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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540080002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY J PRS 1110E28 2 Ju~Y 1982 USSR Re drt p ENERGY (~OUO 10/82? FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but from news agenc.y transmission~ and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, w~th the original phrasing and other character istics retained. Headlines, editor ial reports, and u~aterial enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such 3s [Text] = or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or fo llowing the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Worc~s or na~es preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but hav~ been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattrib~xted parenthetical notes within the body of an item origi:zate with the source. Times within items are as given by source . The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIAL S REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT D ISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500084002-6 a�vn va . .v....r .....r - J'PRS T~/10628 2 ~7'uly 1982 USSR REPORT ENERGY - (FOVO 1a/821 CONTENTS ~ ELE i.TRI C POWER Socialist Obligations for 1982, llth Five Year Plan (ELEKTRIQiESKIYE STANTSII, May 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fuel, Energy Complexes Needs Described ~ (A. A. Troitskiy; TEPLOENERGETIKA, May 82) 13 ] Large TES Complex Design in Tyumenskaya O~last (V. N. Okhotin, et al.; TEPLOENERGETIKA, May 82)......... 21 ~ao Brief Book Reviews (TEPLOENERGE TIKA, May 82) 32 ENE RGY CONSE RVATION Results of All-Union Competition for Energy Conservation (S. I. Veselov, I. M. Fetisova; PROI~SHLENNAYA ENERGETIICA, Jan 82) 34 FUE LS ' Analysis, Planning, Forecasting Cost of Oil Production (ANALIZ, PLANIROVANIYE I PRO(~~TOZIROVANIYE SEBESTOIMO6TI DOBY(~iI NEFTI, 1981) 41 PIP~LINES Underground Trunk Pipelines ( PODZEIrddYYE MIAGIS TRAL' NYYE TRUB OP ROVODY, 1982 ) . . . . . . . . . . . 4%+ - a- LIII - USSR - 37 FOUO] ,1' , .Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 ELECTRIC POWER SO~.IALIST ~LIGATICfl~i~ FOR 1982, 11TH FIVE YEAR PLAN Moscow II~II{TRICHE~KIYE S~ANTSII in Russiar~ No 5, May 82 pp 2-7 [Article: Socialist Obligations of Workers, II~g~.r~eers, Technicians, Scientists and Employees of the USSR Ministry of Flectric Po,rer and Electrification [Mi.nenergo] IIlterprises and Organizations on the 1982 Plan fo~~ ~Jconomic and Social Development and the 11th Five-Year Plan as a whole Ahead of ~chedule"] [Text] To implement the historical decisions of the 26th party congress on the further development of the country�s power and electrification on the basis of the wide development of socialist competition, Soviet power workers and power bu~lders axe carrying out purposeful work to increase the power potential of the national economy, accelerate development of nucleax power, and create greater efficiency in power and construction production. Dzring the first yeax of the ilth Five-Year Plan period powar workers provided the national economy with electrical and thermal energy which were within the esta,b�- lished limits. The electric power output was 1223.3 billion kilowatt-hours, o~ 100.4~ of the plan.. Some 886.3 million gigacalories of heat energy were supplied, or 100.8yd of the plan. A reduction in unit fuel consumption was achieved and saved about 1 million tons of conventional fuel. Some 100 million rubles of profit above the plan wex e obtained due to a reduction in the cost of productior.a In addition to the annual programs, 1~0 million rubles worth of produats were manu- factured at the plants of this industri~til sector, including 1.3 million rubles worth of consumer gonds. The installed capacity of all electric power plants rea.ched 2?7 mi1:~'.on kilawatts ~ including that of nuclear power plants 15 I??illion kilowatts. The peaceful atom works successfully at the Leningradska.ya, Chernobyl�skaya, Kurskaya, Kul�skaya, Armyanskaya and other AES. The rated capacity of the laxgest power unit in the world with a fast neutron 600,000 kilowatt reactor at the Beloyarskaya AF~ was as- similated. A superpower 1150 kilovolt IItibastuz-Ural VL [~Overhead Line] is being built. In 1981, new capacities i:ere relea.sed for operation at the Kol�skaya, Kovenskaya and Chernobyl�skaya AES; at the ~tavropol'ska.ya, 5yrdar'inska,ya and Maxyyskaya GRF~; and at the Sayno-Shushenska.ya, Nizhnekamskaya and Cheboksaxskaya GES. The first units produced current at the Dnestrovska,ya and Kurpsayakaya GE59 the 1 ~ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 FUR OFF7CIAL U5~ ONLY Azerbaydzhanskaya GRES and the Yuzhnaya TETS in Moscot~ and Leningrad. The follow- ing were put in operationa the Nadezhdinskiy Mining-Metallurgical Plant; the second stage of Kamaz ~Kama Motor Vehicle Plant~; new capacities at the Volga Pipe Plant; the next in tuxn unit for producing 450,000 tons of ammonia at the Togliatti Piant; four buildings with a total area of' 23$,000 squaxe meters at the Atoi~unash Plant; and a number of other facilities. Construction rates of large electric power plants which use coal from the IIiibastuz _ and Kansko-Achinsk deposits and the ~atural and by-product gases of Tyumenskaya - Ob1a.~t are being increa~ed.. Four 500,~00 kilowatt units operate at the IItibastuzskaya GR~ and a tnirteenth 210,000 kilowatt po*~er uni~; was place~ in oper- ation at the Surgutskay~. GRES. Considerable work was done on the socialist development of collectives. To i m- prove housing and cultural and personal 1~~-~ng conditions of the workers in this industrial sector, 2,089,p00 squa,.Le meters of housing area were built. The follow- ing we~ placed in operations general educational schools for 8800 students; childrens� combines with 7900 p~aces; hospitals with 320 beds; trade schools for _ 1~40 students; dining rooms with seating capa.citles of 11,900; and stores with areas of 7500 square meters. Some 134,000 new workers were trained in vaxious courses in the brigad~ methods; some 450,000 workers and 1?0,000 engin~ers and technicians increased their skills - and acquired related trades. The leading collectives of the Krasnoyarskaya. and Nurekskaya GES; the Kostromskaya, ReftinsI~aya~ Konakovskaya and Lukoml�skaya GR~5; the Azenergostroy Trust; the Mos- cow "Elektroshchit" Plant; the T.lneyroenergostroyindustria Production Association and others have fulfilled their 1981 socialist obligations ahead of schedule. For selfless labo.r and for achieving high indica,tors in socialist competition, the following collectives of builders and operating workers received congratulations from Comrade I,. Ia Bre~hnev, Gener~,l ~ecretary of the CP5U Central Committee ar.d ~hairman of the USSR P~ esidium of the ~upreme Sovieti the Reftinskaya and Kostromskaya GRr"~; the Ust�-Ilimskaya GES; t:~e Ust�-Ilimskay LPK [Lumber Industry Complex~; the Cheboksaxskaya GF~; the ~ur8utskaya GR~; the KamAZ; the Roven~kaya AF5; the Togliatti Nitrogen Plant; the Arpa-Sevan Tunnel; the Kurpsayskaya G~'S and = others~ At the same time~ individual collectives and the ministry as a whole have fulfilled neither the tasks for the first year of the lith Five-Year Plan nor the socialist obligations on reducing unit fuel consumption, introducing power capacities, f.; " ities for social, cultural and personal service purposes, and increasing the productivity of labor. In 1981, there ~as fui-ther development in socialist competition of collectives on th~~ principle of �.acrking relay races and tne experienc~ of 28 Leningrad enterprises and organization:; ~ that axe building tl~e Sayano-ShushenskGya G~S, competition of work- ez�s of lead~ng trades working on personal economic accounts, and for delivering repaireci ec~uipment according to guarant~e certi~icateso 2 ~ FOR OFF[rIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 The collective of the Gidroproyekt Znstitute, whose initiative was approved by the _ C1'SU Central Committee,came forward with a valuable initiative in socialist compe- tition. The basis of this initiative is directed toward raising the scientific- techical standaxd of planning and reducing the estimated cost of building facili- ties and saving labor and ma.terial resources. By multiplying the glorious traditions of competition, crea.ting in each labor col- lective a situation for the creative seaxch for new reserves~ workers in thia industrial sector are getting rea,dy to meet the 60th anniversaxy of the formation of the USSR with honor. Dozens o~ thousands of leading warkers and production innovators, many collectives of electric power plants, networks, plants and new constructions in the industry, following the patrioti.c example of the comprehensive brigade of the Neryunginskiy GRE5 construction Administration, Hero of Socialist ?,abor and deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet A. B. Novolodskiy, power builders of Zaporozhskaya AE5 and power workers of ~he Konakovskaya GRES, stood the shock watch under the slogan, "To the 60tF Anniversary of the forma,~ion of the USSR 60 shock weeks." - Guided by the decree of the November (1981) of the CPSU Central Commi~tee, the directions of Comrade L. I. Brezhnev, General Secretaxy of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairma,n of the USSR Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, and the decree of the GPSU Central Committee the 60th anniversaxy of the forma.tion of the USSR," workers, engineers, technicians, scientists and emplogees of this industrial sector are assuming the f~ll~wing obligations. I. For the llth Five-Yeax P1an Period Increase the output of electrical power of the USSR Minenergo to 1428 bill~on kilowatt-hours by the end of the five-yeax plan period. Increase the annual volume of commercial output to 25.1 billion rubles by 1985 which is 4.1 billion rubles more than in 1980, and. provide an increase in industrial activit y in a sum greater tha.n 900 million rubles. F~~9_uce organic fuel consumption by not less than 75 million tans by increasing the sha-re of elec~ric power output at nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, and by reducing unit fuel consumption and the amount of electric power used for fuel trans- port. _ Place additional capacities in operation a1~, the Zagorskaya and Kayshyadorskaya GA~ in order to raise the efficient utilization and improve the operating mode of nu- clear electrical power plants. Increase the number of hours utilizing the installed capacity at the AES to 6500 hours. ~ Increase the output-capiial ratio in construction by improving the utilization of contruction machines and devices by 1~. Increase the equipment servi.cing coefficient at elec+,ric power plants by not less than ~.6~ as compaxed to 1980 which is equivalent to freeing 34~000 persons. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500084402-6 rvtc vrr~~~ru. v~v~r ~ Provide a 90~ increase in construction-installation work and a 9~~ increase in c~mmercial output by increasing the productivity of labor. Overf_aifill the volume of construction-installation work during the five-veax plan period on electric power facilities, and place in operation not less than 61 mil- lion kilowatts o~ new power capacities, including power capacities of not lesg than 18 million kilowatts at nucleax electrical power plants. C~mplete the instal- lation of 1000 megawatt power unit No 5 at the Chernobyl'skaya A~5 above the plan by 1985. . Reach the rated capacity of 4 mi.llion kilowatts at IIcibastuzskaya GRF~-1 in 1983 and complete, by the end of the five-year plan period, three power units of 500,000 kilowatts each at IItibas~uzskaya GR~-2 and two power units of 800 mega- watts each at the Burgutskaya GRF~-2. Put in operation two power units of 800 megawatts each at the Berezovskaya GRF.S-~ in 1984 and 1985� Put in operation the 1150 kilovolts IIcibastuz-Kustanay overhead line ahead of schedule by one quarter (in the third quarter instead of the fourth quarter of of 1983 ) o In accordance with the U5SR Minenergo construction list~ build in 1981-1982 not less than 600,000 kilometers of 0.4-110 kilovolt rural electrical power trans- mission lines, making it pos~ible to increase electrical power consumption in . agricultural production and in everyday servicing of the rural. population by 1.4 - times, and increase the reliability of the power supply. Build housing with a total axea of not less than 10 million squaxe meters or 2 million square meters more than the five-year plan goal. Obtain a real national economic effect of 1440 million rubles from introducing scientific and project deve]opments in the five-yeax plan period. Increase economic effectiveness by introducing into production scientific research in the area of power in 1985 to not less than 4 rubles 50 kopecks per ruble invest- ment . The work of the Gidroproyekt Institute imeni S. Ya. Zhuk on raising the scientific technical standa,rds of projects and, on that ~~asis, reducing the estima.ted cost of facilities and saving labor and material resources should be disseminated wide- ly in the institutes of this industrial sector and will provide the followingi a~ reduction in power construction costs by 192 ~-llion rubles; _ a savings of 270,000 tons of inetal; _ a saving of 380,000 tons of cement; a reduction in construction la.bor by 9.2 Ad.llion man-days. 4 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480002-6 Save 20,000 tons of inetal, 50,000 tons of cement and 30,000 cubic meters of lumber above the plan goal. Introduce inventions and innovator proposals in the ministry as a whole with an e- conomic effect above 1 billion rubles. ~ 5olve basically the problem of providing for requirements of workers in this indus- ' trial sactor of childrens' preschool establishments and activate not less than ~1,4~00 places in these establishments. O~erfulfill plans on producing cultural-personal service and household gooda for the people in the five-year plan period to an amount of 1.3 million rubles. - II. For 1982 In the Area of Power On the basis of increasing further the reliability and efficiency of power equip- ment operation., placing in operation new capacities ahead of schedule, implementing measures on reducing accident rates, carrying out timely repairs of equipment at electric powe~ glants and power networks, providing, within established goals, a reliable supply of electrical and thermal energies to the national economy and the people of the country, producSng for that purpose 1259 billion kilowatt-hours of electric power and 885 million gigacalories of thermal ener~y. Dbtain 25 million rubles of profit above the plan by increasing the efficiency of power production, by reducing production costs of electrical and thermal energy. Increase the operating level of electric power plants and networks, develop com- - petition between workers of leading trades using personal economic accounting, continue the introduction of advanced exparience of the Kostromskaya, Reftinskaya, Konakovskaya, Razdanskaya and Zaporozhskaya GRES and~ on that basis, reducing unit fuel consumption from 327.1 to 324.5 grams per kilowatt-hour of electric power supplied, and save 2.3 million tons cf conventional fuel by 30 December 1982� Increase the utilization coefficient of the installed capacity of nuclear electric power station~ by 1~ as compared to 1981 by introducing measures to improve oper- ation and repair servicing of the equipment. This will make it possible to produce , an additional F300 million kilowatt-hours of electrical power. Assimilate the rated capacity of power unit No 3 of the Chernobyl'ska~a AE5 and, due to that, obtain before the end of the year 95 million kilowatt-hours of electrical power ahead of the normal schedule by 20 days. Increase the equipment servicing coefficient at electrical power plants by 1.6~ as ~ compared to 1981 by introducing new equipment; improving the organization of labor, expanding the zones of servicing and combining trades. This corresponds to free- ing 5840 per3ons. ~ ComplQte basically by 15 November the annual plan for capital repairs of Pquipment to insure a reliable electric and thermal energy supply to the national economy during the winte.r of 1982-i983� 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Implement the following organizational-technical me~,sures on the ba,sis of intro- ducing new equipment and repair technology, and incr.easing the volume of work done by the industrial-plant method~ r~xiuce the idle time of power unit equipment in repairs by an average of 8 hoursi increase the number of excellent evaluations for repaired equipment to 43~ and r.elease the remaining part of the units with good evaluations. Transfer not less than 60~ of the repair workers to the briga,de form of labor organization as compa,red to 55~ according to the plan for the yeax. r In the Area of Ca.pital Construction . F~zlfill the state plan for contract constructi~n installation work by the 60th ~ anniversaxy of the forma,tion of the USSR on the basis of the maximum concentration of labor~ ma.terial and financial resources at priority projects, increase the mobility of construction organizations, improve the en gineering preparation for construction~ raise the standard of production-technological procurement, and fux- ther develop socialist competition on the principle of the working relay race. Complete before the end of the yeax at facilities under construction 11,285,OOC kilowatts of new power capacities, including 1,500,000 kilowatts ahead of schedule; by the 112th anniversaxy of V. I. Lenin�s birthday a 200,000 kilowatt hydraulic unit No 3 at the Kurpsayskaya GFS; a 250,000 kilowatt p;,wer unit No 2 at Yuzhnaya = TETs of Lenenergo a month ahead of schedule (in Novembex instead of December); a 110,000 kilowatt power unit No 1 a month ahead of schedule (in August instead of September) at Smolenskaya TETs-2; by the Day of the Power Wor~er 300~000 kilo- watt power unit No 2 at the Azerbaydzhanskaya G~FS; 250,000 ki.lowatt power unit No 8 at the Mosenergo T~,Ts; 190,000 kilowatt hydraulic power unit No 1 at the Shdmkhorskaya GFB; 200,000 kilowatt hydraulic unit No 4 at the Kurpsayskaya GES. Put in operating the following boilers ahead of schedules 420 tons~hour No 6 at Ust�Ilimskaya TETs-3 (in November instead of December); 320 tons~hour No 9 at the Irkutskaya TETs-6 (in Dctober instead of November); 420 tons~hour No 8 at the Mogilevskaya TETs-3 (by the Da.y of the Power Worker~. Put in operation a month ahead of schedule a 100 gigacalorie ~hour water-heating boiler No 3 at Neryungri Yakutskaya ASSR. Put in operation 34~600 kilometers of 35 kilovolt and higher overhead lines and 36,181 ~000 kilovolt-ampere transformer capa.cities including the following~ a 500 kilovolt overhead Surgut-Belozernaya line a month ahead of schedule (in May in- stead of June); a 220 kilovol~~ Usinsk-Vozey overhead line a month ahead of schedule (in May instead of June); two months ahead of schedule (in July instead of Sep- tember) 750 kilovolt Chernobyl'skaya AFB-1'innitsa overhead line and the 220 kilo- volt Imilor substation wi~th a 125,000 kilovolt-ampere No 2 transformer; by the Day of the Power Worker the 1150 kilovolt ~cibastuz-Kokchetav overhead line; the 500 kilovolt ~vobodnyy-Khabarovsk averhead line; the 330 kilovolt ~hernobyl'skaya- Mozyr� overhead linE with a 330 kilovolt substation; the 330 kilovolt Ignalinskaya AES-Panevezhis overhead line with a 330 kilov~lt substation (section to Utena); 6 FOR OFH'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 the 220 kilovolt Komsomol'sk-on-Amur-Gorin-Berezovka-Dz~amku overhead line; the 220 kilovolt Zeyskaya G~-Prizeyskaya-Tutaul-Dipkun-Tynda oderhead line; the 500 kilovolt ~cha.kovskaya substation with a 501,000 kilovolt-ampere transformer. Place ir. operation ahead of schedule by the DAy of the Power S~lorker the following industrial facilitiess capacities for the production of 18,500 tons of steel p~pe at the Volga Pipe Plant; capacities for the production of 20~000 tons of cast iron and 5000 tons of steel castings per yeax at Ks,mAZ; a line for cross cutting 1.ogs with a c~.pacity of 367~000 cubic meters and transporting 800,000 cubic meters per year at the Ust�-Ilimsk Industrial Lumber Complex. Implement not less than 40~ of the annual volume of construction-installation work hy the brigade contract method, increasing this volume by 596 as compaxed to 1981. Transfer in construction work not less than 73~ of the piecework workers to the lump sum wage payment system. Reduce work time losses and unproductive expenditures of cons-~ruction labor by l0yb as compaxed to 1981. Increase further the level of inechaniza.tion in construction-installation work to reduce the amount of maxiua.l labor. Increa,se the supply of sma.ll scale me~hanized tools and modern types of equipment to construction and installation organizations. Provide sma.ll scale mechanized tools worth 56 million rubles for this purpose, in- cluding 300,000 rubles above the plan; provide 1550 norm-sets of manual and mech- anized tools for finishing~ ioofing and other labor-consuming work which will it possible to free 2500 workers; introduce at construction sites 35 experimental prototypes of new construction machines, devices~ tachnological lines and mechani- zation facilities for constrv:tion-installation work which will make it possible to save 35,000 maxi-hours. Raise the quality of construction-installation work insuring the placing in opera- tion, with good and excellent evaluations, 78,~ of the industrial facilities, 85~ of the electric power transmission lines and substations and 789b of the housing and social, cultural and personal service facilities. Save 6000 tons of inetal, 13,009 tons of cement and 2500 cubic meters of lumber above the set norms for ma.terial consumption in construction. Reduce idle time of railroad cars when unloading and thereby freeing 13,500 caxs. In the Area o~ Production Industrial Produc~ts at Commercial Construction Industry F~terprises F'ulfill the annua.l plan far the volume of product sales and output of the majority of the most important typ~s of products in the assigned list ahead of schedule by the 60th anniversary of the forma.tion of the USSR. Overfulfill the annual production plan for the output of consumption goods by 200~000 rubles. 7 FOR O1~FICIAL USE ONL1' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500084402-6 r~K urr~~~~?i, uJr. UIVLY ~btain an 80~ increase in output by an increase in the productivity of labor. Increase the ratio of workers +~sing collective (brigade) forms of the or~anization oi wages at construction industry enterprises to 51,~. _ Increase the output of the highest category ~.f quality products by 4 million rubles as ~ompaxed to the plan goal. Certify for the state emblem of quality 17 types of products including: reinforced concr.ete square cross section piles; stands o~~ vibrating masts of high voltage lines; electri:;al gantry cranes; ~0l10-ton overhead crane::; the V-401A vibrating pile drivers etc. Provide timely and complete delivery of auxiliary boiler eQuipment, machines, de- vices and construction structures. Increase complete deliveries up to 90,~. In the Area of .Scientific Research, Design and Planning-Expl~ratory Work Un the basis of increasing the efficiency of utilizing the scientific technical potential, concentrating scientific forces on the solution of especially important national economic problems in the area af power, accelerating the introduction of ~ new ~uipment and raising the quality of planningt obtain a real econor.?ic effect of 250 millian rubles annually from introducing scientific an~i design developments; achieve an economic effect from intr~ducing into production scientific investigations in the area of power of not less than 4 rubles per 1 ruble of investment ~nto sca.- entific research work as eom.pared to 3.9 rubles in 1981. fulfill ahead of schedule by the Da,y of the Power Worker the annual plan of intro- ducing new equipment in all divisions; provide ~he issuance of Working documentation for construction-installation work for all priority in 1983 by 25 June. issue not less than 40yo ~f estimate-planning documentation with excellent documenta- tion during the year. Develop widely in the institutes of this industrial sector the experience of the Gidproyekt Institute imeni S. Ya. Zhuk on raising the scisntific technical level of de~igns and~ on that basis, reducing the estima,ted cost of fac:tlities, saving labor and material resources and prividing the following:reduce the cost of power con- struction by 65 million rubles; save 80,000 tons of inetal; save 110~000 tons of cement; reduce labor expenditures in construction by 2.5 million man-days. Reduce the construction cost of the sp~cial design 1150 kilovolt Ekibastuz-Ural overhead line by 2.5 million rubles, when developing the working documentation,by _ introducing new progressive and efficient solutions. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500080002-6 Develop to a high technical level by using the latest achievements of science and technology the following: the design of the 2.0 million kilowatt Odessa ATETs; - the design of the 750.kilovolt Zaporozhskaya A~5-Zaporozhska,ya substation overhead line with 750 kilovolt overhead line entries; the technical deyign for the Khudoni G~ xith a special design axched dam 200 meters high, saving 5000 tons of inetal as compared to the �3,pproved technical subscantiation; the arrangement for developing and locating the "Elektroenergetika," facilities to the yeax 2000 (befare 25 Sep- tember); the design of a 250 megawatt steam-gas installation with an intracycle r;asification of fuel for the Novo-Tul�skaya TEPs (in creative cooper~,~ion with the isKTI [Central Scientific-Research and Plarining-Design Turbine Boiler Institute imeni I. I. Polzunov~, VTI ~Al1=Union Thermotechnical 7nstitute imeni F. E. Dzerzhinski_y] and NIDGAZ ~Gas 'Scientific Research Department~~, that wi'l~ make it possible to reduce the amount of harmful di~chaxges in~o the air and reduce fuel consumption by 5 to 7`fo. Introduce inveritions and innovator proposals having an economic effect of not less - than 225 million rubles. In the Area of 'Social Development of Collectives To raise further the standard of living of the people, create stable collectives, improve labor, everyday and rest conditions of workers, engineers, technicians and employees of the industrial seci.~r by achieving the followings build and release for operation by the 60th anniversarv of the USSR not less than 2~100,000 square meters of housing a,rea in settlements of power workers and power builders; build at enterprises and construction sites kindergaxtens for 12,000 places; ~20- bed hospitals; polyclinics to handle 2240 visits; schools for 10~000 students; trade schools for 3300 students; 26 stores with an area of 13,500 square meters; 72 dining rooms with 15~900 seats; 14 vegetable-fruit warehouses with capacities of 10,500 tons; nine food depots with areas of 15,400 sr~uare meters; two re- frigerators with capacities of 32~0 tons and three centers for ~+0 tons of products; fu3fi11 ahead of schedule by 30 December the general plan for goods turnover and ��he production of internal ~utput of social feeding to enterprises of the Glavurs LMain Administration of ~upplies to Workers~. Sell food and industrial goods to workers by 85 million more rubles than in 198~.� Increase the level of sales of goods by self-service to ~F~; train 123,800 new workers during the year in courses for raising skills at educa- _ tional combines, raise the skills~teach second skills to 419,500 workers and U8,000 engineers and technicians. reduce the turnover of cadxes as compared to 1981: by 3.51 in power workers; 3.0~ in capital construction~ and 1.7y in the commercial construction industry; improve conditions and increase working conditions for 47~000 workers by reducing noise levels, vibration, dust and gas content at working positions. " 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500080042-6 rvec ur~'1l.IHL u~r_ uivl.Y - (~ri Participation in the Solution of the Food Program Parti~ipate actively in solving the food supply program outlined by the 26th paxty ~ congress and the November (1981) CPSU ~entral Committee Plenum for which purposes place in operation 102,900 kilometers of 20-6-0.4 kilovolt rural electric power transmission lines by 30 December; fulfill above the plan work on repairs, and giving organizational technical aid in operating electrical networks and electrical stations belonging to kolkhozes and sovkhozes in an amount of 350,000 rubles; repair and give organizational technical aid to kolkhozes and sovkhozes (3 million rubles worth) in operating electrical installations of grain conveyors, elevators and field mills used in haxvesting the 1982 crop~ and animal husbandry faxms, com- plexes and poultry factories to provide wintering of cattle and fowl; By the start of the harvesting of the crops in 1982~ connect to power sources not less than 400 new grain elevators, grain cleaners, vitamin flour ma.chines and other agricultural facilities in oblasts, krays and autonomous republics of the RSF5R. aid in repairing power equipment of agricultural ma.chines, manufacture mechana.zation facilities and spare parts in an amount of 500,000 rubles; fill orders of sovkhozes and kolkhozes for the mechanization of labor-intensive work in an amount of 2 million rubles; complete the delivery of parts for 7000 silage haxvesting combines before 1 Decem- ber; by the Da,y of the Power Worker, fulfill the plan for construction- installation work and agricultural facilities and related industrial sectors in the volume of 76.6 million rubles and assimilate 330,000 rubles above the plan; produce in auxiliaxy farms of enterprises and organizations not less than 2900 tons - (live weight) of ineat, including 950 tons of swine, 2000 tons of milk, 4500 tons of vegetables~ 2000 tons of grain and 7600 quintals of live fish. Put in operation by USSR Constitution Day the following: a commercial-milk farm for 4~30 heads in kolkhoz imeni Dzerzhinskiy in Kurskaya Oblast; - a mixed feed plant for 200 tons of mixed feed per day in the Ba,lakovskiy Rayon of Saratovskaya Dblast. Place in operation by the Day of the Power Worker the followingt capacities for the production of 10,000 tons of cast iron at the Nazaxovskiy Plant of Agricultural Machine Building; 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500080002-6 ~ a city milk plant (moderniza.tion) for producing 30 tons of milk per day at Volzhsk; a mixed feed plant with a capacity of 630 tons of mixed feed per day at N~,rerezhnyye Chelny; the first stage of an animal husbandry combine at Povolzhskiy a swine complex Cor 108,OQ0 hea.d of swine; a poultry factory with a capacity of 2,6 million fowl per yeax at Ivanov; a poultry factory with a capacity of 1 million fowl per yeax at the Reftinskaya Settlement in ~verdlovskaya Oblast; a warm water fishery plant at the Verkhne-Tagil�ska.ya GRES with a breeding area of 2020 square meters for the production of 50 million baby caxp and 1350 quintals of commercial fish per day; a swine fattening center for 280 swine at Dobrotvorskaya GR~..S. Place in operation by the 60th anniversaxy of the formation of the US5R the follow- ings the third stage of a broiler factory for 3 million brc~ilers per year in the subur- ban communal zone of KamAZ; a mixed feed plant for reprocessing 500 tons of grain per day at Bratsk in the firsti half of the yeax; a hothouse combine with an axea of 4 hectares at the Kaxagandinskiy sovkhoz; a hothouse combin~ with an area, of,6 hectaxes at the sovkhoz imeni 22 paxty con- gress in Dzhambul�skaya Oblast. In the Area of ~vironmental Pollution Execute c~nstruction-installation work on building facilities for environme.ntal protection to an amount of 120.0 million rubles. Implement capital repairs and modernization of ash traps at not less than j0 boiler units of thermal electrical power pla,ntso Carry out work at electrical power plants on building and modernizing water treat- - ment plants that reduce the run-off of contaminated dischaxges by 11.6 million ~ cubic meters of water per yeax. Develop norms for the ma,ximum allowable or temporaxily approved. dischaxges of haxm- ful substances into the air for therma,l electrical power plants located in cities with intense air pollution, determined by the Goskomgidromet ~I~ydxometeorological State Committee~ schedule. 11 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Workers, engineers, technicians, scientists and employees of the USSR Minenergo enterprises and organizations, in striving to honor with labor gifts the glorious jubilee the 60th anniversaxy of the formation of the USSR, assure the CPSU Central ~ommittee and its Politbureau hea,ded by the great Lenin�s worthy successor, the outstanding political and sta~e activist, ~omrade L. I. ~rezhnev, that they will fight selflessly to breat~ life into the directives of the 26th paxty con- gress and 'che November (1981) DPSU Central ~ommittee Plenum and will relentlessly strengthen the unity and closeness of the Boviet people, and will pr'ovide a further increase in the efficiency and quality of work~ and fulfill the plan anc~ obligations for 1982 and of the five-yeax plan as a wY,ole ahead of ~cheduleo The socialist obligations were discussed and adopted in collectives of the USSR Minenergo establishments and organizations and approved by the boaxd of the minis- try and the presidium of the Central Committee of the Electrical Power Plant and Electrical F~uipment Industry Workers Trade Union on 29 Ma,rch 1982. COPYRIGHTs ~Iliergoizdat , "IIektricheskiye stantsii"~ 1982 - 2291 CSD: 1822/188 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 II,DGTRIC POW~ unc 6zo.9 I~UEL, ENERGY COMPLE~S NEEDS DESCRIBED Moscow TEPLOIIdERGETIKA in Russian No 5~ ~Y 82 PP 5-9 _ [Article by A. A. Troitskiy, USSR Gosplani "Fuel and F3iergy Complexes of the Country"] ~Text] ~Supplying the country's fuel and energy requirements in recent yeaxs has become one of the key problems of the further de>>elopment of the national economy. The intensified attention to fuel and energy problems is related to the special features of the regional disposition of reserves that require huge expenditures to assimilate them. Moreover, to involve in the fuel-energy balance of the country - the reserves located in the eastern region thousands of kilometers from ba.sic fuel and energy consumption centers requires the solution of unprecedented transporta- tion probiems. A seaxch for ways for rapidly invc~lving and most efficiently utilizing the rich eastern fuel deposits led to the substantiation of the expediency of crea.ting fuel-energy complexes on their base by coordinating organically exploration, mining, fuel reprocessing~ production of electric power, and the transport of the fuel- energy resourceso The creation of the indicated. complexes, being the most efficient form of economic utilization of fuel-energy resources~ required the solution of very laxge departmental problems, related to the assimilation of the respective regions~ to the creation of infrastructures, housing and social conditions on their territories. The use of reasonable interdepartmental cooperation and a comprehensive approach to the solution af numerous practical problems make it pos- sible to reduce expenditures of resources and time to achieve the set goals. The most important, modern fuel-energy complexes axe the Pavlodar-IItiba.stuz, Kansko-Achinsk and the Zapadno-Sibirskiy. The most important components in these complexes axe electric power and power con- ~ struction linkso In each complex there'axe single power construction bases which include the construction industry, construction materials enterprises~ as well as territorial, procurement and traxisport bases. Here is taken into account the re- gional coo.peration of such enterprises with enterprises built for the creation of fuel-extr~,cting capacities. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500084442-6 rvn ~n�r~~~r+~, a~~c ~~ivi.ti In each Gomplex there will also be created a centralized. material-equipment ba,se for operating the electric power enterprises, including repair, transportation and procurement organiza,tions. New organizational management structures axe envisioned - for operating the electric power plants in the complexes. The slectric power - plants of the complex axe to be considered as a single enterprise (association). Technical solutions~ assumed. in designing electric power plants, reflect the ad- va.ntages of cooperation and standardization within a gro~zp of electric power plants. These solutions provide the possibility of accelerated flnw-line construc- - tion placing in operation, when necessaxy, up to 2 million kilowatts of new czpa.c- ities per yeax at each of the complexeao The construction of these complexes makes it possible to solve problems of creat- irlb modern housing-personal service conditions on a higher plane for builders and workers in fuel-energy enterprises on the ba.sis of building new laxge citieso The Pavlodar-F~ibastuz fuel-energy complex is ba,sed on the coal in the IItibastuz and Ma.ykyubensk deposits, whose reserves axe estimated at 9 billion tons of coal. It is planned to increase fuel mining at these deposits in the future to 150-170 million tons per year to supply coal to 35 million kilowatt electric power plants with an electric power output of up to 220 billion kilowatt-hours per year, as well as to satisfy the fuel requirements of other local consumers. Calculations have shown that these reserves of coal axe sufficient to meet elec- tric power requirements for the next 15 to 20 years not only of Kazakhstan, but also of adjoining regions in the Urals, Siberia and the OES [Consolidated Power - System~ of Central Asia. Due to the high ash content of IIiibastuz coal, reaching up to 5-4'7q~ with selective mining and up to 5596 with bulk mining, its trans- porta~;ion i; difficult and it is economically more efficier~t to transport the electric power over high and superhigh voltage electric power transmission lines for distances above 1000 kilometers. In this connection, it is planned to build four electric powe.r plants with total capacity of 16 million kilowatts directly at the coal deposits to supply elec- tric power to Northern Kazakhstan and the transmission of their power to the Elzropean region over 1150 kilovolt AC overhead lines to the Urals and 1500 kiYo- volt DC to the central regions. Moreover, a Yuzhno-Kazakhstan GRF~ is being built on the shore of Lake Balkhash to supply electric power to adjoining regions. The low cost of strip mining coal and progressive technical solutions in building the GRES ~i11 permit groduction of electric power at a production cost of up to 0.4 kopecks per kilowatt-hour. In the designs of the E[tibastuz and Yuzhno-Kazakhstan GRES developed by the "Teploelektroproyekt" Institute, progressive technical solutions were applied, directed towaxd reducing constru~tion costs and materials consumption, industrial- izing GREi construction and, on that basis9 reducing labor expenditures and con- struction time. Eight 500,000 kilowatt power units with supercritical steam paxameters axe being installed at GRES. At GRES-i, there are installed type P-57 boilers of the Podol'sk Machine Building Plant basically similax ~to boi.lers 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 operating at the Troitskaya and Reftinskaya GRES. The boilers axe designed to burn selectively mined coal with a maximum ash content of up to 45-47y, and e~.ght hammer grinders are installed at each boiler. Wet scrubbers and electric filters axe used for two-stage ash-trapping. Unlike GRFS-1, the following electric power plants of this compl.ex will be oriented towaxd burning high ash content bulk-mined coal with ash conteric af' up to 55/� They will P-57R boilers~ especially adapted for burning nigh ash content f~sel. Each boiler will be equipped with six medium speed grinders. The remaining techni- cal solutions for the following GRES will have no principa.l differences fron_ GRE"5-1. The main building of the GRES will have standaxd spans for the ma.chine and boiler departments of 51 meters each, and a built-in deaerator set of shelves. i'he main building frame will be made of high strength and low-alloy steels. The industrial methods of flow-line installation will be taken into account in the design. For this purpose~ a r~on-aligning method was developed for installing columns on foundations, as well as the unitized installation of multitier shelf frames and rigid frame joints using high-strength bolts. Wall enclosures and the roof of the main building will be made of prefabricated. light metal panels that make it possible to install the walls in 12x12 meter units and the roof in 51x12 meter units. All these mea,sures will reduce labor expenditures considera- bly in constructing the main building and will reduce steel consumption for each GRF5 by 5000 tons. One complicated engineering problem in the GRES complex is the organization of the reception and reprocessirlg of large ma,sses of coal (50 to 55 tons per day, for one GRF~~, that has relatively low heat of combustion. A new in principle fuel feed design was developed for the E[~ibastuz GRES. In coal warehouses~ it will use radial rotaxy loading stackers, powerful modernized hammer crushers, and crushing-cutting machines in the cax-dumpling building. The buildings and f'usl feed route are arranged to reduce the length of the supply lines. RR turntables wil be used to deliver coal from open coal pits located neaxby with a of up to 50 million tons per yeax. ' The four GRF,S complexes will use circulating systems for technical water supplies with water reservoirs created on the ba,sis of natural depressions of bitter-salt lakes with small volumes of work for constructing water dams and practically with- out destroying ground suitable for agricu'lture. For GRES-2 and GRES-3, it is planned to crea,te a common water reservoir with deep water intakes which provide deeper cooling of the water due to its spatial cir~ulation. This will make possi- ble an efficiant turbine operation at an average annual water temperature of 15� to 16~C. The w~.ter reservoirs will be replenished from the Ixtysh-Karaganda Canala It is considered that the creation in this region of laxge nonfreezing water surfaces with a total area of over 60 squaxe kilom~ters will reflect positively on the mi- croclimate of the region, while the rise in the gretznd water level will facilitate the development of a vegetation cover. The ecology of new water reservoirs will make it possible to develop fish faxming. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 rvR Vrt'II.IHi. UJC. vIVLY The GRFS designs specify storing the ash-slag residues of all four electric power plants at a sinr,~le ash d~.:;np created at the Karasor salt lake that has a surface area of 135 squaxe kilometera. To replenish the systems of circulating hydxaulic ash removal fY�c:n ~he GRF~, it is planned to use blow-through water from the cooling water reservoirs. In the future, it is proposed to organize the utilization of the ash residue. Smoke stacks 320 and 420 meters high will be built at the GRFS to meet air pollution requirements. A repair plant is planned for the operating need.s of all GRES which, by subcontracting between industrial enterprlses, wi31 ao repal.r work for coal in- dustry enterprises. Housing for builders and operating personnel of the compl~ex will be built basically in IIcibastuz. The technically, economically and ecologically coordinated IIiibastuz fuel-energy complex is a new stage in the development of domestic electrical power engineering and power building. In the lOth Five-Year Plan period, construction work was developed on GRFS-1, and its first `~ro units were placed in operation. In 1981-1985~ it is planned to com- plete the construction of the first GRES~ develop construction of GRFS -2, and in- stall not less than three power units in it, i.e.~ the capacity of the complex to 5.5 million kilowatts. Work will also begin on the construction of the following GRES fo the complex. Construction ha,s developed widely on the Yuzhno- Kazakhstan GRES to insure its completion at the start of the 12th Five-Yeax Plan period and moreover, TETs will be built for operation on the ~ibastuz coal. To solve the problems pos~d on building the IItibastuz complex~ it is necessaxy~ in the ilth Five-Yeax Plan period, to increase the volume of construction-installation work by ~.5 times as compaxed to 1976-1980. ~pecial attention must be given to the construction of the 1150 kilovolt overhead line to the Urals because a lag in its construction and assimilation ma.y lead to difficulties in the distribution of the developing capa.cities of the Ekibastuz GRFS with a scarcity of electrical capacities in the Urals. - To provide coal to the new electric power plants, it is planned to increase the mining from 66 million tons in 1980 to 84 million tons in 1985~ ~ The Kansko-Achinsk fuel-energy complex ~KATII{~ is being created on the basis of lignite coal of the Kansko-Achinsk basin, whose balance reserves e~cceed 110 billion tons and its geological reserves 400 billion tons. Favorable mining-geological conditions make it possible to increase the strip mining of coal in the future to 1 billion tons per yeax. Uni.t reduced expenditures for mining 1 ton of conditional fuel, amounting to 6-7 rubles, are the best as compared to such indicators for all types of solid organi~ fuel mined in the USSR. The Kansko-Achinsk coal has low ash content and low sulfur content, but has a high (up to 40%) moisture content~ at heat of combustion about 3500 kilocalories (about 14~.5 m@gajoule~kilogram. By using this coal, it is possible to build electric power stations with a total capa,city of over 60 million kilowatts. 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500080002-6 in connection with the special features of the coal~ it is planned to utilize it to produce electric power basically directly at the mine site, transmitting the elec- tric power to future ~onsumers over overhea.d lines of vaxious voltages. It is planned to export coal by rail to adjacent regions of Siberia for souxces of heat aupply onlyo In the next 10 to 15 Yeaxs, it is planned to utilize the Kansko-Achinsk coal to satisfy the requirements of the ~iberian region in electric and heat energy. In the following period, the possibility is envisaged of transmitting electric power from this complex to the Urals and the central regions of the Elzropean pa.rt of the USSR over superhigh voltage overhea.d lines on a scale determined by the ba,lance of the capa.cities and electric power. At the same time~ work developed to obtain from raw Kansko-Achinsk coa.l, enriched transportable solid and liquid types of fuel. ~cperimental industrial - installations axe being built for this purpose ineluding the electric-technological ETKh-1000 installation in Krasnoyaxsk which wili be put in operation in 1982. The scale of reprocessing Kansko-Achinsk coal and the axea of utilizing the products of their reprocessing will be made more grecise depending upon the results of the finishing-off of various technological processes of repro~essing, and the technical- economic indicators of these technolo~ies. In the first stage, in the neaxest ten-year period, it is planned to build 2-3 6.4~ million kilowatt electric power plants using the raw coal of the wes+,ern de- posits of the coal basin (Berezovskiy, Uryupskiy and Itatskiy). At GRES-1, whose construction is being developed, it is planned to install eight improved 800,000 kilowatt LMZ turbines, as compaxed to similar fiachines operating at the Zaporozhskaya and Uglegaxskaya GRFS. Type P-67 ~i0 boilers with a productivity of 2650 tons per hour, T-shaped type with d squaxe combustion chamber and an angular a.rrangement of buxners will be usedo Eight grinding blowers will be installed at each boiler. The building is a special design structure 122 meters high~ 171 meters across and 700 mpters long. The large dimensions of the building, especially of the height, axe related. to the size of the steam boiler to be used. To reduce these dimensions and corresponding volumes of construction-installation work and expenditures of resources, work will be developed on creating for the next GRES a new type of smaller size boiler the TsKTI. The coal will be moved by conveyor belts to the GRES from the open pit 14 kilome- ters away; continuous action radial rotor machines will be installed at the GRFS and progressive technical solutions developed for the IIcibastuz GRES will be used. ~ For the first GRFS of the complex, it is planned to build circulating systems of water supplies with water reservoirs in small river beds. The water reservoirs will be created in maxshy bottom lands which will not require the destruction of useful agricultural land. Water losses in tize reservoirs will be replenished by the run-off of the small rivers. However, in the further development of KATEK, it will be necessaxy to regulate the run-off of the Chulym River or transfer a part of the Yenisey�s run-off to the basin of this river. It is planned to utilize the warm discha.rge water of the GRF,S for intensive fish breeding. 17 FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500084402-6 rvn vrr~~.~~+.. vJ'L vi~i.t tt is planned to remove ash and slag hydraulicall~ by a circulating axrangement ' using for ash dumps the shallow water in the upper paxts of the water reservoirs, ~ cut off by dams. In the futuxe, it is planned to use worked-out coal open pits to - store ash and slag residues. The dry removal and storage of ash axe also being developed. In all cases it is pl~ned to utilize the ash and slag from the C~RFS for construction and agricultural need.s. ' The astimated rated prod.uction costs of the KATII{ GRFS is 0.35 to 0.4 kopecks per ~ kilowatt-hour for a unit construction cost of 17~ ~bles per kiloxatt. As indicat~d, GRF~ will be located directly neax powerful coal open pits. The . first open pits will ha,ve capacities as followss Berezovskiy 55 ~.llion tons ' per yeax; Uryupskiy and Itatskiy 30 million tons per yeax. Powerful coal excavators and high productivity conveyor belt systems will be used at these open pits. Laxge 120-ton self-unloading caxs will be used to transport the coal. Housing and communal-personal service enterprises for builders and operating cadxes for power, as well as for coal enterprises will be built in Shaxypovo. Powerful bases for construction and the operation of the open pits and the GRES will be created directly near the enterprises and the city. The construction of the Berezovskiy open pit field and the KATII{ GR~-.1 began in the lOth Five-Yeax Plan period. In 1981-1985, it is planned to develop widely the construction of the complex and place in operation the first two 800,000 kilowatt units at GRF,S-1. It is planned to increase coal production in this basin from 35 million tons in 1980 to almost 50 million tons in 1985� It is planned to increase by 4.6 times the volume of capital investments in the ilth Five-Year Plan period to build the complex as compaxed to the lOth Five-Year Plan period for the electric power sector alone. This will create the necessaxy reserves and construction for the following rapid increase in KATII{ capacities. The West-Siberian fuel-energy complex is based on the petroleum and gas reserves located in Tyumenskaya Dblast. ~he alectric power part of the complex is intended to supply electric power to gas and petroleum extracting enterprises, gas and - petroleum pipelines and to supply electxic power to the Urals. The electrical power plants of the complex will be built to operate on natural and by-product gas directly near its deposi.ts. Electric power capacities~ intended to supply electric power to the Urals, based on preliminaxy economic calculations~ may be located directly in the regions where the electric pow~er is to be used. How- ever~ taking into account the real resource limitations on building ma.inline gas pipelines, it was decided it would be expedient to locate all electric power plants of the complex directly neax the regions where the gas is produced and transmit the electric power to the Urals over j00 kilovolt electric power transmission lines in the: first stage and later~ as the amount of power is increased,over 1150 kilovolt linps- Locating these electric power plants according to economi.c indicators dif- fers little from locating them directly in the regions where the electric power is used in combination with building mainline gas pipelines to transmit gas to the Urals. 18 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 In all~ it is planned to increase electric power station capacities in the West- complex to 18-20 million kilowatts. The basic electric power center will be the ~ur,~ut ~lectric powar plant group. The;Surgut GRFS -1, whose rated capacity will be 3.3 million kilowatts, has already reached a capacity of 2.?5 million kilo- ~ watts. The following equipment is being installed therei 13 210,000 kilowatt power - units; two 1$0,000 kilowatt thermification energy units with T-180 turbines; ari � ~ experimental industrial steam-gas 225,000 kilowatt power unit with a T-180 steam turbine; a~~5~000 kilowatt GT-450-850 gas turbine; and a high gressure 600 ton per hour steam generator. Assimilating such ste~m-ga.s units that save 8 to 1096 of the fuel and reduce the volume of construction-installation work, Will it possible latEr to use installations of this type to build other electric power plants in Tyumenskaya ~blast using gas fuel. ~ Surgut GRES-~ will have a capacity of 4.8 million kilowatts and it will have six 800,000 kilowatt power units. The machinery hall equipment of this GRFS will be similar to the equipment of Berezovskaya GRF~-1. Basically, its multiunit boilers will be similax to the 800,000 kilowatt boilers installed in the Et~ropean paxt of the USSR with the difference that they will not provide for burning fuel oil as a second fuel. The capacity of the Surgut GR~ES and the composition of its equipment axe now being more preicse taking into account the ecological conditions of the given re- gion. It is also planned to build a high power electric power station near Nizhnevartovsk operating on gas which will produce electric power as well as supply hea.t to this new city. It is planned to install four to ~~x 800;000 kilowatt poxe~ units there and the necessaxy thermification machines. The capacity of this electric power plant and composition of its equipment will be determined after the completion of its design. Here, the expediency of ~nstalling at this TFS, as xell as at the Surgut GRF.S-3, 1.2 million kilowatt units will be considered. It is planned to build a 2.5 million kilowatt GRES at Urengoy. It will have steam- gas power units. It is planned~ in the ilth Five-Yeax Plan period, to put in operation 795 kilowatt capacities at Surgut GRF~-1, the first two 800,000 kilowatt power units at GRES-2, begin the construction of GRFS -3 and det;~lop widely the construction of the Nizhnevartovskaya and Urengoyska.ya GRF~ and to put in operation their capacities in the first ha,lf of the 12th Fove-Year Plan period. To solve these problems in combination with building respective overhead lines, construction and operating bases, as well as housing will require assimilating 1.5 billion rubles of capital investments in the current five-yeax plan period, including over 1 billion rubles for construction-installation work. The share of putting in operation new capacities at therma,l electric power stations in the country~ being built within fuel-energy complexes, increases continually. While in 1976-1980~ only slightly more than 10~ of all condenser electric power plant capacities placed in operation by the USSR Minenergo [Ministry of Power and r~.ectrificatior~] were at GR~ complexes~ in 1981-1986 it is planned to inerease this share greatly. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 r~nc vrr~~ ~r~i. ~~~v~.~ Gf great practical importance is improving the management for creatin~' and func- tioning of fuel-energy complexes in order to coordinate the solution of complicated interdepartmental problems that may arise. Measures axe ~eing implemented for = this purgose, especially in the axea of complex development planning. Thus,~ tasks axe set in the plans by ministries and departments on cooperative construction of industrial, housing, and cultural=personal services facilities that axe of a general industrial sector, while in the plans far these complexes capit:s?. invest- ~ ments, equipment and material-technical recources necessaxy to implement the planned goals are listed separately. Finally, for the interindustrial coordination of the development of the West-Siberian complex~ a special territarial commission of the USSR Gosplan was created in Tyumen. It is necessaxy to continue work to improve further the management of the develop- ment of fuel-energy compleaces of the country which axe the most important structur- al links in our national economy. The forma.tion of the IItibastuz, Kansko-Achinsk and other power complexes as a single economic organ puts forward new problems in the orga,nization of construc- tion and operation of vaxious organizations and enterprises~ which must be solved expedier~tly on the basis of a single purposeful comp~ehensive program. COPYRIGI-Ir~ F~ergoizdat, "Teploenergetika", 1982 2291 CSDi 1822/186 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504080042-6 _I II,~TRIC POWER UDC 621.311.22 LARGE T~5 COMPLEX D~IGN IN TYUMIIdSKAYA OBLaST Moscow TE't'LOFNERGETIKA in Russian No 5, Ma,y 82 pp 16-20 [Article by engineers V. N. Okhotin, Yu. A. Gerke and R. M. Vilenskaya, Urals _ Branch of Teploelektroproyekts "Design of a I~arge TF5 Complex Operating on the Natural Ga,s of Tyumenskaya Oblast"] [Text] The uneven distribution of fuel reserves and industrial sectors in the territory of our country determined the following basic trends of power ~ievelopment. F~ ectric power in the European part of the USSR will develop on the basis of nu- clear fuel, while in the eastern paxts of the country~ local fuel energy resources su~h as the coal of the IIcibastuz and Kansko-Achinsk deposits, the natural gas of Tyumenskaya Oblast and the laxge hydraulic resources of rivers must be utilized widely. The problem will be solved at the same time as the transport of high quality fuel and electric power to the Urals and the part of the USSR [i]. Natur~,l gas deposits in the northern regions of the Tyumenskaya ~Oblast have been in the process of assimilation in the last several decades. In spite of broad prospects of the development of the gas producing industry and the transport of gas to the western paxts of the country, its use as a power fuel is considered to be limited and requires thorough all-axound substantiation. The USSR Minenergo [Ministry of Power and ~lectrification] together with the Mingazprom CMinistry of Ga,s Industry] and the Minneftegazstroy [Ministry of Con- struc+.ion of Petroleum and Gas Industry Enterprises] is prepaxing the technical-ec- onomic substantiation for constructing new large GRES north of Tyumenskaya Dblast to transmit electrical power to the Urals. These power plants must be built in addition to those TES which axe being built and those planned to supply electric power to petroleum and gas industries in the ex- treme north of Tyumenskaya ~lbi at, i.e., to take caxe of domestic needs of the gas and petroleum-beaxing region. 21 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500084402-6 FOR ON'H'I('IAL t15N: ()NI.Y Surgutskaya GRFS At present, the Surgutskaya GR~-1 is the basic source of electric power ~upply to the petroleum and gas fields of Tyumenskaya Oblast. After completing the construc- tion of the third stage, the plant will also provide central heating to housing ard industrial enterprises of Surgut. The power plant is being built on comgressed sched.ules under rigid natural-climatic conditions in a sparsely populated region. The first stage of~the powex plant was built without a RR using only water transport with the simultaneous creation of a construction-installation base. An electric power network necessary to assimilate new petroleum and gas deposits, as well as for ties with the Urals DES [Consolidated Power ~ystem~, developed in parallel. The power was transmitted at 220 and 500 kilovolts. A circulation water supply system was adopted with a water reservoir axea of about 10 square kilometers, built on the basin of the Ghernaya River, a tributaxy of the Ob� River. A 40,000 square meter sprinkling basin on the shallow water section of the existing water reservoir is planned for the third stage. The 16 power units of the power plant will ha,ve five circulating pumping stations on an open feed canal, as well as a pumping station for the sprinkling basino The frame of the main building was made of low alloy steel with high strength bolts used for installation joints. The walls wete of prefabricated metal panels with efficient insulation, as well as of keramzit-concrete panels. The foundations under the frame of the building and turbogenerators were precast. These solutions made possible a great reduction of labor in transporting and build- ing Surgut GRES-i. Tl- ceen K-210-130 single type condensation power units were installed at Surgut GRF.S -1. The type of basic equipment began to change with power unit No 14 due to the necessity of Surgut thermification. According to the approved "Heat Supply Arrangement" heat to housing and industrial enterprises of the city must be pro- vided by GRES-1 along with larger boile~ plants which will span the peak part of the schedule. For this purpose the following were projected for the GR~Ss two T-180~210-130 thermification turbines, a water prepaxation installation, a replenishment instal- lation for a closed a.rrangement of hot water supply, network and replenishment pumping groups and other equipment to grovide an output of 4940 gigajoules per hour of hot water of 70 to 150�~, including 2170 gigajoules per hour average winter load on the thermification tuxbines. Thusy in the current year, it will be necessary to assimilate two main LMZ T-180~210- 130-1 turbine installations in a unit with TG-104 boilers at GR~-i. 22 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 By-product and natural gases axe the basic and reserve types of fuel for GR~-1, as well as all TF5 of the considered region. Taking into account a reliable gas supply, as well as the remoteness and difficult terrain of the northern regions of Tyumenskaya Oblast, it is advisable to create compact, highly efficient steam-ga,s equipment for the group of power plants. Qf the greatest interest in that sense axe steam-gas installations with high pxes- sure steam oenerators (PGU with VPG). For several years, the "Teploelektroproyekt" - has been working with the TsKTl [Central ~cientific Research and Planning Design Institute imeni I. I. Polzunov] and plants of the Minenergomash ~Ministry of Power Machine Building] to crea.te and amnufacture the PGU-250 with uPG-600 TKZ, GT- ~5~850 KhTZ and K-210-130 LMZ power units whose protot,ypes must be installed at one of the electric power plants [2~. After achieving the required operating reliability, the power unit will be highly efficient using 305 grams of conventional fuel per kilowatt-hour and consuming less metal as compared to the 210 megawatt steam power unit. The transportable dimensions of the VPG and the gas turbine machine, the possibility - of its being completely ma,nufactured at the plant and being checked on test stands will make it possible to reduce the cost of labor and installation work. The schematic diagram of PGU-250 is shown in Fig. 1. Positive results in assimilating this poWer unit will make it possible to establish a series of such units at the Urengoy GR~. During the period that Surgut GR~ES-1 - was planned, the approach to solving the problems of environmental protection and, in paxticular, of air pollution, changed considerably. Discharge gas from steam boilers burning nonsulfurous gaseous fuel were considered nontoxic at the staxt of the seventies. Because of this, the first stage of the GRES had metal smokestacks 60 meters high (one stack per two boilers). Taking into account discharge of :iitrogen oxides, as well as the GRES-1 expansion to 3424 megawatts, the building, 1.5 kilometers from it of GRFS-2 with a capacity of 4800 megawatts, as well as the gas contaminatior, background, created by peak and indus- trial boiler installations that will opera~,e in the future, it was necessaxy to reconsider solutions for smokestacks. It is planned to build two reinforced con- crete smokestacks 240 meters high~ connected to each gas conduit from eight boiler units. Urengoy GRFS The basic and reserve fuel for this power plant is natuxal gas from the Urengoy deposit which will be fed over two mainline gas pipelines, each designed to take care of the full gas requirements. The plan considers the following composition of basic equipments V~,riation I-- Ten PGU-250 with YPG units of type unit No 16 o.f Surgut GRF.S-1. 23 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500080002-6 . . ~ 3 4 /s ~e ~ N 2 5 J i~ j~j~`._. ~ 1 =-I + I _ J ~ I ~ ~ = s ~ ~ r~~'-' _'._i ~ ~ i f5 I ' !D ~ I � � e , ' . JJ , ~ ~ i ~ ~6 i i. i ~z i ~ ~ _ _J I f3 ~18 2! Fig. 1. Schema.tic heat diagram of PGU-z5o-130� I-- superheated steam; II water; III steam from take-offs; IV drainage; V-- Air; VI fuel; VII products of combustion; - 1-- high pressure steam generator; 2-- furnace; 3-- by-pass gas conduit; 4--~ convection shaft; 5-- additional combustion chamber; 6-- forced circulation pump; 7-- sepa.rator drum; 8-- compressor; 9-- gas turbine; 10 electric generator; ii economizer; 12 gas-water high pressure heater; 13 gas-water low pressure heater; 14 steam turbine; 15 condenser; 16 condenser pump; 17 regenerative low pressure heaters; 18 drainage pump; 19 high pressure deaeratar; 20 feed pump; 21 regenerative high pressure heaters. Variation II Four steam power 210 megaw~,tt units (first stage~ and six PGU-250 with VPG (second stage~ units. This variation is being developed in case there will be a delay in assimilating experimental unit PGU-250 at 3urgut GRFS-1m Variation III 12 steam power 210 megawatt units. Taking into account the severe clima.tic conditions, the power plant is pro jected with maximum interconnection between the auxiliaxy structures (standby starting, TETs KhVD [Services], wa,rehouses, TsRM [Central Repair Shops], engineering_personal service building~ and the ma,in building. Power output will be at 220 and 500 kilovolts. Structural ma.t erials and equipment will be brought in over the Surgut-Urengoy- Yagel�noye RR line. 24 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540080002-6 A comple~c of ineasures on environmental protection will be implemented at the GR~S as follows~ a closed cycle to purify sewage and run-off watars will be used; a fish breeding installation will be built; FDK [Maximum Premitted Concentration] and PDV ~Maximum Permitted Discharge of Harmful ~ubstances into the Air] require- ments with respect to ND + CO will be met; an experimental hothouse using the heat of smokestack gases will ba built; an investigation of the effect of the water reservoir on the microclima,te will be ma,de, the frequency of forming fogs will be studied, etc. It is planned to provide the following automa.tic systems to control the technologi- cal processes of power units and TF~; a counter-emergency automatic system; dis- patcher control facilities; as well as a system for the automatic control of power unit capacities and the power plant as a whole; and connecting it into the ARChM [Automa.tic F~equencv and (Active) Power Control] OE5 Urals circuit. A microrayon will be built in Tikhoy, the planned city for settlingrthe operational and con- struction-installation cadres. The Urengoy GR~.S is being built and will be _ operated under severe climatic conditions of the extreme north and very complex geological conditions; therefoie~ along with, the follow- ing scientific investigations are being done~ of the danger of ground under the f oundations for buildings and structL:res being frozen; properties of frozen ground when thawing; vibration stability of the earth under foundations for turbines, etc. Surgut GRFS-2 The construction of the 4800 megawatt GRFS-2. began on the industrial site of Sur- gut GRES-1. The technical economic indicators of the plant axe shown below: PowFr~ megawatts 4800 Turbines 6xK-800-240-5 Steam boilers 6xTG MP204 - ~lectric power output, gigawatt-hours 30,408 ~lectric power for their own needs~ yb 2�5~ Staff coefficient, ma,n~megawatt o.357 Unit cost of industrial construction, rubles~kilowatt 183 Production cost of electric power, kopecks per kilowatt-hour 0.486 ~ Profitability, qo 2~�7 Period of repayment, yeaxs Unit consumption of conventional fuel, grams - per kilowatt-hour 317�~ In cc~nneotion with the shaxp increase in the volumes of construction-installation work, a considerable expansion of the production and repair base is planned of the ~~onstruction-installation organizations by crea.ting regional production-procuring bases (RPKB) using the experience in designing and building such bases for the Lkibastuz and Kansko-Achinsk fuel-energy complexes. 25. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500084402-6 hUK UrhICIA?. u~r. UtvLY . 272700 r ~ � . , 4 5 ' (35) ~ , ~ . L._.1 . /'P3C=! CmpoJbaaa y 6 , 3 8 ~ . ~ ~ ~ a ~ , . ~v~ . , Qoo ~e :o~ ~ ~ ~ ' . . . ~ . , ~ ~ ~ . \ ` ac 6oa . . � . . 1 . ' _ T . ~1~ ~ - ~ . ' ~ 1\~ . - 1, 1~' 7~ _ y ~P T4000 Q~JO/Sr 45600 . . . 45600 27 yrP22.900 Q�I2S~10r 2B800 ' 32 700 � - ' f7 ~ ~ Qz ~ 2s 23 7s ' ~fs~ 3! ~ 29 30 ~ i_ p i_' ~ ` 1 32 - cJ-1--~- M 13~+~ Mauu[t~nar~ 3aa Ka+ne~dnae omd ~A~ ~ p ~2' . uy 54000 ~Q f 00 45000 33000~ ~ 35000 ` l~ig. 2. Surgut GRF~-2 with capacity of 4800 megawatts. 1--main building; 2-- unitized control panel; 3.-- open transformer installation; 4-- open distribution 500 kilovolt installation; 5-- block of auxiliaxy ORU-500 - kilovolt structures; 6-- gas distribution center; 7-- gas purification buildings; 8-- unitized pumping station with the pumping station for groduction-fire pro- tection water supply; 9-- open diversion canal; 10 chemical water purification with a chemical reagent waxehouse and purifying buildings; 11 consolidated repair center with a special building; 12 general pla.nt compressor and diesel building; 13 electrolysis installation with a consolidated pumping station to transfer fecal, greasy and torrential dxaiiiages; 14~ ~.cetylene generating plant 26. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480002-6 Fig. 2. Legend continued with a carbide storeroom; 15 oil department; 16 engineering-personal service building; 17 construction-re~six shop; 18 diese' engine depot; 19 motor vehicle building; 20 fuel oil building with emergency fuel; 21 electric installation products plant; 22 heat installation ba,se; 23 turbine; 24 vaporizer; 25 condenser; G6 high pressure preparator; 27 deaerator; 28 steam boiler; 29 blower; 30 recirculation exhaust fan; 31 regenera- tive air hea.ter; 32 axial exha.ust fan; 33 smokestack; 34 transformer; 35 GRFS-1; 36 construction base; 37 UGR; 38 BShchU; 39 Machinery hall; 40 Deaerator department; 41 Boiler depaxtment; 42 ~chaust fan and RVP department. The GRFS-2 design approved in 1981 was based on 800 mega.watt steam power equipment. The design was developed for using the following basic equipment. TGMP-204, 2650 tons per hour FO [Froduction Association] TKZ [Turbine and Boiler Plant] steam boilers with partial modernization~ taking into account operation on gas fuel only; type K-800-240-5 PUr LMZ turbines in a new standardized arrangement that made it possible to reduce the length of the unit to 72 meters (as against 108 meters at the Zaporozhska.ya and Uglegorskaya GRFS [3]. The arrangement of the boiler room is very compa,ct o A cross section of the building is shown in Fig. 2. The total l~ngth of the main building will be 543 meters. The building of GRFS-2 will be located on the shore of the projected water reservoir with the permanent end facing east; thus, the temporaxy ends of GRFS-1 and GRFS-2 limit the general installation-assembly sites. A section of the northern side of the existing flo~d water spillway of the GRES-1 water reservoir wi11 be uscd for the 500 kilovolt flR[J ~t7pen Dist~ibution Installation~:~ The basic and reserve fiiels will be gas from the Tyumenskaya deposits while fuel oil will be the emergency fuel. The transfer to purely gas fuel requires new solutions for the boiler equipment because gas, unlike fuel oil for which the TGMP-204 boiler is designed, makes it possible te increase the intensity of the hea.t in the furnace, standa.rdize heat exchange by the installation of double screens and increase the velocity of the gases E4]. All this will lead to reducing the dimensions and metal consumption of the boiler and, as a result, to a reduction in construction costs, installation labor, con- struction time~ an increase in efficiency and an improvement in repair conditions. Various organizations (PO TKZ~ Zi0 [Podol'sk Machinery Plant~, NP~O ~Scientific Production Association] TsKTI, VGPI [All-Union State Planning .Institute], Teplo- elektroproyekt etc.) have created large scientific, design and experimental- industrial reserves for the production of compa,ct boilers with gas-tight panels. The positive eight-year experien~e in operating eompa.ct Ye-500-140 GMVN boilers at Rostuvskaya TII's-2 was taken into account. It i~ planned to deve].op and create a compact 26j0 tons per hour steam boiler to operate on gas in 800 me awatt power units with a reduction in metal consumption indicators and dimensions ~5]. - 27 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 H'Ult l)NNII'IAI, ti~C. UlVI.Y Two '�~~iler vaxiations axe being considereds a boiler suspe_nded from the building structures; a frameless boiler with a cellular self-supporting structure of gas conduits of all-welded panels and a rotational TsKTI furnace. Table 1 shows a compaxison between TGMP-204 and MGPG boilers in accordance with the NPO TsKTI version of the Teploelektroproyekt Snstitute developments. Table 1 Steam boiler Steam boiler chaxacteristic TGMP-204 MGPG Boiler type Ga,s-tight with balanced Compac t, with draft, P-shaped rotaxy furnace, - gas-tight pres- surized Efficiency coefficient of 93* 9405 boiler, ~ Total weight of boiler metal (with RVP) 4980 tons 97~~ 6~2 kg~kw 12.1 Metal weight under pressure 2474 tons 4800 kg~kw 6.0 3.1 Boiler width along fr~nt 36.0 (at screen axes)~ meters 20.6 Boiler wtdth (at screen axes)y 22.4 meters 29.0 IIevation of upper point 26.0 of boiler, meters 62�3 A reduction in the dimensions and metal consumption of the boiler is substantiated by the following solutions~ highly boosted rotary furnace; compact arrangement of furnace and convective gas conduits; all-welded double screens and shielded heating surfaces; new standardized design of the stea.m superheater; *Increase of heat losses of the boiler with discharge gases of about 0.89b is taken into account; the increase in electric power consumption for their own needs is about 0.796. 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 horizontal, bent all-xelded panels, forming a self-supported cellular structure~ resting on its own portal; ribbed low-temperature heating surfaces. 70 0 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 4ar 3,60 _ 3 . 4f,00 ---2 � , � �.27, BO ~ 28 24 00 . r�1. ' . ~ I ' S4000 ?000 39000 00 ! 000 . 45000 ' 000 Fig. 3. Compaxison of ma,in buildings of GRTS-4800 (6x800) for natural gas (cross sections). i-- GRES with compa,et boilers; 2-- GRES with TGMP boilers (Surgut GRE.S-2). Comparative GRFS-4800 indicators with TGMP-2Q4 and compact MGPG-26,50 boilers axe shown in Fig. 3 and Table 2(da.ta by the Teploelektroproyekt VGP.I). The time of changeover of Surgut GRE,S-2 to compact boilers must be made more pre- cise in accordance with the actual schedule of the manufacture of the steam boilers. Such a change seem~ very advisable from the standpoint of finishing-off and assimi.lating the new equipment for the succeeding power plants of the considered region. Nizhnevaxtovskaya GR~ In 1982, the Ural Branch of the Teploelektrogroyekt must develop "Substantiating materials for building the Nizhnevartovskaya GRES" with the selection of the sites for the power p?.~.nt and settlement. If this aite is located at a distance from Nizhnevaxtovsk which would economically justify the hea.t supply from the GRES turbines to the city, then the basic heating, ventilation and hot water needs of the city would be met by turbine take-offs, xith the changing over of laxge heat- ing boilers to the peak mode and building ma.inline hea.ting networks from the GRES to the boiler installations. In the future, development of the city heat loads ma,y be provided by take-offs of three K-800-230-5 turbines in a set with groups of 580 to 840 gigajoules per hour network heaters. 29 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 - M'UR UN'M'1(:IAL US~: UNLY Table 2 Name GRF.S-4800 with GRES-4800 with TGMP-204 MGPG-2650 TsKTI Cell of 800 megawatt unit, meters 72xi4~ 72x141 without (BShchU) Unit construction axea, 0.01~ 0.014 m3~kilowatts O.o725 0.0466 Unit volume, 2y 9 Boiler metal consu~?ption, thousands of tons 58.9 ~ame of ma,in building metal consumption, thousands of tons 87.6 33 � 6 Ca.pital investments for buildings Million rubles 4~6.6 ~ 5�$ rubles/kw 95�13 ~+�55 Ca.pital investments saved~ million rubles - rubles/kw - ~ 10.6 Thus, taking into account the given capacity, it is advisable to equip the GRFS with six 800 megawatt power units and with steam boilers of a new, improved de- sign tested on the last power units of Surgut GRES-2. The axrangement of the main building must be solved taking into account the sizes and arrangements of the new.steam boiler and the simultaneous introduction of solutions of progressive arrangements (arrangements without dea.erators), new equipment for the turbine regeneration system (mixing PND~ unifilax PVD, new BRI~,T etc. Thus, a similax 800 megawatt GRF~, usir~ ga.s can be created. on the basis of the Nizhnevaxtovska.ya GRES. New GRES It is planned ':o build one more large GR~ in the Ty~amenskaya pblast. Preliminary project work is being done at present to determine the construction site and substantiate the optimum powex plant At this GRES, besides stea:n turbine power units, there will also be considered the use of the up 800 megawatt laxge steam-gas installations with GTU-150 gas tur- bines in vaxious combinations with high pressure steam generators according to the TsKTI axrangement, and with utiliaer boilers (in accordance with the VTI [All-Union ~hermotechnical Institute imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy] arrangement)o Conclusions 1. The Surgut GRES-1 and the Urengoy GRFS axe based on 210-250 megawatt power units. High efficiency and compact PGU-250 with VPG must be assimilat ed and operated at these power plants. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480002-6 2. For Surgut GR~S-2, Nizhnevartovskaya and new GRF~, it is advisable, from the viewpoin~ of ma.ximum standardization of solutions (construction~ technological, electric equipment, power output and operating and repair conditions), to adopt 800 megaxatts as a single capacity of the power unit. 3. It is necessaxy to accelerate in every possible xay the work of designing and manufacturing a smaller and less metal consuming steam boiler with a productivity of 2650 tons per hour for burning gas. 4. It is necessary to accelerate the development and introduction of solutions of the pro~ressive axrangement and auxil~iaxy equipment for a new series of 800 megawatt ga.s-burning power units, as well as to intensify work on the creation of large stea,m-gas installations with capacities of up to 800 megaxatts with.high pressure steam generators and boilers-utilizers. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Z`roitskiy, A. A. "Basic Directions of Developing the F~el-~ergy Ba.lance of IIectric Power of the Country." TF~PLOIIdIRGEPIKA, 1981, No 5~ pp 2-4. 2. Ik~obot, V. P.; Gol'dshteyn, A. D. and Vilenskaya, R. M. "Creation of Proto- type StE;a,m-Ga,s 250 Mega,watt Power Unit YPG for Remote Gas and Petroleum Producing Regions." Tr. TsKTI, 1978, No 163~ PP 34-37� 3. "Assimilation of 800 megawatt Prototype Power Unit at Zaporozhska.ya GRES." Tr. TsKTI, 1979~ No 166, p 178. 4~. "Boiler and Turbine 500 and 800 Megawatt Power Uni.t Installations." Ddited by V. Ye. Doroshchuk and V. B. Rubin. Moscow. ~ergiya, 1979, P 6ao. 5. Golovanov, N. Vo; Mitor, Vo V.; Chavchanidze, Ye. K., et. al. "Assimilation and Investiga,tion of Prototype Compa,et Steam Generators with a TsKTI Rotary F~rnace." Tr. TsKTI, 1978~ No 1~~ pp 3-14. COPYRIGIiri g?ergoizdat," Teploenergetika", 1982 2291 CSOi 1822~186 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500080002-6 N'UR UHFICIAL USN: ONLY ELEG'rRIC POWER TW~ BRIEF BOC[C REVIE~iS Moscow TF~PLOIIdERGETIKA in Russian No 5, May 82 ~ p 66 [Advertisementi Respected Readersd ~nergoizd.a,t offers to your attention books being prepared for publication in 9.982] ~Text~ Nucleax electrical power.plant. No 5~ Symposium of axticles, 23 pa.ges, illustrationso Translation. 1 ruble 50 kopecks, 4500 copies. The next in turn issue of the symposium is devoted basically to generalizing equipment operating and repairing experience of AES with various types of rea.ctors. bcperience in repairing KIPiA [Control and Mea.surement Instruments and Automatic ~uipment] and recommenda.tions axe given on stage by stage repairs of turbines and tightening their flange joints. New methods for the activity and consumption of the heat carrier axe cited. A method is described for monitoring the condi- tion of objects in the external medium. 5evera.l articles are devoted to the search for defective fuel elements. As in previous issues of the symposium, a special section has artieles on designing and building AFS. ' For AF5 engineers and technicians, and installation, tune-up and design organiza.- tions. Yantovskiy~ Ye. .I.; Pustalov, Yu. V. "Steam Compressor Heat Pumping Installations." 8.5 pages~ illustrations (~7cono~}r of Fa1~�ctric Power and Heat). 45 kopecks. 10~000 copies. Heat transformers are considered hea.t pumps capable of low potential hea.t (from envrionment or discharge waters) to a higher temperature level by means of ma.chines that implement a reverse thermodynaanic cycle. The replacement of fuel water heating boilers and electric boilers by heat pumping installations makes it possible to save fuel, improve the condition of the air and regulate the load of the power system. Basic arrangements are given of widely used steam compressor heat pumps using low boiling point working media (Freons), calculations of laxge capacity heat pump installations, arrangements for their use in power systems~ as well as results of experimental investigations of these installations with sea water and discharge cooling water of electric machines. 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480002-6 For power engineers who investiga,te and design heat exchange installations. These books can be acquired in all stores that distribute scientific-technical literature. - COPYRIGIiri F3iergoizdat, "Teploenergetika", 1982 2291 CSO~ 1822/186 ~ 33 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 FOR OFFIC'IAL USE O~LY ENERGY CONSERVATION RESULTS OF ALL-UNION COMPETITION FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION � Moscow PROMYSHLENNAYA ENERGETIKA in Russian No.l, Jan 82 pp 2-4 [Article by S. I. Veselov, chairman of jury of All-Union competition, and I. M. Fetisova, executive secretary of jury of All-Union competition] [Text] The All-Union council of scientific and technical societies, the cen- tral board of the NTO (scientific and technical society] of power engineering and the electrotechnical industry and the USSR Ministry of Power Engineering and Electrification have summarized the results of the 36th All-Union compe- tition for the best proposal on conservation of electric and thermal energy. The competition, in which more than 12,000 scientific workers, engineering and technical personnel and workers of all sectors of the national economy partic- ipated, contributed to solution of problems of increasing the utilization ef- ficiency of fuel and energy resources, propaganda and dissemination of leading experience in the field of energy conservation. The assistance committees to the All-Union competition at enterprises of Energonadzor considered 5,323 suggestions witli an annual saving of 1.9 billion kW�hr of electric energy and 5.7 million Gcal of thermal energy from introdua- tion of them. Together with the councils of the NTO, the assistance commi.t- tees held 95 republic, kray and oblast competitions for the best proposal on conservation of fuel and electric and thermal energy. From the results of local competitions, 1,222 suggestions (3,074 authors) were awarded money prizes, 630 authors were awarded diplomas and 531 authors were awarded honor- ary certificates of NTO and VOIR [All-Union Society of Inventors and Effi- ciency Experts~. Infurmation letters were issued on the results of conducting tiie local competitions and recommendations were made to put the prize sugges- tions into production. Energonadzor [State inspection for industrial power engineering and for power engineering supervision] enterprises Dneproenergo [State Administration of the Dnepropetrovsk Oblast Power System Management] (it presented 324 suggestions Krasnoyarskenergo [State Administration of the Krasnoy,arsk Oblast Paaer System Management] (284 suggestions), Mosenergo [Moscow Regic;nal Administration of Power System Management] (259 suggestions), Kuybyshevenergo LState Adminis- tration of Kuybyshev Oblast Power System Management] (240 suggestions), Mold- glavenergo [Moldavian Main Administration of Power System Management] (157 suggestions), Saratovenergo IState Administration of Saratov Oblast Power 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 - FaR OFHICIAL USE UhLY system Management] (153 suggestions), Odessaenergo [State Administration of Odessa Oblast Power System Management] (145 suggestions), Karagandaenergo [State Administration of Karaganda Oblast Power System Management] (118 sug- gestions), Orenburgenergo [State Administration of Orenburg Oblast Power Sys- tem Management] (115 suggestions) and so on worked actively in conducting the local competitions. A total of 1,755 suggestions with a saving of 1.3 billion kW�hr of electric energy and 4.4 million Gcal of tr.ermal energy was presented to the All-Union Canpetition. Power engineers, workers of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, ch~~nistry, petrochemistry and oi.l refining, the automotive and the light and textile industry participated ac:tively in the competition (see table). Number of ~ual Energv Conservation Incoming Electric Thermal ' Suggestions Million Thousand Sector of Industry Nu.~nber Percent kW�hr Percent Gcal Percent Ferrous metallurgy 220 12.4 136.3 10.2 535.0 12.3 Chemistry 182 10.4 90.9 6.8 578.7 13.3 Petrochemistry and oil refining 125 7.1 49.9 3.7 383.6 8.8 Nonferrous metallurgy 103 5.9 124.6 9.3 332.0 7.6 Power engineering 99 5.6 289.2 ~1.8 901.9 20.7 Textile and light 78 4.4 15.9 1.2 112.5 2.5 Automotive 70 4.0 31.8 2.4 59.9 1.4 Ti.mber, pulp-paper and woodworking 65 3.7 21.3 1.6 173.~4 3.9 Construction materials 59 3.4 26.2 2.0 207.4 4.8 Aviation 49 2.8 17.5 1.3 26.2 0.6 Electrotechnical 43 2.5 36.6 2.7 24.4 0.5 Petroleum 38 2.2 131.6 9.9 113.1 2.6 Machine tool building 38 2.~ 22.0 1.6 3.3 0.1 Coal 33 1.9 16.4 1.2 11.0 0.3 Rail 32 1.8 24.0 1.8 18.0 0.4 Construction 32 1.8 10.8 0.8 45.5 1.0 Electronic and radio engineering 29 1.6 9.1 0.7 25.0 0.6 Food 29 1.7 1.8 0.1 95.Z 2�1 Medical 21 1.2 32.1 2.4 85.8 2.0 Communal housing 19 1.1 20.1 1.5 21.4 0.5 Communications equipment 15 0.9 1.9 0.1 5.1 0.1 Agriculture 15 0.9 61.4 4.6 20.1 0.5 Meat and milk 14 0.8 1.6 0.1 13.6 0.3 Instrument building 13 0.7 5.5 0.4 20.5 0.5 Microbiology 12 0.7 3.6 0.3 30.1 0.65 Gas 11 0.6 3.9 0.3 10.5 0.2 Shipbuilding 11 0.6 1.5 0.1 ~ 16.2 0.4 [Continued on following page] 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y NLUnber of Annual Energy Conservation Incoming Electric Thermal Suggestions Million Thousand Sector of Industry Number Percent kW~hr Percent Gcal Percetf~ Procurement 9 0.5 2.9 0�2 " Fishing economy 7 0.4 1.2 0.1 6.9 0.16 ~ Local 7 0.4 0.7 0.1 4.1 0.09 River fleet 6 0.3 2.7 0.2 biachine building 142 8.1 81.8 6.1 118.6 2.7 Including: tractor and agricultural 46. 2.6 32.6 2.4 19.1 0.4 heavy and transport 24 1.4 12.6 0.9 5.9 0.1 chemical and petzoleum 17 1.0 13.7 1.0 9.1 0.2 power engineering 13 0.7 9.4 0.7 10.6 0.2 construction, high- way a~d municipal 10 0.6 3.1 0.2 3.6 0.1 ~ light and food 8 0.5 1.1 0.1 13.1 0.3 general machine . building 8 0.5 6.7 0.5 0.9 0.02 Miscellaneous 129 7.4 58.0 4.3 366.8 8.4 Total 1,755 100 1,334.8 100 4,365.7 100 The assistance cc:nmittees at the Energonadzor enterprises Chelyabenergo [State Administration of Chelyabinsk Oblast Power System Management] (123 suggestions), Bashkirenergo [State Administration of Bashkirskaya ASSR Power System Manage- ment] (92 suggestions), Kuybyshevenergo (88 suggestions), Lenenergo [Leningrad - Regional Administration of Power System Management] (88 suggestions), Sverdlov- energo [State Administration of Sverdlov Oblast Power System Management~ (84 - suggestions), Dneproenergo (73 suggestions) and others presented the largest number of suggestions to the 36th All-Union Competition. The jury of the com- petition awarded prizes for 183 of the best suggestions, due to introduction of which an annual saving of 282.5 million kW�hr of electric energy and 911,000 Gcal of thermal energy was achiaved, which comprises 7.9 million rubles. The jury awarded the first prize of the competition for the suggestion "Modern- ization of utility boilers for combustion chamber furnaces of the polymetal combine," developed by w~orkers of the PO [production association] Uralenergo- tsvetmet jointly with workers of the Leninogrosk Polymetal Combine. An increase of the operating reliability of the utility boiler was achieved due to its U-shaped configuration and new design of the screens with collec- tive blocks that form the top cover and also as a result of changing the spac- ing of the evaporating screens in the gas lines of the boiler, aerodynamic optimization of the gas flow by using a new design of the separating wall, 36 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY increasing the volume of the intermediate hopper of the boiler and making its cooling more efficient and using a detachable design of the top cover. Intro- duction of these measures made it possible to increase the continuous operating = life of the furnace-boiler complex from 10 to 240 days and to save 46,618 Gcal - of thermal energy and 887,000 kW�hr of electric energy annually by utilizing the heat of Exh~,~.~st gases. Utility boilers of similar design will find broad application at ~~tner enterprises of the sector. - The f irst prize of the competition was also awarded to the suggestion "Utiliza- tion of the heat of distillery fluid of soda production" of workers of the Siberian Branch of NPO [scientific production association] Tekhenergokhimprom and the Sterlitamak PO Soda, which was directed toward conservation of thermal energy, the use of secondary energy resources and environmental protection. According to the Pxisting technology of calcined soda production, the distil- lery liquid with temperature up to 95�C was dumped into a slurry collector as production waste. An installation in which the heat of the distillery liquid can be used both to heat the chemically purified and the circulating network water in the heating system was developed and introduced for the first time in the practice of soda production by the ammonia method. The experi.mental-in- dustrial installation for using the heat of distillery liquid of type UITDZh- 500, introduced at the Sterlitamak PO Soda, made it possible to achieve an an- nual saving of 52,920 Gcal of thermal energy. The contract design and detail plan of an industrial installation on the use o� the heat of distillery liquid is now being developed for the Berezniki Soda Plant, the Sterlitamak PO Soda and the Crimean Soda Plant. The total annual saving of thermal energy should exceed 300,000 Gcal. The jury awarded the second prize of the competition for the sugges~ion "Modern- ization of evaporative cooling installations of copper refining furnaces" of workers of the Uralelektromed' [expansion unknown] combine. New furnace com- ponents--caissons of vertical and horizontal gas lines, a rotary ~lide valve, pivot beams, tubular wall caissons for enclosure and protection of openings between windows, burner nozzles, support beams of the end burner wall and so on--were used as a result of introducing a number of efficiency suggestions of the combine workers. Modernization of the evaporative cooling system made it possible to increase the stability of the cooled components of the furnace by a factor of more than 8-10, to bring the degree of utilization of VER [expan- sion unknownJ (with regard to utility boilers) up to 72.2 percent, to increase the productivity of the copper foundry, to considerably reduce the consumption - of refractories, to considerably increase the efficiency of the evaporative cooling installations and to save more than 58,000 Gcal of thermal energy annually. The suggestion of workers of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical imeni V. I. Lenin "Reconstruction of the intradrum separation device on utility boilers for two-vat steel smelting furnaces," for which the jury of the competition also awarded second prize, will find application at enterprises of ferrous metallurgy. The separation device of drtuns, installed according to the design on all utility boilers, was not guaranteed the required separation, as a result of which there were discharges of boiler water into the steam heater. 37 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500080002-6 FQR OFFlCIA1. USE OtiLti' Reconstruction of the separation device made it possible to eliminate complete- ly the discharge of condensation moisture into the steam heater, to reduce the idle times of the boiler, to increase generation of steam, to stabilize opera- tion of the furnace-utility boiler-gas scrubbing-flue system and to reduce the consumption of water-steam mixture to purge the boilers. Reconstruction of the indicated device at the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine alone guaranteed a saving of 30,210 Gcal of thermal energy annually. A number of other interesting works was awarded prizes of the competition. ~ They will all find broad application at many enterprises of the national econ- omy, which will permit a significant contribution to solution of problems of increasing the utilization efficiency of the country's fuel and energy r.esources . ~s~ Organizations of the State Power Engineering InsPection and councils of scien- tific and technical societies devoted a great deal of attention to problems of dissemination and introduction of the suggestions awarded prizes at the All- Union and local competitions. A total of 2,475 suggestions was put into pro- duction in 1980 upon recommendation and under the verification of inspectors of Energonadzor enterprises, which permitted a saving of an additional 572 million kW�hr of electric energy and one million Gcal of thermal energy in the _ national economy. The ministries of nonferrous metallurgy, the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industry, lumber, pulp-paper and woodworking and shipbuilding indus- tries published information on the most valuable suggestions for the corre- sponding sectors of industry. Other ministries sent letters to subordinate ~ enterprises on the results of the 25th All-Union competition with reco:nmenda- tions on introduction of the prize suggestions. ' At the same time some ministries and scientific and technical societies are not devoting the proper attention to propagandizing of the tasks and condi- tions of the All-Union competition and to development of efficiency work on problems of energy conservation. Few suggestions come into the All-Union competition from a number of machine building, construction, microbiology, fishing, local and gas industry enterprises. = The assistance committees to the All-Union competition of a number of Energo- nadzor enterprises and NTO councils are not working actively in propagandizing ttie conditions of the competition, rendering assistance to the primary organ- izations of~the NTO of enterprises in intensification of efficiency work directed toward conservation of energy resources. The assistance committees of the Energonadzor enterprises Buryatenergo, Gruzglavenergo [Main Adminis- = tration of Georgian Power System Management], Kamchatskenergo, Kostromaenergo, Tyumen'energo, Chuvashenergo, Yakutskenergo and Uzenergonadzor did not present a single suggestion to the 36th All-Union competition. The assistance commit- tees to the All-Union competition of Energonadzor enterprises Arkhenergo, l~murenergo, Karelener~o, Ryazan'energo and others worked with insufficient activity. Local competitions for the best suggestion on conservation of _ electric and thermal energy were not held in many republics, kra.ys and ob- lasts, including the Georgian SSR, Kirgiz SSR, Latvian SSR and �che Donetskaya, Khar'kovskaya, Kurskaya, Sverdlovskaya and other oblasts. 3~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500080042-6 FaR oN~~~c~ini. ~~tic ohi.v The Presidium of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies, the Presidium of the Central Board of the NTO of Power Engineering and the Electrotechnical Industry and the USSR Ministry of Power Engineering and Electrification, having consic?ered the results of the 36th All-Union Competition: confirmed the decision of the jury on the results of the 36th All-Union - competition for the best suggestion on conservation of electric and thermal energy; obligated the central, republic, kray and oblast boards and councils of scientific and technical societies to consider the results of the 36th All- Union Competition, to recommend the best work to economic bodies for use and - to r.~onitor. introduction of them into production; requested the ministries to publish information letters on the prize suggestions at the 36th All-Union Competition and orders on their introduction into production ar~d ~lso to obligate the managers of enterprises at which the prize suggestions were developed and introduced to publish information on the prize suggestions at the r.equests of other enterprises and organizations; commissioned the jury of the competition, the Department of Scientific and Technical Propaganda and raising the qualifications of specialists of VSNTO [All-Union Council of the Scientific and Technical Society), the com- mittee of VSNTO on problems of efficient use of material resources and the editorial boards of thejournal TEKHNIKA I NAUKA to organize broad propaganda of the prize competition work, using the press, radio and houses of technology of NTO for thi;; decided to hold the 37th All-Union Competition in 1982 for the best sug- gestion on conservation of electric and thermal energy and obligated the boards and councils of NTO, Energonadzor enterprises and regional power en- gineering boards to organize broad propaganda of the goals and tasks of the competition, to direct the creative activity of workers toward finding and use of reserves for conservation of energy resources and to conduct local com- petitions on conservation of energy resources in oblasts,krays and republics; confirmed the committee (jury) of the 37th All-Union Competition for the best suggestion on conservation of electric and thermal energy; - turned the attention of the chiefs of the Main Administrations and con- trol energy systems of Buryatenergo, Gruzglavenergo, Kamchatskenergo, Kostro- maenergo, Tyumen'energo, Chuvashenergo and Yakutskenergo toward the need to implement measures to improve the work of the assistance committees to the All-Union Competition in propagandizing the conditions of the competition, selection of suggestions at enterprises, rendering assistance in formulation = of them and also in organization of local competitions on conservation of energy resources. - Glavgosenergonadzor and the jury of the All-Union competition devote special attention of the energy services of ministries, agencies and assistance 39 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE U\l,ti' committees to the competition to the need for the most rapid introduction of the prize suggestions into production to achieve an additional conservation of energy. COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Promyshlennaya energetika", 1982 6521 CSO: 1822/172 4~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500080002-6 - FOR OFMICIAL USE UNLY FUELS UDC 622.276.5.338.27 MiAT.YSIS, PLANNING, FORECASTING OOST OF OIL PRODUCTION Moscow ANALIZ, PLANIROVANIYE I PROGNOZIROVANIYE SEBESTOIMOSTI DOBYCHI NEFTI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 11 Jun 1981) pp 1-3, 111-112 (Annotation, introduction and table of contents from book "Analysis, Planning and Forecasting the Cost of Oil Production", by Mars Timir'yanovich Shakirov, Vladimir Pavlovich IQzalyavin, I1'ya Ivanovich Leshchinets and Viktor Yeliseye- vich Tishchenko, Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 1,500 copies, 112 pages] [TextJ Annotation The characteristics of formation and the methods of analysis of the economic indicators of oil production are described. Methods and reserves for reducing operating losses at the level of the production units of oil-producing asso- ciations are indicated. Methodological pre requisites of economic and mathe- matical modelling and forecasting of the economic indicators of oil production are outlined and methods and models are proposed that permit one to solve a wide ranqe of practical problems in analysis of the indicators of oil production. The book is intended for economists, planners and other engineering and tech- nical personnel of oil-producing enterprises and organizations. It will be useful to students of petroleum higher educational institutions a~d faculties. Introduction The economic problem of increasing the economic effectiveness of production under modern conditions occupies the leading position in development of so- cialist industry. The cost of oil production is one of the main indicators in estimating the effectiveness of the oil-producing industry. Therefore, it is no accident that a great deal of attention is being devoted to planning and analysis of the production and economic activity of oil-producing enterprises in the papers of Soviet authors N. M. Nikolayevskiy, I. I. Ryzhenkov, L. M. Umanskiy, A. N. Buchin, L. P. Gruzhnovskiy, V. Z. Fattakhov, R. K. Panova and others. Economic and mathematical methods of analysis and planning, specifically eco- nomic statistical modelling, are now used ever more frequently in economic research. This direction is comparatively new but it is developinq rapidly 41 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 f~'(3R OFFI('IA1. USE OhLti' and has already achieved wide recognition of many specialists. Economic re- search using quantitative methods acquires a new, higher quality and fully corresponds to the modern requirements of management. The value of mathe- matical methods and economic statistical modelling is especially high in solving practicaly problems under operational conditions at ASU [automatic control system] enterprises. Hawever, it should be recognized that economic mathematical modelling using computers in the practical activity of low-level cost-accounting enterprises has not achieved sufficiently wide distribution. Such problems as economic mathematical analysis of production expenditures, planning the cost of oil production and other problems of important signifi- cance in solving practical problems of increasing the efficiency of the oil- producing industry require their own solution. This book is devoted to development and application of economic mathematical methods and models for use in analysis, planning and forecasting of the cost indicator of oil production. The methodological procedures and selection of the form of economic mathemati- cal relationship of the investigated indicator to factors that significantly affect its level and dynamics are determined to a considerable degree by the conditions of formation of the cost of oil production. Therefore, special attention is devoted in the book to formation of production expenditures at different stages of exploitation of a field. Economic statistical analysis of the cost of oil production, the esti.mate of the production and economic activ- ity of an enterprise, planning and forecasting of the cost of oil production and economic mathematical models of this indicator for solving practical prob- lems occupy an important position. ~ Contents Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 1. Method of Economic-Statistical Analysis of Cost of Oil 4 Production . � � � � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Characteristic features of.formation.of cost of oil production. 4 Methodological prerequisites of economic statistical analysis 1~ of cost of oil production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2. Analysis of Cost of Oil Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Tendency and factors of variation of cost of oil production 21 Economic statistical analysis of cost of oil production 24 . Economic statistical analysis of production expenditures by 33 subsystems . � � � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Multifactor analysis.of cost�of oil production with regard to 41 stage of exploitation of field . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ � � � � Chapter 3. Forecasting the Cost of Oil Procluction . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Fnrecasting the cost of oil production on the basis of time series. 58 Forecasting on the basis of multifactor models . . . . . . . . . . Retrospective analysis of the capabilities of using economic 63 statistical model for forecasting and planning . . . . . . . . . 42 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 FUR OFNICIAL USE ONLY' Chapter 4. Planning the Cost of Oil Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Planning the cost of oil production under conditions of function- inq of automated control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Application of economic statistical model to cost of oil produc- - tion in planning the exploitation of fields . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Chapter 5. Estimating the Effectiveness of Measures to Reduce the Cost of Oil Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Intensification of oil samples and improvement of flooding system. . 75 Limiting the increase of flooding of well products 80 Using methods of increasing.the oil yield of beds. 86 Using separate collection of anhydrous and flooded oil and intra- pipe de-emulsification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Improving the use of stock of oil wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lU3 Appendix 1. Most Widespread Forms of Relatioris . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Appendix 2. Questionnaire for Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Appendix 3. List of Factors that Determine Level and Dynamics of Expenditures of Sr~bsystem of Liquid Extraction 105 Appendix 4. List of Factors that Influence the Level and Dynamics ~ of Expenditures of Subsystem of Collection, Storage and Preparation of Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 ~ Appendix 5. List of Factors that Influence the Level and Dynamics of Subsystem of Maintaining Bed Pressure . . . . . . . . . . 106 Appendix 6. List of Factors that Influence ~he Level and Dynamics of Expenditures of Production Control Subsystem 107 B ib 1 i og raphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 1981 6521 CSO: 1822/174 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500480002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USF: OtiLY PIPELINES ~ ?JDC 622.692.4.07 UNDERGROUND TRUNK P IPELINES Moscow PODZEMNYYE MAGISTRAL'NYYE TRUBOPROVODY in Russian 1982 (signed to press 30 Nov S1) pp 1-8, 383-3~34 [Annotation, introduction, table of contents and bibliography from the book "Underground Trunk Pipelines (Design and Construction)", by Petr Petrovich Borodavkin, Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 6,700 copies, 384 pages] [Text] Annotation Problems of the design and construction of underground trunk pipelines for transport of oil, gas and their refining products are considered. Based on generalization of domestic and foreign experience of construction and also from the results of the author's investigations, materials are presented on guaranteeing high reliability of main pipelines over a long period of their operation. Special attention is devoted to stabiliza~ion of the position of ~ underground pipelines, pinching of pipes in soils having low supporting capac- _ ity (swamps, permafrost, flooded soils and so on). The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel involved in the areas of design, canstruc- tion, operation and repair of trunk pipelines. It may be useful to students of higher educational institutions. . - Introduction In his sumanary report to the 26th CPSU Congress, Comrade L. I. Brezhnev said: "Gas and oil production in Western Siberia and their transportation to the European USSR must be done by the most important sections af the Energy pro- gram of the llth and even of the 12th Five-Year Plans."1 The Congress posed the problem: "Increase the efficiency and operating reli- ability of the country's unified gas supply systemr"2 the basis of which are large main gas pipelines. 1"Materialy XXVI s"yezda KPSS" [Materials on the 26th CPSU Congress], Polit- - izdat, 1981, p 39. 2Loc. cit. , p 150. . 44 FOR OFFICIAL iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500080002-6 FdR OFFICIAL USF OtiLY t~ij~~:line transport of oil and gas from a narrowly specialized engineering ~�ystem, as it was only 30-40 years ago, has been transfozmed to a large sec- tor of the national economy. Tens of billions of rubles are invested annual- ly in its development. This circumstance requires a scientifically based approach to distribution and expenditure of such enormous funds and does not permit one to make even slight miscalculations both in general and in special decisions. If scientific investigations are analyzed for a specific period, it is impossible not to note that these investigations and problems of de- sign, construction and operation of pipelines were not considered in close - relationship to each other. One shoul3 not in this regard that some indepen- dent problems were s~lved at such a high scientific leve~ that they now have unsurpassable scientific and practical value. But nevertheless all these in- vestigations were not combined with each other by the community of the general goal, which has long been known and is formalized extremely simply: a specif- ic amount of product (oil, gas, petroleum product, coal and so on) must be moved by pipeline from point A to point B. But point A may be located on the Yamal Peninsula while point B may be located on the western border of the USSR. There is no need to explain whac complex problems must be solved in order for the product from point A to be delivered to point B and so that it arrives there continuously over a period of many years. Problems arise at the second step of selecting the route: haw to connect points A and B, where the route passes, what it intersects, where it cannot be laid for some reasons not dependent on the designer, how to tie the route to ai~ existing system of pipelines and one planned for the future and how to tie the pipe diameter, working pressure of the product, disposition of pumping ~ stations and pumpino mode, design solutions and structural and technological , reliability to each other, taking into account the problem of environmental - protection. It is obvious without any explanation that there is no one ele- ment of this list which would not depend in socne manner on the position of - the route and which would not itself have a significant effect on its position. The role of the selected pipeline route is clearly obvious from its relation- ship to all the elements without exception that guarantee achievement of the main goal--delivery of the product to the final destination and prolonged functioning of the pipeline. The following questions immediately arise: with what expenditures of material resources and within what deadline will the giv- en goal be achieved, what loss will be inflicted on nature and how will it be reduced. The simplest answer to these questions is that everything should be minimal: both expenditures for construction and the loss inflicted on nature and the time of construction. A considerable volume of scientific investigations has been conducted during the past decade on selection of the optimum route. Optimum decisions on re- duced expenditures, capital investments, design arrangements, branches and pumping techniques have been found and tens of computer programs have been compiled. Thus, let us assume that we have a pipeline that is best in all respects or at least in some indicator. What does "best" or "optimum" mean? Let us pre- sent only a brief list of the interconnected (direct and feedback) elements that comprise the structural and operational structure of a pipeline (Figure 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 FOR OFMIC7AL CJSE OhLY 1). It is obvious from the figure that the best solution and optimization of a pipeline can be found when the highest reliability with minimum loss in- flected on nature and minimum expenditures for construction and operation are achieved simultaneously. This approach to the problem of optimization of pipe- line transport is still not being quite clearly followed in those investiga- tions which have been made up to the present. This is a matter not so much bf the absence of mathematical models as the absence of scientifically substanti- ated recommendations on solution of individual problems. Let us analyze this situation. Pipeline Reliability (max) Reduced expenditures Loss to nature (mini (min) Design Technological Designs Interaction Nonresolvability Method of Pumping with Materials Environment Oil Gas Durability Cold, Hot, Technology . warm, cooled, Effect on hot cold, nature Strength for p liquid Organization NS KS Methods of Natural protection Strength for q conditions Diameter and material of pipes Strength to special loads Uninterrupted pumping Protection ac~ainst corrosion Carrying capacity _ Figure 1. Structural and Operational Structure of Pipeline - Reliability has two main branches: design and production. Design reliability is guaranteed at a given level when nondestructability and durability are 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 FOR OFFI(�~n~ usF oni.v yuaranteed (within the limits of calculated or directive operating period?. Nondestructability in turn is determined by the required design strength (for example, of pipes), calculated for test and operating pressures of the product beinq pumped and also to the effect of external force factors (precipitation, elides, effective flows and so on). Durability with nondestructability already guaranteed cannot be provided if prolonged effects are taken into account th~t reduce the carrying capacity of the structures (corrosion, shifting of pipes in soils when slip properties appear, effective loads variable in time with greater or lesser frequency). 41e analy~ed the investigations in the most careful manner on the strength of pipelines and concluded that it is not yet possible to talk about complete scientific substantiation of the methods of designing pipelines for strength. It is interesting to note that pipelines have an exceptionally high reserve of carrying capacity, but nevertheless they do sometimes break. This does not mean that the thickness of the pipe walls should be increased in the future. It turns out that the thickness can even be decreased by providing a test which completely determi.nes the latent defects of a metallurgical and structural nature. One cannot assume that an increase of the thickness of pipe walls to c.ompensate for structural and metallurgical defects is substantiated. Let us consider the optimization approach to this problem. This is the scheme of re- lationship of its elements: strength-conservation of inetal-tests-~eriod of in- troduction-time losses (and accordingly of income from later introduction into operation)-losses from accidents during operation (due to premature introduc- tion in*o operation and nondetermination of latent defects)-loss to nature (sometimes unrecover�ble). This is a very important direction df optimization - that combines the cycle of strength, economic and ecological problems. Inves- tigation of all the elements of this relationship also permits one to give a scientifically substantiated answer. Let us turn to production reliability, bearing in mind only transportation of oil and gas. The main goal of guaranteeing a given level of production reli- ability is uninterrupted delivery of a calculated quantity of product to the final destination. There are more optimization problems here than in the case of design reliability. Let us begin with determination of the method of pump- ing. Discussions have been waged over a period of almost 15 years as to how best to transport gas over long distances: through pipes 1.6, 2 or 2.5 meters in diameter, without cooling, in a cooled, cold, very cold or in a liquid state and at pressure of 7.5, 10 or 12 MPa? It is interesting that the prob- lem of optimization is sometimes very simple to solve: it is suff icient to note the formula of the area of a circle and the law of variation of gas den- sity when its temperature and pressure vary. It is natural that the carrying capacity of a pipeline 2.5 meters in diameter is greater than that of a pipe- line 1.5 meters in diameter and that more cooled (or even more so of liquid gas) can be pumped through the same pipe than hot gas. But the accompanying pror,lems, sometimes much more complicated, arise in this case. Elow does one deal with the scientific approach to the problem of selecting the optimum~method of oil and gas transportation, pressure and pipe diameter. Extensive research work is being conducted in this direction at VNIIGaz [All- Union Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas], MINKhiGP imeni I. M. 47 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 MOR UFFlCtAL U~N U\LY Gubkin [Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry imeni Academi- _ cian I. M. Gubkin], VNIIST [All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Construction of Trunk Pipelines] and the planning institutes of Mingazprom [Ministry of the Gas Industry] and Minnefteprom (Ministry of the Petroleum Industry]. But they are sometimes conducted witihout the proper tie-in to de- sign reliability and the requirements of environmental protection. And as Cait be seen from the figure (see Figure 1), the best solution is impossible with- out investigating these relationships. It is necessary in this case to con- ~ stantly remember that all the elements should come together on the main basis --the route, which takes into account in the best manner their features and relationship. Available experience in theory shows that even slight changes of the location of the route lead to variation of the enumerated indicators. However, we cannot yet talk about the fact that there presently exists a sci- entifically substantiated methodology that permits one to state that same version of pumping, some diameter and some material are optimum under one or another natural conditions with specific material resources and capabilities of existing equipment and construction technology and the need to rearrange many sectors of the national economy when adopting an essentially new scheme (for example, transportation of liquefied gas). Let us present an example. When transporting supercooled or lic;uefied gas, the pipeline diameter and its car- rying cagacity are taken as the optimizing parameters. And all the remaining problems (heat insulation of the pipes, the technology of manufacturing them, the use of powerful cooling equipment, construction materials, the effect on nature and so on) are regarued as seconc~ary. Just take heat insulation. An enormous number of investigations has been carried out but no prediction has k~een given in a single investigation of the state of heat insulation in water- saturated and periodically freezing soil, with the inevitable longitudinal and transverse shifts of the pipes that cause large force effects on the heat in- sulation. It is quite obvious that porous insulation cannot be used for a long time in flooded and freezing soils. However, one can talk about trans- portation of a cold product on the condition of solving this very problem. One mu~t substantiate within the shortest periods and at a high scientific l.evel the optimum methods of piunp and pipe diameters and one must tie them to selection of the route by all the remaining parameters. This will help us to answer the questions related to selection of pipe diameter. No less complicated problems are related to construction of long oil pipelines, especially under arctic conditions: the permafrost cannot be "thawed," cold frozen oil also cannot be pumped and it is very expensive to construct a pipe- line on supports. But it must be constructed. This means that the solution of this problem is one of the most important directions for optimization of pipeline construction. ' The constructior. problems related to reduced expenditures and that are of no less importance for the efficiency of pipeline transport should be noted. The fact is that regardless of the extent to which the bes't solutions are optimized and are found in pure form, they are useless (although not senseless) at a _ given period if the existing level of construction does not permit implementa- tion of them. The direct relationship of the elements of construction to all the elements of design and production reliability and also to problems of environmental protection arises here. 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLti' The terrain conditions over the entire length of the route are extremely di- verse and it is frequently impossible to carry out construction by the design scheme which is the best one with respect to production or design reliability. This means that one must bear in mind the real capabilities of the construc- tion subdivisions. It is probable that not every pipeline can be constructed with the high mobilization of resources and funds which occurred, for example, in construction of the Vyganpur-Chelyabinsk gas pipeline or the Surgut-Polotsk oil pipeline. Development of the optimum process flow diagrams of construc- tion for specific natural conditions and tying them to design and production reliability and also to the requirements of environmental protection are necessary. Optimization of the organizational structures and transport schemes of construction permits one to control construction in the best man- ner and to maneuver the construction subdivisions so as to contribute to achievement of high rates of construction and reduction of deadlines. It is impossible not to note once again such a problem of pipeline construc- tion as environmental protection. This section of optimization of pipeline transport is found essentially only at the stage of establishment. Optimiza- tion should primarily envision the direction of the route, design of the pipe- line and pumping technology that inflict minimum losses on nature. This can be achieved by having a clear classification of the effects or. nature during transportation and storage of oil and gas and the methods of predicting chan- ges in the state of nature during prolonged operation of pipeline transport _ facilities. This classification is being worked out at MINKhiGP imeni I. M. ~ Gubkin, VNIIGaz, VNIIST and at other institutes. Investigations are being conducted on predicting the effects on nature and a complex of ineasures is being worked out to reduce their effect on the natural vegetation complex, the animal world and reservoirs. The first results already show the capability and feasibility of combining problems of environmental protection to develop- ment of designs, pumping techniques and the technology and organization of pipeline construction. It is obvious from the foregoing how complex and interrelated the problems of pipeline transport of oil and gas are. It is the complex approach that per- mits one to solve in the best manner those problems which are related to the need for a continuous guarantee of the country's industrial regions with oil and gas from fields located in the vast territory of the Arctic and western and Eastern Sib eria. Contents Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 1. Basic Information on Trunk Pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1. Designation of trunk pipelines and areas of their application � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' ' ' 9 1.2. Composition of�structures of trunk pipelines. 11 1.3. General characteristic of line part of pipeline 21 1.4. Basic indicators of pipeline operation . . . . . . . . . . 23 1.5. Designs of underground pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 = 49 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500080002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 2. Longitudinal Shifts of Underground Pipelines 30 2.1. Unstabilized states of pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.2. Effect of longitudinal shifts on position of pipeline. 32 2.3. Shifts of semi-infinite pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.4. Takinq elastic resistance into account . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.5. Shifts with nonuniform distribution of soil properties 41 2.6. Effect of soil creep on longitudinal shifts of pipeline. 43 2.7. Calculated characteristics of soils. Examples of cal- culating longitudinal shifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.8. Effect of longitudinal movements of pipes on their insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Chapter 3. Stability of Underground Pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.1. Forms of loss ~f stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.2. Stability of straight pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3.3. Stability of curved section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Chapter 4. Transverse Shifts of Pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.1. General characteristics of transverse shifts 78 4.2. Vertical shift of straight pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.3. Shifts of pipeline on curved sections. . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.4. Stabilization of pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Chapter 5. Slide Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5.1. Characteristics of slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5.2. Stress state of pipeline in slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5.3. Calculation of pipelines in slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 5.4. Guaranteeing pipeline efficiency in slide. . . . . . . . . . 111 5.5. Esti.mation of risk related to construction of pipeline in slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.6. Practical recommendations to determine standards of risk 121 Chapter 6. Strength of Underground Pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.1. Pipeline failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.2. Statistics of pipeline failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 6.3. Methods of calculating pipelines for strength. 134 6.4. Optimization approach to problem of strength 147 6.5. Estimation of ind~estructiloility of lying part of pipeline. . 149 6.6. Probability analysis of limiting state of pipeline 152 6.7. Effect of stress concentrators on state of pipes 161 6.8. Effect of stress concentrators and internal pressure on measure of reliability of pipeline section . . . . . . . . . 167 6.9. Methods of calculating strength of pipeline by given degree uf reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 6.10. Calculation of strength of pipeline section. 171 6.11. Strength of "pipe in pipe" pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Chapter 7. Testing of Truck Pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 7.1. Relationship of calculated and test stress states. 181 7.2. Test pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 50 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500084002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE U1VLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Borodavkin, P, P., "Podzemnyye truboprovody" [Underground Pipelines], Moscow, Nedra, 1974. 2. Borodavkin, P. P., "Mekhanika gruntov v truboprovoc]nom stroitel'stve" [Soil Mechanics in Pipeline Construction], Moscow, Nedra, 1976. 3. Pontryagin, L. S., V. G. Boltyanskiy, R~ V. Gamkrelidze et al, "Matemati- cheskaya teoriya optimal'nykh protsessov" [Mathematical Theory of Optimum Processes], Moscow, Nauka, 1969. 4. Popov, I. V., "Deformatsiya rechnykh rusel i gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo" [Deformation of River Beds and Hydroengineering Construc- tion], Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1969. 5. Rzhanitsin, A. R., "Teoriya rascheta konstruktsiy na nadezhnost [Theory _ of Calculating Structures for Reliability], Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1978. 6. Rozin, L. A., "Metod konechnykh elementov v primenenii k uprugim sistemam" [Finite Element Method in Application to Flexible Systems), Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1977. 7. Yasin, E. M. and V. I. Chernikin, "Ustoychivost' podzemnykh truboprovodov" [Stability of Underground Pipelines], Moscow, Nedra, 1968. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 1982 6521 CSO: 1822/175 ~D 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500080002-6