth. Figures 1; references 3. UDC 53.082.54 OPTICAL TESTING OF T[-~ PLANENESS OF THE GRID REFLECTORS OF A FABRY-PEROT INTERFEROM- ETER DURING OPERATION IN THE INFRARED BAND [Abstract of article by Belorukov, A.N.] [Text] The author describes a technique for the optical testing of the planeness of grid reflectors of a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Figures 5; references 1. UDC 621.52 A VACUUM INSTALLATION FOR GROUND TESTING OF INSTRUMENTS THAT OPERATE UNDER OUTER SPACE CONDITIONS (Abstract of article by Denisov, A.S., Velikasov, S.S., and Filatov, A.N.] [TextJ The authors describe an installation for ground testing of instruments that are intended to operate in outer space. A vibrationless evacuation system is achieved by replacing the mechanical pre-evacuation pump with an adsorption one. Figures 2; references 2. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 11746 CSO: 1866/39 46 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i UDC 629.78 SYNTFIESIS OF ALGORITHM FOR CONTROLLING MOTION IN VERTICAL PLANE OF TRANSPORT SPACE- CRAFT AT STAGE OF APPROACH FOR LANDING AND LEVELING Moscow KOSMICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA in Russian Vol 20, No 2, Mar-Apr 82 (manuscript received 2 Jun 80) pp 206-210 [Article by A.A. Zhevnin and V.A. Stxebkova] [Text] The authors discuss questions related to the synthesis of laws, formulated in accordance to the feedback principle, for controlling the motion of a transport spacecraft. The synthesis is done on the basis of the inverse problem of dynamics. The val- ues of the control effects are determined from the solution of a first-order differential equation. This article is devoted to synthesizing a system for terminal control of the speed and altitude of a transport spacecraft (TKK) in the vertical plane. The basic dif- ; ference between our results and thase available in the literature [1] is that the ~ algorithm for the formation of the control effects, as created by an aerodynamic el- ~ evator and thrust, is synthesized in accordance with a closed cycle. The mathematical model of a TKK can be described by a system of nonlinear differen- ' tial equations that allow for both the forward motion of the center of mass and ro- tation around it: 1~'=V sin A, (1) ~ L=V cos H, ( 2 ) V=(n,,,-sin3)8, (3) U= (?~re-cos A) 8/V, ( 4 ) '~=w=, ( 5 ) ( m:+m,"'bw~,/ Ve+m~�'8e) b~qsll:, ( 6 ) n~,= (P cos a- (c: (ab) cos Aa-c� sin Otx) 4S) /G, ~ q=pVe'/2, n,~={Psina+(c~(ab)cosAa+c=(a,)sin0a)qS)/G, W~(W~'~-W�`)'", Da=arctg ((W� cos O-W= sin O)/ (V- (Ws cos 9+W� sin 9) a~ae-Da, v,= ~~+w=-a v~ w= ~os e+w, s~n e> ~=e+a. The dynamic properties of the autothrottle control are allowed for by the differen- tial equation ; p=b,P-b=-b~Ve-Fb~a~* (7 ) . where H= vertical distance from the center of mass to the landing gear wheels' paint of contact with the runway during a horizontal landing; L= horizontal 47 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 F'OR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY distance from the TKK's center of mass to the runway at the point of contact; 9= angle of inclination of the trajectory to the horizon; db = angle of deflection of the elevator; G= weight of the TKK; IZ = moment of inertia; S= wing area; bA = = aerodynamic mean chord of a wing; mZwz, mZab = aerodynamic coefficients; p= den- sity of the air; cX = cX(ab), cy = cy(ab) = prescribed functions; g= gravitational acceleration; WX, Wy = effect of the medium (horizontal and vertical components of the wind); bl, b2. b3, b4 = constant coefficients; a~ = deflection of the throttle quadrant; a= angle of attack. The change in the TKKgs weight will be ignored. We will consider the effect of the medium to be uncontrollable and assume that its effect on the flight up to current moment t is manifested in the state being real- ized at this moment: X(t) ~{V, V', H, 1~, t~, u~j}, ' (8) where V= ground speed; V= acceleration; H= vertical speed; angle between the object's longitudinal axis and the horizon; wZ = angular velocity. For the sake of detexminacy we will assume that the information arout state (8) is both errorfree and timely. Here we will undezstand synthesis of a system for controlling the TKK's vertical maneuvering to mean the construction of an algorithm for the formation of the con- trol effects guiding the TKK from its current state to a given final state by a cer- tain moment of time ts. The flight begins from state (8) and should end with the TKK reaching the following state when t= ts: (A) H ~t~~ =Hp~ Hc~, ~te) =Ne , k=1, 2, . . . , 4~ V ~tn) =Ve, (9) _ V~"~ (te) a~Va"~, n~1, 2, 3. ~ In this article the control algorithm is constructed on the basis of the inverse problem of dynamics [2,3~. First, let us solve the problem of constructing the al- gorithm for the formation of control effects d~(t) and a~g(t), which insures that the TKK goes from the initial state X~ta~~Xa ~1~~ to the final state (9), with disturbing effects WX = Wy = 0, it being the case that the motion should�take place according to the known programs of motion H(t) and ~ V(t), which connect the onset of motion (10) with its completion (9). In order to find the control effects, let us formulate a system of differential equations [2J, the order of which must coincide with the order of the original sys- tem of differential equations (1)-(7). This systE:m can be derived by successive differentiation of equations (1) and (3): 1I"'=gIG (P~'~ sin ~+2u~=p cos $-Pa~s= sin ~U) -4k,Vi~ (ak~~-Ak,) - -2k,k, (V'+VV"' ) +0~''k,V' (k~-k,) -k,V= (2A ( ac�a)' sin 9+ +2aAc~s (2Ac, cos U+sin A) -ek=) -f-c~s (g/GP cos f?-k,k. V=) , (11) i~"' =P~'~g/G cos a-c~=ks-I-9~'~ (k,-g cos 9) -2k,c=(V z+V V�' )+g~' sin 9- -2a(Pg/G sin a-F4Ak,c~c�aVV ) -dcZ (g/GP aos a+2Ak~ (~~ay)'), where c~~=(mj+m,�'~6~c~,/V+m.�'8a)b~4s~j=, k~~pgSl(2G), a~�~yo-f-~."a, ~x= =c~o+Ac�=, m,=rre,o-~'m.�a, g=pV'/2, k,=c= sin 9-c~ cos 0, k,=c= cos 6-~-c~ sin 9, k~=c��(2Ac� sin 9-cos 0), k,~Pg/G sin a+2k,c,,c�aAV', P"'=6,I~-baV'+6,aq, 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . 0'='--V~/Y+(pglG sin a-~-a(Pg/G cos a+k,V'tc~a) ~-2k~cyVlY-I-gd sin 9)/V, ~ where g and P are determined by expressions ;4) and (7), respectively. Let us rewrite system (11) in the following form: ; Pc:~ka.fti~.k,=H~'~+M,, P~t~ke-ci~:ks=V~'~~-M:, (12~ ' where k~~g/G sin f?, k,= (Pg/G cos ~0-k,k,Vs), k,=g/G cos a, ~ M~~-g/G (21~~u. cos 4-Fw~' ain ~T)+2k,k=(V'+VV~'~)+4k~VT~X ' X (ak~+~k,) -I-klY=(6~z' (k,-k,)+2A (c~aa) ~ sin 0-~lkZ-f-2u~ev�`X , X(2Ac� cos 0-f-sin 8) M,=-9~'~ (k,-g cos A)-I-2a(~g/G sin a-I-4Ak,c~c~aV~)-I- ; ~ -~-a' (Pg/G cos a-F2k, (c~�~V)'-~-2k,cs(V'+VV~=~) -gg= sin A). ~ In system (12), let us replace P~2~ and wZ with the expressions for them. Then, af- ~ ter transformation, system (12) will have the form ( b~ka -k~k~l( 8 / _ \ Et / (13 ) \ b~k, k,ko / \ 6 a ' where E~=H~~~~-Mt-kek~o-k~k~~, ~'s=V~~~-~-lYl3-kek,o+ksk~~, ko=ms�~b~4s/1:, k~o=btp-Fb~~, k,t= (ms-I-m,�'~b~~:/Y) b~9sll:� Having solved system (13), we have or,~s (E,k,+Lsk,)~(b~~kske-~1c~1~e))~ (14) d~,= (E~ke-L''=ke)~ (kr (ksk~-~k7ke) (15) Solution (14), (15) exists if b~s~0, k,~0, (16) kske-~k~ke#0, tE[ta, tp]. -i From an analysis of e~uations (6) and (7), coefficients b4 and k9 determined the ef- fectiveness of the control effects and cannot be zero. After transformation, the last relationship in system (16) is written in the following form: i P (sin a sin ~?-t-cos $ cos a) -I-c~apSV= (c�A (sin ~ 17 ~ -cos a sin 6)+0,5 cos 9 cos a) ~0. An analysis of (17) shows that relationship is fulfilled. For real modes and aero- dynamic air.craft layouts, cos 6~t~/2, c�A sin a-F0,5 cos a>0, (18> ' theti, having transformed (17), we obtain the inequality COS e ~P'+'Cy�`PSV= ~CyAOG'~"0,5~ ~ ~O~ I19 ) which is always correct when conditions (18) exist. Thus, we can conclude that system (13) is solvable. Further, by giving the motion programs H(t) and V(t) in the form of polynomials [3] ~ 6 H (t) =Ha-f- ~Ha~A) ~t-ta) R/kl-F- ~ Ct? (t-ta) ( 20) p~~ k~! 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080058-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : . v~t~=va"~ ~VaA~ ~t-La~k~~Cl'~" ~BR~~t-ta~~+i ~21~ A~t A~f and substituting them into (14), (15), we obtain expressions that will be used to determine the control effects 8b and a~g. Coefficients Ci (i = 1,...,5) and Bj (j = 1,...,4) in (20) and (21) are determined from the conditions of the passage of programs (20} and (21) through their final states. In order to fulfill the condition of monotonicity of the trajectory ~i(t), we have derived the following relationship for selecting time ts: _ 210 ~Fla-Hn) + ta