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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10553 ~ 28 May 1982 . IJ~SSR Re ort p CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 11 /82) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE � FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500464466-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. , Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets _ [j are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TexC] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indica te how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or, names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been suppl ied as appropxiate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within thP body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~tema are as ~ given by source. The contents uf this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10553 28 May 1982 ~ USSR REPORT ~ CYBE RNETICS, COMPUTE RS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (~ovo i~/a2) . CONTENTS HAftDWARE Unified Software System for Control of Ion Beam Apparatua ~ ar:d KSR-1~100 Computer 1 . Primary Specifications of ~I Computer Peripheral Units 4 New Control Computer Complexes 11 Display Processor for Experimental Data Processing Systems... 17 Synthesis of High Productivity Minicomputer With Fast Interrupt Response 19 Automatic System for Determining llynami.c Characteristice 23 Heat Troatment for Ferrite Cores Simplified 25 SOFTWARE Mathema,tical Methods of Cybernetics 27 Theory and Practice of Systems 28 Prograrroming in Unified-3eries Operating Syatem Based on ASSII~iIBLER Language 29 Regulation of Work Asaociated With Interactive Problema in _ DISPAK Operating S~istem 36 APPLICATIONS ~ - Automated Dispatcher System at Metallurgical Plant 4~ - a- [III - USSR - 21.C S&T FOUO] Fn~r ~FFrr~ e r~?~F. ~NT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Automatic Dispatchex System Used Succeasfully in Metallurgy 49 Method for Calculating Amplitude Chaxacteristice of Rando~n Processes 71 Standar~i.zing Equipment Used in Geophysical Exploration........ 54 OPTICAL PROCESSING Controllable Tranaparenciea and Reveraible Recording of Sigmals b4 Controllable Liquid Cryatal Transpaxencies for Optical Signal Converters and Coders ......o 65 Electrically Gontrollable Light Modulation in Lanthanum Modified Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics 91 Research on Develo~ment of Optically Controllable Storage ' Elements Based on Multilayer Semiconductor-Inaulator ?S~'irl~Ct'iLll'@S s~~~~~~��~~��~~~~~~~~~~~~��~~~~�~�~~.�~~~~~~~~~~~� 91 PERSONALITIES Instrument-Making Winners of 198Z U3SR St~,te Prizes in Technology Named 105 EXHIBITIONS AND CONFERENCES New Computer Technology Exhibited at T~eipzig Fair 107 Conference on Second-Generat3on Robots Planned for Fall 1982.... 111 Franco-Soviet Computer Prog�arruning Symposium Published 113 'PUBLICATIONS Special k'acilities for System Design and Simulation 115 Contents of ~JOURNAI~ OF THE USSR ACADEMY QF SCIENCES: TECH~TICAL CYBERNETICS~, January-February 1982 117 Power System Automation Fundamentals 120 ~ ' - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ HAR.DWARE UDC 51:681.3.06 UNIFIED SOFTWARE SYSTEM FOR CONTROL OF ION BEAM APPARATUS AND KSR-I~100 COMPUTER Kiev SPETSIAL'NYYE SREASTVA PROYEKTIROVANIYA I MODELIROVANIYA SISTEM /PROYEKT-YeS/ in Russian 1981 (signed to press 29 Jul 81) pp 35-39 [Article by V. F. Lyabakh from book "PROYEKT-YeS Special Facilities for System Design and Simulation", editor-in-chief A~cademician V. M. Glushkov, Institute of Cybernetics, UkSSR A~cademy of Sciences, 550 copies, 107 pages~ [Text] A great deal nf time is expended on programming facilities enabling inter- actio:~ between the designer and computer-aided design [CAD] system. And the com- plex programa are compiled from modules differing little from each other in func- tional purpose, but very bulky in eize. To enable interaction between a CAD system and a peripheral processor, one has to either aupplement the programming language for the CAD software, or construc t epecialized sof tware f~or the peripheral proces- sor. Direct application of a apecialized proceseor with a simple input language requires a great deal of effort to prepare the data and compile the control pro- grams. For this purpose, it is expedient to use high-throughput computers that, in addition to reducing progremming time, permit reducing the number of errors in pro- grams and performing debugging with powerful and convF~nient facilities. In terme of both hardware and software, the power of peripheral device facilities is small if they are oriented to a broad class of problems. But if they are narrowly speci- alized, then it ie possible to achieve a high level of the programming language or instrumental facilities in some class of problema, but ewitching to another clase of problems requires a great deal of effort. Described in this work is an approach to conetructing software for the specialized - KSR-4100 computer that is a continuation of the effort to develop facilities for interf acing the engineering design s tage and the stage of manuf acturing electronic circuita [1]. The apecialized KSR-4100 computer is used to control an electron-ion beam in laying out the patterna on cryetal with the electronic,ionic technology for manufacturing circuita.. Circuit descriptions made in the engineering design stage are analyzed and converted into a control program for the KSR-4100 by special s~atem facilities. The aoftware for thia part of the system is compiled by the following facilities: 1. Data representation facilities in the system are facili.tiea for representing data in the external descriptic~n--pattern descriptiona, f acilities in internal representation--component objects, and data repreaentation facilities to enable interaction--f ields having parts that are constant and varying in the interaction proceae. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y 2. Processing facilities enable assignment of the type of pattern, its placement in the working fiQld, shifting of the pattern, creating a copy of the pattern, specification of scalea on the horizontal and vertical axes, and compilation of a complex pattern from parte. They use the universal mechanism of processing--trane- lation by products, which are specified by using tables, which permits easy recon- figurati~on of the tablea for different types of patterns. These facilitiea have now ~een implemented i.n the PROYEKT-YeS system and adjusted for illustration of , texts, The input program for the apecialized KSR-4100 computer must have the fol- lowing structure: The first part ia the pattern program proper, i.e. a series of paire of coordinates of the diagonal points of the rectangles forming the pattern. Each coordinate ia specified by a four digit number with a sign. Plus is the detault eign. Cordinatea are separated from each other by a special character that ie accessible to the uaer only during system aetup. Each rectangle (four coordi- nates) ie separated by another character, also user-accessible only at system setup time. The second part ie a file of diaplacementa of this pattern relative to the coordinatea specified in the first part, if the pattern ia used several ti.mes in the drawing. Thie file starta with the character "A". Following it are the coor- dinates of the diaplacementa arranged in paira (on the horizontal and vertical axea). Diaplacement coordinate format is the same as in the first part of the pro- gram. The characters "AE" muet be placed before the last apir of displacementa. If the drawing coneiete of several different repeated patterna, the program for this drawing muet coneist of programs for each pattern written by the method de- ecribed above. The input program for the KSR-4100 ia read trom perf orated tape in ISO codes. These requirements govern the conditiona for the structure of the pro- cesaing program and setup of product tables. - The product table fa a two-dimeneional array. Arranged in the first dimension axe all the pattern types in the Language for description of the patterns encountered - in a class of drawing data. In the current version, this includes the letters in the Russian alphabet, some of the Latin alphabet lettera, the numbers and the punctuation charactera. Arranged in the second dimeneion of the array ar~ the programs for the correaponding types of patterns in the KSR-4100 input language, i.e. in the internal ayatem language up to recoding into ISO codes. The �acilitiea for entering and editing product tables are offered by the interactive data prepar- ation system (DSPD) which uaes a display terminal. The control program scans the input text and fills out a file for the drawinga, which also conaists of a certain number of two-dimensional arrays. The number of arrays matches the number of different types of patterns (letters). In the firet dimension, if a given type of pattern ia encountered in the input text, the pattern program is written from the product tabte, and in the second, the apire of coordinatea for the displacements, defined according to some algorithm by the control program. When the pointer, under the control of which text reading occurs, acans in tHe input text a pattern of a type that had been read earlier, only the second part--the subf ile of dis- pl~cements--is filled out. When the pointer reade in the input text a special ' functional character--end of processing, the control program terminate~ the process of filling out the drawing file and begins recoding the contents of it into the ISO _ codes. T'ne system offers the uaer two types of pattern apecificationa: explicit (two four-digit numbera) and that computed by a special algorithm, if the patterna are specified in the form of a series of periodically placed elements. The drawing acale is specified according to the horizontal and vertical axes when the system is set up and consiste in the linear converaion factore for the corresponding axes of the cc~ordinates contained in the product tables. Specification of the input text = . 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 , - may be performed by the facilitiea of the INESS syatem [2] or directly from the external medium, i.e. in the interactive or direct input mode. And the data may be prepared in advance by using the DSPD int~ractive data preparation system. With appropriate adjuetment, the software described may be uaed in all apheres of KSR-4100 application: for control of ion-beam, electronic-lithograph and other apparatus [3]. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Glushkov, V. M.; Kapitonova, Yu. V. and Letichevakiy, A. A., "Avtomatizatsiya proyektiroveniya vychisl.itel'nykh maehin" [Computer-Aided Design of Computers], Kiev, Nauk. dumka, 1975, 231 pagea. 2. Bublik, V. V.; Doroshenko, A. Ye.; Krivoy, S. L.; and Lyabakh, V. F., "Interactive Data Structure Proceasing," KIBERNETIKA, No 5, 1978, pp 13-18. 3. Derkach, V. P.; Karagodov, V. P, and Korsunskiy, V. M., "Principles for Auto- mation of Programming of Electron-Beam Indus~rial Processea," in "Metody miniatyurizataii i avtomatizatsii proizvodetva komonentov EVM" [Methoda of Miniaturization and Automation of Production of Computer Componenta], Kiev, IK AN USSR [Institute uf Cybernetics, UkSSR Academy of Sciences], 1972, pp 18-30. COPYRIGHT: Inatitut kibernetiki, 1981. 8545 , CSO: 1863/89 3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.3 PRIMARY SPECIFICATIONS OF SM COMPUTER PERIPHERAL UNITS Moscow PRIBARY, SREDSTVA AVTOMATIZATSII I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, TS-2: PERIFERIYNYYE USTROXSTVA SM EVM (OBZORNAYA INFORMATSIYA) in Rusaian No 1, Jan-Feb 80 pp inside front c.over, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 29-30, ~~0 y [Annotation, selected tables, and table ~ontente from book "Instruments, Auto- mation Equipment, and Control Systems, Technical Series No 2: Peripheral Units of SM Computers (Survey Inforn~ation), by Yu. D. Alekseyev and A. A. Myachev, Izdatel'stvo "TsNIITEIpriborostroyeniya", 4,435 copies, 40 pages] ' [Text] Annotation ~ This survey reviews the classification, primary principles of organization, and technical specifications of peripheral units of SM computers. The book givea examples of organization and the technical specifications~ of a number of per- ipheral units in aystems produced abroad. The book 3s intended for specialiats who are deaigning systems and units based on SM computer hardware. Table 2. Primary Characteristics of Magnetic Disk External Units Included in the SM Computer Catalog Averr~ge Ac- Transmission _ Type, Number of Unit, cess Time, Capacity, Speed, megabits/ (Manu~acturing Country) milliseconds megabits seconds - Fixed-Head Magnetic Dtsk 3tores SM ~SOC~, I~ID-500C (Hungary) 10 0.5 mega- 1.35 = bytes SM 5501, MD-800V (USSR) 10 0.864 mega- 0.67 " bytes Magnetic Disk Stores with Removable Diska - ~M 5400, IZOT-1370 (Bulgaria) 50 50 2.5 S1{ 5401, MERA-9425 (Pnland) 40 50 2.5 SM 5403, KDP-721 (Czechoslovakia) 30 50 2.5 _ [Table continued, next page] ~ FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540060066-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Table 2 continued] . Average Ac- Tranemission Type, Number of Unit, cess Time, Capacity, Speed, megabite/ (Manufacturing Country) milliaeconds megabits, seconde Floppy Disk Stores SM 5601, MF-3200 (Hungary) - 3.2 0.25 SM 5602, RLX-45D (Poland) - 12.8 0.25 SM 5604, Konsul 7112 (Czecho?~lovakia) - 3.2 0.25 SM 5605, two-disk (Czechoslovakia) 500 6.4 0.40 SM 5606, MFU-2 (Hungary) 370 6.4 0.25 Table 4. Specifications of Magnetic Tape External Storage Units Included in the SM Computer Catalag. Speed of Ex- Recording Den- Type, Number of Unit, change, kilo- Capacity, sity, bits/ (Manufacturinst Countrv) byt~s/aecond megahits millimeters Storage Units Using 12.7 Millimeter Tape SM 5300, IZOT-5004Ye (Bulgaria) 10 100 32 SM-5302, IZOT-5005-OIYe (B~:lgaria) 20 200 32 _ SM-5303, IZOT-5006Ye (Bulgaria) 36 - 32 SM-5304, RT-305-2 (Poland) 40 - 32/64 Storage Units ilsing 3.81 Millimeter Caasette Tape SM-5202, RK-1 (Poland) 0.5 5.76 32 SM-5203, KPP-800 (Czechoslovakia) 0.125 3.2 32 Table 5. ~pecificationa af Punched Tape In~ut-Output Units of SM Computers. Primary Characteristics ~ ~ Possibility of Speed, lines/ Number of Building Seconds Tracks in Unit Punched Tape Input Units SM-6203, MR-301 (H~ingary) 500 5.8 yes SM-6205, ST-2030 (Poland) 300 5.8 no [Table 5 continued, next page] 5 . � FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY [Table 5 continued] Primary Characteriettcs ~ Possibility of Speed, lines/ Number of . Building Seconds Tracks in Unit SM-6216, ST-2100/2200 (Poland) 1,000/2,000 5.8 no SM-6208, Konsul 337.2 300 8 YeB ' (Czechoslovakia) SN�-6209, FS-1503 (Czechoslovakia) 1,500 8 no Punched Tape Output Units SM-6222, DT-lOSC (Poland) 50 5.8 yes SM-6227, MP-51 (Hungary) 50 5.8 Yes SM-6206, Daro-1215 (East Gerroany~ SU 5.8 Yes Combined Input-0utput Units SM-6200, MPR-51/301 (Hungary) 50/500 5.8 yes SM-6204, SPTP-3 (Polandj 50/100 5.8 yes Table 6. Specificatione of Punchcard Input Units of SM Computers Prima.xy Specifications , Speed, Card/ Magazine Ca- Minute pacity, caxds SM-6101, VT-42111 (Hungary) 600 600-640 SM-6102, Daro-1220 (East Germany) 160 500 _ SM-6105, RSD-9226 l,Romania) 300-800 1,000 Table 7. Specifications of Printers of SM Computers Primary Characteristica Line 5et of Length, Symbols, Printing Speed Characters Characters Parallel-Type Alphanumerfc Printer SM-6316, VT-24112 (Hungary) 253 linea/min 80 96, 64 SM-6321, VT-25150 (Hungary) 650 ]ines/min 132 64, 96 SM-6306, VT-25112 (Hungary) 900 lines/min 132 96 SM-6322, RSD-9233 (Romania) 200 lines/min 132 64, 96 - SM-6315 (USSR) 500 lines/min 132 96 [Table continued, next page] 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Table 7 conttnued] Primary Characteristics Line Set of Length, Symbole, Printing Speed Characters Characters _ r. Sequential-Type Mosaic Alphanumeric Printer SM-6301, Daro~1156 (East Germany) 100 char/sec 132 96 SM-6302, DZM-180 (Poland~ 180 char/sec 132, 138 128 SM-6303, Konsul 211.1 150 char/sec 132 96 (Czechoslovakta) Sequential Alphanumeric Priater with Keyboard SM-6312, IZOT 0232D (Bulgaria) 20 char/sec 132 96 SM-7108, Konsul 211 with 150 char/se~ 132 96 Konsul 256 Keyboard (Czechoslovakia~ SM-7102, UKVKL (East Germany) 45 char/sec 132 94 Table 8. Specifications of Displays Primary Specifications Number of Sym- Dimensions of bola on Screen/ Matrix (Milli- Nwnber of Ad- meters), Type, Number of Units dreasable Potnts Method of Editing (Manufacturing Country~ on Screen Fcrmation Functions Alphanumeric Displays SM 7202 (Czechoslovakia) 1,920 5 x 7 Full SM 7203, SID-702 (Cuba) 1,440 5 X 7 Full SM 7206 VT-47100 (Hungary) 1,280 5 x 7 Full SM 7207 (Poland) 512 5 X 7 Full SM 7208 (Poland) 1,280 5 x 7 Full SM 7209 MERA-7952 (Poland) 1,920 5 X 7 Full SM 7219 VDT-52105 (Hungary) 1,920 7 X 8 Full VT-05, DYeS, United States 1,440 5 X 7 Partial 822 Burroughs, United States 1,920 5 x 7 Full [Table continued, next page] 7 FOR OFF[CIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Ta61e 8 conttnuedJ Primary Specifications . Number of Sym- Dimensions of bols on Screen/ Matrtx (Milli- Number of Ad- meters), Type, Number of Units dressable Points Method of Editing (Manufacturing Couatry) on Screen Formation Functians Intellectual Alphanumeric Displ~ys SM 7401, VT-~47605 (Hungary~ 2,OOQ 9 x 7 Full SM 7402, RVT-4000 (East Germany) 256 5 X 7 Full Graphic Displays _ SM 7300, EPC~SM (USSR) 1024 X 1024 Vector - SM 7301, VT-47607 (Hungary) 512 x 236 Point - GT-40, DYeS, United States 1024 X 768 Poiat - Idigrat Display, United Statea 1024 X 1024 Hachures - W2000, Sintra, France 2048 x 2048 Hachures - Technical Specifications of the Active SM-1800 Industrial Unit for Communication with the Ob~ect Central Procesaor Module Word Length, bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Capacity of Internal Memory in Central _ Processor Module, kilobits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Capacity of Read-Only in Central Processor Module, lcilobytes . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Execution Time for Inetructions, Microseconds 2-8.5 Analog Input Module ~ NumSer of Input Cltannels . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Range of Conversion, volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �5 Resolution, bit positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Maximum Conversion Time, microseconds . . . . . . . . . 60 Primary Error, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not more than �0.2 - Ana~og Output Module Number of Output Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Resolution, bit positiona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 6utput Signal by Voltage, volts . . . . . . . . . . . . 10; 24 Output Signal by Current, milltamps . . . . . . . . . . 20; 48 Primary Error, X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2-0.3 [List continued, next page] ~ 8 . FOR OF6TCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [List continued] Dtscrete Input Module - Number of Tnput Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16; 32 Level of Input Signal, volts: Logtcal t'Zero" . . . . . . . . . . 0�2.4; 0�4.8; 0�9.6 Logtcal r~l~~ . . . . . . . . . . . �9.6...�14.4; �19.2... �28.8; �38.4...�57.6 . Input Current for Each Channel, milliamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . not more than 20 _ Discrete Output Module Number of Output Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ~ Maximum Switchable Current, amps . . . . . . . . . 0.2 Working Frequency, khz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Switchable Voltage, volts . . . . . �4.8...�7.2; �9.6.. �14.4; �38.4...�57.6 Module for Outputting Number-Pulsed Signals Number of Input S~gnals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Capacity of Each Counter, bits . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Maximum Counting Frequency, khz . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table of Contents Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 External Memory Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ' S Magnetic Disk Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Magnetic Tape Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Alphanumeric Information Input-Output Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . Punched Tape Input-Output Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - Punchcard Input-Output Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Units for Operator Communication with Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Alphanumeric Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Graphic Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Units for Com~unication with Ob~ect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fundamental Concepts and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Subsystems for Analog Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Subsystems for Discrete Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Structures of Units for Communication with Ob~ect . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Structure of Industrial Unlts for Communication with OU~ ects 26 . Structure of Research Units for Communication with Ob~ects 30 _ Structure of Units for Communication with Objects in CAMAC Standard . 3i [Cot~tinued, next page j ~ 9 FOR OFFIC[AL U3E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464466-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Table of Contents continued] PaBe Data Transmtssion Units of Control Computer Complexes. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3tandard Data Transmission Untts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5tandard Types of Equtpment of Data Transmission Unita 36 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 36 - Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauclino~isaledovatelTSkt.y insti.tut informatsit. i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1980 11,176 CSO: 1863/116 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY f UDC 681.3 NEW CONTROL COMPUTER COMPLEXES _ Moscow PRIBORY, SREDSTVA AVTOMATIZATSII I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, TS-2: RAZVITIYE UVK SM-1 I SM-2, IKH PRIMENENIYE I PERSPEKTIVY (EKSPRESS-INFORMATSIYA) in Russian No 5, Sep-Oct 81 pp 1-7 [Chapter from book "Instrumente, Automation Equipment~ and Control Systems. Technical Series No 2: Development of the SM-1 and SM-2 Control Computer Complexes and Their Applications and Proapects," 4,285 copies, 13 pagea] [Text] Hardware and Software of SM Computers Development of tne hardware and software of the SM-1/SM-2 system was o*_-iented mainly to ASUTP's [automated control syatems for industrial processes] wttfi continuous types af production. But this system proved quite satisfactory and found broad application for do~ng the most diverse ~obs. Among these ~obs are contr~l of industrial ob3ects with complex data proceseing algorithms, processing geophysical and oceanographic data, controlling scientific experi- ments and processtng their results, testing complex ob~ects, and so on. - The development of complexes of the SM-1/SM-2 architectural lines contemplates setting up a program-compatible saries of base computer complexes which dif- fer by productivity, logical and structural capabilities, maximum storage volume, and other characteristica. The junior models of this series are the SM-1M and SM-2M. _ While it has a comparatively small number of models, the system must have a broad range of productivity, from 200,000 to 20,000,000 sho~t operations per second. A significant further increase in productivity (to hundrede of mil- lions and billions of operations per second) for more or l~:~ss narrow classes of problems is accomplished by setting up problem-oriented special processors connected to the base computer complex. The SM-1M computer complexes are a modernization of the SM-1 complex of SM computers. They can be used in subsystems for input-output controls for autonomous control of aggregates and industirial processes, for engineering calculations, and as built-in control units for complex instruments in scien- tific e~periment systems. 11 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464466-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY The SM-1M is the first computer in the SM family that outputs to tfie geueral- purpose IUS system interface. This insures that the SM~1M is compatiFile with SM-1/SM-2 complexes tn terms of sy~tem and user programs and tFie assortment of units connected to the SM-1 and SM-2. The design concepts of the SM-1M allow modification of the characteristics of complexes by volume of internal memory (to 64K words) and read-~only memory (to 16K words), as well as by number and assortment of connected peripherals. Some procedures of the operating system (procesaing interrupts, coatrol of switching a unit into the syetem) have been transferred to ~icroprograms, which increases the productivity of the complexea in real-time systems. The aystem timer (unit) has been replaced by a microprogram. It is proposed that the re- mainder of microprogram storage be used for problem-oriented user procedures. The SM-2M control computer complexes are modernized 5M-2 SM computer complexes. In the SM-2M the processor and chan~el for direct acceas to m~~mory are com- bined in one module and located in one autonomous block of tfie complex, which reduces the number of system bundles by almost one-half and also reduces the overall dimensions of the SM-2M control computer complex. The speed of the channel for direct access to memory is altnost doubled in the multiplex regime. Internal and microprogram storage are allocated on~ inte- grated microcircuits, which improve the technological suitability for manu- _ facture and reliability of the complexes in operatton. The software of the SM-2M complexes is put on magnetic media: minicassettes and reels of magnetic tape. The SM-1/SM-1M and SM-2/SM-2M complexes can interact with terminals, with one another, and with YeS [Unified System] computers. . The data transmisston hardware of the first and second phase SM computers con- tains data transmission devices (APD-MA's and APD-MPP's), modems with S2 inter- face, and also modules specially oriented to use in SM computers; adapters for interlinking with the S2 interface, modules for interlinking with data trane- mission devices and telegraph communications ltnea, and high-speed intra- system modules used over short distances. Our country's telegraph system makes it possible to use telegraph communications channels to transmit data in the SM-1 and SM-2 complexes. For this reason, a software library was developed for work over telegraph lines based on the A722-2 modules for interlinking with telegraph lines and tfie A722--b telegraph adapters. The program modules provide exchange of data between the computer complex and teletypes (T-63, T-59, RTA, and others) on the subscriber telegraph system or in a unipolar or bipol3r regime of work on switchable or nonswitchaBle tele- � graph lines respectively. - 12 FOR OFFIC'IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464466-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY These units are a constituent part of the operating aggregated aoftware system (ASPO) and support tfie establishment of communications with su~scrihers to the telegraph system, exchange of autoresponses (whether exchange of data with the given subscriber is permisaible in tt~e computing aystem formulated ~s~ teated by the teletype autoresponse), da~a transmiseion (input or output of data), switcfi- ing off telegraph communications, translating the international telegraph code NTK-2 into machtne language and vice versa, and syatem operation during detec- tion of error situations that occur in the telegrapfi system. The full set of software and hardware ~+akes it posatble to construct terri- torially decentralized complexes based on the M-7000 ASVT-~i and SM-1/SM-2 SM computers. The PS-2000 problem-oriented computer complex ia designed for highly productive processing of large data arrays. It can be used for eff icter~t performance of tasks tfiat permtt parallel processing of many data flowa according to the same program. The computer complex includes a decision field and control unit. The largest decision field conststs of eight processing units, eacC~ of which in turn consists of eight processor elements witTi its own internal memory. Data exchange among processor elements is done by a system of information channels; data exchange with peripheral units is accomplished through a built--in hardware channel for direct access to the memory of the processor elemer.~:s. The PSI-2000 complex can be used to solve problems in geophysics, meteorology, and other areas which require proceseing large data arrays by regular algo- rithms. A high-speed special processor built as an external unit interlinked with input- output channels of system ASVT models has been developed for processing s~ismic exploration data. This processor is intended to perform group operations on arrays. Its high speed reaults from the use of special computer circuits that interlink in~time several arithmetic, logical, and addreasing operatione. ~ The special processor consiats of a unit for interlinking with the channel, a control unit, and a pipeline-type arithmetic unit. It performs the following operations: convolution of an array with a statement; computing mutual corre- lations; multiplying two arrays; multiplying an array by a given number; de- termining a moving average; determining a moving average module; centering an array; and, copying data inside the main (internal) memory. The technical specifications of the processor are as follows: internal memory capacity - 16 kilobytes; speed in performance of the most complex operations (correlation and convolution) - 4 million paired multiplication--addition oper- ations per second; volume of each of the two input data arrays is limited to 2,048 16-bit words. The A135-1 microprogrammable controller (MPK~ is designed for setting up pro- grauunable subcomplexes for tnput-output, external memory, communication with the object, programmable terminals, and the like within computing systems based on SM computer hardware. The MPK envi:sions connecting control (internal and read-only) memory with a total capacity of 64 K words to interna.i interface 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY lines to store microprograme, connecting an internal memory with a volume of up to 64 K words to IUS interface lines, a~~d servicing 2S6 addresses of input- - output units. ~ The MPK has a multilevel system of interrupts. The word length of micro-- instructions and data is 16 bits. The system of microinstructions for the MPK includes operating~inetructions, the instruction to copy a constant, instruc- ti:ons for conditional unconditional branches~ and inputrout instructione. The minimum performance time for microinstructions is 360 nanoseconds. The arithmetic-logical unit of the MPK proc~eaes two operanda in eaeh of 32 assigned artthmetic or 16 logical operations and seven shift operations. The contents of one of the 16 registers of the high~speed internal memory is used as t~:e first operand, and the contents of the ~uffer register serve as tfie second. The MPK is control.led autonomously. The system for preparing microprograms for the A131-5I~.'K is designed for macro- - generation, translation, editing, composin~, and debugging microprograms on the ~SM-1 ~nd SM-2 SM computer complexes. The syatem makes it poesible to work with microprograms written in absolute or sliiftable format in the specially de- veloped machine-oriented MIKROKOD language. The system includes the following programe: tranalator from MIKROKOD (first veraion, no-dfsk variant); translator from MIKROKOD (firat version, disk vari- ant); tranalator from MIKROKOD of the MPK (second version)~ MPK microprogram assembler; technological program for obtaining truth tablea and"punched tape - for programmable microcircuita; technological program for obtaining tables re- corded fn the MPK read-only memory. " The A714-5/1 (RIM-1) and A714�5/2 (RIM-2) multtplex interface dividers (branches) broaden the capabilities of ~M-1 and SM-2 control computers for input-output by increasing the number of 2K interface outputs used to connect pertpherals to the control complex, aupporting the work of two control complexes with common peripherals, and ~o~ving peripheral units further from the control ~omputer - complex. _ The RIM=1 with the RIM-2 expansion module permits connecting in as many as 63 - peripheral units. The groupa of peripheral units arranged on the basis of the RIM-1 and RIM-2 can be moved as much as three kilometers away from the com- _ puter complex. Freeing the central_ processor of SM-2 computer complexes from the functions of controlling exterr~al memory is accomplished by Che K312-3 external memory sub- complex. The suFicomplex is based on a microprogrammable controller and in- cludes, in addit~ion to the MPK, a read-only memory with capacity of 6K words; , internal memory with capacity of 32K words, used to allocate data arrays, buf- fer control sequences, and load teat systems; two A328-6 disk control modules, wtth up to fo�ur YeS 5061 magnetic disk stores connected to each of them; two A318-7 tape ~.ontrol modules with up to eight YeS 5012-03 magnetic tape stores ~ connected to each of them. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 ~FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY The total capacity of external memory with direct access is 232 megaFiytes, while with sequential access it ts up to 320 megaBytes. The external memory subcomplex carries on data exchange between the SM-2 and storage on magnetic disks or tapes, marks packagea of magnetic disks, and copies data from tape to dtsks. 7~,ro data exchange operations can be performed simultaneously wfi_sn the external memory subcomplex is in use. The M-6000, M-7000, SM-1, and SM~2 computer comple.�as can be used to control a system consisting of a set of standarc; digital blocks meeting the CAMAC standard. Up to aeven CAMAC crates can be conner_ted to tfie computing comglex using the A711-19 device to match with the CAMAC s~stem. The devtce is built on three type B boarda (for working with 36-:,tt information words) or four boarda (working with 24-bit information words), wbich are con- nected to a 2K i.nterface, interlinked by meane of a bundle, and conn~cted to the pluga of a type A crate-controller. The last crate cannot be more than 15 meters from the computer complex. The unit occupiea three access codes in the 2K interface, ~t~d provides ex- change of 16-bit and 24-bit words through the program channel and 16~bit worda through the channel for direct access to memory. The M-6000 complex can only work through the program channe~. The M-6000, M-7000, SM-1, and SM-2 computer complexes can be used to set up measurtng systems and to automate scientific experiments on the b~sis of pro- grP~able inatruments built in conformtty with international standard IEEE-488 ("Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation") or tfie standard adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission ("Standard Interfac~ Systems for Progra~able Measuring Apparatus"). The instruments are ccnnected to the computer complex by means of an A711-15 matching device built on two type B boards which are connected to the 2K interface~ are bundled togetfier, and are connected to one of the instruments. Fourteen inetruments can be con- nected to the computer camplex through the matching unit at one time; the maxi- mum allowabZe dietance from the computer ~omplex is 15 metere. Information is received and transmitted in eight-bit code (without monitoring) or in seven-btt code (with monitoring). The rate of data exchange is de- termined by th.e characteristics of the program channel of the processor bein~ used. The K-331-3 graphi.c sEmitone display is designed for dieplaying, editing, and processing complex graphic semitone monochromatic and multicolored images. The display is based on a built-in microprogram controller. - The graphic semitone display generates an image in a point mt~trix formed af - 287 television lines with 320 pointa on eact~ line. Data about tfie image of each point are stored in the internal memory of the dieplay as words eight b~ts long (aeven bits for the graphic image and one bit for the eymbol image). Among the image processing capa~ilities provided by tfie display are: 256 hues of color for color modifications, 64 levels of brigT~tness in a monochromatic 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY image, scaling wtth coefficients of 1-16 for each coordinate, scanning in the "windaw" regime;, deletion of assigned parts of an twage by flasfiing, erasing assigned parts of an image, work in a regime of true colors or pseudocolors, shifting the image on the screen, construct.tng grapha of cfiange in the tnitial function along assigned horizontal or vertical lines, computing and displaying histograms and values of functions at an indicated point~ and computtng the distance between assigned points. Printers are wtdely~used to output data fro~tt the computer. The ne~r printer ia- cluded in the SM computer set has several outstanding features: a larger number of printing ele~eents (18 needles) which makes tt passible to improve ~�the quality of character formation and print characters with intricate configura- ~ tions in one pass; greater epeed of printing elements (1,000 Az) and their ' larger number, which makes it possible to more than quadruple the productivity of data registration; and, the possibility of turntng the printing head on its longitudinal axts (information is printed on two mutually perpendicular coordi- nates). The printer has microprogram control of actuating mecfiantsms and com- bines the iunc:tions of printer and graph plotter, maktng it possiFile to output graphic infor~nation on two coordinates. The low level of poaitton 3iscreteness makes posaible continuous and poiut representation of information. It is possible to diaplay the information being registered fn two colors. The various requirements of the aystems with respect to the format of blanks and functions performed necessitated development of a numb~er of character- synthesizing printers. Thus, the A521-5 device which automatically segments blanks in the subcomplexes was deaigned for the ASU-5 mass service system. The A521-6 device is used in subcomplexes built on the basis of micro- programmable controllers. This unit permita output of various types of graphic and alphanumeric information to a blank 420 millimeters wide by program means. The A521-4 and 531-10 units can print both alphanumeric and g~aphic information. The blank is 420 millimeters wide. In addition, the A~531-10 has an alpfia- numeric keyboard block with independent output to an IRPR interface, which broadens the opportunities for operator communication with the machine. COPYRIGHT: Taentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsti t tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostropeniya, sredstv avtomatizataii i siatem upravleniya (TsNIITEIpriboro~troyentya), 1981 11,176 CSO: 1863/116 ~ 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR GH'~ICIAL USE QNLY UDC 681. ; . DISPLAY PR(JCESSOR FOIt EXPERIMENTAL DATA PIipCESSING SYSTEMS Kiev POSTR~JYENIYE AVTOMATIZIRpVANNYI~i SISTEM OBRABOTKI EKSPERIMENTAL'NYKH DANNYKH in Russian 1981 (signed to press 3 Jul 81) pp 43-54 [Article by A. K. Belyayev, V. V. Gayduk and N. V. Yarovaya from book "Synthesis of Automated Systems for Processing Experimental Data" edited by G. S. Tesler (eciitor in chief), Nauchnyy sovet po probleme "Kibernetika", Ordena Lenina institut kibernetika, Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, 550 copies] - [Excerpt] Development of automated systems for processing experimental data (ASOED) based on minicomputers requires special resources for representing processes occurring in the system in visual form. Experimental operation of the Pirs system (1) showed that standard television seta can be used as the basis for the visual displays. This work describes a specialized display processor that allows an operator to interact by way of a television set with a"Etalon" minicomputer system (2). The specialized display processor (DP) has access to a reserved area of the main memory having a volume of 12,000 16-bit words (Figure 1) [figures not reproduced]. All - ~ ott~er areas of the main memory and the UPZU [not further identifiedJ are inaccess- ible to the DP. The DP memory contains instructions and a data buffer as well as special synchroni- zation service cells (addresses 4000 and 400Y). In distinction from the Pirs ~ system, in which the second processor is a processor-type resource of the system, the DP is an external unit-type resource of the system. 1. Structure of the Display Processor The DP is a microprogram-controlled unit operating with three types of inemories and a television set (Figure 2). The television set is an ordinary industrially- produced color television set that is connected without any alterations to the DP control unit. The effective memory--that is, the memory reserved for the DP microprograms, has a volun?e of 1,024 64-bit woriis with a word access time of 500 nanoseconds. Special instructions can be used to update this memory (only in its entirety), and its contents predetermine the problem orientation of the display processor. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FQit OFFICIAI. USE ON1.Y There is one other form of DP memory which is accessible only to the DP. This is the symbol generator, which has a volume of 1,024 bytes with a byte access time of 500 nanoseconds. Small in volume, the effective memory and the symbol generator are internal to the DP, and th~y are accessible to the first processor only in special modes, in which they are memorized as a whole. The third type of inemory with which the DP works is the main memory or, more accurately, a region of the main memory with a volume of 12,000 16-bit words be- ginning with the address 400016. Tlais memory is simultaneously accessible to the = first processor and the DP. In this case when addresses larger than 4000i6 are interrogated, the first processor has the least priority in picking up the main memory cycle. ~ COPYRIGH':: Institut kibernetiki, 1981. 11004 CSO: 1863/137 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY UDC 681.327 SYNTHESIS OF HIGH PRODUCTIVITY MINICOMPUTb.R WITH FAST INTERRUPT RESPONSE Kiev POSTRfJYENIYE AVTOMATIZIROVANNYIQi SISTEM OBRABOTKI EKSPERIMENTAL' NYKH DANNYKH in Russian 1981 (signed to press 3 Jul 81) pp 54-58 , [Article by V. F. Bernikov from book "Synthesis of Automated Systems for Processing Experimental Data" edited by G. S. T~sl~r (editor in chief), Nauchnyy aovet po probleme "Kibernetika", Ordena Lenina institut kibernetika, Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, 550 copies] [Text] The problem of reconciling a number of contradictory demands imposed on the processor must be solved in systems processing experimental data obtained from natural tests on complex objects. On one hand we have high productivity and quick servicing of high speed ~eripheral input-output equipment, while on the other hand we have minimum dimens.`ons, weight and conswned power on the condition of suffi- ciently high work reliability. Nbreover the computer must respond quickly to change in external conditions, and it must tttake the corresponding changes from one program to another quickly. To satisfy the speed requirements, the minicomputer processor is structured according to the principle of combining instruction processing phases--that is, the conveyor principle. The phases of selecting an instruction from the memory, , modifying the address part of the instruction, exchanging an operand with the memory and accumulating an arithm tic-log.ic operation are carried out in indepen- dent blocks of the processor (1). To ensure minimum computer outlays, the work of the blocks is controlled synchronously and with microprograms. Let us evaluate the different structural variants of the processor. We designate the duration of the i-th phase by ti and assume that all phases are carried out in succession. The total duration of an operation would be ~ n ttotal - G ti ~ i=1 ~ where n is the number of phases in the operation (in this case n= 4), and the speed of the processor would be 1 1 STotal - ttotal n (operations/sec). ~ t2 i=1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500064466-8 - FOR O~F[CIAL USE ONLY It should be noted that the phases of instruction execution are carried out by different blocks at different speeds. Let us assum~e that the main memory of the minicomputer consists of separate in- struction memory and data m~mory blocks. The cycle time tT of.the conveyer is set ~ equal to the longest phase: tT = max { tZ } . ' ~ (i) Usually the time required to complete the principal, short arithmetic-logic opera- tions is shorter than the memory interrogation cycle. Let tT be the duration of a memory cycle. . The speed of the processor would be S= 1/tT, operations/sec. In our case at tT = 500 nanoseconds, S= 2�106 operations/sec. The actual speed may deviate from this value in both the greater and the lesser direction. If the duration of an arithmetic-logic operation is greater than one cycle, the real speed is less than ~hat calculate~i; it becomes larger if a"record in memory" instruction or another. c~~t requiring =our phases for its execution is being fulfilled. Creation of a processor with ~`.wo independent blocks--instruction memory and data memory--ensures maximum speed fo+� ciie processor. But this method requires significant equipment outlays to make the memory blocks independent. Now let us eval~~ate the charac:teristics of ~the processor when the memory is organized in the traditional form of a single physical and adc'ress field. In this case the work of the conveyer is delayed during simultaneous interrogation of the memory in the instruction seleEt~on and.operand exchange phases. W:iile instructions may be processed in all phases simultaneously within the processar when there are separate lines to the instruction and data memories, when the memory is indivisible instructions can be processed simultaneously in up to two phases. In this case the speed is halved, and an additional load is imposed on the processor's separate blocks. Thus the arithmetic-logic unit executes the code for the instruction operation and modifies the address part of the instruc- tion while the memory interrogation block selects the command from the memory and exchanges operands with it. It should be noted in this case that if the selected instruction does not require operand exchange, the memory interrogation block is now ready to select the next command. This variant of the processor's structure is tynified by minimal equipment outlays in comparison with the example examined - above, and by sufficiently effective use of the processor's apparatus. Moreover, as was noted at the beginning of this article, processor control follows the microprogram principle, and simultaneous control of the processor's independent blocks requires additional independent groups of wnrd bits in the microinstruc- tion and the associated equipment outlays. The second variant of the structure results in a rather simple microprogram con- trol unit that ensures simultaneous execution of different phases of two commands. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In this case the speed of the processor would be S= 2~ tT =1 � 106 operations/sec, . Looking at the question of achieving a fast interrupt response in this minicomputer, we should note that this requirement arises when a large number of the object's sensing elements must be interrogated at a high frequency. Moreover depending on the course of the experiment, the processing proqran! must be swxtched quickly, without loss of information. The rate of the interrupt response is the sum of the following values: tin. r- tin, s+ tyZ + tcom + tecl + tnew~ where tin.s'-time from the start of an interrupt signal from the source to the beginning of determination of the number of the interrupt signal's source; t~-- time for determining the number of the interrupt siqnal's source; t~om -time of completion of the current processor instruction; tecl--time during which the state of the processor is eclipsed at the moment of interruption; tner,~--time of establish- ment of the new state of the processor and the beginning of interrupt signal processing. Time tin.r is determined from the equipment lag associated with activation of the electronic circuits and the load on the input-output channel. This time may be ignored. ~ Time tn is determined by searching for the number of the interrupt signal source; however, the rigid time li~its do not permit the processor to perform this func- ~ tion. The number of the unit is determined jointly by the equipment of the input- output channel and the interrupt signal source itself. We will assume that tyt= 3-5 usec (tn depends on the rate of information transmission along the lines of the channel in both directions and on the rate of operation of the channel's equipment in accordance with a special algorithm). Time tcom is approximately 1 usec; this time also includes the time for determin- ing the processor state eclipse and recovery zones depending on the number of the interrupt signal source. 'i~ime tecl is defined as an average of fuur memory interrogations (eclipsing of the instruction counter, the state register, the processor accumulator register and the program base register). Time tnew is defined as three interrogations of the memory to establish the new values of the processor's reqisters. Thus tin.r is 8-9 msec. The operation of determining the number of the interrupt signal source is completely superimposed ov~r the processor's operation, and when execution of the current command ends, control is transferred to the microprogram responsible for eclipsing the contents of the processor's registers. This makes it possible to accelerate the interrupt response. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Kartsev, M. A., "Arkhitektura tsifrovykh vychislitel'nykh mashin" [Architecture of Digital Computers], Nbscow, Nauka, 1978, 294 pp. COPYRIGHT: Institut kibernetiki, 1981. 11004 CSO: 1863/137 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.518.3 AUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 1, Jan 82 p 22 [Article by candidates of technical sciences S. I. Yeme2s and I. G. Khanin and engineers S. D. Popovichenko and V. A. Rezvitskiy: "Automatic System for Deter- mining the Dynamic Characteristics of Actuating Elements"] [Text) In many cases rigorous demands are made for the dynamic characteristics of actuating elements, for example the amplitude-pha~e-frequency characteristic, the constant times of the .transitional processes of acceleration and decelera- tion, and the time of deflection of the outgoing element (shaf t, stem) of the actu3ting element. This in turn tnakes high demands on the means and methods of functional testing of actuating elements with respect to speed and precision. Determining dynamic characteristics ordinarily in~volves oscillograph recording of the output parameter of the actuating element (displacement of the outgoiiig elemen~t), then decoding the oscillograms and calculating the characteristics by known formulas. This method has a low level of precision and is very labor- intensiva; it make automation of the testing processing impossible. An automatic system has been developed to automate the processes of functional testing, improve the precision of ineasurement of displacements, and determine dynamic characteristics. The information-measurement part of the system, the measurement subsystem, contains a displacement sensor; a BS-155A contactless transfortner selsyn with a rotor that is rigidly connected to the outgoing ele- ment of the actuating element; a measuremen2 block which forms at its output 16-bit parallel binary codes of ineasurement of the coordinate of the outgoing element the displacements that are sent to the storage unit of the computer. The system has adopted th~ quantization t~achnique for displacement in time and - shaping and processing arrays of data on displacement. The t~chnique is imple- mented using the phase-pulse method of mraasuring displacements, with time T of one measurement of a displacement serving as the step of quantization in time. - The system uses an Elektronika-60 microromputer as control machine. It shapes control actions for the actuating eleme.nt and processes measurement data. The following characteristics of the actuating element are determined as the result of processing the data that coraes to the computer from the measurement subsystem (this is done using the special software of the system): angle of 23 FOR OFIFICIAL iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY rotation of the shaft; average speed of movement; phase delay depending on the reverse rate; amplitude of oscillations in the amplitude function of a control action and reverse rate; constant times of the transitional processes of accel- eration and deceleration of the actuating element. Analysis of the work of the measurement subsystem showed that in the dynamic measurement regime distortions occur in the shaping of data arrays as the result of ineasuring the step of quantization in time, which depends on ths rate of dis- _ placement of the outgoing element of the actuating element. To evaluate the distortions the concept of the coefficient of distortion K was introduced: K= Si/Si~ = Wo/(WO+w), where Si is the result of ineasurement in cycle i(i is the number :.f .*.he measurement); S. is the actual value of displacement of the outgoing element at timQ t= iT 2~r/wo is the period of rotation of the stator field of the selsyn, the period of m~asurement, and the step of quanti- zation in time); c~o and w are the angular velocities of the stator field of the ~selsyn and the rotation of the rotor respectively. In the.concrete case w=(-240 =+240) degrees/seconds and T= 10 3 with coef- � ficent K= 0.9993:1.0006. The dynamic ce~ponent of relative error in shaping the information array for displacement of the outgoing element of the actuating element is d~ _ (1-K)100 = (0.006=0.07) percent. The full text of the article has 10 pages with three illustrations and two _ bibliographic entries. It is deposited at the Central Scientific Research Insti- tute of Technical-Economic Information in Moscow under No 1612. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1982 " 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 ' 2!~ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.785.92 ~ HEAT TREATMENT FOR FERRITE CORES SIMPLIFIED Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Rusaian No 1, Jan 82 p 32 [Article by engineer V. S. Romanovich: "Thermal Treatment of Round Ferrite Cores") [Text] Magnetic materials for pulse and high-frequency engineering must have high electrical resistance. The higher it is, the lower the power losses to eddy currents will be. Oxide magnetic materials, ferrites, have this property. In turn, they must match the required magnetic and electrical characteristics, geometric form, and dimensions strictly. In their production it is necessary . to employ the simplest technological processes, those which insure maximum output of finished articles. After the forming operation round ferrite cores (ferrites) usually go through high-temperature sintering in order to obtain elements with definite magnetic and electrical parameters. The result is ferrites that consist of individual coalesced crystals (grains) that influence their properties. The larger the grains are, the lower the strength of the ferrites will be. In addition, large grains have microcracks and irregular shape, ~ahich impairs their elec- tromagnetic properties. We also know that sintered ferrite articles are sub- ~ected to annealing at 650-800 degrees C for 6-100 hours in a gaseous medium containing oxygen at a pressure of 0.5�105=5�105 pascal. The prolonged cycle and complexity of the process of annealing in product3on lower the productivity of ferrite articles. The Mogilev Tekhnopribor Plant has introduced a simplified heat treatment process that raises productivity 10-15 times while preserving the excellent electromagnetic properties of the ferrites. Their heat treatment consists of processing the sintered ferrite cores in a medium of liquid nitrogen (-206 degrees C) for 0.5-2 hours followed by spon- taneous hardening to room temperature in order to remove the internal mechanical stresses that occur with abrupt cooling. The process is done on equipment manufactured at the plant. Five hundred thousand ferrite cores contained in a special package are submerged for 30 minutes in a Dewar flask type thermostat. If the number of articles processed at once is larger, the soaking time is increased to two hours. 25 FOiR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The ferrite cores, cooled to the temperature of liquid nitrogen and soaked in it for 30 minutes, are removed from the thermostat and the process of spon- taneous hardening begins (the temperature of the ferrite cores begins to rise to room temperature). Because of higtt and low temperature oscillations in the ferrite cores, the ~ferrite grains which are irregular in shape and have microcracks break down into fine, full-value grains and the mosaic blocks are refined. Simplification of the heat treat~uent process and raising productivity while preserving the good electromagnetic properties of the ferrite cores after introduction of cryogenic treatment produced an economic benefit of 127,000 . rubles a year. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye"~ "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1982 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 � 26 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SOFTWARE UDC 519.853 MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF CYBERNETICS Kiev MATEMATICHESKIYE METODY KIBERNETIKI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 29 Apr 81) p 78 [Table of contents from book "Mathematical Methods of Cybernetics", editor-in-chief Yu. G. Stoyan, doctor of engineering science, Institute of Cybernetics, UkSSR Academy of Sciences, 500 copies, 82 pages] [Text] . Contents Page Rvachev, V. L.; Sinekop, N. S. and Kravchenko, L. K. Methods of Algebra of Logic in Problems of Heterogeneoua Theory of Elasticity 3 Puty~atin, Ye. P. and Dolzhenkova, T. G. Aiettiods of Nonlinear Normalization of Drawings 13 Meleshko, V. I. Algorithms for Pseudoinversion of Rec tF~ngular Matrices That Make Us~~ of the Lagrangian 1~ansform and That Are Stable Against Disturbances 24 Dol'berg, 0. M. and Nazyrova, V. P. App3.ication of Compromise Planning in Algorithsm for Statistical Optimization ~ 38 Putyatin, V. P. and Klimova, N. P. Optimization of Placement of Heat Sources in a Region with Movable Boundary 47 Vayner, V. G.; Gubintakiy, S. B.; Vel'ma, V. I. and Shtepka, A. A. Method of Placement of Multiply Connected Objects in an Interactive Design System 55 Vodop'yan6v, V. Ke and Zav'yalov, V. N. Isomorphism of Regular Schemes of Algorithms and Their Unification 66 COPYRIGHT: Institut kibernetiki, 1981 . 8545 CSO: 1863/89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USF ON1.Y UDC 681.3.06 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SYSTEMS PROGRAMNIING ~ Kiev TEORIYA I PRAKTIKA SISTEMNOGO PROGRAMMIROVANIYA in Russian 1981 , (signed to press 17 Jun $1) pp 106-107 [Table of contente from book "Theory and Practice of Syetems Progra~mning", editor- in-chief Ye. L. Yushchenko, corresponding memeber of the L''~cSSR A~cademy of Sciences, Institute of Cybernetice, UkSSR A~cademy of Sciences, 700 copies, 112 pages] [Text] Contents P86e Vodop'yanov, V. K. Automaton Modela of Analytic Expressions ~ Zhukov, S. A. Functioning of Models Based on Generalized PR-Inf erability 12 Terzyan, T. K. Structural Design of Manufacturing Processes 21 Tlyusten, V. Sh. Conceptual Teaching of Problems of Using Input/Output Facilities ir. Programming Lan~uages � Adrianov, S. T. Method of Automating Deciaion-Maicing Process in Teaching and ~aining Syetems 35 Pigaxev, Yu. B. Problem of Data Representation in a Problem-Oriented Simulation System in Natural Language 4~ Adel'geym, V. G. and Petrushin, V. A. Implementing the GPM Macroprocessor on the Unified Syetem of Computera 54 - Taranenko, A. A. Features of R-Technology for Minicomputers 60 Taranovskiy, M. R. Collective Servicing of Users of One Class of Interactive Data Processing Systems 65 Khorolets, D. S. Universal Program Supporting Interaction for the Unified System of Computers Operating System ~1 Vishnya, A. T. and Morentsov, Ye. I. Principles of Lnplementation and Structure of Files for the APROP System 80 Nepomnyashiy, B. D. Application Program Package for Machine Toola with Numeric Programmed Control 88 Mal~shev, 0. V. Some Problems of ~xperimental Research on Computer Processes 99 COPYRIGHT: Inetitut kibernetiki, 1981 . 8545 CSO: 1863/89 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464466-8 PROGR~II~IING IN UNI~Fka?~4 };R~~S 4~~1,T]NG SX'Sx~M ~AS~'A ON ASSEMa~R LANGUAGE Moscow PROGRA1rIIrIIROVANT~ V OS X~eS NA BAZ~ ~'AZX'KA AS"S~T,ERA in Russian 1981 (signed to press 3 Sep 87.~ pp 2, 6, 308-309, 316-3].9 .[Annotation, excerpt ~ratn intxpduct~on~ bibl3ography and table o~ contents from book "Programming in the Un3~~ied-Sertes Operattng Syst~a ~aaed on the ASSE'MBLER language"~ by Zhanna Nikolayevna Zaytseva, Tzdatel'stvo '"Finaney i statistika", 40,000 copiea, 320 pages] [Text] In addition to a detailed de~~cription of the ASSEMBLER language, ita close relatianship with the operating syst~~m and the service which it offers the pro- grammer user fox the purpose of the fullesC uttlization o~ the resources of a computing facil3ty is revealed. The diacussion of the niaterial proceeda from concepta of the structure of simple programs to the development of program complexes. Variants of cambining progrania are described: during compilation, input of the task, editing o~ connectives and execution. For users of YeS [Unified Series] computers and WZ studenta in the appropriate fields of specialization. Because of 1'mited space the following questions are not represented in this book: programming for numbers in a format with a floating point, programming at the physical level, files on punched tape, macroprogramming and programming in the time sharing mode. This book contains the basic information needed by a progratmner in writing and debugging programs and program camplexes. It is also use~ul to programmers writing - programs in high-~evel, languages auch as ~I,/1, ~OR~'RAN and COROI,. Thia book is addressed to students studying th~rd~g~nexatiqn taachines and t4 ~pecialists who are the~,r know~,edge in ~h~ axe$ o~ attend~ng to and uaing so~~waxe ~ur YeS crnrtputex model.s. The author ~xpx~ss~a hex grati~ud~ ta Aocfiax o~]. Sc~~nces G.K~ Gav~x~7.ov and Candidatfie Q~,ca7. Sc~enG~s~ T~.fl. R~ty'kav ~ox fihei;x valuaD~.e camments and suggestions in w9;~;~ittg ~h~ manuacr~~t. FOR OFFIC[~CL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~~b~.i.ograpl~y~ 1. A1ad''yrev, and Oatpov, 0. ~Vh?edeni:}rs v axk~i~,~~kxuxu mode7~~y~ X`~S ~''i~' [ Introduc~~on ~a ~he Axch~;~ectur~ o~ X'~S Coinpuxer Mads~.s7 ~~a7.~,~nn, Vr~~gus, 7.976. _ 2. Yakubaytis, ~.P., T.i.thuanian SSR A~adesay o~ Se~.~ence~ a~ad~a~,c~rtn, ed~:tox. "Ang~.o-rus~ki,y* ~o~kavyy~ ~~ovax'' po vyeRf~l,i~e~,~noy tekttn~ke" [ Explanaxoxyr Di:c~~ana~r o~` Cawputsx x~chna~.og~*~, R~ga, Z~na~ne~ 1977. 3. zeydenberg, V.K., Zitqrtn~ x'u.L. and� zi,~re'v~ A.~1. "Anglo~xusskf.y slovar' po vychislitel'noy~ tekhnike" [Engl~ah~Russian Dfic't~onnry o~ Cosnputer Technology], Moscow, Rueskiy yazyk, 1974. 4. Brich, Ye.S., Voyush, V.T., Degtyare~va, G.S. and Kavalevich, ~.y. "~rogram- mirovaniye na yazyke Assemblera YeS EVM" [Progrannaing ~.n the YeS Computer ASSEMBLER i~anguageJ, Moscow, Statistika, 1975. 5. Stolyarov, G.K., editor. "Vvedeniye v zapaninayuahchiye ustroystva pryamogo dostupa i metod}r organizatsii dannykh" [~ntroduction to Direct Accees Memories and Methods of Organizing Data], trans7.ated froni English, Moscow, Statiatika, 1978. 6. Shtarkman, V.S., editor. "Vychislitel'naya sistema IBM/360. Printsipy raboty" [IBM/360 Computing System: Operating Principles], translated from English by A.I. Ilyushin and A.A. Karlov, Moscow, Sovetskoye radio, 1969. 7. "Vychislitel'naya tekhnika i obrabotka dannykh. Terminologicheskiy tolkovyy slovar' firmy TBM" [Computer Technology and Data Processing: IBM Terminology Explanatory Dictionary], translated from English by T. Ter Mikaelyan, Moscow, Statistika, 1978. 8. Gurova, L.I. "Osnovy programmirovaniya" [Fundamentals of Programming], Moscow, Statistika, 1976. 9. Dzhermeyn, K. "Prograwairovaniye na IBM/360" [Programming for the IBM/360], Moscow, Mir, 1971. 10. Donovan, Dzh. "Systeumoye progratacairovaniye" [Sy~t~u], translated from Engliah by I,.A. Raykvv and S.N. T~lorentaev, ed~ted by L.D. Raykov, Moscow, Mir, ~.975. 11. Drobushe.v~ch., G~~. 'tSpxa'VOCh~ik pxo~xaw4~~~~" I~'xugxa~tex ts Handbook] , T~inek, Vy~she}?$h$y~ s.hko~.$, 7.Q78. 7,2. Yodan, E. ''Stxuktuxnoye pxqy~k~ixovan~y~e ~ kot~Q~xuixovani~ pxo$x~m~q~' [Structuxa~ pe~ign and Qx$aaizt~~fion o~ ~xogxt~spa] ~ txan~7,ated ~~ow English by V.~. ~xo],aV $nd i,.~. xep~itski~y~ edi~ed l~y~ T,.N. Koxole~, P'~qscow, 'Mix, ~979. FOR OFFIC~A7.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 13. Kattsan, "V'ychis,~,ize~.''nyye ~ashiny si,ste~y~ 370~' [Cp~tput~xs. o~ the 370 Sys~esn]. ~xan~~,ated ;~x'om Eng~i;~h l~}r T~.A: Raykov and V~K~ ~,eVin~ ~QSCqw~ ~fi,~, 1974. 14. xat~san, "Q~~xa~s~ionnyye sisfiemy" [ppexa~ing Srsten~al~ txants~,$~ed ~xom Eng7,ish by~ 'Y.V� Padbs~.''~kir, editad ~y K.A. k'ugltov and T~.A, Shatxavskiy, Moscow, Mir, ~X76. 15. Lebedev, V.N. and ~ok47.vv~, A.P. "Vlreden~y~e ~ ais~emu pxogramw~,xovaniya OS YeS" [xntxoductiQn to the XeS Qpera~tng, Sp~tes4 ~'xo$xst~ing System], Moscow, Statistik,a, 1978. 16. MitroPanov, 'V�V'. and Odintsov, B.'V. "Programnay obsluzhivaniya aS YeS EV'M" [Programs ~ox Servicing YeS Computer Operattng Syetems], Moscow, Statistika, 1978. . 17. Mednik, S. and Aonovan, Dzh. "Operatsionnyye si~temy" [Operating Systems], translated from English by Ye.A. Yevsyukova and N.F. Muzyleva, edited by L.D. Raykov, Moscow, Mir, 1978. 18. Naumov, V.V., Peledov, G.V. et al. "S~pervizor OS YeS EVM" [YeS Computer Operating System Supervisor], Moscow, Statistika, 1975. 19. Ilyushin, A.I., editor. "Operatsionnaya sistema IBM/360. 3upervizor i upravleniye dannymi" [IBM/360 Operating System:� Supervisor and Control of Data], translated from English by A.A. Karlov et al., Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio, 1973. 20. Peledov, G.V. and Raykov, L.D. "Vvedeniye v OS Ye5 EVM" [Introduction to - the YeS Computer Operating System], Moscow, Mir, 1977. 21. Raykov, L.D., editor. "Printsipy raboty aiatemy IBM/370" [Operating Principles of the TBM/370 System], translated from English, Moacow, Mir, 1978. 22. Radd, U. "Programmirot~aniye na yazyke Assemblera i vychislitel'nyye sistemy IBM 360 1 370" [Programming in the ASSEMBLER Language and the IBM 360 and 370 Computing Systems], translated from English by A.P. Gagarin and L.D. Raykov, edited by L.D. Raykov, Moecow, Mir, 1979. 23. Reytbort, I.~. "~osobiye dly~a opera~ora XeS ~'y'1K~' [XeS Cptpputer qperator's Textbook], Mpscow, ~tatist~ka, ~979. 24. I,ztrionov, ~.M.., ediCOr. ~~Sf&xes4a dQku~les~~~t~i.i yedinpy ~~,y~~~tqy ~VM~' [Uni~i,ed ~ystem o~ Cp~tPu~exs Apcutq~ntati~n Sy`s~~t11] ~ MQt~cvw�, St$CisCika, ~.975~ 25. Laxionov, ~.M. , editor. ''a~,~C~~ ~te~~i;ches.k.ogo oF~eapecheniy~ X`eS E'~'M" [YeS Cc~t~pute.x So~twaxe System], ~losaaw, S~a~ie~~ilta, ~,974. 31 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 26. Stebli, A. "Logicheskoye prograAanirovAniy~ v ai:s~etqe TBI~/360" [I~agica7. ~x4^ granaaing itt th~ ~,~/360 Sys~~ni.] , tr~nsla~~d ~xom ~ng~.i.~h. br ~ Ga$axin, - V. G. MQxku~.ov ~nd 0.~., ~di~ed by~ T,.D. Ray~.ov and Ttt~i~ Shura--~uxy~, Moscow, 'l~i:.x, ~.974, 27. Tanenbau~q, "I~Qp,pure~vna~vayd oxganizatsi;y~ ~y'M~' [Mu~.ti7.eve1 Org~nizatian of Cowputexs], trans~,$ted ~xom ~ng7.ish by y.~. Kis~~1'nikov et al., edited by M.B. xgn~~'ye.v, ~tot~cuw~. P~~x, 1.979. . 28. ~lores, "'Vnteshniye us~roy~tva ~'V'M" (Cau~putex ~'exipheral ~'quipment], translated ~ran~ Png7.ish by ~,.A. xep~.~:ts~lc~;y~ et' a7,., edited by A.'V. Shileyko, - Moscow~, 'Mir, ~.977. 29. ~htarkman, V.S., editor. "T~unktsfonal~napa struktuxa OS/35Q" [~unctional Structure o# the 360 Operating 3ystem], translated ~ram Engli;sh by A.T. . Tlyushin, Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio, 1971. 30. Tsikritzis, L. and Bernstayn, P. "Operatsionnyye sistemy" [Operating Systems], translated fram English by V.L. Ushakova ard N.B. Feygel'son, edited by I.B. Zadykhaylo and V.V. Martynin, Moscow, Mir, 1977. 31. Shelikhov, A.A. and Selivanov, Yu.P. "Vychislitel'nyye mashiny. Spravochnik" [Computer Handbook], edited by V.V. Przhiyalkovskiy, Moscow, Energiya, 1978. ' CONTENTS Pa$e Introduction 3 Sectian I. Fundamentals of Programming in the ASSEMBLER in the YeS Operating System 7 Chapter 1. Logical Structure of YeS Computers 7 1.1. Representation of data 7 1.2. Representation of instructions in the computer 13 1.3. Central processor 15 1.4. Main inemory 16 1.5. Channels 17 1.6. Peripheral equipment and control units 18 Chapter 2. General Questfons Relating to Progratroning in the ASSEMBLER Language in the YeS Operating ~ystem 18 2.1. Symbolic addressing 19 2.2. Statements of the A~S~MBLER 1~tngua$e 19 2.3. Input o~ dax~ into a pxogxam 2~ 2.4. Memoxy redundancy~ 20 2.5. ASSEMBI,~R ia7.ank 20 2.6. Sy~tem agre~t~ents xega~di;ng ~Onne~~i~re~ 22 2.7. Writing assi~nment ~or� ~xecut~or~ o~ pxo~xam 23 2.8. Exan~p7,e e?E pxqgrat~ in ~SS~,~ 26 Chapter 3. ~txuc~uxe o~ ~~$~$I,ER ~~n$u~$~ 30 3.1. Mnemonic cvdes o~ ma~chine instructions~ 30 3.2. Machine instruction opexanda 34 3.3. Memoryredundancy statement 38 ~ FOR OFF[CCAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 )FFICIAL USE ONLY 3.4. Detercnination o~ ~ans~ant~ 42 Chapter 4. Key A~SF~ALER ~unctions and ~xpg~Am I.~sxing 43 4.1. o~ ~ompilatiqn o~ a~ pxogra~t l?3 4.2. Rules ~ox bat$ing prvg~e~ma 45 4.3. Litera7, ~001 50 4.4. Necessary~ in~oxi4a~ion reg$rd~n~ ~he compi].e~ 50 4.5. ASSEMBI,Eit ' ' S3 4.6. Contro7. o~ ou~put of proaram i~1 a 1ta~tin~ 55 4.7. Copying souxce text into the pxog~&pt 57 Chapter 5. Logical Opexations in a~rogr~tq ,57 5.1. Logical ccpying ~ron~ ~nen~ory to mea~ory~ 5g 5.2o Character copying instructi;ona 58 5.3. Address 7,o~din$ inatruction 59 5.4. Code addition and subt~action instruct~ona 60 5.5. Logical caaparison ~ 60 5.6. Logical shi#ts 61 5.7. Bit-by-bit logical operations 62 5.8. Mask check 64 5.9. Recoding of data 65 5.10. Compilation o� data ~ith check 67 5.11. Modi~ication o~ instructions during executtan (g Chapter 6. Programming with Decisnal Data 69 6.1. Input of decimal constants 69 6.2. Input o~ decimal data from punched cards 70 6.3. Group of instructions for proceseing decin~al data 7p 6.4. Simple methods of rounding of~ 75 6.5. Decimal shifts 76 6.6. Indexing of decimal instructions 77 6.7. Editing xeadout of decimal numbers 7g Section II. Input/Output of Tnformation and Programming of Jumpa, Switches and Cycles gl Chapter 7. Control of Input/Ou~put of Data gl 7.1. Data control entities gl 7.2. Data control levels 82 7.3. Simplest input/output macroinstructions 8,5 - 7.4. Description of input and output data seta g( 7.5. Route of data sets throu~h ou~put streatu 87 Chapter 8. Input/putput o~ Punched Cards and I,isting o~ Resul~s 88 8.1. Data sets on punched cards gg 8.2. Formation p~ da~a for printing gg 8.3. Additional possibilit~es ~'ox contxo~~ing pxfntin$ 92 Chapter 9. Organizazion Q~ .~umps, Sw~;tcR~s and Cyc],es in a~x4g~at'~ 93 9.1. Conditional and unconditiQnal jurnps 93 9.2. Expanded mnetqonic cQdes 95 9.3. SwiCches in a p~ogram 95 9.4. Org~nizafiion o~ in tex~1~~ p~ equn*_� 97 9.5. Readdres.sing da,t~ 98 9.6. Address ~rithmetic gg Chapter 10. Operations on Binary Num~exs wi~h a~'ixed Poin~ 99 iu.l. Input o~ binary constants w~th a~ixed point 99 FOR OFFICrA3L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 10.2. ~ddition and suhtrac~,~.,on~ ins~tructions~ ~.02 10.3. Binaxy co~p$xisan ins~xuc~~i4Rs. ~,Q3 7,0.4. Ins.truc~ions~ fa~ capytn,g ~xom sa~norg ~o ~~g,i.s~ex ~Q3 10.5. Ins~~ructi~n~ ~ox ~op~ing #rom x~$is:t~x& ~o s4~?4~a~ry~ 1~~+ 10.6. Instxu~~iQns~ ~px copying fixanl registex tQ ~egister ~Q4 10. 7. Ins~txuctions� fox ~nlu~ri~p7,y~ing ~ and d~vid~:n,g 1~3,'~ar�y' numllerg w�fi~h a fixed point 7.06 7.0.8. Arithmetic shi~t ins~truction$ 107 10.9. Tnput o�` binary da~~ w~th ~~i~~d }~oint 108 - Chapter 11. ~ndexing o~ Da~ta a,nd Q~gz~nization o~ $ul~~ou~ine$ 113 11.1. Cycles with indexing o~ d~tta 113 11.2. Indexing of unidimen~ional arraq~s 115 11.3. Indexing v~ bidimensional arrays~ 117 11.4. Indexing o~ multidimensional arrays 117 11.5. Subroutines 120 11.6. Transfer of parameters to sulirvutine 121 11.7. Basing o~ suY~routines 122 11.A. Organization of large programs 123 11.9. i~~serted subroutines 124 11.10. Subroutine ca17. switch 124 Chapter 12. Sectionalization o# Programs 125 12.1. Process of dividing a program into sections 126 12.2. End o~ program 12$ 12.3. Virtual section 129 Chapter 13. Problems o~ Buf~ering in Tnput/Output of In~or~aation 134 13.1. Simple method of bu~�ering 135 13.2. Exchange buffering 138 13.3. Use of virtual section ~or instruction and substitution modea 139 Section IIT. Software ~or Working with Data 143 Chapter 14. ~iles on Magnetic Tape ~ 143 = 14.1. Physical characteristics of inedium 143 14.2e Formats for recording on magnetic tape 144 14.3. Values of key parameters of DCB macroinstruction 145 14.4. Organization of file on magnetic tape 145 14.5. Macroinstructions for controlling a file at the logical level of data control 145 14.6. Macroinstructions �or controlling a file at the basis level of data contro]. 146 14.7. Concept o~ method o~ access 150 14.8. Working with bu~~ers 152 ' 14.9. Apparatus o~ atandard 1abels on ~nagnetic tape 154 1.4.10. Check poin~, restart 155 - 14.11. ~'~ra,me~~x~s of ass.ignment eontxol, ~,an$u~ge ~or descxi~in~ ~'iles pn magnetic ~ape 157 14.12. ~repara~iQn~ q~ a vql,u~e on ~gn~~iG ~ap~ ~Qx ops~;a~ipn 1.61 Chapter ~.5. l~Rd~u~~4r ~'rpgra~ling 1.63 15.7.. Key~ conae~r~~ of ~he orga~niza~~;on o~` ~onn~cxi~~s be~we.~n moduxes: 7.64 1.5.2. Organiza,~ion o~ connectives b~tween ~aodu~e~ 165 15.3. ASSEMBT,ER pseudo~instructions Por orga~nizing exfie~rnal connec~ices between modules 170 15.4. Structure o~ ob~ect module 178 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 7.6. ~i1,es on ;~atgnetic 1?iatks ~8~ _ ~.6.1. ~hya.ica7. charac~eris~ics of inediu~m ~8~ 16.2. Sequential, O~~anizaCion o~ ~~,1es ia direc't�~stcce~s ~V07.ut~e.& 1.84 15.3. Direct or~aniz~tion v~ or, at di~k ~86 - 16.4. ~equen~ir~9, indexed organization o~ files~ oa a dis~tc 194 16.5. Library oxganiza~ivn o~ ~i~~s on a~ di$k 20k 16.6. Parameters o~ DA sta~en~ent ~or descr~pt~,an o~` on a magnetic disk 210 16.7. PreparatiQn o~ digk. pztek ~or operat~on 212 Chapter 17. Prvicessing o~ ~ User's ~sigcn+nent ~;n the YeS Qperating Syrstem 214 17.1. Structure o~ X'e3~ ope~ating systeta aa~'twe~xe 214 17.2. GeneraCion of operating syste~nt 215 ' 17.3. Preparation o~ operating system ~or opexation 215 17.4. Basic files o~ Y'eS opex~ting sy~stem 216 17.5. 3y~stem catalogue 21~ 17.6. Passage o~ assignments through syst~ in ro~arious opexating modes of the YeS operating systen? 219 17.7. Aspects o~~multiprogra~n operating modes of Y`eS operating sy$tem~ 224 17.8. Flowchart ~or proeessing a single assign~ent in the Y'eS vpexattng system in the multiprogranuning mode ' 226 17.'~. Processing o~ interrupts 22~ Chapter 18. Combining PrograRas 233 18.1. Program structures 234 18.2. Nature o~ employment of loading ~nodules 235 18.3. Programmer's personal libraries 236 18.4. Combining programs during input of assign~uents 237 18.5. Combining programs during editing of connectives 243 18.6. Planning overlay structure o� program 249 18.7. Catalogued procedures of connective editor 256 18.8. Connective editor listing 25~ 18.9. Edittng and executing module in a single step 259 18.10. Combining programs during execution 261 18.11. Facilities for debugging programs 282 Cha,pter 19. Servicing Data Sets 288 19.1. Use of utilities in process of debugging program modules 289 19.2. Servicing libraries 243 _ 19.3. Printout of heading of volumes and library reference books. 295 19.4. Printing and punching o~ data sets and sections of libraries 296 19.5. Copying and editing serial sets on various external med{.a . 298 19.6. Cataloguing data sets and w~orking with catalogues 300 19.7. Soxting and uniting data 301 Bibliography~ 308 A,ppendix 1. Aic~iqnary o~ Engli~h ~~x~nls ~nd AbbxeYiazion~ 310 Appendix 2. Sy~;fie,trt '~acxoinstru~~~:qn$ 313 ~ppendix 3. ~SS~~B~ER Pseudo-fins~~xu~ti;q~ls 315 COPYRI.GHT: ~zda~e~.' .s.~vo "~inan~y~ i ~~ta,~is~ik~,"~ ~,981, 8837. GSO: 1863/124 FOR 4FFICr~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.3.06 REGULATION OF WORK ASSOCIATED W~TH INTEftACTNE PROBI~EMS IN DISPAR OPERATING SYSTEM Irkutsk MATERIALY PO MATEMATICHESKOMU OBESPECHENIYU EVM in Russian 1980 pp 78-81 [Article by V. N. Balakirev, 0. M. Balashov, V. P. Petlinskiy and V. F. Tyurin from book "Materials on Computer Software",, edited by I. A. Sher, candidate of technical sciences, Sibirskiy energeticheskiy institut SO AN SSSR (SEI)J [Text] An increase in the proportion of problems oriented toward work in inter- active mode, or in ones close to it, can be observed today. Thus for example, the following dialogue systems can function, and are broadly employed, in the O5 DISPAK,~VESM-6 computer system: For program editing and debugging (DIMON, KRAB, KOP, SERVIS, REKS, PUL'T, SLUGA etc.); for service operations (DIOP, DZhIN, ZAP, PK, SER33, KANII~]I etc.); a number of systems for problem oriented research. Obviously as a branched terminal network develops, this trend will be amplified (1). Each of the dialogue resources used for communication with the computer user is typified on one hand by consumption of a certain amount of the resources of the computer system to support its normal operation, and on the other hand by a certain area of use. At the same time almost all such problems handled by the OS DISPAK have an equally privileged status and enjoy equal priority in selection for solution. 2"his can be explained by the fact that they are not differentiated - by rank in any way at this stage. For comparison purposes we can note that systems . controlling admission of problems for solution, based on class ranking in accordance with a number of criteria, have already been developed for batch processing (2,3). The need for such a system regulating the admission of dialogue problems arises especially when there is a scarcity of terminal equipment and of computer resources used in dialogue systems (main memory lists and magnetic drum boosting channels) and when dialogue resources are available to all users. Such ranking must be accounted for during times when the terminal network experiences peak loads (day- time on work days); work on an unrestricted schedule is permissible in those times when overloads are known not to occur in the terminal network (night time and days off). The principal criteria used to rank dialogue problems are: unit consumption of computer system resources to service one terminal of a certain dialogue system; area of applicability or broadness of use of a concrete dialogue system by a group of users; status of a particular terminal of a total number of terminals; status of a particular user. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ When dialogue resources are ranked in relation to the first criterion, multiterminal monitoring systems have an advantage over single-terminal systems. In an OS DISPAK, the first criterion may be based on information provided during composition of the call code for the appropriate dialogue system. The rank of a problem may be determined in relation to the second criterion from information furnished by a human administrator. Such information may be repre- sented by the code (codes) of one (several) most popular dialogue systems. Not all terminals have an identical status. We define terminals which may be used in accordance with a rigid schedule type 1 ternunals. Type 1 terminals are the "pErsonal property" of a certain set of users, and they can be used to run any dialogue problems within the allocated time. All other terminals are type 2 terminals. They are the "collective property" of the computer center users, and work is permitted with them at any time of the day, though only in multiterminal systems. Introduction of the fourth criterion is necessary because there is always a group of users for whom access is permitted at any time and from any terminal. This list of users usually includes the system programmers and those performing urgent functions, and it is drawn up by the administrator. Programs regulating adinission of dialogue problems in an OS DISPAK have been written in accordance with the criteria described above. They include two program packages contained within the OS DISPAK and a utility service program used to schedule the work of the terminals. The first package of the OS DISPAK contains a SKORYY nonresident module, and it goes into operation at the moment a request for a dialogue system is keyed in. The functions of this module include: determination of the correspondence of the type of dialogue system requested to the type of terminal; verification of per- mission to work at the given time, if this is a type 1 terminal; comparison of the user's code with the list of privileged users, if the first two checks produced a negative result. In the event that any one of the three checks produces a positive result, the problem request be~omes a candidate for solution, and it is admitted to the input ~ queue of the processor planner. Otherwise the appropriate diagnosis is fed to the ~ terminal. The second package of the OS DISPAK functions periodically at a rate determined by the work ot the nonresident module NOMBOB (about once every 2 seconds). The functions of this package include monitoring the order of work on those dialogue problems which are presently undergoing solution in bQth active and passive states (in the sense of occupying the processor's time). Five minutes before the scheduled time for working one (several) dialogue problem expires, this block transmits, to the required terminal (terminals), a warning to the user that the time allotted by the terminals scheduled for the work is expiring. When the allotted time expires, problem solution is mandatorily halted and the appropriate reason is entered into the statistics. - 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY - The tables and scales, located within one of the z~nes of a 2053 systemic disc, are used as the input information to support the work of these packages: a section operation scheduling table (up to 10010 sections.,beginning with number OOlp and ending with number 9910); a table scheduling the work of terminals for the day ~up to 64 terminals); a table of codes for multiterminal systems; a table of codes for priority users (up to 20); a scale of type 1 terminals (this one scale is enough because all otner terminals are automatically treated as type 2 terminals). Z'he tables and scales are drawn up by the utility service program on the basis of tlie initial information introduced into the program in symbolic form. This informa- tion describes the contents of the tables and scales in accordance with the adopted syntax and semantics. The code for requesting the utility service program may be stored together with the initial symbolic information in the archives of one of the dialogue systems (for example in DIMON), and in accordance with the instructions of this system it may be corrected and transmitted to the program package used to draw up the tables and scales at the beginning of the work day. At the end of the scheduled time, all tables and scales are automatically cleared. We note in conclusion that the scheme proposed in this article for controlling the running of dialogue problems has a number of advantages over known problem running _ schedules drawn up by resources of the dialogue systems themselves. Here are the most significant of them: This system is more convenient and easier to operate because it does not require creation of a schedule for each of the dialogue systems contained within the com- puter center--that is, multiple redundancy is not required; the same functions need not be made redundant in several dialogue systems, which reduces the outlays on their development; ~ the possibility of engaging "one's own" dialogue system without the awareness of the administration is totaly excluded; there is less "trash" (unneeded information) in the statistics on solved problems, since admission to a dialogue program is analyzed before the program is placed in the input queue. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Marchuk, G. I., Kuznetsov, Ye. P., Moskalev, 0. V., et al.,"The Program to Create a Time-Sharing Computer Complex (Center) in the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, Siberian Department, USSR Academy of Sciences (Project "VTsKP")," in "Programmnoye i tekhnicheskoye obespecheniye vychislitel'nykh tsentrov ~ kollektivnogo pol'zovaniya" [Software and Hardware for Time-Sharing Computer Centers], Novosibirsk, VTs SO AN SSSR, 1978, pp 7-39. 2. Balakirev, N. Ye., and Tyurin, V~ F., "The Budget System of the DOS DISPAK," in "Materialy IV konferentsii po ekspluatatsii vychislitel'noy mashiny BESM-6. Programmnoye obespecheniye" [Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Operation of the BESM-6 Computer. Software], Tbilisi, IPM TGU, 1977, pp 25-28. - 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE OTVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ON1.Y 3. Grekov, V. P., and Mikhaylov, A. P., "Problems in Developing Packaged Service Programs," in "Materialy IV konferentsii po ekspluatatsii vychislitel'noy mashiny BESM-6. Program~nnoye obespecheniye," Tbilisi, IPM TGU~ 1977, pp 8-13. CQPYRIGEIT: Sibirskiy energeticheskiy institut SO AN SSSR (SEI), 1981 11004 CSO: 1863/136 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPLICATIONS UAC 65.011.56+658.514.669 AUTOMATED DISPATCHER SYSTEM AT METALLURGICAL PLANT Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 1, Jan 82 pp 2--4 [Article by candidate of technical sciences A. P. Poltsfichuk and engineere L. I. Dubson, V. I. Shpektor, A. I. Kuranov and V. S. Zaytsev: "Automated System for Dispatcher Control at a Matallurgical Planti"] [Text] During the lOth Five-Year Plan the Krivorozhstal' [Krivoy Rog Stpel] Plant imeni V. I. Lenin completed development, te~ting, refinement, and intro- duction of an automated system for dispatcher control (ASDU) of a metallur- gical enterprise with a full production cycle. Ttie system is destgned to provide the enterprise management and dtspatcher service witfi operational data on the state of the production unitsand quantitative and qualitative iadicators of the work of the principal plant auT~divisions: stntering plant; twu blast furnace shops and three steel foundries, three blooming mtlls, tTiree section rolling shops, and warehouses for cast tron, steel ingots, and finished rolled products. The plant ASDU under consideration is the connecting element between the upper and lower levels of the hierarch.y in an integrated system of enter- prise control (the subsystem for operational calendar planning on tfie one fiand, and shop industrial organizat3on sutomated control spstems on the other). Figure 1 below shows the functional structure of the ASDU, which has eight sub- systems. The principal functions performed by the ASDU are given in tfie table (below). In these subsystems the course of production ie accounted for and monitored chiefly on a shift and daily breakdown with information in running totals from the start of the month. Operational data are outputted on request to tE?e screens of video terminals (SID-1,000's) which are installed for the director, chief en- gineer, chief of the production division, and the plant dispatcher service. These data are also printed out in the form of shift and daily datasheets and . dispatcher reports. The ASDU has ~ special complex of data recording and rep- resentation problems to support these functions. The hardware of the ASDU (see Figure 2 below) includes units to collect data and transmit information, data process3ng means, and a set of devices for rep- resentation and recording re$ults and processing data. The means of data collection are represented bp a set of automatic instruments and signaling devices, consoles for manual data input, and specialized video terminals. Automatic data collection instruments are mounted on the two coke feed conveyors and on the sinter conveyor. They are tensometric conveyor !~0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFlCIAL USE ONLY ee N u nevam 5) 7) n � ceipee" r.MU~ne~x t nyn~rr~a u tymovn~lr /ryy~io:o BEOBa dodywenmo! B! N ~ ~~�A:no~o~puna o tocmonnuu otpetomoe ~ ~r" yy~9'~ ~ N u 8N nQ mencMempurecxou CNq -1000 , unmttpon?nou lOVI~ Cmae~� no~wa ueng- 1 6~roM4~ILU" ~ �tnpatovnou ~ y B na u4um Il �Copmo nporcom ducnemvepa ~l~ ~~~opwo�uu tlm At9 epRnrto u nu~nc~o yY 3p,Omtpy~xa" ~P u nepe vd ~ aa��.,x e E/ H c LNJT ~Konmpon~ eotmo� ^C9 Eeprneto nu~ aapranmol" ""yyneio Figure 1. Functional Structure of tfie ASDU. Key: (1) Data Input from Manual Feed (12) Section Ralling Subsystem; Console; (13) Shipping Subsystem; (2) Input of Data on State of (14) SuFisys~em for Monitoring State Aggregates (Production units); of Aggregates; (3) Input of Integral Telemetric (15) Shaping and Printing Stiift and Data; Daily Documerits; (4) Inpute of Reference-Norm Data; (16) Sfiaping and Outputting Data to (5) R~ceiving Data from ASU of SID-1,000; Upper and Lower Control Units; (17) STiaping and Outputting Data to (6) Data Input from Station for Rep- Dispatcner Console; resenting Symbolic Data on (18) Shaping and Transmitting Data Television Screen; to ASU's of Upper and Lower (7) Raw Material Subsystem; Control Units. (8) Sintering Plant Subsystem; (9) Cast Iron SuTaeyatem; ~ (10) Steel Su~isyatem; (11) Blooming Mi11s Subsystem; scales made by the West German Schenk Company. The automatic signaling units are deaigned to produce signals on the presence or absence of inetal in the mont~ored section or to form signals on the state of particular units. The following signals are shaped by the use of simple relay circuits: "Operating" and "Down" for sintering machines; "Full Speed," "Slow Speed," and "Tap" for blast furnaces; "Operating," "Down," and "Tapping Steel" for convertora and open hearth furnaces. For the rolling mills the "Operating" and "Down" states are re- corded by the time that lapsea between the passage of two ad~acent rolled lengths through a certain section of the mill. This time is read by photorelay pulses. These same pulses are uaed to count the nuir,ber of rolled pieces. The "Repair" state is fed by service personnel of the appropriate units ustng special switches. 41 FOR OFFICIA~, USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY Table. Representation of ~ Results of Subsys- Subsystem Principal Functions tem Functionin~ 1. Sintering plant 1.1. Operational accounting and Print - one shift monitoring of sinter pro- datasheet; indication duction for each sinter ma- on ~ID-1,000 - two chine and for the s~iop as a forms; indication on whole dispatcher console 1.2. Operational accounttng and raonitoring of sinter quality 1.3. Operational accounting of num-- ber of railroad cars unloaded by car-tipper and vacuum valuea in vacuum chambexs 2. Raw materisls 2.1. Operational accounting and Priat two daily monitoring of receipt of datasheets; indication basic raw materials and fuel on SID-1,000 - 24 at blast furnace ahops Nos 1 forms; indication on and 2 dispatcher console 2.2. Operational accouating and monitoring of raw material and fuel quality 2.3. Operational accounting of ex- penditures and balances of raw materials and fuel 3. Cast iron 3.1. Operational accounting and Print - one shift monitoring of production and datasheet; indication distribution of cast iron from on SID-1,000 - 60 blast furnace shopa Nos 1 and forms; indication on 2 dispatcher console. 3.2. Analysis of Ctme of tapptng ~ and calculation of the rhpthm coefficient for the blast fur- ~ ~ nace 3.3. Operational accounting of avail- ~ ability and distribution of ladles 4. Steel 4.1. Operational accounting and Print - three shift monitoring of steel production datasheets; indication by open hearth and convertor on SID-1,000 - 14 shops forms; indication on H 4.2. Operational accounttng and mon- dispatcher console. toring of steell qualfity [Table continued, next page] 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540060066-8 FOR ~FFIC[AL USE ONLY [Table continuedJ Representation of Results of Subeys- Subsyetem Principal Functions tem Functioning 4.3. Operational accounttng and monitoring of performance of orders by steel foundry shops (bq shift, day, and month) 4.4. Operational accounting of quantity and quality of cast iron in mixers 5. Blooming mills 5.1. Operational accounting of Print - three ehift number of ingots received datasheets; indication at blooming mills Nos 1-3 on SID-1,000 - 12 forms; 5.2. Calculation and monitoring indication on dispatcher of inetal temperature at console moment of arrival and fitting 5.3. Operational accounting and monitoring of blooming mill production with breakdown by section and dimensians (im- plant, hot rolled products, commercial semifinished ar- ticles~ 6. Section rolling 6.1. Operational accounting and Print - oh~ shift data- monitoring of p~oduction sheet; indication on of section rolling shops SID-1,000 - 20 forms; 6.2. Operational accounting and indication on diepatcher monitoring of performance console of orders by section rolling shops 7. Shipping 7.1. Operational accounting and Print - one daily data- monitoring shipping of com- sheet and one shif t - modity cast iron datasheet 7.2. Operational accounting and monitoring of shipment of commodity steel and avail- ~ ability ef inetal at ingot warehouse 7.3 Operational accounting and monitoring shipping of com- modity semifinished products - by blooming mills and avatl- . ability of inetal tn adjunct stages [Table continued, next page] 43 FOR OF'F(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Table continued] Representation of Results of Subsys- Subaystem Principal Functions tem FunctioaiRg 7.4. Operational accounting Print - one daily data- and monitoring of section sheet and one shift data- rolled products and sheet availability of inetal - at warehouaes of section rolling shops 8. Monitoring the 8.1. Operational accounting of Print - eight datasheets; atate of the unit downtime at the plant indication on SID-1,000 - production units (as a whole and broken down six forms; indication on by causes) dispatcher console 8.2. Recording the atatea of the plant's production units The manual feed consoles include the TM-301I remate control system and are de- aigned for a set of inessages up to 120 digital cfiaracters long. Manual control consoles are used in places where raw data originate and are conuected by a radiaZ scheme to the monitored points of the remote control system. Manual feed consoles are used to input data on the quantity of raw materials and fuel received and its time of arrival, the weight and distribution of taps of cast iron and steel, hourly and shif t production of rolled products ~ith a breakdawn by dimensions of shaped pieces, causes of unit downtime, and the like. At the same time the dispatcher system imposes high requirements for the timeli- ness and reliability of the data being transmitted, in particular data fed by ~ shop production personnel using remote termtnals. Experience with oQeration of . the ASDU has demonstrated that shop operators, wetghers, and other production ~ personnel are not always able to prepare and feed the essential data to the com- puter on time using the manual input consoles. When emergency situationa occur during peak loads information is fed 2-3 hours late at best. Furthermore, feed- ing the computer data on production for a certain period, if it is not conditioned on the technology of the data transmiesion system existing at the plant, leads, for one, to production personnel performing additional functions, and for two,to lack of monitoring over data being fed (witfi t~e exception of very limited possi- bilities of program monitoring of the completeness of transmission, correctnesa of format, and locating each parameter within given limits). ' For this reason, development of the ASDU is occurring concurrently with tntro- _ duction, at the Krivorozhstal' Plant iment V. I. Lenin, of local information syatems to transmit production information. They are based on SIET's [stations to diaplay symbolic information on a television s~reen] and transmit informatton - (and instruction) messages along production lines with simultaneous tnput of tfie messages to the computer. ~ FOR OF'I~'iCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~un. cna 2~ ~3~ wn ~2 tN4 ^un ~ . ~ yK ~4) MnyK ` MI(VF MNy6 HMn 6~ ~5 ) ' ~~Mn 6) ~ o NM'J 4B / ~ BAM ~ ( AK M�600 KA ~ BH M 600D `1~' yBlln y' y ` vH 1.~ J ~13 91ty ~7 , yliv ~ HY y w 3~ Mf 5~ ~y~ 6~ fYL ~1~ fyL /1 IN 8~ !f/I ~],9~ MR (IIJi CNJi ~ ~ T QTII /1PB 4iC ~1lH fll'B 23~ ~ Figure 2. Structural Diagram of the Hardware Complex of the ASDU. Key: (1) Alphanumeric Printer; (14) Commutator of Unit f~r Co~unica- (2) Data Display Stations; tions with Remote Control System; (3) Dispatcher Console; (15) Group Control Madule; (4) Contact Code Control Module; (16) TM-301I Remote Control Point; (5) Contactl~ss Code Control (17) Group Communi~ations Unit; Module; (18) Initiative Sdgnal Input Module; (6) Magnetic Disk Store; (19) Monitored Pciint; . (7) Control Module Commutator; (20) Station for Indication of Symbolic (8) Punched Tape Data Input Unit; Information on Television Screen; (9) M-6000 Computer Complex; (21) Remote Signal Sensor; (10) Display Module Commutator; (22) SQnsor of Telemetric (Integrated) (11) Punched Tape Output Unit; Data; (12) Unit for Communication with {,~3j Manual Feed Console. Remote Control System; (13) Keyboard Printer; The uae of SI~T's makes. i.t possible to set up a message 112 characters long (the capacity of one page of inemory), atore it in buffer memory, display it on tfie screen, and transmit it to the pipeline and computer. Tfie total capactty of tihe SIET memory ia up to 10 pages of 112 charactera apiece. The contents of each page can be displayed c~ty the screen; the cfiaracters are 15 by 24 millimeters in size for a picture tube of 59-61 centimeters on tlie diagonal, and tfiey can be seen from up to 15 meters. As many as 12 television receivers at distances up to two kilometers can be connected to the pipeline. Aata is exchanged with the com- puter by means of a builtin interlinking device to a telephone line up to 14 ' kilometers long. The speed of exchange is 600 bauds. Use of SIET's as remote terminals made it poseible to ratse the operational _ qulity of productton data input to the computer, significantly reduce tfie volume of data which operations personnel must transmit exclusively for input to tfie computer; and, improve the reliability of data being fed by sfiop productton 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAG USE ONLY personnel's monitoring it and repeating the input in case of errors. Further- more, use of SIET~s made it posstble to increase the volume of information coming to the dispatcher and plant manager because qualitative indicators (chemi- cal analyses of raw materials, fuel, melted pig iron, slag, and stee~.) of tfie work of the blast and steel foundry shops were recorded and displayed. In rolling production the SIET permits a more ~3etailed (by grades of steel and dimenstons of sections) record of performance of orders. . - The data display equipment of the ASDU comprises tTie dtspatcfier's panel and con- sole and five SID-1,000 data display stationa. The dispatcher panel is designed for indicating the current state of production by ligfits and giving warning sig- nals. ~Information on the states of tFie principal industrial processes (work, downtime,,and repair), on output actually produced since the begtnning of the shift or day, and deviations from asaignments are outputted to the panel; it also indicates the beginning and end of tapping cast iron and steel. Operational digital information is outputted ta the dispetcher panel following a request of the dispatcher console. All information on the course of production and state of the production units can be shown on the panel by the dark or light panel cir- cuit following a dispatcher instruction. When tfie state of the pr~duction unit changes the blinking signal can be "skvitirovan" [possibly "stopped"]. The software of the ASnU includes more than 120 programs for feeding and process- ing operational information, accounting for and analyztng production, sfiaping arrays of plans and sct?edules, and outputting data on production thraugh display and printing units and makes it possible to modify programs efficiently. Tfiis is epsecially important in the initial stages of functioning of t~ie system, and also provides a possibility of regenerating stored data after malfunction $nd permits work in real time where there is a large number of subscrtbers. The sets of problems of the ASDU are executed under the control of an RV dtsk operating system. During generation of the system drivers of systeffi terminals - from standard ASVT M-6,000 aoft~are, the driver of the nonstandard unit for interlinking the telemechanical system of the computtng complex, and tfie driver of the SIET are used. All user programs which demand rapid response to changed external conditions are formulated as disk resident programs and have the "swapping" feature. Only a few high-priority problems are executed as internal memory-resident programs. The syste~ of dispatcher control can work in an automatic regime and a correc- tion r~gime. In the automatic regime data coming from tfia telemecfiantcal system from the SIET are sub~ected to logical monitoring~ after which autfiorization fs given to switch in the user problems of accounting and ~aiy8i8 that shape the . working and resulting data arrays. Production sc~iedules are put into the com- ~ puting complex at the beginning of the day; planning inPormation is fed at the start of the month. The results of performance of problems can be displayed on the SID-1,000 screen and on the dispatcher panel on request. Upon completion of a certain period (shift or day) the corresponding disp~tcher reports are f~ormulated and printed. 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The correction regime is used to restore the work capabiltt~ of the system after malfuncttons in the computer complex; when tfie system is down data input by puncFied tape is envisioned. The ASDU being described is based on application of a system of file control~ This made it possible to construct the a~ove-named sets of pro5lems on tfie modular principle and, therefore, to write and debug t~ie programs for tfiem in- dependently of one another. The structure of the information base and program modules of the system is done in a~zay that insures the possi'btlity of enlarg- ing the total volume of raw data, including data in tfie system of data com- ponents, without significant expenditures for reprogramming. Access to the data arrays is accomplished hy means of approprtate manuals. The intemal memory stores only the information array; the results of processing in the form of a working array and a resulting array are copied on external media (magnetic disks). The working and resulting arrays give information, respectively, for the cur- rent (for example since the start of the day7 and preceding time segments. Tfie structures of these arrays are practically identical, whicFi makes it posstble for the system, wifhout additional efforts for programming, to store and print out or display data on the current and preceding period (sfiifts or days) and to make corrections for the preceding period and to tfie running total in case in- formation is fed late. Because of the limited memory volume printing does not use buffering~ but rather is done with output of data through a common region wfiere data, recoded in symbolic form, are copied to output one line (up to 120 characters). Tfie data are outputted; then the readiness of the alphanumeric printers for further work is analyzed and the next line is outputted after recoding. ' The system has established monitoring of completion of ~obs ~ay a periodic check on the presence of filled information arrays and putting tfie corresponding ~obs in a queue (information arrays are cleared when the job ts completed). The ASDU we have described is a system of operational accounting for production so it is natural that when information is accumulated fram tfie start of tfie ~ month certain discrepancies between it and the figures of plant accou~ting docu- ments will occur. To avoid this the ASDU has organized input of refined ~nfor- mation on production and the distribution of the prtncipal types of output tiased on data from the planning diviston and production dtvision of the plant. This is as follows: each day before 1500 the plant management servtce fined information for the plant management concerning tfie actual course of production from the start of the month until completion of tlie preceding day. One copy of this document is sent to the ASDU duty officer, who must put tTiis information in the computer before 2300. Thus, in the ASDU information on production from the start of the month alatays includes refined figures for the end of the preceding day and operattonal data for the current day. This makes it possible to formulate information on pro- duction from the start of the month wtt~i a fiigh degree of autlienticity and to simplify synchronization procedures with the process when the system is restarted. ~7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The links between the ASDU and otfier levels of control are conditioned by the fact that it is part of the integrated plant ASUP [automated system for pro- duction conxrol] and exchanges information witfi tfie sufisystem for operational calendar plannin~g at tfie highest level and with the s~iop production--organiza- tional automat-~d contr~l systems at the lowes~t level. In the llth Five-Year Plan the ASDU of the KrivorozTistal' Plant imeni V. I; ~ Lenin is to be connected in to the sector automated control system that is under development. The problems of integration ma~Ce additional demands for tfie or- ganization of ASDU software, and as a result tfie latter Fias a special set of programs for shaping data files with suhsequent transmission to these automated control systems. Introduction of the system into operation fiy atages ~egan in 1977 a gradual enlargement of the functions and refinement of software and hardware. Tfie eco- ~ nomic impact of introduction of the system is 770,000 rubles of a year owing to a reduction in production losses and penalties. It is contemplated ttiat the fundamental. decisiona with respect to functional structure, metfiods and means of collecting data, proceasing, recording, and displaytng inforn?ation, software, and monitoring and diagnosis techniques will Fie used to butld systems for oper- ational control of primary production at other ferroue metallurgtcal plants. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye'r. "PriTiorq i sistemy upravleniya", 1982. 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY 1 r _ UDC 669.184.244.66:j658.~12.Ci11.56:658.514] AUTOMATIC DISPATCHER SYSTEM USED SUCCESSFULLY IN METALLURGR Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Rus~sian No 1, Jan 82 pp 4-b [Article by doctor of technical sciences S. K. Sob olev, candidates of technical sciences R. M.~Nikolaych~ic, V. S. Bogushevskiy and N. A. Sorokin, and engineers - S. V. ~'irogov anfl A. A. Rogoznyy: "Dispatclier Control of a Convertor Shop"] [Excerpts] Studies of the work of convertor shops sfiow tFiat 5-10 percent of the calendar time is taken up by production untt downtime related to organiza- tional factors. Witfiout operational information on the state of tfie equ~pment and availability of charge materials, tfie production preparation foremen and shift heads essentially do not have time to control production. Moreover, it is impossible for an ASU TP [automated control system for industrial processes] to function successfully without aolving dispatcfier problems. The Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant has launched an ASU TP for a convertor shop. It performs both production and dispatcher 3obs. Tfie system is based on a two-processor M-6,000 control computer complex. It collects informatton on the work of tTie main shop sectors and controls them. Information on the work of particular sectors and equipment of the convertor sfiops is outputted to tfie control panel of the foreman for production preparatton of the convertor sTiop (see Figure 1 [not reproducedJ). The basic information is formed automatically from 1oca1 data collection net- works with realization o~ correspondtng algorithms on tfie M-6,000 control com- puter complex. Information on the working order of the valves, the operation of the mixers, and the presence of the slag hopper and steelmaking ladle under the convertor is fed manually in the form of position signals. The local circuit for determining the position of tfie cast iron ladles and ~ their loading uses information on the delivery of tfie empty ladle to tF?e scales, pouring cast iron into the ladle, transporting it, and pourtng the cast tron into the convertor. Information on the weigfit of cast iron in ttie mixers comes from the sensor of the angle of inclination of the mixer for pouring tron into the ladle, tfie sensor that determines the number of ladles poured into the mixer, and the local circuit that monitors mixer ware during tfie operating process. Information on the technological operations of the convertor travels from the local circuit, which considers the angle of inclination of the convertor and 1~9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 ~ ~ EOR i~FNi^.~AL USE ONLY ~ i i ~ receipt of signal~ on engagement of tfie blast, lowerfng tfie lance into the con- ! vertor, the introduction of loose material, and tfie duration of tfis blasting process. Information on the time tliat pouring in tfie pouring area begins and ~ ends, tTie shop number of the melt being poure.d, and tfis tppe of ingot molds ; travels from the manual data input console installed in tfie pouring bap. The work of Che dispatcher is controlled differently depending on tfi.e nature of the indicating parameter and the source of origin of tfie information: from the dry contacts of the circuits for control of industrial equipment, from the M-6,000 control computer complex, and a mtxed form. Control from the M--6,000 complex is accomplished by means of a special interface block BTF-T whicfi is connected directly to a 2K interlink. Control is done bq mesgages of fo+sr binary-decimal bits apiece. Industrial use of the dispatcher part of the system made it possible to raise shop productivity by three percent and insure rhythmic productton. Tfie economic impact from introduction of the system was about 200,000 rubles a year. - COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", "Pribory i ststemy upravleniya", 1982 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - UDC: 681. 3. 03 METHOD FOR CALCULATING AMPLITUDE CHARACTERISTICS OF RANDOM PROCESSES Kiev POSTROYENIYE AVTOt9ATIZIROVANNYIQ3 SISTEM OBRABOTICI EKSPERIN~NTAL'NYKH DANNYKH in Russian 1981 (signed to press 3 Jul 81) pp 21-25 - [Article by V. Ya. Gal'chuk, V. I. Ivanas, O. I. Starodubova and Yu. F. Luk'yanov from book "Synthesis of Automated Systems for Processing Experimental Data" edited by G. S. Tesler (editor in chief), Nauchnyy sovet po probleme "Kibernetik.a", Ordena Lenina institut kibernetika, Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, - 55U copies] [Text] In research on random processes, the need arises in a number of cases for - evaluating the process under analysis on the basis of its amplitude characteristics. For example if we are to evaluate stresses arising in the hull of a vessel as it moves over a wavy surface, if we are to eyaluate the sea state and so on, we would need to analyze not the entire temporal series but only its amplitudinal values, spread and periodicity. This article examines one of the methods of calculating the amplitudes and half periods of a random process. Assume we are dealing with a random process xL (i = 0,1...N-1), a portion of which is shown in Figure 1. Ampl~.tu3es A1, A2..., Ak must be isolated and their distri- bution law must be plotted. The problem is solved in two stages. In the first stage we isolate all extremums al, a2, a~,...from the total quantity of ordinates (Figure 2). 'The criterion we employ in this case is the change in sign of successively calculated differences between two neighboring ordinates--that is, (x2-xi_1), (x2~.1-x2) etc. If such a change in sign occurred, then the value of the lower ordinate is taken as the sought extremum and entered into the set of extremums (a~). Concurrently we enter into _ � the memory the current time (t~) corresponding to this extremum. (At xL-xi_.1 = 0 a transition occurs to the next difference.) The next stage in the calculations entails sorting the obtained set a~j with the purpose of sampling out the global extremum to which correspond A1, A2, Ak (Figure 3). Global extremum values are those which are ma.ximum in relation to the modulus within the interval of transition to the zero axis--that is, in the inter- vals of positive and negative domains. - 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR aFFICIAL USE ONLY In this approach, however, global extremums may also include a6, a~, a22, cz23 and so on, which must be excluded from further examination. To avoid the addition of such extremums to the set of global extremums, an additional limitation must be imposed on the selected amplitudes in the form of a stop band for amplituiies (t~A)-- that is, amplitudes falling within the interval [+DA,-pA] are excluded from the subsequent calculations. . `X; . I A~ AI ~ . ` :;~s'� l ~"~y'� � . � - Figure 1 G~ p~~ ~ ~ a a, \ an ~ q=! . ~ - ~ . G~----..-; o: aK ~ ~ Figure 2 ~Nn - ~ ti~ ~ A~ . ~ R ~ - ~ . A,'� \A.: Figure 3 As a result of such calculations we can obtain a set of global amplitudes (Aj~) and the set of half periods corresponding to this set (Tk). Then we plot the amplitude and half period distribution laws. Selecting the theoretical distribution law on the basis of congruence criteria T2 or w2, we check the correspondence of the experimental distribution law to the 52 _ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P(~~ ~ as o.Q o.~ ~ / A Figure 4 ~ selected theoretical law. We proceed similarly with the set of half periods Tk as well. It should be noted that in certain cases it would be suitable to first smooth the set of ordinates in order to exclude certain frequencies distorting the values of the amplitudes of interest to the researcher. The sliding average method can be recommended as one of the smoothing methods (1). Let us examine an example. Assume w~re must evaluate the stress on the hull of a vessel. Let the time of action of the stresses be T= 12 minutes (the portion shown in Figure 1). The first stage of the solution gives us set a~ (see Figure 2), and the second stage gives us set A~ (see Figure 3). ~A is sel.ected by the experi- menter. In this case 0,4= 0.5 A~X. The distribution law for the global amplitude is shown in Figure 4. We proceed similarly with the set of half periods Tk. ~ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Dzhenkins, G. M., and Vatts, D. T., "Spektral'nyy analiz i yego prilozheniye" [Spectral Analysis and Its Application], translated from English, Vol 1, Moscow, Mir, 1971, 360 pp. ~ COPYRIGHT: Institut kibernetiki, 1981. , 11004 CSO: 1863/137 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.83:53.083.8:681.3 STANDARDIZING EQUIPMENT USED IN GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION ~ Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 1, Jan 82 pp 14-17 [Article by candidate of technical sciences L. I. Orlov, chief of the Special Design Bureau of Geophysical Iastrument Making: "Problems of Building Standardized Information-Measurement Sqstems in Geophysical Instrument Making"] [TextJ The current level of technology used tn carrying on exploration for petroleum, gas, and other mineral products is determined ~iy tfie level of de- velopment and production of geophysical equipment. Tfie economic and technical indicators of the use of the equipment, which are the basis of the efonomic in- dicators of~geophysical studies, depend above all on tfie qualitative param- eters (informational value, precision, and the like) and quantitative features - (speed of the experiment, rate of data proceseing, and the like). It is clear that both kinds of characteristics can be improved by refining proven geo- physica~ ressarch techniques and by applying new methods of exploration. The development of geophysical techniques depends on refining the latest scientific and technical advances to improve tfiese techniques. This makes clear how im- portant it is for geophysical work to develop and quickly introduce highly productive modern eqtiipment [1]. The trends in development of geophysical systems permit~us to single out the main features that nece~sitate the application of efficient means of process- ing measurement data and automating control and monitoring of the measurement process. Among these features are the increase in number of channels, di- veraity of the sensors that measure the parameters of various physical fields, the impact of external factors, the complexity of the functions of controlling the measurement process and outputting data, and tTie requirements for diagnostic procedures. In geophysical systems these problems are traditionally solved chiefly by means of analog computers, or in some cases special digital com- puters (the LTsK-10 well-logging unit, the Progress seismic unit, and others). Various types of software (logic blocks, program blocks, and the like) based on rigid logic are applied to solve the problems of controlling the measure- ment process. This method of construction necessitates individualization of the algorithm of the control process, prevents expansion of tfie system and enlarging its funct3onal capabilities, makes development more complex and expensive, and complicates the process of updating equipment and introducing new developments into production. The great diversity of sensors wtth different output 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY chara~:teristics and the variety of geopfiysical technic~ues make it necessary to have ~any individual elements, for eacfi case, in measurement and convertor units. This results in greater complexity of geopfiysical information and measurement systems, ov~rly narrow specialization, and orientation to solving concrete - problems. As a result, a large numlier of narrowly specialized syetems fiave appeared in recent years. The situation that has come about poses the cfiallenge of standardizing geo- physical equipment for different research techniques. Tliis would reduce the time required for development and incorporation into production and produce a - ma~or econo~ic impact in the national economy. Tfie development of staadardized equipment would act as the "jumping off place" for increasing tfie pace of tech- nical re-equipping of geophysical work. The purpose of the present article is to formulate the fundamental principles of building a standardized geophysical measurement--computing complex. Tfie de- velo~ment of a new basic element in recent years, microprocessor computer equip- ment, is useful in solving this problem. The principal techniques of geophysical exploration today are seismic explora- - tion, electrical exploration, and geophy~ical well studies. TTie latter in- clude also techniques of s*udying the geological cross-section during the drill- ing process (gas logging and monitoring the industrial parameters of drilling) because in many cae~s analysis of drilling parameters gives a reliaFile descrip- tion of the geological structure through wfii:ch tfie well passes. Technical equipment for contemporary seismic exploration includes sources that generate P-waves (longitudinal) and S-waves (transverse) and a seismic recording system. Figure 1 shows the typical str~icture of the recording system. It re- flects the fundamental principles of construction of all seismic stations pro- duced in the USSR, including newly developed ones produced by the Moscow Geofizpribor [Geophysical Instrumentj ProductYon Association (the Progress Sta- tion). Trends in the development of seismic recording systems are analyzed in detail in work [2). Equipment for electrical exploration work includes generators of electromagnetic fields (direct or alternating) and various types of apparatus to receive and record emissions after they interact witF~ the geological formation. Plants of the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation Equipment, and Control Syetems and the USSR Ministry of Geology are producing about 20 types of recording equipment for electrical exploration methods. Most electrical exploration systems are analog types with few channels. The TeES-2 sfiown tn the block diagram in Figure 2 is a typical representative of a digital electrical exploration unit. Enterprises of the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation Equipment, and Control Systems are planning the productton of multicfiannel digital electrical exploration stations (TeES-3). Many institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, and the USSR Ministry o� Geology are working on building multichannel digttal recording sys- tems for electrical exploration. 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY At y~ 12) Yl (6AP 4A 7, CO 'c 6H ~1 2) a2 ) fIMA Y2 KK A!!/1 ~P 6H HMI) Y2 A~ifl 6Y, ~3 (5) 9) t i i QM ~ nn A 'J� y" ~ 6~ Figure 1. Typical Structure of a Figure 2. Block Magram of TsES-2 Digi- Seismic Recording System tal Seismic [sic] Exploration Apparatus Key: (1) Sensor [Nos 1, 2, ...N]; (2) Amplifier jNos 1, 2, ...N]; (3) Channel Switching Unit; (4) Analog-Digital Convertor; (5) Format Convertor; (6~ Analog Register; (7) Digital-Analog Convertor; (8) Storage Block; (9) Magnetic Tape Storage; . (10) Compensator(s); (11) Control Slock; (12) Compensation Slock. Field geophysical equipment consiats of various types of well instruments which house sensors to measure physical fields in tFie wells and logging and gas- logging stations that control the collection and processing of data. Figure 3 below shows a consolidated block diagram of the LTsK-10 digital logging labor- atory. AB aun nMn o- ~ 4 ( ) GKy ld- n ~3) A Figure 3. Block Diagram o~ the LTsK--10 Digttal Loggin g Laboratory. Key: (1) Sensors; (5) Analog Register; (2) Panels; (6) Ana~og-Digital Convertor; i3) Switching and Control Hlock; (7~ Magnetic Tape Store. (4) Analog Computer; Enterprises of the I4inistry of Instrument Making, Automation Equipment, and Control Systems, the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, and the Ministry of Geology are producing more than 10 types of logging and gas-logging stationa 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY designed for geopfiysical studies under different conditions. Most of them are analog systems. The stations to monitor industrial parameters during the drilling process based on characteristics are in large part similar to the logging and gas-logging stations mentioned above. Despite the dtverstty of equipment in use, witfi respect to functional structure all these stations are similar to one another, and some differences do not _ cause fundamental changes in their structure. Tfiis gtves reason to consider geophysical stations on the level of execution of functions as geophysical information-measurement systems. The heart of any information-measurement system, including the geophysical one, is the measurement-computing complex (MCC). Its structure does not depend on application, operating conditions, or geological technique employed by the particular geopfiysical information- measurement system. The functions of any measurement system can be realized By various metfiods = which make up the set of structures. For this reason tfie central issues of development of geophysical information-measurement systems are selecting and substantiating the structure af the system, defining the function of commu- nication with the ob,ject, and analyzing and realizing algorithms for moni- toring and controlling the ob~ect and algorithms for exchange of information with the operator. It must be observed that in recent years MCC's have developed along the paths of ever-increasing volume of data processing, more thorough diagnosis of the state of the system, and a more complete volume of information represented for interpretation, in a form that is more convenient for consideration. At the present time the trends in development of the structures of geophysical MCC's have hardly been formulated. But the necessity of working out a uniform con-. ception for the development of MCC's demands that they be defined. Analysis of the structure of contemporary MCC's used tn various fields of science and technology shows that they are practically all constructed on the pipeline principle of data exchange among units included in the complex [3]. Data on signals that are measured and outputted, information on switches, and control and auxiliary signals that define the processes of information ex- change are transmitted along the pipelines. Other equally important characteristics of contemporary MCC's are modular construction and microprogram control of the process of data collection and processing, and of the system and dtagnosis. For this structure they ar.e obli- - gated to the developments of microprocessor technology and microcomputers, which make it possible to develop specialized units t~iat realize very diverse control and computing functions, in other words to set up an aggregate system on the principle of pipeline-modular construction with microprogram control. It is equally important that the use of microcomputers and mtcroprocessors opens broad opportunities for realizing a number of functions: statistical processing, error correction, monitoring work capability, diagnosis, forecasting malfunctions, and others. The realization of tfiese additional functions, which 57 F()R OFFICIAL [JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY improve metrological characteristtcs and raise technical-economic indicators, insures a qualttatively higher level of geophysical MCC~s. The technical-economic effictency of using microprocessors and microcomputers results, in addition to the obvious factors, from the possibility of botfi en- larging the microcomputer or microprocessor system ttself and adding additional peripheral equipment without altering the entire system. Destgning for a con- crete problem becomes reprogramming without modification or simply a matter of adding certain assemblies or sensors. The use of microproceasor computer equipment creates conditions for con-- structing geophysical measurement-information systems on new arcfiitectural principles. There are broad opportunities for the development of systems with parallel processing (single-level multiprocessor systems) and multiprocessor systems with multilevel architecture. In such geopfiysical measurement- information systems the microprocessor (microcomputer) at the lowest level linearizes the output qualities of the ~ensors, corrects errors, and controls the channels for communicat~.on with the microprocessor (or microcomputer) of the higher level. At the highest levels data is processed according to as- signed algorithms and the work of processing is controlled. Thus, the pip eline-modular principle of constructing MCC's using micro- processor or computer equipment is the basis on which it is possible to standardize geophysical equipment and improve metrological support and the quality of processing of geophysical data. All this will make it possible to solve the problem of sharply expanding the volume of productton of geophysical equipment in the llth and 12th five year plans. For MCC's based on pipeline-modular structure there must be, in the stage of concrete technical realization: analysts of the logical algorithms of proceas- ing data for control, monitoring, and diagnosis; analysis and selection of hardware and means of realizing these algorithms while concurrently optimizing them, and development of hardware for machine realization of algorithms or programs for software realization. The special characteristics of using a geophysical MCC make additional require- ments for such technical specifications as dimensions, weight, power consum~- tion, and resistance to mechanical and climatic effects. This demands, in turn, that in the development of geophysical MCC~s concepts be found which differ fundamentally from those for other MCC~s. The technology of geophysical work that exists at the present time and, for all appearances, will continue in the near future, ordinarily defines the collection and initial processing of information by simplified parameters. This outlines the range of problems for which geophysical MCC's will be built: collection of information fratn numerous sensors, preliminary data processing, control of the process of re~ cording information on long-term media, and system monitoring and diagnosis. The results of analysis of geophysical measurement systems given above made it possible to identify a number of common features tliat satisfy different condi- tions of the application of MCC's in seismic recording, electrical exploration, 58 ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and field geophysical aystems. gearing in mind that microprocessor equipment is the foundation for newly developed MCC~s, we must formulate tfie following specifications, which are most typical for the geophysical MCC being de- veloped: a. 3-24 measurement channels (except for seismic systems with very large numbers of channels); b. query time for one channel of 9-10 microseconds (with sequential querying and no more tlian five parameters measured in one channel); c. minimum level of the input channel of 0.2-5 microvolts, dynamic range of 80-50 decibels, and frequency range of 0.01 hertz-10 kilohertz; d. coefficient of phase, amplitude and �requency distortion, which determines the precision characteristics of t~ie system, of 0.01-1 percent; e. the procedures and algorithms for system diagnosis and monitoring should insure identification of malfunctions to the level of a single card; f. the work regime in an emergency sttuation should preserve work capability in the case of malfunctioning of up to 50 percent of the measured channels with a signal on the existence of the malfunction; g. the procedures for representing measured information visually should use a paper medium (for documents) and a video monitor (to monitor the state of the system and the quality of recording); . h. the long-term medium for subsequent data processing is a magnetic medium with a capacity of 1-2 megabytes; i. the volume of internal memory is 64 Kbytes, tF?e volume of read-only memory is 16 Kbytes, and the type of read- only memory is an electrically reprogrammable device or a magnetic medium; j, the depth of data processing is determined by the capa-- bilities of the computer selected and the communications channel, with a data format of 16 bit positions and a speed of 300,000 simple operations a second; k. the possibility of expanding the system in different variations of use; this parameter is guaranteed by the principle of modular construction itself. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY A key decision tfiat determines the level af standardization in building a geophysical MCC is s~election of the microcomputer. Tliis is done on tFie basis of analyzing the generalized processing function, and tfie functions of control, monitoring, and diagnosis reviewed above. The system of communication be- tween the machine and peripfieral equipment or many machines tn multiproceasor - systems depends on the microcomputer that is used. The microcomputerg being produced at the present time Tiave a limited assort- ment of units for communication with the object, but tfiere is a capability of connecting various peripheral units to the pipeline of the machine. Because the assortment of such devices in geophysical MCC~s is small and operating con- - ditions for them do not permit the use of series-produced instruments with output to machine-independent pipelines (MEK, CAMAC), it would be advisable to use the pipeline of the machine itself. Sut it is designed to connect up a definite number of peripheral units and increasing this number disturbs the ~ established optimality and leads to un~ustified expenditures of hardware and software. In such cases, nonetheless, it is better to add one of the standard machine-independent pipelines to the system. The most reasonable one to use for geophysical MCC's is the MEK pipeline. The level of standardization in development of MCC's will depend on the level of centralization of processing functions; a high level of centralization makes higher demands for the computing power of the central microcomputer. This means that it is lfkely there will be some cases where realization of certain processing functions must he accomplished at the lower level of the ~ structure (variation of realization of a multilevel structure). The latter became possible with the appearance of built-in microprocessor equipment. Of the microcomputers now in production, the Elektronika 60, the Elektronika NTs-03D, and SM 1800 meet these requirements most fully. Series production of the Elektronika NTs-SOP1, a single-card microcomputer now under _ development, is to begin this year. It has greater speed, smaller dimensions, and is compatible with the SM-3 and SM-4 machines. In terms of technical specifications this microcomputer most fully meets tfie requirements made for the machine in the geophysical MCC: speed of 300,000 operations a second, 16 bit positions, power consumption of 10 watts, and weight of 0.2 kilograms. We must observe again that the path to standardization of geophysical equip- ment is blocked by numerous problems linked to the traditionally established departmental approach to development. This does not mean, however, that the particular organizaticnal-technical difficulties cannot be overcome. Without going into questions of organization here, we can give examples of technical solutions to problems of this sort: development of the CAMAC pipeline--modular system (State All-Union Standard 26.201.80), the "Common Line" interface (the DEC Company of the United States), the standard for tfie digital interface for IEEE-488-78 programmable measuring instruments, and others. Formulation of software is becoming an important question in the development of geophysical MCC's based on microcomputers and microprocessors. The software is given three basic jobs: processtng ~ncoming information, controlling tfie 60 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY measurement process, and system monitoring and diagnosis. These johs involve realization of the functions of data input-output, conve~rsion of data, various types of corrections, producing control signals witfi a definite sequence, and executing monitoring and diagnostic procedures. Field geophysical studies contemplate cfiiefly collection and preliminary processing of data; this means that the peripheral eqt~tpment of the MCC usually does not have to have control feedback. In this case processor time wtll be fully controlled by the operating system, and instructions will be carried out one after another in sequence. The operati,ng system is degenerated into a package of drivers for communications and information exchange by tfie tnput- output devices. For this reason it is advisable to use tbe operating system of the machine selected. In real-time systems (logging stattons, stations to monitor geological-industrial parameters, and the like) it will be necessary to formulate more complex control programs. The language in which the user programs his jo~is in a geophysical system can be constructed by three variations: development of one's own language, selection of a standard language, or development of a supplement to a standard language. The first variation offers the possibility of taking account of all special features of the jobs being performed, but tfie process of developing a litirary of standard and applied programs is labor-intensive and complex. In.the second place program processing is much simpler, even though the language may prove insufficiently effective to solve the specific geophysical problem. In some cases it is advisable to add missing characteristics necessary for the work of geophysical systems to the programm~ing language selected. If we have application in mind, the main thing in dev~lopment of software for a standardized geophysical MCC is simplicity of fitting it to specific geo- physical systems, the possibility of modification. This is provtded by the modular principle of construction of the MCC. The software shauld be oriented to formulating control (initial load, planning the operation, control of inea- surements, input-output, and diagnosis) and special-purpose programs which include preliminary processing, computations, correction of drift, analysis of diagnos~ic results, and the like. The special-purpose programs must be developed individually for different cases of the application of a geophysical MCC; the control programs are gener- ally similar. The error of ineasurement of parameters in a geophysical measurement--information system is determined by the precision characteristics of tfie sensors them- selves, the behavior of Che system in a dynamic regime, and tfie influence of external factors. The parameters of the sensors can be considered given, which is reflected on the magnitude of error of data process~ng defined in the stage of formulating technical specifications for designing tfie MCC. This makes it clear how important it is to select tfie best processing algorithms in the MCC in order to realize the precision characteristics of tfie system. For metrological support of the geophysical MCC, after manufacture and periodi- cally during the process of operation the error of ineasurement of the most 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFiC1AL USE ONLY important garameters must be monitored. When geophpsical MCC*s are used under field conditt.ons far from bases built--in metrological snpport systems must be provided. - In connection witfi tfie rise in qualitp requirements for geophysical measure- ments and the growing complexity of the equipment, tfie technical level and precision requirements for monitoring instruments are rising. The great diversity of geophysical equipment and the heightened requirement for monitor- ing instruments often make it impossf~ile to insure the necessary precisiori characteristics fully and on time. Standardization of MCC's will permit standardization of monitoring instruments and techniques, wfiicfi wtll greatly reduce the time required to manufacture and introduce new geophysical systems. The formuZation of a standardized MCC based on microprocessor computer equip- ment will offer an opportunity to diagnose the system on a fundamentally new level, realize program procedures for diagnosis, and attain a higher level of diagnosis and forecasting malfunctions both for tfie MCC and for the geopfiysical system as a whole. The diagnostic "capabilities" of the system are specially important in geophysical MCC's which are used to monitor geological-industrial parameters during the drilling process. Forecasts of various types of compli- cations and emergency situations will he decided right in the drilling process, for example anomalous layer pressures, or wear on casing coluums and twisted lengths of pipe. _ The introduction of a standardized microprocessor system wi'l1 be a decisive contribution to meeting the challengea of accelerated introduction of con- ~ temporary scientific-technical advances in geopfiysical instrument making. The principal factors here that sharply raise all technical-economic indicators are improvement in metrological characteristics, reducfng the use of elec- tricity, raising reliability, decreasing dimensions, and reducing time required for development and incorporation in production. Preliminary calculations show that with introduction of standardized geophysical measurement-information systems power consumption is decreased 250-300 percent, labor-intensity is decreased 200 percent, and development time is cut 2-2.5 times. The development of a standardized geophysical MCC will be a strong basis for implementing new geophysical techniques and will fielp meet the challenges of the llth and 12th five-year plans for the development of geophysical instrument making. POOTNOTES 1. V. Yu. Zaychenko, "Prohlems of Raising the Efficiency of Geophysical ' Studies in Prospecting for and Exploring Promising Petroleum-Gas Struc-~ tures in the llth Five Year Plan," GEOLOGIYA NEFTI GAZA, 1981 No 6. 2. "Sovremennoye Sostoyaniye i Tendentsti Razvitiya Seysomorazvedochnoy Tekhniki" [State of the Art and Trends in the Development of Seismic Ex- ploration Equipment], Vyp 2, Moscow, "TsNIITEIprioborostroyeniqa", 1981. 62 FOR C: F:.^.IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. N. I. Gorelikov, A. N. Domaratskiy, S. N. Domaratskiy, et al., "Interfeya dlya Programmiruyemykh Pritaorov v Sistemakh Avtomatizatsii Eksperimentarr [Interface for Programma~le Tnstruments in Automation of Experiment Systems], Moscow, "Nauka", 1981. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel~stvo "Masfiinostroyeniye", "Pribory i sistemy upravlenfya", 1982 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY OPTICAL PROCESSING . UDC 621.382 CONTROLLABLE TRANSPAl2ENCIES AND REVERSIBLE RECOKDING OF OPTICAL SIGNALS Moscaw UPRAVLYAYEMYYE TRANSPARANTY I REVERSIVNAYA ZAPIS' OPTICHESKIKH SIGNALOV (TRUDY ORDENA LENINA FIZICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IM. P. N. LEBEDEVA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, TOM 126) in Russian Vol 126, 1981 (signed to press 1 Jul 81) pp 2, 157 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Controllable Z~ansparencies and Rever- sible Recording of Optical Signals", Works of the Order of Lenin Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief Yu. M. Popov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1400 copies, 161 pages] _ [Text] This collection includes works on current problems of optical information processing performed in the laboratory of Optoelectronics, FIAN [Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR A~cademy of Sciences]. Presented are results of research on spatial modulation of light in liquid crystal structures and in electrooptical TsTSL [zirconate-titanate of lead modif ied by lanthanum] ceramics, as well as on optoelectronic circuits for inf ormation processing using controllable transparencies. The current state of research on materials for reversible recording of optical sig- nals has been analyzed and the outlook for using multilayer structures of semicon~- ductors-dielectrics for these purposes is ahown. Various circuit solutions are diacussed for optical atorage units based on the researched materials. This collection is intended for a broad range of specialists f.n the field of solid state physics, optoelectronics and computer engineering. Contents PaBe A. A. Vasil'yev. Controllable Liquid Crystal T~ansparencies for Optical ~Signal Converters and Coders 4 I. N. Kompanets,P. N. Semochkin, A. G.. Sobolev. Electrically Controllable Light Modulation in TsTSL [Zirconate-Titanate of Lead Modified by Lanthanum]-Ceramics ~ 76 - A. F. Plotnikov, V. N. Seleznev. Research on Development of Optically Controllable Storage Elements Based on Multilayer Semiconc~uctor-.Insulator Structures 120 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stv~ "Nauka", 1981 8545 CSO: 1863/37 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 :IAL USE ONLY UDC 621.396:535.8 CONTROLLABLE LIQUID CRYSTAL TRANSPARENCIES FOR OPTICAL SIGNAL CONVERTERS AND CODERS Moscow TRUDY ORDENA LENINA FIZICHESKOGO INSITTTUTA IM. P. N. LEBEDEVA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian Vol 126, 1981 (signed to press 1 Jul 81) pp 3-75 [Part ' by A. A. Vasil'yev*] [Excerpts] Introduction The main requirements imposed on cybernetic systems currently being developed are high rates of information processing, large amount of storage, extremely high reliability, minimum consumption of energy and, in addition, small dimensions and low equipment cost. One way of improving these parameters is to use optical methods and devices r,hat permit processing information in the form of large twu- dimensional a.rrays lpictures). In doing so, more extensive functional capabilities are provided by using as the information medium coherent light that, compared to - noncoherent light, has higher information capacity in a natural way permits processing of information in the form of complex functions and fields. The need for coherent optical information processing devices (KOU) long ago became ripe in such fields as analysis (conversion, recognition) of images, for example, - in aerial photography, data transmi3sion, medical and biological information pro- cessing, photogrammetry, etc.; performing information retrieval operations in catalogs, directories, archives and others; multichannel processing of radio and acoustic signals, especia;.ly in systems for radio detection and ranging, navigation, exploration of natural resources, seismic prospecting and others [1]. Modern computers are ill-suited for solvin$ these problems, since they are primarily machines for calculations and control. But KOU's, conversely, are suited primarily for processing information in arrays of 103-10~ bits each. The major problems in the field of coherent optical methods and devices for informa- tion pr.ocessing are real-time input of information into the KOU and on-line recon- figuration of optical circuits needed in executing complex data processing algo- _ rithms. Both these problems can be solved by using electrically and optically * From tlle dissertation by A. A. Vasil'yev, "Controllable Transparencies Based on = Liquid Crystals and Their Use in Optical Signal Conversion and Coding Circuits," dissertation candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Moscow, FIAN, 1980. FOR OFFI IAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAT. USE ONI,Y addressable spatial-time light modulators--controllable transparencies (UT) [2, 3] that are used to generate and convert optical signals and in a KOU can perform the functions of devices for input and display of information [3, 4], amplifiers of brightness and converters of images[3, 4], reconfigurable apatial filters [5-8], - coding elements [7, 8] and others. - As a result of research performed in many laboratories, certain pxogress has been observed in recent years in the development of controllable transparencies, since a number of the most promising materials has been determined for spatial-time light modulation [3, 4]. Of primary importance among them are nematic liquid crystals (ZhK). They are distinguished by the exceptional diversity of electrooptical effects that permit developing both amplitude and phase controllable transparencie~s based on them [2, 9]. The m~jor advantages of liquid crystals are high trans- mittance and sensitivity to control voltages and power, and also the adaptability - t~ manufacture of the instruments based on them. When this work was begun (1972), the basic properties and electrooptical effects in _ liquid crystals had been studied [9). However, there remained to be investigated the link between many major characteristics of spatial light modulation in electri- cally and optically controllable liquid crystal structures and the parameters of liq~id crystals, as well as of other materials of these structures. Also of great interest was the analysis of maximally achievable parameters of liqtiiid crystal - structures and the controllable transparencies based on them. Finally, it was necessary to examine the posaibilities of new methods and circuits for conversion and coding of optical signals that are opened when spatial modulators are used in them, and in particular, controllable transparencies based on liquid crystal structures. , Chapter l. Spatial Modulation of Light in Liquid Crystal~Structures and Its Use ~ for Conversion and Coding of Optical Signals The above analysis of physical methods o~ :~natial light modulation in liquid crystal structures and the achievement in the.area of creating EUT and OUT [electrically and optically controllable transparenci~s] based on liquid crystals indicate that they basically meet the requirements imposed on controllable trans- parencies intended for coding and converting optical signals (images). Their development and application has permitted demonstrating the great promise of opto- _ electronic circuits and methods of optical information processing. One can note that with that of greatest interest are the phase controilable transparencies that permit realization of numerous algorithms for optical processing with minimal losses of light power (15]. From the viewpoint of the direction of further re- search, now coming into the foreground are the problems of optimizing the para- meters of the liquid crystal controllable transparencies and control of these parameters, as well as the technological implementation of the devices that have been developed. Let us note that the work perfbrmed at the FIAN [Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences] has made a definite contribution to the study of the electrooptics of liquid crystals and to solving the problem of establishing the research and clarifying the functional capabilities of liquid crystal control- lable transparencies [2, 5-8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 34, 44, 52-55]. 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 2. Research on Phase Spatfal I~ight Modulation in Electrically Controllable Liquid Crystal Structures Results obtained can be formulated as follows: 1. A technique has been develope~ to create experimental samples of phase EUT [electrically controllable transparencies] based on the orientation S-effect in NZhK [nematic liquid crystals]. 2. Based on analysis of the properties of the orientation S-effect in nematic - liquid crystals, the simplest principle has been suggested and realized for parallel switching by voltages of two different frequencies of all elements in a matrix addressable phase EUT [electrically controllable transparency~, which realizes binary sign-variable factorable functions (two-dimensional Walsh func- tions, Gilbert maoks, pseudorandom signals and othera). The advantage of the principle is the capability of separate adjustment of the initial transmission of the controllable transparency elements and additional phase delay in the elements switched on. This has permitted reducing approximately to five percent the standard deviation of reproduction of the required function of tranamission of the controllable transparency. 3. Behavior of nematic liquid crystals in nonhomogeneous electrical fields during quasigraduated variation of the potential at the boundary of the liquid crystal layer has been studied for the first time theoretically and experimentally. The lack of a threshold of the elctrooptical response was discovered experimentally in planarly oriented liquid crystal layers with positive dielectric anisotropy when components of an electrical field are present along the initial direction of orientation of the molecules. 4. An anisotropic nature was established for the spatial transient characteristics of the electrooptical response of the planarly oriented liquid crystal layers, which permits drawing a conclusion on the anisotropy of the resolution of liquid crystal instruments based on the S-effect. The dependency of the width of the. transient region (maximum spatial resolution) on liquid crystal parameters was studied. The common character inherent to all field effects in nematic liquid ~crystals permits hoping the suggested theoretical.model and experimental technique will be usef ul in defining the resolution of liquid crystal instruments with various methods of addressing which make use of field effects. Chapter 3. Research on Functional Capabilities of Experimental Models of Matrix Electrically Controllable Transparencies The above results permit drawing the following conclusions: 1. An optoelectronic circuit with a phase matrix controllable transparency that performs the Walsh transform of two-dimensional optical signals was proposed, implemented and researched. Factors for expansion of the simp).est images in the Walsh-Fourier seriea were determined eKperimentally. 2. Experimental models of phase matrix electrically controllable transparencies were used for the first time in a circuit for the Hilbert transform of two- dimensional optical circuits. Phase object Hilbert transforms� were obtained in which phase nonuniformities and boundaries of regions of constant phase were visualized. 67 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. The calculationa made and experimental results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of using phase controllat~le tranbparencies in circuits that realize Walsh and Hilbert transforms. The basic advantage of these transparenciea ia their capability of reproducing any phase relationships in transforms being made and the capability of expeditious r~earrangement of circuits. Chapter 4. Research on Spatial Light Modulation fn Photoconductor-Liquid Crystal Structures Here are the main results presented in this chapter: 1. For the firat time, calculations were made of the photoelectrical parameters of various t}~pes of structures based on liquid crystals and photoconductors to optimize their electrooptical characteristics. Conditions were determined under which maximum sensitivity of structures with modulation of transmitted and re- flected light is achieved, and in particular, attention was paid to the impor~ance of matching the impedances of the layers of liquid crystal and photoconductc~r with regard to featuses of modulation characteristics of liquid crystals. 2. A record value was achieved for aensitivity of a liquid-crystal-photoconductor structure, on the order of 0.1 microJoule/cm2, which corresponda to the maximum depth of modulation of transmitted light. For structures with modulation of reflected light, sensitivity was obtained according to similar criterion which exceeds the value of 10 5 J/cm2. Threshold sensitivity of structures in both cases was about 5� 10-8 J/cm2. 3. Holagraphic and projection techniques were suggested for measuring resolution of FP-ZhK [photoconductor - liquid cryst~l] atructures that allow obtaining com- plete spatial-frequency characteristics of amplitude and phase modulations of light in photoconductor-liquid-crystal structures. There was a g~od match of results obtained by both techniques. In atructures based on the hybrid effect, resolution reaches the value of 46 linea/mm over a half-drop of the frequency- contrast response. In structures with the S-effect, resolution according to the same criterion reaches the value of 115-120 lines/mm. = 4. The anisotropic nature of reaolution of devices based on orientation effects _ in liquid crys~als, mentioned in chapter 2, and the reaolution dependency on the parameters of the liquid crystal materials were confirmed. In structures with a ~ small value of dielectric anisotropy of liquid crystal, resolution of over 200 - lines/mm was obtained over a half-drop in the frequency-contrast response. 5. Measured for the first time were ~he spatial transient characteristics of photosensitive liquid-crystal structures, which were used to calculate the spatial- - frequency responses of a structure with the S-effect. It was shown that the scattering function (pulae response) of the atructure has a symmetrical shape; r.onsequently, there are nc:~ spatial phase-frequency distortions in the images - t:~ansformed by the structure. Chapter 5. Optically Controllable ZYansparencies Based on Photoconductor-Liquid- Crystal Structures in Optical Signal Conversion and Proceasing Circuita Despit:e the broad functional capabilities of optically controllable transparenciea [OCT] noted in the review, until now photoconductor-liquid-cryatal [PC-LC] 68 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON1,Y structures have been used in optoelectronic circuits mainly juat to amplify bright- ness and transform imagea by type of radiation (for example, from noncoherent to coherent) [3, 4, 11]. The moat significant achievements in this case are the input of images of moving three-dimensional objects into the circuit of a holo- graphic correlator, and an optical device for aubtraction of images by using two PC-LC type OCT's [11]. Given in this chapter are the results of experimental reaearch on the functional capabilities of PC-LC type OCT models in circuits for optical processing of signals and images. The main focus is on using theae structures as reconfigurable epatial filters, including the holographic type. The problem of analyais of the capabili- ties of these circuits has also been raised with regard to parametera of the PC-LC structures atudied in this work. 5.1. Conversion and Amplification of Brightness of Images To evaluate the capabilities of performing varioua conversiona of optical signals by using the researched models of PC-LC structures, an experimental model of an optical converaion module was used. A diagram of this module is shown in fig. 39. f . ~ ~ / I ~ ~ B Z ~ S /4 , ~ 6 7 � I ~a) 9 ~ l! ; Fig. 39. Diagram (a) and external view (b) of optical module for conversion and amplification of images with the photoconductor - liquid-crystal atructure Key: 1. optfcally controllable transparency 8. noncoherent light source 2- 6, lenses 9. microlens 4. Glan-Thompsor~ prism 10. spectral plane 5. output plane 11. laser 7. input signal , - When various types of structures and various readout methods are used, this con- verter can perform the following operations: 1) conversion of noncoherent optical signals (images) into coherent; 2) canversion of images by changing the length of the wave'carrying the in~fo.rmation of the light beam; 3) amplification of the orightness of images in the blue-green region of the spectrum; 4) conversion of amplitudinal into phasal contrasts; and 5) generation of the spatial spectra of the images being converted. 69 - FOR OFFIC[AL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540060066-8 HOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y : ~ i : ~ ~ . � ~ ' ti ;.i ~ ~ (a) . (b). (c) (d)~ Fig. 40. Images of Output Plane of Converter in Different Modes a. conversion of image by wavelength with inversion b. without inversion of contrast in structure number two c. amplification of brightness of image in structure number four with hybrid effect (recording 50 microwatts/cm2, reading 7 mW/cm2) d. recording in noncoherent light of images in structure number four with reading by radiation of an He-Ne laser The different modes of converter operation are demonstrated as an example in fig. 40. Fig. 40 a and b show conversion of images by wavelength with and without inversion of contrast in structure with the S-effect. Fig. 40 c and d show the result of amplification of the brightneas of the images on one wavelength (441.6 nm) and conversion of the imagea by type of radiation (noncoherent-coherent) in structures with the hybrid effect.~ The contrast in the converted images in fig. 40 a and b is 15:1, and in fig. 40 c and d, it is over 100:1. Tolerable image brightness amplification ia determined by absorption of light in the blocicing layer of cadmium telluride and may reach 30 dB (a thousand-fold in intensity) for structure number four. Structure number two based on the S-effect was used in the circuit for conversion of amplitudinal into phasal contraet and generation of the spatial apectrum. Uaed as the input signal was a diapositive (f ig. 41a) with an image of a chessboard, which matches the modified Walsh functian Wal (15,15) (see section 3.1). By means of the structure with the S-effect, thia amplitudinal aignal is converted into a signal with phase modulation, equal to the corresponding unmodified (true) Walsh function, since the reading light, reflec:ted from the illuminated regions of the optically controllable transparency, acqUirea an additional phase shift by~f1'~ Shown in fig. 41c is the spec~rum of derived Walsh function Wal~(15, 15), generated by lens 2 in spectral plane 10 of the optical circuit of the device when the information is read by the radiation of an He-Ne laser. Proof of the truth of the Walsh function is the absence of a zero component in the center of the epectral distribution of the intensities. This~indicates the mean value of transmittance of the optically controllable transparency is zero in this mode. Conversion of the amplitudinal spatial into phasal modulation was also performed by using the PC-LC structure number three with the hybrid effect. The source sig- nal in the form of the Wal (7, 7) function, the image of the working plane of the converter and the spectrum of the Wal functions (7, 7) derived as a result of this operation are shown in fig. 41d-f. 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (b) � (c) (d~) , (e) (f ) Fig. 41. Conversion of the amplitude into the phase contrast in a structure on the basis of the S-effect a. image of input signal b. output plane of converter ~ c. image of spectrum of converted signal d-f. same, for a structure on the basia of the hybrid effect Thus, the operation of PC-LC structures as effective multifunctional image con- verters has been demonstrated. Experiment reaults ahowed that the maximum sensi- tivity and spatial resolution are achieved in image converters based on PC-LC structures with the S-effect. By slight variation of the supply voltage in these same structures, changing the mode of repetition for inversion of the image con- trast is realized most effectively. However, the higheat contrast and dynamic range of conversion are achieved in structurea based on the hybrid effect in liquid _ crystals. In connection with this, it is advisable to use atructures with the S-effect to intensify images with low initial intensity, as we11 as in conversions of images and spatial filters with phase modulation of reflected and transmitted light. Structures with the hybrid effect, however, require hi~her intensities of the input optical signals. But because of the threshold characteristic and high contrast of the electrooptical response, these structurea permit obtaining high signal-to-noise ratios in the converted images. 5.2. Spatial Filtration of Optical Signals Many of the major algorithms for optical information procesaing reduce to apatial filtration operations (see section 1.3). The expeditious gen~ration of the optical transfer function of the f ilter that is required in this case can be performed by , using PC-LC structures [5, 6]. Thus, for example, the operation of a PC-LC struc- ture with modulation of the transmitted light (see sec tions 4.1-4.3) as a tuneable , 71 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY spatial filter (PF) in the simplest circuit for optical information processing was studied. Ar � 9 I /O 6 - H!-Nt � � � ~ Z J ~ S B Fig. 42. Optical train f.or visualization of phase contraet ~ Key: 1. He-Ne laser 8. screen 2. telescopic system 9. argon alaer 3. phase object 10. mirror 4-6. lenses 11. tuneable filter 7. dielectric mirror An experimental train for spatial f iltration is shown in fig. 42 and is intended for visualization of phase contrast. The beam from laser 1 was expanded and col- limated by telescopic system 2 and illuminated phase object 3, arranged in the front focal plane of lena 4. The distribution of the complex amplitudes in its rear focal plane, where the tuneable filter is positioned, is a Fourier spectrum of the function of the complex transmittance of phase object 3. Under the effect of the exciting radiation from argon laser 9~tith a wavelength of 514.5 nm, focused by lens 6, in the tuneable filter there occurred a shift by n/2 of the phase of the modulated light in the region of zero spatial frequencies of the _ phase object spectrum. Lens 5 effected an inverse Fourier transform, and in output ~ plane 8, an image of the phase object was observed in which the nonuniformities of ^ the phase changed into the nonuniformities of intensity [71, 77]. The voltage in the PC-LC structure was selected so that the amplitude contrast of the image in the output plane was maximum. ~ , Used as the phase object in the experiment was a quartz base with a film of tin dioxide, in which grooves with a width of about 50 micrometers (see section 2.1) were etched by the method of photolithography. Used as the tuneable f ilter was a structure with a photoconducting layer of cadmium aulfide (number four from table 1) and with a planarly oriented layer of liquid cryatal number one (see table 2) with a thicl:ness of 10 micrometers. A picture of the vizualized phase object is shown in fig. 43a [not reproduced]. For comparison, f ig. 43b ahows the image of the output plane of the optical train FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540060066-8 FOR OFFI('IAI. U~M: ONI.Y with no exciting radiation, and fig. 43c [not reproduced] ahows the image of the ~ same phase object viauali2ed by using a Foucault cutter installed in the frequency plane instead of the tuneable filter. Thus, the capability of. using PC-LC atructures as tuneable spatial filters has been demonstrated, particularly in a train for visualization of the phase contrast. The optoelectronic circuit in question can easily be retuned to implement any type of spatial filtration by feeding an appropriate control optical signal to the tune- able filter. Thus, for example, a Hilbert transform can be obtained provided the complex tranamittance of the tuneable filter equals h' Ux~ fy) s8n Ux) S8n Uv)� (5.1) Thie means that when the exciting radiation is ewitched on and off in the first and third quadranta of the spectral plane in the output plane of the circuit, either an image of the source spatial signal or its Hilbert transform .(see aection 3.2) will be generated. This circuit permits using for recognition of an image at the same time its Fourier and Hilbert transforms, thanks to which in certain casea, recognition efficiency is increased considerably [77]. A similar circuit was used in [40, 42] to generate a(Van der Luegt) matched filter. 5.3. Holographic Correlator with Converter of Input Images and Tuneable Spatial Filter Based on Photoconductor - Liquid-Crystal Structures Correlation comparison of input signals is a powerful method of procesaing optical signals to detect and identify objects in images [39, 71]. A major problem in de- veloping coherent optical correlators is expeditious input of information, as well as retuning of holographic matched filters when reference signals change (see chapter 1). Both these problems were solved in this work by using optically con- trollable transparencies based on PC-LC strructures, distinguished by rather high sensitivity and fine resolution (aee chapter 4). . Simplest and most convenient from the viewpoint of usfng reflective-type optically controllable transparenciea [OCT] ia the holographic correlator circuit with com- ~ bined conversion of the input and reference signal (KSP) [41, 42]. An experimental - circuit of this correlator is shown in in fig. 44. In it, noncoherent light source 1 illuminated photofilm 2 with two images recorded on it that are the optical aig- nals being compared, designated by f(x, y) and g(x, y), where x and y are the spatial coordinates in the plane of trasnparency 2. Lens 3 generated an image of the input transparency in the plane of the photoconducting layer of the OCT 4, which was used in the mode of a converter of input signals by type of radiat,ion (noncoherent-coherent). Used as the model of transparency 4 was PC-LC structure number three with the hyb~~rid effect. Information from input converter 4 was read in the reflected con- . vergent beam of the He-Cd laser, generated by telescopic syatem 6. OCT 4 was made with prism 7 in the form of an optical module (fig. 39). i ~ In the focal plane of the optical reading system, where tuneable spatial filter 5 was placed, the spatial spectrum of the converted input signal was generated. 73 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY ~ � ~ ~~i ~ 0 0 X X B ~ ~ z ~ s ~ 1 S ~ ~ ~ 6 i~ , ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ' r~ ~ ~ ~P~ ~ ~ Rz /p ~ 6 I 10 9 ~ ~ / . ~ 1 J/ 'b . V / D = a Fig. 44. Diagram of holographic correlator with optically controllable transparency on the basis of photoconductor - liquid-crystal structures in the input and apectral planes Ke~~ : 1. noncohe~rent light source 6. telescopic system 2. transparency with input signal 7. Glan-Thompeon prism 3. lens 8. lasers 4. optically controllable 9. output plane transparency with the hybrid 10. optically controllable traneparency effect power supply generator 5. optically controllable transpar- ency with the S-effect Used as filter 5 was PC-LC structure number one based on the S-effect. The electro- optical responae ~f filter 5 is proportional to the distribution of intensities in the spectrum of the input eignal. Thus, recorded in the plane of OCT 5 is a holo- gram that is read in the reflected convergent beam of red light (radiation of the He-Ne laser). The distribution of amplitudes in focal plane 9 of the read circuit contains components proportional to the functions of autocorrelation and cross- correlation of signals f and g[41, 42]. Major characteristics of the correlator are resolution of the iT~put transparency and spatial f ilter. Requirements for filter resolution are usually evaluated pro- ceeding from the conditions of spatial division in the output plane of the circuit of signals of autocorrelation and crosa-correlation [41, 42]. It has been shown [43] that the required resolution of the material of the filter, evaluated by the maximum spatial frequency ~ID~ of the light field recorded in the hologram, is no FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY higher in the circuit for the traditional (Van der Luegt) correlator (fig. 3) than in the KSP [correlator with combined conversion] circuit. It is evident that the value of ~~ma:, equals the halfwidth of the filter transfer function [41, 43] ~maz A/7~1F1~ where A is the full width of the input signal, ~ 1 is the wavelength of the light generating the hc~logram, and F1 is,the focal distance. However, because of aper- ture limitations of real OCT's, their resolution should be described not by the maximum spatial frequency, but by the total number of resolvable elements: NF = 2~~~,1F1/S 2A/S = 2N~, ~~~3~ where d is the aize of the minimum resolvable element of the input signals and NA is the total number of resolvable elements of the input signal (at length A). Table 5 shows the basic calculated relations asaociating the dimensions Wf and Wg of signals f and g respectively with the required number of resolvable filter eIe- ments (in the unidimensional case) for the (Van der Luegt) and KSP schemes. Since in the recording scheme for the (Van der Luegt) filter there is a point reference source R, the useful dimension of the input converter here equals W = max {Ws; W!} (5.4) (let us designate the corresponding number of resolvable elements of the input converter by NW). In a KOG [expansion unknown] scheme, the usef ul dimension of the OCT always equals the full width of the signal A(with regard to the required interval between the signals f and g). Therefore, the required number of resolvable filter elements NF in the KSP scheme is just twice the total number of elements in the input con- verter in any relations between Wf and Wg. But in the (Van der Luegt) echeme, the value of NF inay range from 2 NW to 6 NW as a f unction of the relationship between the dimensions Wf and Wg (see table 5). From the viewpoint of information theory, ~ this doubled number of resolvable elements (i.e. quantity of information) in the filter compared to the input signal is due to the necessity of transfer by the fil- ter of both the positive and the negative frequencies in the spectrum of the input signal [41]. . The found relation (5.3) between the values NA and NF permits using single-type OCT's in the input and frequency planes in the acheme, and the usable area of the filter can be increased by increasing the scale of the input signal spectrum. Thus, for example, in the experiment, the dimenaion W of the input signal in plane 75 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540060066-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONt.Y Table 5. Requirements for maximum epatial frequency and total number of reaolv- _ elements NF of apatial filtere for two holographic correlator schemes Dimensions of Amplitude of light in input input plane Scheme signals f and g Recording Restoration ~ ~ ~ ~ W=maz{W ;W } i(x)=8~z)-I-b(z-z~ ( Van der Luegt e ~ x1= i,SWg W1 ` y- ~~z~ . 9 'P ~ f yPt_WB=W o r~ s ~ a s w 1w i ~ ` 9~ f ~a~4Wf�_ w o w,r~ Z. o s w ` . i 9 R f K1CWS~w a s~~ _ . . p r Comb ined i~y) - f(x sY) i(x) = b(x) 'F' B ~5 - xs) conversion sz = (Wg YVf)~4-}-W/2 correlator ~ f 9 ` W ~W R . t Q -at O r1 s W o s ~ ~ f ~g ~ W' = W -rt O r1 r W W ~ o r 1 j ~ f ~ R W~ ~ Wg ~ W -tl O sr : r w w o r Note. Symbols 4d and * denote the operations of convolution and correlation reapec- tively. . 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL U'.3E ONLY ~ [Continuation of table 5] Width of recorded Fulse responae of Amplitude of light in Number of resolvable eignal A filter correlation plane elements of filter ~ f ~ ~~m = Al~iFi) 8 ~2)*8 ~z) + a ~z) I ~x)'~ ~ ~x)~ I8 ~y)*8.~s)) Np = ~m X 2W8 K'~ -F 8~z - xi) B'~` y-I- si) -I- B~y)~ t~y - xl) X 7L~F~/d . B ~x)* (x si) 3ti' 't~ 6~rr r~ r %t'~ O .r~ ,r 6YI'/b=6Np, � f!? _ -r~ O s~ m -r o s 2N~jb=2NR, 1W ~ ~ J!? � 2W -Isl O 1ss r s~ O s~ r 4H'~a�~W 1 ZW I~'g iT't W b ~y) -I- 1 ~x)*/ ~z) "I" 8 ~z) -~-1 ~s)*1 -F B ~x)* ~n,~1Fil b ~ -I- 8 8 ~z) -F *e ~i) -I- 8 ~Z)*1 ~t - 2zs) -f- = 2A/8 -E' B ~x)*l ~y - 2xz) '-F l ~y)'~'B ~z ~s) -f-1(x)*B (x 2z,) � 3W BW/b - 2N 1ss O Iss s 'Itt O Zs2 s a~ 6k, 6W 2jV -s, O s~ s -IsS O 2s1 s 4w~a = 2NA 1~r lw 21t. � ?rs O 1sr ,r Irt O Irj s 4W ~b ~~A 1!? 1!? Note. Symbols ~ and * denote convolution and correlation operations reepectively. 77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500060066-8 FOR OFFI('IAL USE ONI.Y 4 was about 1 mm, while the distance F1 was about 400 mm. As a result, the value _ of ~ma= was just about 17 lines/mm, which is far less than the maximum resolu- tion of structure :.umber one and indicates the poesibility of increasing the dimen- aion of the input signal. Let us note that the total number of resolvable elemente in a line of an image generated by the PC-LC structure number one (filter) can be over 2000. This same value for structure number three (input converter) is about 1000 which meets the requirements of matching, formula (5.3). ~ . ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ' ~ � , ` 'r ~~j b c Fig. 4.~. Correlation comparison of two aignals a. image of input aignals, converted by using an optically controllable trans- - parency b. image of spectral plane of correlator c. images of correlation plane with two signals of cross-correl.ation (left and right) of input images rig. 45 demonstrates the operation of the optoelectronic holographic correlator. Fig. 45a shows the image of input::signals, converted by ueing OCT 4. Fig. 45b shows the image of the spectral plane of the correlator. It can be seen in fig. 45c that when a signal in the form of exciting light appears in the input plane, a hologram is generated in plane 5, and obaerved in the scheme output plane are two eccentric aignals proportional to the function of croes correlation of the images being studied. The ratio of intensities of the peak of the autocorrelation function to its eide lobes was not lesa than 10:1 for identical letters and about 1.5:1 for different letters (X and 0). A major advantage of the correlator scheme described is tha~ it maintains its operating capability during the effect of brief inechanical diaturbances, like shaking, jolta, etc. This is due to the absence of long-term atora3e and.the - effects of storage in the filter material aseociated with it. As a result, mechan- ical disturbances affecting the circuit during generation of the hologram do not 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFHI('IAI, IiSE ONLY cause irrever~ible damage to the filter being recorded. In experiments, the time for restoration of diffraction effectiveness af ter remo~val of the mechnical dis- turbance matched in value the structure response time (about 20-40 ms). 5.4. Spectral Analysis and Correlation Comparison of Television Images Television (TV) systems are one of the most effective and widespread means of .sens- ing, transmitting and reproducting images. Combining TV and cahesent optical information processing methods permits creating hybrid systems for expeditious pro- cessing of signals and images with extremely broad functional capabilities [4, 48]. - In connection with this, in this section, the possibility is investigated of using PC-LC structures as devices for input and spatial filters in coherent optical schemes for processing TV images. The holographic correlator scheme shown in f ig. 44 can easily be adapte~l to process TV images if slide 2'is replaced by input signals from a cathode ray tube [CRT]. However, difficulties do occur in using this scheme, that are associated with the need of using blue light for reading information from input converter 4. Also, the lack of a blue-absorbing layer of cadmium telluride (see section 4.4) in the PC-LC strcutures used reduces the dynamic range of input converter 4 and the diffraction effectiveness of filter 5. Because of this, new schemes were proposed xn which this difficulty was overcome by using the capabilities of televiaion technology. Z ~ ~ . ~ � He- Ne /7 >S O ~B S 6 ~ . ~ B L 10 ~ = O ~B /1 ~6 1! ~ ~B f~ _ Fig. 46. Experimental scheme for correlator of TV images with one optically controllaUle transparency Key: 1. slide with input signals 8. Glan prism 2, 11. transmitting telecameras 9. telescope 3, summer 1C, 13. beam splitters 4. teleprojector 12, 14. diaphragms 5, 16. lenses 15. screen - 6. PC-LC controllable transpr~rency 17. mirrors 7. laser 18. video monitor units FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY In the scheme shown in fig. 46, the same model number five of the PC-LC structure was used as the input converter and apatial filter. This scheme wes also the h~lographic correlator with combined conversion of the iamges, the correlation of which it is neccessary to determine (see section 5.3). The source image 1(slide), containing the reference signal f(x, y) and that Lo eb identified g(x, y), wa~? sensed by television camera 2 and sent through su.^~mer 3 to the input of television projector 4. From the screen of the projection CRT, type 13 LK 11 B, the iamge was ~ projected by lena 5 onto ~he photoconductor layer of optically controllable trans- parency [OCT] 6. The converted image was read by radiation from laser 7. Glan priam 8 was used as the polarizer and analyzer in the reading scheme. Telescopic system 9 generated a converging reading beam, part of which was reflected from semitransparent mirror 10 and focused in the plane af the photo- cathode of television camera 11. Since there muet be space between signals f and g to separate the correlation aignals in apace (aee section 5.3), part of the useful area fo the frame and the OCT remain free. Installed behind mirr~r 10 was diaphragm 12 that passes only the xeading light reflected from the OCT.sections occupied by input sionals. Thus, television camera 11 sensed the combined apatial spectrum of signals f and g, which permitted using the scheme in the mode of a epectrum analyzer. The signal from television camera 11 went to the second input of the summer. As a result, the image fo the combined spectrum (hologram) was projected from.the CRT screen' to the free section of the photoconductor layer, in the space between aignals f and g, which was sued as a tuneable holographic filter. The light reflected from this section was isolated by mirror 13 a:td di~phragm ].4 and focused in the plane of screen 15. Here a Fourier tranaform wae generated of the transmiseion function of the filter that containe componente proprotional to~the functiona of autocorrela- tion (in the center of the fi~ld) and of crosa-correlation (on the aides) of the signals f and g. On this same screen, lena 16 gen.~~zated a check image of the OCT working area. - The arrangement of the spatial spectrum between the input signnls imposea limits on the maximum number of resolvable e~ements in signals f and g and on their - relative position. Frorn table 4, it is easy to find the relations between the _ dimPnsions W of the input signals (let us assume Wf=Wg=W) and the minimum aize of a resolvable element ~ in them in the final size $ of the minimum element in the i.mage projected from the CRT screen. The relation between the number of reaolvable " ele~ents of the input plane and the filter in this case can be notaced as (2 W B)/A = 0,5 B/8, where B is the width o� the space betwe~n aignals f and g. Then A = 28 (4 2W/B). _ Thus, the value of 0 uariea fzom 2 S when W/B 0 to 6 S when W-B (B cap not be less ~han W from the condition of s~atial separation of correlation signals in the output plane). Thia means that in the scheme under consideration, the CRT resolution in the sections occupied by input aignals cannot be fully utilized. d0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Thia shortcoming can be overcome by using different OCT's ae the input converter and filter (see section 5.3) or when an OCT with a resolution margin ia used, by projecting the images of input signals and the filter from different CRT~s. Used as input signals i.n the experiments were alides with an image of machine- printed letters with a size relation of B= 2W. With that, 0= 4$ , which is entirely suff icient for accurate reproduction of the letters. The images of the input and correlation signals, as well as the spectra obtained from the screens of , the video m~~nitor units are ahown in fig. 47. The signal-to-noise ratio in the correlation plane did not exceed 5:1 with an estimated ratio of the correlation function peak to eide lobe intenaity of about 10:1. Thia is due primarily to the increase in noise and distortion of the signal when it passes doubly through the TV system. ~ ~ ~ ~ (a) (b) (c) Fig. 47. Images from screens of video monitor units in the scheme with one optically controllable transparency [OCT] a. input signals b. image of OCT plane c. correlation plane The numbers designate the signal ordinal number 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key: 1, slide with input signals io "L, 7, 8. transmitting telecameras ~s ,V =f 3, 5. teleprojectors ~1 ~ ~ 4, 6. PC-LC OCT's 9. S1 oscillograph 10. LG-38 laser s 11. telescope B 9 ~ i,~ 12. lenses O O/~ O O 13. video monitor units 14. beam splitter . 15. OCT power supply generator Z iZ .r Fig. 48. Correlator scheme with two CRT's and OCT's Higher capacity was achieved in the correlator scheme shown in fig. 48. In it, the . input signals and filter were gen~rated in different experimental OCT models (5 and 6) the screens of two different CRT's (3 and 5). However, information in both OCT's was read by the radiation from the same LG-38 He-Ne laser 1. Input converter 4 operated in the mode of amplitude (image from teleprcjector 3) to phase contrast ~ conversion, since binary maeks based on M-series [7, 8, 54] with known correlation properties were used as test input signals 1 in the scheme. The OCT 4 operating ~ mode was selected so that the mean value of transmission was reduced to the minimum, to whi,ch corresponds the minimum intensity of light in the region of zero spatial frequencies of the spectrum of the generated signal. This intensity was measured by photodetector 14. The hologram filter was generated in the plane of the photo of television camera 7 by the radiation reflected from the plane of OCT 4. From camera 7, the signal went to the second teleprojector S with a ZLK2B CRT and from its screen was p~ojected to the OCT-filter 6, similar to transparency 4. The camera 8 photo cathode was placed in the correlation plane, and the signal frpm it went to the input of the S1-57 oscillogr$ph 9.with a line signal separator, which allowed measuring the correlation maximum m and side lobe I8 intensity ratio. The test signals 1 had 32 x 32 elements and were a two-dimensional recording of the - M-series with a length of 1023 elements (with the addition of one element). The calculated ratio of Im/Ig ex~ceeds 103 [78]. ' In the experiment, the correlation maximum exceeded noise by about 48. With that, OCT Noise was about 0.3 percent of the correlation maximum, while the telecamera noise was not over 0.1 percent according to the same criterion. At the same time, attenuation of the zero spatial frequency in the spectrum of `he input signal was about 12G. Consequently, the main source of degradation of the correlation maximum was concentrated in the aberations (raster distortions), which in the first tele- projector 3 reached 7.5 percent over the area of the input signal (corresponding to - over. a 20-fold degradation [79]). 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Thus, the capability of correlation comparison of TV signals in optoelectronic circuits with PC-LC OCT's was demonstrated. The proposed and studied schemes for converting TV images can also be used to perform other spatial filtration opera- tions, for instance, picking out object contours, increasing the contrast of major or minor details and others. With that, the lack of phase-frequency distortione in the spatial structure of the converted wave fronts is very important (see section 4.5). Also, the phase nonuniformities, unavoidable in other types of OCT's, can be reduced to the minimum with good processing of the surfaces orienting the liquid crystals [9]. The results presented above can be eummarized as follows. 1. The capability of effective uae of OCT~s based on the PC-LC etructure as multifunctional image converters has been demonstrated experimentally. With that, over 100-fold intensification of the brightneas of the converted images was achieved. Calculations ahowed that the intensification factor can be extended to - several thousanda. Contrast of the images converted by the PGLC structure with the hybrid Effect exceeded 100:1. A structure based on the S-effect permits ea~y switching from the mode of repetition of the contrast to inversion and back. The capability of converting amplitude spatial modulation to phase by using atruc- ~ tures based on the hybrid and S-effects was demonstrated. 2. PC-LC structures were used f or the first time as tuneable spatial filters in a coherent optical device for visualization of phase contrast and in a promising cor- relator scheme with c~mbined conversion of the input and reference signals, in which the PC-LC structure was also uaed as the input converter. Analysis of holo- graphic correlator schemes ahowe that the total required number of reaolvable ele- ments of the filter in a scheme with a generalized hologram is just double the num- ber of. elements in the input plane. Thia permits using single-type OCT's in the input and spectral planes of auch a acheme. 3. The possibilities were studied for using PC-LC atructures as devicea for input and a spatial filter in the holographic correlator scheme with combined conversion of television images. A new correlator scheme that uses one OCT was proposed and studied. It was ahown that degradation of the correlation maximum in this scheme was due primarily to raster distortions in the TV eystem. 4. It was shown that the PC-LC structure enables the capability of normal operation of a holographic acheme with a spatial filter under the conditions of inechanical disturbances. This important a3vantage, caused by the nature of storage in the structure investigated, is realized most fully in the correlator scheme selected. . Conclusions The main results of this work are summarized as follows. l. The behavior of nematic liquid crystals in nonuniform electrical fields has been studied theoretically and experimentally for the firet time. Confirmed experi- mentally was the hypothesis on the lack of a threahold of the electrooptical responae in tl:~ ~lanarly oriented layera o� nematic liquid cryetals with poaitive 83 ~ F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY dielectric anisotropy with a component of the electrical field along the initial direction of molecular orientation. 2. The anisotropic nature of the spatial distribution of the electrical response of the planarly orientec liquid-crystal layers was established, and the dependence - of the resolution of the liquid-crystal layer on ita parametera was investigated. It was shown that resolution increasea ~onsiderably with the decrease in dielectric anistropy of the liquid crystal. 3. The dependence of the electrooptical characteriatics of photosensitive liquid- crystal - semiconductor structures on the structure material parameters was studied theoretically and experimentally. The important role of matching irnpedances of the layers of photoconductor and liquid crystal was shown for attaining maximum sensi- - tivity. As a result of structure optimization, a record value of sensitivity, about 0.1 microJoule/cm2 (with maximum depth of am~plitude modulation of the light) and resolution of mo~e than 120 lines/mm were achieved. 4. Holographic and projection techniques were offered to measure PC-LC structural resolution, which permit obtaining together the total spatial-frequency character- istics of the phase ligh~ modulation in these structures. As a result of these measurements, it was shown that the acattering function (pulse response) of these structures has a symmetrical shape, indicating the lack of phase-frequency distor- : tions in the wave fronts converted by the structures. 5. Based on analysis of results of research on the electrooptical properties of ; planarly oriented layers of nematic liquid crystals, the method of addressing of ~ the matrix light modulator, which reproduces~with high accuracy the binary sign- ~ variable factorable transmiasion factors (two-dimensional Walsh functions, the Hilbert "phase cutter," pseudorandom signals and others), was proposed and i realized in experiments for the first time. r Optical schemes with matrix-addreasable phase tranaparencies, that realize Walsh ~ and Hilbert transforms, were propoaed and researched theoretically ar.d experimentally for the first time. 6. Demonstrated experimentally was the capability of using effectively PC-LC strcutures as multifunctional image converters, and appropriate recommendations ~ were generated for specific types of structures and forms of conversion. a ~ 7. Demonstrated experimentally for the first time was the capability of using PC-LC strcutsres with phase light modulation as tuneable spatial f ilters in a scheme for visualization of phase contrast and in the promising scheme for a holographic correlator with combined conversion of the input and reference signals. Analysis of the correlator scheme selected showed the expediency of using single-type OCT's in the input and spectral planes of this scheme. Correlation comparison of tele- vision images was also performed in it in real time. Thus, as a result of research carried out, the effectiveness of spatial light modulation in electrically and optically addressable liquid-cryatal structures wae demonstrated. The promise of nematic liquid crystals as for electrically and optically controllable transparenciea--image cnnverters, spatial filters and coding elements--wa3 demonetrated. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In many practically important schemes for optical inform~tion processing, trans- parencies based on liquid crystlas have a number of indisputable advantages over other types of controllable transparencies. Primarily, these advantagea are: high sensitivity and effectiveness of light conversion with small supply voltages and powers, relatively high resolution and the lack of phase-frequency distortiona in the converted optical signals. It has been shown that the advantages of liquid- crystal controllable transparencies are especially clearly manifested when they are used as spatial filters and coding elements. In the process, processing rates correponding to the television standard are easily achieved. The research performed lays the required foundation for formulating experimental design work to develop electrically and optically controllable transparencies to use them in real optical information processing aystems. Based on the liqui~- crystal strcutures investigated, spatial light modulators can be developed with the following parameters: more than 108 resolvable elements (for OCT's); .threshold sensitivity reo worse than 10-8 J/cm2 (for OCT~s) with maximum amplitude modulation no worse than 10 5 J/cm2; response time no more than 20 ms, and full cycle time no more than 30 ms; amplitude contrast no worse than 150; - depth of phase modulation to 2 or more; and dynamic range of intensification of image briqhtness (f or OCT's) no less than 30 dB. In each specific information rpocessing scheme, the highest efficiency of operation of these controllable transparencies can 1~e achieved by selecting optimal parameters of liquid crystals applied and the type of electrooptical effect in them best meet scheme requirements. In doing so, a parameter group can even be improved by reducing the requirements for annther group. Thus, for example, PC-LC atrcutural sensitivity can be increased by reducing resolution, and effective contrast inver- sion is achieved by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio. us note that only the first steps have been made in terms of using liquid- crystal ~tructures in information processing schemes. Systematic research is needed on materiala and particularly on methods and schemes for information proces- sing; development of optoelectronic systems using controllable transparencies for information input, conversion and coding is required. It is no exaggeration to say that spatial light modulators based on liquid cr3~stals will play a prominent role in these systems. This work was performed in the Quantum Radiophysics Laboratory of the FIAN AN SSSR [Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences] and in the Depart- ment of Electronic Instruments, Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building. A deep expression of gratitude f or support and continual attention to th;is work is due my research supervisor, I. N. Kompanets, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences; and also to V. V. Nikitin, doctor of engineering sciences; Professor Yu. P. Pchel'nikov, doctor of engineering sciences; and Professor Yu. M. Popov, doc- tor of engineering sciences. The authors thanks V. N. Morozov, candidate of physi- cal and mathematical sciences, and P. D. Berezin for discussions on the work; L. M. Blinov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, and M. I. Barnik, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, for advice; and P. V. Vashurin, S. P. Kotova, - FOR OFFIC AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A. V. Parfenov, L. P. Savost'yanova and V. G. Chi~rinov for help on the work. The author thanks V. T. Lazareva and V. V. Titov for synthesis of liquid crystals, A. I..Zhindulis for making photosensitive layera, and R. M. Savvina and V. N. Poluboyarov for help in making the experimental models of phot~sensitive struc- tures. The author expresses his gratitude to all zhe associates at the Laboratory of Optoelectronics and other organizations that contributed to the performance of this work, and to 0. N. Vasil'yPVa and M. Ye. Rumyantaev for help in putting the ~ work in ftnal form. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Koronkevich, V. P.; Nesterikhin, Yu. Ye. and Tverdokhlev, P. Ye., AVTOMETRIYA, No 6, 1972, pp 3-7. 2. Kompanets, I. 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COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 ~ ~ 8545 CSO: 1863/37 90 ' FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.382 ELECTRICALLY CONTROLLABLE LIGHT MODULATION IN LANTHANUM MODIFIEA LEAD ZIRCONATE TITANATE CERAMICS Moscow TRUDY ORDENA LENINA FIZICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IM. P. N. LEBEDEVA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian Vol 126, 1981 (signed to press 1 Jul 81) pp 76-119 [Part 2 by I. N. Kompanets, P. N. Semochkin and A. G. Sobolev] [Excerpts] Introduction Controllable transparencies (apatial-time light modulators) are key elements in optical storage and peripheral devices, coherent optical processors and other major - assemblies in information and computing systems that are being developed. They are used for input and conversion of two-dimensional information arrays [1, 2]. The functional role of controllable transparencies (UT) [CT's] here is quite varied. Based on them, one can perform depiction of information (displays, including pro- jectional), input and output, generation and convereion of digital arrays, realiza- tion of logic operations, coding and identification of optical signals, etc. The eff iciency of applying a CZ' in systems for storage and optical processing of information is primarily determined by the properties of its operating material. In turn, selection of a material for a CT with some concrete function is governed by the aggregate of the properties of the material most suitable for a given CT application. In the process, the transparency material must meet the following basic requirements: highest efficiency in conversion of the optical signal ~ Iout~iin' Where Iin is signal intensity at input of transparency, and Iout is ~ the modulated component of the output signal) with maximum optical contrast and depth of modulation; high sensitivity to the control signal to reduce energy inputs for switching of transparency elements; a switching speed providing the needed rate for input/output and conversion of the entire array (for the majority of applica- tions, this rate must not be below the television standard: 1/30 s for 500 x 500 resolvable elements); availability of the storage effect (long-term storage requir- ing a special signal for returning the material to the initial state, or relaxation storage), i.e. the capability of maintaining tne switched-on state for the time needed to read the entire information array; absence of fatigue during the CT opera- ting period (more than 104 hours or 108-1010 switchings); adaptability to manuf ac- ture of the CT's that best incorporate the advantages af the optical media selected for them. 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Using materials in electrically controllable transparencies [ECT] intended for processing digital information dictatea the necessity of their having threshold properties or a substantially nonlinear characteristic of the switched element. This permits raising the signal-to-notse ratio and reducing the probability of falae switching of the ECT elements. This characteristic is especially important in matrix addressing of the elements by electrical voltage, since it permits reduc- ing the so-called "cross-effect" to the minimum. Matrix addressing (also called line) is effected over the minimum number of channels 2N, where ~ is the number of ECT elements that may vary from 102 to 106 as a function of its purpose. A large number of inedia have been suggested as the operating material for ECT's. A detailed analysis of them, with regard to specific applications, is given in [2]. Based on this analysis, electrooptical TsTSL [lanthanum modified lead zirconate- titanate = LMLZT] ceramics are the most promising materials for ECT's with matrix and individual addressing. Indeed, they can be used to develop high-speed (with a frequency band ~ 1 MHz) and highly efficient deives (with close to 100 percent efficiency in light aignal conversion). LMLZT ceramics are adaptable to manufacture and production costs are low (compared to monocrystals). They have satisfactory optical contrast, suffi- cient spatial resolution, a wide range of operating temperatures and a large operating aperture. They are also noted for diversity of optical effects that determines a broad range of posaible applications [3, 4]. TsTSL-ceramics is a polycryatal of lead zirconate-titanate Pb(Zr, Ti) 03, alloyed . with lanthanum. The following designation is used in the literature for ceramics as a function of their technological composition: X/A/B, where A indicates the percentage content of lead zirconate, B the percentage content of lead titanate, and X the percentage content of lanthanum. It is very important that a change in the ratios of components in ceramics causes a substantial change in their physical properties. Electrooptical ceramics are made by the ho~-molding method that has a number of substantial advantages over conventional ceramic technology. A major indicator of quality of sintered polycrystal (ceramic) materials is density, upon which the basic electrophysical paramete~s depend. In hot molding, because of the simul- taneous application of high temperature and presaure, material density increases significantly, approaching the theoretical [5]. Hot-molded specimens have a uni- , form atructure, which facilitates the best packing of crystallites [6]. Optimization of the atmospheric sintering proceae improves the transmittance of LMLZT ceramics [7]. Concluaion The main results of this work can be summed up as follows: 1. An analysis was made of the works on the study of electrooptical ceramics and their application in optoelectronic devices. We atudied the opticophysical proper- ties of LMLZT ceramics with compoaitions of 8/65/35 and 9/65/35 under quasiatatic and dynamic conditions during the effect on them of electrical and optical signals. Comparison of the results for ferroelectric ceramics with a composition of 8/6~/35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 shows that the greatest change of double refraction, equal to 2.2 � 10-3, occura in the case of the cross electrooptical effect. 2. For the edge effect, the relation of change of double refraction under the effect of an electrical field was studied for the first time, and the efficiency of electrooptical conversion was determined. The maximum doub~.e refraction change was 1.2 � 10 3 with an optical contrast of 12:1. Studied for the edge effect for the first time was the distribution of vectors of polarization in the switched regions of paraelectric and ferroelectric ceramics; it was shown that in ferro- electric ceramics, the orientation of the ferroelectric domains is the result of - the mechanical effect associated with the inverse piezo effect, while in para- - electric ceramics, the directly applied el~ctric field is responsible for the edge effect. 3. The effect of asymmetrical deformation was offered in which the double refrac- tion change was 1.4 � 10 3 with an optical contrast of 50:1; increasing the electrical field in - this case does not cause irreversible polarization of the switchable regions of - the ferroelectric ceramics. 4. Investigated for the firs~ time was the mechanism of the eff ect of a variable electrical field of small amplitude on LMLZT ferroelectric ceramics, which brings the specimen from the electrically polarized to the thermally depolarized state. Ttvo interrelated processes were considered: disorientation of the previously aligled domains of the ferroelectric ceramics and heating up of the specimen in the r.epolarization process. A satisf actory match of estimated data with experi- mental was obtained. The method of the effect of a variable electrical field per- mitted realizing optically isotropic orientatione of the ferroelectric domains, which caused an inc.rease of the optical cor.trast of the electrooptical effects to a value greater than 100:1. 5. Su~gested was~the method of creating by an electrical field an optically iso- . tropic state of the ferroelectric ceramics with a uniform 90-degree reorientation . of the ferroelectric domains to a direction perpendicular to the specimen plane which prevents irreversible polarization of the switchable regions. 6. The basic capability of making use of the cross electroooptical effect in LMLZT ceramics in matrix addressable controllable transparencies; this enabled a considerable gain in light conversion efficiency (over 50 percent) while keeping the high rate of information arr3y generation inherent to the matrix method of transparency elemen~ switching. 7. Based on the edge effect in ferroelectric ceramics, we developed and studied a model of a high-speed electrically controllable transparency with a capacity of 32 x 32 elements, that provided information array generation time of 160 micro- seconds and erasure of 100 microseconds with a voltage pulse amplitude of up *o 250 V; light conversion efficiency was 15 percent in the mode of matrix addressing of all transparency elements; optical contrast at light wavelength of 633 nm exceeded 100:1 in the wide angular range of tranaparency illumiuation of �20�. Based on paraelectric ceramics, we developed and studied a high-speed unidimensional spatial-time light modulator which is r_haracterized by light modulation efficiency FOR OFFICrAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to 100 per~ent in the modulation frequency ~:.~d to 1 MHz. The parameters of these and other experimental models of high-speed electrically controllable transparencies developed on the basis of LMLZT ceramics are given in the table. . Electrcoptical Valve Model effect Addresaing Number of dimensions, thicknese, Ceramic type used type elements microns microns without ~1~ cross individual, 64 0.2 x 0.2 100 storage digital (9/65/35) ~2J cross individual, 64 0.2 x 0.2 100 analog L3] edge special type 16 x 16 0.45 x 0.45 100 of matrix with L47 edge matrix 32 x 32 0.45 x 0.45 100 storage ~5J cross matrix 4 x 4 0.8 x~~.8 100 (8/65/35) Light con- Element Array _ version effi- switch-on generation Erase ciency (with- Control time, micro- time, micro- time, micro- Optical out consider- volta e seconds seconds Stora e seconds contrast ing reflection) [1J 450V 0.4 0.4 none 0.4 500:1 96% [2J 450V 0.4 0.4 relaxation 5-10 mins. 5:1 96% [3] 250V 0.4 0.4 none 0.4 50:1 15% [4] 250V 2 64 long-term 0.1 100:1 15% [5] 650V 2 8 long-term 0.1 100:1 8~% General conclusion: the results obtained allow drawing the conclusion that electro- optical ceramics are some o~~ the most promising materials for high-speed emplitude - and phase electrically controllable traneparencies; the research performed is the necessary basis for organizing experimental design work on ECT development to make use of them in real information processing syatems. Along with this, further study of the physical properties of polycrystal LMLZT ceramics is required. For example, there is still no atrict theoretical or analytic model of the double�refraction properties of polycrystal LMLZT ceramics that consi- ders the diffraction and scattering of light on the individual domF.ins and bound- ariea of the granules. The interrelated pyroelectric and piezoopt~cal phenomena have not been studied tehoretically and experimentally. There is no theory for the photovoltaic effect. A profound understanding of the phyaical propertiea of poly- crystal LMLZT ceramics will allow finding optimal methods for consreed~andhaenai- electrooptical properties, and raise even higher the efficiency, p tivity to the control signal of the controllable transparenciea based on them. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Needed too is further purposeful research on improving the phyeical and technologi- cal processes of making LMLZT ceramics with reliable monitoring of their composi- ti~n at all stages of preparation, which will provide the capability of fine re- producible production of specimens with properties specified in advance. In doing so, worthy of attention is the possibility of obtaining new interesting propertieg in LMLZT systema made in the planar structure by the high-frequency spraying method. ~ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Kosarev, A. I. and Sokolov, V. K., ZARUBEZHNAYA RADIOELEKTRONIKA, No 8, 1974, pp 59-80. 2. Kompanets, I. N., ZARUBEZHNAYA RADIOELEKTRONIKA, No 4, 1977, pp 46-75. 3. Lancl, C. E. and Thacher, P. D., PROC. IEEE, No 5, 1969, pp 751-768. 4. "Electrooptical Ferroelectric Ceramics, Riga, 1977 (UCHEN. ZAP. LATV. GOS. UN-TA [Scientific Notea of Latvian State University], Vol 232). 5. Keve, E. T. and Annis, A. D., FERROELECTRICS, Vol 5, 1973, pp 77-80. 6. Okazaki, K.; Igarashi, H.; Nagata, K. and Hasegawa, A, FERROELECTRICS, Vcl 7, - 1974, pp 153-155. 7. Snow, G. S., J. AMER. CERAM. SOC., Vol 57, No 6, 1974, pp 272-275. 8. 0'Bryan, H. M. and Meitzler, A. H., Jr., CERAM. BULL., Vol 51, No 5, 1972, pp 479-485. 9. Haertling, G. H. and Land, C. E., FERROELECTRICS, Vol 3, 1972, pp 269-280. 10. Jona, F. and Shirame, "Ferroelectrics Crystals," New York, McMillan, 1972, pp 4-46. 11. Dalisa, A. L. and Seymour, R.' L.., PROC. IEEE, Vol 61, No 7, 1973, pp 981-991. 12. Meitzler, A. H. and 0'Bryan, H. M., PROC. IEEE, Vol 61, No 7, 1973, pp 959-966. 13. Uchida, N. and Ikeda, J., JAP. J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 6, 1967, pp 1079-1085. 14. Anderson, L. K., FERROELECTRICS, Vol 1, 1974, pp 55-63. 15. Maldonado, J. R. and Frazer, D. B., PROC. IEEE, Vol 61, No 7, 1973, pp 975-981. 16. ELEKTRONIKA, No 14, 1973, p 3. .17. Wolfram, G., FERROELECTRICS, Vol 10, ~976, pp 39-42. 18. Land, C. E. and Thacher, P. D., in "Physics of Opto-electronics Materials," New York, Plenum Publ. Corp., 1971, p 169. ~ 19. Kirkby, C. J., OPT. COMMUN., Vol 13, No 3, 1975, pp 330-332. 20. 3ar-Chaim, N.; Seidman, A. and Wiener-Avnear, E., FERROELECTRICS, Vol 10, 1976, pp 385-388. 21. Britsyn, I. I.; Tokarev, N. V.; T~ofimov, I. B.; U1'yanov, B. V.; Fesenko, ~ Ye. G. and Shubalov, L. A., ELEKTRONIKA TEKHNIKA. SER. MATERIALY, issue 3, 1977, PP 86-88. 22. Drake, M. D., APPL. OPT., Vol 13, No 2, 1974, pp 347-352. FOR OFFICIAL USE OPILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 23. Roberts, H., APPL. OPT., Vol 11, No 2, 1972, pp 397-404. 24. Sonin~, A. S. and Vasilyevskaya, A. S., "Elektroopticheskiye kristally" [Electrooptical Crystals~, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1971, 231 pages. 25. Klimov, I. I.; Kompanets, I. N.; Levichev, A. S.; Semochkin, P. N.; Smolya, . A. V. and Sobolev, A. G., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 4, No 11, 1977, pp 2360-2366. 26. Garbuz, N. G.; Zhabotinskiy, V. A.; Kompanets, I. N.; Kostina, T. M.; ~ Semochkin, P. N.; Sobolev, A. G. and Yashin, E. M., AVTOMETRIYA, No.3, 1975, ' pp 59-67. 27. Cutchen, J. T.; Harris, J. 0.; Laguna, G. R., Jr., APPL. OPT., Vol 14, No 8, 1975, pp 1866-1873. 28. Vasil'yev, A. A., "Upravlyaemyye transparanty na oanove zhidkikh kriatallov i ikb ispol'zpvaniye v skhemakh preobrazovaniya i kodirovaniya opticheskikh signalov" [Controllable ~ansparencies Based on Liquid Cryatals and Their Use in Opticr~l Signal Conversion and Coding Schemea], dissertation candidate of physical and mathematical sciencea, Fioscow, FIAN, 1980. 29. Kompanets, I. N.; Semochkin, T. P. and Sobolev, A. G., "Controllable Z~ans- parenciea Based on Electrooptical Ceramics," in "Prostranstvenno-vremennyye modulyatory sveta" [Spatial-Time Light Modulators], Leningrad, Nauka, 1977, pp 107-113. 30. Landry, M. J. and McCarthy, A. E., A?PL. OPT., Vol 12, No 10, 1973, pp 2312-2319. 31. Klimov, I. I.; Kom~,anets, I. N.; Levichev, A. S.; Semochkin, P. N.; Smolya, A. V. and Sobolev, A. G., K~~ANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 4, No 11, 1977, pp 2360-2366. 32. Bakunova, T. I.; Kompar.eta, I. N.; Levichev, A. S.; Semochkin, P. N.; 9molya, A. V.; Soboa.ev, A. G. and Fel'dman, N. B., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 5, No 5, 1978, pp 1034-1042. 33. Okazaki, K. and Nagata, K., J. AMER. CERAM. SOC., Vol 56, No 2, 1973, ,~p 82-86. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 198] 8545 CSO: 1863/37 . 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 UDC 621.382 RESEARCH ON DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICALLY CONTROLLABLE STORAGE ELEMENTS BASED ON MULTILAYER SGMICONDUCTOR-"II~SULATOR STRUCTURES Moscow TRUDY ORDENA LENINA FIZICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IM. P. N. LEaEDEVA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian Vol 126, 1981 (eigned to presa 1 Jul 81) pp 120-156 [Part 3 by A. F. Plotnikov and V. N. Seleznev*] [Excerpts] Introduction Much attention has been paid recently to optical methods of information pFocesaing. Applying optical methode in new~generation computera wili undoubtedly have the effect of increasing their apeed and throughput and raising n~ise-immunity and reliability. The advantages of asaembliea with optical information procesaing now being proposed are bound to show up moat fully in the future with the development of computera with a substantially new organization designed for application of coherent optics. However, a number of assemblies for an optical computer, such as information input/ output units and reversible optical storage unita can also be successfully applied in modern computers in various classea for varioua purpoaes. Reversible optical storage units (ZU) with a capacity ~xceeding 108 bits and high parallelism in processing, retrieval of and acceas to any part of stored #.nforma- tion (ti 1 microaecond) may be of interest for use in modern computer equipment. , Development of this optic~l atorage unit is posaible at the current atate-of-the- art if the medium, the reveraible carrier of information, meets a number of rather severe requirements: the neceasary sensitivity to the light effect, spatial r~solution, speed, etc. [1]. In this work, we have studied the capability of reversible optical recording with MIS structures of the metal-silicon nitride-silicon oxide-silicon type - (Me - Si3 N4 - Si02 - Si), the so-called MNOS structures (metal-nitride-oxide-aemi- conductor). ~ Based on the dissertations: V. N. Seleznev, "Research on Processes of Optical Reversible Recording of Information on Multilayer Structures of Metal-Insulator- Semiconduc tor [MIS];~dissertation candidate of phyaical and mathematical sciences, Moscow, FIAN, 1975; A. F. Plotnikov, "Photoelectric Phenomena in MIS Structures," dissertation doctor of physical and mathematical sciencea, Moscow, FIAN, 1977. . FQR OFFICIAT, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464466-8 FOR OF'FIC.IAL USE ONI,Y MNOS structurea are widely applied for reversible electrical storage, have a high swicthing apeed of N 10 ~s and can store recorded information for several thousands of houre after power is disconnected [2]. The planar technology for manufacture of the structures is convenient and well developed. MNOS structurea operate at room temperatures and consequently r~quire no special vacuum low-temperature syateme. The following is required to study the capabilities of developing an optical storage unit with theae structures: 1) further study of the phyeical mechanisms determining the processes of accumulation, storage and readout of information in these structures; 2) research on the effect of light on awitching of the structurea; 3) study of parameters of teh elements in an optical etorage unit and the physical factors limiting their maximum values; and 4) development of a atructural scheme for optical atorage. This work is devoted to an examination of these questions. The experiments performed fn this work have ehown that the ener9~ of a light pulse from a semiconductor laser made with GaAs cryst~l is suffic~P~.t for simu?taneoua re- cording of an array of 103 bits of information within 10 ~s. : A structural acheme for an optical storage unit with high capacity (w 10$ bita) has now been ~?eveloped in which information ;.R recorded in binary c~de an in arrays (just ~s in holographic etorage units). Light addresaing for individual ' pages ia used in the scheme, which enables rapid access to any part of the recorded information [32]. We used a photoconductor - ferromagentic film structure to store information. ~ Using a photolayer and the need of using a magnetic field limit the apeed of this unit to the millisecond range. We examined the possibility of using the baeic ideas of this acheme to implement an optical storage unit based on MIS structures [33J. Using an MIS atructure as a storage medium permits developing a high-speed optical storage unit highly senaitive to the control light. A block diagram of the storage is ahown in fig. 41. The main components are: laser, optical addressing syatem and the storage medium. The scheme ia based on using a gas laser with minor (close to diffraction) beam divergence. Powerful argon lasers have now been developed that provide continuous radiation with a ~power to 5 W with beam divergence not over 0.5 millirad (for example, the ILA series lasera from the GDR). The light-senaitive medium is divided into individual aectione--chips--each having o~ne common control electrode. Information is coded by electrical pulses and ~ recorded only in the illuminated section of the chip. During readout, the signal being recorded is also determined only by the state of the iTluminated cell of the ~hip. Each store~ge chip is addreased by one beam that moves to another cell on thie seme chip when the def lector is switched. F4R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 FOR OFFI('IAL 1 , ~ . V~i~~A A ~ ~ B ~ 1 . ' : . ~ 6 . CDem LighL Fig. 41. Diagram of organizat.ion of a tiigh-capacity optical storage device Key: . 1. laser 5. storage card 2. deflector 6. beam aplitter of additional splitter 3. f irst splitter 7. storage cell 4~ objective 8. chip The optical addreasing system consista of a deflector and light beam aplitter focusing thP optics. The splitter is intended for parallel reference to many cells in the storage medium placed on the varioue chips. The laser b=am is aplit according to the following acheme. At each.deflector pos3.tion, the light beam ie split into 64 beams forming a matrix of 8 x 8 bean~a . Splitting i~ performed by the system of double refraction prisms made of calcite arranged in series over the beam courae. The focusSng optice generate on the carda of the storage medium 8 x 8 light cir~lea witr,~ a diameter of 6 microns equi- dietant from each other. The storage medium chips are arranged ao that one storage cell ia illuminated on each of them. = Thus, 64 bits of information can be recorded aimultaneously on a card. Beam splitters are placed be*-ween the focusing objective and storage medium to increase the capacity of each page. Thus, identical images are obtained on aeveral carda of the storage medium. However, in the general case, a different numeric code goes to each of the cards. Page capacity increases in proportion to the number of cards used. The number of storage cells in each chip equals the number of deflec- tor positions, and the total capacity of the storage device is defined as NQ = NpNgNk, where Ng is the number of atorage cells in each chip, Np is the num- ber of chips on each atorage card and IVk is the number of storage cards. FOR OFFIC[AL~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY It is easy to ahow that the capacity of one atorage card N1 can be repreeented by the expression [34] Ni = ~x, ~e~~~2,44u~,)s ~Da~f)~, where D is the aize of a side of a aquare storage card (let us aeaume that the diameter of the focusing ob,jective Dob 2D); f is the objective focal distance, ~ is the light wavelength,'j( D is the diameter of the light beam incident on the focusing objective af ter the first splitter is a numeric factor ~ 1), xib is the storage cell spacing factor within a chip (xib = b/ab and b ia the atorage cell diameter), sb is the stPp of the layout of the storage cells within a chip, xi~ is the factor for f ill~ing a atorage card with chips (xi~ = c/s~), c is the size of a _ chip side and s~ is the atep of the layout of chipe on a storage card. The given expression for capacity of a card matchea t~?e correaponding expreasio�a that defines the ::apacity of a holographic main atorage unit [35]. However, in contrast to holographic schemes for a storage unit with a fixed objec- tive diameter, the capacity of the device under coneideration increases rapidly ~ with an increase in the number of beam eplitters - N= N12k, where k is the number of beam aplitters on the path of any beam from the objective to the correaponding storage card. At the same time, itis true that the required laser power increases as well. Given in [34] is an estimate of varioua alternativea for buil-~ing a storage device according to the scheme under conaideration to optimize ~he storage device parameters. Ttte main resulte of the eatimate are ahown in the table. The data cited indicate that with an attainable laser power, it is posaible to build a storage device with a capacity exceeding 108 bits. The functional capabilitiea of the optical storage device in question correapond in many parameters to thoae of modern reversible holographic atorage devices: recording and readout of information in arrays, the fundamental capability of rapid addreasing for the different information arrays while sacnning over the structure by light, an3 recording of information with high density. At the same time, this acheme for an optical etorage device using ~IIS s~ructures has advantages too. The sensitivity of MIS structurea exceede considerably that of the ma,joriky of ho?.ographic reveraible media (1, 36]. This permits operating with information arrays of 104 bits within ur~its of microseconds, while using seriea lasers. The problems associated with development of high-speed transparencies with a capacity of 104 bits and matrices of photodetectors with the same capacity are superfluous in the echeme under consideration. ' 100 FOR OFFICIAG USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 FOR O~'FICiAL USE ONLY 2 3 (4) (5) (6) i7) ~ (9) (10)(11)(12)(13) N I N I D M' I~' I N~, bs'r I Ne~ ba'r I N 6ar I n~ ' I 9r b~ I n~ ( c~ I~oc k p ~a crp~ 6xr/~s rxr n[ 64 256 19S 3~8 3.i�!U7 3.3�!Oo 3,6�iC~ 2.4�10~ 0~65 !0 14 3.S 5.2 256 64 78 308 ~i,2~lOB 3.3�!09 !.6�!0~ !.4�l0~~ !.!5 13 !9 5 7 512 !6 k~i 194 i,i�!Oe 5.4�108 8,2�!03 !.!�10~ O.i2 15 21 5.5 7.8 2(~48 4 2i !45 2,6�iCb 5.4.iCe 8,2�!09 0.73�109 !.1 i8 26 8.7 9�5 4C98 S 15 86 8.8�~C~ 2,5�f(t~ 4.!�10~ 0,61�10~ 0.84 20 28 7.3 i0 Key : 1. Nk [number of storage carda] 8. n[recording denaity], in bits/mm2 2. Np [number of chipa on each 9. P1 [laser power], ir~ W atorage card] 10. b[atorage cell diameter], in 3. Dob[focusing objective diameter], microna in mm 11. eb [storage cell layout etep within 4. f[objective focal distance], a chip], in microns in mm 12. c[aize of a chip side], in mm 5. N1 [capacity of one storage 13. a~ [chip layout step on a card], card], in bits in mm 6. N~ [capacity of storage device], in bits 7. NpBge [number of bits on one page] The shortcomings of thia storage device are the high requirementa for precision of execution of the individual elements and the adjustment of them. In the suggested storage device, a certain amount of electrical power also has to used to write, read and erase information, in addition to the light energy def ined above. It follows from the physics of the phenomenon that the highest emount of electricity hae to be used in writing and erasing information when the capacitance of the insulation layer has to be charged practically to the peak of the voltage recording pulse. The electricity atored in the procesa, accounted for by a unit of structural surface area, equals ~ 01 =.~CiV2~ where C, is the capacitance of a square centimeter of the insulation layer and V fe i the peak of the recording pulse. In the case when a voltage pulse is applied to the structure electrodea, but the structure is not illuminated, the atored electric energy will be ~ 02 = ~CdiV2 t ~Ci(O.1V)2. 101 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The first term here considers the energy eLored in the capacitance of the gemicon- ductor depletion layer, and the second term consi.ders the relaxation of the nonequilibrium capacitance of the semiconductor depletion layer in darknese. (Voltage on the insulator essential~y doea not exceed 10 percent of the peak of the pulae being applied.) The diel~ctric losaes in this case are minor and essentislly may be ignored (the dissipat,ton factor for Si3N4 is ~ 10-3 ) . The energy given off at the contacta of the strscture and determining the heat con- ditione for operation of the element of the atorage device equals ~ c-~ORc~Rg + Rg + R1, where ~ ~ is the energy dissipated at the active ele- ments of the structure capacitance charging circuit, R~ is the resietance of the contacts, Rg is the resistance of the control voltage generator and R1 is the - load resistance. Energy consumed per bit will be: during illumination of the structure, (o O1 -~~i~28bit' 8nd under dark conditions, ~ 02 =~(Cdl + 10-2Ci)VZsbit' where ebit is the area occupied by one bit of information. ~ Let us make a n�,uneric calculation, assuming V= SOV, Ci = 10 9 F/mm2; Cdl = 2� 10~11F/mm2(n = lOlscm~3), 8bit - 10-4mm2: 01= 1.2 � 10-10 J/bit; ~ 02= 3.6 � 10-12 J/bit. The energy dissip~ted directly at the structure will be about one-tenth of these values, aince in typical cases _ Rg + Rl 103 ohms and R~ 102 ohma . In the read mode, the voltage at the structure electrodes as a rule does not - exceed 30 percent of the write voltage; conseq~.~ntly, in this case ~ 01 anc: ~ 02 will be: ~'p Ol ^f 10~11 J/bit and (~p 02 3.6 � 10~13 J/bit. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Seleznev, V. N. and Shuykin, N. N., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 1, pp 1485-1487. ~ 2. Ginovker, A. S.; Rzhanov, A. V. and Sinitsa, S. P., MIKROELEB.~RONIKA, Vol 2, 1973, pp 381-392. ~ 3. Sze, S. M., J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 38, 1967, pp 2,951-2956. 4. (Zu, S. M.), "Physics of Semiconductor Devicea," Moacow, Energiya, 1973, - 655 pagea. - 102 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5. Snow, E. H.; Grave, A. S.; Deal, E. and Sah, S. T., J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 36, 1965, pp 1664-1673. 6. Ross, E. S. and Wallmark, J. T., RCA REV., Vol 30, 1969, pp 366-369. 7. Terman, L. M., SOLID STATE ELECTRON., Vol 5, 1962, pp 285-299. 8. Lundstrtlm, K. J. and Svenaon, C. M., IEEE TRANS. ELECTRON DEVICES, Vol ED-19, 1972, pp 826-836. 9. Lundkvist, L.; Lundstrom, I. and Svenason, C., SOLID STATE ELECTRON., Vol 16, 19i3, pp 811-815. 10. Svensson, C. and Lundstrom, I., ELECTRON. LETT., Vol 6, 1970, pp 645-647. 11. Heiman, P., IEEE TRANS. ELECTRON DEVICES, Vol ED-14, 1967, pp 881-890. 12. Yamaguchi, H., J. PHYS. SOC. JAP., Vol 25, 1968, pp 766-773. 13. Pikus, G. Ye., "Osnovy teorii poluprovodnikov!' (Principlea of Theory of Semi- conductora], Moscow, Nauka, 1965, 448 pages. 14. Moss, G., "Optical Properties of Semiconductors.," Moscow, Izd-vo inostr. lit., _ 1961, 304 pages. 15. Gergel', V. A.; Zimoglyad, 0. 0. and Fetisov, Ye. A., "Photorelaxation of the Semiconductor-Inaulator-Semiconductor Structure Capacitance," TR. MFTI, part 2, 1971, pp 99-110. 16. Plotnikov, A. F.; Seleznev, V. N.; Ferchev, G. P. and Shubin, V. E., y KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 1, 1974, pp 1885-1888. 17. Kravchenko, A. B.; Plotnikov, A. F.; Shubin, V. E. and Seleznev, V. N., - KRAT. SOOBSHCH. PO FIZIKE, Vol 10, 1973, pp i-10. 18. Kravchenko, A. B.; Plotnikov, A. F.; Popov, Yu. M., Seleanev, V. N. and Shubin, V. E., FIZIKA I TEKHNIKA POLUPROVODNIKOV, Vol 8, 1974, pp 810-812. 19: Yefimov, Ye. Ye.; Gorbuahov, Yu. I. and Kozyr', I. Ya., "Mikroelektronika" [Microelectronics], Moscow, Vyashaya ahkola, 1977, 230 pagea. 20. Plotnikov, A. F.; Seleznev, V. N.; Tokarchuk, D. N. and Ferchev, G. P., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 2, 1975, pp 508-512. , 21. Johnaon, E. 0., PHYS. REV., Vcl ill, 1958, pp 153-166. 22. Seleznev, V. N., "Reaearch on Processes of Optical Reveraible Recording of Infarmation on Multilayer MNOS Structures," disaertation candidate of physical and mathematical sciencea, Moscow, FIAN, 1975. 23. Lem, Y. W., J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 42, 1971, pp 1370-1376. 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 24. Plotnikov, A. F. and Vavilov, V. S., FIZIKA I TEKHNIKA POLUPROVODNIKOV, Vol 7, 1973, PP 878-88Q. ' 25. Garett, G. B. and Brattain, W. H., PHYS. REV., Vol 99, 1955, pp 376-387. 26. Garei, J. E.; Kosonocky, W. F. and Rambery, E. G., IEEE TRANS. ELECTRON DEVICES, Vol ED-19, 1972, pp 798-8~8� 27. Kravchenko, A. B.; Plotnikov, A. F.; Seleznev, V. N. and Tokarchuk, D. N., ~ KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 1, 1974, pp 2291-2293. 28. Krutikov, V. N. and Kulagin, N. Ye., "Edge Effect of MIS Structure in Depletion Mode," TR. MFTI, part 2, Z971, pp 140-146. 29. Rajchman, J. H., APPL. OPT., Vol 9, 1970, pp 2269-2271. 30. Hill, B., APPL. OPT., Vol 11, 1972, pp 182-191. 31. Kof tonyuk, P. F.; Kostrokov, V. V. and Morozov, V. A., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 1, 1974, pp 78-83� 32. Hill, B.; Krumme, J.; Much, G.; P~ppere, R. and Schmidt, J., APPL. OPT., Vol 14, 1975, pp 2607-2613. 33. Kitovich, V. V.; Plotnikov, A. F.; Popov, Yu. M.; Seleznev, V. N. and Strakhovs V. G., "Optoelectronic Storage Device," Patent 4139909, 1979 (USA). 34. Kitovich, V. V., "Magnitnyye i magnitoopticheakiye operativnyye zapominayu- shchiye ustroyatva" [Magnstic and Magnetooptic Main Storage Devices], Moscow, Energiya, 1975, 432 pages. 35. Kitovich, V. V. and Zhaleyko, V. B., VOPROSY RADIOELEKTRONIKA. SERIYA ELEKTRONIKA VYCHISL. TEKHNIKA, iseue 1, 1977, pp 10-22. 36. Plotnikov, A. F. and Seleznev, V. N., ZARUBEZHNAYA RADIOELEKTRONIKA, � 1976, pp 73-86. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'atvo "Nauka", 1981 8545 ' CSO: 1863/37 ' ~ . l04 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PERSUNALITIES INSTRUMENT-MAKING WINNERS OF 1981 USSR STATE PRTZES IN TECHNOLOGY NAMLD Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 1, Jan 32 p 1 [Article: "We Congratulate Specialists in Instrument Making Who Were Awarded the 1981 USSR State Prize in Technology"] [Text] We congratulate specialists in instrument m3king who were awarded the 1981 USSR State Prize in technology for development and seLting up series proc~uc- tion of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes of hardware and software for tfie international system of small computers. They are the following: Boris Nikolayevich Naumov, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Scienced, director of INEUM [Tnstitute of Electronic Control 1~Q.chines of the USSR Academy of Sctences], and pro3ect director; Yevgeniy Nikolayevich, Filinov, candidate. of tecfinical sciences, deputy director of INEUM: Yuriy Nikitich Glukhov, candidate of techntcal sciences, de~ partment head at INEUM; � Aleksandr Nikolayevich Kahalevskiy, candidate ot technical sciences, department head at INEUM; Valentin Petrovich Semik, candidate of pfiysicomatfiematical ' sciences, department head at IN~UM; Apollinariy Fedorovich Nezabitovakip, general director of the Kiev Elektronmash Production Association imeni V. I. Lenin; Vilya Antonovich Afanas'yev, chief of the special design bureau of the Kiev Elektronmash Production Association imeni V. I. Lenin; Stanislav Sergeyevich Zabara, doctor of technical sciences, deputy general director of the Kiev Elektronmasfi.Productton Association; - l05 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460066-8 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY Vladimir Porfir'yevich Fedorin, candidate of ~~chnical - sciences, director of the Moscow Energopribo;- Experi- mental Plant; ~ Yevgeniy Borisovich Smirnov, chief of tfiE Sovuzelektronmasfi All-Union Production Assoctation. We further congratulate Leonard Abramovich ~ul'man, candidate of technical sciences and chief engineer of the Central Planning-Design Bureau of Production Automation Syste~s, who received the State Prize for participation in rapid con- struction of blast furnace No 6 of the Novolipetskiy Metallurgical Plant, in- corporating pro3ected capacity ahead of scfiedule there, and attaining high technical-economic indicators. We wish th~se people continued creative successes and acbievements to benefit de- velopment of domestic science and tec~inology. COPYRIG~IT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinoatroyeniye"~ "Pribory i siste~y upravleniya", 1982 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 . l06 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY EXHIBITIONS AND CONFERENCES UDC 681.322 NEW COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITED AT LEIPZIG FAIR Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA tn Russian No 1, Jan 82 pp 12-13 [Article by engineer-economist M: Grunewald, GDR: "New Articles of Computer Technology from VEB Kombinat Robotron"] [Text] VEB Kombinat Robotron exhibited a number of new articles of decentral- ized computer technology at the Leipzig spring fair. Tfie enterprtse sfiown some of the articles of this program at the fair earlier. These articles are based on the K1520 (SM 1626~ and K1620 or K1630 (SM 1630) microprocessors. The A6402 Commercial Base Computer System System A6402 is a small computer unit based on a K1b30 microprocessor, which differs from the K1620 micropro:.essor beca~use its internal storage capacity of 128 K words (256 K bytes) is four times larger. Tt is posstble to connect in an arithmetic processor for high-speed processing of 32-bit and 64-bit numbers with floating points as well as 16 bit and 32 bit numbers with fixed decimal points; this tncreases computational productivity. Microprocessors of the SM 1630 series are compatible with SM-3 and SM--4 computers witT~ respect to software. At Leipzig system A6402 was shown with the following peripheral units: K8911 operator console with display and keyboard (East Germany); SM 5400 cassette disk store (Bulgaria); SM 5300 magnetic tape store (Bulgaria); K6200 punched tape complex (East Germany); cassette external memory with K5261 magnetic tape (East Germany); VT 27065 parallel printer (Hungary); quastgraphic color display (East Germany). It is possible to connect other peripheral units to the system in addttion to those exhitiited at the fair: a punched tape input unit; a storage unit on floppy disks; a series printer; teletypes, and otfier terminals System A6402 may work in an autonomous regime or wtthtn a hierarcfiy of computers, = alongside more powerful machines such as the YeS 1055 or YeS 1055M. In this case it is connected to the computer through remote data processing cFiannels. The MOOS 1600 operating system was developed f~r system A6402. Thanks to its - moduiar structure the operating system permits generation of diff erent operating - 107 FOR O~FIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1~ILY systems oriented to internal or external memorp uni.ts~. The MOOS 16Q0 system in- cludes a control program and the followtng system~programs: AssemFiler, Linkage Editor, Editor, Debugging System, Library~Program, auxiliary input-output Programs, programs for access to files, and rranslators. Tfie operating system is generated on the basis of recording on disks in tfie cassette store and it can work in different regimes: control by several users, multiprogramming, control by priority, time-sharing, batch processing, and execution of back- ground problems for program development parallel witfi realization of applied programs. The FORTRAN, COBOL, and CDL languagea and tfie interpreter BASIC are _ proposed for use of translators. The system also Tias software linkage with YeS computers. Problem-oriented software has been developed for the following areas of appli- cation: data organization, collection of data and cowpiling of protocols; standard mathematical functions; mathematical tecTiniques; and, economic processes (material-technical supply, calculation of laFior resources, and the like). The software was designed on the modular principle of construction and tfie principle of structured programs on a uniform technologtcal basts. System A6401, built on the basis of the K1620 microprocessor, was exFiibited at the fair for the second time. Its new feature was a linkage wtth two K893.1~ t:erminals installed nearby. In princ~ple tfie same peripfieral unit can be con- nected to the junior model A6101 as to the model A6402. In vtew of interaction speed it is possible to connect as many as eigflt terminals. Quasigraphic Colored Display ~ Visitors at the fair showed great intere~t in tfie quasigraphic colore~ display. _ This device has a tube that is 56 centtmeters~on the diagonal and a slit mt3sk. _ It is designed to display quasigraphic ~nformation. Ttie displays are used mai~nly at operator positions to monitor continuous processes, for example at power plants, chemical enterprises, and metallurgical plants. Using tliis unit tfie process can be represented in the form of alphanumeric and simple graphic images. The d~splay format is 24 by 80 and the set of cfiaracters includes 128 fixed characters and 128 programmable characters. A raster of 5 by 7 points is used to display alphanumeric characters, while a raster of 7 by 9 points is used for other symtiols. Eight different colors are envisioned, both for the fore- ground and the background. _ The quasigraphic colored terminr~l can be connected to tfie K1520 and K1620/K1630 microprocessors. New Articles Based on the K152Q (or SM 1626Z Mtcroprocessor A broad assortment of articles of decentralt.zed computer technology has been de- veloped on the basis of the K1520 microprocessor. Of tfiem tfie devices reviewed below were exhibited at Leipzig for the first time. 108 ~ ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OEFICIAL USE ONLY T'~e A5220 data collection system is us.ed to collect mass data, for example to re~lace punched card units tn all areas of the economy. It is a multtterminal system that includes a sys~tem control unit (controller) and up to eiglit remote K8913 data points. The system provides for collection, sorting, prelimtnary processing, and transmission of tfiz data collected at the individual terminals. It can serve as a terminal for other large computers and can be connected to a computer of any hierarchy. The linkage is accomplislied through a V24 interface. Data are collected by magnetic tape and floppy disk ~tores connected to tfie con- troller. Information can be outputted to a monitor and printed on a.standard printer. The controller is a worktng desk constructed of system K1520 microprocessor modules and uses the SIOS 1526 operating system. The simple language of in- structions makes it po~sible to formulate various applied programs. The system contemplates installation of terminals at distances up to 500 meters and con- necting a series printer to them. In Leipzig programs for data collection in the field of material-technical supply and for calculation of wages were demonstrated using the data collection system. The A5310 electronic writing system. Work with written texts takes up a large part of labor expenditures in all fields of engineering, so tTie demonstration of the A5210 electronic writing system, which is designed to streamline this work, aroused great inte~-est among specialists. The electrontc wr?.ting system can be used in all areas of the economy because i:t can Iie put together with different sets of equipment. The basic variation is the table-model display with a 24 by 80 format. Its electrunic part consists of K1520 microprocessor system modules. Tfie keytioard, which is similar to a typewriter keyboard, uses tnternational standard keys; this gives the work a graphic quality and makes control simple. The base model of this writing system works with floppy disk storage and a disk printer with solid script characters. This makes it possible to perform the following functions: preparation and processing of text; copy~ng, correcting, and cursory control functions; and printing. These functions are the basis for automatic page printing when outputting and correcting a text or for interaction between internal and external memory. Expanded models of system A5310 have the capability of connecting in additional floppy disk stores, using two storage units on floppy minidisks in tfie primary unit, and broadened printing principles. Compared to the base model, they use almost all types of text processing. Efficient work is achieved tn this case = by one file of text modules, addresses, masks, formulas, and assignments. The 1157 (SM 6309) mosaic printer is a new, higfi-speed column mosaic printer, the A1157. It is designed for very diverse fielda of application; for example it can be used with office processors, Tiase computer systems, and as an assemtily built into another unit (OYeM). The microprocessor-control model 1157 printer prints much faster t~ian the widely known pxinters. It is built in four variations whtch differ by width (132 or 210 characters per line) and speed (150-180 or 320-360 characters per second). The ~ 109 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR n:'riCIAL USE ONLY printer has a set of 96 charactera and can be expanded to 192 characters. Printing can be done backward and forward. The raster of a cliaracter is 9 by 7 points in slow printing and 7by 7 points in fast printing. Up to five copiea can be made. The following work regimes are contemplated: printing on ~ournal rolls; printing with accordion-type layout; printing on Tilank Bills; and, work with a magnetic card attachment for calcula~ions. It is possible to order the item wiCh.Latin and Ruasian (Cyrillic~ script in normal, cursive, and broad faces. The A5100 series office proceasor (three models of it were exhibited at the fair) aroused great interest among visitors despite the fact tfiat similar units were demoastrated there in 1980. Different variations of the set of equipment were displayed: the A5110 (SS4 1617) office processor desigaed chiefly for book- keeping, with the capability of processing text information; the A5120 (SM 6908) office processor that is oriented cfiiefly to data collection and processing; and, the A5130 (SM 6907) office processor which is the liigh productivity unit of the data group unit and is designed for collecting and proc.essing data, book- keeping, invoice preparation, and autonomous computations. The K1520 microprocessor is used as the computing unit in all the models, and a display, printer, and storage unit on floppy disks or cassette magnetic tapes can be connected to all of them. The office processors may be connecte.d through remote data processing channels _ with central computing machines of types A6401 or A6402, or tfie YeS~ 1055/1055M. Th~e linkage between an A5130 processor and a YeS 1055M computer was exIlibited at the Leipzig fair. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", ' 1982 = 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 110 FOR OFF[CIAY. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONFERENCE ON SECOND-GENERATION ROBOTS PLANNED FOR FALL 1982 Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian i~o 1, Jan 82 p 13 [Notice: "The Central Board of Directors of the S~cientific-~Tacfinical Societ}? of Instrument Making Industry :Lmeni Academician S. T. Vavilov~ Section on Adaptive Robots and Artificial Intellect, Announces an All-dJnion Scientific~- Technical Conference Named 'Adaptive Robots,' in Na1~cTiik in September 1982"j [Text] The Central Board of Directors of the Scientific Technical Society of Instrument Making Tndustry imeni Academician S. I. 'Vavilov is planning to hold an all-Union scientific-technical conference in N~1.'cfiik in Sep~emlier 1982. The sub~ect of the conference will be problems of adaptation and control in robot engineering syatems. The conference will be called "Adaptive Robots 82." The conference will he devoted to an excfian~~~ of experience and discussion of a broad range of issues that arise in the development and use of second- generation robot engineering systems, adaptive robots for different purposes. The program of the conference enviaions.discussi.on of reports and conducting debates in the following main areas: 1. problems of development and operation of rmbot engineering systems in instrument making; 2. technical means of different types of sensitization in ~ robot engineering systems; 3. data processing and compuCer processes in tfie functioning of adaptive robot engineering spstems; 4. probl~ms of adaptation in robot engineering; 5. system aspects of research.and tfieoretical foundations of robot engineering. In order that timely preparationa can be made for the conference, requests to - participate and abstracts of reports (not more tfian two typewritten pages, double-spaced, in two copies, and with appropriate documents) must be sent in 111 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ~ before 1 March 1982. This applies also to inforu~ation about tfie author(s) on a separate sheet tfiRt gives the title of the report~ tfie autfior's first, middle, and last names, learned degree, poerition, organization, telepTwne num- _ ber, and address for corresponden~e. ' We ask tfiat abstracts of reparts and requests for garticipation from organiza- tions be sent to the following address: 121019, Moscow~, Prospekt Marksa, 17, Central Board of Directors of the Scientific Tecfinical Society of Instrument Making, Comrade A. N. Chekhonadskiy, lea~cned secretary of the organizing com- mittee. Information is available at the telephone number 202-14-7.3. Professor K. A. Pupkov is chairman of the organizing committee. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinoatroyeniye", "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1982 11,176 CSO: 1863/117 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ( , FRANCO-SOVIET COMPUTER PRiDGRAMMING SYMPOSIUM PUBLISHED N~vosibirsk TEORIYA I PRAKTIKA PRiDGRAMNID10G0 OBESPEQiENIYA EVM in Russian 1981 (signed to press 15 Jul 81) pg 3-4 [Foreword and table of contents from boc~k "Theory and Practice of Computer Programs (Proceedings of a Franco-Soviet Symposium), September 1968," Part 1, edited by Andrey Petrovich Yershov and Igor' Vasil'yevich Pottosin, Computer Center, Siberian Department, USSR Rcademy of Sciences, Vychislitel'nyy tsentr SO AN SSSR, 500 copies] _ [Text] Foreword, by A. P. Yershov and I. V. Pottosin The works contained in this collection are based on reports given at the fourth symposium on Subject 7 of the problem "F.utomation of Information Frocessing and Application of Mathematics and Computer Technology ta Research in Economics, Planning and C~ntrol (Information)" of Franco-Soviet Scientific-Technical Coopera- tion, which was held in October 1978 in Paris. It is one of three directions of cooperation between the computer center of the Siberian Department, USSR Academy of Sciences and French organizations--theoretical proqramming, translation methods and the~methods of computer communication in natural language. The reports were _ revised somewhat and updated by the authors during pr~paration of this collection. Some of the reports presented at the symposium by Soviet authors have already been published, and therefore they are not includpd in this collection, which is why the size of the French part of the collection is significantly greater. There is no clear distinction between the two volumes of the collection in terms ~ of subject matter, though it may be said that the first volume is devoted for the most part to programming methodology, languages and translation methods, while the second is concerned with theoretical programming and the methods of computer com- munication in natural lar?guage. This collection is the second of Franco-Soviet works published by the computer center of the Siberian Department, USSR Academy of Sciences within the framework of co~peration in Subject 7. The first collection,'Teoriya program~nirovaniya i metody translyatsii" [Programming Theory and Translation Methods], was published in 1977. 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060066-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS Page 1. Yershov, A. P., "Mixed Calculations: Potential Uses and Research - Problems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2. Kuzino, Zh., " in EKZEL'. Theoretical and Practical Aspec~s". 41 3. Bert, U., and Zhake, R., "Parametrization of Abstract Data" 91 4. Banatr, M., Kuver, A., Erman, D., and Renal', M., "Abstract Types and the Set of Their Representations in Program Execution" 109 5. Stepanov, G. G., "Running a SIGMA System" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 6. Lyuks, 0., "Running a LISP Program. General Approach and Partial Solution for an IRIS-80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 COPYRIGHT: VYCHISLITEL'NYY TSENTR SO AN SSSR 11004 CSO: 1863/135 ~ 111t FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PUBLICATIONS UDC 51:681.3:007:519.1 SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN AND SIMULATION Kiev SPETSIAL'NYYE SREDSTVA PROYEKTIROVANIYA I MODELIROVANIYA SISTEM /PROYEKT-YeS/ in Russian 1981 (signed to presa 29 Jul 81) p 100 [Table of contents from book "PROYEKT-YeS Special Facilities for System Design and Simulation", editor-in-chief Academician V. M. Glushkov, Inatitute of Cybernetics, UkSSR Academy of Sciences, 550 copiea, 107 pages] [Texz] Contenta Page Felizhanko, 0. D. Organizing the Problem-Solving Procese in the PROYEKT-YeS System . 3 Bublik, V. V.; Gorokhovakiy, S. S. and Chuykevcih, V. S. Dynamic Data Structure Processing Language Implementation 9 Kapitonova, Yu. V. and Parnitakiy, V. I. Implementing Facilities for Information Support for Computer-Aided Deaign System Users 14 Shchegoleva, N. N. Processing Symbolic Information in the PROYEKT System 24 Pyatygin, S. A. Qrganizing the Algorithmic Simulation Proceas in the PBOYEKT-YeS System 29 Lyabakh, V. F. Unif ied Software System for Control of Ion Beam Apparatus 35 Domrachev, V. N. Example of Program Correctness Proof Using Represen'tation of It by Lambda-Term 40 Kolbasin, N. I. Implementation of Modular Synthesis Algorithms in the PROYEKT-YeS System 45 Yurehenko, A. S. Some Assessments of the Basic Characteriatics of Algorithms for Dynamic Segment Storage Allocation 53 Balabanov, A. S. Technique of Accounting for System Costs in Analytic Models of Multiprogramming Computer Systems 62 Kochanova, K. D. and Varavva, I. G. Dynamic Forecaeting Model of ~ Oxygen Converter Processes 7G Yarovitskaya, T. N. Evaluation of Algorithms for Extinguishing Underground Fires That Are Implementable by NEDIS Language Facilities 75 Ponomarenko, L. L. Problem of Optimal Filtration for One Infinite-Dimensic~nal Stochastic Syatem 82 , . 115 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064466-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ..Pepelyayev, V. A. Problem of Simulating Automated Communication Syetema 87 Gavrish, Yu. V. and Zavraiskiy, I. I. Comparison of Multisets on Multiprocessor Systsma 93 Chechetkina, T. N. Lower Estimate for Probability of Faultless Operation of Nonrecoverable Standby System 97 COPYRIGHT: Institut kibernetiki, 1981 . 8545 CSO: 1863/89 1.1.6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 CONTENTS OF 'JOURNAL OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TECHNICAL CYBERNETICS', JANUARY-FEBRUARY ~.982 Moscow IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR: TEKHNICHESKAYA KIBERNETIKA in Russian No 1, Jan-Feb 82 pp 1-2 [Text] Contents Page Systems Analysis and Optimum Control Kovalenko, A. G., Khachaturov, V. R., "Algorithms for Solving Some Problems ' Associated With Optimizing Multistepped Processes by the Approximational- Combinatorial Method. I" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Malashenk~, Yu. Ye., and Ushakov, I. A., "Building Mathematical Nbdels of Complex Technical Systems (Using a Communication Network as an Example). I" 18 A1'ber, Ya. I., Shil'man, S. V., "A Unified Approach to the Problem of Minimizing Smooth and Unsmooth Functions" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Alekseyev, A. O., "Raising Effectiveness of Algorithms f~r Solving the Transportation Problem Using the Time Criterion" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Pokatayev, A. V., "Algorithm for Solving Problems Associated With Unconditional Optimization of Geometric Programming" . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Aptukov, V. N., Pozdeyev, A. A., "Some Mini.max Problems of Structure Technology and Strength" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Gordiyenko, Ye. I., "Adaptive Supply Control in the Presence of Unknown Demand Distribution" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Balyko, A. K., "One Problem of Stochastic Programming" . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Gabasov, R., Kirillova, F. M., Kostyukova, O. I., "Direct Precise Algorithm for Solving the Linear Problem of Optimum Control" . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Levin, V. I., "The Three Machine Tools Problem" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Queuing and Reliability Nagonenko, V. A., Pechinkin, A. V., "Z"he Large Load in a System Character- ized by Inversional Services and Piobabilistic Determination of Priorities" 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Nazarov, L. V., Smirnov, S. N., "Servicing Requests Distributed in Space". 95 Dikarev, V. Ye., "Model of Centralized Technical Service to a Complex of Territorially Distributed Systetns" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Tatashev,. A. G., Shibanov, S. Ye., "Optimum nisciplines in Servicing a Heterogeneous Flow of R~equests in a Mixed Single-Channel System" 108 Brodetskiy, G. L., "Effectiveness of One Method of Organizing Memorization of Intermediate Results in Computer Systems" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Mamazhonov, M. M., "Optimum Plans of Continuous Selective Control in Relation to a Prescribed Number of Checks" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Automata and Computer Systems Starodubtsev, N. A., "Autonomous Antitonic Sequential Flowcharts. IV" 124 Osipov, G. S., "~vo Problems in the Z'heory of Semeiotic Models of Control. II" 13~1 Rrylov, V. V., "Building Real Time Processors Based on Shift Structures" 138 Luk'yanov, B. V., "Computation of Boolean Functions by Counting the Number of R~eal Values of Variables" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Volchenkov, S. G., "Organization of Computations Making It Possible to Use a Stack Memory~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Artificial Intelligence and Robots Krut'ko, P. D., Lakota, N. A., "Synthesis of Algorithms for Controlling Movement of Robots by the Methods of Inverse Dynamic Problems. Coordinate � 154 Form of the Trajectory Problem" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolotnik, N. N., Kaplunov, A. A., "Optimum Linear Nbvements of a Load Using a Two-Membered Manipulator" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16A ~ Prokopov, B. I., "Successive Identification of the Parameters of Linear . 171 Systems in the Presence of Incomplete Measurements" . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic Control Chigin, G. P., Silayev, A. I., "Synthesis of Algorithms for Evaluating � 177 Parameters of Aircraft Vertical Nbvement" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blyumin, S. L., Dariyenko, V. V., "Creation of Algorithms for Controlling Movement of Linear Systems Based on Solving Inverse Dynamic Problems" 189 Kolesnik, V. P., Solodovnikov, V. V., "Methods of Synthesizing Speed-Optimum Systems for Controlling High Order Objects With Limited Phase 195 Coordinates. II" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540060066-8 Brief Communications Gadasin, V. A., Lakayev, A. S., "Reduction of the Laboriousness of Calculating Reliability Characteristics of Weakly Correlated Networks" . . . . . . . . . . 203 Tomilenko, V. A., "Algorithm for Finding the Optimum Strategy for One Model of Dynamic R~eservation" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Pokhodzey, B. B., "An Optimum Method of Nbdeling a Bernoulli Distribution" 207 Povarov, G. N., "Comparison of Boolean Functions in FLelation to Imperfect Normal Forms" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Milovidov, S. P., Kozlov, P. A., "A Dynamic Transportation Problem With Delays, Stated in Network Terms" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Chronicle "On the 70th Birthday of Academician L. V. Kantorovich" . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Annotations of Articles Submitted to the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Izvestiya AN SSSR. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika", 1982 11004 CSO: 1863/135 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464466-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY . UAC 621.311:681.5 POWER SY~STEM AUTO~ATIflN ~'[JNAAMENTAi,S Moscow OSNOVY AV'.~pMATIKI� Ei~1ERGOSiSTEM in Russian 1981 (s~igned to press 24 Nov 81) pp 2-7 , 431-433 [Annotation, foreword, introduction and table of contents from book "Power System Automation Fundamentals", by Mikhail Arnol''dovicn Berkovich, Anatoliy Nikolayevich Komarov and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Semenov, Energoizdat, 25,000 copies, 433 pages] [TextJ The purpose and area of application of the basic hardware for automating power systems are discussed. Circuit diagrams and descriptions of the operating principles of APV [automatic reclosing]y AVR [automatic emergency power switching], ~ARV [automatic excitation control], AChR [automatic frequency relief] and ARChM [automatic frequency and actiye power control] equipment are presented, as well as of automatic synchronization and counteremergency automation equipment. Methods of calculating parameters of the ad~ustment of automation equipment are discussed. The first edition was published in 1968. New equipment is discussed in the second edition. - For engineering and technical personnel involved in designing and servicing system automation equipment. Can be used by students at WZ's and technical schools. Foreword The further development o~ the U:~SR Unified Power Systetn (YeES), the largest cen- trally controlled power compan}r in the world, is ~oreseen in the "Main Guidelines for Economic and Socia~ Deve7.opm~n~ o~ fihe USSR ~or 1981-1985 and ~or the Period to 1990," adopted by~the 26th C~Su Congress. The entry into service o~ high- and ultrahigh vo].tage e7,ectrotran~~mission 1,ines and high-power e~.ectric power plants, the inte~s:e devQ~opment o~ principa~ and distributing networks, the connection of new power poo7.s to the U~S~t YeES ~pr ~ara7.'! e7. o~~ratipn through ~ relatively~ poor Gonne~~i_pns.-,a11 tY~is has eacce~din~7.y~ comp~,ica,xed the ~roble,~ o~ controlling ~he rt4r~qa1, and es~ec3;a1,7,y~ th.~ ewergency~, o~exafi~ng ~pde~~ o~ power systems. Having received considerable development in re,cen~ years are equipmenC and syste~s for automaticallycontro],1,ing norma.l modes, making possible the optimu~ conduct of a mode taking into account res~trictions with regard to the quality o~ electric pow~er. A centralized automatic ~requency and active power ~ontrol (ARChM) aystem has been ~ 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY created and is operating suc~ess~u~l,y in the. USSit XeES. L.ocal equi,p14ent ~or. automatic v~ol~age control, a~ subst~,tions has beco~e. e.yex more wide~~read. Great attentio~ is� being paid to the ~utaa~tion of distributing n~fiworlts and sub~ stations. Variaus kinds o~ autoiqation equipm@nt have m~de it possible to automa,te networks total~y, to optimize the norma~ u4ode with rESpect to vvl.tage, and to restore power automafiical,l,g fio consume~s during acciden~al ~ailu7ces. A rapidly developing area, o~ au~oma~ion~~coun~exeme~gency autqRlation--is o~ espe- cially import~,nt significance ~or pr�~venting the deve~.opment c?~ esq~rgencies in power systems. The improvement of automation equipment and the heightening o~ s~eci~ications for their reliability~, speed o~ response and opexating selectiv~ty~ have governed the need to involve ~odern hardware in their de~ign, such as semicond+:ctor elements, remote cutoff devices and analog and digifial contputer technolvgf elements. In connection with this the second edition o~ this book has been rev3sed substan- tially; it includes descriptions of new automation equipment and sy~stems designed with modern hardware. The chapter on counteremergency automafiion has been expanded considerably and a new chapter has been added, dev~oted to automatic ~requency and active power contro7.. The material of this book is presented in such a manner as to give the reader an , idea of the purpose o~` each kind of automatic equipment, of the basic principles oF its design and o~ the design structure of individual automation equigment and systems. Mathematics is brought in to a minimum where this is necessary to explain the physical fundamentals of the equipment discussed. This book is intended for speciali~ts involved in designing and servicing automation equipment for power systems and contains a description of automation circuits and equipment widely used iii our country. The material of this b~ok is discussed to a fairly complete extent, which makes it possihle for it to be used by students at secondary and higher technical educational institutions, taking the appropriate courses, who are learning the �ields of specialization of automation technician or electrical engineer. The authors are grateful to the reviewer, U.K. Kurbangaliyev, and to the editor, V.V. Ovchinnikov, for their valuabl~ comments and help in prepaxing the manuscript. A11 comments and inquiries regaxding the contents and desip,n o~ this b4ok should be sent to the fq7,lQwin~ address: 1.131.1,4, Mqscow, i~w114, Shly~uzpvaya nab., 10, Energoizdat. Introduction A power~ul energ}~ base has l~een cr~ated ir~ ~he US$R,, which has ~de possi$1,~ speedier devel.p~~en~ o~ a11, sectors.~ o~ the nationa~ econou~y~ and the wide intrpduc, tion of various electrica~, appliances for the personal needs o~ fih~ urban and rural population. 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ E7,even united ~c~w~x s~r,s.�~e.~qs: (QE$~! s�) ha,v~ ~ieen ~x~a~e,d within, who~e sfiru~~uxe. al,mos~ a7,1 0~ Ch~ ~ou~~,ry''s� powex p7,~n,t~ are t~p~x~fiin~ a~x~~y' fihi.~~ time, and e.l,ectric powe.r ~e.twprks o~ ~variou~ vo7,fi~geS' up Co 75Q kV' ~:n~~,u$i~ve cover a great paxt o~ i~s hab.i~$b~,~ ax~a. ~'ox~ation p~ the USSi~ Uni~'ted. ~'owex System--the USSi~ Ye~^-~i~� $ei~g cc>n1pl,eted. The nature and content o~ problems re~,attng to eAS:uxing and opexating stability o~ pow~r sy~stems withi~n ttie s~tructuxe o~' th~ USSg xeS ha~e chan~ed con- siderably as it has deve7.oped. ~'urther~ore such ~peci~ic a,spects o~ energy pro- " duction as the interee~.atedness and interdependence o~ modes $nd the continuity and indivisibilityo~ the. cechnological process o~ generating, transmitting and distributing el,ectric ~ow~x have taanifes~ted tl~emse7.~res to an ever greater extent, especially in interxuptions o~ noxma~, operating conditions. Violation of the normal operating mode of one element of a power system, e.g., the cutoff of a power generator or heavily loaded electrotransmission line, can be reflected in the operation of many other elements of the power system, and under unfavorable conditions result in breakdown of the entire production process. In this connection the need has arisen to restore as quickly as possible the normal operating mode of a failed element or to replace it quickly with another standby element, as we11 as to restore the balance of generated and consumed electric powex. Another no less important aspect consists in the fact that electromechanical pro- cesses in the failure of an electrical circuit or violation of norma.l conditions usually originate and take place so quickly that the service personnel of power plants and substations are in no position to detect the beginning and prevent the development of these pracesses in good time. Therefore monitoring and cantrol- ling the operating conditions of a power system represent highly complicated tech- nical problems. Ful~illment of these objectives without using special equipment proves to be impossible in many i�..stances. The aspects of power production discussed above, as well as others, have made it necessary to automate power systems to a wide extent. By the automation of power systems is meant furnishing them with automatic equip- ment which controls the technological process of the production, transmission and distribution of electric power under normal and emergency conditions without the participation of a human being in keeping with a program assigned to this equipment, and the adjustment o~ this equip~tent. Isolated automation equipment hegan to b.e used at i~diyidua~, e1,e~txic pqwer p7.ants and substatiqns in the U~~i~ as e~x~.y as 7,935,7.93fi. Hqwe~r~x ~he b~gi,rin3;ng o~ the mass introducti.on a~ vaxious kind~ o~ auzou~ti,Qn ~c~u~pa~ent 3,n pow~x syste~ns must be sEt at 1943~].944. Be.caus~e. o~ ~Y?e great ~ol~ done, by S~ov~~t ~cientists and the personne7, ot p~.anning organizations and pawex ay~stems, enex~y ~oday~ represents a high7.y~ auto~~ed productiqn proces~s. A11 automation equipment c~n be divided into two groups in t~x~4s Q~ its ~urpose $nd area of application: technolagica~. and s~y~s~~em auto~t~on e~ui~ment. l22 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 In turn, auto~tiQn ~c~uip~qen~ in ~a~h o~ ~h~~e, grqups i~ diyided intQ auto~qat~c contzol equiptqent and autQma~ic x~gula~io~ equ~ptqQn~.. Te~hnologica7, auzcnn~tiort equipment ~t~es p4asi~le autcmtatic contxo7, or xegul,att,on basically in the nqr~1 operating ~ode, e.g~,, automatic $w3;tch.i~g on o~ a sy~n- chronous compensa~or or auCmm~tCic ~VO7,tag~ r~~;u7.at3;An Ceh 3) and autamatic syn- chronization o# genexatoxs (;ch 4) . xechno7,ogic4~, auzomia,~~on ec~uipment is as a rule o~ local ivmport~nce. - System automation equiptaent ~kes poasibie ~utomatic confixo7. ox xegulation basically under emergency conditiona. Thexe~oxe under its heading comes equipment making possib7.e the preventfon or Taost e~~icient 1ocalization o~ ~ai7,ures originat- ing in a power system, e.g., equipment ~or autcrma,tic re$ulation and boosting the excitation of generators (ch 5), tor autc~ttic frequency relief (ch 7) and for counteremergency automation (ch 8). APV (ch 1} and AVR (ch 2) equipment usually also comes under the heading of system automation equipment. However, this equipmertt in many instances is of local im- portance. Automatic regulation of frequency and active power overcurrent (ch 6) comes under the heading of system automation of normal conditions. CONTENTS page Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Chapter 1. Automatic Reclosing (APV) 8 1.1. Purpose of APV 8 1.2. Classification of APV; key specifications for APV circuits 10 1.3. One-time-operation electrical APV 12 1.4. Aspects of execution of APV at remote-controlled substations 15 1:5. Aspects of execution of APV using air-break switches 19 1.6. Choice of one-time automatic reclosing settings for lines with one- way feeding 22 1.7. Speeding up relay protection action with APV 23 1.8. Execution of APV using alternating control current 26 1.9. Reiterated APV 33 1.10. Three-phase APV in lines with two-way feedin~ 41 1.11. Combination o~ A~'V with relay protecCion 59 1.12. Single-phase A~V 61 1.13. Automatic xec].osin$ o~ lines 72 1,.14. Autosqatic reclqsin~ o~ e7,ectxic ~qotors 76 Chapter 2. ~u~qtqatic Swi~ching o~ ~~qexge~cy~ ~Qwex a~d Ec~uip~qet~~ (~VR) 77 2.1. ~uxpos~~ o~ ~Vii 77 2.2. Key~ s~pe~i~icazio~s ~ox ~i'~~ui~s� 80 2.3. Operatin$ pxinGip7,~ o~ A~ $1 _ 2.4. Minimuul-~Yoltage actuators 84 2.5. Auto~tic swit~hing on o~ sta,ndby tran~~ormexs 88 2.6. Automatic standb~ switching at suBat~ttions 96 2.7. Network AV'R 107 123 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060066-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2.8. Automatic swit~hing on b~ standh}r ~4eclianiem ~qo~axs 2.9. Autam~ti~ ~~aixching vn o~ ~,tandDy~ low-+~oltagQ linss: 7.7.1. 2.10. Calcu~a~ion o~ A,VR s~tCin~gs 11.4 Chapter 3. Tqta7, ~utp~tivn o~ Subst~afiions and Disfixibut~ng Netwqxt~s~ 7.~,8. -~-�~3.1. Genera~ i~n~ormation 118 3.2. Automatic eqtt~pment ~ox sut~~tn~ipns wttho~x c3,xcu~t bxeaker& at the higher vo~tage ~nd ~~9 3.3. Automatic unloading o~ trans~~ear~rn~rs~ 126 3.4. Auton~tic regulation o~ vo9.tage a~ subs~~afi#ons 128 3.5. Mode switching, on and o~`~, o~ t~ans~ormers apexati,'ng in para11e1, for reducing losses� o!~ electrtc powex 135 3.6. Automatic actuation o~ sy?ncflronous compensators I39 3.7. Use of cotnputers ~or total autataation of substations 141 3.8. Tota1 automation of distributing networks 142 Chapter 4. Automatic Swifiching Ort of Synchronou~ ~nexators fox ~ara11e1 Operation 148 4.1. Methods oi~ synchronizing 148 4.2. Equipment for auto~ting the synchrontzation process 155 Chapter 5. Autamatic Control of the Excitation of Synchronous Generators and Compensators 1~2 5.1. Systems for exciting synchronous +ntachtnes 172 5.2. Purcpose and kinds ot autotaatic control of excitation 181 5.3. Equipment ~or high-speed boosting of excttation 184 5.4. Compound excitation of generators 187 - 5.5. System for compounding excitation o~ generators by the total current 193 5.6. Phase compounding 206 5.7. High-speed excitation regulators ~rlth controlled phase compounding 209 5.8. Unit for automatfc regulatton and boosting of exc3tation for generators with high-frequency exciters 214 5.9. Strong-effect automatic excitatfon regulators 222 5.1~. Automatic regulation of voltage in lfines of electric power plants 227 Chapter 6. Automatic Control of Condittons of a Power System wfth Respect to ~requency and Active Power Overcurrents (ARChM) 237 6.1. Power balance, frequency and overcurrents 237 6.2. Frequency characterisfiics of a power system 244 6.3. Equipment for automatic control of #requency and active power over- currents (ARChM) 254 6.4. ARChM sy~tems 291 Chaptpr 7. Automatic ~xequency (AChR) 305 7.1. Purpose and ~undawent$7, pxincipl,es o~ execution o~ ,P~ChR 305 7.2. Frequency.xel~y~s 313 7.3. P�revent~on q~ szxcan~Qus Gutq~~~ Q~ cansutqex~s wtth .s.horttexm dxQps ~;n . ~requ~ncy~ ~n a ~ow~x s}r~~~~ 318 7.4. Auton~at3;c x~c7.osing a~tex AGh~t 320 7.5. ACfiR and Ct~~' [~xeq,uency~ au~cr[~t~c xec~osing] cixeuits ' 321 7.6. Sepaxa~ion o~ auxi~~,iary~ equ~;pment o~ tY~~~w~t~. ~owex stat~ans with a d~^op in ~xequency~ in a power ~y~�teaa 325 7.7. Additibna~. ~.oca~ unlcaading ~tTi xegard to oth~x ~ac~oxs 327 . 7.8. Automatic s~~axtup o~ hydrau7,ic turbine gen~xatars with a dxop in fre- quency i;n a power system 328 121~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8 Chapter 8. Coun~e~etn~rgesxcy~ ~utc~tl~an ~~a 33Q 8.1 PurQose q~ RA, 33Q 8.2. Concept o~ afiabi7,ity q~ paxa7.7.~1 oper~fiion 332 8.3. Basic k~nda o~ R'A 337 8.4. Bas�tc princtp7,es� o~ the execa~~vn o~ ~'A 339 8.5. Key speci.~~:cat~ons ~o~ equ3,pt~Gnt 340 8.6. Automa.tfc equi;pmen~ ~ax un7,aad~:ag ~~.ecfia~c~xxan9~4~as~on 7.#,nes an active powex ~c~ad ~u~xg~ 344 8. 7. Automatic equ~~mQnt #ox px~'~e~t~,~g 7,0~ .cfi ~xahi,?~~,~y~ ~,th cuxo~~ o~ electrotxa~nsa4~s-s�ifln ~.~te~ 361 8.8. High-#requency xemote cuCa~~ equ~~tqexs~ 381 8.9. Autom$tic equtpsaent ~ox e1,~~fiilatfi~g ~s~yTtG~lxOAOU~ cond~t~:on~ 387 8.10. Autamatic equipment ~ox ~i~ntit~ng ~tr~ 3ncxe~se 'in, ~xequency 417 8.11. Automatic equipsaent ~or 1fi~i~ing an tncre~se fn v~oltage 420 8.12. Automatic divtdfng equipa~ent ~or 1ow~-pover elect~e#c powex sfiat~,ans Punctioning i~n a poWer system 424 427 Btbliography COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, ~.981 8831 CSO: 1863/131 ~D 125 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060066-8