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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500450053-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10477 22 Aprii 1982 Woridwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 18/82)~ ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapzrs, periodicala and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language ~ sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcr ibed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristic~ retained. Headlines, editeriul reports, and material enclosed in brackets [j are suppl ied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt ] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing ind icator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original bu t have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPROAUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION J OF TH IS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050053-3 JPRS L/10477 22 '~pril 1982 WORLDWIDE REPORT iVARCOTICS AND DAN GEROUS DRUGS (~ovo ~8/82) - CONTENTS ASIA AUSTRALIA ~ Civil Liberties Council Concerned Q~er Marihuana Raids (Elizabeth Johnston; THE AUSTRALIAN, 15 Feb 82) 1 Briefs Marihu~;a Burning � 2 BURMA Briefs Opium Crop Substitution Course 3 Opium Plants Destroyed 3 Opium Fields Destroyed 3 HONG KONG Amendment to Narcotics Law Permits Full Body Search (SOU`I'H CHINA MORNING POST, 13 Mar 82) 1~ Three Malysi ans Jailed 9 Years for Synuggling Morphine (SOUTH CHINA MURNING POST, 19 Mar 82) 5 Marihuana Haul From Philippines Largest Since 1975 (Donald Cheung; SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 20 Mar 82) 6 New Heroin Ring Smashed After Thai Courier Arrested (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 13 Mar 82) 7 American Gets 2 Years~ Imprisonment for Importing Heroin (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 9 Mar 82) 8 - a - [III - WW - 13S FOUO] FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050053-3 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY -1 INDONESIA TT�ro Foreign Women Arrested for Maxihuana Trafficking (MERDEKA, 12 Feb 82) 9 irief s Naxcotics Destroyed 11 N~ALAYSI.A BriEf~~ Anti-Drug Coordinating Body 12 YAKISTAN Minister Discusses Eradication Program With United States Officials ' (DAWN, 21 Mar 82) 13 Drug Trafficking Discussed (Edito;.�ial; MORNING NEWS, 19 Ma-r 82)........,,........~. 15 Briefs Heroin Seized in Islamabad 17 Heroin Smuggling Bid Foiled 17 Smuggler Fined 17 Interpol-FIA Cooperation 18 PHILIPPINES Stiffer Penalties for IJrug Users (VISAYAN HERALD, 22 Mar 82) 19 Briefs Warning ori Hero_in Trafiir. 20 SRI LANKA Briefs Ganja Plan tati~n Raided 21 ~ LATIN AMERICA BAHAMAS Political Figure Refuse~ To Blame U.S. for Drug Problem (Gladstone Thurston; THE TRIBUNE, 5 Mar 82) 22 -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050053-3 a0R OFFIC[AL USE ONL~' BERMUDA Minister Claims Youth Falling Prey to I?rug Pushers {THE ROYAL GAZETTE, 13 Max 82) 23 Two Convicted in Heroin Smuggling Given 15-Year Terms (THE TRIBUNE, 9 Mar 82} 25 BRAZIL . Campinas Police Establish System To Combat ~'raffickir_g (0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO, 1 Mar 82) 26 Brief s Record Marihuana Planting Bust 28 Creation of Reg~:,ial Drug Council 28 Cocaine Ring Uisbanded in Amsterdam 29 MEXICO Antidrug Coordinator Describes Zonal Pilot Plan (EL SOL DE 5INALOA, 19 Mar 82) 30 Briefs = Plane With Marihuana Downed 31 Tra~ficking Jail Official Sought 31 Marihuana Shipment Burneci 32 Trafficker Claims Torture . 32 Warden Charged With Escape 32 Trafficker Founci in Custody 33 � Coca~ne Shipment Seized 33 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Crime, Influx cf Weapons Attributed to I}rug Trafficking (SUNDAY GTTARDIAN, 21 Mar 82) 31~ ~ NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA EGYPT Opium Smuggle.d FY~om India Seized (THE EGYPTIAN GAZETTE, 19 Mar 82) 38 IRAN Briefs March Drug Haul 39 Opium Seized in Darab 39 - c - FOR OF'F[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500050053-3 FOR OFFICIiAL USE ONLY SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Brief s Dagga Seized !~0 ' WEST EUftOPE DENMARK Two Turks Arrested in Large Heroi.n-Smuggling Case (Anders Wiig; BERLINGSKE ~IDENDE, 23 Mar 82) 1t1 Turkish Gang Sentf:nced in Heroin Smuggling Case (Anders Wiig; BERI~INGSKE TIDENDE, 31 Mar 82) l~1~ Briefs Drop in Narcotics Deaths !~6 ICELAND Morphine Removed F`rom Life Boats; Officials Investigating (MORGUNB?~ADID, 27 Feb 82) I~7 ITALY Four Heroin Smugglers Arrested in Bari (Ettore Gic,,~gio Poti; LAGAZZETTA DEL MEZZOGIOftNO, 2 Mar 82) L~8 NETHERLANDS Progress, Problems in Amsterdam Ilrug Scene (I~A LIBRE BELGIQUE, 23 Mar 82) 50 TURKEY Briefs Istanbul Heroin Seizure 52 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 AUSTRALIA CIVIL LZBERTIES COUNCIL CONCERNED OVER MARIJUANA RAIDS . Canberra T~ AUSTRALIAN in English 15 Feb 82 p 2 [Article by Eli7~'~eth Johnston] [Te xt ] THE Queensland ~ inB the possession of ~ CounciI for Civil Liber-; small amounts of mari-l tics is conccrned at the ~ ~uana. ~ increasing number of' "When you consider arrests involving small that is the experience of amounts of marijuana. one sollcitor in one , The spokesman on mornin(; you Bet an ind- pollce powers, Mr Noel ication of how many � Nunan. said yesterday P~oPle arc being arres- there was also concern ted:' he said. ovcr the hars?ssment of Mr Nunan said many motorcycle riders. of the arrests followed raids on prlvate l~rem- ~~The police are alienat- ises which were a result 1ng a whole generation of tip-offs from neigh- with the drug laws;' Mr bors or estranged girl- Nunan said. frfends. ~~Tt~e number of people He satd motorcycle rid- Ueing picked up for ers werc also a favorite bcing in possession ot targetforpolicc. . small amounts ot drugs Sometimes they were - less than 25gm - is pulled up~ given what he staggering, called a "heavy t~me" ~~These people are ' and then given a speed- mostly under 25 but ing ticket. when they rcach 30 or 35 ~~Often they are pulled and develop different ~ values they can't get in- ~ over and goaded into volved in public groups : being defiant;' Mr or run for parliament ' Nunan said. because they liave a "These aren't bikies. . . criminal conviction:' ~~T1Tey are young Mr Nunan said in one people who can't afford mornin~ as a duty solic- j a car or don't need one it~r he had handled ~ because they have no eight guilty pleas involv-; Samily to transport:' CSO : 5 300/ 75 38 , 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 AUSTRALIA BRIEFS MARIJUANA BUId~tING--NSW Drug Squad detectives supervised the burninq yesterday of 3000 marijuana plants with an estimated street value of almc~st $2 million. The p1.a~ts, many more than 2m hiqh, had been grawing in dense forest north of Newcastle. Acting on information they received from a telephone call, 14 police raided a property near Gloucester earlier this week. In a clearing surrounded by dense forest they found a nursexy, dzying room and irrigation equipment used to cultivate the marijuana plants. Police said most plants had been grawing for up to three months and the largest specimens would have fetched about $500 each. tvo arrests have been made, but police are lookinq for a man. He is described as about 45, 187 cm tall, of solid build with light brown hair. [Canberra THE AUSTRALIAN in Enqlish 12 Feb 82 p 2] CSO: 5300/7538 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 BURMA BRIEFS OPIUM CROP SUBSTITUTION COURSE--Lashio, 15 March--Multiplier Course No 2/82 on cultivation of cash crops to replace opium poppy of the Peasants Asiayone and Course No 8 on animal husbandry and basic ~-^.terinary science were opened. at a ceremony at the special high-yield maize cultivation station of the Agriculture Corporation here this morning. Township Party Unit Chairman U San Shwe, Township People's Council Secretary U San Yu and Township Peasants Asiayone Chairma.n U Sang Tun Hla spoke on the occasion. The course on cultivation of cash. crops is being attended by 70 trainees from 14 village-tracts ir~ Nampaung region and the animal husbandry and basic vete- rinary science course is being attended by 14 trainees.--NA.B ~Text~ ~Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLES DAILY in English 22 Mar 82 p 4~ OPIUM PLANTS DESTROYED--Rangoon, 26 March--Under the arrangement made by the Central Narcotics Control Board, a total of 10,539 acres of opium poppy were destroyed under Operation Ngayepan Phase II since 19 December 1981. The opium poppy destroyed by the Tatmadaw, People's Police Force and the S ecurity ~.lnits in cooperation with local people under the leadership of the Party Unit and People's Councils, included 3,099 acres in eastern part of Shan State and 6,714 acres in northern part of Shan State. The Tatmadaw, People's Police Force and the working people are continuing to destroy the remaining opium poppy plantations, it is learnt.--NAB FText~ [Ra~,goon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 27 Mar 82 p 5~ GPIUM FIELDS DESTROYED--Rangoon, Burma, March 15 (AP)--The Burmese g~vernment destroyed 336 hectares (830 acres) of opium fields in eastern Burma, seized 981 kilos (2,163 pounds) of raw opium, 14 kilos (31 pounds) af heroin and 66 kilas (146 pounds) of marijuana between July 1 and Dec. 31 of last year, a report suxmitted to the Parlisment Monday said. Burma is a key producer of illicit opium from which heroin is refined, and in recent years the government has stepped up its anti-narcotics activities. The same report said the qovern- ment seized 14 Thai trawlers poachinq in its waters and 45 Burmese vessels en- gaged in smuggling. The report said 85 Thai crew members were arrested durfnq the six-mon~h period last year. [Rangoon THE CHINA POST in Enqlish 17 Mar 82 p 6] CSO: 5300/4930 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 , HONG KONG AMENDMENT TO NARCOTICS LAW PERMITS FULL BODY S~ARCH Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 13 Mar 82 p 5 _ [Text~ A Bill permitting a where there has no[,been"g minute qaantities whicb are search of body cavities tlf a P~a~ss of chemiql modiPca- : nut measurable or u~ble.. suspected drug courier tion of another aubatance or "Whether rasecution ac- with or without consent substances into a dsngerons tCon should �~'taken whzrc was gazetted yesterday. drug. aiily traas of drugs ar. found Thecefore thoae engeged will of courae ~tiU depend on The Dangerous Drugs � the�of individ- (Amendment) Bill 1982 also ~n "diluting" or' cutting ual c�aes;' the apokaaman empvwers the detention of the heroin base or its salb faa said. suspect until the examination ~~er charges like poseasion. is carned out. The definition of "manu- Thr search must be b a facture" of dangeroue dru~ y will be broedened to include - Govcrnment doctor at the re- making, adulterating, uril'y- quest of a police officer or ~ng, mixing. uparating or l:ustoms and Excise offiar othe~wise treating e danger- and the doctor is protected ous drug if the Bill becomea from civil and criminal liabil- ~eW ities concerning human rights violations. In reant yesrs, drug All public officers acting traffickers have been import- under the main ordinance are ing incteasing amounq of similarly protected from li- heroin base into Hongkong ability, the Bill states. because oF its, higber value A Narcotics Division but lower bulk than opium or spokesman said there is a morphine, the tpokesmea growing trend in drug smug- said. ' gling whereby "considerable" ~~Another factor behind quantities of dru~s are con- ~he prevalerice of trafficking cealed in body cavitus. in heroin bau is that the Since January last year, preparation of.the most com- 31 people have becn arrested monly used ~alt of heroin at Kai Tak airport alone with from it is a quicker, simpler dru~s conaaled insidc their and cleaner praceys than the cumbersome, . smeily and The Bill also provides a oftcn dangerous method of new dePnition ot "manufac- manufacturing herdn from turing" to covcr all cases of marphinc using acetylating the treatment of a dangerous substances;' he said. drug. Last year. the police and � And it provides for prose- Customs and Excise officera cution in cases where ~nly g~;zed 85.4 kg of heroin base small quantitics of dangerous compared to 38.3 kgs in 1980. drugs; not measurablc or in rhe Bill meke~ it clear themselve~ useble, are found. that any quantitlet of danger- Under the present dcfini- ous drugs, however small, are tion, peoplc ~annot be prose- regarded as dangerous drugs cuted for manufacturing for the pu~poses of the ordi- nance. Prosecution can thus be instituted in cas~s involving CSO: 5320/9124 L~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 HONG KONG THREE MAI.AYSIANS JAILED 9 YEARS FOR SMUGGLING MORPHINE Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 19 Mar 82 p 19 ( Text ] Three Malaysian nationals, Lim Ah Cheh, Kee Moh Din and Bong Ah Hin, werc yesterday each sentenced to nine years' imprisonment for smuggling S2 miliion worth of morphine from Bangkok to Hongkong. They pleaded guilty to conspiracy to traffic in dangerous dr~gs. Crown counsel C.G. Jackson told Mr Justice:Barna in the High Court that Lim was handcd ovcr to'�the Airport Investigation Unit after landing at Kai Tak from Bangkok on August 6 when an immigration officer found his nalne wa~ on the stop-watch list. 'Asked if he had anything to declare, Lim produad thra packets containing 1,104.3 grams of esters of morphine - one From his abdomen and two strapped to his legs. Questioned further, Lim said he was travelling with two other Malaysian nationals, both staying at a Tsimshataui botel. Acting on this information, customs offcers, aRer ques= tioning two othcr mcn, seized 2,167J grams of eatero of morphine from e suitcase in a room at the hotel. Interviewed under caution, Lim said he had agreed to smuggle the drugs for a reward of MS3,000 (about HKS7,500) plus an agrcement to be Ict off a dcbt incurred while bctting on horscs. F~e was recruited in Malaysia by a man named Ko Lo Tzat, who brought the other two dcfendents lo hia house. They thcn went to Singapore sirport wherc each was given an air ticket to Bangkok. , The drugs wcrc handcd ovcr to Lim, in thc presence of thc two other dcfendentx, in a hotel room in Bangkok. CSO: 5320/9124 , 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500454453-3 HONG KONG MARIHUANA HAUL FROM PHILIPPINES LARGEST SINCE 1975 Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 20 Mar 82 pp 1, 20 [Article by Donald Cheung] [ T-ext ] Customs men have uncov- to confuse the drug's origin ~`In this case we found cred a Philippines-based drug because Thai marijuana is of that the Cargo was Consigned cyndicate following the recent better quality and fetches a to an individual rathtr than a seizurc of 16 kg of marijuana higher price. � company and also that the at Kai Tak airport. "Man~uana grown ~r o was roughly made;' The drugs, m unclaimcd Thailand, known as 'Buddha sa~~Assistant Superintendent air cargo, would have fetched stick,' is regarded as 2he best David Tong. 51.6milliononthcstrects. in the world;' said Senior ~~This rom ted us to Describcd as "the biggest Superintendent K.S. Tong of P p haul of mariju:~na" ~incc the Custorr,s Investigati~n cxamine the cargo thorough- IG75, customs officials said Bureau. ~y ~ ~ thc drugs werc bclicvcd to be Customs men bclieve four 'the current street-value of for local consumptiun. similar shipments have al- cannabis is about S 1 AO a They said it would havc ready bcen smuggled into gram. The price has risen been distributed mainly to }~ongkong in the same way � ~ Filipinos, Enropeans and Chi- by this syndicate over the past about SO per cant in a year. nese students who have ?woyears. Ufficera aaid marijuana ia studied abroad, througb loeal However, they are believ- not as widely uaed in Hong- bars and discos. � ed to have been much small- kong as other drugs, suah aa The 32 packets of mari- ~r, only four to Cive kilos hero~n, opium and opium juana, each weighing hatf a each. base. kilo, were found in a four- "Maybe they used those as ~~This soft dcug is only for font�long metal cylindcr, two trial shipmants and when more well-off people for uae fect in diametcr thcy found that the drugs ~n W~~d partics;' one oFficer It is the biggest seizur.e ~ould get in succes~fully, the . hcre of d'rugs nriginating deci~icd to ha~~c a real gc~,Y said. from the Philip~incs. Canna- ~ne customs officer said. He'added he thou$ht da bis has previous y been smug- Thc disguised drug ship- mand was growing w~th the gIcd into Hongkong mainly ment arnved on February 7 increasing,Filipinopopulation from Thailand, Indi~ and and a mxn turned up at Kai here. Tak to claim it. Pa Although a ~ew acketa Hc paid the freight No artest haa been made p ~o far but customs officen are wcre marked "Bang kok charge, but failed to return to ~~kin~ for threc Filipino Gold. Product of Thai- alter he was told by men, mcluding the one who land;' customs ofPicers said airline officials that cuatoms tried to collect the shipment, ihey believed it w,.~ all from afficers wanted to eaamine it. Zq.y~ar-old AlFredo Bor~a. thc Philippines. qlerted by this, customa ' A lot of marijuana is The thra suspecta are be- grown in the northern part of officers drilled two holes in ~o hnve used false pa~a- the Philippines;' a customs ~h~ cylinder on March 5 and rtt to traval to Hongkon~. ~pokesman said. fuund ths drugs insida, w~ap- ~ustoms authorities in the Thcy belicved thc parcels ped in silver f~il. philippines were contacted had becn dcliberately labelled Customs men told a press lest wak for help in the conference yesterdaX that inveatigation. ~ they usually ezamme in- bound cargo "on a selective ' CSO: 5320/9124 basis." 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050053-3 HONG KONG NEW HEROIN RING SMASHED AF1'ER THAI COURIER ARRESTED Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 13 Mar 82 p 5 [Text ~ Alert customs officers The suspects are expected have smashed a newty-formed to be charged with posaession dru g syndicete when they of dangeroua drug~ for the seized one kilogram of heroin Purpose of unlawful traffick- base at Kai Tak airport. ing. ' The drug was found in the police sources said that false top and bottom of a the Chiu Chow syndicate was suitcase said to belong to a formed recently to take ~ 36-year-old Thai courier advantage of the shortage of when he arrived from Bang- drugs and the' prevailing high kok on Thursday afternoon. , prices. The seizure would have been worth 5650,000 on the The farmer had ellegedly retai~ market.. made cuntact with the Thai Customs offcers used the couriar whom he came to rnuricr as "bait" and sha- know whilc visitin~ Bangkok dowed him to a hotel in Mid- reccntly, sources said. dle Road, Tsimshatsui, whore Because of the recent sei- he made codtact with a T'hai zures of huge drug shipments woman iq the hotel lobby. by customs officers, the street A Chinese man - a Farm- prices of No 3 heroin have er from Kam Tin, iri the New shot up almost 100 per cent Territories - later arrived at over the past three weeks. the hotel and received the suitcase. The two men and the woman were then arrested and detained for further in- quiries. A sister of the Thai woman and another man _ were also arrested in follow- up raids in Kowloon and the New Territories early yester- day morning. They were released on 52,000 bail each pending fur- ther investigations. Customs sources said last night that they were still hunting for the syndicate's mastermind, identified as a Chiu Chow man who had , been previously investigated by officers of the Customs Investigations Bureau. CSO: 5320/9124 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 HONG KONG AMERICAN GETS 2 YEARS' IMPRISONMENT FOR IMPORTING HEROIN Hong Kong SOUTF CHINA MOItNING POST in English 9 Mar 82 p 10 [Text ] A dcaf-mute American It was said that White 6as was yestcrday sentenced to a wife, who is alao deaf end two years' imprisonment by mute, and three daughters. . Judge O'Dea at kowioon Dis- Fle still hea to aupport the trict Court nfter pleading two youn4erdaughtera. guilty to importing heroin White s elder daughter which was "in transit" from and her husband had acrnm- Ncw Uclhi to Los Angeles. panied him on his journey Edwin Otto� Wliite (46) from New Delhi to Los An- was taken unconscious from geles end had aince returned an aircraFt w}?en it madc a to the United Stata. stopovcr at Kai Tak airport White was interviewed in en route to the United Statcs hospital by officers of the on February I 1, the court was Narcotics Bureau on Febru- told. ary 17 after which he appear- He was admitted to Queen ed at South � Kowloon Court Elizaboth Hospital wherc onachargeofposaeasing dan- three plastic packages con- gerous druga for unlawful taining drugs were found in trafficking. his right sock. His case was trAnsferred Two days later he regain- to Kowloon District Court on ed consciousness and consent- February 26. ~ ed to an operation during Yesterday, the Crown which 43 more packages of charged him with "being a drugs, including one torn one, person by whom a dangerous were removed from his dru~ was imported in tran- gastraietestinal tract.' sit; and offered no evidence The court was told that a against him on the charge of total of 175.96 grams of a po~session. � drugs mixture containing 162 grams of salts of ester of morphine were in the pack- ages. Passing sentence, Judge O'Dca said that he had taken into consideration White's plea of guilty, his physical disability nndhisco�operation with thc police. The judge added that he had also considcrcd the dif- ference in White's case with those of local people who had families to support and were convicted of similar offences. CSO: 5320/9124 - 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050053-3 INDONESIA TWO FOREICN WOMEN ARRESTED FOR MARIJUANA TRAFFICKING ' Jakarta MERDEKA in Indonesian 12 Feb 82 pp 1, 12 (Text] An Ttalian woman and an American woman were arrested last Monday in Bali for narcotics trafficking, a MERDEKA correspondent learned f rom Police Brigadier Soehar3ono, c~mmander of the Principal Narcotics Detective Unit. According to Soeharjono, Maria Rosaria Criscones, born in Rome on 2 May 1948, had, on three occasions, sold drugs brought from Bangkok via ~Iong Kong, Singapore and Jakarta for marketing in Den Pasar, Bali. Mari:~, who holds passport no. 732877, was arrested by menbers of the Prin- cipal Narcotics Detective Unit on behalf of the Australian Federal An Interpol report had revealed that a s uitcase f ull of marijuana was being transported via Garuda flight GA 965. The case was owned by a passenger named Maria, who had disembarked in Ng urai Rai Airport, Den Pasar. The Detective Unit alerted Bali Police Regional Command to watch Garuda. About 3 February, a woman claimed to Garuda that she had lost a bag. Her name was rlaria, and she was Italian. The trap was set. The bag was turned over to Garuda by the police. Maria was infonned, and on Sunday at 1300, she appeared at the airport to claim the bag she had reported as lost. The Police arrested her. ~ Soeharjono tald MERDEKA that 100 ganja stalks weighing 400 grams were con- cealed in the bag's lining. The gan~a had been brought from Bangkok via Hong Kong, Singapore and Jakarta, and she was able to slip away with her bag to board a domestic Garuda flight for Den Pasar. She also bro~ht a quantity of brown sygar, stored in a doll. According to ]'olice Major Rusdi, who arrested her, the brown sigar was to later be dissolved in water, and in~ected, like heroin. - Maria was not alune in her narcotics dealing. She worked with a young . American woman, who stayed at the Golden Village, Kuta. Claire Ritter, , passport no. a.2754870, born in New York on 24 October 1947, had traveled to Indonesia five times on a tourist visa. Fram her, police siezed 15 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500050053-3 ganja stalks c~eighing 15 grams. She claimed the ganja was only for her own use. But Maria confessed that the two had sold drugs to young people in Bali. Responding to a ME:'~EKA query, Police Major Rusdi, chief of thP IK Sattama Narcotics Detective Unit, said the Thai sticks they were selling is used for smoking, and is of higher quality than other ganja. ~ The two foreign nationals are now being held by the Police Regional Coumand, Bali, for further investigation and prosecution. 9197 CSO: 5300/8320 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 INDONESIA BRIEFS NARCOTICS DESTROYED--The Committee to Eradicate Narcotics (PPN), composed of elements of the Depar~nents of Health and Justice, burned a quantity of morphine and opiim in a Jakarta crematoriun. The drugs included 2.524 kg of morphine and 49.665 kg of opiun. The PPN is tasked with destroying confiscated narcotics. Representatives from the navy and police attended the burning. [bccerpt] [Jakarta SINAR HARAPAN in Indonesian 27 Feb 82 p 2] 9197 CSO: 5300/8320 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050053-3 MALAYSIA BRIEFS ANTI-DRUG COORDINATING BODY--Malaysia and Singapore have set up a coordinating body that will enable drug enforcing office~s from either side to operate across their conunon border. This was stated by the director of the Central Narcotics Bureau in Singapore today. He said the formation of the border drug committee followed serious concern in the two countries over the possible influx of drugs after a recent bumper opium harvest in the golden triangle. He said direct telephone links had been established between the bureau and the Malaysian police in all state capitals of peninsular Malaysia in con~unc- tion witn the setting up of the committee. Malaysia and Singapore had been linked by a joint drug liaison committee for the past 2 years. [BK090202 Kuala Lumpur International Service in English 0800 GMT 7 Apr 82 BK] CSO: 5300/5704 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 PAKISTAN MINISTER DISCUSSES ERADICATION PROGRAM WITH UNITID STATES OFFICIALS Karachi DAWN in English 21 Mar 82 p 6 [TextJ Washington, b.arch 20-~Pakistan's Interior Minister, Mr Mahmoud Aaroon went to the hill aqain on F~iday and exchanged views with the influential Senator from Texas, Chairman John Towe of the Senate Armed Services Committee. His visit on Thursday was to the House Foreign Affairs Committee where, among others, he met Congressman Pritchard, who has been to Pakistan several times and has steadily supported the Pakistan case. His discussions o~ Friday with the US Acting Secretary of State Mr Walter sto~ssel, covered a wide canvas but concentrated more specifically on mutual collaboration on the eradication of druq - addiction, which is causinq deep concern to nations worldwide. Mr Mahmoud Haroon infarmed SecretAry Stoessel that Pakistan was just as anx- ious as USA to save its youth from the global spread of the narcotic epidemic. islamabad was determined to curb the evil not only as a national duty, but also as a reliqious obligation for, Islam forbade all that causes intoxica- tion. 'ib that end, Pakistan was ca-operating not only with the United States but also with Norway, Sweden and other countries threatened by the problem. Inhiriting Factars At the same time, the Pakistan Interior Minister pointed to certain inhibit- ing factars, such as the location of mas~ poppy-fields and plants in the far- flung tribal areas which for centuries had remained outside the pale of ncr- mal law, and unless tribesmen, cultivating poppy, could be tempted into aa- ceptable alternatives, the problem could not be checked. Nevertheless, a major effort was under way not only to offer them a lucrative crop-substitu- tion but also a comprehensive socio-eca.~omic infrastructure developn~ent plan. This, toqether with the crack-down in the settled areas had already bequn to pay dividends, he added. ~tvo years aqo, the poppy crop amounted to S00 tons: It has since been reduced to 100 tons and the campaign has been further intensified. 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 US Aid Programme According to PPI Special Correspondent, Ghani Erabi, the United States has proposed a fiscal 1982 international narcotics control assistance programzne of 2.9 million d~llars to be used as under. ('_.35 million dollars to lzelp with design and implementation of a development pro ect, intended to support the ban imposed by Tslamabad on opium production by providing farmers with alternative income sources 675,000 dollars do the Pakistan Narcotics Control Board for training and equipment support for en- forcement officers, 100,000 dollars for research in drug abuse in Pakistan and for training in treatment and rehabilitation, 300,000 for general pro- gramme development and support costs and 475,000 dollars for assistance in enforcement programmes for the port of Karachi. Prohibitian Order The Congressional staff study mission that visitect Pakistan last fall, in its report has said: "The Government of Pakistan appe~t3 genuinely committed to suppressing the illicit production and export of narcotics from Pakistan. It is also concerned about increasing levels of drug abuse within Pakistani so- ciety and how to address this prob7.em effectively. Until 19'~9 opium produc- tion was regulated but not illegal (c~pium poppies were cultivated legally as an important cash crop under the British. --President Zia-ul-Haq issued the Prohibition (enforcement of Hadd) Order of February 1979 which essentially codified and applied the strictures of Islam- ic law to illegal narcatics. The Order prohibits the possession production, transfer and receipt of narcatics and prescribes very severe penalties. This was further strengthened by an outright ban on the cultivation of opiLan plants . Crop-Substitution Plan At the same time, adds the report, Pakistan recognises that enforcement alone, will not solve the narcotics problem and with UN assistance, it has been car- rying aut a pilot crop-substitution project providing small farmers subsi- dised farm inputs in return for their abandoning poppy cultivation. But the project has not been a camplete success. Tl:e Pakistan Government has come to the conclusion that it must combine the crop-substitution with an entire in- frastructure of socio-economic development in target areas." But it must be recognised, "the Conqressional report cancludes, "that under- taking comprehensive develo~ment effort of this nature is a complex, lengthy and expensive proposition". CSO: 5300/5693 11~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 PAKISTAN DRUG TRAFFICKING DISCUSSED Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 19 Mar 82 p 6 [Editorial.: "Trafficking in Drug") [Text] The four-day international Islamic conference which will begin in the Holy city of Medina from March 23 to discuss threadbare the dreaded menace of increasing use of narcotics all ov~er the world indicates the seriousness of the problem. The conference will be attended by the Ulema, thinkers and spe- cialists from all over the world who will ponde~ over the problem from the Islamic point of view and suqgest ways to put down the illicit trade Since the end of the Second World War, whets traffick:Lng in illicit drugs suddenly increased unceasing efforts by various Governments have continued unabated without any checking the racket. Tha~t is an indicator of the skill in organ- isation and management of the unholy trade. It also higlights the inadequacy af the existing laws and methods so far employed to combat the menace. We hope the c:onference would give special thought to this aspect and come out with a plan effective enough to meet the challenge. Addiction to narcotics.has now assumed alarming proportions especially in the West. nut in this part of the world including Pakistan, the picture is no less dismal. A drug addict is pracitically lost as a useful member of the society. Once in the hypnotic grip of the potion, there is no easy way to. wean him a~eay from it. The increasing supply of the drugs such as heroin, opium, chara~~ and other forms of thein along with a corresponding rise in ad- dicts is a danger signal to the civilised world. Pakistan in that respect seems to be more in danger as the huge consignments of heroin, opium and char- as caught in the last few months shows. The value of the contraband drugs seized here runs into billions of rupees. The situation has rightly created an alarm and the Government of Pakistan is taking all possible measures to limit the area and cultivation of opium. The Uni.ted Nations is also making its help available in this connection. The po- lice and custams authorities in Pakistan have done a remarkably qood job in seizing huge amount of the druqs and it must have saved lakhs or millions of souls in countries for which the drugs were intended. But there is no way of knowing if the consignments seized were not merely a fraction of the stuff that evaded detection. .15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450053-3 So far, the law-enforcing authorities have succeeded in catching only the couriers or unearthing a gang of people engaqed in manufacturing heroin etc. But the real bosses remain practically untounched and probably unknown. Moreover, the punishment awarded to people engaged in the traffick has in no way deterred others fram joining the trade. The Medina conference must exam- ine the prnblem from this particular angle. It would be worthwhile examining how China eli.minated drug addiction from the country or how Iran is combating the me ce. It may appear too drastic a suggestion but how can the menace be otherwise stamped out? The profits in the unholy trade are too enormous to discauxage those involved in it by merely putting them beizind the bars for a few years ar confiscating the contraband consignments. The USA and other Eur- opean Governments have failed to stamp out the menace because the qangs always manage to find new couriers and new routes to send the stuff to the intended markets. in recent ye3rs drug addiction has assumed alarming proportions in Pakistan also, especially in certain parts of Baluchistan and NWFP. But the addicts are not confined to those areas only. In fact there is no city or small town of the country without its addicts. The situation in other Asian and African countries is not much better. The real problem is not ta stop trafficking in illicit drugs or rehabilitat- ing the addicts, although they are no less important. The most urgent need and really productive, is to put down the production of the narcotics and catch the real bosses of the trade. It must be realised that the interna- tional ramifications of this trader with all their well-knit organisation and led by them ruthlessly, cannot be eradicated by local or national measures, neither can they be combated with the conventional laws and methods. One of the most active organisers of the drug traffick, the Mafia has remained un- broxen even though the most efficient American machinery is geared to fight it. That shows the strength of the traffickers, and also proves that much mare than ordi.nary methods are needed to end the menace. We hope the confer- ence at Medina will thoroughly examine this aspect of the problem and come out with appropriate suggestions to root out the menace. CSO: 5300/5693 lE APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 PAKISTAN BRIEFS HEROIN SEIZED IN ISLAMABAD--'1'he antidrug squad of the customs police at Islamabad airport seized heroin worth 25 million rupees on the international market on 5 April. The heroia was packed in concealed compartments in two suitcases bound for an overseas destination. [GF111440 Lahore JANG in Urdu 5 Apr 82 p 1] HEROIN SMUGGLING BID FOILF.o--7.he Custcans Drug Enforcement Cell (DEC) arested a Sri Lankan national on Monday for attempting to smuggle out refined heroin powder weighing three kilograms at Karachi airport on Monday. Packed in 18 packets the heroin worth Rs. 3 million was concealed in the false bottom of a suitcase belonging to Ponniah Milwaganam who was intercepted and arrested by the DEC sleuths minutes before his departure to Amsterdam by a foreign air- line. Investiqations revealed that his accomplice Babu had left for Holland three days ago leaving the contraband with Milwaganam. Interpol has been in- formed of Babu's movement while a search is in progress for lxal contacts of the accused persans. [Karachi DAWN in English 23 Mar 82 p 10] SMUGGLER r^INID--Mr Mushtaq Kazimi, Deputy Collector of Airport Custcans, im- posed a penalty of Rs. three lakhs on German qirl Josette Erika Wawrzinek while adjudicating the case of 'possession' of tw~o kilograms of heroin. The passport of the German girl would remain with the Customs pending payment of the fine. She was earlier fined Rs. 100,000 by the Special Judge (Customs) Mr Ishtiaq Husain where she pleaded quilty to the charge of smuggling. This was paid by her father who had arrived from Germany. Adjudfcation proceedings are still pending agains~t the other accused in the case viz Mahammad Raza Mo- basharfard, an Iranian studertt, caught with the girl on Oct. 27, 1981, with 2.25 kilos of heroin from his suitcase concealed in the false bottom, another Iranian national M. Raza Taqavi (who is said to have :narried Erika after she embraced Islam), and a third Iranian Ghulam Husain P,bidzada.~ Mobasharfard was convicted for smuggling of 2.25 kilos of heroin by the court for six months R.I. and a fine af Rs. one lakh, aqainat which he has filed a mercy petition. [Karachi DAWN in English 26 Mar 82 p 18) 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 INTERPOL-FIA COLIABORATION--The International Police have joined FIA~s Passport Cell in investigating the drug trafficking case in which a number of former airline employees were involvedo The Federal Police seized about c~i~ht kilograms of heroine powder from them, Six dismissed PIA employees and a serving PIA official was involved in the case, The FIA seized the passport of accused Ghafoor B utt, the brother-in-law of a local police officer from a local travel agento Meanwhile, search for Nadir Ali Khan Durrani and one Stephen has s4arted in London by the Interpol. The police are searching the other links in the national airline and also the business- man who financed the whole racket, Police have raided several places late on Monday night to find the absconding accusedo ~Text~ ~Karachi DAWN in English 25 Mar 82 p 10~ CSO: 5300/5703 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050053-3 PHILIPPINES STIFFER PENALTIES FOR DRUG USERS Cebu City VISAYAN HERALD in Eiiglish 22 Mar 82 p 3 [Text] Stiffer penalties are now being imposed by the government to curb the upward trend of drug abuse. This was dislosed today by Mas~hr Sgt. Norberto Alvarada of the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) befor~~ members of the Cebu Association of City and Municipal Public Information Offi~ers (CAOCAMPIO) during its monthly meeting at the Office of Media Affairs (OMA). Alvarado, who was one of tw~o CANU speakers, said that violation of the anti- druq abuse law may be in the form of sales, administration, delivery, acting as broker, transmission, transportation and giving away of drugs classified as regulated and prohibited by the Dangerous Drugs Board. The CANU official also said that tougher penalties such as the increase of prison terms from six to 12 years have been imposed on persons cauqht possess- ing prohib~ted or regulated drugs. According to Alvarado, cultivation af marijuana plants as source af prohobited drugs is punishable under Section 9, Article 2 of Republic Act 6425. In the same seminar, Sgt. Deterio Sanchez of CANU discussed the distinguishing marks apparent among drug dependents and the rehabilitation and treatment of the drug addicts at the Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Netw~ork (DARN) in Taguig, Metro Manila. In his talk, he urged the public infarmation officers to disseminate the in- : formation to the barangay residents in their area. Sanchez alsa briefed the CAOCAMPIO members on the sign and symptons of with- drawal syndrome, which he said would always follow after the body of drug de- pendents w~ould reach to such a hiqh point where it cauld tolerate the presence of the drugs. The CANU official pointed out that some cough syrups taken as substitute drugs could not be confisaated and w~ould not be a ground for arresting the druq user because these are never include in the list of the requlated and prohibited ~ drugs. tt , CSO: 5300/5699 , 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 PHILIPPINES BRIEFS WARNING ON HEROIN TRAFFIC--The dangerous drugs board warned yesterday against a threatening increase of heroin traffic throughout the country because of the opium bumper crop in Indochina's golden triangle. The board noted that heroin traffic is already picking up in Manila, Cebu and Angeles City. The country is not a lucrative market for heroin, but it is being ~sed as a transit point in heroin international traffic; 267 grams of highly-addictive heroin have been seized from 3 carriers since last year. The heroin was being taken to the United States from either Pakistan or Thailand when inter- cepted in the country. The dangerous drugs board also noted an increase in marijuana cultivation, despite an intensifi~.3 enforcement of the amended dangerous drugs law which provides stiffer penalties for offenders. In view of this 3ituation, dangerous drugs board executive director (Manuel Sumit) urged stepped-up preventive measures against drug abuse. [Text) [HK100133 Manila Far East Broadcasting Company in English 2330 G*~IT 9 Apr 82] CSO: 5300/5704 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450053-3 SRI IANKA BRIEFS C~1NJA PIANTATION RAIDED--A few officers attached to the Wildlife Department, Buttala, along with a Police Sergeant attached to the Moneragala Police have been successful in raiding a ganja chena 2 and 1/2 acres in extent. T'he chena had been detected with the game reserve of the Ruhunu Park at a place cai.led Kimbulagala. The ganja plants 2 and 1/2 feat in height and numbering 6,000 were subsequently destroyed by the authorities. ~Text~ ~Colombo THF. ISLAND in English 15 Mar 82 p 2] CSO: 5300/5701 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 s~x~,;~ POLITICAL FIGURE REFUSES TO BLAME U.S. FOR DRUG PROBLEM Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 5 Mar 82 p 1 [Article by Gladstone Thurstonj [ExcerptsJ When international drug runners make a mockery of Bahamas law en- forcement agencies, "don't blame the United States. The fault is to be found right here with us," warned Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly Henry Bowen. "I say, when our young men and young women become hook~;d on illegal drugs," Mr Bowen said, "that is not an American problem. It is a Bahamian problem ~*~d it is up to us to solve it Mr Bowen, the Member of Parliament for West Grand Bahama and Bamini, was addressing the Nassau Jaycees last night. The first par~ of his speech dealt with the agenda of the House and how it works. Those who occupy the seats of power in this country, he said, must be prepared to grab the bull by the horns and "face up to our responsibilities. When we find cha.os in the Ministry of Education, don't tell me it's the UBP's fault. The UBP has been dead and buried for about 15 years. "And when in~ernational druy runners make a mockery of our law enforcement agencies don't blame the United States. The fault is to be found right here with us." Too many Bahamians, he said, are living in sub-standard housing. Too many children, he said, are learning their ABC's in overcrowded, ill-equipped classrooms. He saw the dr~ig problem as "the single most ruinous element in our society to- day." A few years ago, he racalled, it could be said with a great deal of truth that Bahamians werE: only trading in dope, and in certain circles that was considered chic and smart. "Today, the picture has changed radically," Mr Bowen said. "We have expanded our involvement from mere traders and handlers and we have now become users as well. "I say, when our young men and young women become hooked on illegal drugs, that is not an American problem. Tt is a Bahamian problem and it is up to us to ~olve it." CSO: 5300/7539 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 BE RMtJDA MINISTER CLAIMS YOUTH FALLING PREY TO DRUG PUSHERS Hamilton THE ROYAL GP?ZETTE in English 13 Mar 82 pp 1, 5 [Te xt] Bermuda's youngste rs with time on their hanc7s are easy prey for druq- pushers , The House of Assembly was told yesterday. P.L.P. Shadaw Minister of Community Affairs Mr. Walter Brangman told M.P.s that drug dealers had spread their web to the parishes and were not restrict- ing their illicit trade to Hamiltcn as most people thought. Mr. Brangman was stressing the need for the Ministry of Co~nmunity Affairs to concentrate saae of its efforts on coordinating activities for young people who otherwise might be drawn into drugs because they had nothing else to do. The House was considering the coaning year's budget for the ~department. Mr. Brangman said: "Community Affairs must address itself to this problEta otherwise it beca~ttes a farce.� I would like to see it coordinate the a~ vities of existing organisations like churches, P.T.A.s and parents and citizens and other clubs to provide activities for children after schoal." The shadcyw minister said many young people spent their time idly hanging around where they becan?e involved with the sort of person who sold drugs. "They get innocently caught up with drug pushers who find them easy prey," . - Mr. Brangman sai.d. He claimed that drug sellers were now qoing into neighbourhoods where the Police least expected to find them. Mr. Brangman also welco�ned new measures oa~ noise pollution, which he felt many Bexmudians would be pleased with. ' But he had some criticism of the way the Coaimunity Services Department had o~ ganised the "Song for Bermuda" contest, which he said has displayed "a tremen- dous lack of creativity". ~ 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 Ele urged the speedy setting up of the proposed Human Rights Commission, and then went on to insist that non-Bermudians who came to the Island to work should learn the local courtesies. "They should adap'_ to our custams and pleasantries--that way racial confron- tations of any sort can usually be avoided," Mr. Brangman said. Mr. Calvin Smith, P.L.P., expressed his disappointment that the P.L.P. would have little or no say in the membership of the new Human Rights Commission. "T find that odd, because we on this side mainly represent the black popula- tion and I would have thought it fair to assume that most cases to come be- fore the Commission would be of a racial nature," Mr. Stnith said. He hoped the Commission would not always side with loayl U.B.P. members and supporters. And Mr. Smith regretted that Parish Vestries were no longer operating. These, he said, could have acted as a forum where grievances could be heard without going to the more formal Commission. Meetings called by the Pembroke Hamilton Club in Warwick had led to a new understanding between groups previously in conflict. "Vestries would be an earlier stage for dialogue than the Commission," Mr. Smith said. Mr. Lancelot Swan, Parliamentary Secretary for Community Affairs, introduced the debate on estimates for the Ministry. On Co~ranunity Services he said the budget estimates were designed to increase and improve community relations. The estimate of $400,750 was an increase of more 10 percent on last year. "This should improve and add new prograanmes," he said. The Consumer Affairs bureau would continue to give its services to the public and in conjunction with the two radio stations put out weekly broadcasts with ~ advice on consumer affairs. The budget had also allocated $67,000 for Heritage Week celebrations and a further $51,940 for the Human Rights Commission. The names of inembers of the Commission would be announced soon. The Bermuda Small Business Develop~ment Corporation has been granted no money in the Budget estimates. Mr. S�aan said the purpose of the Corporation, at least initially, was not to loan out money.. It woulu, however, help small businesses raise bank loans on the provision of certain information from the firms. CSO: 5300/7539 2l; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 ~ i i ~ ~ i BERMUDA ~ `l'WO CQPdVICTED IN HEROII~ S'NiUG;:tLING GIVEN 15-YEAR TENMS Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 9 Mar 82 p 4 ['Pext] ~~AMILTON, BERMUDA, Attorney-General Saul b1ARCH 5, (CANA) - Two Froomkin, prosecuting. told ,nen found guilty of operating the court how Burrows aad an international drug another person not before the trafficking racket have each ~urt flew to London in been jailed for 15 years here. December 1980 to find ' a Bermudian Keith Bunows, heroin supply source for 3G, an unemployed father of Bermuda. They found that three, and Alex Seriki, 24, a source through Soriki in the British-born Nigerian who was person of Kitci, he said. , working in London as s Following that conapuacy, telecommunications engineer, 12 to 13 aancea of heroin was � were convicted of conspiring in obtained , and mailed tq LonJon, Jamaica and Bermuda Bermuda, said Mr ~roomkin. to import heroin, and of Arrangements were made for importing heroin into Bermuda further shlpments to Bermuda between December 1980 and between Seriki and the other February 1981. person not before the court. The heavy sentences brought In January 1981, Seriki and tears to the eyes of Burrows' Kilci came to BeTmuda~ girlfriend, ~vith whom he lived, bringing a sample of heroin and former htiss World Gina obtained f~om a Jamaican Swainson, who were both in known as "Donny Brown." court. "The accused Bunows Boch defendants had ordered more heroin from pleacied not guilty to the Kilci. Kilci ~nd Seriki went to charttes. Jamaica' to obtain another, A mong the prosecution four-and-half ouncea of 52 per cent pure heroin," said Mr witnesses during the week-lot~ Froomkin. trial in supremo court wae Ali Kilct was arrested at the Kilci, a Turkish-born fashion a ~rt here when he returned ~esixner, who is now servin8 a f om Jamaica, and co-o~erated ten-year sentence here after W i t h n a r c o t ics aquad admitting importing he~oin detectives, he added. into Bermuda. CSO : 5 300 /75 39 ,I 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 BRAZIL CAMPINAS POLICE ESTABLISH SYSTEM TO COMBAT TRAFFICKING Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese 1 Mar 82 p 22 [Text] Campinas--Tr.roughout the entire sectional police quarters which includes 14 towns, the Campinas police force is establishing a new strict system to combat all drug trafficking and drug addicts apprehended in possession o� drugs. District chiefs of police known to be severe and well acquainted with the sector are being selected as team leaders to prevent the increase of trafficking, although Campinas is known as a marihuana distribution center for South Minas Gerais and several Sao Paulo regions. Within only 4 days of enforcing the new system, the Campinas district police he~dquarters is showing results never before achieved: 30 in custody in the � red-iight district and the "dregs of society," 6 small street dealers seized with a r_otal of 2 kg of marihuana and deadly night shade in the main trafficking areas. In Amandio Malheiros L~~pes' opinion, the district chief of police, who is enforcing this strict suppression, the results should be immediate: "The return *.o classes was a factor which deeply worried us, for as a rule, it is at this time that the traffickers are most active." Ttiis, however, was not the predominating factor, said chief of police Valter Otavio Fario Monteiro, 20 years on the police for:.e and a specialist in the war on drugs and head of the new team: "Three years ago two district healquarters engaged inthe work, today a specific sector is needed for this, for besides marihuana, consumed by the lower class outer fringe, there are ~-?lso problemG with cocaine used by people with high purchasing power." [~or the Campinas police, the main problem, even greater than the lack of inspectors (there are only 8), is the dearth of data regarding traffickers. Police delegate Valter Monteiro has therefore ID.ade appeals for "informed citizens to telephone me, even anonymously, to pass along whatever they knuw. "This device," he insisted, "is necessary because investigation, in the cocaine area, calls for considerable information from people who have experience and are knowledgeable and informed." 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050053-3 'The Gambling, Addiction and Narcotics Police Headquarters has a report on 12 main traffickers in the Campinas area. Of these, only 2, Silvio Gordinho and Claudio Teodoro Ferreira Pestana, are serving time. The others, although also denounced for involvement with killers, remain at large, but w~orking in the areas according to reports which reached the police. According to police delegate Amando Malheiros Lopes, the narcotics network has ~ sharply increased in the past decade: 10 years ago, mention of drugs was unheard of in the hinterland. Even in Campinas, there were few cases. The dissemination spread from the large to the small urban areas, rapidly developing in modern society." _ The cities which present most problems, the delegate stressed, are Campinas, Americana, Itapira and Mogi-Mirim. 8870 CSO: 5300/2224 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050053-3 BRAZIL BRIEFS RECORD MARIHUANA PLANTING BUST--Recife--At tr.e end of the week, government bureau of security police and military policE seized 8.5 tons of marihuana --17,000 feet--on the Aboboreira farm in Ouricuri Municipio--some 619 � kilometers west of the capital--belonging to Joaquim Dias da Silva who ~ managed to escape. According to Fernando Ribeiro, head of the department of judiciary police, thi:: was the largest seizure of marihuana planting in the past 10 years. On the Aboboreira Farm, the planted land was estimated at ~ :.~00 million cruzeiros. Between traffickers and planters, they seized six people. One hundred and twenty men and several trucks and ~eeps transported the marihuana seized to Ou�icuri city where it was burned on the public square in the presence of a~~thorities and the population. The police believE~ that this seizure will enab_le them to reach other farms in the area. The marihuana was ready for harvesting for use and would be distributed to various Brazilian regions, mainly Sao Paulo and in the cities of Salvador and Recife, where the most buyers are found. [Text]~ [Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in P~~rtuguese 1 Mar 82 p 14] 8870 CREATION OF REGIONAL I~RUG COUNCILS--Brasilia--The secretary general of the Ministry of Justice, Arthur Castillo, who chairs the Federal Council of Narcotics (COFEN), yesterday said he will ask th.e states secretaries of justice to hasten the establishment of regional councils for the repression of drugs. Work is underway similar to that being done in the United States and Mexico to suppress production centers by destroying marihuana planting areas and disrupting cocaine distribution operations. Castilho reported that the regional councils will operate as "executive branches of COFEN policy." At present, only in Rio de Janeiro is a council in operation similar to the Federal Council of Narcotics. Now in Sao Paulo, Piaui and Rio Grande do Sul the existing organizatians lack development. Castilho explained that marihuana is the drug most used in the country "because of the ease with whi~:h the lower classes can obtain it," addfng that from January to August 1981, the Federal Police seized 229 tons of the product. They seized 90 kg of cocaine during that period. He affirmed that there is no question of countenancing use of marihuana: Those who uphold this idea base it on an anachronistic thesis. ~A recent UN study proved that it is harmful to the organism and the step toward dependence on other drugs. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 26 Feb 82 p 6] 8870 ; t k 28 :~r. ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500054453-3 CO(:AINI's RiNG DtSBANDED IN AMSTERDAM--Yesterday the Dutch police reported in Amsterdam that the week before they had seized 9 foreigners, among whom were 3 Brazilians and 2 Bolivians (whose names they did not disclose), and with ~ this they believe they have disrupted a cocaine traffic ring originating in South America. Although they have found only a small amount of the drug, the police spokesman said they believed that a drug ring had already brought many kilos of cocaine into Holland and England. Also according to the spokesman, the trafficers were discovered when, on Thursday, a 31-year-old Israeli woman exchanged 300,000 florins (about 16.5 million cruzeiros) in an Amsterdam bank and, as she appeared very nervous, detectives fol~owed her home, where she was arrested together with a Brazilian man and woman, 2 Bolivians and a Swiss, who had 5 grams of cocaine and 600,000 florins. Later, another Brazilian and 2 Englishmen were seized with 35 grams of drugs. [Text] [Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese 9 Feb 82 p 16] 8870 CSO: 5300/2224 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540050053-3 MEXICO AIVTIDRUG COORDINATOR DESCRIBES ZONAL PILOT PLAN ~ Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 19 Mar 82 pp 1, 10 [Text] A scrupulous inspection is being conducted throughout all of Zone 06 of the permanent campaign against drug trafficking, as part of the pilot plan that the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic has implemented for the purpose of ascertaining the actual status of the work being done in the effort undertaken by that offfice to examine this type of activity. In making the foregoing statement, Hector Aviles Castillo, coordinator for the. zone, said that Oscar Flores Sanchez, head of the Attorney General's Office, had decided that, in order to carry out the plan, a larger number of aircraft would be used in the destruction flights, with the use of special herbicides, and tt~at, at the same time, an inspection would be made of all sections in the shortest possible period of time. Aviles Castillo explained that approximately 300 poppy, marihuana and mixed plantations have been detected to date, which will be fumigated within a few days; owing to the fact that, on 25 March, the deputy attorney general of justice, Samuel Alba LPyva, located in Mazatlan, will make an evaluation of the results accrued. ~ The Zone 06 coordinator added in his report that there will be 10 days of activity in the program, which will be spent to allow 10 helicopters to do the fumigation work, while an additional five machines and two small air- craft will carry out the general reconnaissance of all sections. Aviles Castillo explained that these activities are in addition to the normal ones being performed by the personnel from the Attorney General's Office in the campaign, because there must be no letup in the battle to prevent the repetition of this type of illegal activity which is detrimental to mankind. 2909 ~ CSO: 5330/74 30 ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500050053-3 MEXICO BRIEFS PLANE WITH MARIHUANA DOWNED--The marihuana seized 3 days ago from a Douglas DC-6 airplane which made a forced landing 23 kilometers south of~Ciudad Juarez was to be sold amor_g the Yankee underworld for $10 billion, or 45 million pesos. The grass is of the very top quality, the so-called "gold of Colombia" type, and came from Bogota. It was brought from there in 300 hales containing a total~ of 7 tons by the pilot, John Patrick Donahue, of New York; the copilot, Brandz Russell,of Baltimore; and the Panamanian, Julian Nogueira. All three are "mules" and exclusively shippers. They were hired by the major traffickers of the United States and Colombia, and were to be paid a total of $125,000 for the trip, which they began in the Bahama Islands. They loaded the drugs on a farm in Colombia, and were to arrive in Chihuahua, refueling on a deserted clandestine airstrip, and presumably continue on to New York. They said: "But we did not find the signals ori the field in Chihuahua where we were supposed to land. We spent an hour and a half flying between Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua, and there was no signal. Our aviation gas gave out, and therefore we went down where we crashed." The case served to notify the authorities that, for some time, large, fabulous shipments of grass and other drugs have been arriving in the United States from Colombia via this border port; and that they refuel in the Chihuahua area and continue their course from there. Not a word could be gotten from them concerning those who hired them and who were the owners of the ship- ment. [Text] [Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 16 Mar 82 Sec B p 2] 2909 TRAFFICKING JAIL OFFICIAL SOUGHT--Toluca, Mexico, 16 March (OEM)--State Judicial Police agents from the state of Mexico are searching strenuously for the former head of the Tlalnepantla district ~ail, for being connected with the drug traf- fic as well as the sale of liquor while he was in charge of that ~ail. This morning, several members of the State Judicial Police appeared at the district jail to question various inmates who would know the whereabouts of Manuel Niembro Miranda who, according to accounts given by a friend of his, is at large in this town. But the Judicial Police are trying to find him in order to put him behind bars, since he had been trafficking with bottles of liquor inside the ~ail for 4 years. Manuel Niembro Miranda, who established a system of terrorism and extortion in the district jail of which he was head, was exploiting the inmates, by making them pay their weekly wages, amounting to ' S00 pesos per prisoner. The 370 inmates, many of whom enjoyed certain privi- leges, were paying a sum of 3,000 pesos in order to be able to have a prison block with television and be entitled to miss roll-call. [Text~ [Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 17 Mar 82 Sec B p 12] 2909 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050053-3 MARIHUANA SHIPMENT BURNED--Nogales, Sonora, 19 March (PH)--Today, 35 kilograms of mar~huana worth several thousand pesos were burned on the grounds of the Health Center. The drugs were turned over for destruction hy the agency of the Federal Pubpic Ministry. The burning of the grass was witnessed by the health authorities, headed by the institution's head, Dr Luis Cervantes Garcia, in accordance with the Health Cude, to file the report which will be sent to the SSA [Secretariat of Health and Assistance] in Mexico City. When Dr Cervan- tes Garcia w2s questioned about the origin of the marihuana, he said that it had been seized in Nogales by Federal Judicial Police agents from Mr Jose Romero Cazares Mascareno. He added that, with the destruction of the 35 kilo- grams today, the agency of the Federal Public Ministry has made the fourth shipment this year to the institution for immediate incineration. He noted that this proves that the Federal Judicial Police a~tion against the drug traffic is becoming increasingly efficient, with several persons arrested during the first months of the year. Once the confiscated drugs are in the possession of the health authorities, they are destroyed immediately, he claimed, remarking that this procedure will continue to be used so as not to confront any risks. [Text] [Hermosillo EL IMPARCIAL in Spanish 20 Mar 82 Sec A p 17] 2909 TRAFFICKER CLAIMS TORTURE--Yesterday, Prisciliano Martinez Martinez made his preliminary statement in the third district court, having been accused by the agent of the Federal Public Ministry of a crime against health. This indivi- dual had for some time been engaged as a"mule", in other words, as a shipper ot marihuan~ from the interior part of the country to the border. He later undertook the business on his own, with the aid of someone residing in the United States, to whom he was selling the aforementioned grass for $250 per pound. When the Federal Judicial Police agents captured him in Miguel Aleman, this subject had just moved 45 kilograms, carrying a suitcase which contained traces. He claimed that it was for his personal use, and also for Juan Cardenas and his brother, Martin, who were with him at the time of his arrest. He told all this to the agent of the Federal Public Ministry, but denied it to the juage, claiming that he had been severely tortured for over 10 days, since the time of his arrest. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 11 ~far 82 Sec D p 4] 2909 WAItDEN CHAF.GEll WITH ESCAPE--The warc~en of the Reynosa jail, Leonel Garcia Ol.ivares, is being held in the jail in this town, and action is being taken agalnst him for the escape of prisoners. Yesterday, he made his preliminary statement in the second district court regarding the incident, denying that t~e participated in the escape of Jesus Carrillo Barraza, a drug trafficker acknowledged as the vice czar on the border. Members of the Federal Judicial I'olice succeeded in arresting this individual in Reynosa on Tuesday night, ancl immediately transferred him to this town in order to place hira at the disposal of the pertinent judicial authorities. The second district ~udge issued a warrant for the ar-rest of Leonel Garcia Olivares, and it was executed on Tuesday night. The case of the escape of Jesus Carrillo Barraza had strong repercussions throughout the entire region, and there was talk that several prison officials had been involved in Carrillo Barraza's escape, and that several million pesos had been paid to allow him to flee. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo r.?, MANANA in Spanish 11 Mar 82 Sec D p 4] 2909 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 'I'KA~FTCKI:R FQUNn IN ClISTOUY--Antonio i.egsgpi (~uirtirte, the fel~ntouN murdc~rer ;~ncl drug trafficker, ee11 into the hands of the State Judicial Police. Two agents from the entity commanded by Mr Hector Mario Varela, Brandy and Jaquez, visited the Social Rehabilitation Center [CERESO] and they were greatly surprised to see Tony among the inmates. They had been searching for him a long time, since 13 January 1978, when that individual shot Luis Vallina Rodriguez to death with a 45-caliber pistol. Since that date, Legaspi, who of course is a member of tlie ~amily whose relatives have been involved in so much trouble, had been at large, ~leeing and hiding. He finally entered the United States and went back to his old tricks there, becoming involved in drug trafficking. They arrested him and, after serving a sentence, he was sent to this town in an exchange of prisoners. It was not learned how long he had been in the CERESO, but he used a different name. And he would have stayed for a long time if. Brandy and Jaquez had not recognized him. Legaspi said ttiat, on 13 January 1978, in the E1 Capitan bar located on the highway leading to Casas Grandes, he had actually killed Luis Estrada Vallina, or Luis Vallina Hernandez, who was then 33 years old. They were presumably arguing over drugs; both the murderer and his victim were trafficking in drugs, and they also stole cars. At the time that Antonio shot Vallina, Alfonso Garcia Torres was with them. It was the latter who identified Legaspi as the murderer. Comdr Varela Mendoza noted that he had been sought since that time. [Text] [Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 13 Mar 82 Sec B p 2] 2909 COCAINE SHIPMENT SEIZED--Mexico City, 6 Apr (NOTIMEX)--A shipment of cocaine valued at 300 million pesos in the black market was intercepted today by federal agents stationed at Mexico City International Airport. Homer James Rios, an American, arrived her.e on Aeromexico Flight 420 from Venezuela. He was carr}~- ing 6 kilos 350 grams of pure cocaine and 22 doses of LSD in a false-bottom suitcase. The foreigner had made contact at the "OSTAL San Isidor" hotel in Lima, Peru, with a drug traffiker named "Mike" who gave him about 16 1/2 kilos of the narcotic. Together with a friend he identified as John Saxton, he attempted to travel from Lima to Mexico, but as they placed their baggage con- taining 10 kilos of pure cocaine on the baggage belt they saw they were to be inspected with the use of drug detecting dogs. They left the baggage which was subsequently found by Mexican authorities. The drug traffikers then pro- ceeded to Chile and later to Venezuela by road. James Rios then boarded the Mexican airline only to be arrested by Mexican federal agents. [FL071400 Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish 0440 GMT 7 Apr 82] CSO: 5300;2259 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050053-3 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO CRIME, INFLUX OF WEAPONS ATTRIBUTED TO DRUG TRAFFICKING Port-of-Spain SUNDAY GUARDIAN in English 21 Mar 82 p 5 [Text] Too much money chasing or trying to buy too few goods. Economists view this situation as the classical example or ammunition that fuels inflation. What they say in effect is that artifically-created or real cause the price of the needed produc~ to move upwards constantly. This even extends to price-controlled goods (like onions, potatoes and chicfi- ens) being sold openly and under the counter at black market prices when in short supply. In simple language, it bxings into play inborn crookedness and the larcenous streak in your friendly merchant, grocer or wayside vendor. The motto enacted is to "make as much as possible--money-wise and customer- foolish--while the going is good and the stocks last." Too much money on the loose leads to another type of painful inflation. It sets up the stage for the increase in crime--particularly violent robberies and street crimes. This is the situation today in Trinidad and Tobago. Criminals are striking it rich preying on people walking around with a lot of oil dollars.on their per- son, along with jewelry and other valuables. Thriving business places and their bank-depositing couriers and messengers are prime targets for the money-hungry bandits. Aggravated robberies, hold-ups, snatch-and-grab thefts, burglaries and muggings are being churned out at the alaxming rate of an average four-plus crimes a day for the current year. No lack of productivity in this fielrl with three months of 1982 not yet completed. Crime statistics compiled by the Modus Operandi Bureau of the Criminal Inves- tigations Department (CID) showed that 324 robberies were recorded up to mid-March. 3Lt APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 What is particularly disturbing is the frequent use of firearms and knives in the carrying out of the robberies. Figures show that 232 of the 324 re- ports involved the use of guns or knives. Guns were brought into play in 74 instances. Knife-toting bandits went into action on 158 terrifying jobs. ~ A picture of rapidly spiralling crime emerges from the robbery statistics of 1980-82. There were 760 reports for 1980, jumping by nearly 200 to 937 last ye ar . The pattern is consistent in gun-related robberies. This sector climbed by 100 from 245 in 1980 to 345 in 1981. Knife reports almost doubled during the same period from 197 in 1980 to 364 last year. Nightmares Knife-brandishing robberies for the two-and-a-half months of this year alone are fast approaching the averall 1980. It has reached 158--just 39 short of the 197 in 1980. The existing situation begs the following questions: Why the upsurge of violent economic crimes? VJhere are the guns coming from since this is not supposed to be the Wild West where every creed and race enjoys an equal place to possess firearms freely? How are the police farinq in fighting and solving crimes? Who are the people involved and or committing the crimes? Answers or explanations to these queries entailed discussions with Police Com- missioner Randolph Burroughs and other law enforcement officers. Wilere ancl how are the criminals gettinq their arms? This opened up new vistas of illicit activities that is causing the police endless headaches and night- marish dreams. It has to do with the profitable and highly-dangerous indulgence in the drug trafficking trade. Both soft and hard drugs are involved...mainly marijuana and cocaine. Drug traders are flooding the country with arms, mainly for use as a protec- tive measure in their illegal operations. A senior police official explained that the multy-million-dollar drug trade had a definite Venezuelan connection, with the neighbouring republic being used as a jump-off or transit point for drugs bound for Trinidad. He said that the sea-faring suppliers "usually protect their stuff while being heavily armed. Having disposed of the cargo, they sell or leave their weapons with their local contacts." 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500054453-3 The drug problem takes on new di.mensions with open gang warfare in which several people have been killed and others shot or shot at. Why the drug trade battles? It follows a pattern in most metropolitan coun- tries. One is the question of territorial rights. Operators carve out cer- tain turfs or jurisdictional areas. They ~aill defend to their own death, and others, L-he intrusion oi drug-supplying trespassers into their domain. Tnis explains in part how guns reach the criminal market or underworld. Other sources of supply are concentrated thefts from licensed and authorised fire- arms holders---not excluding the police and security guards. There is another aspect to the drug-related gang warfare. It has to do with a type of robbery that cannot be reported to the police...stealing produce from marijuana plantations. This has a sort of town-man s~ndrome. The officer explained: "Despite con- stant police activi*_ies and destruction of plantations, marijuana continues to be cultivated with loving and profitable, care. "Some of the dealers from the bright lights and not accustomed to the sort of hard life in the forests wait until the crop is ready and move in to reap... ttlis is where the trouble begins and bullets fly. He addec:: 'Then again there is the natural inclination of pushers to hold back on payments to suppliers...that is dangerous business. Trouble also breaks out when the police intercept or manage to get hold of stocks through raids. "The suppliers do not always accept this as a valid reason for non-payment and sometimes do not believe this really happened." Crime in Trinidad and Tobago Yias become too big a problem to be left in the hands of the police. Crime is a national problem involving all the citizenry- ...whether as criminal, victim or potential witness. So whether you like it cr. not, you are involved. Commissioner Burroughs is pleadfng for a crime concerned community and public support. Ete was a b~t stumped for ar. answer when I asked him "who is winning the crime war...the police or the criminals?" Brural Acts I rephrased the question to inquire what pexcentage of crimes were being so!.ved by the police. He declined a direct answer, stating that a single per- son may have committed scores of crimes in say 1980 and 1981 and not caught in that the ratio solved. at a particular time was not a good yardstick to guage effectiveness. Ttiis to my own thinking was another way of saying that the crooks are on top. 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450053-3 Mr. Burroughs said that the reason why the police was not receiving full support from the public was the constant portrayal of the police being in- volved in brutal acts. He said this creates a lack of confidence in the police which was mostly un- jusLified. Every accusation against police officers, he said was investigated and appropriate action taken..."like every department everywhere there are good and bad...I would like the public to think of policemen as their friends." Who are committing the cri.mes? Another officer said that repeaters or known criminals are mainly responsible, "but are allowed bail to continue their a.ctivities. "We can object to bail, which we do...but we still operate under the legal system that a person is not guilty of an offence until proven in court. "They usually chalk up a series of crimes-...sometimes looking for money for their lawyers...and after convicted on offence...plead guilty to the others and get concurrent instead of consecutive sentences to prison. The hardened criminals take advantage of this position." Violent economic crimes in Trinidad and Tobago in the main have nothing to do with deprivati~n. It is not a case of the poor and disadvantaged stealing from the rich to satisfy basic needs. Victims of hold-ups come in all categories--labourers, salesmen, lawyers and aven thieves. Jobs are available in abundance even for the unskilled. Despite the avail- ability of jobs, unemployment runs about 11 per cent of the 400,000-plus work force. It is not really is just that young people are pickinq and choosing what type of work they want to do whether qualified or not for the tasks. They are drawn into crime to satisfy their urge for easy money. It sometimes turns out to be a painful and hazardous occupation risking police bullets and prison. Chances of being caught seem to diminsh the muggers and hold-up men take a swing and hopefully come up with dollars and jewellry. ~ They find it less exhausting to rob a drunk or unsuspecting passerby than sweat it or even idle on a job for eight hours. It takes less than a minute to press a knife in the back of a victim and run away $500 and a$1,500 bangle. Criminals are helped in their trade by the large amount of cash being carried around casually by ordinary folk. Does crime really pay? Ask the criminals. CSO: 53~0/7539 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 EGYPT OPIUM SMUGGLED FROM INDIA SEIZED Cairo THE EGYPTIAN GAZETTE iri English 19 Mar 82 p 2 [Text] Opium worth $3 million wae confiscated at Cairo Airport on Wednesday when police foiled an attempt to smuggle it into the country by an Egyptian amuggler coming from India for the first time, police sources said. The opium was smuggled aboard an EgyptAir jet coming from Bombay. The smuggler was said to be an asaistant of a big drug trafficker in the Batnia, the notorious den of drug dealera in Cairo. As a cover the smuggler was accompanied by his wife, the sources added. The PoLice were tipped off that international smugglers who had contacts with drug dealers in the Batnia, had resumed their activities in amuggling narcotics into the country. They had set on devicing new methods and changed their source from Paki- stan to India, they said. Information received by the police revealed that they had planned to smuggle a large amount of opium through an accomplice whom they had recently recruited. He was an antiquities dealer in Khan E1 Khalili who went to India to fetch the con- signment. When he returned he was arrested at Cairo Airport with the opium hidden in four suitcases. He admitted the attempt and report~d to the police his accomplices.--GSS CSO: 5300/5014 ! 38 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 IRAN BRIEFS MARCH DRUG HAUL--Gendarmerie officials of Lorestan, Khorasan, Fars, Zahedan and Eastern Azarbayjan seized 6.37 kg of heroin and 51.616 kg of opium during the past week. [GF140547 Tehran JOMHtJRI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 30 Mar 82 p 2] OPIUM SEIZED IN DARAB--Darab Revolution Guards Corps members have seized 2.6 kg of opium from one person. [GF140424 Shiraz Domestic Service in Yersian 1530 GMT 13 Apr 82] CSO: 5300/5388 ' 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450053-3 _ SOUTH AFRICA BRIEFS DAGGA SEiZID~-Durban.--About 30 baqs of dry dagga, worth several-thousand rand, were seized by the police early yesterday at a roadblock near Estcourt, Natal. The police set up a road block near the northern Natal town shortly after 2 am yesterday. They signalled down a liqht delivery van travelling from the coast towards Johannesburg. They searched the vehicle and found the dagga concealed in the back of the van. The tw~o Black occupants of the vehi- ~ cle w~re arrested. Police believe the dagga was cultivated in the Transkei and was due to be sold to the black market in Johannesburg. [Text] [Johannes- burq THE CITIZEN in English 30 Mar 82 p 9] CSO: 5300/5694 ~ !~0 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 DENMARK TWO TURKS ARRESTED IN LARGE HF~tOIN-SMUGGLING CASE Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 23 Mar 82 Sec II p 1 [Article by Anders Wiig~ [Text] Two Turkish drug gai:qsters tell a Danish court sitting ~vith a jury about millions of ~troner worth of smuggling. In April of 1980, a lamp and souvenir dealer in the bazaar quarter of Istanbul was in such serious financial difficulties that he even con- templated committing suicide. A high rent and the lacking demand among to,zrists in connection with the rumors of devaluation had landed him in deb~, so that he saw no way out for himself, his wife, and their two small children. This story was told by 31-year-old Omer Taskiran yesterday during a session of a court sitting with a jury in Copenhagen. That is why he smuggled 3 kilos of heroin into Denmark on 30 April 1980 and participated in the smuggling into the country of 4 kilos of heroin on 1 November. This is also a story about how Turkish heroin turned into Austrian cut- glass pendants wh~ch are used for Turkish chandeliers sold in the bazaars of Istanbul. The rescuer of Taskiran was his former boss, a manufacturer of lamps, to whom he was apprenticed before starting his otim shop. In April of 198U, the said manufacturer and his friend were in need of a courier to take 3 kilos of heroin to Copenhagen. Taskiran accepted the job as well as the offer of receivin$ 300,000 kroner of the 900,000 l~oner which a gan~ of Turkish drug dealers was to pay for the heroin in Copen- ha~en. . Moved to Less Expensive Hotel Together with an unsuspecting friend, and with the heroin hidden in the heater of the car, Taskiran started the tri'p to Denmark, was delayed by a snow storm for a couple of days i.n Austria, reached Copenhagen on 30 April, took a room at Hotel Mercur, moved to a less.expensive hotel the next day, found the Turkish club in Viktoria Street, where he asked for the two fellow countrymen who were to receive the heroin. 41 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 The,y were Yilmaz Crunes, 36, a waiter and a sort of manager and adviser of the club as well as the owner of a tobacconist's shop, furthermore Ahmet Tokmak, 3'7, a laborer and dealer in Turkish meerschaum pipes. Gunez arrived a few minutes after Taskiran had asked for him, Taskiran stated yesterday. They drove to the hotel, where the smugglers pulled out the black package containing the heroin, put it in a bag with an old shirt on top of it, and gave it to Gunez. Taskiran had no more money but, the nFxt day, received "pocket money" from Gunez. His co-accomplices in Turkey told him on the telephme to collect part payment of the 900,000 kroner, +.o collect the remainder of the money later on and to return home when all of the money had been collected. Taskiran went to stay with his friends, the Senyus family in Hamburg. The police have arrested Ahmet Altan Senyus, 37, a highly educated businessman, a~torr~ey and economist, who has been charged with belonging ro the gang of smu~;~lers, which charge he totally denies. Taskiran him- self rriaintains that his friend knew nothing about his shady business affairs, and that it was entirely out of friendliness that Senyus went with him to Copenhagen when he had to collect money. And it was a mere coincidence that they drove back to Turkey together in June. Taskiran only succeeded in collecting 580,000 kroner. Part of the money he collected he spent on his stay. He invested 20,000 German mark in SFnyl~s' '~usiness in Hamburg, ?2,747 German mark were transferred from a bank account in Hamburg to his former employer in Istanbul. The remainder of the 580,000 kroner he casheci when leaving for home. On the way, he bought Austrian cut-glass pendants for his former boss's lamp production part of the money. The out~tandin~ 320,000 kroner from the deal in Copenhagen were, as far as he knew, sabsequently transferred to Istanbul. He states that he himself got the 300,000 kroner out of it which were promised to him. His par.ticipation in the smuggling of another 4 kilos of heroin was not dealt with by the court yesterday. ~rJhat happened to the 3 kilos smuggled into the country on 30 April': Ahmet Tokmak told the cour+. sitting ~aith a jury about that. In the Turkish club, his fellow countryman Mehmet had stated that a quantity of heroin would be arrivin~ in town. Tolanak could take that ov~r from their joint acquaintance, Yilmaz Gunes. As his friend and partner in the im- port business of ineerschaum pipes, Brian Hassig, would like to get hold of sorne heroin for resale, and as Hassig had a debt of 20,000 kroner, for which Tolanak had become sur�ety, Tokmak concluded the deal. He did not have in mind his own profits, he told tne public prosecutor, who strongly called this statement in question. Tokmak did, indeed, make ;00,000 kroner on the deal. He collected twice 1 kilo in a plastic bag from Gunes, the waiter, at his place of worlc, Dan Hotel. Hassig, who was sentenced to 5 years' imprisonrrent in the City Court of Copenhagen, received the heroin in several lots, partly at the Turki~h club and partly at the home of Tolanak and paid 1.2 million kroner for it. The latter tied a rubber band around 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 r I:Y~e bi~ndles of banl;notes and gave 900,000 kroner, which he carried in his ~ocket, to Gunes and Taskiran, the smuggler. ~ . ' He does not lrnow what Gunes did with the last kilo of the heroin ~mug$led i from Istan~aul. 0. Waage-Jensen, public prosecutor, wanted to know if he ~ did no+, think of the terrible harm he would be causing the drug addicts. ~ Tol4nak answered: "I became aware of it when the second kilo was delivered ~ and I saw how Brian looked when he himself used some of the heroin." � 7262 cso: 5300/2247 ~ 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050053-3 DENMARK TURKISH GANG SENTENCED IN HEROIN SMUGGLIN(~ CASE Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 31 Mar 82 p 1 [Article by Anders Wiig] [Text] The high court dealt a hard blow when it sentenced a Turkish nar- cotics gang yesterday to prison terms rangi:~ from 2 to 10 years in length for smuggling in 7 kilograms of heroin. The six members of the gang were sentenced to a total of 42 years in prison. Lamp dealer Omar Taskiran, 31, received the maximum sentence under the law, 10 years in prison. The leader in Denmark, 37-year-old'pipe dealer Ahmet Tokmak, was given 9 years. Both were involved in two smuggling episodes of 3 and 4 kg respectively. Tokmak was also sentenced for the sale of 300 grams of heroin from another "source." Waiter Yilmaz Gunes was given 7 years for receiving and selling 3 kg of heroin in May 1980 and his 22-year- _ old brother Altan was given 2 years for trying to help Taskiran get hold of the 4-kg shipment in November 1980. It was this shipment that the police seized en route from the Rodby ferry. The smuggler, Fethi Uzulmez, a 32- year-old factory worker from~Nuremberg who brought the 4 kg of heroin into the country, was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Finally, businessman Ahmet Altan Senyus of Hamburg was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Despite the flat denials made by him and the other accused men, the jury decided there was evidence that he had assisted in bringing in 4 kg. The evidence against Senyus consisted entirely of telephone wiretaps and his connection with Taskiran. Among other things ::he latter had lived with Senyus for 6 weeks while he made several trips to Copenhagen to obtain money. When the evidence was being presented, both men claimed that Senyus believed these were legal money transactions. In a series of wiretapped phone con- versations between the two men, the words heroin and narcotics were not mentioned--the word "materials" occurred in connection with shirt sewing. Otherwise, judging from the choice of words, the talks appeared to concern mainly the importation and manufacture of lamps for the existing and legal shop in Hamburg which the two men own jointly as well as a sudden lack of liquidity. In view of the sentence, these must be presumed to have been codes and circumlocutions. Senyus was sentencad for being one of the 44 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 "respectable" men who never touch drugs themselves but stand behind heroin smuggling and obtain money from it. This was substantiated in part by the fact that he was arrested in Taskiran's hotel room on the very evening when the gang was waiting for the 4 kilograms of heroin. 6578 CSO: 5300/2253 4~t ~ :1' ~ ~~i ''.4 ';,~~i. - - 45 "1 1. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 DENMARK BRIEFS DROP IN NARCOTICS DEATHS--In 1981, 148 Danish drug addicts died as a direct and immediate result of their habit. The mortality statistics were made available yesterday by the Copenhagen narcotics police, but the figure is for the entire country. In 1980, 165 narcotics deatlis were noted and in 1979 the figure was 125. Detective superintendent Bent Hansen: "The figures are still terribly high, but we can hope that the decline in rela- tion to 1980 indicates a decline in the number of addicts. And we can hope that reventive efforts in ttce schools and elsewhere have had an effect." [Text~ [Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 31 Mar 82 p 3] 6578 CSO: 5300/2253 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 ICELAND MORPHINE REMOVED FROM LIFE BOATS; OFFICIALS INVESTIGATING Reykjavik MORGUNBLADID in Icelandic 27 Feb 82 p 46 [Text] Officials of the National Nautical Board have recently ordered morphine and other habit-forming drugs to be removed from the Icelandic fleet's rubber life boats. Other drugs, which are not habit-forming, will continue to be kept on the boats. "Most doctors have been quite opposed to removing morphine and other addic- tive drugs from the rubber lifeboats," said H~almar R. Bardarson, head uf t';e National Nautical Board, in an interview with MORGUNBLADIL~. "But I had a ~~tudy done on how frequently it has been necessary to use morphine and other strong addictive drugs in nautical accidents off our coasts. The results showed that most probably it would never be necessary to use these drugs. When this became clear, I thought it was obvious that morphine should be removed from the boats, since people have always broken into them to steal the morphine and other addictive drugs. I believe that it is more important for the boats to go out in one piece than to run the risk that, because of vandalism, they won't work when we need them." Bardarson said further, "It made my decision easier when Olafur Olafsson, the surgeon general, supported me in this matter. Then we had the National Nautical Board go ahead and remove the morphine and other addictive drugs from the rubber lifeboats." The National Nautical Board has recently printed a pamphlet for use with the rubber lifeboats. This pamphlet is the f irst in a series of specialized publications the National Nautical ~oard intends to publish. The pamphlet explains the use of the boats in detail, including their contents. These National Nautical Board pamphlets will be packaged in watertight wrappers and installed in the rubber lifeboats so that people will have instructions on board when they need them. 9584 CSO: 5300/2208 _ 47 i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050053-3 ITALY FOUR HEROIN SMUGGLERS ARRESTED IN BARI , Bari LAGAZZETTA DEL MEZZOGIORNO in Italian 2 Mar 82 pp 1, 2 [Article by Ettore Giorgio Poti] [Text] Brindisi--Another heavy blow has been dealt to the drug trade, that ; squalid market which yields such high profits and reaps so many victims. Four drug dealers were caught in a trap set by agents of the Finance Guard of Rome. ~ It is not known whether they are big or medium-sized fish, but they are cer- tainly not small ones: this is clear both from their records, which place ' them fairly high up in the underworld, and from the large value (about 1 bil- lion lire at current prices) of the merchandise they were carrying. Three of the four who were arrested are from Andria, and belong to that Bari underworld which has long since made a"qualitative leap" from cigarette smuggling to the lucrative but abominable drug trade, passing quickly and almost inexorably from light drugs to heavy ones. ~ Deputy Prosecutor Dr. Di Bonito has rightly said that the drug trade has been taking root and spreading in Puglia, too. This prediction was based on two simple observations: the growing volume of traffic in the port of Brindisi and the strategic position of Puglia (especially the strip from Brindisi to . Bari), which is almost a crossroads along the way to the various destinaticns o` drugs. Vigilance has been increased and perfected in recent years, of course, with better training for agents and better methods. The results of the operation in Brindisi late Sunday night were undoubtedly important. The news has ~ust come out naw. Officers and deputy off.icers of ' the central nucleus of the fiscal police of Rome's Finance Guard were respon- ~ sible for the action. They came to Brindisi on purpose, which leads one to believe that this operation was part of a much larger one that may have al- ready led to important developments and have more in store. This may mean that a determined offensive is underway against a vast national and interna- tional organizatian. The four men who were arrested were Giovanni Moschetta, 34 years old, and Antonio Musci, 58 years old, both born and residing in Andria (the former in . the San Valentino district, the latter at 74 Via De Gilio); Sabino Conversano, ' 32 years old, born in Andria and residing in Trani (14 Via C. Colombo); and ~ Mauro Rocchetti, 31 years old, a Roman residing at 1 Via Cerisai. False docu- ments were found in the possession of Moschetta and Rocchetti: the former ~ i ~ 48 ~ f I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 had an identity card bearin~ tlie name Ve11a, the latter a passport in the name of Convers~ln~. '~t~e Roman fiscai police agent~~ evidently knew at least three of the four men ~aell. Sunday ni~tit they stationed themselves opposite the maritime station and F~atched from a distance as the passengers got off the "Eolos," a ferry coming from Patras and Corfu. They spotted the three men they were looking for, and waited while they approached a fourth awaiting them on the pier. The four men then walked out of the mari.time station toge~ther. As soon as they left the customs area the fiscal police coent into action, blocking their way and lead- in~ them strai~ht to the l.ocal headquarters of the Finance Guard. The four men were carryin~ two suitcases. Tliey expressed surprise and annoyance. "We have nothing to hide," they said. Rut the fiscal police knew k~hat they were looking for and where to look for it. T1~ev found four lar~e plastic envelopes containing 2.68 kg of very pure and _ l~i~}~ly concentrated heroin carefully hidden in a false bottom of one of the Guitcases. 'Itao oj the envelopes were even marked "quality brand" and "Doume L'~~Tlabe" and hore various Asian hieroglyphics. Considering the fact that every era~n ot this very pure and concentrated heroin yields many doses--each worth f~0,0i)~-7!?,~00 lire--when mixed with varj.ous substances, the real market value nf t:l~e ~~onf~scatec.l drugs ~~as about 1 billion lire. When the heroin was found r}~~ r~~tr men, who could no longer deny their guilt, fell silent. 9855 CSO: 5300/2242 49 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 NETHERLANDS PROGRESS, PRUBLEMS IN AMSTERDAM DRUG SCENE Brussels LA LIBRE BELGIQUE in French 23 Mar 82 p 5 [Text] The municipality of Amsterdam has decided to asphalt the Zeedi~k, one of the "hot" streets in that Dutch port city, to prevent illicit heroin peddlers from hiding their inven- tory under the loose cobblestones. The city has already barricaded doors and windows in cafes where the drug trade was flourishing, and after the asphalting is finished, it will demolish others. A luxury hotel will then be built on the cleared site. The end of the Zeedi~k, where the arrival of heroin used to be announced in ideograms on the shopwin- dows of Chinese merchants, will no doubt mark the end of an era. It was 10 years ago that heroin made its mass entry into Amsterdam. But it is crime, the corollary of drugs, rather than the drug itself, whicr. Dutch author- ities are trying hard to contain. And cleaning up the Zeedi~k, although not yet completed, should help in that effort. The first result: the heroin trade has spread to other corners of the city. Wim Polak, Amsterdam's top health official, says: "What else can we do? In any case, foreign tourists will have to search for 2 or 3 days before they find suppliers. At least we will have accomplished that much." In recent years, according to Dutch police, Amsterdam has lost its title as the capital of easy heroin to Berlin, Rome, and Frankfurt. But there are still addicts. In The Hague, three ministries (~ustice, health, and culture) have set up a~oint force to help the addicts. That group is not interested in the unknown number of "weekend users," who stock up on heroin on Friday evenings and seem to avoid the trap of addiction. The help is concentrated on the true drug addicts who have taken refuge in a hard drug because they can't stand themselves or because they re~ect their en- vironment: society. Those responsible for the policy of helping addicts point out: "We can't change society. But we are trying to equip our clients better with psychological and social support." 50 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050053-3 c;vcr 700 consultation and assistance offices are operating throughout the