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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544474423-4
JPRS L/ 10577
- 10 June 1982
_ ~ ' wi~le Re ort
~/V o r! ~d
(FOUO 26/82) ~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
JPRS publications contain inforcnation primarily from foreign, periodicals and bonks, but atlso from news agency
transmissions and broad~asts. Materis7s from for~ign-language
sources are translated; those from English -language sources
- are transcribed or reprinted, with the orig inal phrasing and
other characteristics retained.
- Headlines, editor ial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indica tors suc.h as [Text]
_ or [Excerpt] ir the first line of each item, or following the
' last line of a brief, ir~dicate how the original information was
processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted,
- ~ Un�amiliar names rendered ~honetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Wordg or names preceded by a que$-
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Other unattributed parenthetical not~s with in the body of an
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T`he contents of th is publication in no way reprpsent the poli-
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500074423-4
j JPRS L/10577
10 June 1982
~ ~
~ (FOUO 26/82)
. Government Seeks Creation 9f National Crimes Commission
(Greg Turnbull; 1iiE SYINEY MORNING HER?,LD, 29 Apr 82) 1
Royal Commission on Drug Trade Gets Access to Tax Files
- (Ted Knez; ZHE AUSTRALIAN, 15 Apr 82) 2
~ Police Plan New Measures To Counter Dru~, Traffickinp
- ( Ted Knez; ~IE WEEKEND ATJSTRALIAN, 10-11 Apr 82) . . . . o . . . . . . 4
Federal Police Join With Thais To Fight Dn~g Trade
(Ted Knez; ~iE AUSTRA.LIAN, 29 Mar $2) 5
Co~nission OK' d To Probe Nugan Hand Drug, Arms Connections
, ~ ( Te d Kne z; TEiE AUS TRALIAN, 21 Ap r 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
~ Jail Terms Given in Separate Heroin Smuggling Cases
~ ( (THE [dEST AUSTRALIAN, 17 Apr 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
~ ' Briefs
F He ro in Cha rges in Pe r th 10
IS',.~ 'n S dne Heroin Case 10
B~i ~ y y
I B U RMt1
I?angers of klarmful Drugs Viewed
(Editorial; THE W~RKING PEOPLE~S LIAILY, 5 May 82).......... 11
~,t;, . Poppy Substitution Program 13
_ r,
- a - [ III - ~ - 138 FOUO]
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Heroin Base Seized Aboard Singaporean Vessel
(SOUTH QiINA 140RNING POST, 17, 18 I+fa.y 82}.,�����������-�- 14
Crewmen Detained, by Tommy Lewis
Crewmen Released
Bill Seeks To Close Loopholes in Existing Drug Laws
(SOU~I (HINA MORNING POST, 29 Apr 82)....����������������� 16
Record Amount of Heroin Base Seized at Drug Laboratory
(Paul Baran, Walter Cheimg; SOU'TH (HINA MO1t~dI'G POST,
25 Apr 82) 17
- DYUg Seizures Soar After Bumper Golden Triangle Crop
More Young People Turning to Marihuana Smoking 19
(Tommy Lewis; SOUTH CSINA MC~R[dTING POST, 19 Apr 82) . - � � � � � � -
Teenage llrug Addicts Nbre Involved in Triad Activities
(SOiJTH CHINA MO~tNING POST, 21 Apr 82)...������������������� 20
- Small, Independent Drug Rings Replacing Large Syndicates
" (SOUTH CHINA I~RNING POST, 24 Apr 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.tao Jailed 1Q Years for Scheme To Ship Heroin to Canada
_ Police Smash Drug Factory, Seize 18.2 kg of Heroin
(SOU~i CHINA MOItNING POST, 6 May 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
B rie fs 24
- Opium From Yunnan 24
Heroin Base Haul 24
7.tao Thais Jailed ~
B rie fs Z6
- Italiaz Woman Sentenced
- Briefs 2~
New Form of Drug Abuse
- b -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Haroon Calls for Elimination of Trade
(BUSINESS RECORDER, 17 May 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2$
B rie fs ~
Opium Seized From Cargo 30
Big Herain Haul ~p
(haras Seized in Dadu 30
! B urne d Clo th a~ He roin 31
t ~
- Government M;LSt Crack Down on Drug Abuse
(Eddie R. ~andionco; VISAYAN HERALD, 12 Apr 82) . . . . . . . . . . 32
~ Heroin Suppliers Arrested
12 May $2) 33
I 1Karihubna Uprooted on Central Luzon
~yl (BULLETIN TODAY, 10 May 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3L?
i Briefs
1 Fxtr:iditic~n of Detainee 35
,I '.POST' Assesses Operations Against Shan Army
I ~ POS T, 16 May 82 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 36
~ ' POST' Editorial an Prisoner r,xchange
i (Editorial; POST, 1*7ay 82) 38
Antidrug Team Leaves for Singapore Talks ~
I (Voice of Free Asia, 28 Apr 8?) 40
i Police Seize Banned
~ (POST, 19 Apr 82) 41
j Briefs ' ,
Pra~.huap on Antidr~g Cooperation 42
U. S. Drug Gra~t ~ 42
Marihuana Confiscated 42
_ Raid on Drug Factory 43
Thai-FRG Liaison 43
Frenc�hman Sentenced for Heroin 43
~ - c -
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Marihuruia Haul tn Kalasin 44
- Morphine Seized in Songkhla 44
Female Prisoners Released 44
Other Canficts Released 44
~ Raw Opium Seized 45
. Heavy Sentences Handed Down 45
- Undercovex Team Arrests Suspects 4 5
~xchange Pragram With FRG 46
Heroin Seized in Chiang Mai 46
Opium Seized on Bus 46
~ Heroin Arrests in ~iang Mai 46 ;
Arrests for Opium Possession 47
Bangkok Heroin Seized 47
- Lao 3~rihuana Seized 4~
- Briefs
Toronto Policeman Arrested 48
- Drug-Smuggling Raids 48
Jail for Heroin Trafficking 48
_ Briefs 49
Marihuana Boat 49
~ail for 13 Colombians
Editorial Calls for Free Rein for Police in War on Drugs
_ (Edi~orial; TfiE NATION, 2$ Apr 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Briefs 52
Interpol Membership
Briefs 53
Cocaine Laboratory Discovered
Editorial Discusses Threat of Illegal Airs.trips for llrugs
(Editorial; THE DAILY GLEANFR, 4 May 82)������������������ 54
- d -
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I Presst~re ~in U.S.. Affecting Ganja Trade in Jamaica
(Lloyd Williau~s; THE SUNJAY GIEANER, 16 May 82)............ 55
. Opium Producsr, Accomplice Captursd by Federal Judicial Police
~ (Ei FRONTERIZO, 21 Apr 8'L) 60
Details ~n International Cocaine Ring Probe Reported
! (EI, MANANA, 28 Mar 82, 21 Apr 82) 62
~ Further Arrests, Disclosures
_ ~ Gharges Denied
~ Briefs
Marihuana Plantation. 64
Customs Officers Seize 250kgs of Amphetamines
- (M. Kouyate; L'ESSOR, 27-28 Mar 82) 65
B rie fs
Dagga Smuggler 67
~ Cocaine Dealers 67
~ Dagga Charges Withdrawn 67
Dagga Dealer 67
i s ouz~ ~x~ ca
~ C~n t rove rs ia 1 Drugs Fi lm Banne d in S outh Af ric a
~ (Keitti Abendroth; T~i~ CITIZEN, 18 May 82) . . . . . . . . 68 ~
~ "
~ B rie fs
' ~ Mandr~ Possessicm Arrests 69
I �
' Report Suggests Continued Hard Drugs Problem in Prisons
~ ( Vagn Petersen; AKTUELT, 30 Apr 82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
- e -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Policc l)itic~~v~~r C.?n}; l3uliiud CLrL5LlcuiLa 7'ratl'I~~ki~~t;
(Mders Wiig; BB1tLIN(SICi: TID~NDE, 6 May 82) . . . . . . . . . 72
- Briefs ~
- Zairian Students Sentenced 73
'HURRIYET' on Narcotics Smuggling
- (HURRIYET, 24 May 82) 74
` Police Win Cannabis Appeal 75
- Cricket Bats Hid Heroin 75
Customs Seize Heroin 75
~ - f -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
i .
E "
, Sydney TI~ SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in English 29 Apr 82 p 1
; [Article by Greg Turnbull]
~ [Text J CAi~'BERRA. - Increas-~ jaint police task foree aa dcvg
i ingly sophisticated fams of trafficking went "some way
! crime are behind plans to focm ' towards the establishment of
; a, National Crimes Commis- w6at might loosely be called a
_ ~ sion. involving Federa! and ~ Nationa! Crimes
Siate police and with the pow- ~In some senses the r.vo
- ~ ers of a Royal Commission the
- i Prime Minister, ;Nr Fraser, ioinc Royal Commissioas thac
~ have been establisheci can be
told Parliament yesterday. regarded as an ea~periment which
~ �:~Ir Fraser said the Attorney- could weil lead to the establistt-
_ I Generai. Senatvr Darack, and ment af a National Crimes Com-
ott~er miniscers were examining ~~~~an," Mr- Fraser said.
~ the possibili.y of estabGshing such w~a ~ m~i,o al~f
a commission.
"I think the time ha4 come the State Governments in any
whon we have tu question commission. but the Federal Gov-
w6ether the conventiooal means ernment might 5e forced initially
of law euforcement. as knows ia to acc aloae.
the past, are adequate to deal ."1 beteve if the Common-
with the circumstaaces that we wealth were to wait untii it had
~iave to face at the p~esent time," the total aRreement of all States,
I Mr Fraser said through either the Premiers' Con-
i The Opposition spokesman ~ on ference or the t~ttomeys-General
the law, Senator Crareth Evans, Confereace. the ynunRest mem-
said yesceraay ~e i.abor Party bers here might F,- grry with age
- ~ w~s prepazed to give bipartisan before that wouid be achieved,"
' support to the proposed oom- ~ be said.
~ "I do not really believe that
"It has becomt obviaus from ~ a nation we have time for
- the Costigan and Stewart Royal ~a~�
Canmissions aed athec recent '"The powers appropriate to a
~ devei~pmecsts t',a~ massive Royal Commission aze probabty
- ~ criminal profits ~~re beiog made , approvriate for such a commis-
from drug a~afficking, tax ~ sion, but it nceds to be said t6at
evasion, corporate crime of all while such a body miRht have
~ ' kinds. and official coiruption," special investigators it woutd still
~ Senator Evaos said he operatinR with and through
Mr Fraser told Parliament the the normal police forces - it
I Stewart Royal Commiasion inw wou~d not involve establishiaR a
( tlle activities of the Ferierated aew arm or body of people for
~ S~ip Painters and Dockecs the oormal enforcement of law,"
Union.. and ttre Federal_NSW Mr Fraser said.
-1. .
I CSO: 5300/7556
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500070023-4
- Canberra THE AUSTRALIAN in English 15 Apr 82 p 1
[Article by Ted KnezJ
[Text] A SIGNIFICANT widen=~ Macklin saying the paz~Eywas+
concerned to ensure that civil
ing of access to per.;onal tax ~~rties were protected.
- r~:cords was si~alled Yestery IInd~r the Government's~
ciay when the Federal Gov- pian, royal commissioners will
ernment gav~ two Toyal be abte to recommend giving
the Federal Pollce informa-
Cpmmi&Si017S the power t0' tion gained from personal tax
_ g31ri S11Ch iIIfOTri18t10i~ ~ records. i.ncluding the names'
of people or companies rele-
The royal commission into vant Lo thelr investigatians.
the Ship Painters and Dockers Last night's move follows a
Union and the8tewart inquiry decision almost two weeks ago
;nto d'rug~ trafricfdnB were', to expand the terms of refe;-
~lv~a specific rights to investi- ence of the docks inquiry.
gate tax rec:ords� � allowing the ro5 al commis-
And la$t night, the TrEas- sioner. Mr F'rank Costigan
- ~ urer, Mr Howard, said that qC, W mount la,rge~cale in-
aay coyal cumaiiasions witli vestigations into the i5000
- cerms of reference similar to miilioir.a-year ,tax evasioa
the cun~enG inquiries would industry.
_ also be given information held In an interim report, Mr
by the Taxstion OifiCe. , Costigan called~ on the Gov-
- Mr HoWard saictthe Govern- ernment to lift the traditional'
a~nt wae "breakin8 some ne~ secrecy provisions of tax laws
ground" bY P~P08~6 ta~ after claiminB he had unaov-
amend the tax laars to glve the ered evidence of tax evasio~.
roYal c~ma~issions access W. in olvi~g h ndreds o! millions
personai records. ~ .
Sut the move has trfBSered. of do}lars.
fears that such information; The exteasion ot Lhe powers~
- adil become available to the. to Mr Justice Stewart wtill
Federal police who are cart'Y-; ~ramatically widen the scope
ing out investigations for bott~ ~f his investigatlon into the
roy~ activities of the :Mr Asia
Last night's annonncemen~ syndicate.
- was supported by the tederaY Senior gwernment offic3alsr
Labor Partq's spokesman orr agreed last night there was
tegal affaire, Senator Garet~e evidence linking Australian~
- Evans, who said the Opposi~+ to large-scale launderuig of.
tion would agree to the legisla- black money overseas and
tion as long as there were' dru6 trafficking~ from South-
safeguards. ~ Ea3t Asia's floWrious golden
The Australian Democrats` Lrlangle. .
adopted a wait-and-see ap-
proach, with Senator Etobert
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-i ~1lthouRh royal commissions
I would be subject Lo secrecy.
~ :~Ir Howard said exceptions
; would be made so that:
~ � Disclosures about the infor-
l mation found in tax files cc~uld'
~ be made to the Governor-Gen-
, eral or in open court provided
no person or company was
- identified:
O'The identity of persons or
companies could be made
known if infosmation from tax
records was passed on w a
- rel~evant minister;
~ The informat~on could b~ ~
~ accompanied with a recom-
~ mendation W make it availa-,
- i hle to the Federal Police. '..:6r
CSO: 5300/7554
i ~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Canberra THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN in English 10-11 Apr 82 p 9
[Article by Ted Kne2] ~
[Text~ NA~FtCUfICS poliCe have � Australian narcotics potice
are bound to piay a grea:er
- ieC@II11y S21Z@d hCTOIII 3II 1015' role in Joint anti-drug intelli-
of 5kg or more. ' ~ gence operations with their
Thai counternarts.
The setzures are small by the police are clea~rly shiiting
multi-milllon dollar star.dards tp earlier and more irequent
of the world drug tr2de, but detection ot drug Browin8. re-
have more than .doubled in f~g ~d Shipmtnt through
siae since L1z~ R and R days of ~~d,
the Vietnam war. Clgarly, . The trade in� heroin's raw
demand fs risinB� material- acetic. anhyc3ride -
The problem is�not peculiar ~ almost as big as dru6 smug-
to Australia. ~~B~ut : g~g, A component in makmg
much of the West there are pi~tics, its suppLV is almost '
signa oi a growinB narcot~cs limitless.
problem. ' ppiu~n.caravans. now rnov-
_ In Europe. in particular, the . ~B freely through Thsiiland;
level of � addiction. pollce-; ~ght also be located in time
corruption and ganBsterlsm ~ ior Thai forces to stop them
has risen alarminBlY� from reachia6 the ports in the
_ The Minister for Admin- , ~u~
istrative ~ervices, bir New-, ~en ~ few delusions
man, has iorecast neWr pollce' ; among :,r^^tics police al5out.
counter measures. the adequacy of ineasures now
- ~ He aLso indicated a~passible . ~ use to ca:
T~at the druB
incsease in Australiaa aid to trade.
Thalland ta� help eradicate ~ ~e heroin is grcwn in
opiumpoppy~araluction. densely-forested, trnpenetra-,
Tha~~d - P~ ~i ~~u~' ble areas of Thailand and'
vast Asia's notorious C3o1dGa ~ gurma by warlords with large
~a,~;g~Q is almoat. the private armies.
ezclusive aource � oi herola~ The areas are also Po~ticallY
auppiied to Australls-: . ~ sensitive ior the' Thais, who.
~ While most is gro~vn ia the ~ fear aa upsur8e in commtmist
- neighborirt8. Shaa SLates. of'. insurgeacY iL hiBhla~d Lribes-
Burma. the heroin is oitea loae their only source o!
- proces.ed in � Thailana.., ineome-PoPP~P~uctioa. , .
shipped south and smuggled '
to Austraiia. ~ s
CSO: 5300/7554 . .
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500070023-4
-i Canbe~a THE AUSTRALIAN in English 29 Mar 82 p 1
_i [article by T~'d KnezJ
_i [ ~extJ FEDERAL Police in" '~M~'Newm~n. speakinq trom shipment of chrmicals used in
~ Iiong Kong after touring the heroin production and allow-
j Australi~ and Thai1 Goldea Triangle, said that; ing drugs Lo�move freely frorri
t p011C8 Wlll 1I11TI1eC~1St@Iy� �'Tl~ai forces had failed to praduction centres in the
St2 ll OUIt 111t1-f~I'l1 find the "drug laboratories" north of Thailand to ports in
p' P] g used by Khun Sa co manufac- the south.
intelli ence o erations ture heroin for western r,oun- Another problem was the
; g p tries, including Australia; setback to the Thai Govern-
~ 1S grOWeT5 lII SOll~l�' ~ Th~ W~ evidence of a: ment's reclamation program
East Asia's I1Q~01'IOL1S "~6'~ level of corruption" in the northwest - a project
~ ~ amopg Thai authorites en~ aimed at eradicating poppY
=1 ~'iO~P.Yt gaged in the battle against, phem
with cash cropsre~lacing
' prepare ~ to harvest aru~;
, � The Tha~i. Government's Mr Newman said Thai au-
- a, bumper crop of pr~gram of eradic~ting the? thorities told him that to erad-
~ ' opiam plantations run by hi1L~ icate opium production aito-
~ cannabis. , ~{~~ea had suffare~i a gether wouid threaten the
- The- move was foresha- setback; only sot~rce of income for Lhe
l dowed yesterday by th~ Min= ea Aastra~a~s ~a~~�`~ ~ tribesmen.
~ster� for Admfnisirativ~ Ser- ~~t to Thailand to help set �i~ takes a long time to .
~ viCes,- Mr. NeWm Wh0 up a computerised drug inteUi- substitute crogs like coffee ior
_ I ~1, gence operation; and opium," Asr Newman sai3.
w a
r n
e d t h e r e W a 3 8" bl g. � The Australian Federal. He said it was importan~ for
- can~labis crop to be got Tid police� presence in Thailand;~ Australia to continue commu-
; Of" in Thailand'S I1GTth-WeSt would be strengthened by arr~ nitq aid prof ects in Thai bor-
other full-time liaison officer. ~ der areas to help in the
j drllg p~ioduCtlOA aze~ Mr Newman also indicated~ narcotics substitution
~ that foreign aid might be' programs.
The ~police rrieasUPes; CoiYple~ for 'I7tiai'1ttt~d's D~-, ~e Thais planned to set up
_i with. an intensffied campsigr~ ~~~>isrnt'noar a central intelligence buseau
by the two nations to wipe outa ~ i~
~~g opium, as part of thelr Office of
~ opium farming, aut also ex= w~t ~~p~o~ ~~~high " Narcotics Control, a depart-
pected to detect any attemp~ ~vels o!~ administration" was ment direcWy unc~er the Thai
~ ted comeback b~? the ousted evident, Mr Newmaa clalmed Deputy Prime Minlster. Gen-
; warlord of the heroin trade,~ ~ authorities were taking eral Prachuab Suntran8koon. .
Khun Sa. � strong counter-meas~res. IL was in cennection arith .
That authorities mounted a. �~~ere is no doubt there are this bureau that a Federal�
m~litary operation ag~ins~ tair dinkum people in the Tha1 Police cbmputer expert would:
- Khun 8a recently, raidingt ~~nistration who- are aware be sent to Thailand, and intel-
~ opiunn plantations and drivingr af ~~ption and are LryinB to: lig~nce collect:on and sharing
him and his iollowers into the- ~mp it out:' he said. stepped up between the two'
Shan staLes of neighboring Mr Newmen said offidats golice forces. ,
.,Sur~Da.;,., . , � vrers tumin8 a blind eye ta Lhe. .
+ CSO: 5300/7553
I ~
~ ~
- . S
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500070023-4
Canberra THE AL~TRALIAN in English 21 Apr 82 p 1
[Article by Ted Knez]
' ~ [Text ) THE po~vers of th~ royal Probing RuBau ~d oFera-
- commission inta the Mr Asia ~o~ ~curariy tt~e laun-
dering of drug money and its .
- drugs syndicate were wi- links with organised crime�
dened dramatically last 'i'he stea~art ~inquiry aas
ni t, when_ it was ven a~B~IY set up, a~ong w~ch
Sh ~ the spectal~ Cottumonwealth-
authority .tn investigate~ xsw Task gorc~, to investi-
= clairns of ~ieroin and arms gate the nustra~i~s o erations
trafficking by the N11g31i of Terreace John C~arx, the
Hand ~ merChat~.t bankirt convicted murderer of iche
g man known as Mr Asic
- gTOUp. ''Lv~st night's decisic:: flows
~ The royal commissioner. Mr � ir�~t cont~aing debate' in
Federa,i parliament over
Justice Stewart, has also been Nugan Fia,nd involvement in
- brtefed to inquire into Nugan ~liCit and~legal business deat-
Hand's alleged involvemsn~; ings ia Australi~, and recent
with the CIA, and into charges ~~s by an ex-Narcotics
- that a government minister Bureau a8ent that one oi the~
stopped an earlier Narcotics p~cipals, iVir Niichael Hand,
Buresu investigation. ~ a,~ a~p, operative.
_ '�La~t night Che 1?3inister for ~ Justice Stewart also has
Administrative Serv~ces, Mr the power to delve into allega-
- Newnnan. disclosed that a joint y~ons that the other principa2
police t$sk "L''~ working" ~ the group of companies. the
ciosely with tY~ commission = late Frank NuBan. made ~
- had . ux~covered enough evi- , ~gn donations to both Lib-
dence to begin prosecutions ' e~ ~ad Labor polltician.9 and
aga~st people involved in the h~ f~~~, � dealinBs with
�fllicit drug trade. ' 3ydney's inner-city councils.
After gnnouncfng the expan- Mr Nevv~nan, referriug to
ded te~ns of reference: Mr p~~ ~po~ of these allega-
Newman said the cotpmission ~ ticns, last night told Pa:lia- '
was now "wide open" Lo inves-,~ ment it was consistent with a
tigate~ aQY ~rations ~
condueted by the collapsed ' ~de and impartial inquiry
~~~d , that such matters should be
The aaave comes less thaa a. investigated.
week aeEer t}7~ Federai Gover- ~ He said that as part of the
mnent's dectsion to the ' Stewart royal commission a11
� Stev~att~~Cammission aad ttie asP~cts touchinB Nugan Fiand
A would be eXamiaed, mciuding
d~~�~p evidence gi~en to investigators
Dockers IInimt power to ezam- ' . that Nugaii Fland "sup~rted -
~e ~ r~ and was used bp persons and
_ organisatfons across the pohti
ca! spectrum".
Mr Newmaa said this power F ~ Neama~ ~ediateIy re-
would assast the. 8tewart royal
c~ssipa �i~E1~tiLY . ia jected ODP~~oa calls .for a
' 6
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separate inquiry into Nugan
Hand, claiming' such a mo~�e
.~ould only lead to duplication
by the Stewart royal commis-
I sion and the special task force
of police and experts ia bank-
ing, computer cr'vne a:..~
~ financial dealings. ,
Last month the Deputy.
Prime Minister. Mr Anthon,v,
was named ;by ihe Leader of.
_ ~ Lhe Opposition.l~Ir I~ayden, as
the mfnister a ho stopped an
eazlier Narcotics Bureau in-
- vestigation into Nu gan Hand.
Mr Anthony denied the
charge and Mr Haycien with-
, drew the allegation. �he
iI Stewart ro9a1 commission wiii
still be able to investigate the
~ fnatter to see if any senior of-
ficial or minister interfered to
restrict the agency inquiry.
One of the key aspects e", the
widened terms of reference is
' the commission's power to "in-
- vestigate Nugan Hand links
with any orgaaisation" -
which ;VIr Newman said
reterred to the GIA.
i The Government's decision
~ to permit a probe of alleged
~ CIA connect~ons folloavs the
CIA's strenuous denial last
month, in a statement re-
leased by its public affairs
- division, thaC any such link
existed. . ~
~ CSd: 5300/~556
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Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 17 Apr 82 p 20
[Text] A farmer social worker who became a drug addict was gaoled for four
- years yesterday for importing heroin.
Patricia Meister (28) had accepted an offer by a Thai in Bangkok to take a
quantity of heroin into Australia, the Supreme Court was told.
. She was to receive $5000 and heroin for her own use, and then return to
Thailand with an estimated $150,000 proceeds from the heroin sale.
But Miss Meister was arrested a~. Perth Airport.
_ Yesterday, Miss Meister, a prisoner at Bandyup, pleaded guilty to importing
44 grams of heroin last December.
The court heard that she had graduated with honours in socia]: studies from
the University of Sydney and was then employed as a social worker at a
= drug re�erral c~ntre.
- Working with drug addicts and prisoners had been diff icult and demanding
and she finally left after becoming add�~cted to heroin.
She had been taking heroin for four years and at one stage her addiction
was costing $600 a week.
Mr Justice Br3nsden said that the offence was very serious and would
normally call for a heavy penalty. However, character references spoke
very highly of Miss Meister.
- She had been in custody since her arrest in December., and had broken free
- of her addiction to heroin.
A T.rigg man involved in importing a quantity of heroin intv Australia was
also gaoled far four years yesterday.
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~E Paul Anthuiiy Kent (26), oC Chrysosto~+ Strect, Trigg, plead~d griilty to betn};
, knowingly concerned in the importation of 27 grams of the drug last October.
_j 'Fhe court was told that earlier this year Raymond John Cunningham (26), of
~ Shenton Park, was gaoled for four years, with a one-year minimum for
~ - carrying the heroin.
i When arreste~d at Perth Airport Cunningham had implicated Kent.
- CSO: 5300/7554
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- HEROIN CHARGES IN PERTH--7~ao men and a woman appeared in the East Perth
- Court yesterday on heroin importation charges. Richard John Madden (29),
of Boonda Road, Warriewood, NS~r', was charged with importing and possessing
heroin at Perth Airport on April 10. Peter Bombala (24), of no fixed
address, was charged with importing and possessing heroin at Perth on
April 10. And June Elizabeth Lopez (20), of Three Spring Road, North Curl
~ Curl, NSW, was charged with possessing heroin on April 11 at Perth.
Magistrate M. McGuire remanded the three to appear in the East Perth Court
- on April 20. No pleas were entered. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN
- in Er.~lish 13 Apr 82 p 32]
~ BAIL IN SYDNEY HEROIN CASE--Sydney--A tax consultant and two unemployed men
- were granted a total of $340,000 bail yesterday on charges involving heroin.
= In the Central Court, Farahoud Amiouni (31), unemployed, of Auburn, was
charged with possessing 353 grams of heroin with a street value of. $300,000.
Ali Oygur (36), tax consultant, of Guilclford, and Snad Sahyoun (25), un-
employed, of Harris Park, were charged with supplying and possessing heroin.
_ The charges were adjourned until May 7. [Text] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN
_ in English 15 Apr 82 p 18]
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- suxr~
i Rangoon THE [aORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 5 May 82 p 4
~Editorial: "The Danger of Harmful Drugs"~
_ ~ [Textl
- DDICTION to opium and its deriva-
~ tives can take place very quickly. In
i ~ some cases, it is said, it takes onl}~
i one dose to awaken the terrible craving far
, ttre drug in a curious youth and the process
leading to addiction sets in immediately.
~ Marijuana, also known as `pot' or `grass'
; by the users, is less dangerous, but is medi-
catly classified . as a fiarmful drug. All~
dangerous drugs give the user a euphoric
- ~ lift, which is followed by a letdown and a
= I craving for more. The addict lapses into
~ spells of depressive mood, becom~s edgy
and loses weight. ~iis usefullness as a
_ j ~ human being gradually decreases unt~l he
becomes ~a total burden to. his i~mmediate
i surrounding. Ke will lie, cheat, steal, rob
; or even kill to support h~s habt~.
~ 'The fourth session of the First Pyithu
; Hluttaw held in October 1975 passed a
j resolution calling for a national campaign
~ to combat the drug menace throughout the
; country: 'The Party Chair~an has spoken
I on a number of occasions on the dangers of
harmful drugs and warned tha~ dangerous
- ~ drugs could maim entire nations. A strategy
I for the nadonal campaign against drug
~ abuse was laid down and pursued under
- the lead~ership of the Burma Socialist Pro-
gramme Party and close supqrvision of
- ~ the People's Councils.
~ .
' 11
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As it was felt from the be~inning that
the problem must be tackled at its source,
_ the Tatmadaw, the people and law enforce-
- ment organs started destroying opium poppy
- ptantations and marijuana fields. At the
same time the Tatmadaw troops in~eccepted
mule trains of the rebels carryiag opium
along the~ smugglers' trails and destroyed a
number of refineries where opium was b~ing
- processed into much more potent derivatives.
Huge arsenals of arms and ammunition
were also seized from the rebels. The State
simultaneously distributed seeds of other
- cash crops as well as livestock to the former ~
. opium growers to enable t~em to start new
, ways of hveGhood.
The gains so far achieved in the drug
- abuse control campaign must be consolida.t-
- ed and frssh victories must be scored until
themenace is total~y and completely_ removed
from the whole country. For this purpose
~ the Organs of State Power and mass and
class organizations must make sustained
= efforts to win the co-aperation of the people
as ~?idely as possible in the campaign. The
people be made to understand that
- the State has inst~tuted rewards for seizure
of narcotic drugs and t~at they could tip off
- on the�drug smuggl~rs and dope pushers and
claim the rewards for themselves and save
th~ country from the danger of drugs at, the
same time.
CSO: 5300/5754
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- i
~ POPPY S13BSTITUTION PRO~Ri~M--The program to replace poppies with other crops
~ has been carried out in Kutkai Township every year. For the 1982-83 season,
I the plan is to cover 100 acres in the Ta-mo-nye village tract in the township.
_ ~ Th~ manager of the Township Agriculture Corporation, U Saw Jackson, and manager in charge U Khaung Daung on il May presented U Shan Mun,
~ c~iairman of the Ta-mo-;zye village tract Farmland Supervisory Committee,
with 8, 800 kyat in fL~r.ids, 100 bags of "pale" fertilizer, 30 bags of "T-super"
~ fertilizer, 20 bags af potash and 100 hoes for the implementation of the
_ ~ plan. [Text] [BK281458 Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmese 19 Piay 82 p 4J
CSO: 5300/5761
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Crewmen Detained
i Hong Kong 50UTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 17 Ma6 82 pp 1, 36
~ [Article b~ Tounny Lewis ]
~ [Text] Customs officen have da~ uized 100 grama of prepared
tained 15 crew members of as op~um. No one was arresced
Singaporean ship after seiz-, tben. but the ship was closel�
= ing herom base worth more guarded undl ~t . sailed fon
' than SS miilion. Whampoa two days later. '
T6e 7,000-ton Kota Singa- Tho Kota Smgapura re-
pura~ a}~aaenger and cargo turned to Hongkong from
~ ~eaul. amved ~n Hong~ong Wh~mpoa on Saturday after-
6rom Whampoa in China. nooa and customs officers
T'i~ men held ~nclude the again~ boarded the vessei and�,
Siagaporan purser, his two ~earched it.
assistanti,, tbe Indian chief It was scheduled to bs in
' ea aar, the Pakistairi sec- port for thcee days befor~
~ ~ engincer. and a mixed. returning to 5ingapora.
crew, mat of them Sin~upo- In yesurday's operatioa~
i resn engiae room wor4ters. . officxrs searched betwan th~�
't'hey were being qu~estion- vessel's main engine room
od eariy today by Customa and the rudder shaft. Thoy�
Invatig~t~oat Buresu offi- diu~ered 11 bags of heroin
cers. base on a s6df.
; The head of the CIB, 't'he purser, his two assist-
_ Superintendtnt Mak Kam-' ants and the entire engine,
lau, said this marriing no ~m crew were arrested and
charga 6ad yet been broughY taken off the vessel.
against anX of tbe crew and
that urvaugations were con-~ � Passengers were not de-
~u~pg. � tainod as they had no accesa
Cwtoms affian informed w t6e rngine room.
- their Sitigaporean counter- Inveati to~s believe xhat
' pe,ru of t6e discavery of ~
.drugs ou board the vessel. - the drugs had ban removed
- MetnM6ile. the Hongleorg from one of the hidden
Chiase pptain and othet compartments so that it could
crew manbers of thn vessel be eaken ashore.
evented fro~ Thia is why the seized
~QB ~ dru were in the engine
~oing ashoro. Customs uarcb raom and were not eren con-
part~a, headed by Superin- � one of the investiga-
uadent Fran~ Granhalgh. tors said. .
wete seill searc6irtg t6e veaset CiB investigaton believe
early today. that the dru were taken on
Informed sources said cus- ~
� toms ottiars disoovered threq to the vessel m Singapore and
were ~u to have been
- hidden compartments on the ~'discharg~ed"
whea it first ar-
s~ip. All were empty. rived in Hongkong.
~ Customs officets seacched They believe ~ the search
the vesu~ wheu it last came to and seizure of the opium on
- ~~i0�S' �R ~y ~O~ May 2 meant t6t heroin was
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- kept concealed.
The drug smugglers
apparently t~ought the vessel
- would not be searched thor-
- oughly ag~in when it returned
W Hongkong from Whampoa
- a port not usually regard-
ed as connected wrtb drug
- Customs oFficers think the
heroin may originally have
bcen taken to Singapore in
junks from the Golden Tr~an-
gle. an area where the borders
- of Thailand, Burma and Laos
- meet.
Crewmen Released
Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNIPiG POST in English 18 May 82 P 17
[Excerpts] " 'the~15 crew members of
the Singaparean psssenger
end cargo vessei, Kota Singa-
p~a, detain~d after herom
- . � base worth more than SS mil-
- lion was seized on Sunday,
.wete released yesterday.
_ � Sources said they were
released when Cuswms Inves-
_ tigations 8ureau offiars had
. failed to find the ownen of
the drugs. which was seized
_ fcoai the vesael's engine room
after it arrived from Wham-
- poa in China. �
The erew laur rowrncd to
their s6ip,. which..sailed for
- Siagaporc on schednle at
12.30 pm. '
- ' Wltile the 15 crew mem-
bo.'ti, inclndin urser and~hia
- SiadaPmean P
two assutants, the Indian
c~ief enginar and a11 his
ataff of the en~ne room, were.
being questwned, customa
offi~ers contim~::d searching �
the vwe1, but failed to find
- more druBs- . . .
- Folbwing Sunday's sei-
- -aure, customs officen con- .
-taded their oounterparts in
Singspore, who are noa
- invddgating the origin of the
^drugs and how they were
� smuggled on board before
'ssiling fOr Hoagkong.
CSO: 5320/9130
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-i Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 29 Apr p 13
- I [ Text A Bill designed ro claee� oin bax (diacetylomo~hine), could be difficult if the quan- '
i loophola in the existing law whic6 is of lower bu k and tity involved was very small.
~ dealiag with irafficking and~ higher value. The third proposed
i m.anufacture of dangerous This method also facilitat- amendment was designed to
drugs has been introduced. ed che preparation of the eutend to the police the
The Bill was necessary be- most comtnonly used heroin pOwen already available to
, cause the Secrstary for ~lt, diacetylmorphine hydia officen of the Customs and
~ Securit . Mr Lewis Davies, chloride, by tha s~mple addi- Exciae Service so that they
i y tion of hydrochloride acid to, can ca11 irt medical practition-
said - drugs still posed a heroin base. ers to search body cavities of
"great threat to the social The existing ordinana s~p~~ drug couriers with
~ health of the community, and d~ not apply to the manu- or without their cansent.
especially to young people.' facture of aan~emus drogs� by
Moving the second read- the "dilutirtg' or "cutUng"
1 ing of the Dangerous Drugs process, that is mixing the
(Amendment) Biil 198~ Mr hydmchloride salt with addi-
Davies said the Bill would tive substances suc6 as caf-
_ I allow pro~ccution of � poople feine, ~trychnine or barbitu-
j augaged in "diluting" or rates.
"cutt~ng" dangerous drugs. As a raul~ a charge of
It wouid also provide a manufacturing dangeruus
- means for dealing wit6 sus- drugs oould not be laid m four
- pats carrying drugs in body ~ Where drugs were found
- ~~U~, on ec~uipm
ent and parapher-
The amendments were nalia~m laboratories.
~ of the continuin efforts In the opinion of the Gov-
P~ B ernment chem~st. these wera
to protect t6e communi:y ~ of dilution or cutting of
from such criminal acti.ities dangerous drugs rather than
and to bring traftickers, ihe manufacture.
c6emists, conriers and others ro close this loophole, t6e
- to justice. he said. amcnding Bill propased that
"Illicit drugs candnue to the definition of "manufa~
i reach Hoaglcong, and the ture" unda the ordinance
competence and ea ise of gh0~d ~'"~dened to include
; . p~ making, adulterating. purify-
, our (aw enfarce~ent agencies (ng, miwng. xparat~ng or
~ . is constantly being chalienged ~b~rwise ueateng a danger-
, by new trafficking methods a~ d~g,
and routes oFenvy devised by The xoond amendment
the weil-financed criminals ~posed that prosecutioiss
engagod in this evil trade; ' m~ght be institutzd in cases
Mr Davies said. involving minute quantities of
One of the methods used ~ngerous drugs whether
was to roplaa imports of they are measurable or usable
opium or morohine with ha- or not.
This was neceasary since a
Court of Appeal ruled in
1979 that a char of possess-
CSO: 5320/9128 ~B dru8s mu9t ~ee supported
by e~ndena that the drugs
- found were usable, which
= 16
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- Hong Kong SDUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 25 Apr 82 pp 1, 7
- [Article by Paul Baran and Walter Cheung]
- [Text] A drug manufasturing centie. ' Ofticers said, with the c6emical, the A set of equipment for
w6icb planned to produce 600 kg of syndicate is capabk of turniog out 600 ~~facturiog drugs, includ-
No 3 beroin rulued about S 170 ~ii- kg ot No 3 6eroia inQ a mic~o-ware oren and a
~y ~ s~~. A seeioreustoms otticer said i~ riea ~~~er were tound.
d senior crotoms ofticer claimed t6e of the I~rge qeaadty ot stryc6nine T~ No 3 6eroin, wrmpped
~ ~eizure of heroia base is a record for � . uP ia polythene bags and gift
� ~i~~~ 6ydrochlo~ide, tbe 9yadicate muet hare ~appers, was thought to be
Se~en peopl~ lecluding t6e c6eaust, ordered or pla~ned to order more heroin rady for distribudon.
were held in s seiries of nlds ia Kowloou . About the same time,
- and 16 Itilo~a~ ot 6eroio ba~e and 9 a+ t~ ~~pl is Part I poison and aootber party ot custom~s
kg ot No 3 6eroin wort6 about S20 ~~7 ~~a~ s doctor's officers errested two couriers
miUion were seized in a labontory in P~ripdon. ofiicers bellere they cas in ~n ambush ia Prince Ed-
_ ~j ~y~ ~ F~y trace tbe source. ward Rotd after a brief strug-
The opentlae spaming more t6an 1A According to Assistaot Superintead- .
bo~s esded a Mo-mooth ievestigatios tot Darid Tong, tbe bott~d 6~re labeb, One of them ~as carrying
~c~ with Honglcong on them a~ weli as a plastic bag w4ic6 was later
More tim 70 iarestigators were ~wmd to contain a kilo of '.Yo
~ mobi~sed mder the direcNoas ot Seaior Therefore, the cb~mical, oeigtmtin8 3 heroin.
Snperintendeat KS. Toog to strike the from Brit~in mi~Lt ha~e bees obtained Aeot6er ~fi kQ ot vo 3 her-
backbone of t6e syedlate ~6ieh is bo- ~7'� oin was fnund in a tlat in
lieud to hare 6eea in opention fdr A bottk ot stryclmine hydrochloride ~u~e Edward Road after
. xnrai yar~. u wort6 510,000 ~ t~e biack marlce~ ~o~~~ rr.,c..
Inve~tigators were t~st night 6unting ~�~a~~ n*ti~ ~~t to avoid ~Q another raid on F~iday
~he three masterminds, stiU belie~ed to ~~a~~+ rtight, t~o brothers. age:i 32
- H~ for the sysdicate used turbo~engincd ~ 27. suspected of br,ing co-
Aceordieg to iMeUigeace sourca. t6e a~ to dbMbnte dn~gs t6rouQh- ordioators for the im~,?ortation
- syodicatc rcaatiy iml~orted 3S kg of H0�~��g' and distribution of the drugs,
~I- ~ ~ Aere sppre6eaded io Mor~g-
beroin base whkh wu transterred irom Ctntom+ Inatigatio. Bureau 6ad kol~.
'Tlai trawkts to loal fie6ieg ~esub oo ot tbe exirte~ee ot the syedicafs p~~ ~ven people are ex-
t6e 6i~b eqa ear Hoaglco~g aod tbea tar two yars. But trey had no pec ted to appear in San Po
s�wg~d i�' e+idmee to m~ke arresb Koog Court tomorrow, charg-
- C~~ soa~ep eyNwsted about 1S ~t F~y ~~t w6ea ed with drv~ offeoces includ-
kg ot t6e bwe mi~ht ~~te oifwxrs ralded a tlat in Choi iog corep~racy to tratfic in
cawerted to No 3 beroia a distribrted' R+u abte a~d apprebe~ded dangerous drugs u~d posses-
before tbe operatio~ was bbeo~ered.
The syndicste's coarien oace used ~ syndicate'~ ci~emist, hi~ sioo of dingerous drugs for
1(~i t'ak ~Irport to sm~gle is tbe ~e rud 6is co~aia. t6e purpose of drug trsmck-
drugs, bnt Ng6t sccnrity ha.+ si�ce forced The 28-year-oW' ches~ist's ~~B�. ~
t6eet to turn to t6e ~as, c~stom~ offi- two children, aged fire aad
cers said. t~ra, were abo it~ide 6is tlr~
A total of 50 bottles of stryc5oine 7'bero wi+ no reststance
6ydrochlo~d~ wbic6 is vso a xxual whes otticers torced tbeir way
sd~t aod 'a eseeeWl in the process lato t6e bbor~tory.
aud to corert heroi~ baae irto No 3 [mide, tbey (ound bottks
- 6eoi~wasui~. . ot strycholne hydroc6loride,
16 kg ot 6eran bsse, 7.S kg ot
- No 3 heroin, aad 4 kg of
CS0 : 5 320 /9128 morp6iDe powder.
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�f Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 May 82 p 8
; (Text ] Drug seizures by cus- on a vessel at the Kwai Th~ l.owu border and the
toms officers in the past Chung terminal - and cus- Macau ferry terminal are the~
four months already total toms officers will watch the sort of places being looked at,
i 84per cent of those seized terminal more closely, ha tol~. hc said.
~ in the whole uf�last year - a Press briefing. "Because oF the larg~
followin the second ~'~tan cases of con- numberscomingin,foreaam-
' bumper ~op in the Golden ~~~ent of drugs inside the ple, at the Macau ferry termi-
-I Ttian le. bodY have come to light so far nal. not everyone can be
B this year, comparefl to 19 lest chec~ed arid this is being
, So far, 162 kg of drugs year and none Pour years ago. looked at now;' Mr lordam
~ worth S60 million have been he said. ~~d�
Found - compared to 182 "We do tend to hit at He revealed the depart-
kgs last year, the Commis- more and more syndicates of inent is to double its staff to
sioner of Customs and Con- various sius but not like the 100-odd at tho Man Kam To
trols, Mr pouglas Jordan, big oees of t973," Mr Jordan barder. CusWms staff at the
, said yesterday. said. Lc~wu border will also be in-~
! Intelligence reports indi- T6e price of one-tenth of a creased.
i cate the Thai trawler opera- gram of heroin has shot up W Goods smuggiang into
tions, smas6ed in 1973-4, are S30 from S11 early this year, China has drop~ ofP now
' on the move ona again, he 6e said. with customs o~cxrs seizing
~ said. Atundances at methadone only Sl million worth of
"It's not as serious as in cGnics show t6e ptessure. The goods from last October W
' the old days but we are con- figure now is near 8,000 oom- March, compared to S6 mil- .
~ ' scious of t6e danger of the re- parod to about 6,000 in early lion between Aprii and Sep-
emergence of this busincss, Pebruary. tember last year, he said. -
w6ere the trawlers anchor Most of the drugs seized Where t"ishing vessels and.
many miles off Hongkong to this year were heroin base then local uading veasels
uansfer the drugs to Hong- with some No 3 heroin, Mr were used for t6is previously,
' kong junks,.' Mr Jordan said. . Jordan said. smal! ocxan-going vessels are
He said marijuana is Heroin base could produa now being usEd to transfer
emergirsg as a newly used thra times as much No 3 the goods on the hig6 seas to
drug locally and the Qt,ilip- 6eroin as the siu of its Chinesesmugglers.
~ pines is seen as a new source volume; w6ich was worry~ng.
of drugs coming into Hong� ~'eviously, morphine t~ase,
- kong. w6ich producav about ono-
This year, there have been ~~t as much No 3 6eroin as
two seizures of 16 kg of mari- volume, used ta be smug-
, juana coming in from the 1D� he said.
_ Philippines. The depactmene will sooa
There has been a c6ange install an extra 24 savrity
in the trend of concealing ~gh~ ~ X traydema~Ctu~Yan~
- drugs in goods coming in, ~~rious places." Mr.lordart
wich more drugs now found ~~d
inside machinery. '�They will be mtlyi~ted in
Raxntly 73 kg of drugs gach a way as to c6eck people
were found in two compres- from places other than
' China," he said.
_ The depaRment wants to
CSO � 5320/9129 make sute no arms or drugs
� are smup~tled in.
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Hong Kong 50UTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 19 Apr 82 p 16
- [Article by Tommy Lewis ] pcrson who is smolting only as
often as once a month -
- which is indad rare - is
[Text] Marijuana smoking ap- Now local teenagers They said they were very ~~~~nuously exposing tbe '
seemed to be oinin m. worried that marijuana was
ars to be on the increase .1 ~ B~ brain and reproductive organs
n Hon kon "This could be the �reason ~ntering from the Philippines. ~o THC; ' he said.
g g' behind the greater demand Efforu are continu?ng in Marijuane's effect on
Sev !'ral large hauls of for marijuana here." he said. the Philippines to stamp out human repraluctive organs is
cannabis and cannabi9 Supt 1~tak disclosed that the illegal growing uf the powerful.
resin were seized in the his officers are now keeping a drug. It redua~s the male sex
past thtee months indicat- c lose watc h on nig htspots The biggest singlC haul of hormone, tes+osterone, si g-
ing that there is a growing P.~Pular among young people. marijuana seiaed last year nificantly in regular users. It
- demand for the drug. He said suspected distrib- Was 3 kg at Kai Tak airport. reduca spvm count and
Th e amounts seized - utors would also be watched. The biggest seizure so far sperm mobility. �
16.5 kg of cannabis and 9.38� He esiimated at least this year was 16 kg, valued at In women, it affecu owla-
kg of cannabis resin - were 2,Q00 young Qeople frum high ~,1 �6 million, concealed in car tion cycles and causes men-
several times greater than the and m~d~le-income famifies silencers imported from strual irregularities, he said.
_ total haul last year - 4.70 kg were taking either "soft" Manila. ; The eff~ct on t~e brain is
of cannabis and 0.16 kg of drugs or cannabis. Customs officers broke similar to that of acute intoxi-
- cannabis resin. Intelligence reports said �P~n the silencers when no cation.
the resent market nce for a one came to daim thsm�from ~ There are difficulties with
"We are very concerned P p tfie cargo bay at Kai Tak. memory, thinking and clear
abo~t increased consi nments "stick of marijuana" ( I.8
- of' marijuana being smuggled grams) is S200. An American doctor, who �xpHessa~d that drivin abil- .
into Hongkong," said Super- Manjuana grows abun- Works in the field of drug ~t is severel affec ed b
intendent Mak Kam-lau of dantly in Asia. abuse, said in a recent report Y Y. Y
- the the Customs Investigation "We have seized marijua- that many youngsters think ~rijuana intoatcation.
' Bureau. na coming from the Philip- marijuana is not harmful. Studies made in Massa-
- He said he was equally ~nes, Tha~land, india and He added. however, that ~n of dnvers ns~ponsible f~or
concerned about increased ~~stan, but we have not, so no organised body of opinion fatal accidents were "6igh"
. marijuana use among young far, made seizures from in- that he knew of in Amcrica
donesia," Su t ~tak said. believes marijuana is harm- on mari uana at the time.
- P~P~~� p In ~alifornia, ic was ati-
He said that drug traffick- The majority of the mari- mated that between l5 and
crs appeared to be bringing in juana seized here has come The main active ingredi- 20 pcr cent of car accidents
bigger batches to supply from the Phiiippines. It is ent in marijuana is delta-9- ~n the state were caused
Hongkong's growing demand. believed [o have been grown THC,�soluble in fat but not in by marijuana-intozicated
"1 believe that more young ~n remote and mountainous water. drivers.
people here are now taking areas south of Manila. "Our bodies have a waste Marijuana smoke contains
man~uana. People have tried to bting disposal system that is water
based. When THC is in est- more tar and known carcino-
_ "I also believe it is disvib- ~n man~uana in food tins, g gens than tobacco smoke.
uted in bars, nightclubs and Calse�bottomed suitcases, ~�~n che brain and the re~ra 8
discos;' Su t Mak said. body cavities, hollowed-out p Human lun tiuue ex-
He saidp hat in past years furniture and in dolls. ~ ductive organs. posed to marijuana smoke
it was m a i n I y youngsters Seamen a n d a i r crews "THC has a half-life of chan es than esimiliar tissue
` from abroad who [ook the have also been used as couri- five days. What that means is g
drug. ers. that half of it is retained after ezposed to tobacco smoke.
- Several senior Filipinc fivedays. � A study of respiratory
anti-narcotics officers have Thirty per cent is still in tracts has sfiown that mari-
visited Hongkong to liaise the body after one week, and juana smoke produces five to
with the'v local counterparu. measurable amounts are 17 times the amount of ob-
- CSO: 5320/9128 present after a month; so the struction caused by a similar
amount of tobacco smoke, the
- dcetor added.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORI+TING POST in English 21 Apr 82 p 5
[ TeXt ] An increasing number of tccnage drug project to demonstrate the efflcacy of social
_ addicts ate alsu ineolved in triad activuies, a education and self-help training in the reha-
supe*intendent uf' rhe Society for the Aid and bilitation and reintegration of treated addicts.
R~habilitation of Drug Abusers, Mr James The project is a half-way rehabilitatiun
Chien, said yesterday. programme which aims to help addicts reinte-
In the prize-giving ceremony for the soci- gra~e into the community. '
ety's logo dasign cumpetition. ~+tr Chien said (t involves dividing former patients'at
13 uf the 35 teenage ~ddicts admitted to Sheic Shek Kwu Chau into four districts, according
Kwu Chau last year had t,oth criminal and to where they livc.
triad connections.
Onl one uf the addicts had unl triad The addicts are givGn schedulrs that in-
Y Y volve learning from the ezperience oF former
cunnections, and nu uther ~riminal involve- addicts and training fo~ empleyment.
- �.~Ir Chien urged the Government to clamp Group discussion and counselling is pra _
down on triad activities in the fight ~gainst vided by professional and votuntary workers.
drugs. Mr Chien ~aid rehabilitation alone could
~ "Rehabilitation can ortl htl the addicts not help addicts adjust to narmal life in the
y p , community.
quit for a period, but if these add~cts do not ~~Only with the help and encouragement of
disassociate from triad activities, sooner or their peers and the community will they have
later they will be back to relying on drugs," the determioation to stay away Prom drugs
he said. forever," he said.
An increasing number of school childrcn Although the ~uccess rate of the society's
are being lured by triads to baome drug programme is onl~+ 25 per cent, most of the
tral'flckers. rehabilitated add~cts would not return tu
Recently, SARDA launched a pilot drugs.hesaid.
CSO: 5320/9128
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 24 Apr 82 p 6
_ [ Text ] A new kind of drug ring is ring, he said. revealed 4.5 kg of suspected
- beginning to� emerge follow- Supt Man told the press No 3 heroin, valued at about
- ing crackdowns by police on conference eariier that pol~ce 51.5 million on the retail
- large syndicata in past years, had juat. smashed the second market, and a quantity of
3 TYarcotics Bureau afficial such nng in under two waks. chemieais for manufactunng
said yesterday. The first was smashed in t6e drug.
Superincendent Peter Man' Kowloon Walled City last A doun condoms contain-
said small, independent drug week. where a quantity of No ing traces of heroin base were
rackecs have sprung up re- 3 heroin with a market value also found. Police believe they
cently,,eac6 buying and oFE3 millionwasseized. were used for smuggling her-
manufacturing its own her- Supt Man said t6e latest oin from Thailand, ~robably
. a~n, swoop, on a flat in Queen's oooceale~ in couriers bodics.
_ Speaking after a press Road West, took place on According to Supt Man,
wnference on the burcau's Thursday evening. the team of detectives broke
- latest operation. Supt l~4an it followod two months of into the fifth-floor flat at
said these rings mastly da not intensive invatigation, and about 6.30 pm and anated
align themselvcs witt~ other ~four people. aged betwan 25 two men.
_ synduates, and might even and 59, were detained. Two other men werc later
_ smuggle heroin base directly The Eour will be charged found lying and moaning on a
from Foroign � countries by tata.,as two b1'tHem sustam- balcony on the secdnd floor.
themselves. ed in~uries when they leaped They had apparently jumped
The new trend was for from a fift~-tloor window out of the window.
several people with the neces- during the raid. They landed They were in Quan Mary
sary slulls to group togecher on a socond-Ooor balcony.. HosPital in satisfactory
and Forrt[ an iadependent A search of the prem?ses cond~tion last aight.
- CSO: 5320/9128
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
. r:
Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MO&~1ING POST in English 2 May 82 p 11
[ Te:tt ] .4 Hongkong gaiment cut- gave evidence that he came to After serving his sentence
ter's plan to floai Canada Hongkong with another he was deponed and returned
with massive shipments of Canadian and the ewo posed to Hongkong.
heroin was foiled by the com- as drug buyers to trap Ma ~ou'~t
rtedathe~ ~ me gkcks
bined efforts of the Royal and C6iu.
Canadian Mounted Police Evidence was given [tiat here,"saidb[rJusticeBaber.
and the Royal Hongkong Pa Ma and Chiu spoke to the Among those giving evi-
- lice. Canadians of their plans to dence was Cpl John Pmeault
- ~ David �:~ta Yui-man (32) manufacture haoin and to of the RCMP.
- changad his ple2 to guilty on ship consignments worth
thc second day of h~s tnal about CS9 million (about
before Mr Jusuce Baber and HKS45 miltion) every month
a jury in the High Court and to Vancouver.
was sencenced to l0 years' The court was told that
imprisonment for conspuacy Ma emigrated to Canada in
. to traffic in dangerous drugs. the 1970s and was convicted
His co-accused. Chiu of drug tr~fticlcang and sen-
Kwok-wing (311, who had tenced to four years' impris-
pleaded not guilty, also re- onment by a Canadian court.
ceived 10 years. He appealed against sen-
A corporal in the Royal tence and a court of appeal
Canadian ;~tounted Police increased it to 12 years.
CSO: 5320/9128
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Hong Rong SOUTH CHINA r10RNING POST in 6 May 82 p I6
- [Text ] Kowloon police snasbed a beroie mana[acturinQ ceotre in~
Taikoictsui late on 'Fuesday night and seizcd 18Z Ic~ oi No 3~
heroia wort6 S3.z muti.oo, poure a~~a r~sc~aAr�
- Supt Peter Mao s~id at the Nucotics Bnran t6at the nid ~
oa the drug factory wu made by ofticers o; the Specid Doty
Squgd of Kowloon police hesdquarters. ~ �
WLeo tLe Qolice broke down the door ot a flat on tbe sixt6
tioor of Tai Y~ck Buildfng at Tai Tm~ Sm C1uea, Taikoktsd,
some of the beroin wa+ st6ll being dried iu mn oren. C7~emicsLs
- .na Apparaens uwnuy associased wit6 c6e o~mdsct~ae ot
heroin were abo found,
Three men, ~Eo hied to acape bY a drainpiPe+ were
arre~ted. A fourt6 n belie~ed to ha~e escaped.
After tbE arrests aodl seizure, tLe cax was haoded o~er ta
the Narcotics Bmreau co cooduct imther iaqniria.
- Supt Man said that tbose arrested. aged betweee 22 and~�
AS, were stiU beina 4oestiooed la+t oi~6t ud are exPecttd to
be charged fater wit~ tLe m~~factwe of ~erou asd pos~ee-
sion of daugemm dnqs.
A xsrc6 ~s bea ~ouoted for the fourtb m~s and tbe
police are aaadonr to coatact a youn~ womao wbo i~ believed
to be the owoer ot tbatlat
Supt hLn said tdt a wb~tantial amorot ot drnQs are ~tllf
bein~ smu~ted into HoaQlcou~.
CSO: 5320/9128
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540070023-4
( '
E .;n
- OPIIIM FROM YUNNAN--Five kilos of high grade opium, believed to have come from
Yunnan in China, were seized by Customs Investigation Bureau officers yester-
day in a Mongkok flat. Four kilos of prepared and dehydrated opium were also
- seized in the Dundas Street flat, which police believe was used as an opium
storage centre. A middle-aged couple was arrested after the seizure and were
last night being detained for further inquiries. Five other people found in
the flat were also arrested and later released on police bail. The value of
tlie opium is about $320,000 on the retail market. The CIB chief, Superinten-
dent t4ak Kam-lau, said the very fine grade of opium seized had not been seen
~ in the market for many years. He added the opium appeared to be a fresh ship-
- n?ent. [Textj [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Enclish 14 t4ay 82 p 12]
- HEF.OIN BASE HAUL--Drug traffickers threw two bags of heroin base out of their
' Laichikak flat and flushed more down a toilet as firemen were breaking open
the door in a pre-dawn police swoop yesterday. Officers later arrested six
; people and seized five kilos of heroin base which, if converted into No 3
heroin,would be worth $2.5 million. The heroin was believed to have been im-
ported into Hongkong, within 24 hours of the police raid, by couriers who hid
the drug ii:side boxes cor,~aining Chinese scroll paintiny5. Dozens of paint-
ings were found in the premises at Chinc~ Lai Court, Block E, lOth floor, 264
' Lai King Hill Road. Z`he raid followed an intensive two-month investigation by
police drug officers. The operation involved about 20 detectives who took up
position more than eight hours before the raid. Officers corcioned off the
Hcme Ownership Scheme building as firemen used axes to force entry about 4 am.
- As the operation got undexway, officers saw two bags being thrown from a win-
- dow. They found a quantity of heroin base on the toilet floor and also 3is-
� covered drugs paraphernalia in the flat. Police said the gang of six, aged
between 17 and 30, did not resist arrest. No charges had been preferred
against the six up to last night. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST
in ~nglish 19 May 82 p 21] ,
- 7~W0 TFiAIS JAILED--~ao Thai nationals were yesterday sent to prison for con-
spiring to smuggle dangerous drugs into Hongkong. Surasak Ananchaipatthana
(44) was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment and Kai.meng Sae-Kaw (32) to
- I2 years after a jury of four men a~nd three women found them guilty of con-
spiracy to traffic in dangerous drugs and possessing 3,135.4 grams of a mixture
~ of esters of morphine for unlawful trafficking. A woman, Chan Lau-ha (32), the
wife of Surasak's brother, wa$ found not quilty. The courtheard that the two
j 24
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
'Pliais, who had arrived from Bangkok earlier, called at Chan's home in Tsui
Piny Road estate, Kowloon, on August 20. Together they went to the airport
cargo terminal and collected a crate said to contain samples of tractor parts.
Kainieng had sent the crate from Bangkok before coming to Hongkong. Police ar-
rested the defendants and found in the crate packets of dangerous drugs con-
- cealed inside the hub of a wheel. The drugs were estimated to be worth be-
tween $500,000 and $1 million. Passing sentence, Mr Justice Barnes said the
drugs were very cleverly concealed and it had taken the police a long time to
get them out of the wheel. [Excerpts] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in
English 12 May 82 p 17]
CSQ: 5320/9130
- 25
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
ITALIAN WOMAN SENTENCED--Denpasar, 25 May (ANTARA)--A }�oung Italian woman
was sentenced to 7 months in jail with reduction for the time spent under
detention and a fine of RP 500,000, or an e~~ra 3 months in prison if not
paid for having been in possession of ganja [drugs] ill~~gally Monday.
Mrs Maria Rosaria Criscuolo, 24, was passed the sent~nce by the district
court here chaired by Judge I Nengah Wedastra for possession of 400 grammes
, of marijuana which she hid in a seam of her blouse. The public prosecution
had demanded a jail term of 1 year against her subtracted with the time
spent im der detention and a fine of RP 200,000. What brought about the
sentence was that as an alien who visited In~~nesia for five times already
she sho uld have known that the possession and trafficking of ganja was
illegal in this country, it was pointed out by the judge. t~Irs CriscL,olo
had been held under detention since 3 February before the court gave hk~r
the sentence. [Text] [BK281458 Jakarta ANTARA in English 0656 GMT 25 May 82]
CSO: 5300/5761
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500070023-4
- NEW FUR1~1 OF DRUG ABUSE--The Association Against Drug Abuse, Pemadam, has
- expressed concern over a new type of dadah [drug] known as (pc~lydrug)
used by dadah dependents. (Polydrug), according to the Ministry of Health,
_ is found to contain 5 percent heroin and morphine and other constitu~nts,
- including antibiotics and painkillers. It is more harmful than the usual .
dadah and can cause death. Pemadam, in its latest bulletin ~ERITA PEMADAM,
says depen den~s are resorting to (~olydrug) because af the short supply
of other dadah in the market. It has urged the authorities to act strictly
- against the traffickers and users of this [Text] [BK281458 Kuala
Lvmpur pomestic Service in English 1130 GMT 2S May 82] ~
CSO: 5300/5761
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500470023-4
Rarachi BUSINESS RECORDER in English 17 I~fay 82 p 4
[Te:{t ] ISI.AMASAD, May ld: Meh- He ~a;d rh~ ~�;�m.r. an~ r~chni-
~onoud A. Haroon, Ntiaista fcr que~ of rehabilit~r~on crn~ld ao
~aterior todvy called for to~l lonarr be t~t to lavmen. no mat-
elimir~ation aad ' eradiddon at ter how neble rheir inrentions and
teade in nercotia and iu use by ~}fMrs m~~ht F+�. Reha4+~l~ta!ien
the citizcne. ~t~ff in . the field have to be ade�
"We mwt try our levd best snd ~ratelv r*Ained in al1 a~*+eets o~t
the target shovZd be a total eli- this eomol;cattd servia.. T? is bec�
miastion of narootia", t9~e minis. fiae oool;na cd k*+rwlHloe. cx-
ter said inauguratIng thc fic~t perience and techniaues ot rehs~~-
eourse on rehabilitarion of dcug 2itacion ~n a counm-fo-co~~ntcv
addicu fa social workera. basis aoouirea mest vital import=
The wedc-loeg course has bera ane. and sianificantt.
orAanised by the; Pakiatan Nar~o_ ' we ha~ no da#+r rhat vartici..'
tiu Control Board in cooper+tiaa oants of this cour~~ will find tha~
with the Internatioael L,~bour Or- ~here i~ a�nat deal to be ia?b~'beil
aanisauon and the United Nation~. and acquired from the pool at
'Flaroon said Preaident Mohaa~- II.A ~~c+xrienea.
~ mtd Zia-ul-Haq and hia govern- R~I~I~.ITATION WORS
- mrnt attached '~?ery ft~~'~ I~aroan anphasiaed that rehabi-
portana to the diminetion and liutioa of a he}Pless druR depen-
essdication of natCOtics beauae, dmt P~~ waa a B~~ a~'ice to
}x added, demuctian and ntoral ~d it was in this yDirit
dep~radaaon ari~ing a~t o! it~ ~~~~i~tion sta~M s~+~uld
~buse by h~amn beiaRs was t'se ~ve to cart9 aut their ta:'~s. and
areatest evil ~n Islmi. 'Therefor' ~p~~ib~ities. He said 'aqua'19
~ha min~.ter sazd "frotn Islamic ~nt it ia to t~dnrmibn that
point of view we must t~ a de� ~nrnt needinR nehabiL-
~nite stana cm it". ~h~ should be treated a~
The ir.>.terior mini~ter was hnv- ~ h~an beit~ in need ot help
- py to notc that there was a ~omw- ~d aot aa a c+ilprit or sorisl out-
it~t wwarmess of fie devasan� na-
.ture of chis problem buc "it would ~
A~~y a dr~ d~~t
be ic~le co pretrnd that we are 1i ~~wittin~ oic~m ol
an�~a+here nesr to anr R~ ~ deviout aad unxxWutous y+uveY�
tatal eradiration of thia ev~". H~ ors of evil. . Wn~ ~�D4-
aaid prvblem of drua abuse cuts aocial demeat shoutd be snawn ao
a~soss nadonal boundaries and ~Y~ ~,1~ ~~a pt� a2�
poses ad+'re challenae to the wurid �~ded all symDaby, luncaes~
community aa a wtiole and th~ b~p ~t s~~~y pa musux
aorld h~~ to be extremely vwrr9 ~~pm i~ ~vea caout'~
and must eame to~rather to tackla ~li~,, wU~y~ ~pe ~~tet
d~is orfitm+s. In thit coanecti~n ~irmaa af the Nateotiu Cun-
de avorec+ated the cole of Un~ted ~1 ~yd the patticiDmts ~1
NAi+one Fnnd for Thva Abuse ~ course would empbaaix on dit
C~+ntrol and the IIA. whid~ ha nature of tbe ptablau w
- said avere rend�ring veomon ser- rehabilitation of druSs daPcndeat .
vic~ in rhis firld. nhaibilitioa a~ dtt~ depeadrnt
Desrn'bimt rrhab'rlication of ad- y~~ yw a aoama! hamaa bemR
~ d;rr. as nro a~ eaw roak. th: ~ useful manber of the cam~-
mini�cer ssid rhis callerl for isd- m~~!
Tio;rdv Kfecisli~ed treaIIMti~
i 28
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
He ssid rehabilitntion of a help- irom opivm PoP'D'9 Nltiwtion co
less. sad some rimea hopeless per� o~~'
aoa called for much caore t1su~ Treamnent fec?litiea have been
ma+e medical tmtmeat a vlace- ~ad st71 ate being, set n9 du'ov?b-
ment ia a workin� iob. He hoped out the eoimtr9� Rehybiliranon
that the value aad benefit of th! eer~*iaa have started at thm ~o�
course would be a aol'sd ccrnuibw catia~l ttaiainti aad rdia~bilita-
tioa 'to the.A~e of imP~~B tion centra. Karachi. Hvdersbad
the quaitv of reh~bilicntion savic+ and NevvsRai (Buaer). Rehsbilira�
- in ihe eotmtr~?� tioa rnua~ellia~ and 'tob Dla~'emen:
The IIA direccor. Im Cn,m- aer~?ica ue EunctioniWt ia Pes6.-
Ser apealdag on the occasion war, Raaalpiadi and Iahora
Pakistan was today facing a aew Chambers emv~a~ized chac erha-
dianezuion o[ dtug abuse widt th- bilitation aetivities in themselvee
will not solve the problem of dru~
reports ot be~innins and rapid arr ~~x ~hat faccs Pa~kistan. Reha-
paaaion af heroia abuse. He haw� bilitaaon comes late-in a verv real
ever said tordmatelq ~akinas i~ aenu too lsu?in the terrif7?snR
na tota119 u~c'ePsred to tarkls of self-destraiction that
this situatioa ;a ~g abuse, he added. It caa
= He said the Paidataa Narcotic~ ~y in a wider versvec-
Coatrol Bo~d, ia collsbontioo dve aad in ehe framrwo~ of co-
with atha countriea and aith ia- ootratioa with all otha activiti~
ternational o~aai~tti��s is i~�" imolved ia fighting the aunace ol
plemeatin8 P~~~~ ~O drua abuse.
both the aupply and dwund as- ~ai~n pN~;g, Kha~a?sia
pects of dtu6 ~r; Masaod.' also addressed the funv
tnre ProRnmmea are ~a DropR'~s: rioa.-AP'~/P'P'I.
to avide aad hdp farmers to
- ~uide md help farmers co swiccb
- CSO: 5300/5759
_ 29
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
OPIUM SEIZED FROM CARGO--The Custom Drug Enforcement Cell has suspected the
involvement of some dismissed PIA employees in passing the "unmanifested
packages with 'tne collaboration of some notorious drug smugglers. A reliable
sources said the suspicion was based on the seizure of "forgeci" PIA Airway
_ bills on which three wooden boxes were brought inside the international hangar
by some "PIA staff" in a clandestine manner showing their origin from Japan and
Nairobi as destination. Their examination yielded 144 kilos of raw opium. The
evidence collected so far also suggester] involvement of the owner of a 3-star
- hotel. The documents revealed shipment of three similar boxes on March 23,
1982 showing them to have been "over-carried" from New York to Karachi and
shift~d pn PK-711 flight to Cairo again on a fictitious airways bill declaring
the origin to be Tokyo via Karachi to Cairo. The same information was passed
on to Cairo where these boxes were intercepted and 144 kilograms of raw opium
recovered. Customs Drug Enforcement Cell is continuing the probe. No arrest
was, howe~~er, reported. [Karachi DAWN in English 16 May 82 p 10]
BIG HEROIN HAUL--LONDON, May 11: Customs officers, on Sunday night, seized
heroine valued at street price of one million pounds from a business premises
- in Birmingham. A senior representative of the company involved was helping
the Customs officers with inquiries. One Mr Adam Tariq of Wedly Road, Soili-
hull, was charged. Custom officers declined to reveal further details o� the
_ case. [Karachi DAWN in English 12 May 82 p 5]
CHAF2AS SEIZED IN DADU--DADU, t4ay 11: Excise Sub-Inspe~tor, Mr Nazar Mohammad,
raided a truck (4014-MR) on Sunday night and recovered about 13 maunds of char-
as k*orth Rs 13 crores and arrested truck driver Mustaqeem Shah. According to
details the Excise S.I. was tipped that a truck loaded with charas had left
- Peshawar for Karachi. Soon after the information the police started cordoning
the road and as soon as the truck reached Mundar Octroi Post police tried to
stop it, but it sped away. Police van chased it and overtook it at Khudaabad
on Indus Highway where it collided with a standing truck. The driver Dlusta-
_ qeem Shah was badly injured in the collision. Police seized the truc:c and re-
covered charas from its cabin. [Karachi DAWN in English 12 May 8~ p 6~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540070023-4
= BURNED CLOTH AS HEF:OIN--Peshawar, May 16--Not to speak of food, even narcotics
are being adulterated by smugglers to multiply their profits easily. Heroin
experts in the pay of smugglers, according to reliable sources have discovered
that the famous Shalwar-Qameez suiting papularly known as Kay Tee (KT) when
burnt up after being treated with certain chemicals, yields powder identical
~ in colour with refined heroin. When mixed with pure heroin nobody can distin-
guish between Kay Tee and heroin because the adulteration does not impair the
intoxicating agent in heroin. (Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 17 May 82 p 4]
GSO: 5300/5759
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
Cebu City VISAYAN HERALD in English 12 Apr 82 p 7
-i [Article by Eddie R. Gandionco]
, (Text] I am disturbed by news stroies published in the local dailies for the
past weeks on surveillance made by CANU agents on different schools, colleges
+ and universities. That there is ~ rise in dangerous drugs traffic despite the
signing into law by President Marcos of a stronger anti-drug abuse law.
I fiave observed and it has been my experience that no matter how strong the law
i is against criminality and. vices, such efficaciousness is often negated by
; laxi,ty and complacency in its implementation.
j Then there is the unholy drug arrests but less convictions. T'he offenders al-
~ ways managed to go scot-free only to c~mmit the same crime again. And this is
true with other criminal cases.
~ Then,there is th eunholy alliance between a few law enforcers, and drug push-
ers. Although a few of these unprincipled scoundrels exist among our law en-
' forcers, their operations should not be taken for granted since it is the lives
of our youth that are at stake, mostly in high school.
! However, studies being made by psychologists~ psychiatrists, etc., etc. on the
drug problem revealed that youngsters who fall prey to drug pushers are usually
those that come fom broken homes where relationships are strained. Moreover,
~ the studies also showed that many addicts exist among rich families where mon-
ey, rather than parental care, is given more importance.
ThFSe are the factors that must be considered by the government in its sus-
tained drive against drug abuse. There are many other factors which I believe
- are known to the authorities. Without considering these factors, no matter
- how sust~ir~ed is the dangerous cirug drive, it will fail. Needless to say, the
gove.rnment or the PC/INP should beef up their anti-narcotics units in support
l o� its sustainecl campaign against the drug menace.
~ CSO: 5300/575T
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500070023-4
- D4anila PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English 12 May 82 p 2
_ [Article by Divina C. Paredes]
- [TE:Xt] ~.1}'.n11sl:KS ul Ilu~ ('~~m.l.~hiil,ity ACCOItl>I~G t~r AL�~j. tilcynardu I..
~~nl i-N;irr~~lit's l~nil (('ANl!) I;cltrm, hrm~n hcruin ie roorc ronnnunly
uu�d Ix�causc it i~ chra~~~~r lii;~n thc 1'irat-
~'C';lertl;iy i':ili}~hl (~~~n sux~~c~lc~l rl:ixs h~�r~~in ~chirli rosis I'S.OOU pcr y.iam.
= lic'rt~in eli~~~~lici~ ~~'lit~. I~IC1' ~:iitl, lir�~~n licruin may hr Iwu~:ht fr~~m PROp
~�~~ulil Ic~ul (hr f~uslin~; uf ~i 1i~ I'1.(I(lll ~,cr E~r:mi. Il~~~~cvrr, it can unly
II~~II~!k~~it~�h;ItiCt1 ~II"II}: 1VI1cliC:lln c~ t:il,cn hy Ihc mcllu~d ul "rhaxin~! dir
�~irialinE in Ilir r~~iu~lry. dr,~~_~,n.'
11iu~cn hrruin Ix� injrrt!�d. II
II~r ~u,~,~`rl~ ~~~cn� idrnlifird :is.
innsl Ix� I~urnrd insid~� !~arkrt ~~I :d~nni
K~~tni�~~ ti. (~;i~ria, .i t, I~i~sin~�stinlFii~, num fni! and .nilfrd ~~ith :i xtr:i~~. At ~,ir
- ~~I I til I I,il~l a~~r. rsl.. I';isa~~ ('IIV, ei�nt, Ihix I~~~~c ~,t hcroin cunirs tnainl~.
:iml A1;iru~ IZ. ti,inlia~;u, .;1. ~Ill~~l~~ye. Inmi Il~ui~~k~~n~; ,ind Itan~:k�k. liellr~ui
i~l '.ttil (~uI~IVc~~ ~I.. I~:Iti;11' (~Ily. .fhl~ I~I~~~~n hrn~in suppli~�cl li~ lh