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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060032-5 FOR OFFICIAL US._F ONLY JPRS L/ 10519 14 May 1982 - Worldwide Report NARCOTlCS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 22i82) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE OWLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064432-5 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. 1Katerials from foreign-lang,-lage sources are transZated; those from English-language sourcE�s are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and - other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied bp 3PRS. indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the rirst line of each item, or folloWing the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informatian was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. IInf+~.:niliar names rendered phonetically or transliteiated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originat.: with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Goverament. ' COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULPTIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATER?Ar.S REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE OiqLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540060032-5 JPRS L/10519 14 May 1982 WORLNI DE REPORT , tVARCOT I CS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOIIO 21j92) - CONTENTS asia AUSTRALIA 1wo Get Total of 12 Years in Jail for Heroin Trafficking _ (THE WEST AUSTREII.IAN, 13 Mar 82) Defunct Nugan Hand Bank Chiefs Called Drug Traffickers (THE AGE, 19 Mar 82) Narcotics Bureau Report Intarnatianal Heroin Dealing Police Say Sunshine Coast Now Plays Leading Drug Role ~ (THE COURIER-MAIL, 19 Mar 82) BURMA _ Editorial: National Drug Campaign Rpvieved (Bditorial; THE WORKING PBOPLE'S DAILY, 4 Apr 82) INDIA Record Drugs Haul Made, International Gang Detected (PATRIOT, 16 Apr 82) MALAYSIA Drug Addiction Increasing iii Sarawak (James Ritchie; NSW STRAITS TIIMS, 28 Mar 82) NEPAL Brief s 1wo Held On Narcotic Charges - a - FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY [III - WW - 138 FOUO] 1 2 4 S 7 8 - 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500060032-5 FoR oFFicIAL usB oxi.Y PHILIPPINES Briefs Heroin Threat Noted 10 Reaction To Consul's Arrest In Chicago (Bangkok Domestic Sercvice, 2 May 82; NATION REVIBW, 3 May 82) 11 Sitthi, Arun Comment 'NATYON REVIEW' Editorial LATIN AMERIi:A BARBADOS Drug Official Warns Of Increased IIse Among Youth (ADVOCATE-NEfiS, 15 Apr 82) 13 MERICO Intergovernmental Cooperation In Drug Cases Di.scussed (EL DIARIO DB NNEVO LARBDO, 30 m-er 82) 14 Six-Year Anti-Drug Campaign Reviewed, Praisecl (NOTIMEX, 14 Apr 82) 16 International Cocaine Trafficking Ring Disbanded (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LARL00, 27-28, 31 Mar 82, 2 Apr 82) 17 Connections Disclosed More Arrests Made Eleven Held for Trial Probe Ends Trafficking Ringleader Captured In Oaxaca (EI. MARCIAL, 23 Mar 82) 23 Torture Of Captured. nrug 1Yaffickrers Denied (EL MANANA, 2 Apr 82) 25 Incineration Of Colombian Marihuana Reported (EL FRONTERIZO, 21 Mar 82) 26 Trafficker$ Captured With Heroin From Guerrero (EL MANANA, 26 Mar 82, 3 Apr 82) 27 Arrests Announced Jailing Ordered - b - = FOR OFFICIAL USB OI1I.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064432-5 FOB OFFICIAL USB ONLY Drugs From Peru Seized At Airport (EI. DZARIO DE NilBVO I.ARSDO, 7 Qpr 82) 30 Briefs Wa,nted Trafficker Captured PERU 31 State Enterprise To Control Coca (ADP, 3 Mar 82) 32 Brief s Narcoticss Seizure 33 Drugs 5eized 33 Drug Traffickers .Arrested 33 SIIB-SAHARAN AFRICA LIBIItIA Briefs Marihuana Burned 34 WEST EtTROPE DEhMARR Dane Named Nordic Police Drugs 8epresentative To South America (Anders Wiig; BERI.INGSKE TIDBNDB, 20 Apr 82) 35 Police In Provinces Establish ;~;eparate Drugs Divisions . (BERLINGSKE TIDErIDP, 23 Apr 82) 36 Briefs Copenhagen Drugs Gangs Broken 37 Cocaine Seized At Airport 37 ITALY Foreign Undersecretary Proposal For Halting Drug Traffic (IL TEMPO, 3 Apr 82) 38 SWSDEN - Gang Smuggled Heroin, Used Funds To Aid Armenian Movement (SVENSRA DAGBI.ADBT, 18, 25, 27 Mar 82) ...I 40 'Shoemaker' Gang Indicted, by Sune Olsson Funded Armenian Liberation Movement, by Su-ne Olsson Smuggled I?rugs Through Lebanon, by Margit Silberstein Example of Large-Scale Models Abroad, by Margit Silberstein - c - FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Briefs - Charged In Hashish Smuggling 45 Telephone Tap Foils Drug Sale 45 _ SHITZERI.AND 1welve Cocaine Smugglers From South America Arrested (tgy. ; IaEIIE ZtJERCHER ZEITUNG, 27 ZSar 82) 46 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500060032-5 AUSTRALIA T6.'0 GET TOTAL OF 12 YEARS IN JAII. FOR HEROIN TRAF'FICKING Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 13 Mar 82 p 26 [Test ] Two hemin tratCckers were gaoled tor a total of 12 yeus yesteraay by the Chief Justice, Sir Francis Burt. In the Supreme Court, - the judge said he took the view previously ex- pressed by the courts that the drug problem stiould be attacked by de- terrant penalties. John Kizon (19). of Hannworth Street, Bal- ca4ta, who has represent- eci Australia as an ama- : teur boxer. was gaoled 'ivr rve years with a twayear minimum. E A middleweight, I{uon ' , fought in the Ifiin s Llup in Thailand in 1979430. ' Craig Pattidc Martin (25). service - statior at- i tendant, of Murphy Way. :�'arnbro, was gaoled for seven years with no~ ' minimum sentence. ~ Last month theq were i convicted in a jury trfal; of sellinA heroin at Mar- ley in October last year. Martin was also found Quilty of an add[tional chargc of havlnQ hcmin in his posses.cion in Vta toria Park in November last ycar. FOLIAWING During thc trial, the jury w:ts toltl that the policr had tet�n following the defen(l:ints Irorn a jiouse in 161orley where hcroin was later tound. A detective said 4hat .chen he puiled up along ;i:ie a sports car at traii- ic lights the c1e(en(ianfS CSO: 5300/7545 ;umped out of the ve- hicle, ~lesving the eag[ne , running, and ran ofL ! Kizon had bern cap- ;tured atter a warning shot was fired by the police. Martin had es- ~caped at that time bnt was arrested the next ! month. ( When the p o 1 i c e searched the sports car ed ~ they had fowid $900 in- side. The juage aaid: "Neith- er of you took heroin,so it is not a pse of an ad- diM sustaining his own addiction You were trad- ing ior profiL� Setttencing Martin, he ! said that Martin haaa : committed the oifences � ! while on parok. In 1act. : he owed the parole boSrd , 25 tnonths. Becaiase of Martfn's long list of previous con- victions, the C7Nei Jua- ; tice said, he was not pre- i pared io impoae a mini- , mum scntence in. Mar- i tin's caae. ~ : Dealin wtth Kimn was; ' more diIIcult bersus-, he : ~ was a young man with a, I g,ood repulation. ~ You were lnvolved in ` the distrFbutlon of druQs ; for protit and must ac- cept the rnnreqnences r shat," he said. 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 j AQSTRALIA DEFL'NCT NliGF+2I H1l!`7D BANK CHIEFS CALLED DRUG TRAFFICICERS Narcotics Bureau Report Melbourne THE AGE in English 19 Har 82 p 4 EText j CANBERRA. - Nar- oocics Bm+ean 81es named ctx prlnapals oC the taDed Nngan Hand dank, Franlr Nur gan anA Mideael Hand, u impcrrtant flgures in the hesoin mdastry in P.,ustnlia, the I.eader of the OpPositioa. Mr Haydcn said yedw- day. He d-~ed a fu dwr ac- tract iroas Nartatks Bur- eau fi!es. -hieh be ltas been disclosft this wedk to qcestion the :iinister for Admiristnt3ve Ser- vices. 'Ntr Neamsan. about the failure o[ the buresn tu investigale information 9upplied to it aba+t the bank before it oollapsed- ,Mr Hayden asked if .%ir :Yewman was aware I that a nolc. dated 3May 1977. oTt the Niarcotics Bureau 61es desaibed Frank Nugan and Mkhac! Nand is �hiMtr than anythinr you have ever secn hert in the htroin rar.n and are said to be part of an Amerk'an seo- urity orRaOitrtion". t arlier ia the wrerk Mr Nsydea toid Pulfiimeat tltst the boeads namber two ol6cer. rir Brian Bates. !ud ordered the burem to eease lnvesll- e tfie actlvfties o[ Csan Hand. This oeder appears to have eane after rccmlpt of the in- ( famicion oa the 51e wbkh ;VIr Htydea rqd W Puhjnmt yesterdaY- (i'6e execnttve produc - er of the (,banoel Nitte programme National M Frykberg. ~+as dan1~ ~ repert in 'I'be Age oei weanesday that du ~ }layden wis~ ~ files wNich he bu been asltM to question the Govern- ment abaet the Nugan Haod mauer). btr Ha}-den YesterdaY repeated bis previo'.ts re- fusi, }n the faa ot Govermntnt chailenges. to table the 111es- He sald this vrould endanRer informants w-ho werc named In the flles. He saW they were Nareotics Bureau 81es snd slauld thereiore be availabk to the GovetnmenL Mr Hayden asked why, it thtre had bcee a 'mort serious aed fntee- ~ Niegm HNev aun bad elakned, ea aetloe was taken "mnttl after one d thas sbot hlmseY 2% years later?" btr Newniga aaid be wat not aware of the re- ports. 'Nor should 1 be, beeame I had no t'espon- sibWtq for the Nareotics Bomu," be said. The Prlme 1MHalsier, Mt Fraser, told Parlia- men yesterday uat be 6sd reodved the Srst re- t~k toae, edabtb6ed bY the NSW aad Fedenl Govamnents, to lnvestl- aate drug Uaeleldng. The tmit tocee is ez- amining the 6ndings of the WilHatna aad the Woodwatd Roya1 C,oni- missiom an drugs. T6e 5rst repoK deais with the actlvilies ot the Ndsan Hand bank. snd its dalings with '.Hnrray Strwari Rileyr and Harry WainwriqhL International Heroin Dealiny Melbourne THE AGE in English 19 Mar 82 p 4 [Text J SYDNEY. - The Nu- gan Hand international Dar:c ccntrolled the running o drugs irom 3outh-tasE Asia to Australia and A:n�~rics, according to a man who had deal:ngs wi[h the bank's deputy chairman, bU Michael Hand. The man, Mr Ardrew APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060032-5 davwy.e'-[nd tc6 ~be~iinn~'ms tbey startOd :off in i smWi ...r am thea. it ~took nmq!n~~6 ~ ~ p N . �~Yr~rro Mr Lovre. wbo told a Channd Ninep~ogran~me 'Piatidnal Ptews Today'. that he wLS a oooricted dcnR deakr, said he had introdueed kadas A[ Chineae trLds. ar trmin- al societia. to Mr Hand. '7ie. assured tFhm that hc had accure methods ot brikgft drngs into tbe ~ Vietnam. tboy wae sbie a smuggle 20 to 40 pounds of berofn is the bodia of dead GIs back to the Shtes" . Mr Lowe said he be- lie+rod _ investigations of the � a8ain of the. Nuqan Hand been 2u'nr d~ by tu'gh- }evd intecv~entioa 'Tm not - sbk to mmtioa names at this stage. but tfiae wei+e high-tanking Goverrnnent members and paliticiins thst wete 111V0Iifld!' - , CSO: 5300/7547 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060032-5 AiSSTRALI,A POLICE SAY SL'I3SHZNE UOAST NOW PLAYS LEADING DRUG ROLE Brisbane THE COi7RIER-MAZL in Enqlish 19 Mar 82 p 3 [Text) rtAMBOIIR. - The Sun- shine Coast, particularly Noosa, was the centre of a heavy drug scene, accord- ing Lo local CTLB chief. Sgt B. Giover. Sgt Gtover said yesterday the Sunshine: Coast paa wpDllinQ. drugs tor the rat of Australia. Police regularly found plots of 1500 to 2000 Dlanta in the bush in the coa" hiuterlaad. - S o u t h e r n eriminaLs buFing holiday homes on the 3unshine Coast had helped to boost the caasYs divg scene by 150 percent, he said Drug arrests on the coast had risen bp 150 percent in the 12 mont2ts to last June. The in- cidence of most other erlminal offences had rf,sen at a steadp zate of about 45 percrnt a yeu. "BeenleiBh and 'the Gold Coast are the oniq areas lncreaaing more rap3dly," Sgt Giover said. ~We have s reallp hesvy dsnB scene here, particularly in the hoosa area. CSO: 5300/7547 Sgt Glover said cannabis was ttie dmg most commonlY gro*n, but that Was aLto s Iot of goIdea toPPed Mushrooms, coeslne and heroin. The coast h'a re�nur surterea another spate of attempted drug ~*nists aDd dOC� Eikehes frOm r- tors' navgeries. Yesterdsy Calamdrs 3tag1s- trates' Cotut ww told that a maa aew hIs owa cannabis because he dtd not want to bxa~e assaet- sted with the cwsYs drng ~ Glea RoT Y.utton. 29, of Laad- sbmugh waa flned iM for the cultivation of eannabia. =SO for posxsdon of eannabis aad =150 for possession of s ntaildl fo! . tating dtugs. Luttnn pkaded 6uilty to the charQes Poliee Prountor. Canstable R. Butla, said poifce fonnd eannabis on.Lntton's PmPert7. gWwinB nD to AOcza hlgh 1n Dota and up to l.Sm hi8h fn the busb. Mr L YeAlister. for Lutton. said: "Se's grow1n6 it so he an atay swa7 from d:vg usas aad the drug scene." 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060032-5 EURMA EDI'CORZAL: NATIONAL DRUC CANPAIGR REFIIEWED Rangoon THE FIORIQW. PEOPLE' S DAILY in English 4 Apr 82 p 4 - [Editorial] [Text] T HE problem of drug abuse is an evil - legacy inherited from the colonial past. When the whole of Burma became a colony with the fall of Mandalay in 1885, the colotial regime stepped up its opium trade with the sole aim of earning more revenues with utter indifferenoe to the consequences of the imposed evil. The 1878 Opium Act estabiished goverrtment monopoly over the opium trade. In 1905 the government formed the Excise Depart- ment and demarated the territnry east of Salween as opium region and allowed the local residents to abuse opium freely. Although the dangerous drugs were banned from the other parts of the country, pro- fiteers ran opium dens in most maJor towns and corrupt excise officers turned their eyes the other way while the addicts wrasted away and the vice merchants fattened up gadual- Iy. . . ~ After the country proclaimed inde- pendence in 1948, the government promised to banish dangerous drugs totally from the - whole country within five years and made a number of anti-drug laws. The deadlive however expired with the declared goal no- vf+here near being . reaDized. After the Re- volutionary Council came to power in 1962, the problem of the abuse of dangerous drugs vas given seraous attention. A oommittee was appointed for the, task of oompiling a report on the destruction of poppy planta- tions, treatment of drug addiction and revision and replaoement of outdated laws. bn the recommendations of the committes opium dens throughout the Shan State were closed down and a crop substitution pro= gramme was launched with the aim of replacing apium poppy with other cash OOHowever; the drug abuse problem atsumod more senous proportions with the appearance of a highly potent derivative of the opium, heroin, in Rangoon in 1972. The government enforccd the n�.w Narcotic Drugs Law in 1974 enhancing the punish- ment fdr dnag-relatesi offences. The First l'yitha Hluttaw at tts.Fourti, Sessioa held in bctober 1975 called for a national campaign to_ camhat the drug problem. The Ministry of Horae & Religious Affairs appointed the Central Narcotic Drugs Control Board the samt year with subcommittees , under it charged with drug abuse prevention, treat- ment and rehabilitation-of addicts, purchase of lcg-Jty produced opium and drug abuse Prevention education, - I'6e Tatmadaw, with 2he cc-operation of the poople, has bcen waging nurperous rampaigns to suppress the drug prot3lem by destroying poppy plantations. More than 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060032-5 36,700 acres of poppy plantations were wiped aut between 1975 and 1980. With sssistance from the United Nations Funct for Drug Abuse Control, a multi-faceted programme to control drug abuse and re- habilitation of the addicts is undEr way since 1976. - 'I'he Party Chairman once pointed out 4hat the dangerous drugs can lead to extinc- tion of entire nations. W'e must, therefore, intensify the national: car,npaign, raise the public awareness for drug abuse prevention and attack the drug abuse probtem 'w'th renewed vigour until total victory is achieved. CSO: 5300/5722 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 = INDIA RECORD DRUGS HAUL MADfi, INTERNATIONAI. GANG BETECTED New Delhi PATRIOT in Englfsh 16 Apr 82 p 10 _ [ Text ]THE Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DYtI) hera has detected an international gang of drug traffickers opera4 ing in India and Eumpean countries with tle sei:ure of a huge quantity af superior quality hashisb at Deliu Air6 port early this week, reports I7NI. In the WgItest narcot[a htul in Delhi !n recent years. 20 Y& al Fluther interrotatioa ot tas two fonlgn tfationals ravealed baslush. ~stimated to be vrorth that basLLh waa alletedb delbar more Wan Rs 80 laths in the cd b them At BomMvon 3 April by a Pw~1aW atattlet aettled !n underground world ot bvrope aad Bombayr. The Lwo brwuAt the nar- tbc United States, was recovered cotics to Delhi on 9 Apri1� on Monday niQht trom au un- - clsimed suitcase wAth was smWt ~ smuggler' gled clandestinely thmuRh the ~avtn coatacb in the under 8ouni wotid wu dew�ed W customs and pnt on the conveyor , the Bomb~v nnit oE DRl iah Dnlt reportedly with the connl- vanca oi some Vcwplc at the afr akediately atter hfs invotvement ~ was dlvuYaed by the Mo foreign ~ W u ler 'Pbe Geaeva-bounC suikase rras takcn out by the DRl aMdals from the conveyor belt for thomugh scrcenin, 'l~v~o foreign nationali a Sw1ss aad a West German - are baiag qaeslloned by the auttwrl� ues. The activltIes of the $ang hav fog interuational ramifications ~nd responsible for smuRRling hashish out ot 7ndta came to Qght following inklllQence tathar ed by DRI. Thc DRI o~6dal3 aere intrigued � Aow the suitcase with hasNsb waa _ put ou the conveyor belt and b~ ~vLom. Tbe suitcase 2~ad the in, ternational airllne IaDeI for identt- Rcation. Fbllowine investi;ation it wss found t2~at the serles o! - the label ot the aitliae was a!- located to its Gene~�a station and not DeinL CSO: 5300/7027 nationals. The Put~a s~n `Q had been Ueld under COFSPOSA fn 1980 and the Mal of a smugelinQ case a=atnst him wu ctill Qoing on in a DeIL1 Conrt. The Delhi contact of the racketeers has re- portedly absconded after he heard of their deten- tion. The DRI has thxown its netwide to catch him. 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060032-5 MALAYSIA DRUG ADDIGTION INCREASING IN SARAWAK Kuala Lumpur I3EW ST1tAIT5 TIMES in English 28 Mar 82 p 11 [Article by James Ritchie] - ' Records �Aow that that thcrc were Nightly In tAo tollow-up the ak lcam Icd 0y 3araw the enti-dudaA authoe. TAe largc amount ot Itics. Lut ycae: qgures �au"' '�tud 1a.t r�a*' Is [ Ex c er p t s] more than 300 apluRn ad- , CID chlct Asslslant show that lhc .cisur.cs ~WO a� i~~~ ~lwitA ~ dlcta (therewerenore CammlsNoner Danlcl and areests liavc 1n- � 1�'~Alne In t1~e Ioea1 m.r istered herola addlcls at 1.cong Nyuk MIn. which crcased will, 94 aus- kcl. depcndants were `cl- that time) in 1970 - lhb workcd closely witA the pcctcd pushcrs bein6 ting despeRle tor aieA wa bclng a lesacy ot the AcadqaaMera !n KL. picked up, atltwa. days ot the "Whitc Ra� Jan" who legalised pickcd up two morc mcmberi ot the syedt- ACP Danicl I.coas arpakaies touna u saidlhalamonaaomeot Imt ~~lpo opium tarming as � calc in Penang �nd wak the Wg succcsses wcre ~R~~~~H~~~ aource ot reveaue. Kuching (one ot tAen the arrdt ot a W6-time c~~ rmall dcmaad and Even by 1975 the �wassubaeq{~enllysentto pusher, 1n Kuchin6. hl~hri~ks. 6rowlh bcgan slowly ~l+~u Jcrcjak toe lwo ~isu~ o( rolls of ' polIcchavcMcntlOadtho wlth a sllsht Increase to yean) whlle the master~ g&aja. the crecking up et arc,u ot demand aad Aave 37S addicb - botA ot Th mind was sentcnccd lo flve yeua) A tour-man 6+uig +nd bee^ +bk t� m�^ltw the res ot 1a0 rolls ot movemcnt ot maC ot'tAc dI e hcroln and oplum. mcnace Salncd momen� . . 1977 was also a ai6nit- e su ganja sl Kuala Buram. P1�hers and addlcta Another taclor b the lum uelil today. whcrc icant ycar as the Statc i and the detcntloe ot s t tr~~l dista^CQ IA the Btate. thcrcareabout 1,000 re6� dcntify manaaed to m&q and 1.700ams o It ~"at �Naai"~ that ialcrcd addlcts In the the dnug proDlcm which o lum al INirl. p Eecaune ot tAls. tealflckers Slate and possibly sbout wns bo61nn1na lo Srow Thrce peoPlc Includ- ha've tM KJL,.Kuchtns the ume number ot un� out ot hand. Ing a woman wcrc de- mutG to aupply lbp town aad rc6lstcccd oncs. Thet Yeu 41 raid." tRlncd In Bintulu wnd 108 slbu ncarlr 8ookm awar I.ittla ettort wds put werc carNed out wlth 80 am� or herotin scizea. whllc the K48nme1 routc �uPPU' the towos turthcr ieto wipiA6 out the prob- auspccted dru6 pwhera Though the problem north au Ltlrl and I.Im- _ Icm in the culy atagca - bclng arrcated. The wu In the mld-70s dld not ng th d as there was minimal a6ainst dadaA had e seem wldesproa TO make hu tMp woMh- data reguding hcroln bcaun. Stale dovemmenl was ~~mcker enwt addlcUon. but ey ifTd 3ome of the hauls tRr-elghled cnough to cs- ebarV a "taiuaa" Br there were reports that a wcre an hl`h au 1,10gm tablish a dotectloe cen- ~ime bwoln 1. qnualcd , syndlcate Ilnkln6 ot hcroln. saosm ot tre Rt the 11th km trem tAe(ioldw 71r1angleto Penan6. KL. Kuching, oplum and 715gm ot rn� p Q n r 1nee n r oad o n I*eeent; Kt. aod KucAlng It a n d B a n d a e 8 e r 1 ie. IrtaraA 29 1978. 3lmiler could cod between qo,ooo to Bc6awan was makln6 approval was 61ven tor $MON Por Pourid In t1te In�wads lnto 3arawak. ' DedjAe 81bu and Mlrl whcre the whalcsaM markM. lThe syndicate wed dadah dlmcaso aaa be' A tubc ot heroln In Brunel u onc ot the{r "drop-poiMs" be[ore the This lemporarlly s t u n o c d t h e d r u 6 ginning to spread. Kuchi"s t�day I' bct" iendatlons Dy =16